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[Mainland Chinese Web Drama 2020] Three Lives Three Worlds The Pillow Book 三生三世枕上书


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3 minutes ago, Megan said:

I can’t help wondering, what would Dong Hua do if he knew Cang Yi had seen a sick Feng Jiu? It’s not like he can do anything while in Fanyin Valley...

Wondering about it too.. but Since DH was a very sensible he maybe not doing anything to Cang Yi... at least ..as long as Cang Yi didn't came across with DHDJ or Cang Yi just have to purposely avoid DH as per TQ said: he will save as long as DH didn't meet him(I can't remember the exact words from TQ but it's there..in ELOD'S blog)


CangYi has seen adorable sick FJ( in the book)..but TQ didn't elaborated it more..so.


I was thinking maybe Cang Yi seen it when he came to Qingqiu to meet with his friends the oldest phoenix Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen..maybe that time ZY as a healer giving a treatment to sick FJ.


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1 hour ago, jimmylyne said:

CangYi has seen adorable sick FJ( in the book)..but TQ didn't elaborated it more..so.


He had seen her get sick at the Peach Blossom forest. (PB1, pp210, 283) 


Cang'yi was visiting Zhe Yan, while FJ happened to be there to pick peaches. Love at first sight for him, then further  fell head over heels upon seeing her coquettish sick self.


Lethal beauty and appeal of FJ! :P Fortunately she's quite demure and modest with her looks. Just what would have happened in four seas and six directions if she was the flirty type? 



2 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

Then DH playfully and sweetly tap FJs forehead with his forefinger..idk why? but I love it...lol


I noticed that it's some kind of usual for them when "scolding" - happened too with Zhe Yan and Ali :lol:


2 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

but the way FJ asked him , seem like or implying she 'invited' him to take a bath together in the hot spring...


They really got close in the dream world. They were quite happy too, but like all dreams, their stay there has to end, and they must return.

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1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


He had seen her get sick at the Peach Blossom forest. (PB1, pp210, 283) 


Cang'yi was visiting Zhe Yan, while FJ happened to be there to pick peaches. Love at first sight for him, then fell head over heels upon seeing her coquettish sick self.


Lethal beauty and appeal of FJ! :P Fortunately she's quite demure and modest with her looks. Just what would have happened in four seas and six directions if she was the flirty type? 


Thanks :heartxoxo::Ohboy3:

Sincerely I don't remember these part...




Fengjiu apparently had a habit of acting coquettish whenever she fell ill.
Seventy years ago, the high deity Cang'yi from Mount Zhi'yue fell head
over heels for her only after witnessing her being sick once. This was proof
that there was truth in the rumors.



So Bai Fengjiu had a habit of acting coquettish whenever she fell ill, 

was seem to be widely known.


Whose the gossiper could be? who's the culprit?..lol









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21 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

So Bai Fengjiu had a habit of acting coquettish whenever she fell ill, 

was seem to be widely known.


Whose the gossiper could be? who's the culprit?..lol


Who are the FRIENDS of Bai Feng Jiu? :lol: 


Welcome to Fanyin Gung, Di Jun. 


FJ: Hmph.


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21 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Who are the FRIENDS of Bai Feng Jiu? :lol: 


Welcome to Fanyin Gung, Di Jun. 


FJ: Hmph.


Siming must be sneezed continuously right now...lol:loolz:(me laughing at Siming)


Awww... FJs Reba and this fan art is equally adorable..


The brave little fox threatened the Almighty powerful God DHDJ that she will break him like a twig..and she even bragged about herself had a fight with the Buddha....this girl... DH was amused and very much entertained.

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Lotus Step is being copied onto the blog atm. Please bear with me. It will be available as soon as I finish the transfer.


Ninky. :tounge_wink:

@jimmylyne about Lotus Step and the relationship between Chang Yi and Zu Ti Shen, the reveal is much more than what you know and it's not about Zu Ti's primordial spirit. It is a rather complicated thing that has 3 women involved. :blush:


Just let the story evolve. And you will see. I have had a busy week at work, so didn't come on the forums till today.

