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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@jadecloud, I love this photo of little JW.


This child actress, Kim Ha-Yoo, is so animated, and has already built quite a portfolio for herself.


This is the first drama I see with her, and the largest role I have seen her in. (prior to that I saw her in "Queen of Ambition" and "Marriage not Dating.")

@Misstwilightfan1416, thank you for the video clips.

@Lmangla@Kehinde , @msmy  , @mdj101          yes, those stairs seemed way too steep.

@mdj101, thank you for the info. about Kim Soo-Jin. I remember reading one article about her recently, and thank you for the video. I love cooking shows, when they are well produced. 



I was hooked on "Korean Cuisine and Dining" with Choi Bul-A when I was able to see it on KBSW. He does not only bring us regional foods, when visiting different areas in Korea, but also gives us some history, of both the region, and the food.. It is really a wonderful program. Too bad KBSW does not download the episodes; KBS documentary does, but without the subs.


@jeijei, hi.... Glad you too are loving the show.   Twinkle Twinkle will be my next one to watch...!


10 hours ago, liltash85 said:

HaeGang sickness symptom looks similar to morning sickness. But it is i possible coz we know the xmas nite event didnt happen. . But who knows the writer is reading netz frustration about the guesthouse kiss aftermath, she could make a storyline that both HG n JE indeed had spent a night together (maybe during HG amnesia).

@liltash85,   @lclarakl morning sickness was the first thing that came to my mind as well....!

10 hours ago, a15t3 said:

Anyone know the song sang by Baek Seok in the end of ep 35, which showing preview of ep 36?  The song is background song as well

@a15t3, hi.. Yes. the song had been posted before.  (sorry, I forget by whom), but you can find it on page 1 of the thread.

@chubbychub1966, thank you for the different version of Goodbye Love that you offered us.  I like it quite a bit.   I love this song. Actually,


I remember seeing/hearing it also in HSLO drama, Woohyun sang it.




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Episode 36


For your information Imjingang Station ( 임진강 역) is in Paju, Gyeonggi-do,  the Northernmost Station in the Gyeongui line & the stop for you to buy ticket to visit the DMZ tour


Pyeongyang so near yet so far


"care to shed some light? You prob know more about SK and hiking trails than many of us here"

I don't share South Korean passion in hiking, although I had been to Naejangsan National Park (내장산국립공원), in Jeongeup Jeollabuk-do Province to see the autumn foliage but that is because they had a cable car to go up

According to the newspaper clip, it mentioned Bukhansan National Park & mentioned the granite peaks of Insubong Peaks Giam Rocks  

Just to note that the mentioned of Uido Island (우이도 ) is different spelling to the written note ( 이도) 




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1 hour ago, irilight said:

@Lmangla, I agree with your thought provoking post.  Actually SR has said things that should show us her duality; For example how she felt HK crushed her and stepped on her pride, but - I agree with you that she has not convinced many of us. While many of us feel sorry for her because of he background, she has not succeeded to illicit real compassion for her character, by many. I think, partly  because her arguments sound more like "poor little me" victim exclamation, trying to justify her very bad behavior of seducing a married man. If that was not bad enough, she now goes around trying to harm his ex-wife, including going by and not calling for ambulance or police help when she saw her stubbed body. And she dares to be upset that HK did not warned her about PDX?! Furthermore, she goes on trying to drive the twins apart too. Even her kindness to SH seems on purpose, since SH supported her to marry JE.

@Lmangla and @irilight , on the duality of SR, I am in agreement.  In fact don't we all humans have this duality in us?  It is just that depends on each person's character and situations, the trigger point is different.  SR is smart doesn't mean she can't make mistakes and wrong choices.  There are white-collar criminals a plenty in the real world.  Smart people - doctors, lawyers, ministers - made seemingly foolish and despicable mistakes too. If JE the 'pure, innocent' type can commit adultery and HG, an intelligent lawyer with her humble background can overlook the suffering caused by her actions, why can't SR a smart girl not be blinded by love and vindictiveness, especially with her background of constant abandonment? The writer has picked certain characters and develop suitable traits for them to spin her story.  I do not think she is careless but more likely for the effect of the story, HER STORY.

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2 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

Episode 36

For your information Imjingang Station ( 임진강 역) is in Paju, Gyeonggi-do,  the Northernmost Station in the Gyeongui line & the stop for you to buy ticket to visit the DMZ tour

Pyeongyang so near yet so far


"care to shed some light? You prob know more about SK and hiking trails than many of us here"

I don't share South Korean passion in hiking, although I had been to Naejangsan National Park (내장산국립공원), in Jeongeup Jeollabuk-do Province to see the autumn foliage but that is because they had a cable car to go up

According to the newspaper clip, it mentioned Bukhansan National Park & mentioned the granite peaks of Insubong Peaks Giam Rocks  

Just to note that the mentioned of Uido Island (우이도 ) is different spelling to the written note ( 이도) 

Mod Edit: Do not quote pictures.



