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[Drama 2017-2018] My Golden Life, 황금빛 내인생


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hello everyone this drama make join here :)


it look like the preview ja will go to the woods and i think everyone will think ja missing and choi family will be worreied to ja and make js more further than ja and decide to life in bio family and i think the box that papa choi left for js i think ja left something to for js maybe letter or ja family sculpture and js will be forgive ja and she is the one who make choi family forgive seo family


i just cannot wait for saturday :)

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6 hours ago, baduy said:

Am I really the only one who isn't wholly convinced that JS will willingly move in with her bio family?  The previews give no hint that she has done so, or shown any wish to do so, not in the upcoming couple of episodes at least.


When Mi Jeong tried to nag JS into going abroad she said in a way that left no room for objections "Mom, when did you ever know me do anything at all I didn't want to?"  I haven't checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't subbed so that she said "... anything I don't like," because that's the way subbers tend to translate the verb / adjective concerned regardless. But it's here closer to the sense it has when  a Korean toddler in a temper  tantrum shouts out a foot-stamping  싫어!! where its English speaking counterpart would yell NO!! in defiance of a parental instruction.


So her declaration that she's never done anything she didn't want to and doesn't ever plan to in future is  partly an aspect of JS as 찡찡이 or "crybaby" [= infantile but endearingly so] ; but it's also a reminder that although she may not set her sights very high in worldly terms, she dug in her heels and persevered with Mr Baker, because what she did and still does want to do is devote her life to baking the way he does.  That's her dream, she's finally started to live it (and very much thanks to  her own  persistence, with no mollycoddling indulgence needed on that front, in fact in the face of Mr Baker's best efforts to put her off) and there's no way Myeong Hui will be able to stop her getting her hands floured daily other than chaining her leg to the mansion gates. [I'm trying really hard, honest I am, to stay clear of horrible puns about her "not needing / kneading the dough"]


I was struck how in ep 20 when, returning to work at the bakery after taking refuge there the previous night, she replied to the Baker's customarily gruff but kind suggestion that she ought to take time off from work by saying  여기 아니면 갈 데도 없어요.  "Apart from here, I've no place to go anyway."  Not what Cinderella would say immediately after taking a glass slipper delivery and the offer of a carriage ride to the Palace. 


Let's remember that she's 28,  and despite all their wealth and power there's not a thing the Haesung Clan can do to force to to join their ranks and live a life to which she has no inclinations whatever.  What little power they might have had  over her (by the ability to persecute her parents if she doesn't comply) has been counteracted by her bitter disappointment at discovering her supposed parents apparently never really cared for her as their own, meaning that for now, at any rate, she'll feel no obligation to protect them from the consequences of what they did to  her.  But that doesn't mean she'll abandon the goal she's finally achieved just to please folk she doesn't know from Adam and whose wealth and lifestyle holds no appeal to her. 


I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't reach an agreement to live at the café with Seonwoo Hui and work at the Bakery.  We saw in the most recent episode the problems standing in the way of that solution, namely that it would blow the Seonwoo siblings' cover by revealing their true relationship, and put an end to  Hui and Mr Baker hiding things from one another, but the cat is now almost completely out out of the bag on that latter issue, and the way the friendship between Hui and JS has been growing means it wouldn't be long anyway before Hui confides in her about the true situation.  Not that Hui hasn't already given away multiple times already in JS's hearing that she and Hyeok are siblings by slip-ups in address forms that are very plain in Korean, but less so in English translation. It's just that so far JS has been so intoxicated by the proximity of the supposed "Mr Seon" that all the signals have passed her by. But Hui could hardly have been less discreet if she’d appeared wearing a T shirt emblazoned with  HE'S SURE HEAVY, BUT HE'S MY BROTHER.

I think she will leave. In making decisions, it is guided by emotions. The insult is too great. And we see, she looks at the biological father with some interest. In the preview (it's hard for me to understand the text, I see the translation of the translation) Choi dad: Let's bring my daughter over first, then talk about your situation after that. And their meeting is shown. At first it seemed to me that the father Choi demonstrates the excitement with the disappearance of JA. But now I think that we are talking about joint punishment and complicity.

