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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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30 minutes ago, kimmongji01 said:

Hello guys. I just watched the latest episode. That opening part was cute and funny. However, in the last part, Haha Oppa is trying to match KJK oppa with the lady announcer. Honestly, I know I shouldn't feel like this but I feel a bit uneasy. I feel like the announcer lady really like KJK oppa.


Of course! Who wouldn't like a guy like Kim Jong Kook? He treats women well, has loads of money and is a kind person.


Since his debut, many female celebrities have always named him as their ideal type. 


She also has a dating rumour with a fellow announcer who is about 20 years her senior. Yesterday's articles were all filled with comments like "Bae Jong Soo doesn't like this!"


HaHa also just wants Jong Kook to date and settle down with someone. During his wedding, he told reporters that he would personally see to it that his Hyung gets married.


On every show they are on, HaHa literally tries to set Jong Kook up with someone he feels will suit his Hyung. 

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@Adora Darkthanks for sharing your conversation with your friend! It's very insighful, though I must admit at times it felt like I was being scolded for something I haven't done :D lol. I know it's just a culture/personality thing though.


Idk what to feel about SA as a ship lately, though I am sure that they are at least close friends in real life and I'm happy about that. Also, SJH has been getting more and more active in rm lately so whatever the cause of that is, I hope it continues. 

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For those of you who feel a little discouraged, I'm gonna share some moments which I felt "almost confirmed" SA, i.e. something was very unusual about them and could not be plausibly explained by a "close friend / family" narrative. Starting from this one in Ep 387 and SA aren't even in this one:


The ones they are laughing and pointing at are SA (JSJ and LKS are the ones to the left). They did something all of a sudden, and you can see how the other members reacted: YJS burst out laughing and made gestures suggesting that whatever they did was unairable. JSM and YSC both laughed and pointed. YSC was like "yeah we can't air that". HH looked like he could not believe what he just saw, he was almost saying "did that really just happen?" And he was worried for a split second there before smiling a shy smile.


And despite the "we can't air that" sentiment, you can see everybody being very happy about it. Now, we don't know exactly what SA did, but they must've done something way out of left field. I'll leave it to your imaginations, but I struggle to think of anything that would fit all known criteria other than something that would spill the beans (like PDA):

- It's not done for show

- It cannot be aired

- It's probably pretty sweet (based on others' reactions)

- It's very noteworthy and unexpected


And this is just one of a few moments that I saw as very peculiar. More will follow.

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5 hours ago, dydrawer said:

For those of you who feel a little discouraged, I'm gonna share some moments which I felt "almost confirmed" SA, i.e. something was very unusual about them and could not be plausibly explained by a "close friend / family" narrative. Starting from this one in Ep 387 and SA aren't even in this one:


The ones they are laughing and pointing at are SA (JSJ and LKS are the ones to the left). They did something all of a sudden, and you can see how the other members reacted: YJS burst out laughing and made gestures suggesting that whatever they did was unairable. JSM and YSC both laughed and pointed. YSC was like "yeah we can't air that". HH looked like he could not believe what he just saw, he was almost saying "did that really just happen?" And he was worried for a split second there before smiling a shy smile.


And despite the "we can't air that" sentiment, you can see everybody being very happy about it. Now, we don't know exactly what SA did, but they must've done something way out of left field. I'll leave it to your imaginations, but I struggle to think of anything that would fit all known criteria other than something that would spill the beans (like PDA):

- It's not done for show

- It cannot be aired

- It's probably pretty sweet (based on others' reactions)

- It's very noteworthy and unexpected


And this is just one of a few moments that I saw as very peculiar. More will follow.

This just makes my Spartace shipper heart flutter!!! I just have the feeling that if in any case that spartace are in real relationship and they want it to be private because of so many reasons. RM members which are their real friends are protecting them.  SJH and KJK are famous entertainer and they cant have normal life or go out in a public to show their affection for each other because people will have different opinions (career will be at stake). They might just want their close friends wants to know about their relationship.  And I think that's perfectly fine . I mean we all have the right to have our personal life to be private. SJH and KJK are public figures but then even just that piece of their personal life (relationship) is okay to be private.  


