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[Drama 2022] My Liberation Notes, 나의 해방일지


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Love reading your posts and I can see the drama and pick up the gems from different angles. 


EP 14 is sad but healing.  We can see how the family picked up the pieces.  


Chang Hee has matured and wiser.  I can see his character development.  (LMK especially did stellar acting in ep 14.) 


Gi Jeong.  I haven't seen much character development even towards the ending of the drama.  I hope she doesn't consider marriage as her way to liberation.  Such marriage won't last.  She needs more time to get to know or even win the heart of the daughter-to-be.  

I was very nervous while watching ep 14.  It was almost 6 minutes before the episode ended but there was no sign of Gu-Mi Jeong's reunion then I had to wait for another week.  But to my surprise, I got to see the last scene.  It is sweet and heart-fluttering, I'd say. They shyly smiled and stared at each other:love:


That's not it. I was still nervous then, because it could be just a dream because in the previous scene Gu threw himself on the bed as if he fell asleep or passed out.  But seeing the preview of the next episode, I knew it was neither a fantasy nor a dream.  They will go on a couple of dates together, upgraded city-style dates. 

(They used to date while farming and walking in the dark).  


Remember the ambulance in Seoul?  I was worried that it was Gu who was in it. Based on Gu's attire, I learned that the scenes when he visited MJ's dad, drinking at the bar and returning home in a drunken state, and peeking outside the window happened in a day.  I was worried that after meeting MJ, he passed out and didn't make it but it wasn't the case.  


Then I got worried again when I saw the preview.  The dialog mentioned seeing the doctor.  Is Gu going to be sick now?  Aigoo!

Can I be greedy and hope for a happy ending for GU and MJ?



10 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

 If this were My Mister, the entire show would be done by now. :lol: But here we get some "bonus" episodes! Woo hoo!


IKR!  Some dramas would have this kind of ending and consider it a happy ending. 


Some mentioned the possibility of MJ gaining weight because she had a baby?  She definitely would if the drama is in the makjang genre:lol:


My notes on ep 15 preview: 

-When Gu and MJ were having a date, Gu had to go because there was a problem in the club and Gu got a scar on his cheek.  

-Gu tried to quit his job?

-Gi Jeong bought a pregnancy test pack. Was it for her? We'll see.


Can't believe the drama is about to end next week.:sad1:

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7 hours ago, Yinye said:

Also I need justice for MJ re her vile boss and the co-worker mistress.


Yes, I need justice for MJ!


Choi Jun-ho = Team Leader, aka A-hole
Han Su-jin = Having an affair with A-hole


Now that we know Su-jin was having an affair with Choi, it makes Choi's abuse of Mi-jeong so much worse. So much more despicable than we ever realized. Remember when he loudly criticized her pants? Who cares about stuff like that? Su-jin would. So it's clear that they spent so much their time hating on her and finding ways to bully her. The fact that they even used Mi-jeong's name as an alias, and got people gossiping about how she was the mistress? These horrible disgusting trash people. And they got away with it. The HR department of this stupid company would not believe Mi-jeong and fired her instead.


The thing that really dismays me was when Su-jin asked MJ innocently, "Hey, do you know who Team Leader Choi is cheating with?" THIS B***H. And MJ gives her that same warrior staredown she gave to that wild dog. (Very appropriate, because she is a female dog.) Then Su-jin has the GALL to say, "I took care of you and this is how you repay me?" WHAT. THE... That is just some delusional BS.


Mi-jeong probably no longer cares about them, but I'd like to imagine that there was aftermath. Mi-jeong still has friends at this company. And Choi's wife is obviously concerned enough about her husband's affair that she even called Mi-jeong at work. I don't think she's going to keep quiet and do nothing. So I imagine slapping, water-throwing, hair-pulling, the whole K-drama treatment for slags. A full public shaming, please, if only just to clear Mi-jeong's name.


We will probably never see these people again, now that we've time-traveled to Fall 2021, the time of the newly reunited and loved-up GU-MI couple. So we must move on. But I'm still hoping that things went down for this trash couple.


Maybe one or both of them show up at the host bar, and they get a dose of Gu-treatment. Please give me all of this and more. I need satisfaction.




So here are some theories from K-youtubers:


Mi-jeong's new phone number ends in 0303. We learn that her mother's birthdate is March 3rd - it is printed on her urn. Mi-jeong is honoring her mother with her new phone number.


The baby in the host bar is described as a "bird that flew into the building" by that lady at the bar Gu drinks at. Something that doesn't belong there. Gu Ja-gyeong is the baby, and the bird. He doesn't belong in this world.


Gu Ja-gyeong was shivering, waiting in the forest to meet Chairman Shin who is bird hunting. Chairman Shin will hunt Gu.


Gu knows that in order to escape this world, he will need to get rid of Chairman Shin. There is a reason that we see the club ledger and Gu notices that a large amount of money is unaccounted for. He will use the same method to knock out Chairman Shin that he used to knock out Baek. Report him to the police/prosecutor for tax evasion or drug dealing. It took him time to get ready and gather enough evidence, and he only called Mi-jeong when he was prepared to strike. Until then, he will play the loyal dog.