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6 hours ago, baduy said:

Let's remember that she's 28,  and despite all their wealth and power there's not a thing the Haesung Clan can do to force to to join their ranks and live a life to which she has no inclinations whatever.  What little power they might have had  over her (by the ability to persecute her parents if she doesn't comply) has been counteracted by her bitter disappointment at discovering her supposed parents apparently never really cared for her as their own, meaning that for now, at any rate, she'll feel no obligation to protect them from the consequences of what they did to  her.  But that doesn't mean she'll abandon the goal she's finally achieved just to please folk she doesn't know from Adam and whose wealth and lifestyle holds no appeal to her. 

I actually thought that this set up with the revelation being an explosion that has made Ji Soo misunderstand Ji An and her parents would be the reason for her to move in with the Haesung family. Simply because, as you said in your post, Ji Soo had made it clear before that she wouldn't leave her family and we've no reason to think otherwise. But these recent developments have changed that where she's clearly feeling wronged, and the way the execution has been done, it makes her think less of her family.


However I really do like your idea more. I think it would be better if Ji Soo didn't go to the Haesung family just yet, and instead tried doing things by herself with the assistance of Baker Man. If only because I feel it would potentially stop this drama from taking her in a direction which could ruin her character. This way it allows us to see Ji Soo potentially coming to clear her misunderstandings based on her own agency, as well as taking control of her life for the first time.

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16 hours ago, baduy said:


Ah, I tracked that down and again I fear poor translation is to blame.
In the Korean Jae Seong says Do Gyeong
서지안한테 동정이 갔다는 말이구나.
The translation "So you felt pity for Ji An" isn't accurate enough, first because "pity" won't do for 동정 (同情) The word means having "fellow-feeling" for someone, being able to put yourself in their shoes and suffer what they suffered. That's "compassion" or "sympathy" in English, not "pity".  Secondly there's a problem of tense. Having previously seen past tenses mistranslated as present, we now see a verb with present force mistranslated as a past. This isn't a question about what he felt, but what he's still feeling. There's a reproach in there, in that JS is hinting that might have been prepared to understand his son having some "pity" for JA, given the dreadful situation she's now in, but he's not willing to tolerate him admitting to "sympathy" or "compassion", or anything that amounts to an admission that in similar circumstances he, his own son and heir presumptive to the Haesung Group,  might have behaved similarly himself.
So I'd make that into

"So you're saying in effect you feel sympathy for Seo Ji An?"
 [the closing 구나 particle adds a sort of "Aha, you gave yourself away there" sort of disapproving tone]


Now the subs really fall down a hole. DG's reply 개인적으로는요. certainly does NOT mean "I think so" and it's hard to see how anyone could translate it that way. It means more like "As a matter of personal responsibility, yes." [I.e. judging those things that she did and didn't do which lay in her individual power, as distinct from what whe was forced into by the wrong choices of others]

He continues "Because she herself committed no serious offense". But his mother cuts him off, countering  "Having those people for parents is a grave offense in itself. How can you say she commited no offense?"




Well spotted. The writer is up to something here. We saw JA outside the closed-up café, her finger hovering above Hyeok's name on her phone. The we cut to the bakery where Hyeok's phone is buzzing, but Hyoek,, Mr Baker and Ji Sun are all fast asleep. So we assume that's a call coming in from Ji An that he's missed. But as you say, on past form he would (try to) return such a call as soon as he saw the missed call in his own phone. Of course, he wouldn't have got an answer, because it's plain that Ji An then switched her phone off, but he would have surely texted her, and there's no text from him logged when she finally powers up her phone again and scans all the messages she's missed. So it was apparently someone else unsuccessfully trying to call Hyeok that night.


Thanks @baduy this is a much clearer definition of the whole conversation.


Possible the call Hyeok received was his sister's to check whether he is home. Unlikely from JA as with her character she may not want to burden another individual with her problem. Even if its JA's, let Hyeok go n look for her in the office n encounter DK, who will be filled with jealousy n rage, as JA called Hyeok n not him; since he repeated twice to ask her to call when she has rested. Presumably he thought she went back to her parents house.

