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[Drama 2020/2021] Queen Cheorin/Mr. Queen, 철인왕후


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I finally watched the final 2 episodes with the subs.

I guess it was a good thing I spoiled myself by reading the posts here on the thread before watching. I probably would have been more annoyed with that last half of the finale if I watched unknowing of how it ends.  Even with foreknowledge, it was still tough to watch. I think I growled a few times LOL


 I thought I'd write some thoughts before I go back and read the past few pages...This is going to be long...sorry...


I think I will just consider ep 19 as the finale and maybe beginning of 20, and conveniently forget the rest of what they broadcast.


Ok, first, I think the way BI died was the kindest way to end his story arc. He was in love with someone who could never be his, he committed crimes and treason, tried to kill the king himself and schemed to do so.  Hard to go back from that.

At least he got to learn that there is still something of SY left behind and that he was able to do all he can for her.

I don't like this character for several reasons, but this was the kindest end to his journey. He gets to leave on a heroic note, instead of the obsessed, delusional scheming, ruthless person that he became.


If they included a reincarnation trope, I would actually like him to reincarnate and get together with SY some other time period. 


One thing I liked is that Special Dir Hong confessed to Kim Hwan that he only got close to him to spy on the Kims and pump him for information. I'm glad that KH learned the truth. But forgiving and pure soul that he is, he still came back to them to help and even just swept it under the rug and resumed their funny friendship.  I wish he at least vented some of his hurt, but it is consistent with his character that he just lets it be, so I'm ok with it. 

SD Hong only truly realized how loyal and good KH is when he still came to them in prison and offered to help.  He felt the sting of guilt then LOL. I admit, that was satisfying.  And when he refused to use him further, that was touching.

His crying face was hilarious!

Those 2 had short scenes relatively, but they steal the show when they're around.  As opposed to Prince YP and BI who are downers.


When Prince YP said he couldn't believe they couldn't help (or they were useless to) the king bec they're stuck in prison, I snorted.  Who had the great idea to storm the Queen's hall and draw a sword on her instead of learning what's going on and getting the heck out of dodge and go look for the king?

For being one of the king's trusted men, he really was disappointing.  I still don't know why he didn't go protect the king when he went out to "quell the uprising". He sure wasn't protecting the queen.


I actually like the hint that he may yet get to have his happy ending with HJ.


Court Lady Choi and the royal chef are adorable, individually and together. 

I'll just take their love story as the main love story in this drama. They developed it well, they got to know each other, they bonded over their frustrations with BH and shared the hobby of venting in the bamboo forest LOL.  They were adorable.


Side note, did not know that court ladies were not allowed to marry before SY's decree...

Oh and the Royal Inspector isn't a eunuch? I don't know why I thought he was.  Why did I think that all those guys in green robes were all eunuchs???


Some RickRoll'D moments:

A pet peeve - Why for the love of drama gods, when people with sharp swords are fighting close to you, why do you not move farther away??? Just go behind those trees 2 feet away! I'm looking at you BH, this is made worse when you have some military training and you showed them by throwing that rock and trying to cover your tracks a minute later...


When SY said at BI's grave, that he still found her even when she was in hiding...Is this accurate translation? bec if it is, and it wasn't supposed to be "while she was hidden" then it makes me like her even less.  So while BH was working hard to survive in the palace, dealing with the 2 witchy queens, while he was dodging swords, poison, running here and there, taking that bullet for CJ, she was nowhere to be found bec she was "hiding"??!!!   Seriously?  Wow, ok then ...


It was posted here that she was in the body all along and that perhaps her soul was too weak or something.  It was never clarified. It might make better sense if she was actually switched and she was in the comatose body but it doesn't seem so bec she seemed aware of what happened and recalls some things?

The show never really clarified this and it makes it confusing and leaves us guessing.


If she really was in there the whole time,why didn't she make her presence felt, not just memories, but actual consciousness so that at least BH had some clue?

When BH was being dangled by BI over that cliff, she couldn't get out of her hiding place to at least give a sign to help BH out? Not even a word.  If ever there was a time when she could have helped, her using her knowledge of BI would have helped save BH at that crucial point.  Instead it was BH's revelation that he recalled memories that made BI believe that a part of SY lives on...prompting BI to spare her.

If as some have theorized that she just pops out during intimate moments, that is even worse. She would only come out when the going is good, and pleasure is to be had? Then go back in hiding when things get tough??

So no, I prefer to think this is not the case.


Her memories and rare stray emotion may have influenced BH a bit but it was the alcohol that lowered his inhibitions that led to that first night. After that, the cat was out of the bag and he couldn't deny that it felt good.  (I'm glad that the show chose this rather than him denying it to his last breath)


Even in the last episode when they were hiding in that cart, BH admitted that his heart was pounding not bec of fear. 