@gerrytan8063 Thanks for shedding some light. I suppose Insubong Peak somehow translates to chinese equivalent of Ren Shou Peak, per csubs.  As for the writing/spelling, the difference is probably due to halmoni's mistake? She was learning how to write hangul at that time. That former spelling is from Korea's National Park's website.


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52 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

You're probably right. I've since found out, after watching ep 36, that the place where MH and JH went hiking was not in UIDO Island, but at Bukhansan(ref earlier post below). With this, I think what lies in Uido Island could be a garden/green house where JH has been growing his plants and herbs which are the ingredients for his SHS drug.

We may just get to see HK and YK visiting Uido Island soon. Would be awesome. We'll see if this will pan out.





I don't know if this changes anything and I don't remember the scene @mdj101 pointed out about 'Uido' but the way she wrote it, I thought it means Youi-do, which is a location in Seoul.  Do means an island but 'Youi-do is not an island per se, it's in the south side of Han River and it's where the Korean National Assembly is located.  It's also where the KBS HQ is.  I have no idea if I am adding anything here but that's what I thought of when @mdj101 posted the name.

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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

However, I do see your points. I can even agree with the probable likelihood of indirect cause of death, as in not helping in time of need, and watching his buddy die under his nose. That trauma alone could be enough to make him suffer recurring nightmares in cold sweat.

But, if he isn't as evil and hard-hearted, why has he not done anything for the twins and their mom back then, knowing GN has had a hard life trying to raise HK? And why didn't he attempt to help GN find her other twin YK? Why didn't he give GN a share of the profits or his wealth and enable her and twins to live better? How could he be so cruel as to effect the destruction of Shin and his biz? How could he not feel remorse for indirectly causing his grand-daughter's death?

Hi chingus and @jadecloud , just like you guessed, am back to work:(:), mixed feelings. Almost can't keep up with the thread at one point so had to skip some pages and skimmed through quickly.  In fact, I am stealing time off work as I am typing:sweatingbullets:.  Regarding the above, I have wondered about it too esp. why MH did not offer more help to both GN & HG but could find no suitable answers. Perhaps it is to do with the time period or GN refuses his help?  Those details are not shown. I could be wrong about MH, that he truly is more sinister than I think.  Will have to wait for story to unfold.  

I just thought about it this moment, could he have (in his selfish way)stolen the rights because he thinks(convince himself) as DGJH's friend, he is the best person to develop it and there is no other way except to do what he did(illegally). The deceased left behind only young, helpless daughters.  @mdj101 mentioned it could be one of his promise to his dead friend, am I right? MH's insistence on HG getting half the share, apart from the sinister motive of making her take the brunt, was as he had mentioned that after he had resigned to the fact that HG being his D-I-L is his karma. Initially, perhaps he wants to have the company for himself but he changed his mind when he realised his own sins.  

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Just watched today's episode. Vikki subbed is 84%. Yhey!

I myself have mixed feelings on MH. For some reason, I can't fully hate him. He cared for his bf's family in a way. Until we see what happened on the hiking incident, we're not sure. (I hope they will show it in the coming episodes) Judging from JE's behavior after knowing the hiking incident, his dad came back alive & HG's dad dead, for sure made him doubt his dad. Now he wants to see the movie with him, similar story as described by his mom, to see his dad's reaction & hopefully confirm or deny his doubts?

SR to me is evil no matter what, no conscience. The only good thing she showed in this drama is her concern to her Baek family. She might have shown concern to JE's mom & YG but for different reasons. The elevator scene with HG only shows how mean she is, with intentions! HG could die in front of her, she won't move a muscle to help her. She's blaming HG for her actions now, for provoking her. This woman needs to die in the end. With TS behind bars & MH too (if he's guilty). HG might have some part of it as she was the company's hunting dog. I can see she might be a good star witness for the prosecutor's office in the end so her crimes will be lessen or forgiven. 

Then JE & HG can live happily in the end. :) 

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  @drmjs@jadecloud Do you think GN knows or suspects even MH's role in her husband's murder?  If so, how can she be so cool about it?

@mdj101, thank you for that song with the Eng. subs.

@mdj101@jadecloud,   , thank you for that info.  info. about 'wae yi do' and photos, too...!


