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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Another photo from Cine France 2013

[포토엔]구혜선 '작아도 완벽한 비율'

뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2013-04-02 19:09

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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128771&page=1&bbs=A DC fan saw her at the CineNine and expressed that s/he was stunned and couldnot say a single word or even a sound. Not a single person looking at her could utter a word to her..even to ask for autograph. keke GHS walked into elevator hanging on the arms of another woman (maybe her codi??) Sunnies, when you see her in Hong Kong, make sure you are ready with your hellos because you might get stunned too. kekeke What is so good is that, the fan said that, after looking at GHS, s/he will be her fan forever.....Thank you!!http://news.nate.com/view/20130402n33971
They gave her a gift of a pink bag.....I think they must have found out that GHS only has one small hand bag and many backpacks....hahahah! That is a pretty bag.
Just like netizens,,,,many are complaining about her make-up! ztztztztI think it goes well with the French films....reminded me of "Amelie"--the bob haircut and all.Amelie actress also came out in DaVinci Code---one my favorite movies and book!!Have a great day Sunnies!!

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[TD포토] 구혜선 '초미니에 백옥같은 피부, 인형인줄 착각하겠네~'

[TD Photo] Ku Hye-sun 'white gem like skin, super-mini doll was mistaken'll' (google)

티브이데일리 원문 기사전송 2013-04-02 19:16


[티브이데일리 김한준 기자] 프랑스 신작 영화를 감상할 수 있는 '시네프랑스' 개막식이 2일 저녁 서울 사당동 아트나인에서 열렸다.

이날 '시네프랑스' 개막식에 참석한 구혜선이 포토타임을 갖고있다.

'시네프랑스'는 주한프랑스문화원에서 7년째 진행하고 있는 프로그램으로 프랑스 고전 영화, 누벨바그 영화, 80년대 새로운 영화 등을 꾸준히 선보이고 있다.

시네프랑스의 새로운 파트너 아트나인은 강남 최초의 예술영화전용관이자 복합문화공간으로 지난 1월 오픈, '영화관주의'를 모토로 차별화된 예술영화를 소개하고 있다.

4월의 전시 주제는 '설렘, 프랑스 영화의 새로운 물결'로 매주 화요일 저녁 8시 한 편씩 총 5편의 신작 영화가 상영된다.

[티브이데일리 김한준 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr]

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130402n32534

[★포토]구혜선 '무대에서도 빛나는 각선미!'

[★ Photo] Ku Hye-sun shining Legs 'on stage!' (google)

2013-04-02 20:01

배우 구혜선이 2일 오후 서울시 동작구 사당동 아트나인에서 열린 시네프랑스 개막식에 참석해 인사말을 하고 있다.

[나도 부자가 될 수 있을까? 긴급 추천 스마트정보!]

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130402n33889
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Her make up just looks fine to me. She is bold and daring. Not everyone can carry that! I am always happy to be presented with a different GHS anytime. I welcome change in her style, be it her make up, cloths, dress, painting, directing and everything. I love her and miss her so much! 
TO YOU GHS: Good luck in everything that you do. Please come back soon. 

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wow wow wow, my first reaction, drool seeing her so beautiful, so unique !!! lol

already they are complaining for something... LOL  netizens have just to enjoy these brilliant photos without complaining for nothing !  She looks flawless, I Love Her All !
is not her fault that she looks smart, so decent, sexy, unique, beautiful,
so delicate ! God  let her to be so beautiful !!!
for me too she seems to have a French allure ! I just Love IT !

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How difficult...looking at the pix above--GHS is trying to find a safe and flat ground to stand on....How can they put that blue rectangular box right there when she has to wobble on that unstable piece of ground!!....kekeke---it is kind of funny.
I am not sure how many people showed up for this opening, but among those who attended are 이날 개막식에는 2013년 시네프랑스 홍보대사 구혜선을 비롯해 정지영 감독, 배우 안성기, 박희본, 가수 신연아(빅마마)가 참석했다. Director Jung JiYoung, actor Ahn SungGi and Park HeeVon and singer Shin YunAh of Big Mama. (I am glad that Ahn SungGi still supports GHS--he is the one who gave her first trailer making job for a film festival. I found out that Park HeeVon used to be part of singing group called Milk of SMTown. Milk is the group that actress and GHS's best friend Suh HyunJin was once its lead singer. 

