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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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10 minutes ago, Green Chilli said:

Sis PSH and mistress think about BHR or were considerate to her when they cheated and flaunted baby in her face , were the parents in law considerate when they practically invited the mistress to thier stay in thier home ...


why is the onus on her to be considerate to them . They threw money at her to get rid of her , it was smart of her to have demanded things , anyway it was her right to demand things as part of divorce . They could have said no but they were too happy to let her go.


she did not say anything wrong in the press conference , he cheated , he asked for divorce and the women is pregnant ..


they should suffer for making another human being go through the the affair which is an insult to her and her marriage .


seo ban is no big catch even if she does not why him, she can live alone instead of some preach men In her life. 


They didn't flaunt baby in her face. They were just honest that there was going to be a baby. They didn't brag, or flaunt anything. It's just the reality that PSH cheated and got Song Wan pregnant, but he was hardly someone who was trying to hook up with Song Wan every chance he got, unlike Dr. Shin's smooth cheating ways. 


The parents didn't throw money at her, BHR demanded expensive house in chaebol neighbourhood in order to entice other rich men. Plus, she made them pay taxes because she "has no money". She got her dues. AND THEN SOME. 


And she did do wrong with press conference: She lied, making it seem like she was kicked out, didn't get what she wanted, only scraps (as if a house in such upscale neighborhood was something to sneer at, it cost millions). She was making a media circus to make others pay in blood. 


It's funny you say the affair is an insult to her marriage. What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. 


But I do agree on your last point, Seo Ban is certainly no big catch, he is just someone who likes to keep his options open. His only charm is that he isn't a notorious cheater. 

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6 minutes ago, marrez1 said:

Did I miss something, sorry,  I see a lot of comments that say the SEO BAN is in love with Lee Shi eun( older woman)? it's true??


I have seen similar comments, but Seo Ban is so hard to read.... I do think that neither 30s nor 40s wife entice him. He was more interested in knowing where 50s wife was at the end of ep 14. But he doesn't even know that 50s wife is divorce. :bawling: Yet.

I am still hoping that Seo Ban and Lee Shi Eun are end game.


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50 minutes ago, partyon said:

@ktcjdrama @hsmz I am with you on this one.

BHR's revenge was petty and it was beneath her. I'm disappointed in her, but not surprised.


Does she really think that she will get her way (i.e. snatch a chaebol sound engineer) by destroying 4-5 people's lives? Potentially more?

She allowed her ex-husband to be doxxed, which means that he may never be able to practice law ever again (because no company will hire him). She also threw her parents in law under the bus and outright lied that she had only taken what they had offered her (when she actually specifically told them what she wanted), as well as, lied about who asked for the divorce.

Song Won is almost due to give birth - she doesn't need the extra stress right now. And what about the baby?

What about PSH's brother and family?


She gave no consideration when she decided to lie and manipulate the story so that she alone would look innocent and impress Seo Ban. Lady, it's not a good look on you. Not all. :rage:


She's been selfish and abusive from the start, so I guess we should applaud her for being consistent throughout the drama. I feel extremely sorry for the people whose lives she ruined due to her ego....


People who go for revenge normally only hurt themselves in the process. They think people will comply with their demands, and that the party they want to hurt will respect them more. Actually it always does the opposite. The person that the avenger hurt will only hate and disrespect the avenger more. And they will definitely not comply with the avenger's demands.


I hope that BHR will face karma by the end of this drama. She's done too many bad deeds to be allowed to go scot-free.


Next week we will see 30s and 40s wife fight it out who will win Seo Ban. Too bad I think that he will choose 50s wife....

Why should she take the high road? Why is the onus on her? He didn't show any grace or empathy to her and her pain and neither did the mistress so why should she worry about their feelings and how they'll be portrayed when everything is brought into the light?


