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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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1 hour ago, p3rsephone said:

I don't think it is though, I checked like 10 different sites and only one of them said 12 ep all the other ones said it's 16 episodes long. I'd rather believe those cause I want more episodes :blush::blush:


To be honest, I really don't know.  One site says 16/35 minute episodes. That would mean there are only 8 one hour episodes...:o  Another site says it's 12 episodes but no episode time frame.  Another site just says 16.  I don't know. Just to show how confusing it is, Koreandrama.org has the following:


Episodes: 16 (35 minutes/episode)  -
Broadcast network: KBS2 
Broadcast period: 2017-Oct-13 to 2017-Dec-02 
Air time: Friday & Saturday 23:00 (2 episodes back-to-back


Wouldn't that mean it's 8-1 hour episodes when you add the two together? Should have have said 32 episodes (35 minutes per episodes)? Based on the broadcast period, it's 16 1-hour episodes.  


I'm confused.


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OMG, I have never "suffered" from Second Lead Syndrome before ever and this drama just is putting me through it so hard like this, lol. I am like crossing my fingers that the writer would change the script (I know its not possible) and make the lead actress get together with the second lead guy at the end.

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Nam Gil, what do we do with him. I think some people think the drama will show the second leads flaws soon so the mains start realising that the grass isn’t greener on the other side. Personally I wish it works like this: the leads start forgetting what happened in the past timeline and they have to choose between this timeline or the past one. This way the writer can always choose to put the alternate pairings together at the end if the audience demands it while also still being able to put OTP back together as expected if it doesn’t seem like OTP will affect ratings. 


I think with NG he’s fallen for 37 year old JJ but that doesn’t meant he couldn’t have fallen for 20 year old JJ. I think 20 year old JJ could have been just as attractive to NG as 37 year old JJ because a girl has never not shown him interest before, no girl has told him he stinks and that was all 20 year old JJ. That’s why I prefer NG because he’s unlikely to be cold to JJ when they get older like BD has.

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8 hours ago, stroppyse said:


I'm hoping that BD and JJ are in a time anomaly that doesn't affect their normal time line, so that when and if BD and JJ revert, that NG wasn't affected by having his heart broken by JJ. Then again, this is a kdrama where metaphysical elements are always seen to have some effect, so probably not. Oh well, perhaps in the affected future, NG will find an absolutely smashing lady for himself so that JJ just becomes a fond memory rather than a bittersweet memory.


Fair enough. I suppose this brings up the question of the soul versus the body, but that is probably a pointless discussion for the real world without time slips. I would definitely have a problem with a 37 year old with child dating a 20 year old regardless of the gender of the participants. Then again, at 20, one is socially considered an adult, so probably not something I would actually voice my opinion on since I believe that all adults should have free agency to determine their own lives. :)  However, I would internally still feel a bit ick at that kind of age difference when the younger person is just barely an adult. :D


On the contrary, I would prefer for them not going back on their normal timeline, where everything would be wrong and miserable. It's like playing a game, you play it horribly the first time and got the chance to reset and play again, ended with flying score, but somehow in a glitch, you returned to the first game where you got nothing achieved nothing - that would be too frustrating. Yes, you can make do with what you have in that timeline, but time (ironically) is of the essence. :huh:


NG would be fine. He will be heartbroken but he will experienced a wonderful and sincere first love with JJ (one sided or not). And I think that's the most important thing for NG. To be able to love someone properly and I hope in that short time (before JJ back with BD), be loved in return. -_- Cliche, I know.. :rolleyes:


Regarding 37yo vs 22yo relationship, it's totally up for a debate. If we're talking about real age in real life, yes I personally think that would be wrong. Though 20 yo is considered adult and can make adult decision, but it's also the 37yo's responsibility towards 20yo's future. However, to each of his own. <_<

JJ now is having mental age of a 37yo woman - seasoned with life experience, but if the story's timeline goes naturally after their return, she will stay 20yo and going forward - and in time, she will learn to accept that. If there's no BD storyline, I believe she will choose NG and this time, do everything right. 

Not having SJ in this timeline is a terrible price to pay. I'm not trying to be callous but one cannot have both worlds, unless of course it happens in Kdrama. :wink:, So let's see what miracle this Kdrama can give us. 


