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[Official Thread] Arthur Chen FeiYu [陈飞宇]


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On 1/23/2020 at 9:38 PM, angelangie said:

hmmm LOA director is Jordan Chan? the director of 'The Four' Movies staring DengChao and Liu YiFei?


The producer is Gordon Chan, yes the one who directed The Four the movie. Well it is better to not put a high expectation, so wont dissapointed at the end. Like what happened to EN2, it is too exaggerated, i once said it is better to keep it low so that the audiences will not put too much hope. But somehow Dylan's fans is too excited for EN2, since it is 2nd drama for him after MG. And i dont want the Hao Yi Xing will be like that, too much and over publicity even before the production has started yet... So scary... I prefer to keep it low...

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On 1/23/2020 at 12:32 AM, epinklyn said:

Another article about Hao Yi Xing...




Based on the article, i think Mo Ran character is quite complicated, so in previous life, Mo Ran is Mo Wei Yu, he also the disciple of Chu WaNing (Leo's role), and somehow WeiYu for save his master, he did suicide, and he hate his master, and then he reborn as Mo Ran, which he hatred is still there, but eventually he realized that his master is always help him now n his previous life.


So yeah i think Mo Ran is a very good character for Arthur. Hopefully he has time to observe the character like he did for Ning Que, dont know if arthur read the novel LOL. But if you dont, you wont be able to understand the character right. 



Somehow i still in doubt that maybe tencent selected him because his face is resemble with Mo Ran's face on the animated version, what a joke right. Since the picture is widely spread o the net. But i really hope i was wrong and arthur being selected because of his previous awesome job in EN, my best summer and my motherland, to be trusted to play Mo Ran which like @Lbpg said it is a difficult character.

When Marcus Sim announced this, I was intrigued and started reading the novel^^!!!! I hope the production will do a good job bringing this to life. When will filming start???

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4 hours ago, rosierosie said:

When Marcus Sim announced this, I was intrigued and started reading the novel^^!!!! I hope the production will do a good job bringing this to life. When will filming start???


I read somewhere it will be on March.

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Happy CNY! :wub: 

I started my youtube viewing today with this special vid.. 

I really miss them... sigh... CFY was really cute and adorbs in teasing SYR. I rembember @angelangie  translating the subs in the earlier pages.. lols.. this video really brings back memories huh angie.. lols


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23 hours ago, epinklyn said:

The producer is Gordon Chan, yes the one who directed The Four the movie. Well it is better to not put a high expectation, so wont dissapointed at the end.


Ah, thank you for the correction (not Jordan but Gordon). Agree with you, should manage our expectation. (BL isn't really my fave genre, either).


On 1/24/2020 at 3:21 PM, Lbpg said:

I have my doubts that Arthur would've done a great job (as a lover), but at least we would've been getting what we already expected in NQ. 


I wasn't sure either, but then I remember Arthur's gaze to He Landou in My Best Summer ;-).


This said, writing Ning Que as a lover must be tricky to any scriptwriter. He's not sugary sweet, but viewers must be able to see and feel his love to Sang Sang. BTW, I read somewhere that EN2 writer isn't the same with EN1 -- is it true?


On 1/24/2020 at 3:21 PM, Lbpg said:

I'm still not convinced that DW is good. He barely acted on MG, I believe he's stated himself how close DMS is to his own personality. So having to play freaking NQ as his first true acting gig is unfair to him. Add to that the fact he wasn't familiar with the source material and he (probably) didn't have the months in advance to get to know his leading lady, and the handicap gets even larger. I'm glad the fangirls noticed :) 



You know, a lot of his fans back then thought the role should've been easy for him since "Ning Que is basically another version of Dao Mingsi". I remember vividly one said he could've played NQ in his sleep. I guess Dylan -- or his handler -- shared the same view? 


I also remember PD Yang stated that since she had been able to create a NQ, she could make another one. Sigh, I'd say they didn't have much time to prepare the new cast?


On 1/24/2020 at 5:22 PM, angelangie said:

End of last week:

EN1: 8.6

EN2: 8.2 (it was 8.9 the day it started airing)



EN1: 8.7 (ha! it went up)

EN2: 8.0


On Viki, EN2 went from 8.8 to 8.6 today, but you get way more people rating things as "10" on Viki than you do on MDL. EN1 on Viki is at 9.4.


And its Douban score is still blank! But perhaps for comparison, Zhihu gives EN2 66%. Can't access QQ so I can't tell the ratings there. 



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Arthur is a novel fan. I remember that he gave an interview that he loves this novel and NQ character. That is why he went to an audition.

Being a novel fan, I think, he has a deep understanding of the character.

I do not know, if DL is a novel fan or not. However, it would make difference if you love and know the character for a long time (by reading).

