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[Drama 2017-2018] Happy Sisters, 해피시스터즈


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50 minutes ago, finebyme said:

HY is really bold, to step out when she is hiding for her life from Dr. Ma.

I think she is going to try maim YE, it makes the best revenge. 


I think the nurse is about to pull the rug out from under her she is truly going to have to go on the run from MDS. She will be so busy trying to run away from him, she won't have time to mess with YE. I believe she will have to play defense from here on out. The nurse in 104 told her forget about HJ/YE and move on and I believe the nurse has had a belly full.


58 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

HJ goes on ahead and plans his surprise wedding. What will YE do turn it down so another woman can try to take her man?


I don't believe YE would turn it down at all. At this point I believe she is confident in her and HJ and she was letting YR know that she would have to get past YE to get him. YR has been trying to clear YE off the deck to give her a clear path. So far no one has been willing to help her do so (SM is probably thinking about it but maybe not). I believe YR knows that as long is YE is in the picture she has no chance. Her appeal to YE was to step a side since YR had him first. YE told her flat out she was not leaving HJ for YR or anyone else.


However, I do think YE is trying to guard herself still just a little. Like she said she has been burned before and she does view HJ coming into her life as a gift. She told YR to give her best shot to take HJ away from her. If she is successful, then YE knows it was not meant to be and she will walk away with her head still held high grateful for all HJ has done for her. 


As you stated previously, any man who is worth a damn would be proud to have YE by his side and feel she is truly a catch. We all know HJ is such a man and he will prove it to her. For every problem HJ/YE has faced, he has had a solution. I don't think anyone (except us viewers) really appreciates how deep HJ/YE's love is for one another. Yes, his solution would be to have a quickly arranged private wedding to show YR, DJ, SM, JS and anyone else who has doubts that he is a man of his word. He wants YE and noone else and he will not allow anybody to come between them. Like you I believe he is going to leave the hospital and go straight to the chapel and they will be at the summer house by night fall.B)

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34 minutes ago, rolisrntex said:

I don't believe YE would turn it down at all. At this point I believe she is confident in her and HJ and she was letting YR know that she would have to get past YE to get him.

My question was only to say that YE would not say no to the wedding. IF HJ went as far to plan one and get her there she will say I Do and continue on.  As YE told YR she is confident in the love she has with HJ. IF YE was worried she would not have had the conversation with YR in the first place. YE knows HJ and she knows the deep feelings they share. I agree that YE is very practical so even if there is a chance that HJ's feelings would change (FAT CHANCE OF THAT MAN EVER LETTING YE GET AWAY.. lol) YE would be hurt but she would survive and move on. 


In my view this is for YR's benefit. YR has to realize that she needs to stop and let go. HJ's words are not working, YE's words of advice are not working so YE told her since she can't let go then give it her best shot. Not because YE was worried that HJ's heart was fickle but because she was sure it was not and would continue to love her only. I think YE saw this as YR needed that closure to move on. 


For me YR did not need any type of closure because she was the one who broke up with HJ and hurt him and then said she was happy when he looked for her a second time. NO one forced her and no one is responsible for her getting a divorce and it was her choice to do so. I find it awful she is trying to use HJ as her reason to divorce her husband. Why did it take a few years for her to realize what she lost in HJ?. It is her foolish thought that the man would a. be free and still want her or b. will fall for her again and leave his current relationship. I will say it again YR does not understand what love is or know HJ at all to not respect the words he says.


Just because she managed to change his mind when they were younger does not mean that HJ is the same man from years ago who loved her. YR hurt him and someone who experienced that type of pain under goes a change and will not go back to the person who hurt him. HJ made peace with the past and has moved on. YR is nothing to him but someone who did not cherish what they had tossing it away.  This is the same for JS. JS did so much to hurt YE before and after the divorce but then he has the nerve to tell her he wants her back so she can help him basically get back on his feet again and he still has not admitted he is at fault for how his life turned out. 


