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34 minutes ago, liddi said:

@oohhkkay Wow... I'm envious! Would love to visit Korea one day... of all the countries I've visited, somehow Korea has not been one of them yet. Hopefully one day soon.

I truly love Tree, and actually marathoned the last 14 episodes within 1.5 days :D I think watching it made me love and appreciate SFD all the more... because it gave me different insights to the characters I've come to know, love or fear in Tree, and rethink their point of views and perhaps try to understand, if not agree with how they handled things. By the same token, the long list of names that younger Yi Do narrated of those who died because of YBW, now have a face and reason behind their deaths, and certainly I feel that having watched one enriched the enjoyment of the other and vice versa. 

You marathoned throught TWDR just like what I did with SFD hahaha, I also did 15 eps in 1.5 days hahahahaa

I watched TWDR while it was airing for SJK for the beginning, then I continued to watch till the end, somehow I don't like it towards the end, I remember I love the first 4 eps (not just for SJK, haha, I wasn't really a fan of his). I will rewatch again to see if I got new feelings about it, but right now I felt more like watching SFD haha

You should find time to go to Korea one day, I love going to Korea hahaha, it's my 9th trip to Korea, the trip a few days later haha. It is the only country i can keep visiting like this haha


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I'm finally at that part of Tree where older Bang Ji appears.  After SFD, it feels like strange.  It's like MH and the other SFD characters connects well in Tree except for the older BJ.  It's almost as if I have to treat them as two different character.

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The historical background to help understand Ep. 47~48



Ha Ryun : “August 26, 1398, in order to harm the royal family, the Count of Bonghwa (봉화백 奉化伯 : Jung Do-Jeon’s nobility title. Bonghwa is his hometown) plotted High Treason. However, Prince Jeongan (Yi Bang-Won) found this out in advance and raised an army.”
Yi Bang-Won : …What is this?
Ha Ryun : This is how the history will remember today, and this is what has happened so far. Read the next page.
Yi Bang-Won : “The Count of Bonghwa was arrested although he tried to run away like a rat. In the end, he went on his knees and begged Prince Jeongan to spare his life. But Prince Jeongan reproached him and beheaded him.”
Ha Ryun : Yes, that is what is about to happen in the history.
Yi Bang-Won : If our plan succeeds, you should compile the annals for my father.


■ The First Strife of Princes - Part 2. History distortion



The above scene is interesting, because the First Strife of Princes (1398) were recorded in the “official” history as what Ha Ryun said in episode 47.

The Annals of King Taejo (태조실록 太祖實錄) was compiled by Ha Ryun who was also the mastermind behind the coup. Therefore, it can readily be imagined that the winners tried to erase evidences against themselves and invented false story to justify their coup. As a result, we can not clearly say how far the historical records on the coup are true or false.

The historiographers of the annals might feel the stings of conscience for participating in history fabrication, because they inserted vague clues here and there which are inconsistent within the context. Modern historians try to read between the lines and interpret the coup in various ways.  

◉ The following is what Yi Bang-Won’s side recorded in the annals.

The Count of Bonghwa (Jung Do-Jeon) monopolized the government by appointing the ridiculously young Yi Bang-Seok as the Crown Prince. He tried to weaken the grown-up princes by dispatching them to local provinces all over the country. Prince Jeongan (Bang-Won) was assigned to Jeolla province (South western province) but he refused to go there. Jung Do-Jeon also took private armies and weapons from the princes.

One day, a fortuneteller by the name of Ahn Shik (안식 安植) said “More than two half brothers of the Crown Prince have a destiny to become a King” Jung Do-Jeon said “We don’t have to worry about it. We will get rid of them after all.”

On August 26 of 1398, Jung Do-Jeon lured the grown-up princes to the palace on the plea of King Taejo’s critical condition. He planned to mobilize palace servants and royal guards to assassinate the princes while he and Nam Eun prepared to raise an army outside the palace.

Prince Jeongan (Yi Bang-Won) already anticipated Jung Do-Jeon’s vicious move in advance, because he was secretly in league with Yi Moo (이무 李茂), one of Sambong’s colleagues. When the princes received a message from a eunuch that they should enter the King’s chamber without any guard, Prince Jeongan suspected why all the lights of the palace gate were unusually out. He thought that he should immediately escape from there with his brothers. However, his half brother Bang-Beon (Yi Seong-Gye’s 7th son from Queen Shindeok) refused to join them and chose to remain as a bystander.

In the past, Bang-Won had told Yi Sook-Beon “Jung Do-Jeon will revolt if the king’s condition is aggravated. Come to me immediately if I call you.” So, Min Moo-Gu (민무구 閔無咎 : Lady Min’s younger brother) was sent to bring Yi Sook-Beon’s troops.

According to the annals, the total number of Bang-Won’s troops was 10 horsemen, 9 foot soldiers, 10 household servants…. That was all. They armed themselves with the weapons Lady Min had kept in secret. Some of them had to hold a stick instead of a sword because of lack of weapons. They were more like a mob rather than a troop.

In the latter part of the annals, however, there is a different story about the number of Yi Bang-Won’s troops. When hearing the news of the coup, Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok looked down at the rebel forces from the watchtower of Gwanghwamun (광화문 光化門) Gate and completely lost his will to fight back, because the torchlight procession of Yi Bang-Won’s cavalry was endlessly extending to Mountain Namsan (남산 南山) far away from the palace. It means they had at least hundreds of armed men in reality.

◉ The hidden clues between the lines.

According to the annals, it was not Jung Do-Joen but King Taejo who wanted to install one of Queen Shindeok’s sons as the Crown prince. Jung Do-Jeon just accepted the king’s offer and tried his best to protect Bang-Seok. However, Yi Bang-Won desperately put the blame on Jung Do-Jeon, instead of his father, to justify his coup. Actually, he couldn’t blame the king, because if so his action would become High treason.

