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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Few DC fans' comments:http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128776&page=1&bbs=
난 갠적으로 쿠의 표정 중 차가운 이미질 참 좋아하는 터라, 
오늘 쿠의 모습은 참 신선하고 이쁘다^_^
과하단 얘기가 더 많은게 사실이긴하지만
오늘 쿠의 모습은 나에겐 참 새롭고 반가운~♡
난 이제 짧은 머리도 사랑해
Personally, among all of Koo's expressions, I really like her "cold" expressions. Today's Koo (at CineNine) is so refreshing and pretty. People are commenting how her look is too bold. Maybe true,^_^ but, to me, I am so glad for her new look. I even love her short hair now. ~♡---------------http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128778&page=1&bbs=
(slivers of his statement in DC post)암튼 형들아 만약 쿠를
한번도 못본 형들이 있으면
쿠의 천상미모에 빠져서 
나같이 빙신같이 멍때리다가
보내놓고 후회하지마....크흑
Dear friends, if there are any one here who has never seen Koo in person, I am telling you you will fall hard for her heavenly beauty. If you let her go without a word, (he is the one who went to CineNine and could not utter a word to GHS) you will regret it so much that you are going to wander around like a crazy dude, hitting yourself. (sound of crying)---(He says that he returned to Cinenine and waited to see if GHS comes out for 30 min but she did not come out.)-----------------This is my favorite among all DC posts:http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=128781&page=1&bbs=
 ..이렇게 글쓰는게 얼마만이지..It has been a long time since I posted...
복숭아 나무 리뷰 이후로 혜선양 걱정만 해대는 글들이 너무 싫어 떠났었는데..I left the DC gallery for GHS for a while because I just could not stand so many posts by people who excessively worried for GHS after Peach Tree reviews came out. 
그 많던 걱정인(?)들은 어디로 가셨는지..Where did all those people go now?
그 분들은 저 떠난 이후로 다 떠나셨는지 늘 감시하듯 (?) 눈팅을 해 왔었는데..After I left, it seems like they may have all left(?)...I have been quietly lurking the gallery...
결국 안보이시더라구요..Ultimately, they are not visible at all.
그래서 용기 있게 말해 보려구요...늘 혜선양 걱정만 하는 사람들은 그녀를  아직 잘 모르는 사람들이라고..So, now I have the courage to say it...I want to say to all those people who only worry about HyeSun, you really do not know who she is.
그녀가 얼마나 강단있고 현명하고 개념있는 사람인지를..They do not know what a strongly tenacious, wise and open-minded person GHS is.
..우선 영화감독협회...아직 신인감독이지만 대한민국 영화 환경을 제작자들의 입장에서만이  아니라 촬영에 임하는 모든 스탭들의 환경까지 배려한다는 그 의도가 너무 마음에 들었구요..(아마도 이준익 감독님이 추천하신듯 한데..복숭아 나무 시사회에도 오셨다는 얘기를 들었습니다.) 그리고 또 아무 감독이나 그런 자리에 초청(?) 아니면 참석 할 수 있을것 같진 않은데 연륜있는 감독님들이 혜선 감독의 재능을 제대로 보셨다는 생각이 듭니다. First of all, regarding the Movie Directors' Guild...Albeit a new director, I really admire and agree with her position about having deep respect not only for all the producers but also for the hard-working staff members. (I believe it is Director Lee Joon Ik who recommended her to the Guild. I heard that he came to GHS's VIP premier of Peach Tree.) I also wonder if it is possible for just any directors to be part of such a Guild. I would think they have to be invited to attend. I feel as if all those experienced directors see the ability and potential in HyeSun. 
그리고 시네프랑스 홍보 대사...이것도 아주 마음에 듭니다. And, about being an ambassador for the CineFrance festival...I really like that for her.
저두 20대에는 예술영화에 매료되어서 독일로 영화 공부 한답시고 무작정 떠나기도 했었는데...제가 가장 좋아하는 감독은 독일 감독인 빔벤더스이긴하지만..혜선양 영화는 프랑스 영화 분위기와 가깝다고 생각됩니다..서사적이기 보단 감각적이고 미장센에 신경을 많이 쓰는 장 윅 고다르나 레오까락스..그리고 프랑스와 트뤼포 감독같은...사실..복숭아 나무에서 남상미씨가 마네킨 들고 뛰는 장면에서 레오 까락스의 나쁜피의 줄리엣 비노쉬를 연상했다는......요즘 최강칠우를 보고 있는데 거기서 흑산(유아인)이 하던 대사가 떠 오르던걸요...'지 처신을 할 줄아는 처자이군..'이러면서 미소짓는 흑산..ㅋㅋㅋ 멋졌다는..(오늘 오랫만에 글쓰는데 정말 두서없죠...ㅋㅋㅋ) In my 20's, I fell into the charms of art films and even impulsively left for Germany with the false rationalization of studying abroad. My favorite director is German Director VimVanders (sp??). My feeling is that HyeSun's movies have the closer feel to French films. Her movies are more emotional/sentimental than narrative. Her movies remind me of French Director Jean Week Godaruna Leokaraks (I am not sure if they are one person or several) who is/are meticulous about movie set designs and styles. Her films also remind me of  French Director Tripo. When I saw Nam SangMi running with the manikin in Peach Tree, I was reminded of French actress Juliet Binoch in Director Leokaraks's Bad Blood.  These days, I am watching Strongest Chilwoo. Somehow, the line spoken by the assasin (Yoo AhIn) comes to mind: "You are a type of person who knows what she needs to do." Then, the assasin (Yoo) smiled. keke He was so handsome. (I have not written for such a long time. I must be rambling on.)
그렇게 자신이 맞는 길을 찾아가는 젊은 처자는 드문데..40대인 제가 봐도 참 대견하다는...(토닥토닥..)
참...시네프랑스에 제가 참 좋아하는 정진영 감독님도 참석하셨다는데 기사가 쬐끔 나서 아쉽네요.
이제 조금씩 거장의 길에 합류 해가는 혜선양...진정으로 애정합니다. (갠적으로 복숭아나무는 참 좋던데...또 누가 나타나서 까댈려나...) It is not everyday that a young person knows what road she wants to be on. Even I,  in my 40's, think of her as amazing. (I want to pat her on the back.) Oh yeah..I heard that Director Jung JinYoung whom I respect so much also attended the CineFrance. But the news did not focus so much on that. Too bad.  HyeSun is slowly but steadily walking the path towards becoming a Master/expert. I truly love and admire her. I personally loved Peach Tree very much. Now who is going to criticize me about that!

