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[Drama 2021] Revolutionary Sisters, 오케이 광자매


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Just when I'm beginning to root for the Gwang sisters and their new perspectives on life, I'm irritated by *every* character's backwards, ignorant attitudes. That's two sets of three sisters who think marrying a rich man is their goal: The Gwang Sisters, and the three from the generation before: Maeng-Ja, Bong-Ja, and Taeng-Ja. All their lives are in their crapper because they don't understand how to live as decent people, and it's so painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain. That's the kind of mindset that makes you a mark for such a flimsy con-artist.


It's just incredible how shallow and stupid they are. The way that everyone changed their tune on Ye-Seul after finding out what he did for Gwang-Sik. Eww. The way Bong-Ja insulted him and chased him out of her building was rude, and I don't think she deserves any forgiveness because she changed her mind quickly like a shallow idiot.


The way all the Gwang sisters barely suppressed their disappointment when Bong-Ja revealed that her long-time love is Dol-Shwe. Ugh.


Maria is a piece of work, as usual. She hasn't learned that she can't manipulate a man into loving her. Losing weight will not change that.


And of course, Byeon-Ho's mom. Shallow and selfish, turning on her new daughter-in-law for snapping at her. Maybe treating her son as a breeding farm animal isn't such a good idea. Like, consider his feelings and opinions sometimes?


Ugh, we get to see The World's Worst Detective again next week.


Anyway, it occurred to me that it's mostly the women who are shallow and selfish. You've got the Gwang Sisters and the previous generation of "-Ja sisters" who are just so shallow and ignorant. The middle sisters (Gwang-Sik and Bong-Ja) are the hardworking ones who are semi-decent, but when push comes to shove, they have their terrible moments. And aside from the sets of sisters, you have Maria and Byeon-Ho's mother who are just as shallow and ignorant. They are all awful, living lives that are not great, but oddly feel the need to judge others harshly.


In comparison, the men are less abhorrent. The father has his ignorant moments, but he's mostly decent compared to the women, and the same for Dol-Shwe. Byeon-Ho is King Idiot, but he's mostly a victim, and you can't say that he's a bad human being. Ye-Seul is the best person here, too good for anyone on this show.


Ddu-Gi, we agree is also the best. I hope she rises above all these idiots when she grows up.

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I agree with you, @chickfactor

I think GT will take the fall for money laundering or whatever. Maybe BH would have to represent her & save her. 

the idiot detective charged half of Korea with the death of GT’s mum. Now he will charge the other half when he ‘investigates’ the new crime. 

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Oh this stupid, hypocritical family. I had to laugh at Dad accusing Gwang-nam of being so blinded by dollar signs that she didn't spot the fraud when the whole family was blinded by dollar signs. Dad didn't listen to Dol-shwe when he said the guy sounded shady and neither Gwang-nam or Gwang-sik would listen to Byun-ho. Well, I guess Gwang-nam did but then stupidly went through with the wedding anyway. Stupid, stupid.


Looks like Byun-ho is going to try with Maria. Do we think she will die?

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I have to admit I love this show as ridiculous as it is and as horrible as many of the characters can be.  And as bad as the family is, there's always the police to show true incompetence!  The romance between GS and YS is enough to keep me through the end, and I am confident the other sisters will follow.

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As always, I have thoughts.


It's one thing to get scammed, it's quite another level of stupid when you realize you are being scammed, and still show up to your wedding to marry your scammer because it would be humiliating to cancel the wedding. How is that more humiliating than what actually ended up happening? You get arrested in front of your guests. I mean, what did she expect? What rational person thinks this way?


Byeon-Ho's mom is also next-level crazy. She doesn't care that her 2nd daughter-in-law left, she only just wants the baby. That's mentally ill behavior. Get a grip, lady.


Anyway, these people are creating their own misfortunes, and haven't learned a thing. Everything is a product of ignorant thinking. People believing that filial duty means faking a marriage to a scammer to avoid humiliating your family, or being with a woman you don't love because your mother needs a grandchild. Everyone's stuck in a hellscape they can't escape from because of their never-ending idiocy.


They have their moments where they seem determined to live a good, honest, motivated life, and then go ahead and do the most boneheaded thing you can possibly imagine.


I guess Byeon-Ho does remember making a baby with Maria after all. I have no sympathy for her, though. She's such a ghoul.


Ye-Seul remains the only decent human in this farce.

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Maria was so creepy, obsessed with a married guy for years, finally taking advantage when he was completely wasted. If she died on her honeymoon ... It shouldn't make me laugh, but I can't help it. Poor Blessing though. I knew it was coming with the chest pains and references to all of the medication she was taking.


I know k-dramas, or South Korea for that matter, don't take mental health seriously, but Gwang-nam tried to kill herself and had been suicidal in the past. She should be getting professional help. Since that's not going to happen, her family needs to stop telling her how useless she is. You can't work at the fish stand. You can't run a business, etc. Just let her try.


It's not going to be good when Ye-seul meets the bride.


Now it's the dad's turn to get himself into a situation because of money.


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@qynn I completely agree with your comments about GN.   Her family says she can't get a job so she should get married.  Then they say she can't pick a husband so she should work, just not any kind of work she can get.  I'm a GS fan in general but I was disappointed she wasn't willing to train her sister.


I do have sympathy for GS in regards so her relationship with YS and I'm not sure what she should do.  I'd like her to be honest but I'm not sure that would help in the short term.


I like that GT is falling for KJ but I feel that it's happening a little too fast.  Of course, that's true for most of this drama!