SFD described that the First Strife of Princes happened the day before the princes were going to be dispatched to Liaodong. However, it is a fictional set-up to increase the dramatic tension as well as to justify Bang-Won’s desperate motive for launching the coup. In the actual history, when the coup happened, the date of Liaodong dispatch was not determined yet. The princes were not forced to participate in the war, either. They just hated losing their private armies for the Liaodong expedition. That’s why they revolted.

As King Taejo’s health condition was aggravated in July and August of 1398, the tension between Jung Do-Jeon and Yi Bang-Won was rapidly reaching flash point like “Who will strike the first blow?” situation. Nonetheless, most historians agree that Jung Do-Jeon’s assassination attempt recorded in the annals is a pure invention on Yi Bang-Won’s part. It doesn’t make sense at all.

We don’t know if Jung Do-Jeon really said “We don’t have to worry about the prophecy. We will get rid of the princes after all.” It is most likely false to vilify Jung Do-Jeon. If it is true? Well, either way, Jung Do-Jeon couldn’t kill the princes. Even if Sambong had such a strong political power as the prime minister, it was impossible for him to kill the king’s sons without the king’s permission. Don’t get confused. King Taejo was not Sambong’s puppet at all. They were soul mates to respect each other. That’s why Sambong risked his own life to protect the young Crown Prince as ordered by the king.

To justify the coup, the annals intentionally downsized the number of Yi Bang-Won’s troops and weapons. Ha Ryun’s provincial troops were not recorded at all. The annals seem to say that Yi Bang-Won was inferior in numbers and the coup was launched out of self defense in an emergency. As a result, the annals are self-contradictory in many parts. Which do you think is historically more trustworthy? The torchlight procession extending to Mountain Namsan? or 30~40 household servants without decent weapons? Do you really believe that the palace guards and the Defense department could be taken over by 30 servants? It doesn’t make sense at all.  

However, Many Sageuk drama writers had described the First Strife of Princes as recorded in the annals to increase dramatic tensions, even though they know the annals were likely to be fabricated by Yi Bang-Won. It was refreshing that SFD writers skipped the controversial part and straightforwardly described it as “an invented history that didn’t really happen”.





■ Jung Do-Jeon’s death (August 26, 1398)

※ My SFD timeline is following the lunar calendar. Therefore, Jung Do-Jeon died on October 6, 1398, in solar calendar.



That night, Jung Do-Jeon and his colleagues were talking over the bottle of wine in Songhyeonbang (송현방 松峴房) which was the private residence of Nam Eun’s concubine. The house was located near the palace so they often used it as their meeting place. There was no guard to protect them around the house, and just a few horses were tethered in front of the gate. (* So to speak, they didn’t seem like scheming rebels who tried to assassinate the princes in the palace just a few hours ago.)

Yi Sook-Beon (이숙번 李叔蕃) suggested to besiege the house. He set fire to it. When the neighboring 3 houses were enveloped in flames, Shim Hyo-Saeng (심효생 沈孝生), Yi Geun (이근 李懃), and Jang Ji-Hwa (장지화 張至和) ran away from the fire, but they were captured and immediately killed. Nam Eun (남은 南誾) managed to escape with his entourage.


Jung Do-Jeon also escaped with his son Jung Dham (정담 鄭湛). They were hiding in a bedroom of a neighboring house. However, getting a tip-off from the owner of the house, Bang-Won ordered his 4 servants to drag Jung Do-Jeon out of the room.

Sambong threw away his dagger and managed to crawl as far as the door. He begged Prince Jeongan (Bang-Won) for mercy. “Please don’t kill me. Your Highness saved my life in the year of Imshin. Please, save me once again.” It refers to the incident where Bang-Won saved Sambong’s life by killing Poeun Jung Mong-Joo on Seonjuk bridge in 1392. However, Bang-Won reproached Jung Do-Jeon “Even though you’ve got a nobility title like the Count of Bonghwa (봉화백 奉化伯), you are not satisfied with it. How dare you commit such evil deeds?” and beheaded him.

That’s the story from Yi Bang-Won’s side.

However, there is another version of Jung Do-Jeon’s death in the same annals. His son Jung Dham said “Father, we should beg Prince Jeongan for our lives today” however, Jung Do-Jeon declined the offer. “I already betrayed Goryeo once. If I betray one side and defect to the other side once again, even though people don’t blame me, I’m going to feel ashamed of myself in my mind.” Then, he left a poem and fell a victim to Yi Bang-Won’s sword. The following is his last poem.


Title : Sneering at myself 자조 自嘲

Original Hanja (Chinese characters)

Korean Translation
조심하고 또 조심하여 온갖 공을 들여 살면서
책 속에 담긴 성현의 말씀, 저버리지 않았네.
삼십년 긴 세월 고난 속에 쌓아온 업적
송현방 정자의 한잔 술에 그만 허사가 되었구나.

English Translation
Watchfully, and carefully, working hard for my goal
I’ve never betrayed the teaching of the sages in books.
All the achievements I’ve built for the past 30 years
have turned to dust due to a drink in Songhyeonbang
(* Songhyeonbang = the private residence of Nam Eun’s concubine)


Which story is more reliable to you? Sambong who creeps and crawls to Bang-Won? Or Sambong who chooses to die honorably and leave a poem? Another self-contradictory records in the annals for sure.





■ Jung Do-Jeon 삼봉 정도전 三峰 鄭道傳 (1342~1398)

No contemporary portrait of Jung Do-Jeon exists. The above portrait is an imaginary picture.



Sambong Jung Do-Jeon was a politician who insisted on socialist land reforms 200 years ahead of Karl Marx. He was a Confucian scholar who insisted on Constitutional monarchy restricted by laws 300 years ahead of England’s Glorious Revolution. He was a religious reformer who was 130 years ahead of Martin Luther. He was a historian, a music composer, a military strategist, a philosopher. He was a true genius ahead of his time.