She didn't go for revenge and she didn't manipulate anything- she chose to tell the whole truth. He DID cheat and he DID get another woman pregnant while he was still in the marriage. He wanted to throw away his wife of three-years in order to be with his mistress and his parents DID try to help him do that. Why should she announce her divorce and let the people blame her when she can tell the truth. 

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I am so excited!  Did you notice that engineer came to performance thinking 50's wife was coming, bought her a drink and then looked disappointed when 40's wife said she was joking.  I see 40's wife and 30's wife going after him and fighting, and he has had a crush on 50's wife all along.  BUT, he doesn't know she is divorced.  Just wait until he finds out.  I think encounter with pregnant mistress was red herring.  I actually think there is hope for 50's wife!!

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34 minutes ago, -JC- said:

It's not a matter of "she allowed." Do you seriously think that the media hound would never dig deep enough to find the TRUTH? As for her career, that's his own undoing, to begin with. Besides, he doesn't need to work for someone else. He can always start his own law firm with his rich parents' help, don't you think?


Seriously? You are defending an adulterer? A homewrecker? What about the stress she had caused to BHR/SH's marriage that it finally gave way and ended in divorce? If the adultery wasn't committed, do you think there would be a baby? Of course, no one wants to harm or hurt the baby. The baby is never at fault. The fault lies with the baby's "parents" to be. It's so wrong to bring a baby into the world in this manner. What about the baby's feelings and emotional well-being when s/he grows up and finds out the truth? I know a few people who hated their parents for it.


As for BHR pulling such a stunt, whether it's for revenge or just to vent her frustration and preempt her own humiliation as a divorcee, how could she be at fault for trying to protect herself? And her own interest and well-being? For anyone who loathes BHR and are bashing her to this day, try putting yourself in her shoes for once. Sure, she could have done better, she could have just kept her mouth shut, she could have done this or that. But, why aren't you asking that of SH and SW? They are the ones who stepped out of line. They are the adulterers. Together, they wreck a home and a marriage.


I've been reading so much hate and venom for BHR and I just could not understand if we truly look at the big picture. Yes, writernim did her best to put the wives in very bad light and conversely shine bright, glamorous lights on the adulterers(husbands and mistresses) that to this day, I am still trying to figure out her intent and basis. I guess we will all know next weekend. Hopefully, writernim's not merely giving us makjang drama but has more up her sleeve.




I mean seriously. She didn't lie about a thing, she should have just gave all the details. Hate and love always distort the true picture. If she had told the true picture, Not only would they be doxxing her husband, they will be at them with pitchforks trying to get all of them. He asked for the divorce. He manipulated his parents and turned them all against her to the point where they were numb at the reason why she was smacking his behind to begin with. He consistently put his mistress on a pedestal and the parents did too. They've been shopping with her and spending time outside of doctors appointments with her. They were so grateful that bhr agreed to the divorce because they can't stand her and their son is only partly to blame, look at how they raised that brat.


No doubt the writer is going to finish jacking up her character real bad because she got major blowback for shipping the mistress and the husband. This writer's writing I do not care much for because it is completely plot-driven. The time she spent showing long extended scenes of the Affairs, she could have been building motivation and character for of all of them to make them all understandable while still condemning them for bad behavior. Even if they magically did get a season 3, The Writers flaws still remain the same. It's just like the writer of the last empress and the penthouse. There's a reason why I'm not vested and only watched maybe two episodes per season. Because the longer it goes on, you realize that the writer is just throwing stuff to the wall to see if it sticks.


Some people hate that character so bad that it wouldn't matter what she did, it would always be her fault and then try to disguise it as "nuance".  I'm just trying to figure out how how ex-husband, the mistress, and the parents were innocent in all this and then she is going to get, for what she did to them??? I'm like, 


Episode 5 Reaction GIF by The Office



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3 hours ago, agenth said:

They didn't flaunt baby in her face. They were just honest that there was going to be a baby. They didn't brag, or flaunt anything. It's just the reality that PSH cheated and got Song Wan pregnant, but he was hardly someone who was trying to hook up with Song Wan every chance he got, unlike Dr. Shin's smooth cheating ways. 


