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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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Oh my God, the preview for episode 7! Can Ji An please beat the crap out of that cheating wife? And yay! Ji An accepted food for her grandma from DH. I was sure she would refuse it if he bought them something.

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1 hour ago, sandjh said:

So ep 6 damn DH is so precise

When he sees his wife he doesnt immediately call her out or talk about his suspicions

Even though he is seriously broken instead he digs deeper and wants to see for himself


He's on the sofa taking a nap alone ...can't wait til he ends it with her :( but i think he might stay quiet with it and might use it to his advantage

Used to his advantage would be so amazing. A plot revenge to the unfaitfull wife and boss ceo. Down..go down. He seams to be a quait man but deep down he can plan and see throw people. 

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53 minutes ago, Ayame said:

Episode 7 Preview



The highnote in the music background is almost like a wail of exasperation! It is so apt and haunting for this preview. Daebak!!!!



13 minutes ago, 0ly40 said:

OST part


A very beautiful and melancholic OST!!! Love it!

Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote videos! Thanks! :)
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JA was concerned about DH twice. In episode 5, after the company dinner, when she heard DH fell near the rail road, she ran as quick as she could to look for him and then in episode 6 when she noticed he was near Han River, she took the initiative to take the bus and look for him again.


Those 2 scenes proved to us that JA could sense that DH was having suicidal thoughts. 


I know this is a very heavy and sensitive topic, but ever since I heard DH compare himself to that old building last week, it's a huge warning sign that he indeed is depressed and contemplating to disappear and end his life.


I'm wondering if the show intends to go that way or not. I'm honestly scared to find out.


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8 minutes ago, jgsiu said:

JA was concerned about DH twice. In episode 5, after the company dinner, when she heard DH fell near the rail road, she ran as quick as she could to look for him and then in episode 6 when she noticed he was near Han River, she took the initiative to take the bus and look for him again.


Those 2 scenes proved to us that JA could sense that DH was having suicidal thoughts. 


I know this is a very heavy and sensitive topic, but ever since I heard DH compare himself to that old building last week, it's a huge warning sign that he indeed is depressed and contemplating to disappear and end his life.


I'm wondering if the show intends to go that way or not. I'm honestly scared to find out.


I think she can sense it because she identifies with his emotions and thoughts. And I don't think they would actually kill off a main character like that. The whole arc of the story is supposedly them meeting each other and how their lives change from then on so...positive thoughts!!

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6 hours ago, liddi said:

Ep5 belongs to PDH, and we see first hand, how his inherent integrity keeps him true to himself and extends to his compassionate treatment of others despite the abuse that life has heaped on him, and I ache so unbearably each time I see him kicked down. Through LJA, we hear the broken voice, the laboured breathing as he controls his sobs, our window to the rawness of his emotions that he reveals to no one, all of which cuts me to the core and has me railing on his behalf at the utter injustice that life has dealt him. As such, I gritted my teeth in frustration when, even after knowing so much and hearing the lengths to which he protected his brother and mother, LJA still ran to DJY with the intel regarding the phone call logs, her cynicism and pragmatism refusing to let her see beyond her own prejudices. However, nothing could stop her defenses from being slowly chipped away, as fate continues to throw them in each other's paths. I believe the turning point was his kindness to her grandmother, extending his help without being asked, not questioning the eccentricity of her actions, even returning the shopping cart on her behalf. His words "You're a good person" are simple yet profound, acknowledging her and her love for her grandmother in a form of camaraderie without judgment or pity. In that moment, she is shaken, being recognised as a person, a decent human being rather than just an inconsequential faceless tool, and that, more than anything else, cracks the barriers that she has erected due to her own harsh existence. At last, she begins to involuntarily care for the wellbeing of the man she has been systematically trying to bring down, and her actions after are propelled by this change, furious to the extent of slapping someone on his behalf, giving him the hint about payphones, and rushing after him because I believe she is concerned for him, in what he might discover even as she is furtively helping him uncover the painful truth about his wife and DJY. 


This drama continues to take measured, almost leisurely steps which crushes the soul yet imbues a glimpse of hope in the long, lonely tunnel ahead. It is such an intimate look into the lives of the two main characters and the gradual unfolding of the slowly but surely changing dynamics between them, that oftentimes I find myself holding my breath as we walk quietly with them, seeing them through each other's eyes, living through their pain, and grasping on to the sliver of comfort that they unconsciously derive from each other's presence. Beautifully, poignantly delivered both on a cinematic and narrative level, I catch my breath and find myself immeasurably moved as they touch each other's lives without even realising it.