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8 hours ago, p3rsephone said:

@chibimidori No, the one month before flashbacks end with them getting a divorce, it's that night after they've signed the papers that they throw away their rings and they take them back in time. Otherwise, we'd already know how their story ends and there wouldn't be this will-they-won't-they tension.

understood.. thank u..

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7 hours ago, yamiex said:

I like our leads... but if they are to get back together... they still have lots of growing up to do... I like how BD and JJ seem wiser and more mature when they hang around their friends and tried to advise them... But that maturity which they seem to bring over with them through the timeslip disappeared the moment they face each other... seeing them going at each other is almost like seeing two kids fighting... I guess that is why the SLs seem to be a better match for them than their original match. But if we are to think back... isn't acting stupid, childish and purposely bullying another person to get their attention what young kids do when they could not express their love properly? That is already a big hint to us that yes they still love each other... even if they are acting stupidly in face of each other by purposely hurting each other with words... We don't realize how easily we hurt the ones we love with our carelessness.


Another highlight for me aside from the parodies and nervous Nam Gil.... is the fact that Jang Nara stood on stage to sing again... Gosh... I don't know if anyone knows or remember, but that lady stopped singing for the longest time because of a really bad case of performance anxiety. I remember watching Healing Camp and she mentioned how she could no longer sing on stage because she felt that she couldn't breathe at all...  and that almost destroyed her because she started out as a singer and now she could not even sing in KTV...  She was in a pretty bad state for a long time before she tries to pick up acting to restart her career... I''m glad that she is still on the scene but it's really sad to hear that she could not sing again... SO... imagine my surprise in Episode 6? I sure hope that this is a sign that Nara can pick up singing again even in OST coz I have adored her ability to portray soulful songs such as Dong Yi's Walk in a Dreamy Road...   

I like those parts, where BD and JJ tried to advise their friends and families. BD trying to make early investment (isn't that considered a white-collar crime?):huh:

But the part the I like the most about them learning their mistakes is JJ and mom and JJ and Sul. We probably get an ep dedicated to Sul's mystery. 


BD and JJ definitely love each other despite all the fights and mean words. But I can help but wonder, is it because they have never loved anybody else beside each other? Granted BD had his first crush (not love) with SY, but BD-JJ fell in love, married each other, and had never looked or cheated or loved another persons. 

They've been together for so long, 18 years and counting. Despite all the negative feelings, they are bound to care for each other. 


Thank you for the info on JNR. Never knew that what had happened to her. I like her as an actress more than as a singer actually. But she did mentioned about her tough time growing up as a singer in Happy Together and I applauded her fighting spirit. I got high respect for her. _/\_

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I have a confession to make .. I have severe SLS syndrome!!

This is the first time ever that I root for the female lead and the second male lead.


I had watched few dramas about divorced couples or about to divorce couples. All had very nice second male leads as in usual K drama land. But I had never fall for the second male lead what so ever except for this time. I am rooting for NG with JJ.


It is not because NG is so very nice looking OR elegance as to what JJ thinks to herself (in one of the episode that I could not remember which one). But because of the way he is. The way he looks at her. NG is observance and have a kind heart (e.g. the time he quietly drove JJ back home as she thought he is one of the taxi, he followed her to make sure she arrived home safely, etc.).


I am an ajumma, myself, and have been married for longer that JJ and BD (feel very old now .. haaaa..).   I know full well that married couple, at some point of time along the marriage life, may hate each other due to stress from economic difficulties and physical tiredness that they encountered during the long years. What can get them through is the foundation of their love before the marriage. As for BD, I found him falling in love with JJ more to the fact of her physical attraction/her look back then. They were having fun, flirty and bubbly time together (the way the young people do enjoy their time.. sorry I don’t know exact wording to describe what I want to say!). So one day, when he see/think that she is not as pretty, he lost his fondness of her. And after some struggling in life, he does not care about her as much (or does not care to look at her at all). He looks down on her and speak harshly (rude) to her. And once that verbal war started, it will not stop. The marriage will soon be going down the drain.