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On 5/22/2022 at 7:55 PM, philosophie said:

is yeoms dads sister his wife?? The sister at the funeral looks like his wife...what the heck?!


I couldn't rest so I went back and checked. They are indeed two different people. :)


The new stepmom:




The dad's sister:




Upon re-watching, I thought Dad's face immediately after he said, "You're here," to Gu was so tender:




3 hours ago, chickfactor said:

So here are some theories from K-youtubers:


Mi-jeong's new phone number ends in 0303. We learn that her mother's birthdate is March 3rd - it is printed on her urn. Mi-jeong is honoring her mother with her new phone number.


The baby in the host bar is described as a "bird that flew into the building" by that lady at the bar Gu drinks at. Something that doesn't belong there. Gu Ja-gyeong is the baby, and the bird. He doesn't belong in this world.


Gu Ja-gyeong was shivering, waiting in the forest to meet Chairman Shin who is bird hunting. Chairman Shin will hunt Gu.


Thanks for sharing these here! Great to learn what the Koreans are picking up.


It will be especially interesting to see how Gu brings down Chairman Shin. Love that we've seen glimpses of Gu's smarts and wiliness now. It's a contrast from the impression I had of him in the early episodes, where he seemed complex, yes, but not so assured.


Although in both the early episodes and now he seems like a lost boy, too.

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Ep 13 and 14 brought on :dissapointed_relieved: so naturally - but in part also  :tired:  that this is the 2nd last weekend before this very Extraordinary Drama wraps up. (while some undeserving dramas that really should cut out after 12 episodes, gets additions)


Every little detail, every scene is so carefully thought out in this journey … leading to another significant piece in the carefully crafted seamless jig-saw Masterpiece that is this very special drama. Quite unlike other usual entertaining buffers, which can pad so many winning dramas out there.



Random Thoughts:


Ep 14 - so beautifully done, after the total shocker tragedy in ep 13 of Yeom-ma's regretful passing.

It was so realistic (the closure, how each person processed ma's sudden passing - the burned rice, the unwashed blouse - as if the person was there, but yet not here) ... I could even picture Mama-Yeom worried and fretting that she'd passed without getting these tasks completed!  = scenes so poignant, so uplifting, so mellow and yet also felt so regretful.


The right time:

Loved the scene of the 3 friends chatting about Mama-Yeom ... the 'right time for a death' .... ending with the beautiful OST Doo-hwan starts strumming on his guitar. (the lyrics are so apt, heartwarming but yet tear-evoking at the same time ... and WITHOUT being maudlin). Hats off to the writer, director and actors.


CH finding the connection between the moments in his life connecting with some incident that happens later. Him quitting his job and now manning the responsibility for the household - voluntarily working the fields, cooking, groceries etc. Tasks so taken for granted that the late Yeom-ma filled so seamlessly, daily, 7 days a week without any break.


That 'Bigger Picture' in CH's life we keep hearing about - when many little incidents and things that don't make sense back then have more clarity later in life. (quitting his job = > being available for dad, the family)


Kudos the true-to character CONSISTENCY writing:

CH = even in his sensitivity to go wipe his tears while lunching with Dad, to keep + bury Mom's artificial body part ... will just in typical CH style (and he knows HA will be ok with it too)  ... "will you marry me" at Mom's funeral, final departure and for family bonding never forgetting to promote his mantra so far: "we need a CAR!" hahahaha :lol:

GJ = Who, no matter how hard she tries = sorry, I cannot see as a sensitive genuinely-caring step-ma to TH's precocious and reticent daughter. True to character all the time - GJ's honest without filters, instant gratification and very SELF-absorbed nature kicks in.  Finally when the child stops being the clam and gets motivated enough to open up to talk: "grownups miss their mothers too?"

PROGRESS!  And what does GJ INsensitively and opportistically do? =>  " Will you accept me as your step ma? "  (there's a time and a place. sheer insensitivity ... OMG! Hullo GJ ... subtle BABY Steps! with this kid!) :confounded:

And while everyone else has stepped up to take on more chores - you see GJ frustrated with just lifting the heavy kimchi-banchan box out of the freezer. The same weight and tasks a Senior Yeom-ma (and prob MJ) has uncomplainingly done all this while.


MJ  = good for our tough girl! She changed her no. because as she has said - she can always be linked or found in Sanpo.

Even though she has moved to Seoul (although of all the 3 siblings, she's the one who never felt the attraction of Seoul - being very matter of fact that Sanpo is home full of smashed frogs, nameless goats to eat, wild dogs and "cute things she wants to squeeze and eat" :blush:

In stoic tough MJ ... I think the late Yeom-mom sees some of herself in the most contributing and helpful uncomplaining kid of the Yeom family.  Which is WHY the sobbing and then heavy reflection sitting at the table at the end too, before laying down to rest - it's as much for MJ as well as herself .... Mom felt sorry for a vulnerable Dad back then ... just as MJ also 'rescued' and nurtured Mr Gu (as reticent quiet as her own husband Yeom-dad)


DH = strumming his guitar, for all the lonely souls (which totally includes himself). This dude, in all his loyalty and genuine sweet heart - is such an unconditional great friend to have. (This beautiful OST with all its lyrics ... was so :bawling: but without being maudlin)


GU   = ever dryly-humourous, in charge and yet gentlemanly consideration prodding ... about the woman he misses, and worships.

