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Posts posted by lclarakl

  1. 1 hour ago, cloudydreams said:

    Woah, how did you read my mind?? XD

    Seriously, I have the exact same thoughts as you. I'm only 19, but I can still recognize writing pitfalls and cliches. I feel like there were a dozen different ways they could have developed their relationship without bringing in Generic Pretty Boy to cause feelings of jealousy, especially when they've spent 0 scenes showing how Se Hee has any romantic interest in Ji Ho. Like, I'm pretty sure he needs to be interested in her first in order to be jealous, so it feels out of place they're introducing a romantic rival now.  


    From what I've seen, SH already cares about her. Notice he doesn't really care what the people he works with thinks about him. He doesn't go out of his way to make them feel comfortable. However, he's been going out of his way a lot to amen JH feel comfortable or help her when she's feeling down. He just calculates his actions as helping out a tenant to help him pay rent; although he's letting her pay a lesser rent. I hope we get some history into why he's so emotionless. As a matter of fact, it doesn't seem like he wants anything in his life to stimulate his emotions--hence he had to make sure that JH wasn't in love with him before he allowed her to move in with him.


    I need him to be shaken out of his self-imposed emotional barricade prison. I hope this other guy is just the person to get things moving. 

    • Like 10
  2. 2 hours ago, auntyem said:

    So anyway, I can’t stand HR!  Her crying is so irritating, her thoughts on married life is so immature!  She seems to live in a fantasy world....girl, wake up!!!! She does not seem to be in tune with the reality of today’s world, and her current situation with WS.  Hearing his thoughts on relationships and marriage, I think was really a wake up call for her.  They both are obviously in different places in their life right now.  Not the right timing!!!


    @auntyem, I enjoyed reading your post.  HR really got on my nerves this episode. Also, I thought this episode really showed how they both wanted something different out of the relationship. She has always seen him as a means to marriage. He's in love with her and receiving the benefit of marriage with no responsibility.  She just wants to get married and in her mind that automatically means she won't have to work. Instead she'll become a housewife....that's her goal. WS is looking at marriage as meaning he then has the responsibility of taking care of another person while at the same time trying to get his business up and going. For him, that's fearful.  To me, he seemed to suffer after they "broke up", she didn't seem that disturbed. I need her to step out of her marriage bubble for while.


    2 hours ago, auntyem said:

    Regarding JH/SH.  I agree, his words to her were quite harsh regarding their relationship.  I would have been just as confused as her, especially because his behavior at the wedding was so touching.  He seemed to be very caring and did seem to insinuate there was something more.  I realize there needs to be something to add to the drama, but it seems like it might be a bit much with the Boknam guy? We shall see.....cuz it does make things interesting!


    As I mentioned in a previous post, I only welcome this other guy so he can shake SH out of his  "my life is private" and "I only hang out with the cat" syndrome.  In their contract, I bet he listed nowhere that they couldn't date other people. He tries to plan out everything and even create formulas to help guide his life. Emotions of the heart is not something you can make work on a piece of paper. I truly hope this other guy doesn't hang around for more than 2 episodes. If he has to be there more than 2 episodes, then I hope JH will have laid a clear understanding between her and the other guy that she's not interested; I don't want there to be 1) the appearance from the outside looking in that she's cheating on him and 2) some other guy hanging around until the end of the drama.


    2 hours ago, auntyem said:

    i am enjoying watching the SG/SJ relationship developing, I really like how SJ handles him.  He really is full of himself, and it’s  fun watching her knock him down and bring him back to earth!  I love SJ’s character and Esom is knocking this role out of the park! Love her character so much!


    I have to say that I like how SJ handles him, however, she gives the appearance of being strong, but she's really weak in a lot of ways. I'm still not clear what is going on with her. I don't know if she goes to hotel rooms to have sex with guys "make memories" or she just goes to hangout and drink and be "silly" with them--"making memories".  She told SG she doesn't say anythings to the guys who were clearly harassing her this time because she doesn't want to be "talked about". I didn't understand her statement because you have one of your coworkers telling you to friend him on "Facebook" and don't remove the picture of her in a hotel room wearing a bikini.


