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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] Go Ahead 以家人之名


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Lol the siren sound


30 minutes ago, phuong1317 said:

Steven Zhang is such a great actor he made me tear up and my mom cry on this scene 

Yeah ZQ’s scene with HM made me bawled my eyes out especially when he came out and saw JJ’s crying.


I’m surprise he suddenly hugged JJ, he’s really touched by JJ’s care for him

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All the happiness for LX these past few episodes with JJ was too good to true after ZQ mom now we have LX crazy mom back doesn’t she see he’s happy if she has even an ounce of motherly love for him in her she’d leave him alone if she keep putting her problems onto him I want him to stick up for himself get some closure it’s ridiculous that she won’t let him be happy and wants to drag him down with her 


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The most touching moment is when JJ went to look for his missing slipper and then check his feet for injuries and brush off any debris before putting shoe on his feet. He was so touch by her sisterly act of love for him. No one has done that for him and he was so touched by it that he hugs her because since they were little, she was the one who cares and comfort him besides Papa Li.

36 minutes ago, Dundee said:
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Yeah the scary mom was back and gave mean face to JJ and LX.

But the mom has to know that she made her own son becoming depressed

where did u see this?



Anyone here understand the conversation between ZQ mom and her friend when she was sick?


Thought I heard something like everyone thought your son is my son. Please correct me if I understood it wrongly. 

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2 hours ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:
2 hours ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

The most touching moment is when JJ went to look for his missing slipper and then check his feet for injuries and brush off any debris before putting shoe on his feet. He was so touch by her sisterly act of love for him. No one has done that for him and he was so touched by it that he hugs her because since they were little, she was the one who cares and comfort him besides Papa Li.

where did u see this?



Anyone here understand the conversation between ZQ mom and her friend when she was sick?


Thought I heard something like everyone thought your son is my son. Please correct me if I understood it wrongly. 


I saw it on facebook by lan_lan updates, you can search it there


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Can’t wait for the birthday dinner scene, LX’s mom now in a full mode based on the new preview, luckily JJ was not alone, Li dad and Ling dad also present. LX looked so cold towards his mother, probably he thinks her mother behave unusual and suspect of something


I think LX’s mom knows LX’s feelings to JJ

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38 minutes ago, Dundee said:
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Can’t wait for the birthday dinner scene, LX’s mom now in a full mode based on the new preview, luckily JJ was not alone, Li dad and Ling dad also present. LX looked so cold towards his mother, probably he thinks her mother behave unusual and suspect of something

I think LX’s mom knows LX’s feelings to JJ

I hate this B so much. Shes so toxic. Basically the mom is toasting for LX's bday and in her speech she thanks JJ's dad for raising LX as a son and intentionally says that even though LX isnt his real son. 


Im going to need JJ to tell this B that he was more of a parent than she ever will be to LX and tells the story of the day she gave him to JJ. Im sick of this B guys. Ive never hated a character more. 

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Im so mad I hate calling LX mom crazy but she's so insane using the excuse that its his birthday to follow him to China When Ling dad was talking to Li dad he said even when her mom died she didn't even come back coming back for a birthday give me break But Li dad said ppl can change lol yeah right Every time I see her smile it creeps me out like crazy alert!! When they left his apartment his little sister asked her mom why does he smile only when he see JJ Its because he is truly himself and happy leave him alone Even just once glimpse of you he get nightmares and only JJ can help relieve it 

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The way LX’s mum expresses her “love” for LX is to declare ownership. Since coming back to China, she went around making sure people knew LX is her son (as if he is an object to be owned). Eg. Going to his workplace, giving gifts, thanking his colleagues for taking care of him, letting JJ’s dad know she is the mother and he is not related to him, paying the cake ZQ baked for LX’s birthday as if ZQ has no right to give LX a gift for his birthday. The way she loves is so tiring. As if LX cannot have any other relationship. No wonder he has recurring nightmares of her.

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1 hour ago, luvhollandlop said:

The way LX’s mum expresses her “love” for LX is to declare ownership. Since coming back to China, she went around making sure people knew LX is her son (as if he is an object to be owned). Eg. Going to his workplace, giving gifts, thanking his colleagues for taking care of him, letting JJ’s dad know she is the mother and he is not related to him, paying the cake ZQ baked for LX’s birthday as if ZQ has no right to give LX a gift for his birthday. The way she loves is so tiring. As if LX cannot have any other relationship. No wonder he has recurring nightmares of her.

theory: i think JJ is going to initiate the act of marriage with LX to get this woman off his back.


the degree off possessiveness that she has towards her own son is honestly unsettling. Her eyes creep me tf out. 