" Is there a man who worships you" consideration + "lose that weight - in ONE hour".

In his life, MJ is like an angel who saves him; that he so cherishes and holds almost in 'awe'. That 'light' he sees in the dark bleakiness (the daylight shining through,  from the blackout curtains), the dark tunnel (the walkway in his house surrounded by bottles, the walkway to his underground? office) that is his hell-life tunnek ... with no 'daylight', no way out.


Gu-Mi reunion:

Gu - there're mixed feelings conflicting here, from me as a viewer. While my heart celebrates, my brain processing it comes with reservations too.


In REALITY - an alcoholic who's probably done irreversible damage to his bod with all that endless hard-liquor drinking, and often on an empty stomach too!  ... to numb himself.


While technically, he's NOT 'ghosted' MJ;  as in, the premise of their 'relationship' is really UNconditional acceptance.  NO expectations with NO strings attached, no promises, no prying (as in questions can be asked, but can go unanswered if they're deemed intrusive); where worshipping-validation substitutes for love/genuine affection for each other.


So them getting together again .. while an organic genuine reunion - from the nervous anticipation on his part that only MJ can evoke, to the happy peal of spontaneous laughter from MJ (so seldom heard from her) that only Gu can evoke ...  and him remembering everything she's said and finding MJ so adorable-irresistible that "he wants to squeeze and eat her up"


But in reality  - no girl in real life, should wait around for a guy like that.



Beach Scene - Quality vs Quantity

Mixed Feelings for that beautiful mellow 'quality' beach time/down time CONNECTION =  that family 'connection' that they s'times never ever got even when sitting down together eating and working daily together. QUALITY (just this one moment memory) vs Quantity.


It was regretful Yeom-ma didn't get to enjoy this one moment with the family, but at least Dad has this family memory - as he lives out his life on Sanpo, the way he prefers it.

We learn (through Gi-jeong's vents ... dad's love for that sister, their Aunty (dad's sis, who dad bailed out). Someone who now keeps throwing them unsuitable banchan like Anchovies Dad doesn't even enjoy. For once, I am at one with GJ = do NOT accept Aunty's banchan so she can feel like she's doing the family a favour.  Because who knows what agendas it harbours? Cut off ties, bury the family seal so it cannot be used for any financial liability.


This scene is tinged with melancholic poignancy too - bec we DO know it's a cherished memory NOT going to be oft repeated ... the 3 siblings moved away eventually fr Sanpo, after this rare family outing.


The IN-crowd

Folks who are accepted in society as the in-crowd, the revered popular golden boys and girls ... can be such nasty, fake, superficial shallow vapid (or intelligent) bimbos/himbos.

Unfortunately, shallow superficial niceties and pretentious fakes in the correct 'packaging' (the right trendy pants and bikini vs the one-piece of MJ's)  are accepted as Winners in life.


More unfortunately these eloquent, articulate, lying Winners can be influential; they may be vapid, they may be intelligent but they're folks who in turn influence or are admired by other people.  Worshipped by equally shallow groupies who aspire to be them. Mean Bullies who can step on others, and yet can get endorsement.


It’s an unfortunate pyramid.


The norm in most societies,  while those who are 'different' but with more DEPTH to them like MJ; who has the STRENGTH and CORE to be different = are deemed Misfits.


I  LOVE how she/her family sees no biggie in having a Mom in a urn, housed in the living room.  A mom she obviously loves (hence MJ does all her duties very respectfully - she's the child who never gives much trouble although we know she DOES have a firm will and mind of her own, and more strength of character than the entire superficial bi@tchy group at office put together : starting with the feisty slipper throwing, and staring down the wild dog, and marches to her own drumbeat -> approaching Gu - > initiating the worshipping etc).




<<< BIG HUGS>>> :kiss_wink: to those with the Moms and Dads who have moved on. Reaching some eventual peace with the huge void;  and to the rest of us who also live in trepidation that the day will eventually come when our moms/parents who know us so well since babyhood ... will also one day no longer be with us. That mother's and father's days - which may be a source of stress to make time for, in the treadmill of our busy lives (to look for thoughtful gifts, to have lunches-dinners) may one day NO longer even be an occasion we can celebrate.


And a shout out to the writer for highlighting so beautifully  - Yeom-mom  - who represents so many women out there and who are so taken for granted. SELFLESS Women who seamlessly wear so many considerate hats -  thoughtfully being a daughter, a wife, a daughter in law, a mother, a grandmother, a worker in the office, a housekeeper at home ... an energizer bunny who NURTURES so many, who remembers all the details for so many's lives while putting their own needs lasts ... Making personal sacrifices, people who keep going and going even in mild sickness like colds, and in health. Until their own batteries run out.


Yeom-mom asked for so little, and also received so little but took her contentment just from seeing her kids' pictures on the wall, recalling them as kids back then ... life can be so unfair.


