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3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

It all depends on perception. I agree with you and your assessment of why he silently followed behind her. However for Seol who has it in her head that he is out to get her LOL (they both had a lot of misunderstanding the first year so some of her things are justified and some, she blows way out of proportion/her own paranoia gets the best of her) she would jump out her skin to see had been following her all that while. I view Jung as very observant and all of that, but he himself doesn't really know how interact with people socially and really allow someone to get close. He's a socially awkward young man who has inherited some things and fakes that he's "normal" really well. But then the term "normal" is also subjective (one person's normal is another person's strange) So basically Jung has yet to really learn and master what is universally considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior. I don't know, reading the webtoon I always felt something is just not all right in his head. Something isn't clicking with him that no you can't do that to people because you simply can't, that's not the way the world works. Have some empathy. If we were all an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth we would all be deaf, blind, and mute. He's a really, really interesting character. But yeah, I agree with you and also understand why @emme85 found it creepy.


Haha.. @MrsSoJiSub @madlena :heart:

I was just kidding when i said the scene when YJ following HS was creepy.. it just came out of my mind when @NRGchick posted the gif (without the sweet music), it can become a thriller scene if a creepy music was added to it (because how YJ sometimes showing his dark sides to HS).. hahaha...

It's just as  like @madlena said, personally i too think that YJ following HS because he can't seem to talk to her and just make sure she gets home safely ^^

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TV: [Spoilers!!!] Cheese in the Trap


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dictum, turpis vel luctus tristique, leo nibh vestibulum nunc, at placerat nibh dolor sit amet mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dictum, turpis vel luctus tristique, leo nibh vestibulum nunc, at placerat nibh dolor sit amet mi.

Article: 'Cheese' Park Hae Jin confesses to Kim Go Eun, "Do you want to go out?"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+1,164, -28] While watching this, I was so satisfied watching Yoojung sunbae do something in 3 episodes that Jungpal still hasn't been able to do in 18 episodes... totally made up for the frustration I felt all weekend ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+872, -21] Park Hae Jin is so handsome...

3. [+764, -12] I was so frustrated with her group members but all of that went away with this last scene. I love how fast the plot is moving along ♥

4. [+76, -2] It's so nice to see someone just be direct with their feelings instead of going through the whole some process

5. [+57, -2] Fast pace ㅎㅎㅎ time seems to move even faster when you're staring at Yoojung senior's handsome face ㅋㅋㅋ the senior of your dreams, one you can never find in real life

6. [+57, -2] I love all of Seol's outfits in this drama. As for Sangchul sunbae.. he's giving me cancer

7. [+53, -3] The frustration I felt from 'Reply' has been washed away with 'Cheese'

8. [+44, -2] I didn't like Kim Go Eun at first but now that I'm into the drama, I find her so pretty


Source: Naver

1. [+7,838, -54] A drama where the main character confesses just three episodes in ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+5,433, -48] Ah daebak.. yes Yoojung sunbae, I'd love to go out with you

3. [+3,599, -40] Wow that last scene made my heart skip

4. [+2,429, -32] Can we just end the drama here

5. [+1,631, -39] Park Hae Jin seriously didn't just rip himself out of the webtoon, he is at least 100 times more handsome than the original webtoon version of Yoojung sunbae himself ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's so excessively handsome

6. [+1,339, -13] tvN produces the best dramas ㅋㅋㅋ I bet if this was a public broadcast produced drama, Yoojung sunbae would still be nagging at her to go eat with him while Hong Seol is still living ina 40 pyeong rooftop one room ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+1,197, -24] Junghwan-ah... learn from this ㅜㅜ
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3 hours ago, indiiea said:

lol at netizens responses..they are so funny..poor sang chul hehe..but the actor really act the same as webtoonic nosy SC. can't agree more about uri handsome jung.

btw i know its not related and i'm not even watching reply1988 but what's the deal with it? i read many people are dissapointed with the recent ep...so who is the endgame? park bo geum? (yeap i like him so sorry for other ships shippers)

Rofl at comment 6 at naver..so true. and probably seol will still run from him untl at least half the drama if it were one of the 3 big channels lol

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Cheese in The Trap's Kim Go Eun Draws Attention For Being Cute



(off topic) I find it funny how netizen keeps looking into Moorim School only to mock about this series. They are still in #5 hot search ranking despite of harsh comments. They even compare this series to Dream High 2 which is not fun at all. I am pretty worried about Descendant of Sun because this series will be aired on KBS which I know KBS is sometimes critized for being not so good at producing a good drama. 

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Happy to see the ratings have increased!

LOL at the R88 references.

@perl88 It took JH, one of the male leads 18 episodes and 6 years later to confess to his first love. And let's just say it was a confession that was like a rollercoaster.

I can feel the frustrations from the netizens.

Yoo Jung moved quickly and I wonder if it was partly due to the alarm that In Ho was also near Seol.

Another scene I loved last night was when Yoo Jung swooped in to get Seol away from the creepy senior. I would love to know what he said to that senior after he put Seol in the taxi.


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Hi all, new here. 

I'm watching ep 2 right now and i can't help but think that the lead male character is full on stalker mode. He knows where she works and what time. He is taking practically all the classes she is taking and basically everywhere she goes he is there. Right now I'm on the scene where he is waiting for her outside her place. I mean, Stalker much??? But then... he doesn't fit this description of a stalker does he :wub::D:P:blink:???


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Wowww....the rating for ep.3 is quite high for a cable tv drama..if they hit double digits, the cast definitely will be rewarded for a vacation right? 