7 hours ago, deandraluv said:

 Like someone said, JJH and KJH act with their eyes! I got teary a lot just looking at their sad eyes!

@deandraluv, I get teary eyed watching them too. That's why I want them to end up together. They have already gone through so much, and found the way back to each other. I want to cheer them on, and hope they find the way to be with each other again. And both actors are beyond awesome in conveying their emotions. Interesting thought, about the battle between hearts and minds. Thank you for the song translation!

6 hours ago, tiMadam said:

i think she still has but taking some medication...i'm not sure someone else could confirm.

@tiMadam, I think so too. 

@jadecloud, Thank you for the preview and translation!


6 hours ago, jadecloud said:

HK, poor HK. She's conflicted in the knowledge she has found about MH being untruthful, and probably chiding herself for working so hard, like a hunting dog, for MH and CNP for so many years, doing his bidding in cases that were unethical. And indirectly causing her marriage to be strained. HK is also conflicted about loving JE because of foxy MH and what she suspects he could have done re death of her father. But I'm glad she is smart and level-headed enough to separate 'misdeeds(or crimes?)' between dad and son. I hope JE will help HK look into the facts of the 'accident or murder'(it's almost certain it was no accidental slip/cut and fall) as well as into all other CNP matters, including returning the rights of CNP to the twins


@jadecloud, it is shocking to me how this man (MH) can lie without batting an eyelash. I also want to see/hope to see JE helping HK unravel the truth. I also think/hope that YK will join them, with whatever memory she might have from the time.

I am also thrilled that Dr. Min and YK are officially dating. I agree. It would be awesome to see them paired in a different drama, I agree.




He is actually now in a short web drama with another actress whom I like, Yoon Jin-Seo, whom I first saw in PCW's  "Oldboy."


I hope either DramaFever or Viki will sub it.  I watched about half an episode raw, and liked it, but I love culinary drama.  (many of them, but not all)
Actually, it was "Gourmet" drama, which brought me to Kdramaland, thanks to Netflix that noticed I liked culinary programs, and suggested it. The rest is history...    :)



@lenet@mdj101,  I hope for the sake of our OTP that MH did not commit that murder.  Your reasoning makes sense to me.

@mdj101, I still need to watch last episode of OMV...

@seungshin, thank you much for translating that portion from the diary.

4 hours ago, mdj101 said:

", I when I saw HK stumbling toward the entrance of her officetel, the turn around to see what was wrong with JE, the retrace her steps toward the entrance --- I was thinking of the many responsibilities she shoulders uncomplaining , courageously, never shifting blame onto any one else --- and I saw her as a true Warrior!  Then I remembered when TS corrected some simple nasty remark about HK and said with a mix of envy & admiration, "Hae Gang is a Warrior!"  No wonder he & JR have always been afraid of her


@mdj101, so right on. She emerges as a true heroine, who is smart, compassionate, fair, loyal, and a fighter. Someone we can look up to, as does JE. No wonder he could not get her out of his heart and mind.

3 hours ago, seungshin said:


I totally agree with your sentiment @my2centsworth but SR cannot die because that will make her a martyr first and then a saint. And then JE and HG's love line will be dead in the water.  Whenever someone gets sick or die in a K Drama, it's like a reset button, or more like a massive cleanser, all evil deeds get cleaned.  If the sick or dying person was bad s/he all of a sudden becomes good and anyone who was fighting them before s/he was sick or dying have to change their ways otherwise they get treated horribly or made to feel as horrible.  I am always amazed how the Koreans in K Drama (I don't know if that's true in real life in Korea) completely freak out when someone gets sick even a nose bleed.  When the mothers in law collapse for one reason or another than is a crisis of national importance where everyone goes into panic mode running around like crazy people and everyone starts to beg for mercy.  You get my point.  Perhaps the writer will do it differently if she choses to go down that road but that's what came to mind when I saw you mention 'death.'

So for the sake of JE and HG, I hope the writer doesn't kill her.  I just want her to give her some kind of a character, but I don't know if it's bad acting like previous posts suggested or bad script.  I guess it's the two sides of same coin.  One leads to another and on and on it goes.

@seungshin, then I wonder what would the writer do with SR. The way she is portrayed now, she will never leave JE-HK alone  (Maybe they do need to move to the Galapagos Islands) . Is the writer going to turn her character 180 degrees?  Until I read your post, I also thought SR will die in the end (and that is part of her character description too.. page 1)

@gerrytan8063, thank you for the translations, YK-JR conversation.