I just want to let you know @liddi how much I've enjoyed reading your thoughts after each episode.  


Yes, this episode lets us see for exactly how noble PDH is, but also that he has very good instincts.  He could see right through the CEO's phoniness when he really had no logical reason to suspect anything.  Unfortunately his goodness has prevented him to go all out searching for reasons why he felt something was off.  


Lee Seon Kyun continues to provide so much viewing satisfaction with his performance.  IU, too.  She has so little lines, yet conveys so much with her eyes.

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My 2 cents:

1. Episode 3-4 solidified my love for this drama. The connection between Jian and DH reminds me of Bill Murray-Scarlett Johansson in 'Lost in Translation'. (the age gap,  soul mates who find each other in their soul searching) 

2. Juan always run to find DH whenever she sense something off. This reminds me of her CV: hobby=run, special skill= run.  At this point she is his guardian angel already. 

3. Yes,  I think DH has a mild depression. 

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 Just starting ep 5 sub right now and few mins into the Ep. I get annoyed that JA still able to listen to  conversations of the brother as she bugged  the phone of DH. It's become an invasion of privacy and that's punishable by telecommunication cyber crime law in the real world. I wish writer would do away with this listening to conversation thing it's annoying me actually. But that's just me.  I do understand we get scenes and create scenes for the dramas through this  conversation but.. really. Time to do away with that.


I care about DH. So I'm getting annoyed with her tbh. But again, that's just me. Don't hate me ^^

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13 hours ago, aisling said:

That’s true, when she began eavesdropping she was only determined to find some dirt on him but now... It seems like she’s addicted to his voice, to his presence, it’s like she’s seeking solace just by listening to him... She’s definitely letting her guard down around him. If he only knew how much he affects her... So its Ji An who falls for him first.

Poor girl:cry: she just want someone to lend on, no one treat her as person until se met DH. The path she will take now more hard because she share her feeling with the man who has many scar could  she live like nothing to lost like before ?

 the intrique in office is begin resentmen and greed will exacalate becos seem DH is the man who choosen by chairman to better position, the greed and jelous DJY can senses he is in danger i wish Jian come clean before the time bom explode, she must sure  the comfort she take from evesdrop has a limit. She should take decision  what side she stand for.

The sub for eps 6 not yet out but excitement to wait next week episode more thrilling.


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4 hours ago, zenya22 said:

OMG, OMG episode 5, talk about being real, they were not kidding. All gamut of emotions were expressed including the seemingly silly concern of the brother to wear expensive underwear just in case he gets into an accident and lands in the ER, where all dignity is severed at least a smidgen of self-respect remains in that one expensive underwear. Don't we all, think that?


PDW is a man who carries the world on his shoulders and the weight is beginning to crush him. He is not happy at work but stays for those he is responsible for, and the only person that he can trust and confide in is his friend, the monk, sweeping the fallen leaves of the trees in the temple yard. At his lowest point after the incident at the staff dinner, on a snowy night, he lays down on the frozen road to be run over by traffic. The one thing that jarred him to awareness, to rise and not die was that he was not wearing expensive underwear. Because it was so much an ordinary and humorous thought, it was what shook him to his senses. He is not ready to die. That so moved me, I imagined and felt the weight he carried.


As for JA, her expression of widened eyes, rendered into speechlessness and inaction when DH without hesitation, no strings attached, carried her grandmother up the stairs to the house. It seemed that for the first time someone helped her for the sake of helping. One human being to another. Even her friend who helped her because he owes her yet here is another human being giving her a hand just because she needed help. Through him, she is learning the other side of human nature, there is goodness in everyone even when one is not comfortable that no matter what class one considers oneself belonging to, there is both goodness and badness, one has a choice. She learned through the officemates the humiliation and pettiness he endured at work.  So, does she now feel empathy for this lonely yet kind and gentle man? He said to her "you are a good person"