So for me, SY was MIA the whole time. And CJ was just able to access some of her memories. Heck those initial signs of attraction may just be bec of those female hormones that swimming in that female body that he now had to deal with.


I really wish they executed it better so we there is more clarity.


Too long again, will have to continue in another post.

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3 hours ago, taeunfighting said:


@Clemzstar Thanks for mentioning these lovely scenes! They were my most favorites of the ending. Here is what I have:




I love sageuks, and one of my favorite tropes is when the king goes striding slow-motion into the throne room... so for me this was just sublime! Gorgeous shot, very dramatic and epic in the rain like that. For all my hatred of the actual ending, the first half had a lot of awesome moments like this.


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48 minutes ago, kwayteow_mama said:

I find KJH after smooch stare real sexy here :love:




Love it as well and I am about to gif it but you beat me to it....On the behalf of the womankind, I would like to say thank you....:Megathanks: KJH has a way in how he "adjusts" the beam on his eyes....


I found the kiss in the spin off is super tamed if compare to in the drama. In the spin off is more on the cute kindergarten level side while in the drama is passionate advance level.

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@cdcotr Unfortunately i do think it's implied that SY is there all along, hiding. However we are only given that knowledge/ confirmation in episode 19 (you know, like right at the end) and I bet it was also news to Sobong when BI brought up that SY must be still in there hiding since she has her memories. At first I didn't really pay too much attention when BI said that. I was, like whatever, the dude's still deluded. But what he said did come true at the end. When KSY wakes up in her own body, she's aware of what's going on and smoothly resume their ongoing mission. It doesn't look like she doesn't have memories from when BH is dominating her body. She knew she was pregnant, for e.g.


Perhaps one way to justify that KSY was there all along (other than in romantic scenes) was through SB bigger picture motivation and will. She's like this invisible puppet master and BH was just manifesting what she wanted in his style, judgement and mannerism. When SY and BH met and kissed in the lake, perhaps it was something like, "help me, I don't know what to do." and BH was the knight in shining armour to help her but the dumb thing is, BH just wakes up in her body and he's supposed to figure all that out accidentally and pray that he doesn't end up dead. There isn't like this guardian angel or divine being or divine revelation in a dream to tell him his mission and what happens if he ends up dead. Of course all this is just my guess at best since the drama reveals so little about the mechanics of the timeslip.


BH is supposed to be an egoist character and SB has put herself in many situation that will be at a disadvantage to her so perhaps that was KSY's invisible hand there especially when she sides with the king. But of course the most obvious thing to us was SB apparent motivation for allying with the king was to get back at those who tried to harm her. If you look at it in a different way, this aligns with KSY's life mission assuming it is for her man. Again this is all conjecture since we really don't get much info or character development on KSY other than she's someone in love with the king but was spurned, venting her frustration on court maids and servants either because she was bitter that the king was in love with someone else or trying to get out of being queen because it was not in line with her expectation and committed suicide because she felt hopeless.     


I guess maybe that's why we also always see SB constant conundrum if the body is indeed controlled by BH or KSY. BH and us, the viewers always thought that BH was in control but perhaps it was always KSY all along pulling the string from behind the scene. Yeah but I agree that it doesn't really redeem her character even viewed in this way. I'm just trying to fill in the gap here but whatever happened with the drama happened and gaps are gaps.

39 minutes ago, cenching said:



Love it as well and I am about to gif it but you beat me to it....On the behalf of the womankind, I would like to say thank you....:Megathanks: KJH has a way in how he "adjusts" the beam on his eyes....


I found the kiss in the spin off is super tamed if compare to in the drama. In the spin off is more on the cute kindergarten level side while in the drama is passionate advance level.


I second you sister!! 

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One more time I put the blame on the writers, if their intention was 2 souls in 1 body all along the watchtower they should at least gave us some hints or this.....78a085da6e8e4eaecb81223670ddea93.jpg


But none until 19 and a half episode. In the confrontation between SB-BI, SB told him point blank that she is not SY and SY has NO CONTROL at all and everything is SB's doing and that episode 19. The usual drama will give us enlightenment too as to WHY HOW are JBH-KSY not others?? What is their connection? But once again, none....I can't believe I will come to the conclusion that Mr Queen's ending is worse than GPG's 3 endings combined....:joy:





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@cenching Well, it wasn't much but the drama did got us guessing if it was SY or BH there making out with the king.. yeah still agree it's lame.. the way they have executed the drama makes KSY endgame felt like an afterthought rather than planned from the beginning. Having a prequel kinda make the story gap look even more obvious to me although I do enjoy the comedic and lovey dovey parts of it