    How far will she go just to be the 'boss'. It's pretty clear to me that she will never be seen more than a sex object by the guys she work with in the current company . She's so busy catering to them, that they see her more as the "entertainment" the CEO call late at night to entertain a client instead of the person they need to negotiate the deal--I'm sure that's how the bikini pictures were taken and the condom left by SG---or could have been her condom. I like when SG told her to stand up for herself.  To me in a lot of ways, she's just as broken as her friend who only has tunnel vision where marriage is concerned.

    • Like 7
  3. 2 hours ago, Jillia said:

    There are smarter ways to show Ji-ho that something is lacking in the relationship with Se-hee. And there are smarter ways to make Se-hee realize this thing between him and Ji-ho isn't just a contract marriage anymore.


    I loved how they showed the difference between Ji-ho and Se-hee and the couple in the subway, the guy taking care of his girlfriend, offering her a seat and not leaving to take another empty seat 6 meters away from her. It made Ji-ho think.


    I would think the writer can do more stuff like that. Also, Ji-ho is in her 30s and has friends who date but never dated? I mean I can live with that but to bring in a guy to make her realize what it looks like to have somebody being interested in you - just ON TIME when the contract marriage happened? Cliché drama I personally don't need. Also Ji-ho isn't 16, she is 30.


    Also... there is no need for a guy to make Se-hee jealous or to make him realize he actually likes Ji-ho. Why not escalate their relationship to a point she confesses and leaves and Se-hee realizes he can't live without her. It's much more elegant and somehow without the whole second "lead" drama going on.


    I found the whole second lead syndrome swoonworthy and cute when I was in my early 20s - like Goong was MY second lead syndrome, okay? But I'm in my 30s now and I feel like bringing in a dude, so to create drama between two 30 something people doesn't sit well with me. I know it will certainly make the younger viewers swoon (and maybe some 30 year old viewers as well.) and squee and that's fine.


    And I mean if the writer in the end surprises me by breaking the cliché I'm good but I feel like we're going into classic/boring k-drama territory and I'm not interested in that. This drama is better than that.


    Actually, I like that she's bringing in another guy. I hope he's only around for a couple of episodes and move on. The reason this guy is needed is because SH is so detached from his emotions that I don't think he knows what love and jealousy feels like. He wants there to be an "us" and "we" when he feels like it, but when she does normal things than an "us" and "we" would do---eating lunch with the co workers, naming the cat whom he hand left nameless, it's "I feel uncomfortable". 


    He needs a little nudge to start understanding that "us" and "we" is a lot better when he's part of the equation and not some other guy. 


    If SH was a little more in tuned to his emotions and lived a little, I most definitely wouldn't want another guy introduced, but here I think SH needs a wake up call. Sometimes, we can't see the treasure in front of us until someone threatens to steal it away.  

    • Like 19
    • Thanks 2
  4. I just think JH's friend, the one living with her boyfriend, is just immature and childish. She blew up with him, but then constantly wanted to be around him at the wedding and afterwards. Of course, he still doesn't get that she wants marriage. Sorry, but her character has really irritated me over the past couple of episodes. I've felt more sorry for him and wondered why he continued to put up with her 'guessing' game. Of course, now it's in the open, but she's too much of wanting to be married that being in love with the man, IMO. Even when she found out that JH was going to get a part time job, she wanted to know why she wasn't letting her husband take care of her. She has romanticized marriage and doesn't seem to realize that marriage takes work.

    • Like 7
  5. What I love especially about the last scene of JH crying was that she knew she hadn't given up on her dream; but reading her mother's letter she gained insight into her mother's life. Her mother called her, her friend. However, the part that really hit my heart was when her mother told SH to please let her daughter right if she wants to--"I'll do the housework if it helps." This mother is willing to devote her life in helping her daughter reach her goal and not become like her.  When her son that JH looks like her, the mother became upset--that was not the future she wanted for her daughter.  