And yet some women are always pampered in their lives, for doing almost nothing - in their high SELF LOVE', they make sure everyone around them knows that every little thing they do is a 'favour' and such a big deal - for the husband, for the family. Discontented and wanting more, even with hired help.



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4 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


Thanks for sharing these here! Great to learn what the Koreans are picking up.




Another K-netz theory is the fingernail that Mi-jeong found near her desk. Mi-jeong remarked that it reminded her of a corpse. The nail probably belonged to Su-jin.


No one actually wants Su-jin dead, but it's foreshadowing that her life is going to hell. Because no moment on this show is wasted and everything means something.




I do think Gu has a plan to knock down Chairman Shin and escape his living hell.


But I think Mi-jeong is the one who will ultimately save Gu.


Remember how lightning struck down the powerline near his house in Sanpo? And Mi-jeong ran through the rain to save him from being electrocuted? Or how he sat in the wild dog pit with sausages, inviting them to maul him? Mi-jeong was the one who screamed and ran towards the dogs, chasing them away.


She will let herself be taken advantage of. She doesn't fight back when people scam her out of money. But if someone attacks Gu, she becomes ferocious.

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@chickfactor thank you so much for the translation, really appreciate it :wub:


Its really make sense why Gu suddenly called MJ out of nowhere. He is probably already prepare something. 


I wonder if they ended the office scandal just like that. I want MJ clearing up her name too, but eps 14 is actually the girls office last shoot together. . 


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Watch: Son Seok Gu And Kim Ji Won Share Thoughts On Finally Filming Their Confession Scene In “My Liberation Notes”

“My Liberation Notes” has shared the making video of Kim Ji Won and Son Seok Gu’s sweet confession and kiss scene!

JTBC’s “My Liberation Notes” is about three siblings who want to escape their stifling lives and the events that unfold when a mysterious outsider comes to their town. Kim Ji Won, Lee Min Ki, and Lee El star as the three frustrated siblings, while Son Seok Gu plays the alcoholic outsider that unexpectedly changes their lives.

The new clip begins with Kim Ji Won and Son Seok Gu filming outside, late at night. Son Seok Gu hilariously proposes two different approaches to the scene, making Kim Ji Won and the staff members laugh. Despite being full of giggles before filming, the two professionally implement their ideas into the scene perfectly and impress with their romantic kiss scene.

On a different day, Son Seok Gu and Kim Ji Won film the confession scene where Mr. Gu (Son Seok Gu) tells Yeom Mi Jung (Kim Ji Won) that he worships her. After the shoot, the actors are asked how they felt hearing that line, which is a big part of their relationship and the drama’s plot. Kim Ji Won comments, “Honestly, I think Mi Jung must’ve been waiting to hear those words – even though I don’t think she was anticipating it.”

She continues, “She didn’t know it’d be today [that she’d hear those words], but since [Mr. Gu] says it suddenly and so nonchalantly, it felt very emotional and like she was being filled.”

Son Seok Gu then asks, “How was Mr. Gu’s acting?” Kim Ji Won jokingly responds in a robotic tone, “It was so good. It was so perfect.”

Son Seok Gu puts the jokes aside and continues, “Since I got to finally say what I’ve always wanted to say, I liked it. It’s not an exaggeration to say that I chose this drama in order to say this line, so I’ve just waited for this day,” earning himself a high-five from his co-star for his touching comment.

Watch the full making video below!


“My Liberation Notes” airs every Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 p.m. KST.


Watch: Son Seok Gu And Kim Ji Won Share Thoughts On Finally Filming Their Confession Scene In “My Liberation Notes” | Soompi

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No theories, just some thoughts about Yeom Mother from a K-youtuber (no English subtitles):




  • Yeom Mother took care of all her children until the end.
  • Yeom Mother fed all her children. On her last day on earth, she fed her future son-in-law.
  • She paired all her kids with their mates. Her death led to Gi-jeong and Chang-hee both proposing. They realized that life is short, so they should not wait to be with their loved ones.
  • She called Gu back to Sanpo with the sweet potato stems that she used to make for him.


This youtuber felt upset and betrayed at first that Yeom Father remarried so quickly. But she realized that he probably remarried so that his kids would leave. He knew that they wouldn't leave him alone in this house, so that was his way of letting them go.

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Episode 14 clarified many things:


Yeom Mi jeon may save Mr. Gu for the 3rd  time by marrying him...thus saving him from potential liver cirrhosis and death!  Fortunately, only 10 to 20% of heavy alcohol users get liver cirrhosis.  it usually takes 10 to 20 + years of heavy drinking to develop liver cirrhosis.   So she may not become a young widow due to his drinking!  Hopefully he won't have a traumatic end from lead bullet!


Being extremely introverted means that Mi yeon listen and see more than the office girls.  That allows her to pick up the nuances between Mr. Choi and her coworker with whom he has the affair.   People are right in saying that these 2 in their time alone probably made fun of Mi yeon's attire and think of her as the country bumpkin.