However, the most impressive thing about Jung Do-Jeon is that he was not an armchair scholar at all. He really put his plan into action and founded his ideal nation Joseon (조선 朝鮮) based on his Confucian ideology.

Let me introduce some famous quotes of Sambong.
“King and country are only worthwhile when they exist for the people.” (from Sambong-Jip 삼봉집 三峰集)
“People are extremely weak, but you can’t keep them in submission by power and threat. People are really ignorant, but you can’t deceive them by a trick. If you gain their heart, they will gladly follow you. But if you can’t gain their heart, they will abandon you.” (from Joseon Gyeonggukjeon 조선경국전 朝鮮經國典)

King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) kept Jung Do-Jeon’s reforms intact for the most part and completed his remaining reforms. However, he vilified Sambong to justify his coup and reinstated Poeun Jung Mong-Joo’s honor with the intention of pulling down Jung Do-Jeon. All of a sudden, Poeun became a divine hero who sacrificed himself to protect the declining country, while Sambong became a cunning traitor and opportunist to betray the kingdom. It must be the most absurd irony of Korean history. From then on, Jung Do-Jeon’s name had been a taboo for about 600 years. His honor was completely reinstated in the late 19th century just before Joseon collapsed.

Historically, Jung Do-Jeon had 4 sons. Jung Young (정영 鄭泳) and Jung Yoo (정유 鄭游) were killed on the way to save their father. Jung Dham (정담 鄭湛) committed suicide. All of them died on the same day. However, his eldest son Jung Jin (정진 鄭津, 1361~1427) survived. He got demoted to a naval officer after the First Strife of Princes, but later rose to the Minister of Justice under King Taejong’s reign. He compiled his father’s works and published Sambong-Jip (삼봉집 三峰集 ‘The collection of Sambong’s writings’).

In Tree with Deep Roots, Jung Do-Jeon’s younger brother (Jung Do-Gwang), Jung Do-Jeon’s nephew (Jung Gi-Joon), and Milbon (Hidden Roots) members have survived from the coup and continued to lurk in the shadow for a long time. All of them are fictional characters created by SFD writers.



Bang-Won : You must take the throne, right now. Father will vacate the throne.
Bang-Gwa : Bang-Won, I don’t have a son from my wife. I don’t want it. Do you know that?
Bang-Won : I will respect your thoughtful decision.




■ King Jeongjong 정종 定宗 (1357~1419 / reign : 1398~1400)




The day after the coup (August 27, 1398), Yi Bang-Won sent a messenger to call Yi Bang-Gwa back to the palace and offered the Crown Prince’s position to him.

The ostensible reason for the First Strife of Princes was “Depose the second wife’s son! Establish the legitimate eldest son of the first wife as the Crown Prince!” It didn’t make sense because Queen Shindeok (Lady Gang, Bang-Seok’s mother) was also a legitimate wife, but Yi Bang-Won’s side completely ignored the fact and insisted that Bang-Beon and Bang-Seok are children of a concubine.

At that time, the legitimate eldest son was Yi Bang-Gwa (이방과 李芳果). As he didn’t have any ambition to be King, he declined Bang-Won’s offer in the beginning but finally accepted it. He might be fully aware that he would become a transitional ruler like King Gongyang to make Bang-Won King in the end.

Bang-Gwa had many sons from his concubines, but his lawful wife (he loved her so much!) didn’t have any son. Based on the coup’s motto, Bang-Gwa’s illegitimate sons couldn’t claim to be the heir to the kingdom. No doubt it was calculated move from Bang-Won to lull many people’s animosity toward himself as well as to guarantee his succession to the kingdom.

King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) handed over the crown to Bang-Gwa on September 5, 1398. It was 10 days after the First Strife of Princes. King Jeongjong (Yi Bang-Gwa) entrusted the state affairs to his younger brother Bang-Won and enjoyed playing Gyeokgoo (격구 擊毬, a kind of polo) during his reign. It must be his intentional appeal to Bang-Won that he had no ambition to own the kingdom.

Two years later, he finally abdicated to Bang-Won and lived a free life for 18 years until he died.





■ The First Strife of Princes - Part 3. Victims




◉ Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok 이방석 李芳碩 (1382~1398)

On August 27 of 1398, Bang-Won forced Jo Joon and Dodang ministers to write a petition to replace the Crown prince. At that moment, Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok was still alive and standing by his father’s sickbed. King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) immediately granted it to save his youngest son’s life. Nonetheless, when reading the royal order written by Dodang ministers which calls his soul mate Sambong “a Traitor”, King Taejo bitterly shed tears and said “There seems to be something in my throat. My chest is blocked up.”

Dodang insisted that the deposed Crown prince should be expelled from the palace. Yi Bang-Seok made his last deep bow to his father and left the palace even though his wife tried to stop him. He told her “My brothers promised to spare my life. So, Don’t worry”. However, as soon as he went outside of the west gate of the palace, he was immediately killed by an assassin sent by Yi Geo-Yi, Yi Jeo, and Jo Park. He was 16 and had a baby son from his wife (Shim Hyo-Saeng’s daughter).

There are another version of his death in “unofficial” history. It says Bang-Won threw him into a well inside the palace even though he was still alive. Jung Do-Jeon (2014, KBS) and Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS) described that Bang-Won killed Bang-Seok with his own sword.

◉ Yi Bang-Beon 이방번 李芳蕃 (1381~1398)

The madness went on. Dodang also insisted that Yi Bang-Beon (Yi Seong-Gye’s 7th son from Queen Shindeok) should also be expelled from the palace. King Taejo thought they wouldn’t kill him because he was not the Crown Prince. Bang-Won didn’t have any intention to kill him, so he personally said good-bye and sent him off in front of the palace gate. However, Bang-Gan (Yi Seong-Gye’s 4th son) and his follower Yi Baek-Gyeong sent an assassin and killed him in Yanghwado island.

