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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] Go Ahead 以家人之名


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LX’s mum planned to move to China even when she was in Singapore. When confronted by LX, she denied it. She did not take into consideration XCZ’s well being. How can she not prepare XCZ for this? Expecting XCZ to leave her friends and her country suddenly? And XCZ has not even completed her studies? She acted on her whims. She is really selfish, and in denial. 

Ling Ba pointed out how mentally stressed LX has been. Told her he is on medication. Even told her JJ has helped LX and he seemed better because of her. And LX really loves JJ. Advised her to learn to like JJ. Yet, she chooses to hurt JJ. She has pushed LX to the edge when he saw JJ crying. 

Although it is good for LX to make it clear to his mum how much JJ means to him, I fear for his mental health... drama gods pls do not draw this out too long. I prefer to see more happy moments between LX, JJ, ZQ, TC, MY and even the 2 dads since drama is ending soon. 

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Crazy lady using every reason to stay in China poor little sister but at least she fights back 



I love these three together ZQ can deal with LX little sister she seems to listen to him she's always jealous of JJ because she has so much family who caring for her 

So happy for ZQ he's finally seeing he wasnt abandoned 

LOL LX saying sleep with me and ZQ saying he will tell his dad love ZQ and LX sister interactions 




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Why am I seeing people commenting under video clips that ZQ and that rotten orange are endgame??? She's not even out of high school yet. I can't even bare the thought of her crushing on him. Writers, please stop adding scenes with them together. She needs to stop going to his cafe every single day and go out and make some friends her own age.

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18 minutes ago, rocky689 said:

Why am I seeing people commenting under video clips that ZQ and that rotten orange are endgame??? She's not even out of high school yet. I can't even bare the thought of her crushing on him. Writers, please stop adding scenes with them together. She needs to stop going to his cafe every single day and go out and make some friends her own age.

It's only speculation for now. I think XCZ may develop some type of feelings towards ZQ, though not necessarily romantic. She's been unloved for pretty much her whole life under such a suffocating family, so it makes sense that ZQ feels like a breath of fresh air and may feel like a true older brother. 

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@rocky689 I doubt XCZ and ZQ will end up as a couple. My sense is that she treats ZQ as a big brother she never has. LX looked miserable when he was with his mum and she probably felt with her too since she had never seen him happy until he was with JJ. She probably felt LX took care of her because he had no choice. With ZQ, perhaps, she felt he cared and saved her from the drunkard even though they were not related.


If Writers make the 2 of them a couple... I am going to have words with them. This is too forced. 



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41 minutes ago, luvhollandlop said:

LX’s mum planned to move to China even when she was in Singapore. When confronted by LX, she denied it. She did not take into consideration XCZ’s well being. How can she not prepare XCZ for this? Expecting XCZ to leave her friends and her country suddenly? And XCZ has not even completed her studies? She acted on her whims. She is really selfish, and in denial. 

Ling Ba pointed out how mentally stressed LX has been. Told her he is on medication. Even told her JJ has helped LX and he seemed better because of her. And LX really loves JJ. Advised her to learn to like JJ. Yet, she chooses to hurt JJ. She has pushed LX to the edge when he saw JJ crying. 

Although it is good for LX to make it clear to his mum how much JJ means to him, I fear for his mental health... drama gods pls do not draw this out too long. I prefer to see more happy moments between LX, JJ, ZQ, TC, MY and even the 2 dads since drama is ending soon. 

The monologue LX gives comparing his mom to a black hole really answered a lot of my questions about his relationship with her. How do you deal/talk to someone whose sole mission in life seems to be sucking the soul out of everything. I bet no matter what he says she’d still do whatever she wants. :(

1 hour ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

Sneak preview




Lx mom is pure evil. She has no redeeming qualities at all. She should not be a mom at all.



Hahaha ... papa Li needs someone like ZQ mom to shut those nosy old ladies up. U go girl!





Hahaha ... only ZQ can handle little orange behavior. He don't give face or accept her rudeness.  He has been trained by JJ since he was little so now his turn to discipline Little Orange. Like the way he said "If u don't behave, I give u a beating." N i like the way he told her to be polite to MY. :joy:






I love him putting her in her place, and you can tell she appreciates it in her own way. LX might be her brother but I think the situation with their mom manipulating their whole relationship makes it hard for him to discipline her effectively. HZQ comes out of nowhere taking no crap but he has so much experience with LJJ as a big brother that he knows how to deal with orange’s attitude straight away. 

I won’t like it if they end up in a romance, I think she needs a big brother who isn’t stressed and occupied with her mom. She is acting like a brat for attention, because her mom is too obsessed with controlling her brother to care at all about her daughter’s feelings.