However, as for NG, I found him slowly but steady falling (hard) in love with JJ because of who and how she is. NG seems to be a mature person. He seems to be a person who observe and also think/review about what he has seen. He quietly observe JJ (and probably BD, too). He support her and look after her, again, quietly. This is the way that the man/boy will learn who the girl (JJ) really like. He will learn to understand her. Understanding in one good foundation of relationship though. I also got a feeling that the type of person that NG is, he can communicate better with JJ.  These are the reason that I really want JJ to end up with NG while having BD learns his lesson to grow up to be better BD for his future wife.


But again, it is up to the writer whether she/he will show any other back stories of all of them that can make my view changed.


By the way, the way NG looks and stares at JJ …. myyyyyy goshhhhhh … I die !!!!


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21 hours ago, penelop3 said:

1999: JJ-BD got married

2009: Mom passed away (after getting dialysis for 15 years)

2010: JJ and Dad's fight over Dad getting remarried

2015: SJ was born 

2017: The ultimate fight, divorced, and back to 1999


sorry im cut ur words here:from i knew from episode 1 after marriage ceremony they move to 14years after.then they divorce..do u remember?

If u calculate 2017 minus 14years, they had married @ 2003 right?

when epiloque move to 2004 when they still deep in love each other they like a honeymoon couple going to go some place they like to go,they said at same time "club party" so cute right :)


i dont know when seojin was born but from view i see in last episode 6 it seem seojin still baby who still sleeping with a barrier to the wall

abt JJ mother i think clearly jinjoo said when father wanna remarry other woman that her mom died still not 1year.i think mom died in early 2010 several month from her breakfast talking with dad & husband.


so for me:

1999 first meeting BD-JJ n fall in love each other

until 2003 they hv relationship as girlfriend n boyfriend

2003: 20-7-2003 Bando and Jinjoo marriage ceremony

2004:still with honeymoon moment they came to club party to celebrate BD worked^^

2010:JJ mom died n her Dad start thinking of remarried

2017:yes their biggest fight and divorce and the night after their divorce paper release they sent to 1999 by their ring power :)

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Hi, everyone! I haven't been on a soompi forum in a really long time, but I had to post because this drama is really a little gem among the dramas airing right now. I love how light hearted and hilarious it can be one moment, devastating and depressing at another moment, and heart fluttering a few scenes later. More people should know about this drama! Seriously! 


Anyways, I wanted to talk about Nam Gil and Jin Joo, but first, I really want to fan girl! Like many of you, I am in love with Nam Gil. (Let's give some love to Chang Ki Yong! I've re-watched his clips dozens of times, and I'm blown away by his acting skills, specifically how he controls his facial expressions. Seriously, during the drinking scene (s), there is literal honey dripping from his eye sockets when he's looking at Jang Nara's character! I was melting during those scenes haha! He's definitely an actor that I'll have to keep my eye on!) I love how cool and indifferent Nam Gil tries to act, but in reality, he's very vulnerable and sweet. For example, when Jin Joo offers him some ice to put on his ankle, he puts up a wall, but when she forces him to do it, he really appreciates the gesture and stares at her in adoration. I also love how the writers included the scene with him and the stray cat to emphasize this sweet side of him. At first, he shoos away the stray cat, but later feeds and cares for it. The writers sure know how to write up a truly dreamy sunbae! His watching her from afar and falling in love with Jin Joo's truest self is just so swoon worthy. It has the makings of a truly lovely, pure first love story... for Nam Gil. 


As of right now, Nam Gil's developing feelings seem completely one sided. Those moments where Jin Joo feels her heart flutter aren't taken seriously by her whereas Nam Gil can't even get their hug out of his mind! For Jin Joo, the feelings that she has during those moments are really just that: momentary. I can't help, but feel like she doesn't see him as a man... at least not yet. She doesn't notice all those little moments that we, as the audience, can appreciate from him. She sees him as immature and as a playboy. During the scene where a girl comes up to Nam Gil with a bag of cookies (?) and he rejects them, she chastises him, noting that it wouldn't have hurt him to just take the treats since the girl must have stayed up all night making them. She's trying to teach him some manners, but Nam Gil playfully interprets her lecture as her way of saying that she wants to care for him and feed him. In another scene with the ice, Jin Joo reacts to Nam Gil's initial refusal by telling him that he's acting like a child. She also touches him carelessly like Nam Gil has pointed out several times. Jin Joo never really has any flashbacks to her romantic scenes with Nam Gil at all unlike him. Her flashbacks always revolve around her memories with Ban Do. 