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5 hours ago, kdrama99 said:

hello everyone this drama make join here :)


it look like the preview ja will go to the woods and i think everyone will think ja missing and choi family will be worreied to ja and make js more further than ja and decide to life in bio family and i think the box that papa choi left for js i think ja left something to for js maybe letter or ja family sculpture and js will be forgive ja and she is the one who make choi family forgive seo family


i just cannot wait for saturday :)

@kdrama99 welcome to MGL ! If you can't stay away, join, right?


I want to go out on a limb and predict something too.


The natural dye maker wood-shedding may be a sign of introduction of a 'mystical' element to this drama, a la 'Secret Garden'? (kind of before my time, but you all know which one I'm referring to)  While I do not predict CDK and SJA will swap souls (or bodies, same difference?), if CDK ends up there in the woods in search for SJA, perhaps something mysterious, mystical, phantasmagoric will happen?  :wub: Does this writer have any precedents that lean this way, or is it all just harsh reality with her?

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2 hours ago, meechuttso said:

@kdrama99 welcome to MGL ! If you can't stay away, join, right?


I want to go out on a limb and predict something too.


The natural dye maker wood-shedding may be a sign of introduction of a 'mystical' element to this drama, a la 'Secret Garden'? (kind of before my time, but you all know which one I'm referring to)  While I do not predict CDK and SJA will swap souls (or bodies, same difference?), if CDK ends up there in the woods in search for SJA, perhaps something mysterious, mystical, phantasmagoric will happen?  :wub: Does this writer have any precedents that lean this way, or is it all just harsh reality with her?

i think just harsh reality to her :( hope the writer not give very harsh reality to ja 

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I have been busy all week but tried to keep up with the posts. Did Daddy Choi show an ounce of concern that JA is missing?


I am already prepared for a messy JS entering into the Choi family. So currently only focusing on JiHo.


JA's place in the Seo and Choi families are so mixed up I can't even speculate on the future episodes. I presume wherever it  is CDK has to be in the picture.

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1 hour ago, ck1Oz said:

I have been busy all week but tried to keep up with the posts. Did Daddy Choi show an ounce of concern that JA is missing?


I am already prepared for a messy JS entering into the Choi family. So currently only focusing on JiHo.


JA's place in the Seo and Choi families are so mixed up I can't even speculate on the future episodes. I presume wherever it  is CDK has to be in the picture.

No, it was news to him and gave a constipated look, his trademark one. Ji An isn't human in their perspective, they have had their way and now they are throwing her into the trash bag. Do Kyung is the only person worried in the family, Ji Soo doesn't seem to care much for the time being either.

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Hi 2 all here...i wasn't writing so far and i don't know will i again but at this point i wanted to share my thoughts about it 


Last ep was so hard..so many tears...ahhh hope it won't last for to long...though i can see that poor JA will suffer here till ep 49 :rolleyes:


JA had and is having so much hardship i can hardly bare :(...and for no reason...whats her fault?!? ...troubles with finding job...so called true birth revelation... the way her own mother coldly pushed her out of the house ....for her sake? to pretend she is who she's not? to achieve things on a lie? ...come on!!...father that withheld the truth though he should stop his greedy wife...all she went through in that cold house of her 'new real' parents...i know she should say the truth the moment she found out but i can't blame her for wanting to protect her foolish mother and father...and the rest of her family...already fear what still awaits her


JS...she was so cute...and she really seemed content with what she had...but first time i didn't like her when she acted resentfull twds JA when she left...she said she would never do that..we'll see now...i know its mean but i want mother to  send her the same way she did with JA...and now when she showed jealousy coz father was searching for missing JA...she found mother restless infront of their house worried about her but it wasn't enough father should of too...who cares for JA...don't even want to talk about the slap...she looked just like her real mother :rolleyes:...yeah and when she finds out that misterious woman her long crush was interested in is JA...things will get more complicated