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@caranita If it is a remake (as The Best summer was a remake from a series), it is already difficult for an actor to get accepted. However, if it is a remake, an actor has a freedom to reinterpret the character and make it his own, as Arthur did for Yu Huai.

Still, he also got many dislike as the fans prefer LHR version.


The situation is different for Ever night, though. It is not a remake. DL comes come in the middle of the story. He cannot reinterpret NQ, he MUST play Arthur’s NQ for the theme and emotions to smoothly continue while being himself too.

Even for a veteran actor, this will be very difficult to do. This is DL only 2nd drama, how could the team expect him to deal, with this difficult job. So it is very normal, that he will not be that well accepted especially when compared with Arthur.


I blame the production/company that did not concern about this factor. As a creator of an art, they should know.
I also suspect that Many others behind the scene may have change as well so the product feels different.



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4 hours ago, mei2018 said:

@caranita If it is a remake (as The Best summer was a remake from a series), it is already difficult for an actor to get accepted. However, if it is a remake, an actor has a freedom to reinterpret the character and make it his own, as Arthur did for Yu Huai.

Still, he also got many dislike as the fans prefer LHR version.


The situation is different for Ever night, though. It is not a remake. DL comes come in the middle of the story. He cannot reinterpret NQ, he MUST play Arthur’s NQ for the theme and emotions to smoothly continue while being himself too.

Even for a veteran actor, this will be very difficult to do. This is DL only 2nd drama, how could the team expect him to deal, with this difficult job. So it is very normal, that he will not be that well accepted especially when compared with Arthur.



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11 hours ago, mei2018 said:

Arthur is a novel fan. I remember that he gave an interview that he loves this novel and NQ character. That is why he went to an audition.

Being a novel fan, I think, he has a deep understanding of the character.

I do not know, if DL is a novel fan or not. However, it would make difference if you love and know the character for a long time (by reading).


I read he didn't want to audition and had to be talked into it, because it was a costume drama. Forget about him reading it.. lol


13 hours ago, caranita said:


I wasn't sure either, but then I remember Arthur's gaze to He Landou in My Best Summer ;-).


True that..... those scenes in the tenement. I remember talking about those with you ladies :wub: i forgot! shame on me... haha



This said, writing Ning Que as a lover must be tricky to any scriptwriter. He's not sugary sweet, but viewers must be able to see and feel his love to Sang Sang. BTW, I read somewhere that EN2 writer isn't the same with EN1 -- is it true?


According to MDL it's the same scriptwriter. Couple that with the same director, it's mind-blowing how different it is. I'm sure they must've had very little room for creativity from the producers. There's no other way to rationalize what we're seeing.


Agreed on the nuance needed to write/play him credibly as lover. The source material does an exceptional job at it, though, there should be no reason why it can't be executed.



Scenes like that described here have a combination of primal fear over their ability to survive and intimacy that you can't recreate with sugary sweetness. The tone is completely lost!




i understand in ep 18 they're already married (chapter 684), I'll have to watch this first kiss on the drama to compare, but I feel it's going to make me angry all over again :joy:




You know, a lot of his fans back then thought the role should've been easy for him since "Ning Que is basically another version of Dao Mingsi". I remember vividly one said he could've played NQ in his sleep. I guess Dylan -- or his handler -- shared the same view? 


I thought he should've been able to do a decent job since there are parallels, but it's a different thing to actually see it happening on the screen. Just.. no.



I also remember PD Yang stated that since she had been able to create a NQ, she could make another one. Sigh, I'd say they didn't have much time to prepare the new cast?


LOL! That's pretty ballsy, and accurate. I have a hard time believing she is happy with the end product, though. They spent 2 years on the script for EN1.. unsure if that included the EN2 adaptation since it's the same writer. It makes me think she spend the last few months on it. If they started shooting in 2017, they started the adaptation in 2015, so a good three years before EN2 started filming. They had plenty of time on the production side. 


Bet they're wishing this was a kdrama that films while in transmission LOL.



And its Douban score is still blank! But perhaps for comparison, Zhihu gives EN2 66%. Can't access QQ so I can't tell the ratings there. 


Someone on Viki was bragging about "just wait till douban releases the rating". I think they're dreaming. What's the EN1 score on Zhihu? Seems you need to log in to check it out :s


Look at the last chart. Imbalanced much? https://mydramalist.com/32728-ever-night-season-2/statistics


And Happy Lunar New Year to those that celebrate it ;)

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1 hour ago, Lbpg said:

douban ratings are out... https://movie.douban.com/subject/30417132/


Yikes... 5.3


Thank you for sharing. Just went there after your post and it's already increased to 5.4 LOL. I was actually expecting it to be around 6-ish. I mean, Sword Dynasty got freaking 6.5 -- with less than stellar production value. Regardless of my personal issue with the crew, I feel like PD Yang deserves more. 