While Ban Do may have the soul of a 37 year old, his maturity level sure is not on par. Stressing from his job, he treats Jin Joo like sh-t at times and doesn't appreciate her nearly as much as he should.  With all of that said, he clearly cares for her deeply. For instance, we've seen him protecting Jin Joo's mother, buying her her favorite food, and checking up on her condition. He looks out for Jin Joo in the shadows by trying to get her the hell away from that doctor d-bag. He buys her flowers on their wedding anniversary, albeit late. He gets jealous easily as well when she's interacting with Nam Gil. The same goes for Jin Joo. She feels a type of way when he is with the ballerina girl, although she definitely gives him a lot more space. It's clear that they have a lot of unresolved feelings for one another.


At the same time, their divorce wasn't uncalled for. Yea, his cheating on her was a complete misunderstanding, but they were unhappy with the lives that they were living beforehand. The misunderstanding was just the climax of continued miscommunication between the two. They both don't understand each other's struggles. Ban Do doesn't get the work and sacrifice a young stay-at-home mom makes while Jin Joo doesn't understand the every day stress that comes from Ban Do's work life, including all the kissing a-- that he has to do. If they had just talked to each other and spent more quality time with one another, their divorce would have been avoidable. Instead of seeing each other's side of the story, it feels like they both want to pin point the root cause of their divorce on their early marriage. "If only they had never met in college, they could have been happy" is the mindset. 


Their going back in a time is an opportunity for them to realize that that isn't true. Being apart from one another and seeing each other with another man/woman is going to remind them of why they fell in love with each other in the first place and why they still feel a type of way. Separation..... (and jealousy) can make the heart grow fonder. They're going to see that their love can triumph with some adjustments on both sides.  We're already seeing Ban Do's character develop. He's starting to understand that he took Jin Joo's sacrifice for granted and that she's worth a lot. He's seeing that he should have appreciated her dressing up. The occasional compliment from him to her would have made Jin Joo feel much more appreciated and beautiful. He should have complimented her on the dress that she bought in the  beginning of episode six instead of telling her to act her age. He's learning, and I'd like to see how 

both of their characters evolve as the story progresses. It just feels like Jin Joo and Ban Do are meant to be with one another. The drama is answering the age old (Korean) question of, "If you were reincarnated, would you marry your wife/husband all over again?". The answer I suspect is "Yes". They're going to fall in love with each other a second time. 


I want to stress though that I really, really, really, really, REALLY like Nam Gil though! (P.S Koreans are going CRAZY over Nam Gil and his swoon worthiness. I'm not completely fluent in Korean, but I've been reading the comment on the drama articles. There was an article talking about him being a dark horse even haha!) It would be amazing to get more scenes between him and Jin Joo that are less one sided....if only Jin Joo reciprocated even just 10% of what Nam Gil's feelings are for her!!! I have a bad feeling that the writers may keep it clean and have her continue to treat him the way she does now though... I'm  definitely going to appreciate every scene between them before the ship sinks, and she rejects him. Is it bad if I'm rooting for a kiss scene?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter haha... I really like him to the point that if the story made an unpredictable turn and he ended up with Jin Joo, I wouldn't mind at all as long as everything made sense, and Seo Jin is still alive!!!!!!  He's just SO CUTE. On the other hand, I'm kind of indifferent about Seo Young. Am I the only one who feels a lack of chemistry between her and Ban Do? I never find myself replaying the clips of them interacting with one another unlike the scenes with Nam Gil and Jin Joo! 