Can't do other then :rolleyes:&:crazy: with both mothers...JA's with keeping someone elses child to feel less pain coz of loosing her own?!?...and such a lie now...even the way she was with her hubby...ok he lost his business, he's not the only one...she should of divorce him or help him not just put more sault on his wound...JS's arrogant and concited mother...that iciness she threats her children  and not to mention how evil and vindictive is she twds the rest of the people...she is so focused now to punish  JA for her mother's lie but i'm really curious what she'll say when she starts working on her real daughter coz she's not that smart, not that business oriented, not that persistent as JA is...JA was perfect for their rich image of daughter should be like


DK...well he came a bit as a surprise to me ...at first i thought he would be more of the pain in the  *ss....along with his mother...but so far he showed he has most human side in him among members of their family...i know he has some romantic feelings twd JA but that came later...he saw very early JA is workoholic...sincere...and he was willing to help her though it meant he was backstabbing his own family...some might resent him he didn't come with JA the night she decided to tell them the truth but i think it was to much of her to ask him that...no matter how poor JA might seem she did it for her family not even once thinking what situation will he be in ...i'm looking fwd to their relation development...i like them as a pair :wub:


Well...thing that driver really is a player was a disappointment...i like him :blush:...well i did before :wink:...JA's brother and DK's spoiled sis look like nice couple as well...i hope he helps her get out of crisis without paying...at first i thought she'll be troublemaker  for JA but it might be JS afterall



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@baduy and @Nymeria289 - I love your points of view.


I just had another thought. Jae Song got JA's DNA tested against his own DNA. Myeong Hui seems a suspect because (1) she bullied Mi Jung to tell her which one of the sisters is her real daughter and was told it was JA; (2) she did not confirm which girl it was and (3) why was her husband having her tailed when she was out with their daughter.  It screams more secrets than what's being revealed right now.


What if it turns out that JS/ES is not his daughter but Myeong Hui's daughter from another man? I am also thinking, seeing the cold relationship between Papa Choi and DK that maybe DK is also not his. He was maybe forced by Chairman Noh to marry Mdm Noh cos she's gotten knocked up by an unsuitable man in exchange for money (for his poor family) and position (for him). Perhaps the youngest is the only child between them, whose existence unfortunately is almost forgotten. I even nurture the crazy idea that DK might be the son of Secretary Min and adopted by the Chois. I believe that she'll play a big role in unraveling the truth later in the drama. A lot of money may have changed hands just to keep Mdm Noh's secrets.


Up till now, Ji Hoo is the only who is unaware of what's happening in their home since he's living on his own and with the frenzy, nobody's ever had the chance to tell him anything - about a restaurant his mom owns and manages; the lies his mom told; about JA not being the real daughter but JS; that JS is now harboring resentment against JA and his parents. He's a level-headed person who thinks that it's better to accumulate wealth while young instead of wasting money on a college degree.


So the youngest Choi is turning to him for help. He's willing to help because he's still thinking that she's the sister of his "former" sister. Wonder how he'll react when he learns the truth about how JA was thrown out from that household. The sister does not know anything about this development either. He has been a witness to a few occasions when JA, in her previous part-time jobs, had to kowtow to rich people who abused her verbally and physically. At this point, both the youngest of the two families are still unaware of what's happening with the parents and older children.


He's been silently protective of JA and kept his mouth shut about what JA had to endure time and time again so as not to burden his parents further, which is why he was more accepting of the fact that JA belonged to another family.


He still worries for her and took the time to look for the house where JA lived. He wanted to call her at times but refrained. However, he wishes that JA would call him sometime.


Side note:

In this drama, the two families do not know each other well, which is obvious from a social standpoint. Mi Jung met Mdm Noh and Papa Choi. Papa Seo did not meet the Choi parents. They also did not personally meet DK and the youngest daughter. Papa Choi and Mdm Noh did not personally meet Tae Soo. They did not meet the older brother, the twin sister Ji Soo and the younger brother, Ji Hoo. Interesting set up when they all cross paths.

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Before anyone asks....