YR is the one who did not understand a word that YE told her or realize exactly who she was dealing with. Its why YR will have to be shown in the most public way where she still stands relating to HJ which is nowhere. If a man goes as far as to get married and invite her its a clear sign saying "kick rocks" I will never be with you again.  


This is why I hope HJ learns of this little conversation between YR and YE or he has just had enough of talking to YR and decides to do things the way he wants to. There is no one that we can see against them anymore (SM is keeping her lips shut if she has doubts and its just as well in order to keep her son.)so there is nothing stopping him from doing what he wants and getting up and out of the hospital and marrying the woman he loves fast. Some people make you very tired mentally when they refuse to respect another persons feelings and boundaries. This is the case with JS and YR. YR tries to be sly with hers and JS is just trying to bull doze his way in. 


If HJ has heard of what JS has been up to or he witnesses it the only solution is to take himself and YE out of the equation. Since YR nor JS are respecting the boundaries that YE and HJ have just because they are not legally tied to one another then HJ will make it legal. 

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21 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

IN my view this is for YR's benefit. YR has to realize that she needs to stop and let go.


Yes it was totally for YR's benefit. It was YE telling her in a friendly almost motherly way that if YR truly loved HJ, she would have never left him in the first place and YE will not make the same mistake YR did. YE plans to be with him as long as she possibly can. 


YR still doesn't get it. 

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4 minutes ago, rolisrntex said:


Yes it was totally for YR's benefit. It was YE telling her in a friendly almost motherly way that if YR truly loved HJ, she would have never left him in the first place and YE will not make the same mistake YR did. YE plans to be with him as long as she possibly can. 


YR still doesn't get it. 

This is because YR does not love HJ she feels Entitled to him because they come from similar background. As she started off the conversation to YE saying she did not want to say she was better than her. But what YR missed is you are not better than YE just because of who your family is, your age, or that you may be able to have children. Personality wise YR is a selfish brat. That is not what a person who truly cares does. Even if they have missed their chance with their love they would want the love to be happy even if its not with them. YR never contemplated what happens if she is unable to get HJ back. But she is going to be made to face just that. 


YR does not like to loose and this is what this is about. HJ has told her point blank that he will never want her again and he loves YE. HJ has shown how he will protect his woman no matter who is looking on. YR can not stand to see that. This is about possession for her and I believe this is what this was about years before as well. HJ told YR he did not like her because of her arrogant personality and YR went after him until he changed his mind. When YR had HJ's love she dropped him. For me she would do the same again if given the chance although she will not have a third chance to get HJ. For her its a competition to see if she can win since everyone told her to back off and that HJ and YE are together. This is one love she will not be able to break up. 


YE tried to in a nice but firm way get YR to see. But if you have never experienced love then you have no clue what someone is trying to tell you. Arrogance is big with YR. She has to be made to see that this time you can't get what you want just because you want it. HJ is not a thing or a possession he is a man who knows his own heart and mind and has a woman who cherishes him. 

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3 hours ago, dramaninja said:

Basically these last episodes are going to be  fill with the exs  regrets over their decisions  while everyone else moved on.


Not to mention YE and HJ getting marry



and getting her pregnant!

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44 minutes ago, finebyme said:

and getting her pregnant!


I love the scene from 104 where she went and saw HJ after the launch and she said she questions whether she deserves so much happiness. She only thinks she is happy now. Wait until she gets the good news!

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Yeah SM!!   Well done!  Another blow to YR’s plan.


HY really lost it to show up at the hospital.  She won’t leave the country because she wants to ruin YE and HJ so this will be her downfall.  How can DR. Ma and HY avoid the police this well?


The writer is expanding the side character’s lives now and that will be better than having a million mishaps happen to YE and HJ.  Just like all of you have said, once HJ leaves the hospital he will set up the secret wedding.


Watching the musician guy fall in Love is cute, I have to admit.


Did IS agree to be a son instead of a son-in-law?  What!  He wants a family to belong to so badly but in the end his love for BS will win.


JS is on his way to becoming an alcoholic by drinking non-stop.


HJ having YE climb in his hospital bed was really cute and heart warming.