Also, I have some  extra commentary on the way both of them treat this miraculous second attempt at life and the whole timeline issue. They both seem to treat it like a glitch. They both expect to wake up one morning to find themselves in the same position that they were in the future. What they don't seem to comprehend is that they're changing history and what could be very important events in their love story, as we've seen with Nam Gil talking with Jin Joo's father and the missing interaction between Jin Joo and Ban Do during the festival talent show. The question is to what extent does not doing these events affect their respective futures. I wonder if we'll get a sudden time jump, and everything will be different? Would that make the story too cluttered? Is it going to be like "Click" where they'll be in like "auto pilot" mode or something? I'm probably overthinking it, and those epilogue moments are most likely just the writers' way of demonstrating that the past can be changed or maybe it's just a device to show how much Jin Joo and Ban Do did love each other. Still, I'm curious as to whether or not they'll be stuck in the past and be forced to live up to their current lives or if Ban Do and Jin Joo have to recognize each other's worth for the timeline to go back to the future. I'm also wondering what kind of impact their interaction with the second leads has on the second leads in the future, if anything at all. Are they just fond memories of college or...? I don't know haha I've just been really obsessed over this drama these days, so I have all sorts of thoughts. 


If you got through this entire post, thanks haha sorry for the extremely long post, and I'm looking forward to your responses!!! 

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4 hours ago, penelop3 said:

I like those parts, where BD and JJ tried to advise their friends and families. BD trying to make early investment (isn't that considered a white-collar crime?):huh:

But the part the I like the most about them learning their mistakes is JJ and mom and JJ and Sul. We probably get an ep dedicated to Sul's mystery. 


BD and JJ definitely love each other despite all the fights and mean words. But I can help but wonder, is it because they have never loved anybody else beside each other? Granted BD had his first crush (not love) with SY, but BD-JJ fell in love, married each other, and had never looked or cheated or loved another persons. 

They've been together for so long, 18 years and counting. Despite all the negative feelings, they are bound to care for each other. 


Thank you for the info on JNR. Never knew that what had happened to her. I like her as an actress more than as a singer actually. But she did mentioned about her tough time growing up as a singer in Happy Together and I applauded her fighting spirit. I got high respect for her. _/\_


I got to agree with you on the point of whether they have loved anyone else before...

It seems to me that they are each other's first love, despite what they claimed... A crush is a crush...

But to love and to be loved in return for the first time, is a magical moment that goes way beyond the happy feeling of a crush...


It could also be why they acted so childish with each other because they had no prior experience in loving anyone else... So they ended up making all the mistakes... I am hoping that they will somehow realize it soon... Ban Do seems to have an awakening in Ep 6 ending but I think it will take more than that to change his mindset as he is too used to seeing Jin Joo as his unattractive wife... A mistake which we often make, taking what we have for granted... we are all guilty of that act in one way or another. 


Jin Joo is like water... depending on the container you put her in. She can be amazing in limelight as per what we witnessed in Ep 6, or the demoralized housewife we see at the start of the series. It was as though life has sucked out all her energy and left her much evaporated and going back in time is a way to water her... ie the dying cactus plant getting back after she learns to enjoy life. She needs to start respecting herself and not let others take control of her life. Her reflecting of Ban Do's blows is her way of revenge, but it didn't make her feel better...  


But I also don't want Nam Gil to lose Jin Joo... You can start to see how she affects him and how he is starting to warm up to people... It's a double-edged sword because Jin Joo has that ability to change him or ruin him further... and she is hopelessly unaware of it as she continues to dote on the younger man (well, to her 38 years old self). It amused me in a way that Jin Joo seems mature via experience but at the same time you realized how little she experienced life when she interacts with other guys... hence, making her even at the age of 38 and being a mother, appeared naive and unaware what she is really doing in romance situations. Plus the fact that she is still on the thought that she is not attractive, she has no idea how she can affect others unlike her snobbish 20 years old who is confident. Nam Gil, for once in his life, has someone who cares for him unconditionally, falls harder this time than in the original timeline. I think he was merely interested in the original timeline but now, he is in love... that makes a difference in the storyline. Perhaps he will become closer to Jin Joo in the future (if Jin Joo handled it well,) and be a friend to help Ban Do and Jin Joo out...   


Ah... if you followed 2002 K-pop scenes, JNR is the top, bigger than IU and Suzy added together now and she was just a newcomer then receiving grand awards... It was crazy then and it was also the time when most artists are in groups instead of solo. I can only remember B.O.A. and JNR then. Looking back now, I am not surprised that it caused her health problems and to have a physiological fear of people... This video features her schedule then and watching it now with all the stories we heard about how Korean idols are overworked, you can really feel for her because her load is way more than your today Korean idol...   