I'm not sure how many of you watched Liver or Die.  I think the writer is actually critiquing the traditional Korean (Confucian?) family dynamics as I can't explain why so many of the main characters repeatedly act in a shallow, selfish manner.  I loved the secondary characters and relationships in Liver or Die but really disliked almost all of the characters in the main family.  I agree the sisters in this drama can be unlikable but I think (hope?) that's part of the point.

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6 hours ago, qynn said:

Maria was so creepy, obsessed with a married guy for years, finally taking advantage when he was completely wasted. If she died on her honeymoon ... It shouldn't make me laugh, but I can't help it. Poor Blessing though. I knew it was coming with the chest pains and references to all of the medication she was taking.


I know k-dramas, or South Korea for that matter, don't take mental health seriously, but Gwang-nam tried to kill herself and had been suicidal in the past. She should be getting professional help. Since that's not going to happen, her family needs to stop telling her how useless she is. You can't work at the fish stand. You can't run a business, etc. Just let her try.


It's not going to be good when Ye-seul meets the bride.


Now it's the dad's turn to get himself into a situation because of money.


If she died on her honeymoon >>  about Maria died, is it what will happen next? Or just our wish?

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Regarding if Maria dies:


Wounds take time to heal. If Maria died, the lawyer would be devastated. He wants to turn to his ex wife for comfort. But how can the ex wife do that. She may have a dot of compassion for her ex and Maria who stole her husband, but that's as far as it goes. He will be a single dad with his mom helping taking care of the baby. After a while, taking care of a baby will wear out. At this point, mother in law may want to make demands of the ex wife to take care of the baby. But she has burnt that bridge.  If Maria survives, will it be from a heart attack or a stroke. Her quality of life will get worse.


@admonikesaid: "Am thinking about another new man for the ex wife. From the ordinary background but sincere."


Good luck with a new man for the ex wife. After what just happened to her, she will have trust issues.


@D27Gjk68You made a reference to Liver or Die; just a fyi in real life the ml(Yoo Joon Sang) is married to GN if I'm not mistaken.

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1 hour ago, brooksmom said:

If Maria survives

I like your idea if Maria died. But I dont think she will die easily. There will be another 25 eps to go.
Most likely Maria will survives, but how's the lawyer? and also related how the ex wife.

Am thinking about another new man for the ex wife. From the ordinary background but sincere

Edited by admonike
need to give more explanation
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I once disagreed with @Lmanglathat this drama is one hum dinger of a drama that is all over the place - and not in a nice way. Now I have to retract my opinion and agree with her. 


The aunt doesn't seem compatible with zebra suit man. She is a 6 on the level and he is a 3 or 4. And he doesn't look like he is moving up.


The dad likes to grimace his face a lot and combs over his few strands of hair over his head. I guess it helps.


I've liked GN from the beginning of the drama. I have no reason. Just do.


Don't know what to say about the lawyer. He's the quite type. He knocked up somebody not his wife while drunk but these last few months (close to a year) he has been celibate. He comes home drunk every night but he has been faithful to Maria.


I don't hate Maria's character a conniving mistress turned wife.  But she has always seemed entitled. No one owes her anything. Just because she's married. Reap what you sow. There are two rules in life. First, no one owes you anything. Second, don't forget rule number one. 


I like the guitar guy too. But there is always trouble with the artistic types. Musicians, artists, poets....In his line of work he'll work long night hours where there's booze and beautiful women. The pay will be minimal unless he gets a sugar mama. I guess, he can write some songs but he'll need someone to bring home the bacon (pays bills) while he is leisurely being creative.  


Next week's preview looks messy. I don't look forward to seeing it after seeing the preview. Maybe Sunday's episode will be better.   ^_^

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Yes, if you're going to kill yourself, maybe not send every single family member "goodbye forever" texts knowing they will freak out. Selfish drama queen. I admit that I was LOL-ing while Gwang-Tae gave Gwang-Nam a heads-up about her selfishness. Sing it, sister!


I hate the "Maria will maybe die" storyline. (1) If she dies, that's a major cop-out after the writer wrote herself in a corner with this entire storyline which never made sense in the first place. (2) If Maria doesn't die, that's just more jerking around of the viewers.


Really hate Byeon-Ho's mother. That's great that the two farm animals you were trying to breed are going on a "honeymoon" to mate just like you wanted. Instead of just enjoying the fact that things are working out the way she wanted, she has to go find her former daughter-in-law just to rub it in her face. That's just nasty behavior.


Warming up to Taeng-Ja. I enjoy her sass. She is the queen of truth bombs.

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The fortune teller said Byun-ho will marry three times so either Maria dies or they break up, which I don't see happening after the recent episodes. The writer obviously plans for Byun-ho and Gwang-nam to end up together and about has to kill Maria at some point to make that happen, unless a near death experience changes Maria's personality. Despite everything, I actually have a soft spot for Gwang-nam and wish she would end up single, happily doing something she likes even if it may not be glamorous. It's okay not to want kids, but the writer is going to stick her with two and that piece of work MIL.

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3 hours ago, admonike said:

am happy with today eps

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or should I feel sorry if I'm happy that Maria passed away 


I haven't seen the ep subbed, all I can say is that at last she was happy. And I guessed as much with the mother in law. 

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4 hours ago, admonike said:

am happy with today eps

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or should I feel sorry if I'm happy that Maria passed away 


I was deliriously happy too when I read that.  Enough of her moppy ways and trying to force someone to love you.  You take advantage of a man when he is drunk, then you tell him baby is his but you want nothing from him ... when all along you want to be his wife.  then you say that is enough but then you want his love.  forever not satisfied.  forever with the games to try and manipulate him to give you what you want.  She is sick and I don’t just mean physically ill.  

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