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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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28 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

I'd like to see how KMY will get her way. Heh. She always somehow does, doesn't she? Someone on the thread has mentioned before, and I do think this to be very true - YSJ does not have the upper hand in this relationship, and not just in terms of his job in comparison to hers, but that he willingly does not challenge her or attempt to assert any form of authority over her even - as in your story - when he's assumed the position of head of house. Somehow that's what makes him very endearing, to me at least. That he's so in charge out there, but when it comes to KMY, he gives in because he knows it matters to her just speaks of how much he loves her that he feels no need to wrestle with her, neither on small things (such as Red Velvet. Heh.) nor on big things as with their son's career choice. 


Argh, despite the fact that I said I didn't have any more ideas in me -- and really, I don't -- I find myself writing some more.  It's a lot more slow going this time around because unlike last night when I had a clear picture of the story I wanted to tell, I'm feeling my way around here.  I'll keep you all posted. 

As for KMY having the upper hand in their relationship, yes!   It's equally true of YMJ and SDY.  I, too, love how the men are so in control of everything else around them, except for their women.  Even if you compare the chicken/YG oppa incident to the care package incident, you'll notice the women didn't get called to the carpet half as much as the men did with the care package.  I mean, for parts of that conversation, it was SDY and YSJ griping about YG oppa and how he played with the feelings of both women.  With the care package, it was the men who got ALL the griping.  :P 

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1 hour ago, themarchioness said:


Technically true, but I also think he didn't need to say when because the implication was he was talking about, from that moment, YSJ had three hours.  I mean it doesn't make much sense to say, "I'll give you three hours but you get back to me as to when you'd like those three hours to begin and I'll start my clock then."  That's just . . . weird.  And, in fact, we did see YSJ begin making preparations immediately so I think it was understood the clock had already started running.

It's not really a big deal, even if it is an inconsistency, it's just something I noticed -- and it did require multiple rewatches before I even reached that point.  It clearly does not hamper my viewing experience.  ;)

I agree - there are lots of inconsistencies and flaws but it doesn't affect the flow of the events.  And it doesn't affect my viewing experience too.  Not everything has to be explained - taking for example the time they were 'allegedly killed' in episode 15.  They were supposed to be imprisoned for 150 days - and others were commenting about how come KMY was celebrating YSJ first year of his death when they were only gone for 150 days..  Just because it was mentioned they were imprisoned for 150 days doesn't mean they got out after 150 days - of course, there is the negotiation process, their recovery, etc.  In some dramas, you see something on the screen like 'after 2 years', etc.- that didn't happen in DOTS.   It all depends on how we understand the situation and then interpret them in our own way. 

BTW - the funny doctor's name is Song Seung Hun, right?

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3 minutes ago, viyra said:

I agree - there are lots of inconsistencies and flaws but it doesn't affect the flow of the events.  And it doesn't affect my viewing experience too.  Not everything has to be explained - taking for example the time they were 'allegedly killed' in episode 15.  They were supposed to be imprisoned for 150 days - and others were commenting about how come KMY was celebrating YSJ first year of his death when they were only gone for 150 days..  Just because it was mentioned they were imprisoned for 150 days doesn't mean they got out after 150 days - of course, there is the negotiation process, their recovery, etc.  In some dramas, you see something on the screen like 'after 2 years', etc.- that didn't happen in DOTS.   It all depends on how we understand the situation and then interpret them in our own way. 

BTW - the funny doctor's name is Song Seung Hun, right?


I totally agree.

And yes, that's the funny doctor's name, although I've seen it spelled/romanized more commonly as: Song Sang-Hyun

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1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

I'd like to see how KMY will get her way. Heh. She always somehow does, doesn't she? Someone on the thread has mentioned before, and I do think this to be very true - YSJ does not have the upper hand in this relationship, and not just in terms of his job in comparison to hers, but that he willingly does not challenge her or attempt to assert any form of authority over her even - as in your story - when he's assumed the position of head of house. Somehow that's what makes him very endearing, to me at least. That he's so in charge out there, but when it comes to KMY, he gives in because he knows it matters to her just speaks of how much he loves her that he feels no need to wrestle with her, neither on small things (such as Red Velvet. Heh.) nor on big things as with their son's career choice. 