The Doctor’s daughter has a hard time in store since bio mom called her.  It was really mean to call a child she hasn’t reached out to since she left and it’s obvious she is a mean drunk that plans to extort money from her ex.  To involve the child who is going to be badly hurt is very cruel.  Another villain.  I loved SE confidently reaching her out her hand to shake drunken bio mom’s hand in the doctor’s office.  The calculating and sneering look on bio mom’s face said it all as she (as of yet) did not reach out to shake SE’s hand.  It looked like bio mom was thinking...oh, you’ve got to be kidding me...get this fly out of my way.  She obviously has no regard or respect for anyone.  How did the doctor ever marry a person like that.


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Hy is so stupid to just showed up in front of HJ. Stupid, waste of time and lunatic. Hate her vengeful and smirking face. When are they going to catch them? Why no movement from the cops??? About that nurse, who is she siding? Hy or Dr? I don't really get her role yet? Is she sincerely siding with Hy? I'm sure as hell that she doesn't like Dr but is she really sincere with Hy?


I felt disgusted with BS's mum because she is trying to make IS as her adopted son while she is clearly aware that her own daughter is dating IS! What are you trying to do? ( Indirectly incest??) Eewww!!! I know they are not related but still "siblings" title is still gonna make me puke. When you see your own daughter being happy with the man she loves , why can't you support her happiness?? Instead making them a siblings, like..Really? Mother!!!!


Ye deserves happiness. In fact her happiness are not much. We need more happiness for YE. She had suffered 40 lengthy long episodes. So this is nothing much yet. We need more and more.

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I seriously do not get this writer at all. So HY brazenly shows up at a public hospital (supposedly she's wanted by the police) to try to strangle/kill HJ. I know HJ is hurt and recovering, but are you telling me that HY is way much stronger than he is. She is able to try to strangle him to death without HJ fighting back or knocking her out or something. WHAT?!!! All he could muster was to push her away and YR is pathetic in her attempt to get HY off of him. Take that flower vase and smash it against her head or something!!


HJ could also grab her hair and pull as hard as he can, or do what his MIL does, and knock his head against her's. How can he not get HY off him? Then, HY all of a sudden realize that help is coming so she runs away. Does that make any sense? She was of mind to get rid of HJ, but all of sudden she gets scared and runs away.


Then she hides because she's afraid of the doctor. Where was her bravery before when she decided to strangle and kill HJ?!!!


I mean I know HJ was just stabbed and is recovering, but physically, he looks bigger and stronger than HY. He should just punched or something. Forget about HY is a woman. She's trying to kill you dude!!! Save your own life with some self defense. Knock the &^%# out of her!!! 


There's no security or protection outside his room. People be walking in and out of room, office, etc. This drama lacks so much reality at times. Ugh...if only I could reach into the TV and do some damage myself. 



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14 minutes ago, whome said:

I seriously do not get this writer at all. So HY brazenly shows up at a public hospital (supposedly she's wanted by the police) to try to strangle/kill HJ. I know HJ is hurt and recovering, but are you telling me that HY is way much stronger than he is. She is able to try to strangle him to death without HJ fighting back or knocking her out or something. WHAT?!!! All he could muster was to push her away and YR is pathetic in her attempt to get HY off of him. Take that flower vase and smash it against her head or something!!


HJ could also grab her hair and pull as hard as he can, or do what his MIL does, and knock his head against her's. How can he not get HY off him? Then, HY all of a sudden realize that help is coming so she runs away. Does that make any sense? She was of mind to get rid of HJ, but all of sudden she gets scared and runs away.


Then she hides because she's afraid of the doctor. Where was her bravery before when she decided to strangle and kill HJ?!!!


I mean I know HJ was just stabbed and is recovering, but physically, he looks bigger and stronger than HY. He should just punched or something. Forget about HY is a woman. She's trying to kill you dude!!! Save your own life with some self defense. Knock the &^%# out of her!!! 


There's no security or protection outside his room. People be walking in and out of room, office, etc. This drama lacks so much reality at times. Ugh...if only I could reach into the TV and do some damage myself. 



