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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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35 minutes ago, Lawyerh said:

This drama has so much feel.. the story looks so ordinary. But i was wrong.. its totally a gem.


In my opinion SH feel uncomfortable, because JH is attracting his colleague and even his cat choose to go to her first.


If this is true, then it could be that he has poor self esteem. And since JH pretty much more sociable and likeable, this caused him feels sad and inferior. 


I hope we got some explanation. Its so sad to see them drifted apart. 

i think he is uncomfortable because he is used to routine.. anything that breaks the routine makes him uncomfortable. All through the episode, writer builds on that..a) on rooftop when CEO calls him out for tips on marriage and he is super angry b ) when his junior didn't take into account some minor thing and delayed meeting progress


On the other hand, notice the change.. to others he immediately gives those "spitting" stares.. adn tells them to not do it.. BUT with jiho he didn't do that.. he was quiet.. until she prodded him enough..


Even then, he wake up the next day and excitedly sat to eat but then ofcourse jiho was in a bad mood and did not let him eat :tongue:



the guy is so hopelessly falling in love... but obviously is unaware.. he feels responsible for her.. which landlord promises to make sure will let the tenant live the live the tenant chooses to????? its exact opposite of what a landlord does :tongue:



JH already knows that she is attracted to him.. so her reacctions are normal.. and she understands them.. its not like SH who is completely oblivious to the fact that this is what attraction is..


I think its gonna be funny when he tries to spend time with Bo mi to balance out his wife hanging out with the new guy :tongue:

10 minutes ago, staygold said:


I google searched the image. :tongue: I won't spoil the fun!


I was curious about why most wedding photos have a shot of the bridal footwear. Anyone knows?

is it not reply series.. that yellow sweater and the stone seat?

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2 hours ago, shedp said:


Yes, same here. I didn't get the shoe shots. She looked at SH's shoe and then to hers. What was it all about? Does someone knows/has an explanation for it?


The only thing I noticed is that her sneakers looked like in the shape of heart. :D

because now she can't look into her face anymore.. she thought she was looking at him but he caught on..so its embarassing.


she likes him and starting to like him romantically.. she is happy.. so looking at him, thinking of the words makes her happy.. and that is what is happening

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8 hours ago, auntyem said:

I agree!  Fake marriage or not, they had a wedding ceremony, with guests who witnessed their matrimonial union.  So they both need to keep appearances, at least PRETEND that it’s real, and shouldn’t be having any outside dates with other people! 


However, I do see the points brought up by other people......how JH, who never had a boyfriend or dated, should be able to have the experience. But not now!!!! Too late, she already got married!  In this way, it shows JH’s naïveté and immaturity!  There are things that you just, DOn’T do!!!!! Sigh......I am really curious how it’s going to play out...the preview shows her accepting rides with BN on his motorcycle....RED FLAG! RED FLAG! Both JH and SH, in my opinion, are so “out of it” in regards to relationships with members of the opposite sex.  Both of them are doing inappropriate things because of their inexperience/naïveté.

the way i see it... she basically got a permissin from SH to not treat this marriage as marriage and to not expect anything. COntract is set.. 2 years from now they will divorce.. so 

a) if she gets a shot at romance.. she would want to take up


b ) but for now she will hang out with the guy because she wants to get back at SH for saying she should not accept more in the relationship (see.. her friends have already told her that SH is very handsome, he earns well, gave her discount, she herself respects him a lot, he made her and her mom happy.. all of this put SH at a higher pedestal than JH in jH's mind.. so when he asked her to keep her expectations in check.. he hurt her pride real bad - kind of like when you like the guy and he tells you that don't fall for him because he thinks you might be falling for him)

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24 minutes ago, staygold said:


I was curious about why most wedding photos have a shot of the bridal footwear. Anyone knows?


I’ve always thought that means the bride is embarking on a new journey, leaving her family and starting her own. :)


I’m going to go against the thought of SeHee possibly having Asperger or some high functioning autism.  He doesn’t have problems with eye contact, he doesn’t shuffle or have any odd bodily gestures.  He’s definitely OCD about certain things.  I feel bad at how his parents credit his introverted behaviors as a disability. 