I am so agree with this. That's what I love about their relationship. He never pushed his ideas to her and he respect her opinion or decision so much. Where to find a guy like him? No wonder he easily captured the hearts of millions of women on earth. 

Ok, now that you guys talked about the 3 hours given to SJ by Gen Yoon, I just realized it, lol. He gave him the three hours in the day light and he needs to be in Argus mansion at 2 AM? I forgot. He will do it a civilian. But I think when SDY and Alpha Team come to the rescue he said now they are in black operation and act as Alpha Team, so it means the mission is authorized (?) while SJ initially will act as a civilian in rescuing MY. I don't know if I make any sense here. So the 3 hours limit is no longer applicable since they have been authorized to perform the black operation, heh. I don't know... don't mind me I'm just rambling here 

Anyways, I used to dislike Gen Yoon, but I think ever since he gave SJ the 3 hours and how he argue with the ministry I respect him. And I feel so touched when he welcome SJ and DY with his arms wide open to hold them both, like a father who feel so grateful that his sons are alive... :wub: 


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Haha, @Ahpheng, but YSJ is Ahjussi too.  Remember, that's what Kang Min Jae kept calling him when YSJ was rescuing him from the earthquake rubble.  ;)

And is it wrong that I hope you never move on from your DotS/Song-Song obsession?  I love your strips too much.  So creative and so funny, each and every one!

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I know, I know, never say never.  Here's my second DotS fanfic that I wrote today.  I started out with the intention of writing a story about KMY and YSJ's daughter, to piggy back off the story I shared yesterday, but I ended up writing something else entirely.  I think my brain is subconsciously laying the groundwork for the other story first.  :P

Anyhow, this one's much shorter than the last, but I hope you'll still like it.  (And as always, please forgive any inaccuracies in the story.  It's all a bit of flluff anyway.)


The Perfect Day

Summary: A day in the life of Yoo Shi Jin, Kang Mo Yeon, and their family.



Kang Mo Yeon stepped onto the back porch with an arm full of beer cans and smiled.  It was on days like this she was glad she had let her husband talk her into moving out of Seoul and into the suburbs.  Sure, her commute to work was longer, but so too had been his when they’d lived in Seoul.  Now they were about halfway in between their respective workplaces.  And more importantly, out here, they had a house and space. 

It was nice to have space.  To have a place with a backyard so they could invite their friends over and have a relaxing dinner party on one of those rare occasions that her husband wasn’t flitting off to deal with some situation or another.

With the sun shining over them, the sounds of children laughing nearby, and the scent of delicious food cooking in the air, Mo Yeon didn’t think life could get any more perfect than this.

Approaching the table on the back porch, she passed around another round of beers before taking her seat next to Yoon Myung Joo.  Who would have ever expected that these one-time enemies would become such close friends.

“Did you get the email?” her friend asked.

“Email?” Mo Yeon asked.  “Ahhh, the email.  Yes, I saw the email.”

Their husbands, who’d been busy manning the grill, turned back together and asked, “What email?”

“Our medical school’s having a reunion gathering next week.”

“And yes, Yoon Gi Oppa’s going to be there,” Myung Joo finished.

“Yah!  Did you have to go there?” Mo Yeong shot her a dirty look.

“They would’ve asked anyway.”  Myung Joo shrugged nonchalantly and pointed her beer can at the men who were, indeed, already standing with their arms crossed and not looking happy.

“Oh my gosh, seriously,” Mo Yeong said exasperatedly.  “It’s been how many years now?  And we married you and you.  Dumb and Dumber!  Not Yoon Gi Oppa.”

“She seems awfully excited to be seeing her Joon Gi Oppa again,” Shi Jin muttered.

“Maybe we should go to the reunion and finally meet this Yoon Gi Oppa,” Dae Young suggested.

“He was too cowardly to attend either of our weddings,” Shi Jin agreed.

“I’ve always wanted to catch him and go do an FEO (Forcible Entry Operation) on him.”

“You’d better not.  Don’t you dare,” Myung Joo told her husband.

“I’m sure you’ll be called away on some mission by then anyway,” Mo Yeong told them.