The parents didn't throw money at her, BHR demanded expensive house in chaebol neighbourhood in order to entice other rich men. Plus, she made them pay taxes because she "has no money". She got her dues. AND THEN SOME. 


And she did do wrong with press conference: She lied, making it seem like she was kicked out, didn't get what she wanted, only scraps (as if a house in such upscale neighborhood was something to sneer at, it cost millions). She was making a media circus to make others pay in blood. 


It's funny you say the affair is an insult to her marriage. What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. 


Yes on this!!!!! Love how you highlighted - What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. She didn't even respect the word MARRIAGE and its vow - "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow." and she TOTALLY didn't RESPECT her husband and the parents-in-law. 


She was the one WHO DEMANDED all that, why didn't she mentioned about it at the PC? Why need to spin the fact that her husband & his family kicked her out, and she accepted what they offered? What offer yeaaaaa? Oh yaaa, I forget. SHE LOVES TO LIE, so she will make media & Knetz be by her side by LYING! Bravo!!!! Now you give a celebrity a bad name!


p/s : Yes, that lawyer is so handsome, he can get a YOUNGER and more prettier & sexy (just like Ami) than the 42-year-old matured lady, but why he choose 42-year-old lady? It shows that he didn't care much about the appearance and now he cares about the affections that she shows to him and his family.

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15 minutes ago, agenth said:



It's funny you say the affair is an insult to her marriage. What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. 



Whether it was healthy or unhealthy, marriage is still marriage. Whether it's passionate or platonic, marriage is still marriage and should be honored. And as I said before, had bhr told the whole truth, the parents would have came out looking worse than what they already have. I hate that she didn't tell the whole truth. As a matter of fact, she should just go ahead and give them detail by detail of everything her husband and the family did.  So people are people. If a person doesn't like a person, they can justify anything bad that happens to them because of their perceived character flaws.


And the person who dishonoured those vows was the man that cheated no matter how much this is remixed, the fault is on him and because the family decided to abet the crime, them!

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Adding some thoughts about ep 14:


I know I am in the minority on this thread with my views, but I liked the scenes between PSH and SW. Seeing Sung Hoon in a pink dress was kinda funny, though. :D

I thought the scene of PSH and SW finally spending the night together as an official couple was really sweet. :heart:

You could tell how much those two love each other and how comfortable they are around each other.


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10 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

Whether it was healthy or unhealthy, marriage is still marriage. Whether it's passionate or platonic, marriage is still marriage and should be honored. And as I said before, had bhr told the whole truth, the parents would have came out looking worse than what they already have. I hate that she didn't tell the whole truth. As a matter of fact, she should just go ahead and give them detail by detail of everything her husband and the family did.  So people are people. If a person doesn't like a person, they can justify anything bad that happens to them because of their perceived character flaws.


And the person who dishonoured those vows was the man that cheated no matter how much this is remixed, the fault is on him and because the family decided to abet the crime, them!


I never said that cheating was an honourable thing. I'm just questioning that the affair sullied the marriage which was already pretty much dead, one neither cared about. Sure, it would have been better if PSH put the breaks on before he decided to get together with Song Wan. However, that was one night of impulse, though his emotions had changed before then. 


What PSH's cheating actually sullied was BHR's pride - because how dare anyone cheat on a superstar like her. She didn't love him, and she only decided to divorce him because she wanted to marry a rich guy (Seo Ban/Seo Ban's brother) instead, and also get a fancy house out of it. That's fine, to get this property, it's what they agreed to. 


What is not fine is her lies. She made it sound as if she got divorced against her will, when it was her idea, and as if she got nothing, when she got all she wanted. Plus she put on fake tears as her new makeup concept, deliberately putting bloodhounds on the trails of her exfamily. 


Then she even called the father-in-law, trying to sound innocent, because this is another rich guy who may give her something, if she has need. 