    Although he's not aware of it, SH is really in tuned to JH's emotions and needs. I can't wait for him to realize that he likes her.  When she told his parents that he loves her, he  was caught off guard.  I liked that scene too.


    This drama is one of my favorites. I didn't expect it to be so good, it's subtle in it's approach but so powerful too. 

    • Like 8
  6. Oh my, but JH and her mom stole this episode for me. Each of their encounters pulled at my heart. I could feel JH's frustration and disappointment, but I could also feel her mother's frustration and desire for her daughter not to end up the way she did; a stay at home mom who wanted to do more with her life, but didn't have the means to do more. She supported JH in her college because she wanted her to have a better life than she had.


    The letter she wrote to SH still bring tears to my eyes. JH realized that her mother was acting the way she did because she loves her dearly and what her to reach her goals. The mother in this episodes comes across as so selfless. 


    Again, I can't say how much I loved this episode and I loved SH and how he responded to JH in her time of need. 

    • Like 11
  7. 11 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:

    Quick episode 4 thoughts...


    Her family is so oppressive towards her. I was beside myself with her father and brother acting all shook about them living together. Umm, excuse me, but brother dear has a live-in wife with a shotgun baby on the way. At least JH has a degree and a career and so does SH. Does her sister-in-law even work? The hypocrisy was suffocating.


    Her poor friend! Let this be a lesson, if you call yourself an adult, be able to communicate what you want in a relationship. She knows he is still working towards a better life. She knows that them living together has created all kinds of red flags. He has gotten comfortable, she has too, but that comfort has kept them from progressing like most couples. Here he is about to get into more debt buying her a couch she wouldn't shut up about and it was an analogy for marriage. *sigh* Most men aren't that smart.


    The corporate friend is such an inspiration. Even she mentioned that she wished the other friend had goals outside of marriage. It hit me then, that a LOT of women are afraid of becoming their mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and other women they watched growing up. Meanwhile, Ji Ho is sitting on a landmine. She IS getting married. LOL! And it is an arrangement that both of her friends could probably understand. I think this drama is also tackling the marriage issue in Korea right now. Millennials in Korea aren't getting married like generations before them. Most can't afford to get married, like the couch friend. Others have chosen to focus on their careers like the corporate friend. Frankly, what JH and SH are doing makes a lot of sense. They get along well, they share the same ideas on spending and living, but they have chosen to not allow love to cloud their arrangement. 



    I actually had a different view of the father and brother's reaction about JH living with SH. A lot of fathers are this way, even in the Western world.  There is a different standard for boys than girls. In a boy, to be with a woman he's a "man".  However, fathers do not want a man with their daughter; they're a little more protective. Also, father's don't want their daughter's to be seen as 'easy'.  


    I see the writer creating a contrast between the 3 women that reminds me of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears...."this porridge is too hot, this porridge is too cold, this porridge is just right/ this chair is too soft, this chair is too hard, this chair is just right, etc.".  Can you guess which one of the friends matches each porridge?  


    "Too soft/too hot" - The "poor" friend, I will call the "want to get married friend" because I don't think of her as poor, but just someone in love with the idea of marriage; she is the too hot/too soft when it comes to life. She enjoys life, but her focus is not overly career minded, she just wants to marry. She wants to marry so much that, as it was mentioned earlier, she sees her boyfriend as a tool--a means to an end; he's an object for her to reach her goal...marriage/motherhood.