I was completely wrong in thinking that manager Choi was together with Mr. Gu's chauffeur.  In that scene where Mr. Gu called out "Yeom Mi Jeon" was because of his loneliness, his desperation to see her.   The chauffer came in thinking that the boss was addressing him!  Afterall Mr. Gu called him by random names any way so he just assumed.  This seemed to be Mr. Gu's only amusement, by making fun of his chauffeur and drinking away his loneliness.



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On 5/24/2022 at 9:46 AM, tiger457_stv said:

Yeom Mi jeon may save Mr. Gu for the 3rd  time by marrying him...thus saving him from potential liver cirrhosis and death!  Fortunately, only 10 to 20% of heavy alcohol users get liver cirrhosis.  it usually takes 10 to 20 + years of heavy drinking to develop liver cirrhosis.   So she may not become a young widow due to his drinking!  Hopefully he won't have a traumatic end from lead bullet!


Ack! You described some very tragic possible outcomes for our beloved Gu! :)Yes, his life really isn't going in a great direction, is it? So glad he escaped to Sanpo (inadvertently) and met Mi Jung. As you say, now she'll "save" him when they meet up again in Seoul, hopefully. It really does remind me of My Mister and how Ji An saves Dong Hoon from being eaten by the sharks at Saman E & C and from his own suicidal tendencies once he found out about the affair.


On 5/23/2022 at 11:12 PM, chickfactor said:

She will let herself be taken advantage of. She doesn't fight back when people scam her out of money. But if someone attacks Gu, she becomes ferocious.


This also reminded me of Ji An. She let herself get beaten up by Kwang Il, partly because she was trying to protect her grandmother. And she became ferocious in protecting Dong Hoon.


Both Mi Jung and Ji An are quiet, fierce warriors. :heart:




Two thoughts:


1. When the market vendor told Mi Jung's mom that Mi Jung was crying over a dog she had lost, we were supposed to think that Mi Jung was crying over Gu's departure, right? Not actually over the wild stray dogs that had been caught? And MJ's mom realized MJ was brokenhearted over Gu.... Is that how you all read that scene?


2. It's interesting that Mr. Yeom gave MJ's number to Gu two times, no questions asked. He trusted Gu with his daughter. This is hypothetical, but if he knew the kinds of shady things Gu was running from (when he first arrived in Sanpo) and what he was involved in (when he re-visited Sanpo) do you guys think he still would have trusted Gu?


My thinking is that after spending hours with Gu every day and seeing his work ethic, he felt he knew the man and accepted him. However, as a parent I'm not sure I would entrust my kid to someone I knew so little about. Of course, MJ is also an adult and free to make her own decisions...but from what I understand parental approval is still very important in Korea. So I go back and forth a bit - on the one hand it's very touching that Mr. Yeom is the key player in helping MJ and Gu connect again. But on the other hand I'm like, "Wait, don't you want to know more about what he's been up to??"

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“My Liberation Notes” And Its Stars Overtakes “Our Blues” And “Tomorrow” As The Most Buzzworthy For The 3rd Week Of May


Actor Son Seok Koo‘s popularity is skyrocketing.

According to the results of the ranking announcement of the “Good Data TV Topic Drama Division in the 3rd week of May” released by Good Data Corporation on May 24th, the JTBC drama “My Liberation Notes” topped the list for 3 consecutive weeks.

My Liberation Notes” increased 18.62% compared to the previous week, and broke its own record for six consecutive weeks after the first broadcast.


Thanks to the popularity of the drama, Son Seok Gu and Kim Ji Won have also continued to rank first and second in the cast’s popularity category for four consecutive weeks.




Son plays the role of Koo in “My Liberation Notes.” Koo, who is shrouded in mystery, is called a “chuang couple” with Kim Ji Won, who plays Yeom Mi Jung, and continues to be a hot topic every day.

Son Seok Koo And Kim Ji Won’s Chemistry During Their “My Liberation Notes” Kiss Was Passionate, But It Was A Different Story Behind The Scenes


A behind-the-scenes video of the kiss scene between actors Kim Ji Won and Son Seok Koo, who made a short appearance in the drama “My Liberation Notes“, was released.

Recently, while the popular JTBC drama “My Liberation Notes“, which makes viewers laugh and cry, is gathering topics, the making video of Kim Ji Won and Son Seok Koo‘s kissing scene in a reed field caught the attention of many.

In the released video, Son Seok Koo and Kim Ji Won were put together before filming the kissing scene.

The two of them looked at each other at the same time and decided the timing to turn their heads for the scene where they kissed.

Son Seok Koo made the atmosphere of the filming site pleasant by presenting the speed of turning his head in detail.

Kim Ji Won said to Son Seok Koo, “I think he’ll laugh when he looks back (to kiss)”, and was worried that he would burst into laughter ahead of the kiss scene with Son Seok Koo.

However, when the full-fledged filming began, the eyes of the two changed and they were immersed in the role.

Son Seok Koo came closer to Kim Ji Won, who wrapped his arms around his body as if it was cold.









Then, a strange atmosphere flowed between the two of them, and at the same time, the two of them met their eyes and kissed their lips together.

On May 14th, the kiss scene in the reed field was aired very briefly on the main broadcast, causing a lot of regret from viewers.

Most of the kissing scenes between the two were only full shots, and they quickly moved on to the next scene.

