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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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44 minutes ago, americanchai said:

The competition between A Mi and stepmom is the funniest thing in this entire drama. I hope the stepmom accidentally poisons both herself and A Mi and also maybe Dr. Smoothie.

Now we are talking! Good scneario, while we imagine how they could all die and make us happy :) ... She poisons A Mi's drink, but the nekkid ghost does something to distract her and she ends up dropping some in her own drink too.  Not enough to kill herself but enough to fall asleep in the bathtub, and she drowns, dreaming of caressing her step-sons cheeks (whichever ones!)... Dr. Smoothie walks in, finds his first love and last love both dead... and then he sees the nekkid ghost too.  He could handle the deaths, but not a nekkid dead-dad.  He goes permanently insane. His daughter becomes the hospital owner. PiYoung has to run the hospital as her guardian.  She puts Dr.Smoothie in permanent treatment for insanity... (I am not killing the dude, only for Jia's sake).  


The engineer starts dating PiYoung, and Jia loves getting all the pocket money from him to buy chocolate and eat with her boyfriend kid.


There you go.  We did the job for the writer-nim to "improve the perfection in the finish" :)



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@Jayakris:  I love your "perfection in the finish". except for PiYoung and the engineer.  I really want him for 50's wife and her little boy.  Maybe it is too late because of preview, but I want someone to want and appreciate her, more than any of the wives.  I hope she won't take ex back; I think in this case, it would actually be a bad example for her children.  She needs to value herself and expect to be valued.  If they get back together, it would just be sad.  It doesn't have to be the engineer; it can be her dry cleaner, but I want him to cherish her.

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@INJINFAN I so agree with you! I kind of gave up on the engineer and the 50s wife because we haven't seen them together in while now. I was hoping the three friends would invite him to drink with them, but also happy they had a chance to just be together and be very honest with each other about what was going on in their marriage. I hope the writer will give us nice surprises with the ending.

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I agree, @INJINFAN and @lilyphenix...  Maybe it is better for the engineer to date the 50s wife.  PiYoung actually may not even want a guy in her life for a while.  She will be happy to live with Jia, and won't feel too guilty as long as Dr. Smoothie is alive (and hopefully insane or generally incapacitated to a harmless fellow after a stroke or something).  But the 50s wife actually never had a nice life, with her useless husband.  The engineer is rich and probably doesn't have much expectations except companionship, so he could be great for a calm and trouble-free life for the woman, who deserves it.  He can give pocket money to Boram and Jia for chocolates. 


It would be great to see him take the 50s wife on his motorbike for a nice ride through the Korean countryside and then to a nice dinner at the same restaurant that the Prof took her to, except she can be in jeans and t-shirt without the pressure of "dressing up" that her ex put on her.

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@Ameera Ali it's a good day to share this. 2 different wives with 2 different personality :)



She's classy, full of dignity, no grabbing hair cheated wife - not ashame to tell the world that she got divorce





She's full of rage, angry, hair grabber cheated wife - feels humiliated if people know that old lady "stole" her man




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7 hours ago, jayakris said:

(and hopefully insane or generally incapacitated to a harmless fellow after a stroke or something).

when you wrote this, just come to my mind. The one that fall off from the horse might be 40s husband

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23 minutes ago, admonike said:

when you wrote this, just come to my mind. The one that fall off from the horse might be 40s husband

That's what i thought, too... and i can't help but wonder if it is a genuine fall or if it's a desperate, dangerous attempt to get his ex-wife back or at least get her to worry for him and care.

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52 minutes ago, lilyphenix said:

That's what i thought, too... and i can't help but wonder if it is a genuine fall or if it's a desperate, dangerous attempt to get his ex-wife back or at least get her to worry for him and care.

I thought the same but there was a scene with the 40’s husband after the fall

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1 hour ago, admonike said:

The one that fall off from the horse might be 40s husband

No, it's Dr Cho. Ami's dad. I guess the fall will lead to the separation of Ami & psychopath doctor later. Maybe Dr Cho asked him to let Ami go as per his last will, maybe..


Or Dr Cho's wife will grab Ami's hair when Ami visit hospital and saying all the bad things to her - as we saw the scene where's Dr Cho's niece told her about Dr Cho's other daughter. So she's fell hurt and fly back to US.


IDK.. just guessing.. 



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On 7/25/2021 at 1:42 AM, TheQueenReturns said:

To repent also means

being reconciled to the person that you have wronged. This is a TV show so it really doesn't matter but God does not bless mess.  God is Not mocked, whatever man sows he also reaps. You may never see the reaping, but they always reap it. Conservative families do not celebrate adultery whether they like their daughter-in-law or not. You may not ever get a chance to witness it, but people reap what they sow in more ways than one.

Well said!