    "Too hard/too cold" - The corporate friend. She is so blinded by wanting to be successful that she's lost her center. Her life is dictated by her CEO; when he says come she goes even though she doesn't feel like it. Putting on the fake smile even when she wants to cuss. Acting full of energy, even when she's bone tired. She doesn't wear a bra while wearing a thin white shirt because she can't drink as much..something that is a habit for her and shocking to her friend. She doesn't care that people can see her breast as if she wasn't wearing a shirt at all. She has casual sex with men she doesn't know (I'm hoping that's not the case; I'm sure we'll hear more about room 303 and why she's keeping that condom that I'm beginning to think belonged to SH's friend....sentimental?).  She comes across as a lonely person who doesn't feel she's worthy of love and therefore going to focus on the emptiness and loneliness of being a successful boss of a big corporation while keeping her emotions at bay.


    "Just right" - JH is just right to me. She's not willing to sacrifice herself for a job by being harassed by a co-worker. Her job is not so important that she's going to allow herself to be disrespected. She's also not consumed it the idea of being married. However, because she's not overly consumed with either, things are naturally falling in place for her. She's not giving up her goal of being a writer, but taking another means. She's not dating anyone, but at the same time is slowly falling for SH. I also love the fact that she speaks up for herself.


    I think there will be a lesson for all women in this drama, but I like each of them because they represent life.

    • Like 14
  8. 10 hours ago, evie7 said:

    I agree what was really telling for me is when he told her that she never considers his feelings. It's always him that has to worry about her's. I'm happy that he walked out, maybe spending some time alone w/out him will make her realize that she has lost her perspective on their relationship. I understand her disappointment too but it seems that she hasn't taken the time to actually sit down and talk to him about it. She's becoming resentful, expects SW to read her mind and takes the love they share for granted.


    @evie7, I so agree with you. Starting at episode 1, we had a glimpse of their relationship and he was always catering to her. I also think that she took him for granted. She was always, from the beginning, talking about breaking up with him. I hope he doesn't comeback like he has in the past and she needs to make some effort for  him. I want them to get back together, but I also want her to grow up and stop being in love with the "idea" of marriage, but instead start being in love with the man before her.

    • Like 10
  9. 7 hours ago, stroppyse said:


    I agree that there was definitely a level of tawdriness to the scene. However, it was also reality. She has to go back into work to entertain the client. Going back to work means putting on stockings. It smacks of long practice in getting ready on the fly to go when she's called, and having to put on a certain uniform to do so, and not thinking twice about doing that in the car in front of someone, much as someone else might put on lipstick or mascara in their car.



    It was that scene that made me wonder if part of her entertaining the client has to do with entertaining them sexually and that's why she's carrying around condoms. We're not talking about the U.S. where it's less conservative, we're talking about a country that is more conservative, where they still treat single parenting as taboo. I also feel this air of unhappiness around her.  


    I have to go back and rewatch the last couple of episodes because they were not fully subbed, but I need to understand how SH's friend knew her. From the first or second episode, I got the impression that he knew her.  I don't know, but she's another character that really makes me feel sad for her. She's trying to get into the boy's club at her organization and having to put up with a lot. UPDATE:  Found the scene--it wasn't subbed when I first watched it. So they had casual sex in the past--he doesn't know her and she doesn't know him. That is truly sad.


     However, from a reality standpoint, I have to say that I'm glad she is carrying a condom. One of the things that truly frustrates me about Korean dramas is the fact that they always have to have drinking and getting drunk scenes (try finding a drama without a drunk scene--impossible) and sometimes the ladies are passed out drunk. That truly bothers me because what message are they sending to young ladies? In their drunken state, they are truly at the mercy of others at that point. At least having a condom, if she's too drunk to fight the person off, hopefully she can protect herself from STDs.


    Again, what I love about this drama and it's characters are they seem real unlike the other, too sweet for words female characters in other dramas.

    • Like 9
  10. 5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I understand why you see it that way. But nonetheless, her mother was unable to create a room where JH could express herself hence I can not accept that she has such a power over her husband. The mother accepted that only her son's birthday was celebrated with candles. Her daughter had to run away from home in order to achieve her dream. JH has always felt neglected and as such her mother is responsible for that. She criticizes her son in front of JH but her critic has no effect, since the son got a woman pregnant, received the flat and has no real job. 