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Poor LX. In another new clip on the unaired episodes, it showed LX’s mum cutting up photos of LX, JJ and ZQ when they were teenagers. She is really mentally unsound.... LX told his dad he has stopped having nightmares of his dead sister and asked his dad whether that means his dead sister has forgiven him and he has paid off whatever he owed his mum... 

LX took care of his mum in Singapore and endured his mum’s mood swings because he felt he needed to pay for his “crime” of “killing” his sister...

LX’s mum should take a good look at herself in the mirror. She being the adult who locked two young kids at home without supervision has to bear the responsibility of guilt in this accident and not LX. What made her guilt trip LX using this accident to tie him to her side. She really is a failure as a mother and a horrible person.

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If Ling Papa don't step up and slap shut Ling mama n protect his son for once in this life,  I'm gonna kick his balls and teach him to be a man n a parent!!! The poor kid LX grew up thinking he is the one who caused his sister death and felt guilty for causing his mom mental illness. All because his mother couldn't assume and accept her responsibility of killing her own daughter due to her negligence as an adult n parent, instead she put it all on him. He was so guilt trip into looking after his mom for 9 years and his mom continues to torture him even now. Someone ought to slap her n sent her to mental hospital.  LX should apply for a PPO. The only person whom I can think of who will dare to scold LX mom is ZQ mom. She don't mince her words.  JJ is too scared of LX mom so I doubt she dare to speak up against her.

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@cheekychipmunk_stv I totally agree. Like what JJ’s dad said, the adults r not brave enough to acknowledge their mistakes. LX’s dad definitely need to step up and apologise for not standing up for his son. And for once, tell the ex-wife she is not well and need help. I remembered one of the early episodes, the dad held on to LX who wanted to escape the scene where LX’s mum was shouting and screaming at the dad. I was thinking he should have protected LX then and let him leave the scene rather than holding onto him. Albeit, LX’s mother was quite scary when she was going crazy. It was so traumatising to have a young child witnessed his mother going crazy.

kudos to the actress who acted as LX’s mum... she really scares me...

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My heart breaks for LX. Imagine thinking if his sis has finally forgiven him because he stopped having nightmares?!

So sad!!!!. I hope his Mom stays away from him. She screwed him up really good when she abandoned him whe he was young and when he was in Singapore taking care of her.

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LX mom is horrible.  Insult everyone at the table except herself. OMG her underlying words to Ling Papa and everyone "we must be good parents and think of our kids from now onwards - I will not give son more problems, will help him, take care/be more concern about him, encourage and support him and guide him" ... thrn she moves to placed her hands on LX ... OMG!  That display of own possessiveness. She looks like a poisonous snake entwine itself n stronghold LX and not letting him go. That's her message to him. Look at poor LX stricken face. Can see that he wants to throw up from an onset anxiety attack. His anxiety will get worst the more he sees  her ... just her voice is enough to trigger the attacks next time. 



So sweet these 3




poor ZQ mom. She didn't have a good life after she left ZQ to find work in hopes to be able to support him n bring him to live with her.


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I was prepared for a blowout because I thought it was ending tomorrow but it seems like it got extended from 40 to 46 episodes ending Sunday the 6th I really need to stop watching seeing LX mom is pissing me off way too much he really needs to stand up for himself if not he’s only going to drag JJ into the hellhole of his mom since she wants to stay in China and is even looking for a house  near him

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4 minutes ago, phuong1317 said:

I was prepared for a blowout because I thought it was ending tomorrow but it seems like it got extended from 40 to 46 episodes ending Sunday the 6th I really need to stop watching seeing LX mom is pissing me off way too much he really needs to stand up for himself if not he’s only going to drag JJ into the hellhole of his mom since she wants to stay in China and is even looking for a house  near him



Eeeee...that's too creepy. If she moves there, they should move overseas far away from her. She is poison.  She just poison everywhere she goes.

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11 minutes ago, phuong1317 said:

I was prepared for a blowout because I thought it was ending tomorrow but it seems like it got extended from 40 to 46 episodes ending Sunday the 6th I really need to stop watching seeing LX mom is pissing me off way too much he really needs to stand up for himself if not he’s only going to drag JJ into the hellhole of his mom since she wants to stay in China and is even looking for a house  near him

You r kidding... No wonder, today’s episodes were so unsatisfactory. Looking at tomorrow’s 2 episodes, LX looks on the verge of a nervous breakdown... it is really scary to live with a manipulative person who holds one ransom... LX, it is not your fault your sister died. That woman who left you and held you ransom in Singapore, is the person who is at fault. You r not responsible for the crazy person. You r free to love and be loved. 

I’m really worried that LX, with his insecurities, is thinking that JJ wants to leave him... in addition, with his mum’s manipulative demands, he may have a mental breakdown...

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