Very true. Man reaps what he sow….also there’s another say, “What goes around, comes around”. He cheated once, he cheated again. A decent man feel guilty when he try cheating, but PSH did it like he has every right to cheat. As if his love to SW is such a beautiful thing when it was nothing more than a dirty affair of a scumbag & a shameless hussy. And he actually put all blames on BHR for his unhappy marriage when he himself failed as a man to steer & control his own ship. He should be the captain of his house. Rather than wanting attention & wanting pampering, he should be the one to pamper his wife. A wife’s job is not to cook. If he truly wants a homecook meal everyday, why not just hire a housekeeper, I’m sure he can afford it. If he can’t even talk abt his true feelings to his wife, why the heck did he marry her in the first place? Judging by her character with the people around her, it didn’t seem like she change overnight after marriage. Also that’s why PSH’s parents never really likes her & objected their marriage. If not because of PSH whining & begging, his parents won’t allow him to marry BHR in the first place. Now he’s whining & begging again to help him get a divorce from BHR, and for them to accept his preggy mistress while still married. If the parents have some good value, after finding out their son infidelity, the best way they should deal was to bring everyone involved together, talk it out together, taking consideration everyone best interest. With priority given to BHR og course, since she’s the innocent party while PSH & SW are the sinners. However for the sake of the child, the parents  should just persuade BHR to agree to divorce, with huge compensation…properties & alimony, and of she can state their son’s infidelity for reason to divorce. Not telling her to suck up & swallow everything & forgive him but behind her back fussing & fanning over their son’s mistress. They should just hire a caretaker for her. Yeah, the parents are way out of line… especially the MIL. She was furious that she kicked her husband off the bed, then left their home just because he send some medicine to an old crush & a childhood friend as considerate gesture for the friend’s husband passing, but this MIL told DIL to swallow everything her son’s betrayal & forgive him, also telling her to allow them to take care of the mistress. Yeah, what a fine honourable woman she is! Let see what happen if her husband actually sleeps with the horny grandma, see if she can suck it  in & forgive him. There’s another saying ‘Easier said than done’ . Despite of BHR harshness, she is still honourable to abide their wedding sacred vows. Despite being famous & a beauty, being tempted but rich & handsome men, she still stay true to her husband, not sleep around like some shameless hussy.

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7 hours ago, wildcherry said:

Despite of BHR harshness, she is still honourable to abide their wedding sacred vows. Despite being famous & a beauty, being tempted but rich & handsome men, she still stay true to her husband, not sleep around like some shameless hussy.

This is what I though about this - she will not and never will cheat on her husband because she will know she will lose everything if she involved with infidelity's case - also she will get all the humiliations as she is a celebrity. Just look how she handle her program, she always gave a lot of advises, all the good and beautiful words to her listeners. She's smart & she is so smart, even she had thought (by herself) about she have to cheat if she wants to move on after she found about her husband's cheating, BUT she only imagined about the cheating and have no guts to do it (or she will not do it). Yes, she do loves her husband too but her loves to him are not so strong. From what I see, she just need someone to be with her, a sleeping partner & someone that can listen to her. She is not a bad person, she is who she is and because of that, writer-nim made her husband felt the distance and fell out of love with her. As a human, we always curious about something or someone which/who is so different from what we saw everyday. And that mistress made him feel curious and then the cheating happened. 

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45 minutes ago, hsmz said:

And that mistress made him feel curious and then the cheating happened. 

Does the mistress love SW? I don't recall when she said or her action said so. 
Might she just want to be together with her baby's father?

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45 minutes ago, admonike said:

Does the mistress love SW? I don't recall when she said or her action said so. 
Might she just want to be together with her baby's father?

Yes, she didn't say it out loud. But PSH's mother once said to his son that SW loves PSH based on her face.. Elders knows best right?


Also when they had their last date in the restaurant.  How she caressed him, the smiles and she wore the ring too. Maybe she try to hold her love inside till everything settle or maybe she will never express her love as she also promised not to have any relationship with PSH anymore. If you can recalled, she's not the one who chased PSH, call PSH to meet or make him a rebound, (like Ami & NGB), it was PSH who always clinging to her. But I do admit, she is so wrong to "entertained" married man, she is a sinner too & she needs to run away from him before it's too late but what can she do when that man already fell in love with her. She is just a glimpsed of BHR, SPY & Writer Lee's colleague from season 1 who being attacked from the wife, remember? Writer-nim already dropped the hint from the very first episode. 

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Ep 13


1. It’s amazing that SPY can still playing golf with Mrs. Kim. They do not liking each other but they can socialize together. Hahaha. Women are really from Venus. I still remember of how Mrs. Kim put sleeping medicine into SPY drinks and also she can take cares of SPY when her mother die.