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4 minutes ago, partyon said:

Adding some thoughts about ep 14:


I know I am in the minority on this thread with my views, but I liked the scenes between PSH and SW. Seeing Sung Hoon in a pink dress was kinda funny, though. :D

I thought the scene of PSH and SW finally spending the night together as an official couple was really sweet. :heart:

You could tell how much those two love each other and how comfortable they are around each other.

Since we know the 2 side of the coins, yes, some people do ship PanSong couple. We always blame the husband once we heard the wife being cheated, but did we really know the truth of their relationship? 


I knew one couple (both of them are my close friends) divorce because the husband was cheated on his wife but till I know the 2 sides story, me too feeling so angry and cursed the husband so so much & I didn't even want to meet him. But then, when I know the truth, me and bunch of other friends cried with him when we know the whole truth why he cheated on her! 

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33 minutes ago, agenth said:


They didn't flaunt baby in her face. They were just honest that there was going to be a baby. They didn't brag, or flaunt anything. It's just the reality that PSH cheated and got Song Wan pregnant, but he was hardly someone who was trying to hook up with Song Wan every chance he got, unlike Dr. Shin's smooth cheating ways. 


The parents didn't throw money at her, BHR demanded expensive house in chaebol neighbourhood in order to entice other rich men. Plus, she made them pay taxes because she "has no money". She got her dues. AND THEN SOME. 


And she did do wrong with press conference: She lied, making it seem like she was kicked out, didn't get what she wanted, only scraps (as if a house in such upscale neighborhood was something to sneer at, it cost millions). She was making a media circus to make others pay in blood. 


It's funny you say the affair is an insult to her marriage. What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. 


But I do agree on your last point, Seo Ban is certainly no big catch, he is just someone who likes to keep his options open. His only charm is that he isn't a notorious cheater. 

they did flaunt , PSH tried to use baby as a leverage to push the divorce when she did not agree Immidiately after affair , the parents as soon as they heard baby,  thought of getting rid of BHR,  only after she cried in front of them they used baby to get her to have baby and save the marriage . They wanted her to be polite for her being older and considerate because she was pregnant. Baby was used a shield to protect the mistress 


they threw money at her , yes they did . Why do you think they agreed to pay all taxes because they were super happy she agreed for divorce not because they genuinely wanted to provide for her, heck PSH bad mom were unhappy about money  , there was no ounce of sympathy for BHR or shame that thier son cheated . She asked them get the mistress away from thier Kiev’s , they instead embedded more into their lives , they were planning to invite her to their family home .


PSH was after her from thier dinner date , he kissed her that night and both were pursuing each other , they slept once but that does not change the fact that they cheated and were just waiting for divorce to happen , why he was not like yusin , May be her traveling and her pregnancy has hindered their sleeping pet but they indulged in full fledged emotional affair , rings and plans for baby .


how ever bad wife she was , they were still in a marriage and affair is an insult to that marriage and her .


the reason divorce exist is to part ways if it does not work out , here PSH used it as a tool after affair .

biggest  reason no one apologized to BHR for PSH affair , he and his others deserve all the shame they are getting .


they forgot they had daughters at home when they cozying up to the mistress.


she did not say they kicked her out .  But according to me and anyone who listens to this story will the think same . Exception for people who side with mistress .

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I think the lesson is: "Reap what you sow."


BHR got her "revenge." She told the truth about her husband's adultery and impregnating another woman. But she lied about simply accepting whatever divorce settlement they gave, making it sound like it wasn't much. She cackled with glee when it was over, and even called her father-in-law to rub her victory in his face.


Result? She also didn't give a heads-up about her press conference to her co-workers, so they had to scramble last minute to fill airtime with a pre-recorded show. Seo Ban is disenchanted with her. Not to say that he is the arbiter of morals, but she wants to marry him, and she won't get what she wants. (I could be wrong, but it kind of looked like they live in the same "chaebol villa" in Cheongdam-dong?)