Introducing the new guy is to test JiHo’s commitment to this contract marriage as well no?  SeHee mentioned once that JiHo shouldn’t say the word I Love You carelessly.  Marriage and love take commitment especially when your partner has said he needed you. Despite the fact that this is a tenant/landlord agreement based on a $50 discount, SeHee takes it seriously on his end because he made a promise to her mom.  It’s often a steep learning curve  in the beginning for two people starting a relationship.  JiHo’s a dreamer and a writer.  She just have to learn to distinguish between real life and fantasy when it comes to love and marriage like her girlfriend HR.

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4 hours ago, yoochun95 said:

My heart sank at the breakfast table. He is just like a kid :(

Sometimes kids knows. He don't know anything yet but his expression has said it all.

No wonder he couldn't eat. Poor thing. He is already into her but didn't know yet and it's painful to watch.


I love the drama.

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Oh it's been a while since I logged in to my Soompi account.. but when you see gold such as this drama, you can't help but say hello to your fellow soompiers! So hello from my neck of the woods! It's so fun reading all your thoughts.

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omg the line "one thing is for sure, I want to hurt you" sounds like she is going to physically start hurting him! I know that isnt't try, but the sound of it and her facial expression makes it really sound like the drama is making a complete 180 frim a romcom to a revenge/murder plot. Hahah! 

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3 hours ago, AQUARIANUNICORN said:

Also, does anyone know where I can find the opening credits to this show?


As far as I know, only Viki has shown the opening credits (I couldn't find it anywhere else).


I recorded it off of Viki if you can't access it:



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Third wheels and agnsty last scene in episode 6 be dammed!!!


I remembered some of you posted BTS still photos of SH and JH holding hands(while on a date?) and I really hope to see it next week! Although I feel that that scene might be a "for show husband and wife", atleast there's a skinship, and if there's skinship, there will be fluttering hearts. Haha! :heart:

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hey everyone! i just started this drama! :) I thought the story is cliche and guess i was wrong! :tongue: it's just a simple drama compared to what is airing right now but it's just different. i really want to know about SH's back story. he's got a lot on his plate. i mean there must be a reason for the way he is. we already know enough about JH's and her friends too. But poor SH. I wonder how LOVE is gonna show up between them :wub::wub:

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I'm watching this one @packmule3 , after a long time coming here, after getting some shitty treatment from some people the window of soompi used to leave a bad taste in mouth, however, now I have moved past the point where it matters less than a dot. :D I  will read your post and let you know what's my pov! Have you seen this Japanese drama called 'we married as a job'' btw? I felt like BTIMFL is loosely inspired by it, and the more I watch I can see more similarities, especially lee min ki's character gives deja vu vibes at times. But this one is surprisingly funny and poignant, and I love the occasional voiceovers. Lee min ki's boss is hilarious, I wish he gets more screentime hehe. Although after the last plot development I am finding the female protagonist a bit hasty and whimsical with her decisions. I was totally fine when she decided to get married, but then when she says over the phone, 'I don't have a boyfriend'. That was a bit inconsistent coming from her. Though  I can see she's angry and hurt and all, but t you don't just jump on board with something because of mood swings. :S Hope it's just a temporary feeling, and the preview was hilarious so can't wait to see what they do next.

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I really hope that for the next episode we can get more of SH voiceover about his thought & feeling.. I'm dying to know what is in his head all of this time, about JH (and the change of his feeling about her), his family & friends & the new guy (BM).

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I agree with you @tigro! I think a lot of people are bothered by the fact that HR's dream is to be married and be a housewife. I don't think we should be so hard on her for having a "traditional" dream. Another way to look at it is that HR is ready to take on more responsibilities (i.e. be a mom, be a wife) whereas WS is not ready for those responsibilities yet. 


As for JH, I don't think her response to SH was any worse than how he had responded to her overstepping their tenant/landlord boundaries. I think viewers are just accustomed to his bluntness, so many might not feel the full impact of how his words might've affected "sweet" JH. Sure it was her misunderstanding to being with, but it is understandable for her to feel embarrassed and hurt. I find her pettiness to be a very realistic reaction. She was only solidifying the line that SH himself had drawn in their relationship.