I will always ship for Spartace and I won't let any negativity ruin my thought towards spartace.  Thanks for posting this video! 

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I've just finished watching ep. 466, and these are my thoughts upon it:


1. This is not the first time JK being paired up with another female guest / celebrity and his reaction had never changed. Of course he can't deny it strongly because it's impolite for him to do so. And, yes, it's a show. Everyone had a role to play in RM (and other varieties shows as well). Well, like in JH case that it certain "aegyo" isn't in her list of character in RM. From the very first time, her role is to be strong and independent woman. Meanwhile, one of JK character is "a single hot guy". So, the members (even JH) would stick to the script and tease him because of his role, though.


2. While being asked about having a boyfriend, JH's "I will soon have one" answer is very interesting for me. Why it reminds me to "Future Couple" and not to mention right after she said that she turned to JK and start doing aegyo towards him. Didn't she revealing too much hint that later she had to cover it with 'family' excuse? And about that 'family' excuse, I think someone had planted this idea on her head too much. Please cmiiw, she rarely said this line. It's always JK who said that previously. I maybe biased, but I think it's always the safest escape for them while things get too serious. Like in the bumblebee episode when JK couldn't say anything because he called JH 'Yeobo' previously, then he said about this 'family things' for him to escape. In this case, JH is the one whose in the difficult situation after she said "You are my ideal type". And JK didn't seem angry at her when she said this. Of course, why would he?


3. I always believe actions speak louder than words, and off cam rather than the aired ones. Let's say that we bought the stories that JK and JH are both single because they're on the same show and not supposed to fall in love, that they had to fight against each other like what they always said. I guess at that level of intimacy they shared, they will eventually end up being together. I remembered what JK said in MUD that he would marry someone who stays at his side in the end of the day. Well, the easiest answer (at least for me) would be JH, then. So, maybe that's the reason why every members tried to set these two together too (if they're not yet being together).


Yep, many possibilities could happen, but I choose to keep supporting these two until they announce about their relationship. Happy shipping, guys. :)

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Couldn't agree more @elzy


I just finished watching & I want to add some


1. I love KJK's outfit always colorful LOL copying / teaching by SJH ? :D 

When spring comes, KJK : because the weather is so good & nice.

When summer comes even it's too hot for him but still fancy.

Even everyone also noticed about this, KJK changes more colorful outfit. LOL .

When YSC said : KJK at least safe from car accident (based on KJK's color tshirt), reminded us to RM Eps January when SA teasing by YJS, asphalt & central line.


2. SA standing side by side in the opening when 3 of female guest have to choose one man for paired up with them.


3. Plot twist when LKS wanna choose announcer but she is choose KJK because she never met him before, so she is curious (like the others female guest also mostly curious how strong he is).


4. LOL when KJK confused who will he choose, Sunny said you're my dreamy girl, ofc KJK choose Sunny because she is straightforward for not refused by KJK. Sunny & KJK became friends for a long time & at this time KJK also make a statement, he still choose Sunny but what she confession to KJK not meant it. And btw, Sunny have a dating rumor with someone.

Regardless of that, indeed ! You can look KJK is loyal man & polite man in the same time.


5.  Indeed ! KJK know SJH very well, she isn't cute type / she can't make aegyo but she is still make people around happy, comfortable, & laugh without her released. Auto reminded me with KJK's ideal type : wanna have aegyo but not too much.


6. Tbh, actually SJH's reaction not over reaction when she is doing aegyo, the first said You're my dream guy ! SJH just turned her body to him & grab his tshirt but what make us laugh so hard because SJH's voice & words and then after that she is doing aegyo but still not too much.


9. My heart almost stooped by KJK said when SJH said you're my dream guy, IMO --> KJK sometimes really surprised with what SJH doing . LOL . 


10. JSJ : Ji Hyo, do you have a bf ?

SJH : I will soon have one.

JSJ : What are you saying ??

SJH : He's my dream guy (pointing KJK and doing aegyo again).

The caption : Here's my bf) at that time KJK already smile looking JSJ & SJH's conversation.

IMO --> Yes, reminded us to RM Eps Future Couple scene.

And IMO did she make confession directly to us without saying anything from JSJ's question, SJH's answer actualy had been answered by SJH's reaction : You're my dream guy to KJK .