JDY is one ruthless and selfish double dealer in business and sexual affairs, I can’t say love affairs since the only one this man loves, is himself. Mrs. DH does not even have a clue what she is into. He had PDW demoted, so he can steal his China project, an important project to the Chairman. PDW is now out of the main office but JDY is still not happy. He expected complete destruction of PDW and out of the company, yet he was just demoted and still around making trouble. When JA asked him why he was dating an older married woman, JDY’s answer because married women are freebies, he can get his jollies with no attachment because the woman is attached to someone else. So, he never had any intention of commitment to Mrs DH. JDY told her not to divorce DH because he felt uncomfortable working with the divorced husband of the woman he was having an affair with. So now she is encouraging DH to quit his job so she can divorce him and have an open full blown affair or even marry JDY who never uttered the word marriage to her. He will dump her like a burning coal once she divorces or even go through divorce proceedings with DH. Will she go fatal attraction on JDY? She starts nagging every time the “secret phone” rings asking if JDY was seeing another woman. Hah! Wait till she gets to see the real JDY. He does not care about you girl…. You gave it free…bang, bang.  thank you ma’am. uuuugggghhhh


In the meantime office politics is heating up, Executive Director Wang has yet to respond to JDY's attack and DH, my dearest kind man is finding out about his wife's betrayal. hurry up episode 6 





Great insight:)Dong Hoon's wife deserves what's coming to her.. if you are JDY, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I was giving the wife some benefit of a doubt but I think this week she turns for the worst . The woman is blinded by love and just wants her husband gone so that she can openly date the young boss. How convenient for her:rolleyes: 

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After listening the OST3 - An Ordinary Day, I am so so so love this drama and feel that need to share something here. My Mister is so different with all other kdramas I watched before. I chose it because of the director Kim Won-seok that his Misaeng was such a bright pearl to let audience watch by brian, and now My Mister is another one to let us watch by heart. He uses dark color tone in cinematography to interpret the vibe of main characters is sad, cold, down, miserable, depressed, lifeless...... Even the music makes my heart beated in such blue voice and lyrics. But why I still love this drama? Because it is so true to our real life. People struggle for life everyday and it is great to know that there is someone like PDH and his beautiful mind is so healing not only for JA but for all of us. Thanks for all the effort of My Mister production team, great job done!!! 

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I have been stalking Dramabeans whole day for Ep5. Then after ep6 aired i went back to rush work. Now 2am then i found DB recap. Couldnt sleep if i leave the awesome comments alone w/o posting. This is how deep i am into tale of JiAn's Ahjussi. .  Here we goes i quote Dramabeans 




This show, I don’t even know what to do with it. It seems so stark and bleak, but there’s so much going on in each scene that I feel like I could watch an episode ten times and still not catch all the nuances and tiny meaningful moments. I was particularly struck by the way Ji-an kicked Dong-hoon’s foot to keep him from missing his stop — it’s the first thing she’s done purely for him, with no benefit to herself. Such a small thing that most of us would do without thinking, but coming from Ji-an, it’s monumental. She wouldn’t have bothered to do even that much for him a few days ago, but then she overheard Dong-hoon defending her to his brothers and coworkers and saying that he feels like she understands him. It’s not much for her to keep him from being late to work, and it even pissed Dong-hoon off a little, but a true connection began to form between them in that moment.

It’s so interesting to watch Dong-hoon and Ji-an struggle with how to deal with each other, because while I’m used to seeing drama characters deny their feelings for someone, My Ajusshi puts that dynamic into a completely different context. While I think that the actors have amazing chemistry, for me it’s not a romantic type of chemistry, but more of a sense that they just somehow get each other despite the fact that they’re completely different. They don’t even like each other, and in fact there’s a lot of animosity and hard feelings between them, yet they’re drawn to each other in a way that they don’t really understand. They instinctively feel that they share something in common, but they don’t yet know what that is. It creates this interesting sense of confused attraction, as if they can’t help but be drawn to one another even though they’d rather stay far away.

I love how they’re reluctantly beginning to help and stick up for each other, even though you can tell it annoys them both. Ji-an is beginning to grudgingly respect Dong-hoon, and he even told her that she’s a good person. I love that he didn’t qualify it with anything like “when you’re not stealing money” or “to people you love,” but just a straight “You’re a good person.” And Ji-an is realizing that Dong-hoon is kind and thoughtful, the way he waited to help her take her grandmother home, and how he even asked her a few personal, but non-intrusive, questions about herself. But my favorite moment was when Ji-an smacked the team member who suggested that Dong-hoon should suck up to Joon-young, especially since she’s still helping with Joon-young’s plot to get Dong-hoon fired. The fact that she was offended on Dong-hoon’s behalf shows more emotion from Ji-an than we’ve seen before, other than her angry scenes with Kwang-il.