Anyway, it was funny when Seo Ban said, "Sometimes I drink with someone, and it's so tiresome." Hye-Ryeong says, "Are you talking about me?" He responds, "No." (HAHAHA, yes, he is talking about you, Honey.)


Please note: none of this excuses Sa-Hyeon's adultery. Seeing him cozying up in bed with Song Won, dreaming about their loving future was honestly gross. The way he showed up immediately at her place with boxes on the very same day that his wife moved out? Gross. But his gross behavior doesn't make her into a better person.


Anyway, he can fight fire with fire. He can give interviews about how much money their family gave her. He can talk about how physically abusive she was, and how she attacked a pregnant woman with a broken dish. I don't think the public will be as sympathetic after that.


I don't think he has the guts to do something like that, and Song Won will probably not let him. Neither of them seem like such vindictive types. But they've been branded in the public with a scarlet "A" and his career is at risk, so who knows?


Honestly, though, I actually think Sa-Hyeon and Song Won will be fine. I think they do really love each other, and they will raise their child with love, and that's going to be enough for them. They did do something wrong, they both know it. They seem to realize the fallout is the natural result. If they live the rest of their lives right, they should be fine.




Nam Ga-Bin's parents died and so are we supposed to feel bad for her? Uh, no thanks.




A Mi is... she's something.


Yu-Shin is the very definition of hypocrisy.


There's a Korean term, "내로남불," which is short for ""내가 하면 로맨스 남이 하면 불륜." It means, "If I do it, it's romance, and if others do it, it's adultery."


If he's going to threaten to take Ji-A, I hope Pi-Yeong hires a good lawyer and fight for custody and a healthy chunk of his assets. He can accuse her all she wants, but he's the one who committed adultery and his mistress is living at her house right now.




Anyway, I do think the lesson is "reap what you sow." And if you are an a-hole, you won't live a happy life.


If you commit adultery, you're the a-hole. But you don't have to commit adultery to be an a-hole. People are free to be a-holes at any time.

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3 hours ago, agenth said:

When did Jia (40s couple's daughter) ever meet Ah Mi??? I thought the sub was a mistranslation, but the actress actually said Jia - not Jia's mother, whom the writer/actress probably meant. 


Correct me if I'm wrong. I did FF a lot of parts in previous episodes.

I thought the same thing, but maybe crazy stepmom means it is an expression that Jia uses, not that she said it about A Mi?


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20 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

Whether it was healthy or unhealthy, marriage is still marriage. Whether it's passionate or platonic, marriage is still marriage and should be honored. And as I said before, had bhr told the whole truth, the parents would have came out looking worse than what they already have. I hate that she didn't tell the whole truth. As a matter of fact, she should just go ahead and give them detail by detail of everything her husband and the family did.  So people are people. If a person doesn't like a person, they can justify anything bad that happens to them because of their perceived character flaws.


And the person who dishonoured those vows was the man that cheated no matter how much this is remixed, the fault is on him and because the family decided to abet the crime, them!

And also release her medical reports that she coughed blood due to the stress caused by affair ... media would paint psh and parents as devils 

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31 minutes ago, agenth said:


I never said that cheating was an honourable thing. I'm just questioning that the affair sullied the marriage which was already pretty much dead, one neither cared about. Sure, it would have been better if PSH put the breaks on before he decided to get together with Song Wan. However, that was one night of impulse, though his emotions had changed before then. 


What PSH's cheating actually sullied was BHR's pride - because how dare anyone cheat on a superstar like her. She didn't love him, and she only decided to divorce him because she wanted to marry a rich guy (Seo Ban/Seo Ban's brother) instead, and also get a fancy house out of it. That's fine, to get this property, it's what they agreed to. 


What is not fine is her lies. She made it sound as if she got divorced against her will, when it was her idea, and as if she got nothing, when she got all she wanted. Plus she put on fake tears as her new makeup concept, deliberately putting bloodhounds on the trails of her exfamily. 