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 I read all the comments/insight/review, love all of them.. love reading from others point of views..that the charms of this forum..


From what i saw, the problem may rise since early of their marriage as they already have financial problem, but the love for each other compensate that .. since earlyof their marriage, BD already came home late making JJ become bored but when he is home, he asked what JJ done at home..JJ feel appreciate by that simple question..


But a long the way of their marriage, the foundation of communication in their marriage lost.. BDno longer asked what JJ do, JJ also no longer taking care of her appearance.. both make mistakes..


There are some scene like umbrella scene and dress scene in future thqt show how JJ still want to be romantic with BD but declined harshly by BD withouh he realised.. from these scenes, i think she didn't really having resentment towards BD for her mothers death.. but she really want attention from BD..

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On 10/29/2017 at 1:22 PM, penelop3 said:

Yaaay..! I'm still waiting it on iTunes though.. but yaaaay!
I find Nakta Choi's voice is similar to Kings of Convenience, so soothing. 


Another song that I appreciate so much from the drama: 



..with great lyrics: 

Leave my life alone

Don’t meddle with it anymore

To the world that I can lead my own life

I will be born again

I don’t need anything else

I only need music and dance

Just like this

I will do what I want

I will spread my wings

I have to be the owner of my life


*I know now

What my real life is

In the rhythms of music

I’m always there

Even if I have to choose my life again

There won’t be any regrets

I’d be happy to be anywhere

Where there is music

I want to walk a different path

I will find a different me

What’s at the end of this world

I will fly higher

Nobody can live my life for me

repeat *


Hi penelop3,


Can I added a bit trivia to the song?

when i do some search the name of the song is Musical @ "뮤지칼" from the artist name Yim Sang A.


As it turns out the singer Yim Sang A becoming a reputable designer of handbags and jewelry in the New York city under the name Sang A Im-Propp.


Below is blog page praising the collection made by Sang A:



The song implies the lady character come back to be more strong in leading her life once more.


The drama team really made an excellent example of making Ma Jin Joo retrieve back her self confidence and show to Ban Do shes coming back strong.


Go Girl Power!

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18 minutes ago, Natasia Tambunan said:

sorry im cut ur words here:from i knew from episode 1 after marriage ceremony they move to 14years after.then they divorce..do u remember?

If u calculate 2017 minus 14years, they had married @ 2003 right?

when epiloque move to 2004 when they still deep in love each other they like a honeymoon couple going to go some place they like to go,they said at same time "club party" so cute right :)


i dont know when seojin was born but from view i see in last episode 6 it seem seojin still baby who still sleeping with a barrier to the wall

abt JJ mother i think clearly jinjoo said when father wanna remarry other woman that her mom died still not 1year.i think mom died in early 2010 several month from her breakfast talking with dad & husband.


so for me:

1999 first meeting BD-JJ n fall in love each other

until 2003 they hv relationship as girlfriend n boyfriend

2003: 20-7-2003 Bando and Jinjoo marriage ceremony

2004:still with honeymoon moment they came to club party to celebrate BD worked^^

2010:JJ mom died n her Dad start thinking of remarried

2017:yes their biggest fight and divorce and the night after their divorce paper release they sent to 1999 by their ring power :)

Aah.. okay, I must have missed it. 

Agree with your timeline, last memory of SJ is him walking in the field. So babies around 2 yo have started walking - which made him born around 2015. 


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Hi everybody,

glad to see this drama getting some love. I watched so many dramas this year, some of them much better directed, but none of them affected me so much as this one. It’s probably because as some of you have mentioned - most of women can relate to JJ being a stay at home mom while still feeling sorry for BD having to provide for the family, working hard and being humiliated.


Because I have small babies I can hardly imagine JJ choosing a path with NG. I’d rather repeat all those mistakes and start anew as a 38 divorced mother than loosing my child. Even if she married NG and they have kids later, those memories of baby SJ would drive her crazy. I don’t think she’d be able to live with that.


One line that struck me in previous episode was something like “first love is only lovely if you reminisce about it”. Who says JJ or BD wouldn’t end up miserable with their alternative pairing if they married them. They’re precious now because the first love never experienced hardships of marriage and parenthood. JJ and BD were crazily in love too but because they were too young when they got married they never realised their personal dreams and ended up unhappy.