Also, did we all forget how SH turned down the breakfast she made the first morning after their wedding? He only ate it b/c she seemed disappointment. Her not sharing breakfast with him the next day was meant to (1) show him that she acknowledges her misunderstanding and will stop making him feel uncomfortable with her "wifey" actions, and (2) her attempt at distancing herself from him, as to stop her developing feelings.

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58 minutes ago, tigro said:

It seems I'm much more sympathetic to HR then most people. Mostly because girl has waited for 7 years, in that 7 years, she even has sacrificed for WS on multiple times. And in her mind, love was the only prerequisite for marriage. But, then WS goes and completely shatters that illusion by saying "love and marriage are not the same thing," meaning all of sudden, love is not enough or it never was. So, she is at a MAJOR cross road now, how do you go forward from this as a couple?! Because not only WS doesn't have the necessary job and a means to buy a house, but most importantly, he doesn't want to. He is so comfortable in the current life they are living that he doesn't want to take additional responsibility on and take their relationship to the next level. I know most people are blaming HR for not communicating her expectations to WS, but did WS ever voice out his expectations about their relationship so that she doesn't misunderstand?! He assumed HR will be happy with the life they are living and won't want more. So, the problem in lack of properly communicating certain expectations comes from BOTH ends, not just from HR's end. 


Similarly, some people are blaming JH for not giving SH breakfast and being so cold, and even pursuing a relationship with the new guy. Here's the thing though, SH essentially said whatever JH does as a "wifely" behavior is uncomfortable for him and that they are only tenant and a landlord, so she shouldn't misunderstand. That's practically telling her that this marriage doesn't matter, we are still just a tenant and a landlord. Now, why in the world would she offer SH breakfast next morning? Didn't he just say her such overly familiar actions make him uncomfortable and implied that they should live separate lives as before? I'm VERY proud of JH for standing her ground next morning and showing her displeasure and letting him know not to use words like "we" or "us" to describe them again so she doesn't misunderstand. It's this little thing called pride, that is huge thing for a person whether it be a man or a woman, so it shouldn't be disregarded just because it is a woman's pride instead of a man's. Her pride was hurt, so she responded in such manner and will keep responding in such manner. Yes, it is a bit immature, but it is understandable. This is what SH wanted, so this is what he is going to get. 


Anyways, this rant certainly doesn't mean I hate SH or WS, I love both of them. But, just in these two instances I felt like defending these two ladies. Because they were not entirely wrong in their stance this time. 


@tigro I like the constrast  you highlighted in the way the two couples communicate. HR-WS do not communicate openly, they leave it to the other party to infer while JH-SH communicate communicate openly about what they feel and think. This made me reflect on how couples handle  difficult conversations- not many i believe. I think the key these couples need to learn is how do they deal with a negative conversation and share their expectations. JH being clueless about dating and responded in a very natural way - to protect herself by fighting back. HR has no idea how to share her expectations with WS so she will throw tantrums to get WS to probe deeper but that is not WS style. So I am with you on how these two ladies are responding. 


i must tell you how much i loved the uncomfortable feeling that was built up during the last two scenes between JH & SH. I felt embarrased for JH and SH; when SH said how they are supposed to be landlord and tenant and  when JH just ignored SH and ate her breakfast. 


These two couples HR-WS & JH-SH are married yet not married; HR-WS has been living together surviving on LOVE along while JH-SH are living together because of housing (I will call it tangible responsibilities). However, marriage is not just love or responsibilities - it is a combination of both. That is what I believe the two couples will learn in their married or unmarried life and truly understand what marriage means. In this aspect, JH mother is very wise - marriage will not make you happier, no one can make  the other person happy. I really loved the way this drama explored the idea of marriage. It's only Thursday??

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Also, I actually can't wait for the love triangle. I really want to see someone fawn over JH and do sweet things for her! Not b/c he wants to take advantage of her (the director's assistant) or b/c he feels that it is the right and respectful thing to do (SH). I don't mind the introduction of a second lead. I know SH will eventually come around, but I can't wait 10 episodes for her to feel loved!

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