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17 minutes ago, kwayteow_mama said:

@cenching Well, it wasn't much but the drama did got us guessing if it was SY or BH there making out with the king.. yeah still agree it's lame.. the way they have executed the drama makes KSY endgame felt like an afterthought rather than planned from the beginning. Having a prequel kinda make the story gap look even more obvious to me although I do enjoy the comedic and lovey dovey parts of it


Will SY the noble chaste little virgin Lady of Joseon able to performed the "aum" to such level that made CJ went gaga??? :ph34r: I don't even need to guess....:lol:

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I wonder how I should rate this drama if episodes 1-19 were 10/10 and episode 20 was 1/10. :isannoyed:


I still don’t understand why they didn’t go with reincarnation route. Would it be too much for Koreans to digest? I thought it wouldn’t be that controversial if they decided to say Bong Hwan and So Yong were the same soul. Maybe I’ve been living in Europe for too long and became too open-minded  :joy:


I can’t forgive the writers for doing my beloved Bong Hwan dirty and for making me root for the wrong OTP... But I will always be grateful to Mr Queen team for bringing together Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun. This pairing with equal talents,  visuals and burning chemistry comes just few times in the lifetime.



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52 minutes ago, cenching said:


Will SY the noble chaste little virgin Lady of Joseon able to performed the "aum" to such level that made CJ went gaga??? :ph34r: I don't even need to guess....:lol:

well at least now that she acquired some mannerisms from bong hwan, i would like to believe that she will also display those skills in their bedroom from now on. hahahaha 

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2 hours ago, kwayteow_mama said:

@cdcotr Unfortunately i do think it's implied that SY is there all along, hiding. However we are only given that knowledge/ confirmation in episode 19 (you know, like right at the end) and I bet it was also news to Sobong when BI brought up that SY must be still in there hiding since she has her memories. At first I didn't really pay too much attention when BI said that. I was, like whatever, the dude's still deluded. But what he said did come true at the end. When KSY wakes up in her own body, she's aware of what's going on and smoothly resume their ongoing mission. It doesn't look like she doesn't have memories from when BH is dominating her body. She knew she was pregnant, for e.g.


@kwayteow_mama sorry to be cutting your post.  I wanted to comment and add to some of the points you made ...


That's right, there was no hesitation or confusion. She just suddenly said "he's gone" or something like that... and then proceeded to go to CJ. This does support the theory that she was there lurking in the background without even BH being aware.


2 hours ago, kwayteow_mama said:


Perhaps one way to justify that KSY was there all along (other than in romantic scenes) was through SB bigger picture motivation and will. She's like this invisible puppet master and BH was just manifesting what she wanted in his style, judgement and mannerism. When SY and BH met and kissed in the lake, perhaps it was something like, "help me, I don't know what to do." and BH was the knight in shining armour to help her but the dumb thing is, BH just wakes up in her body and he's supposed to figure all that out accidentally and pray that he doesn't end up dead. There isn't like this guardian angel or divine being or divine revelation in a dream to tell him his mission and what happens if he ends up dead. Of course all this is just my guess at best since the drama reveals so little about the mechanics of the timeslip.


IIRC, wasn't SY the one who approached BH to kiss? I did interpret that as her asking for help and kinda handing off her life to BH as if saying "I'm giving you a second chance at life, see what you can make of it."  But BH had to do the things she was unable to do.

Fairly common in transmigration stories that I've read.  The other soul is given another chance at life but they need to do certain things for the original soul, most often get justice or revenge for them. 

I thought this was how it was going to go with Mr Queen so I had thought SY was dead and gone from the start.


But if she was there all along, why was the queen's body in a coma  when BH was thrown back into the presentearly on???

I just recalled this now and it's a big plot hole. If the reason she couldn't surface was because BH was too strong a presence in her own body (hard to believe, it's her own body!) then why didn't she come to the fore when BH left the building so to speak. It was wide open for her ...of course, my cynical side is saying, it's bec the situation was still dire for her and CJ still had no power, unlike there at the end when the win was within grasp.


2 hours ago, kwayteow_mama said:

BH is supposed to be an egoist character and SB has put herself in many situation that will be at a disadvantage to her so perhaps that was KSY's invisible hand there especially when she sides with the king. But of course the most obvious thing to us was SB apparent motivation for allying with the king was to get back at those who tried to harm her. If you look at it in a different way, this aligns with KSY's life mission assuming it is for her man. Again this is all conjecture since we really don't get much info or character development on KSY other than she's someone in love with the king but was spurned, venting her frustration on court maids and servants either because she was bitter that the king was in love with someone else or trying to get out of being queen because it was not in line with her expectation and committed suicide because she felt hopeless.     