Then she even called the father-in-law, trying to sound innocent, because this is another rich guy who may give her something, if she has need. 

A marriage is not dead until death do you part or divorce. And I have a hot issue with that. A person should honor the marriage vows and work on their marriage. I could create an extensive list from season 1 to season 2, and BHR are will still come out looking like gold in comparison to what her husband and his parents did. 


I think the people need to think the worst of bhr in order to justify their position which is they prefer mistress. I just see that I could give context, but it is really as simple as that. Even a criminal I believe is guilty is still deserving of a fair trial and I don't think the bhr is getting a fair Shake.  Bhr can be downright selfish at times, but she can also be loving. She is very loyal so when you betray someone that's loyal, they go hit you where it hurts.


Certain people need to make bhr motivations inhumane and rotten just so they can justify whatever position they have taken. I said this a long time ago, people often use the wrong psychological term to try to conceptualize a person. We never got an opportunity to see the beginning of their marriage oh, because the writer saw fit to show us extensively long episodes of their affairs. Emotions changing in a marriage is not a Justified cause for divorce, but it is the main reason why 40% of marriages end in divorce because of the idea of love match marriages. So technically speaking, love match marriages overall simply do not work and they will not work with someone who is emotionally fickle like that girl's husband.


You don't like bhr, that is cool, but are you really giving her a fair Shake? There are some characters that I can't stand that I really don't want to give a fair shake to. It might surprise you to know that I don't like bhr, nor dislike her but I'm able to empathize with everyone in that situation and at the same time say that her husband was most foul, the mistress was most foul, and that family was the foulest.


I don't have to like a character in order to call wrong wrong. I don't have to dislike a character to see all their wrong. Offset from the beginning, this couple should have just worked on their marriage. There is not one marriage that is 100% Flawless before or after an affair. But many of these issues certainly could have been rectified, but they were not giving in. Bhr nor psh were giving in. Psh thinks that the grass is greener on the other side. This is his first marriage, he seems to think that because his feelings were so strong that his future marriage if it does happen we'll be all roses and flowers. He is going to be in for a rude awakening.


I assure you that in my early twenties, early early twenties, I'll probably would be blaming solely bhr and  psh, but having to see it, live it, and deal with these issues clinically and professionally, I see them all as a big system of mess.


That entire situation is a mess, but respectfully, it could have worked out even after the affair If the parents had scolded their son and then remained neutral and not triangled in the drama. Had bhr not even involve the parents any further about taking the the girls have doctor's appointments, had the mistress not coveted what was not hers, had communication been more effective. Had there been a true understanding in that marriage. Psh acts just like his mother. He has a very anxious avoidant attachment Style and those type of people seek security and will go elsewhere when they don't have it. The moment something threatens their security, they are already looking for a way out or they will be over pleasing to their partner until they find a way out.


Personally, I think that we all are giving the writer of too much credit because this all seems a bit plot-driven. Any one of these characters can change their personality in a matter of seconds because of the plot


20 minutes ago, Green Chilli said:

And also release her medical reports that she coughed blood due to the stress caused by affair ... media would paint psh and parents as devils 

That is right. You know it was a big culture shock to me to see on dramas where men push down women or just beat them in public because of their anger. For example, the boss yelling at women and pushing them down was like what? So given the circumstance, they may not be mad and B HR for breaking the dish and going after the mistress. Korean culture is about honor and shame. What the husband did and what the mistress did will be seen in the context of honor and shame . Debt collectors show up at your house and kick your door in so they're probably said she got what she deserved for messing with a married man. I'm saying this because I understand the culture now and the mentality. I personally hate that she went after her with a broken dish. That was a bit over-the-top, but within that culture they will call the Mistress of hypocrite and since she is Catholic she would be denied communion. Now all the people of the faithful don't necessarily do not communion, but devout Catholic Bishops the whole to the tenets of the Catholic faith with most certainly died. Her communion and will not give her communion  upon marriage. There may be even a question if her baby will be able to be baptized. 