◉ Yi Je 이제 李濟 (1365~1398)

Yi Je didn’t appear in SFD. He was the husband of Princess Gyeongsoon (경순공주 慶順公主) who was Queen Shindeok’s daughter and Crown Prince Bang-Seok’s uterine sister. So to speak, Yi Je was King Taejo’s most favorite son-in-law.

When the coup broke out, Yi Je insisted on fighting back against Bang-Won but the king compelled him to give up fighting. After he came back home, his wife persuaded him to join Yi Bang-Won’s side, but he didn’t listen to her. As a result, he was murdered in his house by Yi Bang-Won’s soldiers. When King Taejo heard about his death, he couldn’t contain his sorrow and beat his chest.


◉ Nam Eun 남은 南誾 (1354-1398)

Nam Eun survived from the massacre in Songhyeonbang. He fled with his entourage and was hiding outside the capital for a while. Despite his entourage’s objection, he decided to turn himself in to the prison. He thought he could avoid being killed not only because he’d never contrived to get himself disliked but also because Bang-Won liked him personally.

However, he was executed by beheading. Nam Eun’s death seems to be against Bang-Won’s will, because he missed Nam Eun many times after becoming King. According to the annals, Bang-Won praised the royalty of Nam Eun’s entourage and gave them government posts. He also saved the life of Nam Jae who was Nam Eun’s elder brother.

Yi Shin-Jeok is a fictional character. Therefore, it is a fiction that he killed Nam Eun for the sake of Milbon’s survival in SFD.





■ Episode 47~48  Brief Timeline (Lunar Calendar)



  • August 26, The first strife of Princes.
  • Yi Bang-Won killed Prime minister Jung Do-Jeon, his colleague Nam Eun, and Crown prince Yi Bang-Seok.
  • In September, King Taejo handed over the crown to his second son Yi Bang-Gwa (King Jeongjong, the 2nd king of the Joseon Dynasty), but the actual power was in Yi Bang-Won’s hand.
  • October 3, Hongwu Emperor’s death was delivered to the Joseon court. 


Full Timeline is here. → Six Flying Dragons Timeline (Updated up to ep. 48)

■ The List of SFD Historical Info


Edited by Tinkiebell
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The historical background to help understand Ep. 49~50



Monk Jeokryong : I heard that private trading activities will be banned as well. So I’m thinking of becoming a pedlar.
Ha Ryun : A pedlar? You’ll become a itinerant vendor?
Monk Jeokryong : I want to create a big union for Joseon’s pedlars. Will you help me?
Ha Ryun : If you and I can both benefit from it. Then I guess you can no longer use your Buddhist name, Jeokryong.
Monk Jeokryong : Yes, that’s right.
Ha Ryun : Then how could I address you from now on?
Monk Jeokryong : My given birth name was Baek Dal-Won. You can call me by that name.


■ Baek Dal-Won 백달원 白達元 (?~?)




Bobusang (보부상 褓負商, Korean pedlars) is a traveling vendor of goods in the countryside to small towns and villages. Baek Dal-Won (백달원 白達元) is the man who established pedlars’ labor union for the first time in the Korean history.

In the history, when Yi Seong-Gye was a local governor in Hamju area, he was badly wounded during a battle against Jurchen tribes. As the situation was critical, a traveling vendor put Yi Seong-Gye on his A-frame used to carry cargo and saved his life. Since then, pedlars had played an important role to help Yi Seong-Gye found Joseon. Baek Dal-Won, the pedlar who saved Yi Seong-Gye’s life, became their union leader and swore his pledge to Joseon government. As a result, they were rewarded with the monopoly of commercial activities in the country as well as the support of the government officials. It was Joseon version of back-scratching alliance of government and businesses.

In its heyday, the membership of the pedlars’ union numbered nearly 2 million in 3 thousands markets all over the country. In national crisis like wars against Japan and Qing China, they transported provision, spied out the enemy’s movement, and sometimes directly participated in the battles. However, in the later Joseon period, they often worked as corrupt government informants to harrass the people.



King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa) : Bang-Gan, that idiot! Did he think he could lead a coupt d'etat?
Yi Ji-Ran : Still, it’s a good thing Prince Jeongan kept his brother alive.
King Jeongjong : In this troubled times, you’re still looking after your brother who tried to kill you. You’ll set a great example.
Yi Bang-Won : You are very generous, Your Majesty.
King Jeongjong : Prince Jeongan… no, Bang-Won. Let me take a rest. I’ll abdicate the throne.




■ The Second Strife of Princes  (January, 1400)




Also know as Park Po’s rebellion (박포의 난). General Park Po (박포 朴苞, ?~1400) was disappointed by Yi Bang-Won for not rewarding him enough for his action in the First Strife of Princes, and instigated Yi Bang-Gan to raise an army against his younger brother Yi Bang-Won.

However, on the date of the coup, Park Po stayed at home and didn’t participate in the battle at all. It was carried out by Yi Bang-Gan from beginning to end, but King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa) and Bang-Won left poor Park Po holding the bag in order to save their brother’s life.



Bang-Gan conspired with his followers to raise an army on January 28, 1400. It was a day for royal family to go out hunting animals which would be offered as a sacrifice for the national ritual. However, one of his followers, Yi Rae (이래 李來), wanted to stop him and spilt the beans to his teacher Woo Hyeon-Bo (우현보 禹玄寶, 1333~1400). Woo Hyeon-Bo informed Yi Bang-Won of the plan. As a result, the whole plan was already leaked to Bang-Won in advance.



Bang-Won was in control of the situation but assumed ignorance. Bang-Gan confidently informed his father (Yi Seong-Gye) and King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa) that he raised an army to stand resolute for justice, but received only snarky reponses from both of them.

“You daft cow! Do you have any different mother or father from Bang-Won’s? Stop it, right now!” (from his father, Yi Seong-Gye)

“You idiot! Do you really think that you can win victory over Bang-Won? If you turn yourself in, I’ll try my best to spare your life. Come back to the palace, immediately!” (from his elder brother King Jeongjong).