8 hours ago, SilverDawn said:


Me too! "Are you my classmate?" I laughed while slapping my forehead. She couldn't have come up with something better? For instance "Are you warrior Yan?" 

Imagine DJ's reaction.


:w00t: :ph34r:


I think DH caught on as soon as she played with his hair. 

His "punishment" though is equally entertaining :lol:  Playing along...




Actually it wasn't the playing hair that gave her away, it was the third thing she asked him. Then he realised that she was playing him :D

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27 minutes ago, Ninky said:

Lotus Step is being copied onto the blog atm. Please bear with me. It will be available as soon as I finish the transfer.


Ninky. :tounge_wink:

@jimmylyne about Lotus Step and the relationship between Chang Yi and Zu Ti Shen, the reveal is much more than what you know and it's not about Zu Ti's primordial spirit. It is a rather complicated thing that has 3 women involved. :blush:


Just let the story evolve. And you will see. I have had a busy week at work, so didn't come on the forums till today.

Actually it wasn't the playing hair that gave her away, it was the third thing she asked him. Then he realised that she was playing him :D

Have been thinking about you.. you are missed:Ohboy3:



Thanksfor the little info about Lotus Step.. patiently waiting..

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4 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

IKR..and the back hugged scene..Awww..:wub:

Since I've seen many back hugged scene in kdrama before, so it shouldn't have make me felt delighted so much though..but it did , the sweetness...maybe because it's Dongfeng. They are so cute and adorable..


"You are Emperor DH, I'm Bai Fengjiu of Qingqiu."( DH's smile..so adorable)

"I'm your girl , Xiao Bai" ( agreed with @pawla l love this 'sappy ' lines so much )


Then DH playfully and sweetly tap FJs forehead with his forefinger..idk why? but I love it...lol


FJ "Aren't you coming?" 

DH: "We haven't got married yet?"

FJ : "I didn't mean that"


Lol.. here's DH can't help but to tease her..or playing hard to get.

but the way FJ asked him , seem like or implying she 'invited' him to take a bath together in the hot spring...


I normally do not like sappy lines, but something about Dongfeng make it less cringey and more lovable. Their banter amuses me so much. I love the idea how Dongfeng together would have a lifetime of love and laughter. They would keep each other on their toes and daily life interesting.

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59 minutes ago, Ninky said:

Lotus Step is being copied onto the blog atm. Please bear with me. It will be available as soon as I finish the transfer.

How many chapters have been released by Tangqi already?

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1 hour ago, Ninky said:

Actually it wasn't the playing hair that gave her away, it was the third thing she asked him. Then he realised that she was playing him :D


Blind date. Snorts. Wasn't DH the most successful blind date, twice? :lol: She didn't (couldn't) chase him off. Second date, she gave him a show he surely dreamed of for months while she's in Fanyin and he's in Tai Chen palace. LOL! 


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27 minutes ago, Ninky said:

Lotus Step: Chapter One is NOW LIVE!

Check it out on:



P.S. Apologies for the delay, work has been kickin us!

And it is a hilarious chapter. Have fun!




Readers will start getting seriously hooked now with Lotus Steps! :P 


Generous, adorable, baby Cheng Yu was rejected by her groom-to-be. Jerk. Couldn't even tell in person. Hmph! 


Little Princess Red Jade's life is charmed, and her mortal life sojourn an adventure. Like BFF FJ, she's a very loveable young lass, and trouble-seeker extraordinaire.  :)


Thanks again for the lovely first chapter. You're all awesome!



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14 minutes ago, ChibiLy said:

I normally do not like sappy lines, but something about Dongfeng make it less cringey and more lovable. Their banter amuses me so much. I love the idea how Dongfeng together would have a lifetime of love and laughter. They would keep each other on their toes and daily life interesting.

IKR.. couldn't agree more. No awkwardness between them.. I admires both Vengo/Reba for making Dongfeng's love genuinely look so real in ELOD....maybe because they did adores/admired( loved) each other very much IRL instead of just/only acted in-lust like some others co-stars in other drama.


Here I am..Guagre as well as Dongfeng's lover..lol.