...최강칠우 요즘 보는데  잼 나더라구요..Strongest Chilwoo is really interesting...
혜선양 참 예쁘구나...연기도 참 잘 하는구나...남자복도 터졌구나..ㅋㅋ(흑산의 유아인이 너무 멋지던데요..ㅋㅋ) HyeSun is so pretty in it.. Her acting is really good...She was blessed to act with such handsome men in that drama. keke (Assassin Yoo AhIn is just so cool. keke)

하반기에는 사극 출연 강추합니다. I really would like to recommend that she try for a historical drama in the next half of the year. 
목소리도 낮게 깔리고 딱 사극 스타일이던데..Her voice is low and she really has the style for a historical.

감독만 하기에는 너무 예쁘고 연기도 잘 한다는게 아쉽죠..She is just too pretty to do just directing work. She is really pretty and she is really a good actress. 
영화 찍으려면 돈도 많이 벌어야 할텐데..She has to make money if she wants to make movies.
대박나는 드라마 (연기 논란 종식시키는 단 한칼...)찍고 내년에는 새 영화 찍읍시다.Please make a drama that becomes a DaeBok  (a drama that will kill off all the acting criticisms with one sweep of a sword...) and make another movie of your own next year. (keke I think she is rooting for GHS for the role in Knife and Sword..keke)

10년동안 같이 살던 남편 서울로 발령나서 가고 나니..정말 혜선양 밖에 위안이 없네요..ㅋㅋ
엊그제 서울가서 마놀린도 얼씬 얼씬..성균관대도 얼씬 얼씬..언제나 그 예쁜 얼굴 한번 보려나..
이제 곧 서울로 전근가면 꽃같은 남편도 만나고...혜선양 스토커라도 해야겠네요..My husband's job is moving to Seoul. I would only have HyeSun to console me there. keke Yesterday, I went to Manolin and poked around. I even went to SKKU and poked around. When will I ever see that pretty face even once? When I finally settle down in Seoul, I will see my lovely husband everyday,,,,and I may stalk HyeSun.