Bang-Gan was offended at their cold responses, but he didn’t give up. (LOL)

At that time, Joseon’s capital had been moved back to Gaegyung. The two brothers were standing face to face across Seonjuk bridge where Poeun had been killed by Bang-Won 8 years ago. Before the battle, Bang-Won performed a great one-man-show by shedding tears and delivering a moving address in front of his soldiers. “How can I fight with my brother! Curse my fate! No one can hurt my brother. Do you understand?” (LOL)

After arrows rained upon them and several soldiers were killed, Bang-Won easily defeated Bang-Gan’s forces. Bang-Gan fled away but soon broke down from exhaustion. He was arrested, and confessed as he was told that it was Park Po who incited him to fight against Bang-Won. It was all Park Po’s fault!

Well, Bang-Gan was serious but the whole situation was like a comedy. Bang-Won refused to execute his brother and sent him into exile. Instead, poor Park Po who did nothing was executed. Bang-Gan had lived comfortably in banishment until he died of an illness in 1421.  

Three days after the Second Strife of Princes ( February 1, 1400), King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa) accepted Ha Ryun’s petition and named Yi Bang-Won as his crown prince. In November, King Jeongjong abdicated and Yi Bang-Won finally ascended the throne. (* King Taejong, the 3rd king of the Joseon Dynasty).



King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) : Order Min Moo-Gu and Min Moo-Jil to kill themselves.
Queen Wongyeong (Lady Min) : How can you do this? Are you trying to kill everyone in my family? I am a member of Min clan, too. You should kill me, too. Who hid the weapons in Banchon? Who supported you to raise your private army? If it weren’t for our Min clan, would you think you be sitting in that chair right now?
King Taejong  : My queen…
Queen Wongyeong  : Am I wrong?
King Taejong  : They said they Prince Hyoryeong and Prince Chungnyeong had to be removed to protect the Crown Prince. Hyoryeong and Chungnyeong are your sons, aren’t they? (* Hyoryeong (2nd son), Chungnyeong (3rd son))
Queen Wongyeong : Ha! That’s not the reason, isn’t it? You did it because you have to have the power alone. Do you think I don’t know you?
King Taejong  : If you know it, you should be careful, too.



■ The collapse of Min Clan and Queen Wongyeong (원경왕후 元敬王后, 1365~1420)


Lady Min (Queen Wongyeong) had 4 younger brothers.

  • Min Moo-Gu 민무구 閔無咎 (?~1410)
  • Min Moo-Jil 민무질 閔無疾  (?∼1410)
  • Min Moo-Hyul 민무휼 閔無恤 (?∼1416)
  • Min Moo-Hwae 민무회 閔無悔 (?~1416)




Moo-Gu and Moo-Jil played a pivotal role in the First Strife of Princes by helping their sister to hide weapons as well as by contacting Yi Sook-Beon to mobilize his troops in the capital. They were regarded as one of the biggest contributors to make Yi Bang-Won King.

Lady Min’s first 3 sons died as infants. When Yi Je / Prince Yangnyeong (양녕대군 이제 讓寧大君 李褆, 1394~1462) was born, she made the baby boy raised in her Min family’s house in the hope that he would grow healthy and strong. As a result, Crown Prince Yangnyeong was maintaining the closest relation with his maternal uncles unlike his younger brothers.

The Crown Prince was somewhat truculent toward his father King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won). It was no wonder because he had watched his ungrateful father ignore his mother’s contribution as well as accept so many concubines all at once to keep Min clan’s power in check. Yesterday’s ally became today’s enemy. As the marital discord between King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong got worse day by day, Min brothers had a secret desire to establish their nephew (Prince Yangnyeong) as a new King for their benefits.

In short, it was a conflict between King Taejong and the Queen’s family surrounding the Crown prince Yangnyeong. King Taejong sticked to primogeniture and favored the eldest son as his successor, even though he already knew his 3rd son Prince Chungnyeong (Yi Do) was far better than him. However, according to the Annals of Joseon Dynasty, King Taejong worried about his other sons because he knew Min brothers had an intention to get rid of them in order to protect the Crown prince. Actually, King Taejong even told his ministers “Do they want to kill all the princes except for the eldest one?”  

In August 1406, King Taejong (Bang-Won) declared that he would abdicate the throne to 12-year-old Crown Prince Yangnyeong. Of course, the ministers petitioned for the king to withdraw the decision. It was obvious that they would find themselves between two fires. If they support the abdication, they will be fingered as someone to watch by the current king. If they oppose it, they will be hated by the future king and Min clan. Not knowing that King Taejong was testing their loyalty, Min brothers asked the queen to accept the abdication, but Lady Min refused to do so because she was wary of the king’s real intention. In the end, the king withdrew it, but Min brothers were sent into exile only because they didn’t actively opposed to the abdication. The ostensible reason was “They tried to seize the power by establishing the little Crown prince as their puppet.” It was King Taejong’s political machination to get rid of Min clan from the beginning. The queen lost her temper and let off steam that her husband betrayed her, but she couldn’t do anything.

One of the reasons why King Taejong decided to eliminate Min clan was that they tried to marry the Crown Prince off to a Ming princess. You may remember that Bang-Won gained support from Ming China to fight against Jung Do-Jeon. Min clan planned exactly the same thing, and King Taejong couldn’t forgive them for repeating the mistake of Goryeo dynasty. (Every Goryeo king had to marry a Mongolian princess in the past) No sooner had his reverend father-in-law Min Je died of old age than King Taejong ordered Min brothers in exile to commit suicide.

The queen’s remaining two brothers, Min Moo-Hyul (민무휼 閔無恤) and Min Moo-Hwae (민무회 閔無悔), were also exiled in 1416 because the king found out they personally asked the Crown Prince to take care of Min clan. Not much later, some new facts were revealed that they had been involved with the queen’s cruelty to the king’s concubine Lady Kim / Consort Hyobin (효빈 김씨 孝嬪 金氏, ?~1454) and Prince Gyeongnyeong (경녕군 敬寧君).

