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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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1 hour ago, Mico Ricco said:

l really love this thread whereby everyone bounced off their ideas of who among the three main leads survived. 

Examples :-

  • all three man leads died
  • CSH will die, again
  • etc


The suggestions varied and yet we are able to have this discussion in a peaceful and fun manner.:):wub:



LOL :lol: ,yeah  i totally agree with you

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1 hour ago, Mico Ricco said:

credit : youtube - starnewsk


You mentioned about the 40 rapists..and how they should not be forgotten - the names were made public? Quite sickening.how can parents be so demented to support their sons.. whats wrong with korean society? ..appalled..


However, this points to sthg else.. you know the serial murder case has never been solved but however, the murders stopped suddenly.. this series ties that up very well.. where he isn't captured but murders stopped..


But this miryang case - perpetrators never got punishment..so if PD wants to keep the endings real since cases are real..i think this time round too.. the perpetrator would escape rt?..or still get away with light punishment

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11 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:

hahahahaha !

i have to say your answer cracked me up ...but why you want the rest all to say bye to us?


he he..i mean..i am ok whether they live or die..but save SW..the guy deserves the chance..and i do care for that character... ljh coming alive is also nice.. csh and phy honestly don't care..aren't they already done with their purpose o fthis life :P .. i.e save SW and LJH

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In the real case, everyone know this refers to the Miryang gang rape case but in this drama we know it as Injoo gang rape case.  So both Writer and PD need not stick to Full real life case.  Moreover let's not forget the smiley face stickered walkie-talkie which is definitely not in real life case(s).  In short, even though this drama refers to many real cases, the high school school rape case can have different endings.  :)

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1 hour ago, Mico Ricco said:

Mine will be :  c, e, a, d, f, b

Will share the results once tvN released it say, in a few days time.

I think, it's different:

c, e, a, f, d, b

She got drunk after he came back from Injoo. So to me, you are right with the beginning, but @40somethingahjumma was right with the end!

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love reading all the post here ^_^ really can't wait to watch 2 last episode. feel complicated.. i wanna see LJH save but i'm worried about PHY too.. i think i will have a hard time to accept the worst case..

out of topic but..


i think i'm in love with Cho Jin Woong acting. really want to see him again on Movies/Drama. I spent my last 3 weeks to watch all of his movies (again) & few drama. and it was all worth it to watch. if i can give you recommendation, these are my best : Assassination, Salut D'Amour, We are Brothers, Roaring Currents, A Hard Day, Kundo : Age of the Rampant, Hwayi, An Ethics Lesson (with lee jae hoon), Nameless Gangster, Perfect Game, My Paparotti (with lee jae hoon).

personally i love him on a Hard day the most, this movie make him received the best actor award on 2015 PaekSang Arts Awards. i also watch him on a few drama, and these my top 3 : Tree with Deep Roots, Beyond The Clauds, Chuno, My Love My Family/believe in love (he lost his weight on this drama really fast).

omg, i blame myself that i didn't know him before.. i actually hv watched all of those movies but i didn't watch it because of him but other lead actor. gonna keep on eye to his future works from now, promise.


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There was this talk about PHY's overacting which made no sense to me at one point , but now i kind of agree he really tends to go overboard ,which does not look natural , especially now since his character is getting more emotionally invested in the cases .For that reason i do not relate nor feel emotionally connected to his character like the way i do to LJH's for example :\ . Strangely, i cried so much for the young PHY when SW was being arrested and when he was eating omurice and crying , but not even 1% of the  emotions are attached to the grown up PHY ; so i figured it must be the actor(?)

SW's is great and LJH is my hero please be alive you two :''''(

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2 hours ago, moony94 said:

There was this talk about PHY's overacting which made no sense to me at one point , but now i kind of agree he really tends to go overboard ,which does not look natural , especially now since his character is getting more emotionally invested in the cases .For that reason i do not relate nor feel emotionally connected to his character like the way i do to LJH's for example :\ . Strangely, i cried so much for the young PHY when SW was being arrested and when he was eating omurice and crying , but not even 1% of the  emotions are attached to the grown up PHY ; so i figured it must be the actor(?)

SW's is great and LJH is my hero please be alive you two :''''(

I can understand PHY's emotions and his inability to control these. First he was left in the dark about what was happening to his brother. He saw his father abandoning his big brother not knowing exactly the reason. Then when he lived with his father, he was left on his own. His father didn't take care of him. He was abandoned in the end.