    On the other hand, your observation about how JS and HR perceive men was an eye-opener. Both have a negative attitude towards them: they are objects or tools. In the end they are so passive, when it comes to men. You're right that JS could set boundaries but she doesn't, then resents men for her situation. Striking is that JS didn't notice that MSG did help her a little to get rid of the harassing manager. Sure, it wasn't that obvious but that is the kind of the thing that JH would have noticed. She noticed with a simple gesture SH's kindness. 

    I was really bothered by HR's behaviour: immature, materialistic and self-centered. I hope, she finds someone else first (rich aso) and her new boyfriend treats her like an object. I would like her to regret her spontaneus decision. She has to realise that she totally overlooked the love SW had for her. They loved each other, yet she totally underestimated it because of her dream: marriage and have a bigger house.


    I had a similar perception of JH's mother as @Lmangla. I first got this impress of her mother when she told JH that she would help her and gave her an envelope full of money and told her not to tell her father. LOL! The money was no where near the amount of money that could help JH.  That scene made me realize that JH's mother was one of those traditional wives where the husband is head of the household, but at the same time she leads from behind. She's probably never worked and has no clue what the cost of living would be like in a place Seoul.  


    Actually, this family reminds me of the family in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Both fathers are explosive, but at the same time would never do anything to hurt their daughter. JH ran away from home, but she really didn't have a real fear that her father would hurt her or drag her back home. If she really had a fear of her father, she would have never 'ran away' to a place where she could be found. 


    As the mother in the movie MBFGW, she said that her husband was the head, but she was the neck that turned the head....:D


    @stroppyse, I agree with your comment about SJ.  I think she may be having it of her own will, but not out of enjoyment. It's just a means to an end to reach her goal.


    I didn't realize how many actresses in the Korean Entertainment industry (movie/drama stars) are made to prostitute themselves by their agencies. A lot of this started coming to light after an actress committed suicide and left all these letters behind. Those were things that used to happen a lot here in the U.S. in the 50s and 60s. These women allowed themselves to be used in order to grow their career.


    We'll find out more about SJ, but I do wonder about her story. 

    • Like 7
  11. 1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

    Unlike SJ who has to deal with sexual harassment pretty constantly at work. However, she chalks it up to the price of going after her dream of climbing the corporate ladder. While no one may have physically tried to attack SJ as the assistant PD attacked JH, they were both subjected to sex crimes, and their responses to their situations are markedly different. In fact, I've wondered whether SJ had been forced into having sex with someone already, and had basically told herself to get over it since that was what was required. It's a horrible thought, but something about the way SJ deals with sex feels a little off. I'm not condemning her in any way for her one night stand with SG or anyone else, btw. As an adult of her own cognizance, she's free to conduct her personal affairs any way she thinks best. It's just the way SJ is shown under stress all the time makes me wonder.


    Actually, I get the impression that SJ may use sex in order to socially climb. She's no jaded innocent. That was shown in the scene when she dropped a condom out of her purse. Some women would have pretended it wasn't theirs, but she boldly told him, that the condom belonged to her and asked for it back. The fact that she keeps condoms in her wallet and is not shy about it, tells me that she keeps them handy because she may have sex at anytime.  I have to wonder where her story is going to lead. She most definitely deals with harassment on her job and I've noticed how she behaves differently around the men she work with...seems a little more "sweet girl" and the way she behaves around SH's friend...tough, worldly.


    I do love the fact that these women are depicting characters more real life than women in other dramas.  I can relate to these women.

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  12. This drama is really funny and some of it is subtle.  That awful picture that SH took of him and JH. He thought it was a good picture to show his mother as a couple. He later told JH that he would send the picture to her so that she  could send it to her family to show they were a couple.  When JH saw the picture, she was like, "What? I can't send this."  I can't wait until SH discovers what love is so he can understand the emotions  that love brings out of a person.

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    • LOL 1
  13. 3 hours ago, hushhh said:

    I love the female friendship in this drama.