Before Bang-Won ascended to the throne, he fell for a beautiful servant girl in his private residence. (Many viewers suspected Boon-Yi would be her, but it turned out to be false in the end.) Lady Min asked his brothers to throw the girl and her new-born infant out in the frigid winter weather without a blanket. The mother and baby barely escaped death, and the truth had been buried for over 10 years.

King Taejong hit the ceiling when he knew about the truth and tried to depose the queen for that matter. However, he changed his mind after the former King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa) held him back, saying “My wife and I live very happily even though she has no son. Your wife gave you so many children. Please, be patient thinking of them.” King Taejong gave up the deposition of the queen, but instead he ordered her brothers to kill themselves.

Therefore, the grandiose political fight between husband and wife ended up in 1416 with Min clan’s collapse. The Crown prince was also deposed in 1418 due to some issues with women. Queen Wongyeong opposed to the deposition, but she had no power to stop the king. She hated her husband to the death. She died in 1420, and King Taejong followed her 2 years later.


Heonin-reung (헌인릉 獻仁陵) : The royal tombs of King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong. They were buried side by side, which was King Sejong’s earnest wish that his parents would get along amicably in the afterlife.



Yi Bang-Won (King Taejong) : Remove the books in this room.
Yi Do (Prince Chungnyeong) : Father, please let me continue reading.
Yi Bang-Won : I said you can’t do that.
Yi Do : I’ll not do any harm to the Crown Prince’s future. I have no other motives.
Yi Bang-Won : The Crown Prince took 6 years to study those books, but you finished studying them in two months. That in itself will do harm to the Crown Prince.
Yi Do : But Father, I can’t just go on with my life doing nothing.
Yi Bang-Won : What?
Yi Do : Since I am alive, I have to do something.


Yi Bang-Won : He is my third son, Yi Do.
Moo-Hyul : Your Highness.
Yi Bang-Won : He is a peculiar child.
Moo-Hyul : What do you mean?
Yi Bang-Won : He is not so much like me. He is more like the people I miss.




■ King Sejong the Great 세종대왕 世宗大王 (1397~1450)




The greatest king in the history of Korea. King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong’s 3rd son. His birth name is Yi Do (이도 李裪), and his royal title is Prince Chungnyeong (충녕대군 忠寧大君), later known as King Sejong the Great (세종대왕 世宗大王, 1397~1450). He is the protagonist of SFD’s sequel drama, Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS).

His eldest brother, Prince Yangnyeong (양녕대군 讓寧大君), was the Crown Prince in the beginning. Except for the Crown Prince, most princes was not able to participate in politics. Yi Do was too smart, which was perceived as a significant threat to the Crown Prince supported by Min Clan.

It is historically true that King Taejong removed all the books from Yi Do’s room. However, the annals explain that the king did so because he worried about the prince’s health. He seemed to feel sorry for his third son who couldn’t participate in politics, and tried to turn his son’s attention the other way like music, drawing, collecting rocks, etc. Ironically, as a result, Yi Do became an expert in various academic endeavors like linguistics, law, music, philosophy, astronomy, engineering, national defense, agriculture etc.

The scholar king’s greatest achievement was creating the phonetic alphabet (Hangul) as a linguist. It was intended to eradicate illiteracy of the people in spite of ruling Sadaebu’s strong opposition.

In SFD universe, the writers wanted to describe him as the incarnation of the six dragons’ dreams. He is an exact portrait of his father’s younger version (Yi Bang-Won). He is as sincere and prudent as his grandfather (Yi Seong-Gye) and as desperate and passionate as Boon-Yi. He has the same thoughts as Sambong, and understands and sympathizes with people like Bang-Ji (Kang Chae-Yoon in TWDR). It is symbolic that Moo-Hyul will be his protector in TWDR. The writers seem to say that the six dragons’ dreams will be completed with Yi Do in the future.



■ Jung Do-Jeon’s grave




The exact location of Sambong’s burial ground had been missing for over 600 years. In 1989, Hanyang university research staff started to search Umyeon mountain (우면산 牛眠山) in Seocho-gu, Seoul, based on some historical records. They found out an centuries-old grave with no memorial stone. The body bones of the tomb’s owner were missing but his skull and white porcelains still remained inside the grave. The tomb’s owner seemed to have his head cut off like Jung Do-Jeon, but the research staff couldn’t find any further evidence to confirm him as Jung Do-Jeon. In the end, Jung Do-Jeon’s descendents determined to keep the skull in their family shrine, saying that even if he is not Jung Do-Jeon he deserves to be respected as one of our country’s ancestors.



King Taejong : General Yi Jong-Moo.
Yi Jong-Moo : Yes, Your Majesty.
King Taejong : Where are the Japanese pirates based in this area?
Yi Jong-Moo : It is Tsushima island, Your Majesty.
King Taejong : Make a plan to burn down Tsushima.
Yi Jong-Moo : Yes, we will do that, Your Majesty.
Moo-Hyul : Is it because of Lady Boon-Yi? Is that why you want to conquer Tsushima?
King Taejong : Do you think there’s still romance left in me?



■ Tsushima Expedition 대마도 정벌 對馬島征伐 (June, 1419)




Also known as Gihae Dongjeong (기해동정 己亥東征, meaning ‘The Eastern expedition in the year of Gihae (1419)’). It was a 1419 invasion from Joseon against pirate bases on Tsushima Island (대마도 對馬島) of Japan.

Joseon navy led by General Yi Jong-Moo (이종무 李從茂, 1360~1425) eliminate Japanese pirates and their ships, which brought peace to Joseon for over 100 years.