The subtitle (which is the only way that version of the ep 21 video preview differs from the three others already posted in this thread, apart from being the one from the official KBSYT channel) consists of the last words we hear of JA's voiceover as she takes to the forested hills: "I can't forgive myself, either."

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1 hour ago, nrlfan4ever said:

What if it turns out that JS/ES is not his daughter but Myeong Hui's daughter from another man? I am also thinking, seeing the cold relationship between Papa Choi and DK that maybe DK is also not his. He was maybe forced by Chairman Noh to marry Mdm Noh cos she's gotten knocked up by an unsuitable man in exchange for money (for his poor family) and position (for him). Perhaps the youngest is the only child between them, whose existence unfortunately is almost forgotten. I even nurture the crazy idea that DK might be the son of Secretary Min and adopted by the Chois. I believe that she'll play a big role in unraveling the truth later in the drama. A lot of money may have changed hands just to keep Mdm Noh's secrets.

Listen, what you aren't going to do is shake up us Golden Lifers on this Friday afternoon. :) I wondered this too. There is another big secret between the Choi's and I can't wait to find out what it is. 


That is why I want Ji An to disappear for a while. As long as she is around, the Choi's have all of the power. She is their ace in the hole. With her not being around they really don't have as big a leg to stand on, plus they don't want the truth to get out in a messy way. More importantly, they need to pay attention to their other kids. Their daughter is being extorted and if those pictures with her and the driver got out it would be a HUGE mess! If Ji Hoo can help her then that would be twice the Seo family came to her rescue and helped keep the Choi reputation intact. 

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2 hours ago, nrlfan4ever said:

(3) why was her husband having her tailed when she was out with their daughter.  It screams more secrets than what's being revealed right now.


Was this really true - what secret could it be?  Let's consider the possibilities


1. TRUE - she was being tailed by her hubby.  -  If so, was DK 's mother having a extra marital affair and hence was being tailed ?  Was the daughter Jae Song's and hence might have had an greater affection towards his biological child vs. DK ?  If that is the case, then maybe JS might have wanted out of the marriage and was trying to find evidence regarding it.

2.  False - she was not being tailed by her hubby.   The person who called and informed MH that she was being tailed was her sister.  She would gain plenty if MH 's family breaks apart.  She might have been jealous since I did not see any girls in her family.  Just a son.  So, it could be that she wanted to tear apart her sisters family and hence the phone call to something non existent.  She could have given money to the kidnappers to kidnap the child.  But the kidnappers were bring the child back after stealing her hairpin.  How did they know that the child was wearing a said pin?  Who informed them?  Even if ES was not lost away like she did, and was brought back by the kidnappers, it would have scared MH and JS and he would have wanted someone else to take care of JS and this would have broken JS and MH and it would be advantageous to the sister.  But with the loss of the child, JS stayed with MH probably reluctantly and had another daughter who he doesn't give a hoots about.  


I think it was MH sister who caused all this ruckus and something went wrong somewhere.  As some of you have said, it might have been that ES (JS) may not be Jae Song's daughter either.  She might be someone else daughter and it might be a secret she is holding on her sister.    

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9 hours ago, meechuttso said:

The natural dye maker wood-shedding may be a sign of introduction of a 'mystical' element to this drama, a la 'Secret Garden'? (kind of before my time, but you all know which one I'm referring to)  While I do not predict CDK and SJA will swap souls (or bodies, same difference?), if CDK ends up there in the woods in search for SJA, perhaps something mysterious, mystical, phantasmagoric will happen?  :wub: Does this writer have any precedents that lean this way, or is it all just harsh reality with her?


I hope not!!  That would put this drama into another category.  I hope CDK and SJA solve problems like normal people without any swapping and stuff.  Too weird for me.  When I watched FreakyFriday - I was like - is this even real?  Please writer Nim - Don't throw Jian under the bus.  Hopefully the grandfather who likes her so much will be able to help her.  But since the preview shows that she is lost or running away in the woods, I hope she finds a kind soul with whom she is able to talk and get some sense knocked into her brain.  What the heck is she saying that she cannot forgive herself ?  What did she do to not forgive herself.  She needs someone to talk to.  Trying to save her lying mother is way too much for her.  And anticipating the evil that MH would deliver for this girl to experience is way beyond reality.  Is this a norm in the society in Korea.  I hope the writer brings forth the drama in such a way that these chaebols cannot touch or harm the normal folks in any way.  I wish the idiotic mother of Jian voluntarily walks to a police station and accepts her crime before causing any more damage to her spouse or children.  

