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[Drama 2023-2024] The Third Marriage - 세 번째 결혼 - Mon to Fri 19:05 KST


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4 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

Seriously I feel sorry for Noel , before cheating on her with younger waitresses now marry younger girl  :joy:

*at least he consistent with his type 


Honestly, this is what she deserves for cheating on DJ's father. There I said it. 

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23 hours ago, kingpin said:

This revenge is going to be epic! I get why DJ choose Chairman Wang instead of either YH or JH. SR, her mom, and even Bobae cannot touch her when she is Dream's lady owner.




angry dajung is fun to watch. she was fun to watch as evil second lead in other drams and so she knows how to channel that energy. I also think dajung's choice in chairman was inspired.

yohan didn't even tell her song yi's death because he was afraid to hurt her feelings. for two years, serin is working there and he hasn't worked her to death. what a manager -- always fair! kekekke..

and he has been talking about taking back from his uncle for years and still hasn't done anything about it. hahahahha.. I was laughing at that scene. it is hard to take yohan seriously because he is too much of a softie. 

jihoon would have been fun choice but then dajung would have been mistress and she wouldn't get to boss around serin like the way she is doing now. so yes, chairman was the best pick... 


1 hour ago, Ameera Ali said:


did you think JH’s dad find out SR fakery when he did background check on SR , later on put two & two together  , that why he married DJ , we all see how he obsessed with grandma business  & also get the chance to ..

* yes I am watching two sister 

chairman definitely knows and is playing around dajung for a specific reason. based on promo, it sounds like he owes her something -- maybe his life -- and it is suiting him to make her his wife for a time. so they are partners in crime and he is perfect because he will have no qualms about hurting anyone's feelings. hahahaha... 

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17 minutes ago, Lmangla said:


he has been talking about taking back from his uncle for years and still hasn't done anything about it. hahahahha.. I was laughing at that scene. it is hard to take yohan seriously because he is too much of a softie. 


Agree , rather than show them ,he run away - Mr tough :D



JH MIA looking for new mistress 

Noel  drunk crying somewhere   


SR be like where everyone.. :joy:




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He cheated on her all the time. She said ‘who is it this time’, he somehow goofed up and got her pregnant.


Noël is rather naive for a mature woman. They are friends and she stays in his house and manages it, a house keeper effectively. 

She has been asking for pain, hurt me snd I’ll still be your chingu. What??

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13 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

JH you can’t take woman word literally 


SR :lol:


Also SR [ All the time :D

eavesdropping on him , spy on him , follow him  



#  make it make sense

serin wants to play hide and seek.


serin wants this reaction from jihoon:




whereas jihoon be like:


 yea whatever mood... 




she would have more fun playing with dajung..

better than hide and seek game... 





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23 hours ago, maribella said:

The Third marriage is definitely his and FL’s. Look at that, a loyal man, a loving father to DJ’s bio daughter and the rightful heir to Dream food. Hang in there chingus, the best is yet to come. 

Yes this is what I believe as well.

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16 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

did you think JH’s dad find out SR fakery when he did background check on SR , later on put two & two togethe


There are a lot of possibilities since we only knew he owned the company where both FLs and SFL’s father worked.

He could have been involved in the fire. But I don’t think it’s for honourable reasons - just thinking.

He didn’t recognise DJs father. So I wouldn’t make too much of it. 

And I don’t think he knew about SR’s origins. 

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I still suspect that the chairman is the catalyst for what happen with DJ's dad and SR's dad. I could have swore I heard him say before that he was trying to buy the company that DJ's dad had with SR's dad but they were unwilling to sell it. If that is true then he prolly tried something dirty that resulted in SR's fathers death and DJ's dad being accused and cleared. It was ruled as an accident and he was cleared. But because of SR's mothers anger, jealousy and spitefulness she totally contributed to SR thinking he killed her father. Her mother was mad about the affair and pushed it all on DJ and her father but I remember DJ's dad saying something to the effect that his friend wanted to divorce SR's mom anyway and it was in part to her mismanagement or money issues. Now given that SR's mom is constantly in debt and was taken advantage of by the next man she was with and lost her money she again pushed that all on DJ's family brainwashing SR who was already insanely jealous of DJ.