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43 minutes ago, agenth said:

What is not fine is her lies. She made it sound as if she got divorced against her will, when it was her idea, and as if she got nothing, when she got all she wanted. Plus she put on fake tears as her new makeup concept, deliberately putting bloodhounds on the trails of her exfamily. 


Then she even called the father-in-law, trying to sound innocent, because this is another rich guy who may give her something, if she has need. 

I guess she will get the karma due to her a bad intentions & lies - loosing Seo Ban to Writer Lee & her truth being disclosed by her ex husband & ex PIL. Who knows...  Writer-nim now has painted her character like that, and not surprise if she make BHR more badazzzz & make her own colleagues hate her.

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4 hours ago, agenth said:

When did Jia (40s couple's daughter) ever meet Ah Mi??? I thought the sub was a mistranslation, but the actress actually said Jia - not Jia's mother, whom the writer/actress probably meant. 


I think she only meant it as a phrase that youngsters would say.  "짱나, 정말" (jjangna jeongmal).  The first part is actually a short form of 짜증나 (jjajeung na) which means "irritating" (brings out irritation, to be more precise) and 정말 means "really".  Not sure how long the shorter form has existed, but I think older people don't use it.  The younger people in Korea are really into shortening every damn word or phrase and older people don't like it (like the ridiculous "ah ah" for "aissed americano"!)


It would've been better to translate it as, "you're super-annoying, like Jia might say"


[The most precise translation may be "Jia's talk is what fits; super-annoying!" but that is awkward]


@INJINFAN, your guess was right on this!

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23 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

A marriage is not dead until death do you part or divorce. And I have a hot issue with that. A person should honor the marriage vows and work on their marriage. I could create an extensive list from season 1 to season 2, and BHR are will still come out looking like gold in comparison to what her husband and his parents did. 


I think the people need to think the worst of bhr in order to justify their position which is they prefer mistress. I just see that I could give context, but it is really as simple as that. Even a criminal I believe is guilty is still deserving of a fair trial and I don't think the bhr is getting a fair Shake.  Bhr can be downright selfish at times, but she can also be loving. She is very loyal so when you betray someone that's loyal, they go hit you where it hurts.


Certain people need to make bhr motivations inhumane and rotten just so they can justify whatever position they have taken. I said this a long time ago, people often use the wrong psychological term to try to conceptualize a person. We never got an opportunity to see the beginning of their marriage oh, because the writer saw fit to show us extensively long episodes of their affairs. Emotions changing in a marriage is not a Justified cause for divorce, but it is the main reason why 40% of marriages end in divorce because of the idea of love match marriages. So technically speaking, love match marriages overall simply do not work and they will not work with someone who is emotionally fickle like that girl's husband.


You don't like bhr, that is cool, but are you really giving her a fair Shake? There are some characters that I can't stand that I really don't want to give a fair shake to. It might surprise you to know that I don't like bhr, nor dislike her but I'm able to empathize with everyone in that situation and at the same time say that her husband was most foul, the mistress was most foul, and that family was the foulest.


I don't have to like a character in order to call wrong wrong. I don't have to dislike a character to see all their wrong. Offset from the beginning, this couple should have just worked on their marriage. There is not one marriage that is 100% Flawless before or after an affair. But many of these issues certainly could have been rectified, but they were not giving in. Bhr nor psh were giving in. Psh thinks that the grass is greener on the other side. This is his first marriage, he seems to think that because his feelings were so strong that his future marriage if it does happen we'll be all roses and flowers. He is going to be in for a rude awakening.


I assure you that in my early twenties, early early twenties, I'll probably would be blaming solely bhr and  psh, but having to see it, live it, and deal with these issues clinically and professionally, I see them all as a big system of mess.