Yes there was hardly anything revealed abt SY that can help us understand her character, or not even what she did in the palace between entering it and her trying to kill herself. 


Her being mean, petty and cruel was so memorable that till the very end of ep 20 when she went to the lake and 2 maids were there chatting, they were visibly scared of her and hurriedly moved away.

If it was to get out of being queen, she must have been very convincing.


I still repeat that it wasn't a good plan. Acting vicious to lowly servants would not make a difference to the Kim elders. They would not give a damn. She was their ticket to more power and control.

Someone said that her only choice was dethronement or death. 

Ok, but my point stands that she didn't need to treat those people badly bec it wasn't going to work.


So maybe, she was taking her frustrations out on them like you said.  We only have the GQD's guess that she did it to get out of being queen.  I don't think SY ever confirmed this.


And we're back to the lack of certainty about her.

These are all guesses bec the writers failed to show who SY really was.


Did she really try hard enough to get CJ to not just notice her, but to correct his prejudiced view of her? If she really wanted this, then why come up with the scheme of punishing servants and being vicious??!! It sure doesn't help her make the case to CJ. It would only reinforce that she was the same as all the other Kims.


So I assume she came up with this after she gave up on him...but then that night at the lake she was still trying and even said CJ should love her. Even if she saved him at the well, it still doesn't merit that sentence. It sounds entitled considering her behavior and what CJ has seen of her so far.

I think I'm starting to go in circles.  Much of it doesn't make sense.


2 hours ago, kwayteow_mama said:

I guess maybe that's why we also always see SB constant conundrum if the body is indeed controlled by BH or KSY. BH and us, the viewers always thought that BH was in control but perhaps it was always KSY all along pulling the string from behind the scene. Yeah but I agree that it doesn't really redeem her character even viewed in this way. I'm just trying to fill in the gap here but whatever happened with the drama happened and gaps are gaps.


I second you sister!! 


I interpreted BH's frequent internal crises as him getting used to a female body, SY's memories, hormones, the complicated life in Joseon, and his developing feelings for CJ. I don't think he had much friends or any significant connections beyond his parents, so even his relationship with HY and CLC are new. I theorized that occupying SY's body means he has access to the memories stored in her brain and is now subject to the more volatile emotions that are more common in a female body.

I don't think she was in there pulling the strings. I think BH did have control even if she was hidden inside. But it feels opportunistic, passive and lazy.

Ok that last may be too much, but with nothing to go on to explain the mechanics of how the souls occupied whose body, all we can do is guess.


But when I think about her, I'm just not impressed. Her character needed a growth arc. Just like BH did.

Sadly we got nothing. So it feels like she was just there for the ride and she got a free pass to her HEA.

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14 hours ago, taeunfighting said:


@Clemzstar Thanks for mentioning these lovely scenes! They were my most favorites of the ending. Here is what I have:


If these aren't it, feel free to PM me.

 Thank you! These are exactly what I am after. I can even hear the music with it haha. Saving these for when I start having withdrawals! 

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2 hours ago, LRM11219311 said:
The best explanation of the final episode of Mr. Queen



No offense but that explanation is full of holes. If there are 2 souls inside her body is the reason BH’s body in vegetative state, why SY didn’t wake up when BH went back briefly?? Beside SB was on the verge of death when she jumped into the lake before CJ rescued her, there was no signs of SY presence too.


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It's out, KJH track on MQ OST

"Like the first snow" (철인왕후)






(Ms Goldie)


Sometimes when I'm with you,

I feel unfamiliar with myself smiling.

Slowly, without realizing

Is it because of you who permeated my heart?


Even if you say no,

You're always there at the end of my gaze.

My day like a gift when I close my eyes

It was the first snow that was too warm for me.


It's pouring down like snow on my heart where there was no light in my life,

You don't have no idea. without any burden

Slowly, in your mind,

I'll sneak down like the first snow.

I miss you, even when I'm in front of you.

I feel like you're going to disappear to my eyes any time.

I'm afraid you will be erased when I close my eyes.

I think I'm going to put you in my mind a little bit more.


It's pouring down like snow on my heart.

In my life, where there was no light

without a burden , whispering in your mind

I'll sneak down like the first snow.


Just stay with me like now and forever.


It's pouring down like snow on my heart

where there was no light in my life.

I'll sneak down in your heart like the first snow

little whispering,  without burden.

I'll always be by your side like I am now.



- - -

Guys, this is definitely a song of longing...

Tell me what timeline is this for???


We are really never getting over our brokenness (whatever that means for us).




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