Viewers, who were saddened by the short kiss scene, cheered enthusiastically for the behind-the-scenes video of the two kissing scenes in more detail.




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My Liberation Notes: Episodes 13-14

by quirkycase


It’s a rough week, folks, so prepare yourselves. Despite the money and status, our returned club manager can’t shake thoughts of what he left behind. In his absence, unexpected tragedy strikes our family, and they’re left to pick up the pieces as best they can.




We jump back and forth this week in the timeline as we learn what’s been going on with our characters over the past three years. The episode opens in the present with Gu as Chairman Shin’s right-hand man, managing the host club’s affairs and helping shield Chairman Shin’s shady dealings from the police.

No more is the quiet, nature-loving, relaxed Gu – now he’s the tense, exhausted, scaring-money-out-of-young-women Gu. He looks just as miserable as he did when we first met him albeit much more expensively miserable.


He still thinks of Mi-jung from time to time, and once, even calls his subordinate — who he seems to give random names to — Mi-jung. Gu finally can’t take it anymore and hops on a train back to Sanpo.


Before finding out how that turns out, we jump back to right after he left to catch up with Mi-jung. On the surface, she seems to be doing well. But she’s being reckless and taking dangerous walks alone at night. Now she’s the one facing off with wild dogs, wanting to bleed. Although, she’s so badass the dog ends up running away.

Mi-jung is angry and sad about being abandoned, but she tries to convince herself someone who ran from happiness isn’t worth it. Of course, that doesn’t help much. Her ability to bottle things up keeps her family from knowing how much she’s hurting. That is, until a neighbor asks Hye-sook about their lost dog. She’s naturally confused but looks like someone punched her in the gut when the neighbor says she caught Mi-jung sobbing about losing her dog last month.


Meanwhile, Chang-hee makes the bold decision to quit his job. When Ki-jung outs him about it to their parents, it leads to another tiff with his dad. Chang-hee seems to get through to him a little this time, though, when he calls his dad out on his unfair treatment. Chang-hee may be lacking, but he’s never done anything terrible. Why can’t his dad acknowledge his hard work and support his taking a break for a while?


Of the three siblings, Ki-jung is doing the best, enjoying time with her new boyfriend. Hye-sook wants to meet him and manages to convince Ki-jung to let her observe stealthily. She sits behind them at a restaurant to catch a glimpse of Tae-hoon.

Hye-sook is clearly pleased with him and can’t help herself from approaching. She comes to the table and says she’s ordered them some extra food, beaming at Tae-hoon all the while to his bafflement. Ki-jung is about to crawl under the table.

Then, we jump ahead again to Gu. After getting off in Sanpo and waiting at the train station for a while, he ends up going to Mi-jung’s house. He’s baffled when a strange woman comes out of the house and calls Je-ho “yeobo” (term of address for a spouse). WHAT?!

The family photos are down, and the kids’ rooms are empty. Je-ho says they all moved to Seoul. In a completely unexpected turn of events, Je-ho shares that Hye-sook died shortly after Gu left. She took a nap one day and didn’t wake up. Nooo! I did not see this coming. As if this family wasn’t struggling enough.



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On 5/17/2022 at 12:41 PM, the_sweetroad said:

Wish I had your memory for kissing scenes! :joy:


That kiss was beyond SPECTACULAR!! One minute I was laying on my side, watching the episode on my laptop,






the kiss happened and I was shocked beyond belief, next thing I know, I had thrown my laptop across my bed and I was on my knees with my hands on my very open mouth!! I am not exaggerating here!!:hushed:






The last kiss that shocked me before that was in War Of Money from 2007, because it came out of nowhere. All the dramas around that time had terrible open eyed closed lips kisses and we were past the obligatory episode 8 where kisses must happen so.... Anyway, kiss in the spoiler... They shot it in one freaking take!!





On 5/16/2022 at 8:46 PM, africandramalover said:
On 5/12/2022 at 10:03 PM, africandramalover said:

I'm starting to see a pattern here.....


3. Running


My Mister



7. The most common motif Writernim uses is the subway train. I need to understand her thing with the subway. What does it mean/represent in both dramas? Because I have never figured it out.


















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22 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

= ==>

Two thoughts:


1. When the market vendor told Mi Jung's mom that Mi Jung was crying over a dog she had lost, we were supposed to think that Mi Jung was crying over Gu's departure, right? Not actually over the wild stray dogs that had been caught? And MJ's mom realized MJ was brokenhearted over Gu.... Is that how you all read that scene?


2. It's interesting that Mr. Yeom gave MJ's number to Gu two times, no questions asked. He trusted Gu with his daughter. This is hypothetical, but if he knew the kinds of shady things Gu was running from (when he first arrived in Sanpo) and what he was involved in (when he re-visited Sanpo) do you guys think he still would have trusted Gu?


My thinking is that after spending hours with Gu every day and seeing his work ethic, he felt he knew the man and accepted him. However, as a parent I'm not sure I would entrust my kid to someone I knew so little about. Of course, MJ is also an adult and free to make her own decisions...but from what I understand parental approval is still very important in Korea. So I go back and forth a bit - on the one hand it's very touching that Mr. Yeom is the key player in helping MJ and Gu connect again. But on the other hand I'm like, "Wait, don't you want to know more about what he's been up to??"