5 hours ago, Lbpg said:

LOL! That's pretty ballsy, and accurate. I have a hard time believing she is happy with the end product, though. They spent 2 years on the script for EN1.. unsure if that included the EN2 adaptation since it's the same writer. It makes me think she spend the last few months on it. If they started shooting in 2017, they started the adaptation in 2015, so a good three years before EN2 started filming. They had plenty of time on the production side. 


Now that I look back at it, it could be (over) confidence, or her way to assure outsiders that the EN franchise will remain fine after Arthur's departure. If you remember, back then there was a lot of concern about the veterans staying put. Most of the veterans are staying, but it turned out that the change of the younger cast did affect viewers' sentiment. I also notice a lot of those who criticized Arthur in EN1 are now missing him LOL. 


I suspect they indeed didn't have much time to prepare for EN2 -- or, like I said before, there was an unprecedented change of airing schedule, so post production had to be rushed. 


5 hours ago, Lbpg said:

Someone on Viki was bragging about "just wait till douban releases the rating". I think they're dreaming. What's the EN1 score on Zhihu? Seems you need to log in to check it out :s


EN1 score on Zhihu is 79 (vis a vis Douban's 7.4). 

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1 hour ago, caranita said:


Thank you for sharing. Just went there after your post and it's already increased to 5.4 LOL. I was actually expecting it to be around 6-ish. I mean, Sword Dynasty got freaking 6.5 -- with less than stellar production value. Regardless of my personal issue with the crew, I feel like PD Yang deserves more. 


Based on her reputation I'd agree.


I know there are a lot of people like me that can't be convinced there's a bright side to this season, but I suspect all those people have already expressed their views. What remains are those that either come into the franchise straight into 2 because of the magic of Netflix and meteor garden (I'll raise my hand, I'm in that group, but I went into 1 as it was over a year ago that the magic worked on me lol), or those that don't care as deeply about the story, quality, etc., and the whole thing is fine for them, the score will go up. I think I read EN1 started out below 5? It may have been a Google translate thing, tho, that seemed really low, especially considering the beginning of EN1 is better than the middle part. 


For Sword Dynasty, I wonder how much is Li Xian and his looks? Is the drama no good? I've not heard much besides his hair style in it lol


1 hour ago, caranita said:


Now that I look back at it, it could be (over) confidence, or her way to assure outsiders that the EN franchise will remain fine after Arthur's departure. If you remember, back then there was a lot of concern about the veterans staying put. Most of the veterans are staying, but it turned out that the change of the younger cast did affect viewers' sentiment. I also notice a lot of those who criticized Arthur in EN1 are now missing him LOL. 


I'm reading comments along the lines of "I hated Arthur, but I hate Dylan even more" hahahaha poor people, idk what they were expecting if Arthur was already so bad for them. 


My friend watched a Zoey Meng message on weibo, something about her explaining that she wanted to be in it but sub text was that she was pushed out. I also read a discussion post on Douban when I saw the rating about how EN1 $ losses forced budget cuts on 2, as well as a cut on episodes, etc etc something about an inside source. Anyway, it's plausible that they just didn't have the money to pay for all those actors and they waited for them to move on. Besides the other speculations. I'm sure there's a grain of truth somewhere. Spanish has the best term for how I feel for the production that went live - vergüenza ajena. 2nd-hand shame. :P


1 hour ago, caranita said:


EN1 score on Zhihu is 79 (vis a vis Douban's 7.4). 


Thank you! 


By the way, I know it's not a popular opinion, but I looked up some more info about this new drama and I'm kind of excited about it. If nothing else because the character growth seems extraordinary, and you know it'll be extra sanitized. I also started looking into the novel and my goodness it is, ummm, out there. Yeah.. Loving that I'm seeing people on other social media sites getting into Arthur, and he's getting more exposure and appreciation. I'm all for that. 

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12 hours ago, Lbpg said:

I know there are a lot of people like me that can't be convinced there's a bright side to this season, but I suspect all those people have already expressed their views. What remains are those that either come into the franchise straight into 2 because of the magic of Netflix and meteor garden (I'll raise my hand, I'm in that group, but I went into 1 as it was over a year ago that the magic worked on me lol), or those that don't care as deeply about the story, quality, etc., and the whole thing is fine for them, the score will go up. I think I read EN1 started out below 5? It may have been a Google translate thing, tho, that seemed really low, especially considering the beginning of EN1 is better than the middle part. 


I agree with you, the score will eventually go up. How high it will go, that's another question. I started paying attention to Douban only 2 or 3 years ago, so in that short period of time I only know a couple of rare cases in which Douban rating goes significantly higher from the starting score, namely the Rise of Phoenixes and the Untamed. 