I  still don’t understand what was JJ doing between 2003 and 2016, the year when their baby was born (SJ looks like around 18-20 months old). It’s 13 years. I don’t understand what was she doing all those years if not working. If she had been working all those years she should not have felt so low esteemed, she should’ve been accomplished by the time she finally got pregnant, don’t your think? It should have been a welcome break when their baby was born after working so long. So the only explanation would be that she stayed at home all those years which is totally insane. Why would she stay at home and not working? Why would she let BD be the only breadwinner? In those flashbacks of their lives together BD was kind of nasty to her but on the other hand if she let him be a sole breadwinner and didn’t work while they didn’t have kids I understand why he got annoyed with her.


Hopefully we’ll get to see what she was doing all those years before having a baby.

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2 hours ago, aisling said:



I  still don’t understand what was JJ doing between 2003 and 2016, the year when their baby was born (SJ looks like around 18-20 months old). It’s 13 years. I don’t understand what was she doing all those years if not working. If she had been working all those years she should not have felt so low esteemed, she should’ve been accomplished by the time she finally got pregnant, don’t your think? It should have been a welcome break when their baby was born after working so long. So the only explanation would be that she stayed at home all those years which is totally insane. Why would she stay at home and not working? Why would she let BD be the only breadwinner? In those flashbacks of their lives together BD was kind of nasty to her but on the other hand if she let him be a sole breadwinner and didn’t work while they didn’t have kids I understand why he got annoyed with her.


Hopefully we’ll get to see what she was doing all those years before having a baby.


Mte. What happened in between their wedding to the time they got seojin? I wish the drama will delve in the backstory more. 13 years is a very long time.


6 hours ago, Natasia Tambunan said:



so for me:

1999 first meeting BD-JJ n fall in love each other

until 2003 they hv relationship as girlfriend n boyfriend

2003: 20-7-2003 Bando and Jinjoo marriage ceremony

2004:still with honeymoon moment they came to club party to celebrate BD worked^^

2010:JJ mom died n her Dad start thinking of remarried

2017:yes their biggest fight and divorce and the night after their divorce paper release they sent to 1999 by their ring power :)


Mum died in 2009. If i'm not mistaken its written on her urn (the white vase with dates written).

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perhaps they were forced to go back to their 20 years old simply because they did not love themselves much as they grow older.. idk much about BD because frankly speaking i don't really like the character.. but for JJ, it hurts when i watch JJ hesitated when the MC ask what's her talent in the may queen contest.. she don't know her talent after so many years spending with BD - her husband.  perhaps due to his work he became a load of richard simmons to his own wife. he belittling her a way too much... up to the point that she lose her confidence. the one that remind her of her talent was her parents.. something that was much longer than the time she spent with her husband..


so.. up to episode 6, i strongly disagree they coming back together.. and me toooo falling hard for nam gil character.. and thumbs up to the actor too.. i just know him as model and this is the first time i watch his drama.. and he's really can act.. 

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love this series.

I just start watch yesterday and manage to complete 6 eps in one day.

best episode after watch goblin.


interesting story line..  love it love it.. thumb up for screen writer...

cant help to keep rewatch..


The interesting part of this series is where they have second chance to meet, love and to be love again.


i think soon or later BD and JJ will realize that actually they love each other.

somehow i also wish that the writer will give a good ending for Nam Gil and Jin Joo.

or maybe another alternate ending where Nam gil with jin Joo and BD with MS (balerina).


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On 30/08/2017 at 5:06 PM, Go Seung Ji said:

AUG 30 2017

Son Ho-Jun and Jang Na-Ra cast in KBS2 drama series “Go Back Couple”


Son Ho-Jun and Jang Na-Ra are now cast for upcoming KBS2 drama series “Go Back Couple” (literal title).  The drama series will air Fridays and Saturdays at 11PM, beginning October 13, 2017. Story for “Go Back Couple” follows a married 38-year-old couple. They now can’t stand each other and regret marrying at a relatively young age. Somehow the couple travel through time when they first met in college.



just realize the wedding dress was not same with the one she wore in the first episode (first wedding).


does this mean that JJ married again (2nd wedding)? yea..

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