암튼 대한민국에서 가장 저평가 받고 있는 배우 구혜선..감독 구혜선.....힘내시구요..사랑합니다!!! Anyway, I feel that Republic of South Korea is severely underrating Actress GHS and Director GHS....Please be strong...I love you!!!
(I completely agree with this DC fan of GHS-ssi! 감사합니다. I also agree that Yoo AhIn in Strongest Chilwoo was so cool and had great chemistry with GHS, even more than with Eric. Maybe that would be cool....for GHS to do a historical drama like Sword and Knife----keke)

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Guest S_sun

Sue, I really appreciate you going to DC and finding all those wonderful posts on GHS. You are awesome! Thank you very much. Very heart warming to read that she touches people in different ways. I love that last DC fan...kekeke if I live in Seoul, I would stalk HeySun too.
If more Korean fans are vocal , it will nullify some of the effects of the antis.

Let's pray for a daebak drama for HS !

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Guest junda276

Hello Sunnies,

she is too beautiful .. beautiful, lovely, beauteous, attractive, dainty, elegant, sweet


"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."
- Martin Buxbaum

It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

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beautiful vampire....keke....o gosh o gee....how come people are so blind and saying that Hye Sun ugly?? they are just envy because hye sun who have natural beauty, can do anything, singing, acting, painting, directing and writing...wooowwwwwwwww...

just love her more and more....n love you too sunnies...

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She really is the BEST PICK for an AMBASSADOR FOR CINEFRANCE because she can be mistaken for a french actress too..Most French Actresses really put emphasis on their eyes and lips THAT MAKES THEM ALLURING the reason why maybe GHS make up is like this but TAKE NOTE she does look good with it..very few women can carry this kind of make up well:x

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@cheerkoo, please don't mind to take a look at this piece of news when you're free, thanks. I tried to use google it look so messy...

[news]송혜교-구혜선 같은 ‘인형 속눈썹’이 부럽다면?


[매경닷컴 MK패션 이예원 기자] 여자라면 누구나 아찔하게 컬이 올라가 있고 풍성한 속눈썹을 연출하려 노력한다. 풍성하고 화려하게 속눈썹을 연출할수록 더욱 크고 깊은 눈매를 완성할 수 있기 때문이다. 최근 공식석상에서 여자 연예인들도 각자의 개성을 드러낸 속눈썹을 선보여 눈길을 끈다.

(skip part not related)

▲ 시크한 구혜선의 속눈썹

구혜선은 위, 아래 속눈썹 모두 짙게 연출해 눈을 강조한 메이크업을 선보였다. 구혜선은 속눈썹을 최대한 바짝 위로 올려 연출했으며 아래 속눈썹도 두껍게 강조해 시크한 메이크업 룩을 완성했다.

구혜선처럼 눈을 강조한 메이크업을 할 때에는 풍성한 볼륨감을 주는 볼륨형 마스카라가 적합하다. 볼륨형 마스카라는 짧은 속눈썹을 가진 이들이 활용하기 좋은데 끝이 갈수록 뾰족해지는 것이나 브러시가 돌아가는 회전형 마스카라가 있다.

짧은 속눈썹으로 눈을 강조한 메이크업을 하기 위해서는 속눈썹 뿌리와 중간, 끝 부분으로 나누어 뷰러로 강한 컬을 만들어 준다. 그다음 마스카라 브러시를 세워 끝 부분을 이용해 위의 속눈썹과 아래 속눈썹을 뿌리부터 한올 한올 꼼꼼히 발라준다. 완전히 마르기 전 손가락을 이용해 위, 아래 속눈썹을 몇 가닥씩 뭉쳐주면 구혜선처럼 속눈썹이 강조된 아이 케이크업을 완성할 수 있다.

full news source: http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2013&no=255701

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Guest S_sun

Thanks @sukreen. Looking at the 2 natural beauties, one can see why the reporter put these 2 side by side. SHK has the classical beauty and GHS has the unique doll-like beauty. SHK is considered to be fair skinned, but compared HS is so much fairer. Wonder if HS ever tan? Probably just burn if under the sun too much. She was concerned in BOF filming when she got a tan (which I could not tell the difference)! kekeke

Just wondering who else other than @regie22, @GHSforever @junding2009 from soompi here are going to the fanmeet in HK? Those undecided, remember it is once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with GHS. kekeke It will be fun. Thanks to @meow13 for organizing it.