So far, i love the chemistry between YJ and HS but not IH..may not having a 2nd lead syndrome this time.. eventhough YJ is a quite mysterious guy in this drama, i still like his character..uwaaa he is so good looking guy! 

I gonna try to finish my FMVs for ep.1-2 soon..

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Wow the confession scene already? I didn't expect this fast. So they're going to focusing on Seol and Jung relationship after the confession.

Haha lol at the last comment from Naver. Almost burst into laugh :D

1. [+1,164, -28] While watching this, I was so satisfied watching Yoojung sunbae do something in 3 episodes that Jungpal still hasn't been able to do in 18 episodes... totally made up for the frustration I felt all weekend ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+1,197, -24] Junghwan-ah... learn from this ㅜㅜ


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I have been waiting this thread to pick up.. didn't expect the triangle Kimbap will be so popular lol!! I feel like having one too.. YJ jjang jjang !! I don't know if Seol is kind hearted or what.. I feel sorry for her when she got a bad grade for her project I agree in a team project you need to have communication.. but to encounter those kind of lazy classmates who doesn't do anything but to claim for the same grade just makes me feel sucky..

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Yay for the ratings increase. I swear with all the noise netizens were making during casting, after casting, then during the previews about KGE, I feared this would tank and I would be so sad for the two leads and the whole team behind this because they all are so talented and deserve a hit (Heart 2 Heart, and Coffee Prince by the PD is some of my favorite kdrama rom-coms). I agree with netzien #6. I too want all of Seol's outfits. Everything she wears from head to toe (even her rings) are envy inducing. KGE pulls off the look so well. Effortless but still very cute and stylish.

I swear all the problems of kdrama world could be solved if two mean could learn to say "I'm sorry. I've missed you". It's so obvious that for both Jung and Inho that is what they both long to hear from the other (Jung does a good job of hiding it, but I see how he looks hurt when Inho brings up the incident and his perk in interest what his dad asked Inho what he'd been up to). I think Inho is hurt because he believes Jung orchestrated the whole mess of things and owes him and apology for ruining his life (boy you should have went to rehab) and also he misses the old friendship before the incident and hurt that Jung could do that to him, and then not care about him or the ended friendship. Jung on the other hand I believe is hurt because he didn't orchestrate the whole thing nor did he just walk away (I believe Inho is remembering it wrong) and he's hurt that his supposed to be friend could think he would be capable of purposely hurting him like that and ruining his life. Like Inho, a part of him misses the friendship and what they had before the incident and such an accusation. I maybe completely wrong on this. However their angst is so similar to the love of School 2013 bromance. Just hug it out already LOL.

The drama really moves fast and I love it. Again, there is a lot to cover so we can't really spend too much time laying the foundation. This episode showed all the reasons why I love Jung. He can be an adorable little puppy who I just want to find some genuine friends (the triangle scene). He can be menacing and threatening and scare you with words and a look (confronting that rapist) and then he can be exactly what I feel Seol needs in her life (with all the crazy she encounters omo she needs watchdog Jung badly) which is someone to tell her she really needs to stand up for herself, be selfish and stop letting so many people use her and treat her like a doormat! I so wanted Jung to scare her teammates straight for her, but girl has to learn to stand up for herself. I loath San Chul, he's just as much of a little richard simmons here as he was in the webtoon. Minsoo (shudders) and that Ah something...hate them. They just left everything to Seol in order to have fun and not work, and then they have the gall to blame HER, when they fail. This is why I could never be a korean drama heroine. I swear I would curse all them little kids out and give them the proper beat down they were asking for. Never mind that, I wouldn't even let them behave that way in a group project. Since we going to fail anyways if ya'll don't do your parts (because they will get caught) I wouldn't bother neither. Let's all fail together. I can't bet you, I'll just join you. I swear, Seol is too nice and selfless for her own good. She didn't say richard simmons when they were being rude as get all and she just went ahead and paid Inho, a stranger she just met for the first time high food bill. Nah girl nah! Jung teach her your ways (but not too much least the two of you become killing Bonny and Clyde). 

Seol needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap and shipped to a remote island. She attracts the crazy like bears to honey.

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Done for watching ep 3.. oh my god.. im so in love with Yoo Jung.. Park Hae Jin handsomeness is no joke.. Yoojung has confess but Young Gon still not appear. But i love the way Production team mixing the story different than webtoon. 

Cant wait for ep 4.. hope the ratings will go up until they reach double digitttt!

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subs r out... its going to be super tough 2 onths...falling in love with every two episodes...



havent felt this good abt any tv series till date .. from d first frame... d closest is coffeee prince n that too i starte enjoying after first 3 eps...


And damn it.. WHAT A BRILLIANT BACKGROUND MUSIC...what is this really soft number that plays everytime..whenever our leads r getting cute..

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I can't wait till the subs are out, and watched ep 3 RAW while going to work. Though mainly can't understand what they are saying, i'm still giggling  especially on the last scene (thanks to tons of hours watching of K-drama). 

While i don't understand the language and just enjoying scene after scene, i found today's OST so well fitted and fresh. Does anyone feels the same ? :) 


Can't wait re-watch ep 3 with subs, and excite to wait ep 4!  


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4 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

subs r out... its going to be super tough 2 onths...falling in love with every two episodes...



havent felt this good abt any tv series till date .. from d first frame... d closest is coffeee prince n that too i starte enjoying after first 3 eps...


And damn it.. WHAT A BRILLIANT BACKGROUND MUSIC...what is this really soft number that plays everytime..whenever our leads r getting cute..


I'm Soooo agree with you..! yes today's music is successfully blend in to the background and in result the scene came out more beautiful and a bit romantic. YJ following HS while walking while the music playing looks alike a music clip to me. 

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