The Tsushima expedition was carried out after King Taejong abdicated the throne to his 3rd son King Sejong, but the actual military power was still in King Taejong’s hands at that time. Therefore, it was regarded as the last accomplishment of King Taejong before he died in 1422.





■ Episode 49~50  Brief Timeline (Lunar Calendar)



  • In March, King Jeongjong moved the capital back to Gaegyung.
  • Auguts 8, the civil war between the Jianwen Emperor and his uncle Zhu Di (Prince of Yan) broke out in Ming China. It lasted for about 4 years. (* Jingnan Rebellion 1399~1402)


  • January 28, The second strife of Princes.
  • Yi Bang-Gan (King Taejo’s 4th son) rebelled against his younger brother Yi Bang-Won but his coup ended in failure.
  • Yi Bang-Gan was exiled. Yi Bang-Won refused to execute his elder brother, so Bang-Gan had lived comfortably until he died of an illness in 1421.
  • February 1, King Jeongjong accepted Ha Ryun’s petition and named Yi Bang-Won as his successor.
  • In November, King Jeongjong abdicated and Yi Bang-Won finally ascended the throne. (King Taejong, the 3rd king of the Joseon Dynasty).


  • Jo Mal-Saeng passed the civil service exam, and became a government officer.


  • April 9, Yi Ji-Ran died.
  • Jo Sa-Eu’s rebellion : King Taejo (Yi Seong-Gye) incited his queen’s relative Jo Sa-Eu to raise an army in Hamju to avenge King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) but it ended in a huge defeat.
  • Zhu Di defeated his nephew and ascended the throne. (* Yongle Emperor,  the 3rd Emperor of Ming China)


  • In October, The capital city was moved back to Hanyang (Seoul) again.
  • Jo Joon died.


  • Queen Wongyeong (Lady Min)’s two brothers (Min Moo-Gu and Min Moo-Jil) were exiled.


  • Yi Seong-Gye (King Taejo, the founder of Joseon dynasty) died of old age.
  • Min Je (Yi Bang-Won’s father-in-law) died of an illness.


  • In March, Queen Wongyeong (Lady Min)’s two brothers (Min Moo-Gu and Min Moo-Jil) were forced to commit suicide in their exile places.


  • In December, King Taejong tried to depose his lawful wife Queen Wongyeong, but withdrew his decision because of his elder brother King Jeongjong (Bang-Gwa)’s dissuasion.


  • King Taejong ordered Min Moo-Hwae and Min Moo-Hyul to commit suicide in their exile places.
  • November 24, Ha Ryun died of old age.


  • In August, King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) abdicated the throne to his 3rd son King Sejong the Great (Yi Do). But he continued to rule with an iron fist. <- Tree with Deep Roots (2011) begins here!


  • In June, the Tsushima expedition. General Yi Jong-Moo eliminated Japanese pirates on Tsushima island, which brought peace to Joseon for over 100 years.
  • September 25, King Jeongjong (Yi Bang-Gwa) died.


  • July 10, Queen Wongyeong (King Taejong’s wife, Lady Min) died.


  • March 9, Yi Bang-Gan died of an illness.


  • May 10, King Taejong (Yi Bang-Won) died.



Full Timeline is here. → Six Flying Dragons Timeline (Updated up to ep. 50)

■ The List of SFD Historical Info



Edited by Tinkiebell
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@homura Thank you so much for all the historical background and personal insights that you have shared with us. You have been a true godsend to all of us in this remarkable journey through history.

Based on what you shared, while JDJ was villified as a traitor, his works and teachings remained intact and preserved even during King Taejong's reign, meaning what young Yi Do avidly read and completed within two months were supposed to have been JDJ's works?

How I love the symbolism you described, that Yi Do was the embodiment of every part of the 6 dragons preceding him:

In SFD universe, the writers wanted to describe him as the incarnation of the six dragons’ dreams. He is an exact portrait of his father’s younger version (Yi Bang-Won). He is as sincere and prudent as his grandfather (Yi Seong-Gye) and as desperate and passionate as Boon-Yi. He has the same thoughts as Sambong, and understands and sympathizes with people like Bang-Ji (Kang Chae-Yoon in TWDR). It is symbolic that Moo-Hyul will be his protector in TWDR. The writers seem to say that the six dragons’ dreams will be completed with Yi Do in the future.

Truly moving and achingly beautiful... and I cannot stop myself from tearing up... thank you.

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Thank you @homura for all your details... Even thought it's 50 episode like not enough ....YBW is a complex person he do what he have to do... But when I read about his personal life I realized that he not a happy person lucky he have Yi Do to continue what he can't finish.  I love to watch just about YBW love life from homura translation it's quite interesting did he manage to look for his lost son.


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2 hours ago, homura said:

:fearful: wow.... Thanks for modifying my too much long historical background posts.


Its amazing how you spent the time giving us all these information for all 50 eps of SFD.  Takes passion and tenaciousness and we are so grateful that you have chosen us to share this info and time with.

Thank you thank you thank you.  The experience of watching tis epic drama was made even more memorable with your historical guidance.

정말 정말 고맙습니다! ^^

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Thk u @homura I just simplify about YBW personal life only...the truth is I keep reading your information over and over again I think I obsessed  with YBA or ah in I'm not sure.....from my heart thk u for your effort I wish I can read the annal ,thk u again 


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SSK is doing an interview about her character BY and SFD 

'육룡이' 신세경 "분이는 난세 속 희망…제 역량부족 아쉬워"



cr: http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/03/28/0200000000AKR20160328138400033.HTML?ed434ee8

i think its about how her character endured through all the upheaval of that time and survived  - but im not sure, hope someone will translate

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Six Flying Dragons Episodes 49 and 50 Recap (Final): All Dragons Rise High and Fly Solo.

by Unnichan (drama fever)

Well Flyers, it's time to bid farewell to one the best sageuks around, as our dragons say their final goodbyes but if there is one this that Taleena, Amy and I agree on wholeheartedly, it's that Six Flying Dragons stayed true to its trajectory and never lost sight of its overall goal. It's with a heavy heart that we leave our dragons to slip back into the pages of history but we are satisfied that they never lost sight of who they were or what they wanted to achieve, no matter the cost.
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On 3/26/2016 at 8:35 PM, adikkeluangman said:

It really heartwarming and how Korean love their historical dramas/movies. Even the historical places that they used are the original or they only need to maintain of it. And also to see non-Korean get interested in Korea history. If only my country drama industry interested to do this kind of drama just for the sake of knowledge and history. 