3 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

YK: Then you should come by over there (dinning table) & have a seat...it is almost 12 o' clock I need to make lunch for our Gyu Seok ssi...that I don't even have time to sit down to chat with you. I need to render him 3 meals a day, no matter whatever happens...this is indeed....

Is YK still speaking as GN's "employee" who has certain tasks to perform?  I got a kick out of YK asking JR if she has anger issues. She certainly has spank in this whole conversation. Thank you for explanations of Korean terms too.  Of course, I love how Prof. Ming protects YK. Now I want to see TS' reaction when JR tells him of her "humiliation"

3 hours ago, jadecloud said:

But, if he isn't as evil and hard-hearted, why has he not done anything for the twins and their mom back then, knowing GN has had a hard life trying to raise HK? And why didn't he attempt to help GN find her other twin YK? Why didn't he give GN a share of the profits or his wealth and enable her and twins to live better? How could he be so cruel as to effect the destruction of Shin and his biz? How could he not feel remorse for indirectly causing his grand-daughter's death?


@jadecloud, I ask the same question. This man is already pretty wealthy. Why has he not help GN all along, and the twins. Remember in the beginning of the drama GN was so poor she went to that event with a new dress that she did not take the tag off, so that she can return it?  And she lived in that shabby little room, and MH knew that, because he visited her there. He gave her a little money on that visit, but never her share of that drug.

wow. that photo of the hiking trail is gorgeous... At the same time, we see so many people there... The accident must have happened somewhere else...

2 hours ago, trust71 said:

IN my POV...Without any valid reason ..all of a sudden MH is being nice and concern in their financial situation GN will doubt and curios WHY  MH is doing thing w/c is unusual...they are just best of friend. GN will have a doubt being a friend have a limit in what they can help you.


@trust71, could very well be.   GN was also his past lover, which sort of makes it a bit stickier situation, I think.

@lenet,  ,  , Great points, both about SR, and MH. (page 543)   I love these twists, how we can view the same material and see different aspects and points to them.!


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Underline: she vomits!!!! Could it be pregnancy, food poisoning,  or utter shock??? I guess it was just an utter shock....Arggggh!!!  It was so close, though.....

Who said this, "shall we live for one month??"  Most probably JE?  I would be shocked if it is HG!

So, I think the hug could be after she vomited because JE asked wether she was okay. Could it be a farewell hug now that she remembered what JE's dad did to her dad and family in the past?

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@jadecloud --- I'm still reading over your wonderful posts about  that very high and unique mountain, Bukhansan Mt.  I thought there was something familiar sounding --- And Bukhansan National Park really rang a bell!  Bukhansan National Park. 

No Wonder --- It's practically  in the backyard of  Do Hae Gang & Choi Jin Eun's house in Buamdong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea!  I recognised the name of the Park. 

EDIT:--- I just tested the 2 "links" under the spoiler --- Amazed they worked out perfectly.  So be careful not to put your curser on the maps or it will all move & change! Enjoy!


   I hope I can bring my "favorite " map  over with a "cut & paste".  Let me give it a try! Yes, it's outrageously long, but I'm very fond of it!   I put my little pointer on the map and vary the distance or move up/down/sideways until I see whatever part of Seoul or nearby parts of Korea that I want.  Even gone from the Wuju Rest Area all the way to the beach off Gangneung, looking for the embankment where I thought HK's car was pushed over the edge!

You cab see GURI where Yongi Gi and her fiancee worked --- over on the right, northeast of Seoul, just slightly above the River.

  I've tried to set the magnification for #1  link to show Buamdong  most clearly.

  ( 1) ****  https://www.google.com/maps/place/Buam-dong,+Jongno-gu,+Seoul,+South+Korea/@37.5532397,126.8452323,11z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x357ca2b22ae83319:0x85cb4f6024eb9fa1

  If it works out, I've adjusted the magnification on #2 to  make it easy to see the Pyeongchang area where the Choi Family Home is --- I think. You may remember I was way off in Pyeongchang County before --- site of the next Winter Olympics!



Now what does all of this mean?  I have no idea!  But isn't it suspicious somehow?   Where is Dokgo Ji Hoon's herb garden, do we think?  You know by now that I go crazy over maps!  Hope one of you find a key to events from over 30 years ago!                          

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this writer make her audience  BRING OUT  their hidden knowledge..:glasses:. i really like her.
in the 1st ep....we wonder why DHK turn back instead going straight to the airport......

and then the discussion was further gone to what was the direction that DHK took......

then come amnesia.....and then JE want to take back amnesiac DHK knowing that she didn't remember him at all....

come the secret of ssanghwasan  WHAT REALLY HAPPENED  DURING THAT HIKING EVENT......

here we are again looking what has  halmoni written;  was it a place or just scribble some words  bec. she's just learning how to write.