“Oh, now you want us to get orders,” Shi Jin said.  “How convenient.”

“Maybe it’ll be to escort another girl group on base,” Dae Young said, nudging his friend with his elbow.

“That’d be nice,” Shi Jin agreed.

“YAH!” the women yelled.

Just then, a cry came from the backyard.  The men, who were already standing, immediately ran down the steps of the back porch.  The women weren’t far behind. 

They found three little boys, huddled around one girl.  Mo Yeon pushed through the crowd.  “What’s the matter?  What happened?  Let eomma take a look.  Did you hurt yourself?”

Shi Jin put his hands on his hip and looked sternly at the boys.  “What happened?”

His son, Yoo Dae Joon, hung his head.  “I’m sorry, appa.  It was an accident.”

“They pushed me!” his little sister, Yoo Da Eun, cried.

“We were playing ‘Find the Landmine’” Seo Jin Ho explained.  He was Dae Young and Myung Joo’s oldest son and the same age as Dae Joon.  Their younger son, Seo Jin Tae, who was a year younger than Da Eun, stood off to the side. 

“You always make me be the one to step on the landmine,” Da Eun yelled, still crying.  “It’s not fair, just because I’m the girl.  I hate stepping on the landmine.”

“But who else are we going to save?” her brother wanted to know.  “We’re the boys; we’re supposed to rescue you!”

Mo Yeong rolled her eyes at her husband, over the children’s heads.  This is exactly what he got for always telling his son that it was their duty to protect children, the elderly, and the beautiful. 

“It’s alright, Da Eun-ah,” she told her daughter, picking her up and carrying her back to the house.  “You’re fine.  It’s just a few scratches.  I’ll put some medicine and a bandage on it and you’ll be fine.  Don’t you know?  Eomma’s really good at that sort of thing.  She puts appa back together all the time!”

Shi Jin cuffed the back of his son’s head lightly as he herded him and the two other boys back to the porch for dinner.  “Come on.  We’ll talk about what happened out here later, but for now, the food’s ready and it’s time to eat.  Playtime is over.”


Later that night, after Dae Young and Myung Joo had left with their two sons, Shi Jin and Mo Yeong checked in on their children.  Assured they were sweetly and soundly asleep in their beds, the parents retired to the living room and leaned back against the couch together.

“Ah, that was fun today,” Mo Yeong said, stretching her arms over her head.  “But I’m exhausted.  Four kids running around?  I don’t know how my mom does it all the time.”

“She has my father to help,” pointed out.  “Speaking of our parents, where are they?”

“They’re visiting their friends.  They said they’d be back in the morning.”


“Separately, I think.  Why?  Do you think there’s something going on there?”

“I don’t know, but don’t you think it’d be weird if there was?”

“Your father and my mother?”  Mo Yeon cocked her head and thought about it for a minute.  “I don’t know, I’ve never really thought about it.  I suppose it’s only natural since they spend so much time together and now we’re all even living together.”

Shi Jin looked at her, absolutely horrified.

“What?  Don’t you think it’s nice for our parents to have some company in their old age?”

Shi Jin tried not to hyperventilate.  “Friends.  I’m just going to think of them as friends.  Very close friends.”

“Why don’t you just stop thinking about them, period, and focus on your wife instead?”

“Oh yeah?” Shi Jin asked, tuning in immediately.  “I like how that sounds.  You said you were tired, right?  How about a bath.  You like baths when you’re tired.  I can draw you one and then, maybe, I could watch?”

Mo Yeong gave her husband a long look.  “Byuntae . . .  Actually, I was going to suggest we watch a movie.  I even prepared a bottle of wine,” which she held up to show him.

“A movie with my wife and a glass of wine.  Sounds like the perfect way to end a perfect day.”


The next morning, Mo Yeong’s mother and Shi Jin’s father crept through the front door and found their children asleep on the living room couch.

Taking in the open DVD case and the empty glasses of wine on the coffee table, Mo Yeon’s mother asked, “I wonder if the movie had a happy ending or a sad ending.”