IIRC, EN1 started out 6 something (6.5?), then climbed its way up, especially after ep 6, thanks to the Spring Breeze pavilion's battle! I believe at one point it even reached 8.0, before it gradually went down again, and settled at 7.4. Many viewers complained about the pacing, I think? Also some of the changes from the novel angered book fans (like the whole MSS segment and NQ's trying to spank SS at her parents' house). 


12 hours ago, Lbpg said:

For Sword Dynasty, I wonder how much is Li Xian and his looks? Is the drama no good? I've not heard much besides his hair style in it lol


Wuxia is my preferred genre. I actually liked Sword Dynasty in the beginning, with all its low production value. The fighting scenes, at least up until 16 episodes I've watched, IMO could make EN1 run for the money. The fighting choreography AND its badass female characters are SD's strongest points, because everything else is quite disappointing. I love all its female characters, but Li Xian's character is insufferable. In addition they gave him horrible hair and voice dubbing. 


12 hours ago, Lbpg said:

I also read a discussion post on Douban when I saw the rating about how EN1 $ losses forced budget cuts on 2, as well as a cut on episodes, etc etc something about an inside source. Anyway, it's plausible that they just didn't have the money to pay for all those actors and they waited for them to move on. Besides the other speculations. I'm sure there's a grain of truth somewhere


I think I read a comment on Douban about it as well -- something about they had to cut the budget for EN2, resulting in cutting episodes from 60 to 43? Such mass editing never ends up well, and I still suspect they had to do it in a rush. I'm guessing the losses is due to PD Yang's perfectionism and insistence in shooting on location. In both EN1 and EN2, I heard stories of them shooting a scene for a week or so. That's a lot of money!


12 hours ago, Lbpg said:

By the way, I know it's not a popular opinion, but I looked up some more info about this new drama and I'm kind of excited about it. If nothing else because the character growth seems extraordinary, and you know it'll be extra sanitized. I also started looking into the novel and my goodness it is, ummm, out there. Yeah.. Loving that I'm seeing people on other social media sites getting into Arthur, and he's getting more exposure and appreciation. I'm all for that. 


LOL, it's not popular here, but outside there you can see the book fans rejoice. And, as you have observed, people are getting into Arthur. :) 

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52 minutes ago, caranita said:

IIRC, EN1 started out 6 something (6.5?), then climbed its way up, especially after ep 6, thanks to the Spring Breeze pavilion's battle! I believe at one point it even reached 8.0, before it gradually went down again, and settled at 7.4. Many viewers complained about the pacing, I think? Also some of the changes from the novel angered book fans (like the whole MSS segment and NQ's trying to spank SS at her parents' house). 


I can understand those complaints now. I can relate to their frustration at changing the story for really no good reason other than to make it more attractive to a certain female age group. But I guess they have to pay the bills. At least they didn't go overboard with the PPL - Pizza Hut was already ridiculous enough!




Wuxia is my preferred genre. I actually liked Sword Dynasty in the beginning, with all its low production value. The fighting scenes, at least up until 16 episodes I've watched, IMO could make EN1 run for the money. The fighting choreography AND its badass female characters are SD's strongest points, because everything else is quite disappointing. I love all its female characters, but Li Xian's character is insufferable. In addition they gave him horrible hair and voice dubbing. 


Good to know that it's not just the hair that's problematic with him. Ooph! Glad to hear the fights are good - watching the EN1 ones again, besides the Spring Breeze Pavilion and the Xia Hou fight, most of them don't look as good as they did the first time. But I was also very impressionable - that was my first wuxia.




I think I read a comment on Douban about it as well -- something about they had to cut the budget for EN2, resulting in cutting episodes from 60 to 43? Such mass editing never ends up well, and I still suspect they had to do it in a rush. I'm guessing the losses is due to PD Yang's perfectionism and insistence in shooting on location. In both EN1 and EN2, I heard stories of them shooting a scene for a week or so. That's a lot of money!


Yep, that's the discussion thread I read too. Budget cut by 2/3, episodes by 1/3, etc. I remember the Spring Breeze Pavilion scene took like 12 days to film, and with Andy On injured, to boot. Like I said, there may be some truth to that, in terms of a smaller budget for one vs the other, because of cost overruns on EN1.




LOL, it's not popular here, but outside there you can see the book fans rejoice. And, as you have observed, people are getting into Arthur. :) 


Ha, true. I'm surprised those novels have such a large audience outside of their native language, especially since 2/3 of it isn't even translated yet and you have to read the MTL version instead. Ew.


Btw @angelangie I started on Under the Power and I liked the 1st episode. I'll continue watching it, thanks for the recommendation :) Also excited for Find Yourself, just need some English subs asap!

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