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@angelwingssf,  judging by JA’s biological mom’s character so far, there’s no way she’ll turn herself in.  I think she was so happy to be told to keep her business.  But I didn’t get why she’s allowed to do so! She was told not to sell it, as she needs to make money to support JA, because JA won’t be able to get a job anywhere for the rest of her life.  


This drama should have been titled , “My Pathetic Life” based on what we’ve seen so far.  I feel so, so sad for JA, all the things she’s had to endure in her young life.  Instead of moving in with the chaebol family to have a better life, her life became pathetic, and her spirit is now beaten down. DK, although helpful to her at one point, became a royal jerk, and now he is regretting his harsh words so much.  I had to sneer when he left the phone message apologizing and telling her to call him. Helloooooooo, I thought, what planet are you from? Do you not realize what you did to her spirit? Ugh!!!! So infuriating!


I applaud the writer, though.....so many twists and turns to this plot, keeps us on the edge of our seats, wondering what’s going to happen next?  It seems like she is going to the dye master, so I’m glad.  The fresh  mountain air and the kindness of the dye master will surely help JA heal her poor battered soul right now. I hope no one is able to find her for awhile, least of all DK and JS, who hurt her the most.  Let them stew in their guilt and repent!!!

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11 minutes ago, auntyem said:

@angelwingssf,  judging by JA’s biological mom’s character so far, there’s no way she’ll turn herself in.  I think she was so happy to be told to keep her business.  But I didn’t get why she’s allowed to do so! She was told not to sell it, as she needs to make money to support JA, because JA won’t be able to get a job anywhere for the rest of her life.


You are right about MJ - JA bio mom.  She has not only screwed up JA 's life but JS as well.  She wanted money because they became poor after they went bankrupt and is greedy about it.  Instead of working hard and making it, she accepted a handout saying that they raised the Choi's daughter all these years and it was a payment for that.  I think that is the reason why MJ did not want to take that back from her.  It is considered payment for work done - like paying a governess or nanny.  She did not want her to sell it, because she will create problems for her through the company, probably shaming her, making her accountable for things she did not do and so on.  By making her keep the franchise, she can exert her pressure and make her living life  - hell.  MH did say that she was going to make sure that JA would not get a job anywhere else for the rest of her life.  As you said, she might go to the dye maker, stay there, heal herself and get far away from Korea and become so famous that MH or her goons cannot touch her.  


Most of the shows I have seen so far, there is an element of Makjang, etc, and ofcouse since it is a drama, we and I do accept it.  But, there is a line that should not be crossed and if done so, need to quickly reverse track and come back up.  so far, that line has been crossed and I hope the writer provides ways and means for JA to become successful and throw that to the Chois' faces.  I am done seeing JA suffer.  Let JS suffer a bit since she is the actual daughter.  

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38 minutes ago, Sakari said:

The printed note saying "Seo Ji An is not Choi Eun Seok" puzzles me. What good would it have done the horrid kidnapper couple? Would they even know Seo Ji An was put forth as the daughter?


It probably isn't them (kidnapper couple).  They don't know who is who?  Also, they are on house arrest.  So, I think it is Secretary Min.  

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If people here say Jisoo inherits Choi   genetic and act just like her evil mum (just bcos of one slap)

I wonder which of the children inherits the loser and liar genetic from the Seo? The eldest brother maybe?


i don't know why people here keep bashing the victims here esp Jian and Jisoo. Yes i even think the Choi parents are  victims too.


Lose their daughter for so many years and they lose her twice because of Seo mum greeds. The Seo parents deserve revenge and punishment but i really wish they would leave the innocent JA alone





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