Have a good day/night Sunnies. Let's keep voting for HS.

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Hello Sunnies!

@GHSforever, thank you for posting the above. I'm so proud of Sunnies for uniting & making sure Hye Sun will not be disrespected by someone's inadequacy to write a good article. We all came to her rescue & thanks to the moderators of Hancinema for the quick response. I'm pretty sure Hye Sun's camp are smiling for what her Sunnies did. GOOD JOB!!!

^:)^ :-bd :x :D
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Guest stouffville

All Sunnies out there,
Just remember that once GHS said,the more they criticize her the more she take this as a challenge and make this opportunity to improve herself and make a better person and slowly she's proving it to us.That those who comments negatively are wrong of what they think about her.Her projects/works are more lovable and very encouraging.

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Guest dettegaj

First of all,i would to thanks all our dear sunnies who put all their best and hardworks in finding news and updates about our dear Hye sun...she is a symbol of a precious and rare diamond that glimmer and shine in the dark...you are awesome Angel;)

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S_sun said: Thanks @sukreen. Looking at the 2 natural beauties, one can see why the reporter put these 2 side by side. SHK has the classical beauty and GHS has the unique doll-like beauty. SHK is considered to be fair skinned, but compared HS is so much fairer. Wonder if HS ever tan? Probably just burn if under the sun too much. She was concerned in BOF filming when she got a tan (which I could not tell the difference)! kekeke

Just wondering who else other than @regie22, @GHSforever @junding2009 from soompi here are going to the fanmeet in HK? Those undecided, remember it is once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with GHS. kekeke It will be fun. Thanks to @meow13 for organizing it.

Have a good day/night Sunnies. Let's keep voting for HS.

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I am just waiting for the confirmation from Meow and other Sunnies of when we shall meet with Hye Sun. I could bring my whole family (husband and grown up sons) and my friends who love Hye sun too if possible. They are also eager to meet her. But we need to know the exact date so we could arrange our leave from the office. I am really praying hard for this to materialize. You are right S_sun, this is once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Guest S_sun

junding2009 said: I am just waiting for the confirmation from Meow and other Sunnies of when we shall meet with Hye Sun. I could bring my whole family (husband and grown up sons) and my friends who love Hye sun too if possible. They are also eager to meet her. But we need to know the exact date so we could arrange our leave from the office. I am really praying hard for this to materialize. You are right S_sun, this is once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Thanks Sunnies you're all awesome :-bd
The only word i could think is that soooo much jealousy and hatred in their hearts, as Hyesun is an ulzzang and due to that bad evil heart, they're blind and lost judgement even to admit that's the latest fashion of today :D

[MBN 포토] 구혜선 '빨간 립스틱'바르고…"깜짝아!"
[MBN photo] Gu Hye-Seon "red lipstick" and "surprise!"

Actress Ku Hye-Sun 2 pm Seoul sadang-Dong art from France to attend the opening ceremony of the ' open ' Cine.
On the same day, Gu Hye-Seon is inclement weather also appeared wearing miniskirts short seconds.

▲ 오늘 화장의 포인트는 '빨간 립스틱'…"깜짝 놀라지 마세요"
'Red lipstick' point of makeup today ... "" Do not look surprised

▲ 계단은 조심스럽게 '천천히' =The stairs 'slowly and carefully'

▲ 돋보이는 각선미~ =Compelling long legs ~

▲ 피부가 새 하얘 '눈부시는 인형 피부' =Dazzling dolls 'skin' the new white.

▲ 쑥스러운 듯 얼굴 가리는 구혜선 =Titans face seemed ludicrous Goo

source: http://mbn.mk.co.kr/pages/news/newsView.php?news_seq_no=1325452

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WELL DONE SUNNIES!!we did it..i am glad that hancinema listened to us..gosh such an inexperienced writer..he/she deserved that from us.i dint knw about it until i opened my facebook..thanx to all.Let us not be quiet when such situations arise..take care have a great day all..

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