    As much as I am enjoying this drama, I know that I am enjoying it because I anticipate SeHee changing. 


    If this drama was a potential lover I'd run away because the rule is, never date anyone assuming they will change from who they show you to be into a prince charming.


    @hushhh, I too can't wait to see SeHee change--especially, realizing that he's falling in love with her. He does things that are very considerate of her. Even him giving her a break on the rent. In his mind, it's all about need money for rent, yet he's giving her a discount on the money he needs. Then he offers her money. He's even considerate of her on the bus. I can't wait for the realization that may be he likes her.

    • Like 14
  14. OMG! I laughed so much when SH met JH's family. I was laughing out loud. When they made the growling noise for the father and the puppy sound for the dog, was just too much--when JH kicked SH behind his knees to make him get in the kneeling position in front of her father.....oh, I couldn't stop laughing.  What I'm liking about the acting of our leads is it seems so natural and real. Their timing is perfect. 


    I felt sorry for WS. He couldn't wait to see how excited his girlfriend would be to see the sofa he purchased for her. Only for her to jump to conclusions and think he was going to propose. She gets angry at him when it's not his fault. Instead of her throwing off hints about marriage by using a sofa that led to confusion, she should have been speaking plainly for him to understand.

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    • LOL 2
  15. 3 hours ago, tigro said:

    Loved the third episode. It was poignant and loved that realization and leap of faith from jiho at the end. The OST also enhances the scenes so much. And I also love her friends. Such a lovely drama! Can't wait for episode 4. 


    I agree. There was so much deep emotions in this drama. I loved that she stood up for herself with her co-workers and didn't backdown like most female leads in dramas. The women are appearing to be a lot stronger in this drama than I expected.

    Just loving this drama.

    • Like 8
  16. 2 hours ago, daloula said:

    I just started the drama out of curiosity without reading any synopsis and I really like it. Her walk through the tunnel moved me so much it made me cry since it reminded me of a time in my own life. I can't wait for the next episodes.


    @daloula, I really liked that scene too. I know I had a moment similar in my life and I could really feel that loss, but not sure where to turn. I especially loved the line after his proposal when she said she just wanted to sleep.  I have to admit that she's one of my favorite actresses, she can really get into different roles and become a different character.  I would like to see her play another character like she did in the drama Big Man--she stole the show from the lead actress IMO, to the point they started decreasing her scenes.


    Looking forward to next week.

    • Like 5
  17. After watching episode 2 with subs, I can't wait to see where this drama is heading. I didn't expect a marriage proposal.....:wub:  I'm interested in the following:


    1. Will the really marry?

    2. Will she find her success? (I have to admit, I would have been upset too if someone took my story and completely changed it to one of those stupid plot dramas.......love the way this writer is making fun of his trade).

    3. What is going to happen in the next 14 episodes?


    Loving this drama.

    • Like 12
  18. I have to say that I loved the first episode, even though it wasn't fully subbed. Jung So Min is one of my favorite actresses--I also think that she flies under the radar for some and they miss the fact that she's a very talented actress.  I can't wait to see how this drama progresses. 


    I wasn't expecting the kiss at the end, I can't wait to understand their conversation that led to the kiss. However, his expression was priceless.

    • Like 10
  19. @Kasmic, @evie7, @maria1983@nonski, @anoasys, @alcides14ahjumma, Chingus, Thank you for the wonderful screen shots, videos, OSTs and just great reading material. The fact that both of our leads sang a song from the drama Doctors, just have me wanting the two of them to be a real couple. I have been a fan of PSH since the first drama I saw her in---Kimchee Radish Cubes, then Heart String/You've Fallen for Me.

    Thank you so much for taking time to put together all this mind stimulating eye candy.