I can understand orange being jealous of LJJ because she sees how effortlessly LX loves and cares about her, and in return how happy LJJ makes him. Orange was set up to fail by her mom the minute she first brought her back from Singapore to use her as a way to get to LX in high school.

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Finally LX dad is stepping up I saw someone already posted this but if ppl aren't to open through Weibo here's the twitter version I hope they don't miraculously say oh for her son she became good this has been her mental issue for more than 10 years she always knew he only needed JJ and her family and his dad to be happy but has always tried get in between that just because LX dad talk she changes that'll be too easy too stupid but I have a feeling that's what they r going to do The lady need psychiatric help 


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@Mercipourleslivres Yes. Me too. What a way to describe his mum. A black hole that breaks down and consumes anything that comes near it and make it its own. No matter how you try to fill up the black hole, it will never be filled. And No matter what you say, the black hole will not respond. I can feel his hopelessness and helplessness towards his mum. 

It is really creepy that she doesn’t acknowledge that it was what she wants  but gives lame excuses such as uncle suggested it, or XCZ wants it etc... No wonder XCZ, with less patience, calls her out and points out the obvious. And that smile she has on is the worst... So not congruent. You can feel the unspoken wrath and malice she feels but she is smiling calmly... eeewwww

it was really quite funny reading how some Chinese netizens (male) complained about having difficulties falling asleep after seeing her character on tv.

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Lol LX’s little sister fonds of ZQ and the way ZQ treat her like sister, she seems rather pleased about it and her attitude is becoming better.

But the mom doesn’t change at all even after Ling dad told her about LX’s depression 




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42 minutes ago, luvhollandlop said:

@Mercipourleslivres Yes. Me too. What a way to describe his mum. A black hole that breaks down and consumes anything that comes near it and make it its own. No matter how you try to fill up the black hole, it will never be filled. And No matter what you say, the black hole will not respond. I can feel his hopelessness and helplessness towards his mum. 

It is really creepy that she doesn’t acknowledge that it was what she wants  but gives lame excuses such as uncle suggested it, or XCZ wants it etc... No wonder XCZ, with less patience, calls her out and points out the obvious. And that smile she has on is the worst... So not congruent. You can feel the unspoken wrath and malice she feels but she is smiling calmly... eeewwww

it was really quite funny reading how some Chinese netizens (male) complained about having difficulties falling asleep after seeing her character on tv.

I noticed that too! She uses little orange as an excuse for everything...idk if she thinks that way LX won’t argue back ? But orange is clearly not having it. The scene where the mom yells at her and says she doesn’t want to go back to Singapore because orange just yells at her all the time is really telling. The mom wants/needs LX to be her punching bag. She’s an emotional vampire and he is her supply. She wants someone who will sit and continue to take her abuse but I think she’s going to find out that LX has his limits and she’s meeting them. 

This show hits a little close to home sometimes as growing up I was the child who refused to put up with my mother’s bs, constantly yelling and arguing with her about the manipulative ways she treated us. In the end she focused on my younger brother who learned to take care of her moods keep the boat rocking. So now she doesn’t talk to me anymore and my poor brother is still emotionally chained to her like a dog..

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After watching the full episode I feel bad for XCZ she wants familial love but LX isn't able to give it to her that's the reason she dislikes JJ she's just jealous when she saw how he was with JJ secretly (cute scene) she look so desperate for that kind of fondness I hope with ZQ she could get that even though I didn't like her when she was little I'm liking her a lot as time past she doesn't just put up with her mom antic she does fight back even though in the end she has no choice but to listen 

I love LX and his dad scene together they aren't as close like ZQ and JJ dad but they have a special bond and I love that his dad did try to make his mom see what she is doing is hurting him bring up the medicine but that selfish lady isn't going to let go She's like I know everything this pissed me off I'm like if u know his problems and that he's getting better with JJ by his side why r u so selfish do u want him to be like u so he won't leave 

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15 minutes ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

I noticed that too! She uses little orange as an excuse for everything...idk if she thinks that way LX won’t argue back ? But orange is clearly not having it. The scene where the mom yells at her and says she doesn’t want to go back to Singapore because orange just yells at her all the time is really telling. The mom wants/needs LX to be her punching bag. She’s an emotional vampire and he is her supply. She wants someone who will sit and continue to take her abuse but I think she’s going to find out that LX has his limits and she’s meeting them. 

This show hits a little close to home sometimes as growing up I was the child who refused to put up with my mother’s bs, constantly yelling and arguing with her about the manipulative ways she treated us. In the end she focused on my younger brother who learned to take care of her moods keep the boat rocking. So now she doesn’t talk to me anymore and my poor brother is still emotionally chained to her like a dog..