I know things can happen and people can betray others but as fondly as DJ's dad thought of SR's dad is he really that bad of a friend/brother to sleep with his best brothers wife? Was his marriage so bad that he caved to temptation? Was it easy to betray his brother? It would seem he was maybe not as good as DJ's dad thought of him but I have to wonder did they really have an affair or was he used so Noel could leave? 


I have questions as the chairman says Noel was met in Paris and she lost her memory. I wonder did she loose it trying to go back to find DJ when Sr's mom sold her? He obviously checked her and searched for her kid but was told she was dead which we all; know is not true and its actually the shop owners daughter who died. So was he perhaps the reason she ended up with amnesia? IF not why would you not want her to remember who she was? It's not like she would go back to her ex when he showed up. She would not leave him to go to her daughter who is already married with a child. And I say this to say that the Chairman seemed shocked to see DJ's dad who asked how his ex ended up as his wife? So I think he did know who he is in connection to Noel but maybe not remember him as the owner of the company he tried to buy. He did not want DJ's dad asking too many questions or meeting him. 


If Noel really had an affair then yes this is part of her Karma even if she has no idea why. Her abandonment of her daughter and having an affair is a huge hit to her. But then again with amnesia she has no idea about the past. But given how she has been with him long enough and he continues to cheat on her she should not be surprised although at this point the surprise is to who he has brought home this time. This is a huge slap in her her face when she finally thought he would marry her and give her a status. I can see her sympathizing with SR over JH's affairs which is why she showed up and paid the woman off. He totally disregarded her and blindsided her. This is another sign that he totally does not respect her. She honestly should have moved on from this man a long time ago. 


The Chairman knows all about SR's past concerning the affair with scum and realizes she got rid of scum to marry JH. He has no idea that it was DJ's husband or that she caused the death of SY because of her actions. He is a snake and for now he will try to use DJ to do his dirty work to get rid of SR, but I see that changing when he realizes that DJ is Noel's bio daughter that he thought dead and Noel gets her memory back. Also let's not forget that we have the huge secret of SR being a fraud. With SR exposed that means his deals with Granny would come to an end if DJ finds out that SR stole her place. He will need to hide that truth to continue with the deals he needed to save his company. Especially if he truly had something to do with what happen back then to SR's dad that DJ's dad got blamed for. There is no way SR will be leaving that house without blackmail. And its for sure that she will end up in some type of deal I bet with the Chairman if they realize that YH is trying to take him down. He wants JH to to take over although JH is not interested to do so at this point. 


This is a huge mess and although I love seeing DJ give it to SR as her MIL.. I just wish it did not come at the expense of YH and Noel. Granny will also think about her words later when she learns that she has been had for a number of years by SR and her mother. Her son and granddaughter where right there and she gave the keys to a fake who harmed them.

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12 hours ago, maribella said:

He cheated on her all the time. She said ‘who is it this time’, he somehow goofed up and got her pregnant.


Noël is rather naive for a mature woman. They are friends and she stays in his house and manages it, a house keeper effectively. 

She has been asking for pain, hurt me snd I’ll still be your chingu. What??

I do not feel bad for Noel she started all this by having a love fest with SR dad and abandoned DJ and her husband so she deserved what she got and plus she was a mistress herself when she met the uncle  so she been around the block herself

so i do no feel sorry for her at all this is her like they say this is her Krama to be unhappy.Sad Korean Drama GIF by The Swoon

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think star wars GIF by Hyper RPG

1.What if Noel is not as innocent? What if accidentally killed SR’s father and the Uncle is covering for her(memory loss? Keeping her away from FL’s dad?).

The uncle seems like he doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. He had a miss opportunities to get rid of FL’s dad. He was busy keeping him away from Noel? Why is that?

2. What if the TML’s mom is actually Noel. Noel said that they got married and divorce twice. What if the person he thought as his mom was really his stepmom?