And reminded me to :

a. SBS Award 2015 SJH choose KJK.

b. KB SJH choose Optimus Prime & in BP HH called KJK : Optimus Prime.

c. Premiere What A Mant Wants, Shin Na Kyun / KJKm she choose KJK.

d. Fortune Teller Eps : SJH ask about KJK with her.

e. RM Eps (forgot but for sure 2017), in the bus scene, SJH wearing blue / purple tshirt & KJK wearing orange tshirt.

PD : Who's your ideal type ?
SJH : didn;t answer but the mouth said Jong Kook (you can pause it & slo mo this scene


11. HH : I'm bored, so why don;t you 2 try dating ? (excited as always)

KJK : Why should we date because you're bored ? (with smile and laugh)
SJH make a no sign (with smile)

HH : About 2 weeks.

SJH : It's not possible since we're family.


12. 00:48:34 : I know KJK in the back his partner but since Sunny is beside  SJH, so it's seems KJK also looking SJH's dance.

And LOL I just released SJH have a doing Hot Issue Dance .


13. Their fate became 1 bus always reminded me to 1% Miracle Lyric . LOL.

SA in 1 row but not side by side, it's so obvious since have an empty seat. LOL.


14. 1:02:27 : Seems KJK teasing SJH that's why SJH touch his hand & said : It's not me while KJK still smile & laugh. Sadly, not airing about KJK teasing SJH. 


15. When HH & JSJ try to teasing KJK & announcer, I think it's totally different when they teasing SA, more natural, more excited, happier.

And btw, seems SJH jealousbecause she is busy with her AC. CMIIW.


16. SJH try to set up KJK & announcer but her acting by moved make KJK confused & uncomfortable. KJK think SJH wanna have a bsedie him that's why KJK dindn't move & didn't released what SJh did it but in the end knowing it.



17. SA sitting side by side when HH's team turns the games.


18. Maybe this is just games but it's interesting for me when KJK asked about announcer.

a. He didn't fall in love for the 1st sight.

b. Rate heart drop when KJK asked by announcer do you like me ?

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Btw, I've just realized something after found this on IG



credit to spartace.rm IG


When the owner of the video slo-mo the moment, then we can see that there's a moment when JK didn't move, lol. Well, how JH tried to swap her team standing position, so JK would stand next to the female announcer just stated to me that the member's position is something that mattered for her. Also I've noticed that she frequently let the guest to stand in front of her / to be in the center. Yeah, it's just make sense for me now. Perhaps, this is the reason why we could see SA stood together side by side so frequently but then they separated for some reason. Tried to cover something up, eh? ^_^


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Another entry in my list of *very peculiar* moments, from Ep220. If the .gif doesn't work on the forum, please check out https://imgur.com/A74OF8I:


Pay attention to what YJS was doing. Now to be honest, this moment does not indicate that the two are dating. But I think it's a fair and objective assessment that this is clear and convincing evidence of the following assertion: SJH likes KJK and YJS knows. One would have to be very much biased against SA to disagree.


More moments to follow.

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On 9/4/2019 at 3:02 AM, airplanegirl said:

I translated Chul Min PD's interview.

Wait, another one? At this rate he must've done more interviews than all the other RM PDs combined. IIRC They weren't even doing interviews this frequently when the ratings were in the 20s.

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13 hours ago, dydrawer said:

Wait, another one? At this rate he must've done more interviews than all the other RM PDs combined. IIRC They weren't even doing interviews this frequently when the ratings were in the 20s.

Everytime he does an interview, he pretty much talks about the same stuff over and over. Nothing in this interview is new at all. I just translated it cause it was the official press release for the show's 9th anniversary.

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I ind it curious that Tiny finds it necessary to separately taking pictures with SJH and KJK, using the same shirt in both picture, like telling us, I cant say it out loud.. but I found these 2 peoples at the same place, but I cant take pictures with both of them because.. reasons.

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1. They're didn't doing mission together but both of them got the same hints the same place. 2. KJK teasing SJH (still). 3. KJK uncomfortable when "couple dance" practice, it's very clear. 4. KJK give a an endless sign when BTOB song when SJH must be out to the stage.

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