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hello sunnies :) :) we get another shower of our hyesun..i was quite upset yesterday seeing her hair cut not that it makes me like her less or anything its just that i like her with long hair but if she loves even the shortest of the short hairstyle she will still remain my angel hyesun.Actually everytime i have a haircut i feel so sad to see my chopped hair on the floor..lol..maybe thats why i was a little sad and shocked to see her like that.but today i am happy to see her with red lipstick..somehow it shows that she is starting to experiment with new looks on her pretty face..her skin looks so fresh,she is wearing her fav. collars again..she looks supercute in them :) :)
i love those pretty heels on her killer legs..i wonder how does she maintain to remain so slim..the heels bearing animal prints and the rest of it is plain..they are so wowwww.... :D i would love to see her shoe collection someday coz her shoes are really pretty..the coat she is carrying is giving her a director look..love it..
but i want to see her as an actress soon i miss her too much onscreen..

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[포토] 구혜선이 함께 한 시네프랑스 개막식
[Photo] Ku Hye-sun Cine France Opening Ceremony

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=014&aid=0002848679&sid1=001


[T포토] 구혜선 '점점 미모에 물이 오르네~'(시네프랑스)

[T Photo] Ku Hye-sun 'beauty getting water spout (~' Cine France)

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130403n00210

TV reports Cho Sung reporters actress Goo Hye Sun 2 pm Dongjak-gu, Seoul-dong Art Nine held in 'Cine France' at the opening ceremony of photo time has.

'Cine French ambassador sine Goo today showed a chic and stylish white blouse, black mini skirt to match it. Point jumyeo red lipstick on a white gem-like skin was blinged up to the eye of the intestinal boast one body.

Love typing! 'Start' Cine France 'Opening Film Art Nine' Chef ', which artists' last week', 'happy event', '' Rust And this shift every Tuesday will be screened.

translate google
source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130403n00210

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Guest S_sun

WOW! I love the French, chic look! And that red lipstick color- very daring! And those killer legs! The handbag gift is very nice but based from what we know, I don't know if she is going to use it. Doesn't it match the pink jacket she wore for the interview for the 3D film n the Star life series? I don't know how to bring it over. The organizers are so thoughtful.

As for the netizens, they always complain when she does something different. They just don't like it when she does not fit into the mould they have for her. Sorry to say it to them, our girl is a Renaissance lady, a unique person, the One and Only. She will continue to push boundaries and amaze us. The rest of the world are onboard this amazing journey this lady is taking us. If they don't want to be left behind in the 13th century, they'd better join us. kekeke

Thanks to @sukreen,@meow13, @jazz_10 ,@istanbullu_e...(warm welcome!)  for bringing over the pics and articles and Sue for the translations and comments. Also thanks to Sunnies for your lovely comments...You all are the best!

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Every time I see her shining face make me want to write a poem , hye sun summaries the beauty of the world , just like Vitamin C ♥♥

Best wishes for her and really thanks sunnies for all these updates and news .. you are the best

have a nice day allzz

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thannx a lot for the video and all the updates @sukreen :-)  I miss her long hair even then she is very pretty :-) her legs and heels are awesome :-) i think this year also she ll not act but do her direction..i will always suport her in whatever she does and feel proud but i wanna her in a drama ...i miss her very badly !!

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Hello Sunnies!

Chicly French! That's how I call Hye Sun's look in Cine France. With her blue, black & white ensemble is definitely French colors! She finished it with bold red lipstick! Very chic! Of course whatever Hye Sun wears & does they always have something to complain about. What else is new?

I am so happy to see her again! WOW! Every time she comes out like this, it's like, a celebration! hahaha! :)) Feast while it last!....for the next time she comes out will be a long time again. I think she's doing this intentionally. ;) so we will miss her. :) I hope she'll use the purse they gave her. That is an expensive handbag.

Thank you all for the pictures & comments! We all love her dearly!

Please don't forget to VOTE!  http://100479.net/ranking/?code=vote1&type=women 


:x :-bd
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