I mean a knife to the gut and not waking up for awhile would make anyone weak.Also he got stab in the wound again.


But yeah I agreed with everything else.

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5 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

I mean a knife to the gut and not waking up for awhile would make anyone weak.Also he got stab in the wound again.


But yeah I agreed with everything else.


I mean I know he's weak from the wound and having just woken up. But even still, he could have reached her face to 1) slap her silly or 2) punch her lights out or 3) pull out her hair and make her in pain or 4) grab her hair and pull her head to knock against his to give her a migraine or something. If YR didn't show up, is the writer telling me that HY would have been successful in strangling HJ just like that?! I mean I understand one suspends their belief at the door when when watching TV, but jeez louise ... that's just plain foolery we have going on. The writer truly believes the audience lacks intelligence. Sorry for ranting, but as I was watching, I was struck dumbfounded and in disbelief at the stupid scene! Could not shake my head or roll my eyes enough at what I was watching. 

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Wait are they competing  with each other at the end ?Talking up their special ladies to each other :heart:


Man these exs are something else we have 3 roaming around now acting like they can change things.


1.Cheating on his wife, now wants her back

2.Left her boyfriend and marry someone else

3.Left her husband and child


Now they all have a sudden change of heart good look with so few episodes left!

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HJ couldn’t realistically use his arms because that would require the use of stomach muscles.  If you’ve ever had surgery involving your abdomin then you know it hurts like crazy and could break open the staples or stitches to do anything related to pushing, pushing or lifting with your arms.  This must by why they showed the scene where YE high fived HJ a little hard and he was in pain in his stomach to make us understand that he has limited ability right now to defend himself.  Yelling - yes, possible head butt - yes!!!

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14 minutes ago, desertflower said:

HJ couldn’t realistically use his arms because that would require the use of stomach muscles.  If you’ve ever had surgery involving your abdomin then you know it hurts like crazy and could break open the staples or stitches to do anything related to pushing, pushing or lifting with your arms.  This must by why they showed the scene where YE high fived HJ a little hard and he was in pain in his stomach to make us understand that he has limited ability right now to defend himself.  Yelling - yes, possible head butt - yes!!!

Yeah I think it would have been more ridiculous if he was fighting her off as normal to be honest. :lol:



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i love that scene of YE/her sis hosting the show. they really are good together. the pd should just hire YE/her sis to host their selling show. they sell all the their product so fast.

HJ ex is so useless. why even bring her in. it not like she can do anything. all her kiss up to HJ ma/HJ do her nothing. just like when that spoiler brat use to do. when she was still in love with HJ.

what did HJ friend ever see in that spoiler brat. other then her being a brat. i cant see anything good about her.

that scene of crazy joe findout that YE product was a hit. sure put that crazy joe in a bad move.

yet other episode ruin by crazy joe. why does this writer let that crazy joe be the first person to see HJ body. it should have be to YE. since she his gf.

thank for the spoiler.

not surpirse this writer love crazy joe. he/she can make her do anything/can get away with it. just look at how many bad thing this crazy woman have done/still not get caught.

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55 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

I think My DIL should be someone my sons love,so I cant help you"


I smell a full court press coming next week to find HY and turn her in. Maybe SM is going to hire a PI to find her?

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50 minutes ago, Jackie1048 said:

The coming episodes is the dawning of past loves. Hyung Joon got his ex girlfriend, Jae Woong now got his ex wife appearing and lucky for Lee Se Ran, Do Hoon's ex had passed away.

 We should be seeing curtains and exit stage left for YR pretty soon. SM told her last night she will not help her win back HJ. She has noone on her side and YE told her she will have to get past YE to get him. You can tell HJ is getting more and more annoyed having YR around.


I think SM is going to take matters into her own hands regarding HJ/YE's safety from HY. I'm really hoping we see a wedding early next week.


I'm starting to wonder if the writer is not going to close the loop on YE getting pregnant and leave it open whether she does or not when the series end. It would be very cruel imo if they leave it open. At the scheduled 120 episodes, we only have 3 weeks left.

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