Therefore he never had the possibility to express his feelings. When he discovered how this did happen, police didn't do just a sloppy job but fabricated evidences by forgering false testimonies, he got so upset as the culprits had lost nothing and people kept seeing him as the brother's rapist! Rage, helplessness, anger, bitterness, his love for his big brother who was so nice!! Imagine the power of these emotions boiling inside his body while thinking over and over about his brother!

He has so many emotions but he can't show these because in the eye of the law, his brother was indeed a rapist. When he beat up these guys, he couldn' t tell the woman who cooks him omurice about what had happened as he feared, she would think like the others. He thought, it was better to be seen as someone who is involved with thugs than defending his brother's cause. Therefore I don't see him as overacting at all, because I would exactly feel like him!!! I wouldn't be able to control these emotions, when you discover that your brother was also killed! PSW suffered one more time! 

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55 minutes ago, yonaomi123 said:

Hmmm.. I'm thinking it's CAEDFB!



I disagree. 

F is where LJH is in Injoo interrogating the one who posted the events about the rape.

D is when she celebrated the birthday of LJH's father and got drunk. He was living in his house while thinking about giving his resignation, when she came to him! He wanted to resign because of the Injoo's case.

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It is shocking to me reading in the article that @rubie had posted that there were 40 perpetrators over a period of close to a year. I am so devastated by this disclosure. Thinking about the victims and what they went through emotionally during this time frame. Girls do not enroll into high school expecting to be raped. There was also another excellent movie (not related to this real life case) by Lee Chang-Dong, "Poetry,"  which also portrayed a similar case - rape of a victim over a lengthy time frame, and how when it is discovered, the boys' fathers first think of giving the poor mother money to get her daughter to shut her mouth. That film, may be one of the very few films, and certainly Korean films,  that received 100% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.

On 3/6/2016 at 0:43 PM, bebebisous33 said:

Their behaviour illustrates that it wasn't about getting justice in the end, but rather getting rid of a problem by finding a culprit.

Yep.  The popular rich boys came first, and how dare she "disturb their peace?" Absolutely sickening.


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4 minutes ago, irilight said:

It is shocking to me reading in the article that @rubie had posted that there were 40 perpetrators over a period of close to a year. I am so devastated by this disclosure. Thinking about the victims and what they went through emotionally during this time frame. Girls do not enroll into high school expecting to be raped. There was also another excellent movie (not related to this real life case) by Lee Chang-Dong, "Poetry,"  which also portrayed a similar case - rape of a victim over a lengthy time frame, and how when it is discovered, the boys' fathers first think of giving the poor mother money to get her daughter to shut her mouth. That film, may be one of the very few films, and certainly Korean films,  that received 100% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.

Yep.  The popular rich boys came first, and how dare she "disturb their peace?" Absolutely sickening.


When I  wrote "Their" behaviour illustrates that it wasn't about getting justice in the end, but rather getting rid of a problem by finding a culprit", I actually meant students at the school and citizens in Injoo. 

The father of KES (raped victim) knew who it was as he used violence against her in order to keep her quiet since he wanted the money. Yet, he insulted PSW, whereas the father was himself an alcoholic and abusive father. Many female students blamed the girl because they saw her as if she was disrupting their school. They considered her as the bad one, the one who had provoked it because it was a way for them to reassuring themselves that something like that would happen to them. All of them blamed someone  (the victim and PSW) because it is much easier to deal with reality... and not feel responsible for that incident. Yet, they were responsible because the girl had no friends and support except PSW. Some people must have heard about it but no one intervened.  

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This series "goes back" and "rights wrongs" by erasing them as if they did not happen (but consequences). I don't think they can "undo" the actual rape case, but can they actually somehow, ease the pain of the victim by bringing some sort  of justice against the real perpetrators - that is something I am hoping for.

17 hours ago, drmjs said:

LJH, I supposse logically, he'll probably be the one who'll remain dead. Even if he saves the course of PSW's life, he'll end up being being targeted by KBJ and company. But here's the thing, LJH wanted to eradicate the blight that has pervaded the police force. If he's able to reveal and bring to justice, all the shenanigans, unlawful killings and corruption that has affected the police during his time, then I guess dying for that cause would be all worth it. I do have this romantic vision for LJH if he survives, I'd love to see him be the police superintendent instead of the unworthy KBJ.  

@drmjs, absolutely loving your vision here....! That would be daebak!


14 hours ago, lindy01 said:

If LJH & PSW survived the past, I'll trade LJH & PSW's lives with Congressman and rapist. No point for them to get arrested & go to prison as the system is corrupted. They will be out in seconds. It's better for KBJ to rot in prison alone.