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@jadecloud - Hehe. You have to admit, JE's flight instincts are well developed. I'm kidding. I guess, JE is the type of person who needed to take a step back and look at the bigger picture before making a move. He probably needs time to think and recoup when things are in flux. Buttom line, people react differently in times of stress. I understand, his intention is different now and he wants to put HK out of harm's way as opposed to his mindset 4 years ago, but I can't help but notice the parallelism. 

@irilight - I would like to know what made GN and JH separate and decide on splitting up the twins. I believe somebody enlightened us on some differences in Korean law. Kids normally end up with the father after a separation, so the whole splitting them up is unusual.  GN looks up to MH, she's thankful. There were even speculations in the past about a relationship between the two. So I don't think she knew about it. What's more, she never questioned the similarities between the drug her husband was developing and MH's drug. If she had her suspicions, she didn't have the means to go up against somebody as powerful as MH. Plus, she didn't have enough evidence to back up her claim of theft, remember the grandmother who took care of YK had them then. 

I'm looking forward to what HK would do when she's able to connect the dots regarding her dad and MH. I hope she'd be able to open up and accept help from YK. 

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" I suppose Insubong Peak somehow translates to chinese equivalent of Ren Shou Peak, per csubs"

Yes Insubong peak is translate in Chinese as "仁寿峰" & definitely it is a ridge climbing trail which needs ropes & harness devices & camming devices. 


As I had read from the hiking courses in Uido Island, hiking trail gradient of slope doesn't require equipment such as ropes. 

As for YK Halmeoni making a spelling mistake...well it can happened

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Text Preview of I Have a Lover Ep.37. . 헙! 이제 해강이도 알게되나부다~~~. 사이다 전개 원츄. . "Shall we live together just for one month?" JinEon promises to tell HaeKang the truth if he finds the truth of her father's death. JinEon is informed of something suspicious and starts to look into the truth of the climbing accident happened in 1981. Meanwhile, HaeKang recalls the talk between Chairman Choi and Min TaeSeok in the past, and she painfully runs to the toilet and vomits. . " 

credit  jijinhee_holic Instagram  


So HG vomited because of a recalled memory, it must be so unpleasant. Now I'm curious. :confused: 

JE feels bad for HG & her family. If he finds out that his dad was responsible for their dad's death, would he turn down his share of the company, give it all to HG & YG?

JE & HG will live together for a month, will we see sweetness between them? If the truth comes out that MH was responsible for HG's dad demise, will we see another obstacle of their reunion in the end. Oh boy...... :cold_sweat:

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@gerrytan8063 ---- How cute that you found Grandmother's spelling mistake!   On that page in her homework notebook she had been given a perfect score of ZERO, I believe for all 3 items  incorrect in her homework assignment --- Yong Gi was not an "easy" marker! 

 And I love the tie-in with Paju ---close to where JE took HK on Christmas night.  And now we know that the Imjingang Station is very close to the DMZ area, too.  In my imagination,  I must  picture South Koreans all living very, very far away from that whole place --- Yet even when I Googled Paju and Moonsan(?), and after HK so casually said "I think I saw a sign for Pyongyang...", I  was surprised to see "10 Things to Do in Paju", and other touristy news.   It's "matter of course" and "the way things are" --- The reality!

@irilight --- Loved the song by Woohyun.  And I kind of recall noting that show  being about angels --- And decided  to "pass", even though I do enjoy "High school "genre"  ---  Don't know why, I just do!  Even if the HS kids are well past real HS age! Might be fun.   I noticed that  "page One" is becoming full of good information, more than when I first looked at it.

Little Kim Ha Yoo is a very talented young actress, as we have seen over 36 hours.    I was impressed when  @seungshin said her accent was really  good, like KHJ's accent.  Naturally, I thought, "Woo Joo" has clearly come to love her "pretend" mother, Yong Gi.  The innocent, pure love of a child that inspired her to give a special Award to the woman she knew deserved it.  And how fast and professional she was --- no obvious break in the ongoing program!  A good little girl! 

@jadecloud --- Maybe a more than 30 year old greenhouse!  Like a magical fairy-tale! Think of all the things that may be in there!I love this idea!       :rolleyes:      





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3 hours ago, tambui said:


Still ep 37

Mod edit: Do not quote pictures.

Cre: entertain.naver.com

thanks for sharing...

if you are not familiar w/ the face of KHJ you think that your watching  2 different artist...


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