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The Second Soompi Survival Games


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9 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

Throw away the key  :joy:

Have any proof? 



3 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

So my dear fellow participants, the next time @partyon & @agenth approach you with promises of civility and you're seriously thinking of placing your faith in them yet again, remember the words of Grand Moff Tarkin ...

Reading this with his wife beside him, drinking a fine wine.

Well, some has it better than others.


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4 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

I'm just gonna leave this here ... nothing wrong with a little Survival Game EO/Gamekeeper end scandal ..


So my dear fellow participants, the next time @partyon & @agenth approach you with promises of civility and you're seriously thinking of placing your faith in them yet again, remember the words of Grand Moff Tarkin ...



statement 1 still refers to the characters themselves, but NOT to the characters' characters (the ones a character portrays in the script by the writer)


statement 2 explicitly refers to truck of doom, which colloquially is known as large, white truck, as well as referring to statement 1, which only includes actors/celebs/characters, the third noun meaning characters with which people signed up with, but not the characters the characters play in the day/night time!

how i met your mother GIF by Amanda


There was no violent death!


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8 minutes ago, agenth said:

There was no violent death!


Ignoring your failed attempts at retconning "characters" definition, the prudent reader will not be swayed from the fact the YOU promised ME there would be no Truck of Doom ... there was (semantics on coffee trucks will not aide you here)


The Best Mic Drop GIF by #MTNBrightSideGIFs


Thus ends the lesson



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14 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Ignoring your failed attempts at retconning "characters" definition, the prudent reader will not be swayed from the fact the YOU promised ME there would be no Truck of Doom ... there was (semantics on coffee trucks will not aide you here)



Confused Schitts Creek GIF by CBC




On 4/29/2022 at 9:31 PM, agenth said:

CHARACTER NAME: (Asian Actor/Actress/Character/kpop group Celebrity -  please choose a human not an animal :D, a person that wants to become a main lead)

AVATAR/SQUARE PICTURE: insert url here


The character who died with coffee truck was the ROLE a character was playing during one episode of the "how to become a main lead - story of a second lead" production! 


How does truck of doom look like?




and a coffee truck?





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@Ameera Ali How did you get that? It was supposed to never leave the recording room (the one the production didn't have budge to install)! It's so unfair!



19 minutes ago, agenth said:


It looks like it wanted to eat customers brave enough to step closer than a broom stick's length.


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7 minutes ago, Idylla Kaizoku said:

It looks like it wanted to eat customers brave enough to step closer than a broom stick's length.




how about these?



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58 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

Next year I will call my character @The_sweettrap


# increasing my chance with the computer 



And I will be @Kill-me-quickly-I-really-don't-mind


1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:



Learned another new word today; thanks! :wow1:

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3 hours ago, agenth said:


the main star role goes to....


As the curtains close, everybody claps for Yoo In Young @the_sweetroad from Agency 7! Congratulations on becoming the first second lead to be promoted to main lead for the next production of this super famous PD + writer team. You did it! [and it only took you one elimination of another...]


Rigged!! :loolz:How did @the_sweetroad win again?


Something fishy going on with our EO’s here on Soompi Forum :lol:


Jokes aside, congrats @the_sweetroad, you have become the official second lead :P 

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32 minutes ago, ferily said:

Rigged!! How did @the_sweetroad win again?


:loolz:I know. Toward the end I was like, "Oh no, please don't let it be me." lisa simpson smile GIF


But maybe the fact that it was twice in a row gives more legitimacy to the fact it's a random computer simulation?

No? Yes? No....? OK.



But seriously, thanks EO's especially @agenth and @partyon for another great game and all your hard work! :star:Fun to do this in the lull between our weekend dramas :lol:.

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6 hours ago, agenth said:



  Hide contents



Wang Wook @Sky Kang  hides in the costume pile backstage. Only to realize it's actually dirty laundry.



Are these used costumes? Do they even wash those clothes? :joy:

6 hours ago, agenth said:



6 hours ago, agenth said:

After reading k-netz reviews online, the PD decides to drop Kim Seulgi's @happiness character. In the drama script, her character is supposed to be killed off with the Truck of Doom.  The writer changes it to a coffee truck.

Here we are again with trucks. Is the coffee truck sponsored?


Atleast it's not @LeftCoastOppathis time. 

5 hours ago, agenth said:


Wang Wook @Sky Kang and former EO oppa get caught in an illegal room salon by the police. Wang Wook's agency tries to cover it up, but rumors run rampant and cannot be stopped anymore. Former EO oppa has already been on hiatus for the same issue since 2021. "Birds of a feather" and "as expected - physiognomy  never lies" comments flock the message boards. Former EO oppa and Wang Wook write hand written apology letters but it's too little too late.  Both are cancelled.

Why does that EO oppa love room salons and even brought a man from goryeo with him? :evilelmo:

8 minutes ago, Sky Kang said:

Are these used costumes? Do they even wash those clothes? :joy:


Here we are again with trucks. Is the coffee truck sponsored?


Atleast it's not @LeftCoastOppathis time. 

Why does that EO oppa love room salons and even brought a man from goryeo with him? :evilelmo:


He almost wins the ML role. Should the leads be one ML and one FL? They should have both won :onfirex:




Even in modern times he can't be the ML smh. And with that, Wang Wook reincarnated back to the goryeo era and just wandered around plotting something to throw off the king so that he can be the ML even in his next life. 끝. 


Anyways, congrats again for the nth time @the_sweetroad you should be in the hall of fame and exempted in the next soompi survival games :joy:

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After reading k-netz reviews online, the PD decides to drop Kim Seulgi's  character. In the drama script, her character is supposed to be killed off with the Truck of Doom.  The writer changes it to a coffee truck.


I guess if her character had to go, it should be in the most cliche way possible. :bawling:


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3 hours ago, happiness said:

I guess if her character had to go, it should be in the most cliche way possible.


cr.: owner




i think she got exposed by some other reporters..



cr.: owner




 GRATS @the_sweetroad for winning!! 




hmm.. so for the EOs.. @partyon  @Sleepy Owl  @confusedheart @agenth

whose bones were those previously?

what's behind the trap door?

what happened to the real gun?

what about the explosives behind the music instrument?





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1 hour ago, Idylla Kaizoku said:

Season 3 is coming soon, stay tuned


cr.: owner


oops.. some of the main leads have changed.. so, time for us (who got eliminated here) to rise up for the main lead roles??



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