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I just love 'Lookout' so much, it has the potential to be my fav drama 2017 :D 

@USAFarmgirlDo it, it's worth it. I love every second of it.

Regarding the hidden comment.


Interesting what words you would use. But I'm neither scared nor do I care what other poeple think. I'm not afraid of past mistakes either. I just know how things turned out in the past and what I have to do to make it better. And right now, I'm not in any position to believe in an upcoming relationship, because I just know that I'm far away from it. I'm realistic enough to know that I won't have anyone in the near future and wishful thinking won't change that.

@phikylAs if she would do that :D I just bought a pen and I'm pretty sure she already forgot me. 


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 648 @Lmangla  Thank you for joining me in subtracting your a real sweetie:wub:

Well after writing this amazing post that just got ate up by Soompi I will try this once more.... If it happens again I may hurt someone:angry:

@Dhakra You say your not scared nor do you care what others think and you're not afraid of the past either.  And since you know yourself much better than I ever could I believe you.  Won't argue about that just your love for Second leads LOL!!!  Yet, I wonder what it is that makes you doubt your ability to be loved or for that matter that a woman couldn't have the ability to love you in the near future or anytime?  If you were one of my sisters you would have deserved a STRIKE 1 for that for sure!!!!  WARNING!!!  Not to mention a good kick in the pants for having so little faith in yourself or in us women!!!  DAGGUM!!!  YOU!!!  Realistic??  Well let me shine a little realness in your world...

I remember some of the first posts I read on more than one thread that you wrote and one of them I will never forget and after I found myself respecting you and the man you are...  Although sometimes you do push me to the edge like today!!!:w00t:

Here is what I know... That you are a true gentleman that you would rescue, protect and save any woman in need no matter who she is it's how you were brought up.  That you believe in pulling out a chair for a woman or opening her door that you would give your seat up for her if needed.  You believe that a woman should be treated like a lady and would care for her in likewise manor... That you believe in valor, honor and respecting a woman at all cost...

Listen to me!!! I don't know about Germany but in the GOOD OLD USA Women would eat that up and if they were lucky enough to find a man they can receive all that caring and consideration from than they would be a FOOL to let that man go!!!  So don't give me that CRAP about your being forgotten by her after going in there today!!! DANG use some of that charm you use on us and don't allow yourself to even think that!!!  I don't care if your at the gas station, grocery store, working or heck walking down the street make yourself unforgettable and believe that you are!!!! 

Wishful thinking... well you can sit around thinking about it or you can get out there and make your wishes come true...  That's going to be up to you.  But I don't believe for one second that it's not possible... Who knows she may have loved your looks or your smile the scent of your cologne, or your great fashion sense even your friendly nature or kindness...   OPPA!!! Don't short change yourself or that girl anything can happen with her or anyone else and will but you have to believe in chances,opportunities, possibilities and most of all yourself!!! :D

Not to mention I need that pen!!!!:lol::w00t::phew:  To write back my RSVP to your wedding!!!  Just saying!!!:tongue:

@TRaNzanimated-get-well-soon-image-0028.gif  Yep lots of rain the past few days here too and I am sick as well the only good thing is catching up on my Dramas it's bad when being sick feels like a vacation!:(:ph34r:  Not to mention I'm working it with my sisters I could get use to their treating me like a queen!! LOL:lol: And by the way while I am thinking about it the same goes for you TRaNz don't think your going to slide by just listen to this video and remember how amazing you are!!!  I am going to have all you Oppas married before I am through!!!:lol:



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@USAFarmgirlWell, technically I am afraid, but for a different reason. I'm not scared that I'll get hurt, I'm scared that my last relationship WAS my last relationship. That there simply is no one anymore, that's my greatest fear, that's what drives me. But that doesn't affect my sense of reality, just positive thinking won't change that fact and me telling myself that it will change won't do the trick either. I know where my place is right now and I know that, if there is somebody out there, it will take a lot of time and effort to meet her. Like I said multiple times, I'm not on the position to think that I will have a relationship soon and with every year that passes chances will only get worse.

No, you don't understand me correctly. I know that I have the right mindset for a relationship, I know that I would be a great boyfriend, because I know how I am in a relationship. I'm the male version of Bong Hee. I'm making a fuss like her, I put effort into the relationship, I wear my heart on my sleeves. I just know or call it I learned over the course of multiple relationships that being just a caring, good boyfriend isn't enough. You have to have other assets or, how should I call it, other likeable things aswell. Like I said, I know that I'm not the worst boyfriend, I know that sounds strange when I say that about myself, but I know that I can make my future girlfriend happy.

Don't worry, @bedifferentreceived a few sentences that would be enough for STRIKE TWO aswell :D Sorry Bee, I just have to share this. Her idea was to use the return policy and exchange the pen for another one with a different ink color. The one I have now is black and there is another one with blue. I said that this wouldn't be a great idea, because I don't want to be in her memory as the "return policy guy because he wanted another ink color". But, analzying like I am, I wondered what sentences could be used to approach her and lead to a conversation. I had a little fun creating these three sentences:

  • "Hey, talking about exchanging, why don't we exchange numbers?",
  • "Sorry, I didn't know that I was picking the wrong color, I was distracted by your beauty"  
  • "You know, when I think about it, black or blue, it doesn't matter, all I ever want to see is the green in your beautiful eyes".

And no, I would never really say these. 

Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. Like I said, I know that emotionally I'm probably not the worst catch, I massage your feet, I will drive during the night to buy chocolate and I'm the first that will sit close to you on the couch, waiting for the cuddling to begin. I don't say I search my princess/queen just because it sounds nice, but rather because it's exactly like that. But, that's just not enough, especially in my age. (Oh......"in my age"......I can feel the gaze of @triplem,I will be punished for this sentence, I should prepare for a good old scolding)

:rolleyes:I was just buying a pen.....yeah I smiled and even raised my hand to greet her (or rather them), but I was just another customer and she was busy avoiding making mistakes. I'm just being realistic.

Well, I'm doing this, since Fairy I'm doing exactly this. Call it, I upgrade myself and make me a better person. I want to become Dhakra 2.0 over the course of two years. Well, technically I'm not going to make my wishes come true, I just making sure that wishes are not only wishes but instead could have a chance to be reality. But right now, I just know that I'm not in the right position to think of it as a possibility. Like I said, I'm not ugly or anything :D (There is actual a photo of mine in the member section), I just know that there is more behind all this.


You'll get that pen, at christmas or your birthday,  I will even buy it at her store if you wish :D I probably would need to ask her of they have something like that. And no @bedifferent, this won't be the next mission.

Me getting married,  ahhh chingu....if things would be that easy. 


And there goes another story of me and my life, another chapter of you chingus knowing me better. :wacko: 


Edit: Oh crap, @triplemis awake, I have to flee. I know she will yell at me :D 


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Just were out for a some nice chill time. Sitting in front of the house, walking aroung the neighborhood in my comfy Pikachu PJs at 3am. I should and probably will make that something regular. It really calms the nerves. Will still stay up the rest of the night.. don't feel like sleeping at all.. ha..

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656 fixed

Just realizing that my answer was a bit long. 

@angelangieI like your new profile picture. 

@gzb21I'm always out on this time aswell :D I enjoy the night and the silence that comes with it on a daily basis. I can understand your wish to make that into something regular. 



Another jam of mine



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@angelangie:blink: I could swear the last time I saw you, you had a different one. Huh.....well then I apologize, mistake on my part. But in my defense, it's 4am here and still kinda warm in my room :D My brainpower isn't at full capacity.

@gzb21Yep. But this is exactly why I prefer the night, because you can think about things that are nagging on your mind, But I guess there are a few chingus here that would critize that. <_<

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Hehehe @Dhakra You caught me!!! Good morning it is!!! I do have plenty of things to say about your store mission and @USAFarmgirl's awesome words above just made my day. Hahaha. Seriously i would like to just repost that. And how cute is she calling you guys oppa, hahaha. I'm thinking of doing that too. Lol. 

13 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:


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I thought although it was packed with flashbacks there were moments like him coming for her and his realization and hers that one coin and one night not only changed their lives it changed their hearts. And there is no going back or denying that in a world full of other people their hearts will not accept anyone else...

  Although the first kiss was full of passion/lust almost a sense of rushing and wanting moving so fast their need to just be with someone. This episode gave us not only a kiss from him to her but also from her to him.  It captured the essence of the whole drama.  These kisses were slow well thought out and full of something much richer than in the beginning!!!   Just like the song Same it's thump, thump thump and the flashbacks were reminders of their growth the knowing, caring, and understanding one another. Not only who that other person is but in gentleness of each and every movement that realization of how precious they are and their love is...

It's not just about not being able to let go of each other while knowing you live in different worlds.  It's that this moment and a one night stand to others may have been a mistake.  Yet, to these two it never was they never regretted it then or now!!!  In fact it branded their hearts so deeply they couldn't run, hide or deny that their hearts just wouldn't allow them to let go... Don't miss the depth of this episode..:wub:

credit to original owners...




@kokodus there you are my dancing shoes have been so lonely and dusty:bawling:


So are my textbooks. They became dusty and lonely without me using them. And its been haunting in my dreams too. Lol. If i dont spend some time with them, then there are high chances that they will break up with me and that leads to me potentially failing this year. Lol. So if you dont see me around, know that its because i'm studying hard breaking my head over walls. LOL


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@kokodus:D Well it wasn't hard to find out after your name completely filled up my notifications. Yeah @USAFarmgirldid her thing again, like she always does and I like her for that. At least she is the representing hope :D 

Every man loves to be called 'oppa' :blush: 


But going to bed now, excited to read all of you chingus again tomorrow :D 

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I know, i should stop pressing that 'like' button for ALL the posts. LOL. I do try to restrain myself from doing that, but cant help it,all of you write something that makes me atleast ponder about it for a while. Lol. 

You know @Dhakra when i first started watching korean dramas, it really threw me off that they use the same word for calling both their  'brother' and their 'significant other'. Like seriously??? WHUT?? That was my reaction. Lol. Because in India, if a girl calls a man brother, then he is "bro-zoned" for life. He wouldnt dare make a move after that. If he does, then one would seriously question his upbringing. Its like a protective measure also. I call all the stranger guys i meet in the road brother. That would also make the guys protective of us. They would care as if its their own sister. Its interesting, right?

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Please forgive me for deleting part of this post it wasn't done because I regretted it.  It was done because those who I wanted to share it with have more than likely already read it and I believe they will understand and lets just say it's for my sake...:)

@Dhakra No matter how long it takes my wish for you is that all your dreams come true:cookie:

Sweet Dreams and @kokodus You study hard and make all your dreams come true there is always time for dancing after you graduate!!!  Girl you reach for those stars and don't stop till your hands are wrapped around one:wub:  Sending you a hug!!!  Off to watch Lookout hoping it's wonderful I could use a little of that tonight! :)

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