@lindy01, I'd be very pleased with that outcome too.... That will also resolve the issue about the expired statue of limitation.


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I just finished eps 13 and 14 and haven't been able to read all of your wonderful thoughts so I apologize in advance for repeatings things.

Okay, these two episodes made me cry enough to fill an ocean. I got choked up in the other episodes, but these two just made me bawl. I also had to pause and go do work in the middle of both episodes, and each time I returned to watch tears just started again LOL.

What made me cry the most was Sun Woo. Such a sweet, positive, and determined kid. Beautiful. The world was against him, he couldn't even see his little brother, but he was still fighting to live. The injustice that was happening to him made me so mad. PHY too! I do not think he is overacting. As a post here has already said, I bet we would all be furious. I know that the victim went through a lot, and if I were in her shoes I would probably try to bury everything in the past too, but when she refused to help PHY because she's finally happy with her own family... I thought that she was really selfish. Rightfully selfish, perhaps, but it still didn't sit right with me. T-T I also think there can be an emotional disconnect for viewers between the little PHY and the older PHY, which I attribute to the fact that we pity little PHY but root for big PHY to figure out what he wants to do.

And LJH... oh man, what can I say? Omurice will never be the same again. ;_; The ending of ep 14 was so epic, especially with the heroic music at the end haha. LJH rushing out to save Sun Woo despite being injured filled me with emotions. Ughhh. 

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10 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

yes it would be nice if goofy ljh (from the past) is left alive..but even if not..I wont mind it..because his arc doesn't have much regrets.. and he is a hero..no matter what arc you give him..


But @enigmatic_zephy -  isn't LJH a corrupt cop in the past?  He deserves, in the very least to have his name cleared, and those who framed him brought to justice. For that matter, he deserves a medal (just as American Serpico received for his stand for truth, justice, and refusal to be corrupted.)  I love that quote from him to KBJ, how one starts from one wrong move, and is on the way to being corrupt. I think it was @bebebisous33 who quoted it?

I love alll 3 leads, And I want them all to survive. But if one of them is to die in the end, and PSW is saved, it is only "fair" that it would be PHY to die in order to "save" his brother.  If I had to guess, we know he knows that saving one life will bring the death of another, and I think he is ready to give his life for his brother's .

9 hours ago, seuswin said:

i think i'm in love with Cho Jin Woong acting

I think you are in good company here, on the thread, @seuswin. Thank you so much for the recommendations. I have only seen a few of those you mentioned, and will catch up on the rest.

6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Rage, helplessness, anger, bitterness, his love for his big brother who was so nice!! Imagine the power of these emotions boiling inside his body while thinking over and over about his brother!

He has so many emotions but he can't show these because in the eye of the law, his brother was indeed a rapist

Wonderful post, @bebebisous33. Thank you.  I also got the feeling that the dad was always sort of absent, and the mom, possibly also half not there. So PSW really took on the role of totally taking care of young PHY, and became the center of his life/love. And of course, being as young as he was,  it made a huge impact on him, emotionally; The visions of his brother being taken away and later on discovered with the blood and the hospital, are very fresh in his mind.

When he went to the hospital as an adult, and recalled the state of events in the past, he remembered the blood sample taken from his brother and understood, what he did not as a child, how important that was.  BTW, I still wonder why they took the blood sample. Is that a normal procedure in a case like this, or was it ordered by someone?


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Kim Hye Soo departs to Phuket for vacation

On March 1st, actress Kim Hye Soo departed to Phuket for vacation.

Kim Hye Soo appeared at Incheon airport in a black trench coat, and denim pants. She also matched black sunglasses, diffusing huge charisma.

Meanwhile, Kim Hye Soo recently played in tvN drama 'Signal' as a detective, and the drama is now left with four more episodes.

[StarN Focus] Kim Hye Soo departs to Phuket for vacation


[StarN Focus] Kim Hye Soo departs to Phuket for vacation


[StarN Focus] Kim Hye Soo departs to Phuket for vacation


[StarN Focus] Kim Hye Soo departs to Phuket for vacation

Credit : starnnews.com

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I actually meant students at the school and citizens in Injoo. 


@bebebisous33, yes - I too was referring to them.... sorry if I had not made this clear.  But I think those rich kids were the popular kids in school that everyone wanted to be friends with. When accusations came against them, most of the kids were probably pissed at the victims, rather than empathize with them.

I agree with everything you wrote, about the reaction in Injoo, including the father of the victim in this drama.


Signal:  Episode 14



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