@adikkeluangman I absolutely agree with you. I think we're from the same country, and I also wish the same. Good quality historical dramas that can enlighten the people on our own history - I wish someone would do that, instead of the spate of ridiculous rom-coms with silly names that have invaded the TV channels off late. I became so interested in Korean history, and can rattle off such foreign names with ease especially thanks to great historical dramas such as SFD and TWDR. It's a shame we don't have such dramas in our country - I know my kids would be more interested in history if we had them. 

@homura I would like to echo everyone else here to thank you for all your wonderful write-ups. Reading your Background on 47-48, and 49-50 made me so sad because it is already the end. I still can't say goodbye to our Dragons! Sob!

Like @liddi, I was particularly moved by your summing up of Yi Do as the incarnation of the six dragons’ dreams. Well said, and so well described. One of my favorite lines from Ep 50, has to be when BW introduced the young prince to his future bodyguard MH, and described him as 'peculiar, and not like him but like all the people he missed.' It goes to show, that despite having no choice but to kill JDJ, Sambong remained as his 'man among men', and is proved by him going on to continue Sambong's plans in building Joseon. It really does sadden me though, that to this day, JDJ's final resting place has never been definitely determined. He was indeed a true genius, a man way before his time, and deserves all the accolades he is finally being given today. 

I also agree with you @PrincessMe2515 - well written and well described post on YBW! He was probably the best ruler for Joseon in those turbulent times. Someone with a softer heart and a weaker resolution may not have survived all the political shenanigans of the time. He had to rule with an iron fist to ensure the perpetuation of the Yi Family in ruling Joseon, and perhaps because of that he was able to ensure that the common people could continue their livelihood in peace and prosperity, and also enabled such a great successor in Yi Do to grow up so intelligent and progressive. Ironically, I am now at Tree Episode 4, and during the deathbed scene of King Taejong, after Yi Do tells off the King for taunting him with 'The King of Joseon has no time for idling', the ailing former King tells his son firmly to accomplish his plans. Because if he does, then putting Yi Do on the throne will be Taejong's greatest accomplishment. Which it was. Yi Do answers that it will become a fact, and Taejong dies with a satisfied smile on his face. 

Thank you @liddi and @oohhkkay for translating the various interviews... I look forward to your translated post too, if that's possible @oohhkkay, because I am certain it will be a great read. And I'm envious... you're going to Korea soon. I've been before, but would love to again - and would definitely want to visit YBW's tomb, as well as General Choi Young, whom I loved from Faith. I'm sure you will have a great time!

I'm not leaving the thread just yet, still too hard to say goodbye.. but just in case, HUGS TO YOU ALL!!

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'Six Flying Dragons' Shin Sekyung describes Yoo Ah In, Byun Yohan, and Yoon Gyunsang


[Naver: Herald Pop] Shin Sekyung: "Tactful Yoo Ah In, Dependable Byun Yohan, Considerate Yoon Gyunsang" (interview)

1. [+793, -26] I feel like every actor that worked with Yoo Ah In describe him as tactful and considerate...

2. [+581, 27] General Boon Yi... I enjoyed the drama thanks to you

3. [+488, -31] Her acting got a lot better and her looks too ㄷㄷ

4. [+426, -26] Moo Hyul is love..

5. [+400, -29] I also want to meet dependable Yohan..

6. [+101, -5] What a perfect environment for working overtime.. ㅠㅠ

7. [+101, -6] General Boon Yi is pretty. It's a Monday where I miss Bangwon and Nangmanie. I've got the severe case of the Monday blues ㅜㅜ Tactful and considerate Bangwon, cutie Hyulie, and dependable Bangji. I miss these pretties ㅠㅠ

8. [+87, -2] Yoo Ah In's acting in Sado and Six Flying Dragons left a big impression. He matches the historical genre really well.

9. [+77, -4] I can't believe she got to work with Yoo Ah In on two projects. I'm jelly ㅠㅠ

10. [+65, -4] I love Yoo Ah In ♡♡♡♡

cr: netizen

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Shin Se-kyung promises to visit Yoo Ah-in in Army

By Kim Ji-young (kpop herald)


Actress Shin Se-kyung promised Yoo Ah-in she would visit him once he enlists in the Korean military, in a recent interview with a local media outlet.

“I‘m not sure if Yoo Ah-in is really giving much thought about the enlistment,” she said. 

“If he allows it, I’ll surely visit him once he‘s in the Army. Possibly with a picnic box.”

The two celebrities have continued their close friendship since 2012, while starring in the TV drama series “Fashion King.” The two met once again in the recent historical fiction drama “Six Flying Dragons,” as the male and female lead characters.


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20 hours ago, azzurri said:

Thank you @liddi and @oohhkkay for translating the various interviews... I look forward to your translated post too, if that's possible @oohhkkay, because I am certain it will be a great read. And I'm envious... you're going to Korea soon. I've been before, but would love to again - and would definitely want to visit YBW's tomb, as well as General Choi Young, whom I loved from Faith. I'm sure you will have a great time!


You like Faith too! I was crazy about Faith then when it was aired, and I thought about going to Choi Young's tomb (but I didn't haha). I went to quite a few of the drama filming places of Faith though. And in one of them, I happened to meet LMH when he was there being interviewed by a Japanese program. hahahahahahaha, that was one of the most memorable things that I have encountered in Korea.


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