2. Perhaps I am the only one in here who wish that SPY and doctor YS can be back together again :heart: I am just liking them being together. Seems like they are really meant for each other. Their union are perfect from my POV. I mean their perfect imperfections. I remember SPY said that she could not forgive YS because of she is already gave her best for their marriage, but in my eyes this is her imperfections. In life I believe that we can not forced others to give their perfections because of nobody is perfect. We are human and we making errors. This is also what happened between her and her mother because of she obsessed to the perfection. In term of love and loving, a kind of love that I believe even though I see it is very difficult to exist or must to work very haard to make it exist: I believe that love always forgive and keep no record of wrongs. Yes Yu Sin is just a mere human and a man and he makes unforgiveable mistakes but that’s life. If we demand perfection in the marriage, I think no one will stay married in this world. Also if we demand: because of I love you like this you must to love me the way I do. In my head, and POV, this is not the way of loving others works. In my belief the relationship between husband and wife is the picture of the relationship between God and human. That is why the marriage being sanctified in the sacrament, that is how precious the relationship of the God and human. Because of it is that precious, God shows how to love by dying for his precious human on the cross. This is the mind set of love in my head and this is why I type this writing of SPY and YS like this. This is just my POV (and I am still a student in this school of faith) This is also why I wish SPY and YS stay married and grow old together. I feel soft spot for him when he bended on his knee and asked to not divorce and crying at ep 12. I cry when they cry together. Sometimes man need to be saved. Happen most of the times. LOL like YS he is actually need to be saved. From himself and his basic desires to A mi. hahaha. We women are strong because of since the beginning God creates us to be the help for man. I believe it like this because also God chooses our wombs to creates life in the beginning. Hehehe.


3.  For PSH’s family, I see that what they do to BHR also not ethical. Even though I support BHS to divorce because of he is expecting a baby with other woman and gives her diamond ring. I prefer them to stay neutral and in silence, because of as parents they have to be the role mode to their son, teaching him to put respect in the marriage because of it is not just a dating or a one night stand. By being like what happened in ep 13, it makes me think that so whenever their children want to married a woman because of she is pretty they just say yes and whenever they impregnates other woman they will just allow PSH to divorce her legal wife? How if PSH impregnates more than a woman, what will they do? By being like that it seems to me that they do not educate PSH well. Even though he is a lawyer. This family have one problem, it seems to me that they do not appreciate women in their family. Like what happened to PSH mother in the beginning of this series and now to BHR. I understand that BHR is not like SPY or U ram’s mother who wakes up earlier and prepares breakfast, but she is a wife. And she can learns to be a good wife if there is a chance. Like I said nobody is perfect that is why people work very hard to stay married. People can always change to be better. Rather than talking with BHR like a man PSH chooses to impregnates other woman. Sighhh.. Also if BHR can not wakes up earlier to preparing meals, than why it is not PSH that wakes up earlier to prepare that? Seriously the man in this family have serious problem in respecting women. Actually they just need human with female gender who will cook for them and clean for them, perhaps they do not need wives. Perhaps they just need house helpers who are fertiles. Women’s values just as far as this for them in my POV. In the modern marriage nowadays if wife can not cook then the husband must to cook. Because of now not only husband go working. wives also working and gives contribute to the household. Both must to shares and gives together in the marriage.


4. I don’t like SY in this case because of she experienced what she experiences before and she knows how hurting it was but now she makes other woman experiences her experience. Even though she prays too much but her prays and acts do not in sync.


5. I feel like I want to go to YS house and slaps Ami. Hahaha. This girl needs to live together with Mrs. Kim. Lol.  This because of PY gives her chances to do that. Women are difficult. If we say yes means no, if we says do it means do not do it. Even though SPY said A mi can lives together with YS, it does not mean can. Hahaha. I so hate that bathing scene lol. YS seems like a man who can not think straight now. Hahaha. I can not believe a girl like Ami can be very naïve but also can preparing to bathe together with someone else’s husband. LOL. When a girl can learn intimate techniques like this they are not that naïve anymore. I think writer nim miswriting this part. Hahaha.


6. I can not wait for ep 14 because of I am curious what plot twist will happened :)

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I love this old Making Film video when the men sat together for the intro.


As previously mentioned, it is arranged in such a way that the husbands were seating in front of their wives' prospective men.


I also noticed that SH sternly stared at DM, is it some kind of hint as well?






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just watched the latest episode and all I can say is that ami has no brains. even ants are smarter and can read the room. wait, that is an insult to hardworking insects. the amount of self-delusion is massive. 


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The impacts from infidelity of the husband & father :tears:


Poor BHR, she got the acute ulcer & threw up blood 




And.. poor Hyang-gi. The man that she always looked up & suppose to be her "first love" - betrayed her, her mom & her brother and make her broken hearted too 




But love Ji-a, she became more matured now.

Hope she will stands strong & keep calm as calm as her mother when she hear about her father's infidelity





Wish NO INFIDELITY ever exist in this world...

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13 hours ago, hsmz said:

Wish NO INFIDELITY ever exist in this world...

Temptations and sins exist even in the lives of saints. There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.” ― St. Augustine.
That's why we need the next 3 eps. How do the husbands+mistresses repent for their infidelity actions. How do the wives continues their life. Let the writer think about those :D

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Wish NO INFIDELITY ever exist in this world...


It just a wish, it will never happened. I'm hoping all the happiness in the world for everybody but it's impossible as well.


No relationships exist without problems, no happiness without sadness and no life without death. 

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