I like the fake marriage with the uncle. They play a convincing couple. They play well off each other. ( I can see them in one of those age gap dramas). This is how you get power and use according. She would not be able to be 10 steps ahead of SR if she married the ML. SR would still be more powerful since she married the TML. Unlike the past dramas like “The Second Husband”, “Bride of Vengeance” and “Miss MonteCrisco” where the whole marriage for power kind of fell flat. This I can get behind. 
I think DJ called the Uncle. Didn’t he offer to help her if needed and he left his card when they went out to eat? I think he flew her to America for treatment. She still was in no condition to leave yet or toe to toe with SR. 
The uncle has a plan for her but I don’t know what. 

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2 hours ago, Yazusa said:

do not feel bad for Noel she started all this by having a love fest with SR dad and abandoned DJ and her husband

I remember watching the early episodes throughout, the only part between Noel and SR’s father was her reaching for something and he came up behind her  and the usual ‘hand touching and after-looks’.  Later SR’s recollection of DJ’s father hitting her father and DJ’s recollection of her mother leaving.


I think the writer is leaving Noel’s character sketchy because she can alter Noel’s role in the triangle. We clearly saw SR’s father admitting to his love for her. But her guilt as an adulterer isn’t clear to me. 

1 hour ago, youngae said:

What if Noel is not as innocent? What if accidentally killed SR’s father and the Uncle is covering for her(memory loss? Keeping her away from FL’s dad?).

The Chairman did not recognise DJ’s father before the father started telling him who he and Noel were.  Again the early story is also sketchy, how well did the Chairman know the employees? What was his position?


1 hour ago, youngae said:

like the fake marriage with the uncle. They play a convincing couple. They play well off each other. ( I can see them in one of those age gap dramas).

It looks fake but is it? I can’t see what he gains from it.

3 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

could have swore I heard him say before that he was trying to buy the company that DJ's dad had with SR's dad but they were

 How come he did not recognise DJ’s dad when he was chasing Noel? If he did recognise Shin, I might have missed it. 

Or was he too high up to meet Shin in his early career?  He practically stole YH’s dad’s company, did he use the fire to trigger unhappiness in the company?  There sre so many more episodes.

3 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

exposed that means his deals with Granny would come to an end if DJ finds out that SR stole her place. He will need

Grandma Bobaejung has said many times that business and personal matters don’t mix. Once they have a deal, SR’s identity would not affect their contract because it was not his fault. But if JH were to divorce her, that may change. So I still can’t see his benefit to a fake marriage.

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Prediction for the last 20 episodes;


ML's uncle/TML's father will team up with SR and become the final boss of the drama. He will use her to take full control of Grandma's company and possibly get Grandma killed. Yes, I'm predicting that Grandmas is going to die in the drama.


FL will either find out/ or already knew that she is her grand-daughter. Therefore, like in Miss MonteCrisco. She'll seek revenge on TML's father and help ML get his company back. 


The three characters that will be in prison/jail by the end of this drama.

SFL, SML, and TML's father  

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2 years ago, DJ went to the Chairman's office to tell him that he shouldn't marry off SR and TML. She tells him that SR cheated with her ex-husband and left that ex-husband to marry TML. 


He tells her he knows, but doesn't want to break up the marriage because of business.  


He then sends her to America to learn to be a chef because that's what DJ requested. Chairman visits her kitchen workplace and tells her that she can be a head chef in her own restaurant if she asked. I guess they got to know each other a lot during that two years. Maybe they did fall in love and got married?? Who really knows. 


Now, DJ own apartments, claims some inheritance, and becomes an EVP of the company, and SR's boss. 

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So She literally walked into the lion’s den , then he make her do what he want :unamused:


[ please stop marriage between SR & JH , no can’t do that how about I send you to USA then I marry you .. duh :joy: ] 



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13 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

What a reunion .. :joy:

JH be like why it look like I’m third wheel :D

@UnniSarah would you think SC will blackmail SR , JH only one who didn’t know their history 


JH isn't going to care about SR's dating history. Now, that I think about it. I don't think he's going to care that SR gave birth  to baby out of wedlock. 


I just wonder if he's going to meet his other kid or if he finds out that DJ has now married the Chairman.   

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