"I love the idea how Dongfeng together would have a lifetime of love and laughter" I also love this( yours) sappy words.


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1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


Blind date. Snorts. Wasn't DH the most successful blind date, twice? :lol: She didn't (couldn't) chase him off. Second date, she gave him a show he surely dreamed of for months while she's in Fanyin and he's in Tai Chen palace. LOL! 


Lol...well she walked off for their 'first' date. DH literally could not keep his eyes off her from day one of making eye contact with her.

Their dates are all memorable!


51 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

IKR.. couldn't agree more. No awkwardness between them.. I admires both Vengo/Reba for making Dongfeng's love genuinely look so real in ELOD....maybe because they did adores/admired( loved) each other very much IRL instead of just/only acted in-lust like some others co-stars in other drama.


Here I am..Guagre as well as Dongfeng's lover..lol.


"I love the idea how Dongfeng together would have a lifetime of love and laughter" I also love this( yours) sappy words.


I am a Guagre too! 


Their eyes are always full of affection when they look at each other, for in or out of drama.

I may be delusional, but I believe Vengo understand DH's character because he experienced the same feelings - the unconditional love, the desires to pamper and care, and of course the jealousy! 

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7 hours ago, ChibiLy said:

Lol...well she walked off for their 'first' date. DH literally could not keep his eyes off her from day one of making eye contact with her.

Their dates are all memorable!


Ah, but before walking off, she poured her heart to him when she thought he was Migu. I think DH found out that FJ is interesting on what she was talking about, before he even found out what she was known for and what she was infamous of.


I rather think DH is a good and patient listener. Though he was that uninvited blind date, others could have just interrupted her while she's talking of YQT, the white lotuses in the Pundarika pond, the collapsed dynasty at the mortal realm, and the Bifuchon tea from Su Moye. He had let her talk, and I gather he actually wanted to have quiet tea together with her, if only she stayed.


Their second meeting was over Chiyan beast. DH had seen another side of FJ - she is willing to lay her life to save her subjects. I believe this resonates with DH, as later on, his thoughts keep lingering on what she said about stepping in during times of need to protect the weak.


Third meeting is their memorable 2nd blind date. FJ escapes from the dating banquet. But isn't this a case of jumping off the frying pan into the fire? The fire being DH? :lol: He scorched her with his laser like stares. He couldn't look away...until she asked.


Fourth meeting, in Qingyun Hall, DH basically confirmed the rumours that he is with someone - FJ. He was laying the foundations of fencing the fairy he finds interesting. 


For the fifth meeting, he stayed behind in the banquet, until everybody left except him and FJ. In vino veritas, FJ told him her innermost hurts on just being a pet for him. Once more, DH has listened and talked to her patiently. For sure, he won't be like this to anybody else. Only with her. 


Sixth meeting - captured handkerchief FJ. DH kept her close, made her sleep, cooked for her in the show, and bring her to bed to sleep beside him. LOL. When she fell asleep trying to leave, he turned her back to handkerchief. DH couldn't bear the thought of her father Bai Yi looking for a husband for her. :lol:

Seventh is their outing to Mt Fuyu to duel with Xiao Yan. There, DH "loses" the handkerchief to his "enemy". Six long months before he sees his interesting FJ. And finally, there, in Fanyin Valley, his beloved gives him the most unexpected kind of welcome hello, mwahahaha.

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The Emperor and Qing Qiu Queen says hello! ELOD premieres in Malaysia from July 3rd Mon-Fri 7pm. B) 


The story of the former ruler of all realms and the only nine-tailed red fox sweetens the evenings of Malaysian folks.



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24 minutes ago, chsaf said:

Actually starting 3rd July, 7pm weeknights XD:hooray2:


Yup, corrected, the FB page translation got it wrong :lol: Pls give a heads up if there's any differences or extras, heheheh.


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3 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Sixth meeting - captured handkerchief FJ. DH kept her close, made her sleep, cooked for her in the show, and bring her to bed to sleep beside him.

So he was cooking the sweet and sour fish for her? Was he trying to poison her? :lol: Maybe he thought after all those years his cooking skill has gotten better :lol:


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