    • Like 7
  20. @packmule3, I have to say that I enjoyed reading your post. It hit on all cylinders. I have to tell you that I was for continuing the contest and pushing past hurt feelings.  However, after I read some comments on the Contest thread and remembering a past unpleasant experience, I won't go into details, I truly felt like our team was being 'called out' as cheaters and our 'win' delegitimized. I acknowledge that some may have voted multiple times, but I also believe  this occurred for every drama in the competition; therefore, that level set the playing field.  My background is in the financial industry, so I can truly appreciate your application of arbitration and, hopefully, you can understand why a person who is responsible for other people's money doesn't like being called a cheater--even indirectly.

    Again, I appreciate your post--it was an enjoyable, fair and honest read.

    @vangsweetie637, Thank you for your wonderful post and your support. I will admit my heart isn't in the competition at this moment, but it is in this thread which I came back to periodically over the months to see what was going on after the drama ended. The contest had two big positives for me, it made me want to watch the drama again and I had the pleasure of reconnecting on this thread with some of my favorite chingus. Again, thank you chingu!

    @Kasmic Thanks for the well wishes. Still not fully operational, but trying to get there. I have to say that I've very happy that you have a smile on your face. Knowing you're returning to your old self, brings a smile to my face too.

    @nonski, I hope you feel better!!  


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  21. @CamelKnight and @MadraRua, I have to say that I truly appreciate you both. I also appreciate you both taking time to explain the issue in detail. I understand your dilemma. However, I also think that the results probably also balanced themselves out because duplicate voting probably happened with all. The system wouldn't let me vote twice, but that's neither here nor there.

    I personally lost my desire after having my integrity questioned. I'll rather just share my thoughts with the group on this thread. I was never in this for the 'prizes' since I'm already signed up with Viki and DramaFever. I was doing this for the friendly camaraderie and working with the Caregiver team.  It was fun for us, scattered across the globe, to come together and work on this project.

    Any who, I think I will just continue sharing my thoughts here.

    Again, I appreciate you both and hope to have another discussion on another drama in the future.

    • Like 11
  22. Although, I love DOTS too, here is why I love Doctors more.  Both are romantic dramas with some Action, one drama is more action focused and the other is more Romance focused.  Example---comparing the helicopter reunion scenes:

     DOTS has this slow-mo helicopter reunion scene when it comes in to pick up the doctors from the tarmac. The reunion of two people who had an attraction for each other but called it 'quits' because one of them was afraid of facing the possible loss of the other.  At the reunion,  her scarf blows in the wind and he descends from the helicopter. She looks at the guys coming towards her and realizes it's him--the man she's trying to forget. He walks with swagger with his boys, but walks past her and addresses the group. Then he turns towards her and hands her the scarf. It's a cute reunion.


    Doctors has this wonderful slow-mo helicopter reunion scene of two people who had a connection, attraction buried deep in their heart from prying eyes--forbidden love; a love that they didn't even recognize. However, they were separated due to others around them. At the reunion, her eyes are looking intently at the helicopter, when unexpectedly she sees the man she had a school girl crush on, the man that inspired her to become a doctor, descends from the helicopter. As her eyes soaked in the sight before her, you can see the surprise, the longing, the shyness and the confusion.....all fleeting and subtle.  

    When he sees her, he walks towards her with purpose--to the point we thought he was going to pass her by. He stops before her. She gathers her wits and asks about the patient. He responds. She immediately forgot about the scolding she had just given the intern about focusing on work and not personal matters as she asked JH,  how he's been. Of course, we know the rest. That's why JH made it clear that he wasn't going to let her go this time around.

    "Are you married?"

    "Do you have a boyfriend?"

    "Good, then we're set."

    The JH walks away with that little smirk on his face--happy that he had finally, unexpectedly, found the woman he had been searching for over the years and she's still single. 

    There is no comparison, in my opinion, to the two reunion scenes. Doctors hands down made my heart flutter and I felt giddy like a little girl hearing JH's questions to HJ.

    It's not hard to understand why people love this drama.

    (All, excuse any typing errors--on meds at the moment for an injured back, so who knows what I'm writing......:lol:)

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