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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Seriously, no one can see she's a girl?

Lol Reminds me of Coffee Prince when the second lead told the first lead "How can you not know she was a girl?" I mean he knew it from first glance and he wasn't even interacting with her at that time the same way others were.

They are assuming SN is being shy, but what kind of guy always jumps out of his skin everytime he sees a body part? I mean she can't even look.

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@uglypearl I don't think people in the past were quite that clueless, and they would've had less privacy than now, but you are correct: women have passed as men in armies many times. 
I find Ha Ji Won super-feminine, but then I like fighting girls. :-)   She's definitely physically tough-looking in some ways, but again, I find that another form of femininity, like Amber from F(x).  
I think, though, that everyone who has said people in the past just wouldn't think of a woman as being able to pass for a man is correct.  Their minds must've just put blinds down over their eyes!

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the bald guy reminds me bit of Wang yoo.. =))

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Guest leaaaaa

Wahhhh another drama where I wished that they didn't make a relationship chart beforehand and showed it to us. It's so unfair to let us see all those sweet funny Ki-Emperor moments and at the same time, to remind us not to get our hopes up 'cos they won't be together (at least not how we want it :(( ) It's like giving us yummy chocolate but not allowing us to eat it (Ugh I know, not the best analogy but I think it should work here. Uri Emperor is yummy.. hehe ) Way to break our poor fragile hearts. Why Kdrama world do you need to be so cruel? Wae~? -.- 
lol ok back to the drama. Just watched ep 3 with subs (waiting for ep 4 with subs atm)  and I can't complain. Totally loved it ^^ It made me laugh, swoon and even sad. 
Since, I don't know where to start, I think I will just share my three fav scenes in this ep: 1. Of course the 'peeing' scene =)) I was soooo not expecting it. When he pulled up his shirt or whatever it is called and then said that he never undressed himself, I was first like "OMG lmao, no he just didn't! " and then I was like "Tsk tsk tsk dear little prince, already showing your future wifey her future 'duties'. Aren't you moving a little bit too fast?  =)) =)) "...  lol and did anyone notice that she felt him up while looking for the waist band? (lol not that I blame her. He does have some nice abs hehe). But I think the 'peeing' sounds afterwards were a big turn off. lol The prince still needs to learn much.  xD
2. The hug between Wang Yoo and Ki. I loved how the king pulled her into a hug. The scene was cute ^^ Even though I like the Yuan couple more (Emperor+Ki), I also like the Goryeo couple (WY+SN). The Goryeo couple is probably perfect. Both are capable and both charas are shown strong, nice and confident. Whereas the Yuan couple are imperfect but imo that makes them more perfect(ugh lol is it possible to be 'more' perfect than perfect? o.O) because that means they can show each other their weaknesses, fears and their true self. They can form a friendship (I think we saw that friendship in the first scene of ep 1) which could lead to a deeper love because they depend more on each other.(I know won't happen but shhh a girl can still dream) But with the Goryeo couple, the king is already strong and whatever. With or without her, he already decided what he wants. He will be always king before 'lover'. (that's just my opinion for now. lol it can totally change later. Therefore don't kill me for my current shipping >< )
3. The first 'official' confrontation between the king and the Emperor. It was very different from the one in the first scene of episode 1(Even though, in both scenes the king seems to have the upperhand).I do understand that this is a KDrama and therefore a Korean would probably totally agree with the king, the scene totally made me feel for the Emperor and a bit dislike the king. I was like 'poor 'prince' why do they all treat you so cruel?' I think exactly those scenes make some of us want the Yuan couple more. SN treats im different. She doesn't see him as a threat or as Yuan. She does see him for what he is. A scared, brattish 'boy' who needs her help. She acts in front of him totally normal. In front of the king, she is more reserved.

Ehmmm...just noticed that I went into the shipping thing too much. Sorry..lol anyway, hurry up hulu. I wanna see ep 4, palli palli ^^

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Guest misa1129

I really like this drama!Ha Ji Won is amazing! I like the pace too, it is fast but not confusing... doesn't have much unnecessary scenes.Love how this drama will have 50 eps? I can watch it forever and ever :">  

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