(1) I took it to mean Mom's later more intense crying and retrospective thinking as she sits there at the kitchen table after her long walk home  = Yeom-Ma also sees herself reflected in her daughter


MY - who's very much like her Dad (reticent, stoic, private, quiet doesn't say much compared to her 2 siblings) + yet is also her mom (resilient, hardworking, responsible, 'nurturing'  - MJ's very protective) =>  Yeom-mom's initial anguish was for MJ crying over Gu (who also reminds Yeom-Mom of  'man of few / no words' Dad, and whom Yeom-ma also mothered ... knowing Gu's likes for sweet potato stems etc).

MJ is resilient, among the Yeom children, but somehow for her mom to hear MJ cried =  I think it also mirrors Yeom-Ma's own realization that they both have the same 'Saviour' take care of underdog NURTURING personalities.


(Yeom-Ma was remarking that is how she is where she is today = when she felt empathy and sympathized with Yeom-Dad). I see a parallel - MJ starting the whole 'worship' thing not just bec she wasn't feeling whole but also in a bid to 'save' Gu from his endless drinking.


Despite how quiet he was, and how unapproachable - Dad was reliably there providing for the family all this while.

Just as Gu would show up for work at the factory and the fields daily, without fail - regardless of whatever happened the night before. Not even taking a break when his foot was injured.


(2) I find BOTH her dad and mom very UNjudgemental, accepting - kinda like MJ.  (GJ was appalled she was dating Gu, until she realized her sister hit the jackpot). 

Even when Mom learned she was dating Gu = life went on, there was no drama-no lectures or nagging.


And Dad as you said - unquestioningly gave out MJ's number to Gu, not just once but twice. (Even AFTER Gu just upped and left - and left his daughter behind alone).


Yes Yeom-dad trusted the dude - enough to open up and talk to him sometimes, and enough to offer Sanpo Sinks to him, if he wanted to stay and take over.


Compared to KJ and CH, his own kids = this one (Gu, like MJ) can run marathons ... ie yes bec they've good work ethic, and they're responsible.

NOT the types who run short sprints only but those who are there for endurance marathons type workers.




Does anyone know the title of that very beautiful song DH started strumming (when the 3 guys were together reminiscing about "life, death and when you know it's time's up"?  -> CH saying his own goodbye; respectfully burying with much love and care, mom's artificial body part that he retrieved?


Thanks in advance.

The melody is beautiful, but the lyrics are even more poignant-beautiful.  :dissapointed_relieved::heart:



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the_sweetroad and jus-ash were discussing the 2 following 2 questions:

1. When the market vendor told Mi Jung's mom that Mi Jung was crying over a dog she had lost, we were supposed to think that Mi Jung was crying over Gu's departure, right? Not actually over the wild stray dogs that had been caught? And MJ's mom realized MJ was brokenhearted over Gu.... Is that how you all read that scene?

2. It's interesting that Mr. Yeom gave MJ's number to Gu two times, no questions asked. He trusted Gu with his daughter. This is hypothetical, but if he knew the kinds of shady things Gu was running from (when he first arrived in Sanpo) and what he was involved in (when he re-visited Sanpo) do you guys think he still would have trusted Gu?


So I pondered this matter and this is what I think:

1. Did Mi Jeong compared Gu to a dog when she cried at the market stall in front of the vendor?
I don't think so. She has been in despair since his sudden departure and her inaability to communicate with him was the last straw.  All she see in her future is solitude, boredom, self deprecation and despair!  As you have all mentioned, she is not a person who easily express her emotion verbally or physically (the sister Ki jeongg and brother Chang hee were bawling daily, but Mi Jeong can't do so easily).  So when she started to cry in front of the vendor, she was horrified and said the first thing that came to her mind ...about the lost dog.


2. Why would Mr. Yeom give the phone number of his favorite daughter to a stranger?  You all have eluded to the fact that he trusted Gu.  As a person who is intensely introverted just like his daughter, he said little but observed closely.  His instinct told him that Gu  was a good person with work ethic similar to himself, a penchant not to say much, and a good intention toward his family (he went and got the money from the miser who refused to pay, he worked in the field and waved his salary sayng that work is fun).  Mr. Yeom is also a simple person without much wants or needs unlikely his eldest 2 children and recognizes that attitude in Gu.  He also probably was most concern about the future of his youngest daughter since, of all 3 children, she was the least likely to settle down and form a family.  It would be great if he can have them live together with him and his wife on the farm like a happy family.  He knew that the elder 2 children don't want farm life, but his instinct tell him that Mi Jeong and Gu could!
Was he curious about what Gu did for a living before all of this?  Probably some what, but like Mi Jeong, he feels that the past is the past,  and what matter is now and the future... and he think Gu was a solid man and Mr. Yeom was willing to give Gu a chance with his sensible, but exceedingly shy daughter !

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The wild dog MJ met on the hill - it can be likened to meeting Gu, as well. And it ran away.