The End


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@themarchioness. ...and another couple is born, haraboji and halmoni.  It crossed my mind, after we met MY's mom, but filed it somewhere in my imagination, never mentioning it at the time, and now it just resurfaced with your fanfic.   He is a kind man and she is attractive,  what is not to like, lol. 

Kudos on both this and your fanfic a few pages ago.  Thanks for this.

same with @gilaswan and @winterbubbletea.  Love your between and after DotS fics.  

Well-thought scenarios, and great writing!   The 3 of you make spazzing so fun, and you all write so well.

@Ahpheng. Love your c-strips since day 1 to now.   You are so creative! 


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@themarchioness Love love love your fic so much. We all got what we wanted from dots, that is , a happy ending. But your story dwell deep into their happily ever after life which warms my heart. 

Btw, is it okay for their parents to get married coz in my country its considered as a taboo

Anyways, looking forward to your next fic:)

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@themarchioness love it! Please do put it on asianfanfics so we can easily return to them for multiple re-reads. :D 

about timeline issues: someone earlier asked about when YSJ met SDY and said that YMJ's story that answered KMY's question was an "error" in logic cos in the episode YSJ was running away from the soldiers mob, he said SDY was his army instructor which meant they met then, whereas YMJ said they met on that rainy day when SDY returned to the unit camp after the wedding. My take is that there is no error her because that's when YMJ knew they met, or at least that's the point from when the guys became friends; the guys however have a different perception of the starting point of their friendship, though strictly speaking they weren't yet friends when SDY was YSJ's trainer. 

But here's a timeline error which I didn't post before but I always thought it could have been better handled:

When Gen Yoon deployed Alpha Team to Urk, they were told it would be an 8mos posting, but when we next see them all in Urk, the caption said "8mos later". Yet we know thar

1. When SDY was posted back, it was considered an early and unfair reposting back - he was not meant to return that soon. 

2. This was the same for YSJ when he returned for his father's discharge from the army. 

3. The rest of the alpha team also showed no signs of seeing the end of their posting yet. 

I think it would've been more reasonable to put it as "7 mos later", though admittedly such "glitches" don't affect the overall enjoyment and appreciation of the show. Just that me being me, such things do but me some. Hahaha. 

AND, Lt Col Park (is that his rank? Dunno) - don't like him! I don't get why people like that can climb to full colonel. Hahaha... I didn't like that he wanted to push the blame of the Arab president Mubarak's potential death (if untreated) on KMY. I actually found that scene a bit illogical, honestly - shouldn't the Korean army's priority be to protect its citizens than place blame on them in such a politically tense situation? I did t like it that YSJ was punished for making such a call. It didn't seem right that such an order came from the army. Can't imagine it being an order from the Blue House actually. 

Many one with any thoughts? Clearly I just finished rewatching ep 3. ;) 

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Okay here is an interesting post I knew this thread would enjoy!  I won't post it here since I do not have permission, but I do think discussing it is fine and you can read it here. 

Ignore the Song Song shipping if you don't enjoy that, but the mention of the hay as a metaphor is pretty amusing...  and the hearty never end kisses.  :P

And guys, I'm seriously loving all the fanfic being written.  

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25 minutes ago, melissala said:

Okay here is an interesting post I knew this thread would enjoy!  I won't post it here since I do not have permission, but I do think discussing it is fine and you can read it here. 

Ignore the Song Song shipping if you don't enjoy that, but the mention of the hay as a metaphor is pretty amusing...  and the hearty never end kisses.  :P

And guys, I'm seriously loving all the fanfic being written.  

"Metaphor" doesn't sound like the right word to use. Metaphor for? :P didn't actually understood the post. Heh. 

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I think symbolism would be better to use, but I didn't think it was that deep. Thought it was just them fooling around, but some people seem confused by the hay and the meaning behind it.  Well, anyway there you go. Official word.  Imagine whatever you want about it now lol 

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1 hour ago, Mayiya said:

I'm having withdrawal symptoms of Descendants of the Sun. :(

Shi-Jin & Mo-Yeon [Descendants of the Sun MV] - HUNGER


Credit Cristina Luca 

Awww this drama was awesome. :wub:

Awwwww indeed...this is beautiful!!!! Sepanx with DOTS to the max!

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