That entire situation is a mess, but respectfully, it could have worked out even after the affair If the parents had scolded their son and then remained neutral and not triangled in the drama. Had bhr not even involve the parents any further about taking the the girls have doctor's appointments, had the mistress not coveted what was not hers, had communication been more effective. Had there been a true understanding in that marriage. Psh acts just like his mother. He has a very anxious avoidant attachment Style and those type of people seek security and will go elsewhere when they don't have it. The moment something threatens their security, they are already looking for a way out or they will be over pleasing to their partner until they find a way out.


Personally, I think that we all are giving the writer of too much credit because this all seems a bit plot-driven. Any one of these characters can change their personality in a matter of seconds because of the plot


That is right. You know it was a big culture shock to me to see on dramas where men push down women or just beat them in public because of their anger. For example, the boss yelling at women and pushing them down was like what? So given the circumstance, they may not be mad and B HR for breaking the dish and going after the mistress. Korean culture is about honor and shame. What the husband did and what the mistress did will be seen in the context of honor and shame . Debt collectors show up at your house and kick your door in so they're probably said she got what she deserved for messing with a married man. I'm saying this because I understand the culture now and the mentality. I personally hate that she went after her with a broken dish. That was a bit over-the-top, but within that culture they will call the Mistress of hypocrite and since she is Catholic she would be denied communion. Now all the people of the faithful don't necessarily do not communion, but devout Catholic Bishops the whole to the tenets of the Catholic faith with most certainly died. Her communion and will not give her communion  upon marriage. There may be even a question if her baby will be able to be baptized. 

Worst has been shown in kdrama how wides deals with affair , all husbands get hit , and I believe trying to strangulate husband with a pillow while they sleep is popular depiction .  Some fed husband with toilet water. There is also a saying , the persons commenting cheating may feel it as love or what ever shot but on the cheated person it is violence . And kimchi or water slaps , hair pulling cat fights between mistress and wife are commonly shown in kdrama.

BHR hitting PSH was a normal and rather mild reaction and no it will be not be called as abuse . They will take it as righteous anger of the wife who was deceived .

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I think the public is very inclined to side with the wronged wife. Hye-Ryeong knows this, and used it to her advantage. I kind of admire her for this. (Admiration, not respect.) She loaded her gun, and she fired. Because she could.


But another thing the Korean public understands? Money and real estate. Notice how the reporter immediately asked about her alimony. More than sympathy for the wronged wife, what the public hates most is being lied to. She demanded megabucks for a three-year marriage, and they paid up. They literally have receipts. If they choose to reveal this, she won't look good.


Another thing Korean public understands? Filial duty. Sa-Hyeon could tell the world about how she routinely threw out all the food that his mother made, and refused to have children - which is her choice - but lied to his parents about it every month. Yes, it's very sexist and I really hate that these standards are imposed on women. But that's how things are right now in Korea, and it will hurt her image.


Basically, if the public finds out more, I think the opinions will be split, just like they are on this board. NO ONE is fine and uncaring about adultery. (ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, so please stop putting words in people's mouths, thanks.) But there will be people who are willing to consider all sides and have varying opinions. And there will be people who just want to tar and feather the adulterer, regardless of circumstances.


If Hye-Ryeong wants to use the media for her revenge, she should find out it's a double-edged sword. Inviting the public into your personal life is inviting constant scrutiny and speculation in the future. She just made herself into gossip fodder, and I don't think that's ever a good idea. Even if Sa-Hyeon or Song Won never says anything to the media, her personal life will be dissected, and that could eventually result in her true character being revealed. And it's not pretty.


I guess the last thing I want to mention is that Sa-Hyeon is the world's worst lawyer. I don't know what kind of law he practices, but I guess it's not family law. If he's divorcing his wife and paying her a lot of money, they should have a clear agreement which includes a non-disparagement clause or something, since she is a public figure, as she reminded him daily throughout their marriage. He clearly doesn't know anything about his ex-wife, and he doesn't know how to protect himself and his family. Seriously, he should get fired from his law firm for just being bone-headed.

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