Though the crying yes - was never for the caged wild dogs, but for Gu's departure.

Esp since he disconnected the number too and there was no way of communication.



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On 5/24/2022 at 6:14 PM, the_sweetroad said:

Two thoughts:


1. When the market vendor told Mi Jung's mom that Mi Jung was crying over a dog she had lost, we were supposed to think that Mi Jung was crying over Gu's departure, right? Not actually over the wild stray dogs that had been caught? And MJ's mom realized MJ was brokenhearted over Gu.... Is that how you all read that scene?


2. It's interesting that Mr. Yeom gave MJ's number to Gu two times, no questions asked. He trusted Gu with his daughter. This is hypothetical, but if he knew the kinds of shady things Gu was running from (when he first arrived in Sanpo) and what he was involved in (when he re-visited Sanpo) do you guys think he still would have trusted Gu?


My thinking is that after spending hours with Gu every day and seeing his work ethic, he felt he knew the man and accepted him. However, as a parent I'm not sure I would entrust my kid to someone I knew so little about. Of course, MJ is also an adult and free to make her own decisions...but from what I understand parental approval is still very important in Korea. So I go back and forth a bit - on the one hand it's very touching that Mr. Yeom is the key player in helping MJ and Gu connect again. But on the other hand I'm like, "Wait, don't you want to know more about what he's been up to??"


1. It's definitely in reference to Gu leaving, and MJ's mom (and CH in the next episode) immediately realized. It shows a lot of things in a single scene - that MJ was deeply hurt by him leaving, that she didn't share that pain with anyone else (or at least her family), and the pain this realization brought the mom (and her deep care and love for MJ). A side note is that I really liked the framing of the mom in the alley. The cinematography / direction has been a little hit or miss for me, but this was a really great shot.


2. My take is that MJ's dad also roughly understands what Gu was involved in (the second time when he came back to visit). His reactions upon seeing the gangster that came to visit in one of the earlier episodes were very telling. I am guessing that his approval largely stems from what you mentioned and also the fact that the two very clearly had a positive impact on each other during the time that they were together.

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I finally caught up and was very impressed with how they handled the mom's death, the different levels of grief and its expression and the very empty feelings in the aftermath. As most of you know, I literally have been experiencing my own mom's very sudden death almost parallel to the airing of this drama so it's really sunk it's claws into me deeply. I am very much like MJ - I don't express my emotions very easily and am not even really that in touch with them. I haven't yet had that cathartic sorrow at all. I have experienced the need to keep moving and to keep busy to not think about it and the discomfort that others felt around me after the first week or so. This show handles it all so beautifully and realistically. I'm so impressed and moved by it.


Episode 14 could so easily be a happy ending. Of course I'm both looking forward to and dreading the last two eps because I think ep 14 was really perfect in a lot of ways. We got an MJ-Gu reunion, we got GJ showing her truest colors to Tae Hun's daughter (I still cannot with this woman and her neediest need of needs and selfishness that is mirrored almost exactly by Tae Hun's more nasty sister), and CH finding some sort of understanding of his own needs and maybe the insight that his dad has done the best he could. We got a little insight into Dad and Mom. 


Predictions? I couldn't even begin. IRL, Gu would absolutely bleed out from alcohol-induced ulcers with MJ trying to tear them out of him with her bare hands. In the drama, I think his fall-back to alcohol when things get rough are more symbolic of the emptiness he has when the women in his life are absent. He stopped drinking as heavily when he and MJ were in the middle of their flirtation. Since he went back to Seoul, he's barely been living without alcohol. I'm hoping their reunion sees him turning it around. (IRL I have an ex-boyfriend who died from alcoholism and he was pretty young, so, yes, it can be a long, slow death, but if you're real committed you can absolutely kill yourself very quickly with it).


I know a lot of people don't really care about Gu's life in the underworld but I would honestly watch a pre-quel of how Gu got to this point. Former athlete-turned-host-turned-head-honcho-turned-alcoholic-runaway-carpenter-farmhand? From Seoul to Sanpo and Back Again. Would watch.

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On 5/24/2022 at 3:14 AM, the_sweetroad said:

My thinking is that after spending hours with Gu every day and seeing his work ethic, he felt he knew the man and accepted him. However, as a parent I'm not sure I would entrust my kid to someone I knew so little about. Of course, MJ is also an adult and free to make her own decisions...but from what I understand parental approval is still very important in Korea. So I go back and forth a bit - on the one hand it's very touching that Mr. Yeom is the key player in helping MJ and Gu connect again. But on the other hand I'm like, "Wait, don't you want to know more about what he's been up to??"

See this is my problem with Yeom papa. I got a lot of hate on Reddit discussion thread when I complained about him not saying I love you back. Many said that is just the culture, asian fathers aren’t affectionate or kind to say that. But I’m sorry, so those same fathers will give their daughters number away when a man asks for it? It’s inconsistent and flippant. Also I understand if he remarried to liberate his kids, but honestly he could have went to Seoul with them if he really wanted them to go there. Honestly yeom got it good, I feel like he the only one been liberated by default since the start of the show. He’s always done what he wanted until the end, staying in sanpo. Good for him.

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