It's so sickening her behavior, first instilling the tremendous guilt he has to shoulder for his sister's death and now keeping him hostage using his half sister's love or dependence on him, which looks like it's being done against her will. The girl is obviously now old enough to know she's being used as a tool to manipulate her brother. She actually lashes out at the mother unlike her brother who keeps it all bottled up (hopefully he gets it all off his chest soon). I don't even think therapy will help her, some people are so set in their ways, I think only some type of other catastrophic event will.


Sorry about your family situation. The thing I love about this show is it delves deep into why people are the way they are. There are so many siblings with different types of personalities such as yours or that of LX and his sister or He Mei and her sister. There are just as many kids who rebel against their parents and that becomes part of who they are when they get older as there are kids who are obedient and do things to please their parents that follows them into adulthood being a people pleaser in all aspects of life.

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@Mercipourleslivres Human relationships r complicated and nobody is perfect. The show definitely gave us a glimpse of what reality is like. Many of us can identify with different aspects of the show. Even JJ’s dad confessed that him not asking more was because he wanted to believe good reports so that he didn’t need to deal with the bad ones. He felt incompetent to do so.

I love the show for giving hope amidst darkness. Even if LX felt powerless against his mum’s behaviour, nothing he did can change her, at least he is loved by JJ, ZQ, his dad and JJ’s dad. They seemed to be his protective factors. That allowed him to endure the difficulties in Singapore. He quietly plodded on until he saw a sliver of light and his mum decided to start physiotherapy. I love how Ling Ba did not criticise the ex wife in front of LX. He even tried to reframe her moving to China to be a positive thing. She is now moving back home where more people can play a part to take care of her and lighten LX’s load. I like it that JJ, ZQ or JJ’s dad did not openly criticise LX’s mum to LX too. That respectful act allowed LX the space and time to deal with his mum his way.

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5 hours ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

I noticed that too! She uses little orange as an excuse for everything...idk if she thinks that way LX won’t argue back ? But orange is clearly not having it. The scene where the mom yells at her and says she doesn’t want to go back to Singapore because orange just yells at her all the time is really telling. The mom wants/needs LX to be her punching bag. She’s an emotional vampire and he is her supply. She wants someone who will sit and continue to take her abuse but I think she’s going to find out that LX has his limits and she’s meeting them. 

This show hits a little close to home sometimes as growing up I was the child who refused to put up with my mother’s bs, constantly yelling and arguing with her about the manipulative ways she treated us. In the end she focused on my younger brother who learned to take care of her moods keep the boat rocking. So now she doesn’t talk to me anymore and my poor brother is still emotionally chained to her like a dog..


Hugs from afar~ =)

I'm sorry about your mom. 


That's why I love this show. There is at least one character or one scenario where we can relate to, but we have angelic characters like Li Ba and JJ, who bring light to all the harsh realities of life. The show doesn't hide the darkness, but choose to address it with hope, tenderness, love, and empathy. 

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Last night episode makes me pity Little Orange. She is actually lack of parent's love, brother's love and the most is family's love. LX who doesn't know how to express out. When she sees the way how ZQ treat JJ and the brother love who ZQ shower to her.. she feel warm. She is like a tame puppy in front of ZQ. 


Tonight maybe, we will get to see LX no longer tolerate CT anymore as he has reached his limit (JJ's teary eyes) .. She can hurt him but don't she dare to hurt those ppl he loved and care .. especially his JJ........hah! serve you right, CT ! 

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I really like Song Wei Long’s acting in some of the scenes in this show. Given LX’s character as a person who doesn’t really expresses his feelings and thoughts openly, he acted with his eyes. I really felt the pain and insecurities. Especially, how he stared at JJ (when she turned away) after his so-called proposal. I’m sure he was thinking of how he really wanted to be with her and yet feeling the pain of drawing her into his complicated family background, the insecurities of whether she can and will continue to love him etc...  Not to mention the kiss scenes. He is really good at those scenes. He had some super cheesy lines like the watermelon scenes where he told JJ he is hers forever since the day she took him home.  Because of the way he looked at her when he spoke, I believed him and forgot how cheesy those lines were. No wonder that some netizens called him “the nation’s boyfriend for BGR”.

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Someone compiled a video clip of LX life. From this clip, we can see clearly how bad LX had it. He just mask it and hide it from everyone what he is going through.  


Does that means that even when he was happy with JJ n ZQ, he still was having nightmare about his sister dying?




My heart aches for LX. He doesn't this from his mom - the person on earth who was supposed to love, shelter and protect him.

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