I still don’t quite understand either Ji-an or Dong-hoon, but I’m starting to see what it is that connects them — that feeling that they don’t quite belong, that there’s not really a place for them in this world. Ji-an disconnected from others when she killed a man and spent three years in jail, and even her closest friend, Ki-bum, often feels like little more than an acquaintance. On the other hand, Dong-hoon appears to live a normal life with family, friends, and a good job, yet he feels like he should never have been born and goes through his days as if he’s just dragging himself around like a dead weight. Their reasons for feeling alone and isolated are entirely different, and yet there’s something about it that puts them on equal footing. I can’t wait to see how they are together, once they begin to spend more time with each other."

(Above all cr. Lollypip, Dramabeans.)

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3 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

I have been stalking Dramabeans whole day for Ep5. Then after ep6 aired i went back to rush work. Now 2am then i found DB recap. Couldnt sleep if i leave the awesome comments alone w/o posting. This is how deep i am into tale of JiAn's Ahjussi. .  Here we goes i quote Dramabeans 




You're another one of my favorite posters on this thread.  Can't wait to see what you think of the latest episodes. :-)

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3 minutes ago, sadiesmith said:

You're another one of my favorite posters on this thread.  Can't wait to see what you think of the latest episodes. :-)

O' How u flattered me. Lol. Am wrapping up my Easter workload by next week. Planned to re watch whole 6 ep anew

 Will be back to leave after thought. 

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  • Go Seung Ji changed the title to [Current Drama 2018] My Mister 나의 아저씨 - Wed and Thu @ 21:30 KST
11 hours ago, jongski said:

 Just starting ep 5 sub right now and few mins into the Ep. I get annoyed that JA still able to listen to  conversations of the brother as she bugged  the phone of DH. It's become an invasion of privacy and that's punishable by telecommunication cyber crime law in the real world. I wish writer would do away with this listening to conversation thing it's annoying me actually. But that's just me. 



It's kinda the point though,  to do the dirty work to get some dirt on DH.  However,  over time Jian get deeper into the voyeurism ('Rear Window' is the best example of it) and eventually become attached to this person

2. It feels like she look up to him as a paternal figure...  How she keep running to him whenever he's being super weird,  slapping his subordinate who talk trash about him...  That kind of protective feeling towards him. And when he confronts her about it and when she tell the reason,  she keep glancing towards his face, checking his expression (as if afraid of him being mad at her) 

3. I notice that DH always make this heavy breathing everytime he gets something on his mind.  For example when he's looking at his wife after finding out she's been cheating all this time. 

2. I can say it starts when first they relate to each other by ideals and how they view the world. They see each other as kindred spirits; those who keep searching for their place and purpose in the world. And when they find the connection, it isn't easy to let go. 

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Hi everyone! Joining in... I was almost worried that I wouldn't like this enough due to JA's behavior towards DH, but she is growing on me. I'm not  sure how the writer will play out their relationship or if there's even gonna be a romantic one, so I'm hoping it's something tasteful.


What I'm most looking forward to is both the ceo's & cheating wife's comeuppance. I want them both in a place of never-ending humiliation and pain, like the midget CEO getting fired, and not have any other company to go to and just be bankrupt. The cheating wife, well, I want some hair pulling and possibly getting disbarred (I know I'm reaching here guys, lol, must be the actress, never liked her roles XD ), or just be completely humiliated.


Cheating is never an option, if she's truly unhappy with DH, then she should've called him out for it, tried to fix it, and then called it quits if nothing was working.    

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I know we all hate her character in the drama, but this is Lee Ji-ah the actress.  https://www.hancinema.net/my-mister-lee-ji-ah-on-set-117294.html

"My Mister" Lee Ji-ah on Set


tvN drama "My Mister" actress Lee Ji-ah posted a picture on her Instagram.

She's looking pretty while eating chicken with a hair curler in her bangs.

Lee Ji-ah chose "My Mister" as her first comeback drama in 3 years.

"My Mister" can be seen every Wednesday at Thursday on tvN.

Source : www.topstarnews.net/n...

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4 hours ago, jongski said:

 Just starting ep 5 sub right now and few mins into the Ep. I get annoyed that JA still able to listen to  conversations of the brother as she bugged  the phone of DH. It's become an invasion of privacy and that's punishable by telecommunication cyber crime law in the real world. I wish writer would do away with this listening to conversation thing it's annoying me actually. But that's just me.  I do understand we get scenes and create scenes for the dramas through this  conversation but.. really. Time to do away with that.


I care about DH. So I'm getting annoyed with her tbh. But again, that's just me. Don't hate me ^^

I feel the same way even though I can see she starts to care for him and she sees how much of a generous and kind person he is, taking responsibilities on him.

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