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[Drama 2017-2018] My Golden Life, 황금빛 내인생


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2 hours ago, hapha87145 said:

in defense to ji soo, that gesture of slapping ji an was just a natural and immediate reaction to her impression of being lied at (or so it seems... given those flashbacks with her sister, whom she's fondly close with, knew the secret all along) and not because she has choi's blood running through her veins (with mrs. noh particularly labeled as highly vindictive).


some people seem to underestimate ji soo's capability as a human being for she is merely seen as innocent/naive. i've seen genuinely nice people IRL who'd turn into surprisingly fierce characters when being provoked to an extent... and that is, for me, can be quite intimidating... hence i never underestimate people.


i really feel sorry for ji an, tho. so unfortunate.


and i love that sad, humming track played when she saw jae seong hit her dad. i was teary-eyed watching poor ji an's blank stares as she scurried away from the scene.



People want JS to be the nice naive squirrel in any situation.

she can't get mad for being lied and betrayed. If she got mad, she is a wench, a spoiled ungrateful stupid brat, how dare she!!!


so what if JS can't help the youngest chaebol daughter likr Jian does? Every person has their strength and weakness...


i'm just hoping that Jisoo won't turn evil for revenge. I enjoy her happy soul esp her interactions with baker ahjussi and coffee owner unnie. 


Both family don't deserve these 2 lovely girls Jian-Jisoo

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Ep 20 with subs…I may be expressing an unpopular opinion


I am shocked by JA’s exceedingly poor communication with the Chois when asked about her identity.  JA created misunderstanding, heightened their distress and made for an even worse reaction to herself.  They deserved to hear what she did or didn’t do.  She left them with the impression that she entered their home lying from the start.  How horrible of her.  And this from someone who just managed a big event, communicating with so many people, negotiating, too.  JA’s behavior seemed out of character.  JA has had time to think about what she should tell them and how to be considerate of them, herself and her parents.  She didn’t need DK present to be able to utter two or three sentences, like: “I believed I was your daughter and discovered x days ago that that was not true.  I wanted to finish the anniversary event for you, knowing how important it was to you, and then make this right from my side by telling you what I’d found out. It was difficult not to tell you right away, but I felt a responsibility to support you with your event.” 


When asked directly by Mr. Choi if she knew, JA only said “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t believe it!  He gives her a chance, and she won’t tell him what he needs to know.  So, then I’m thinking that JA’s shielding her parents, but no; she volunteers that she has told her parents to turn themselves in tomorrow.  She directly implicated her birth parents as liars, connivers.  Then JA gets a second chance with Mrs. Choi, who’s clearly devastated, and JA refuses to communicate again!  Whatever we think of Mr. and Mrs. Choi, they deserved better.  The horrible experience of losing a child and then being lied to with (not “by”) a fake, someone with whom they established a relationship as their daughter they wanted to love and protect (sleeping together, the pen, etc.).  I am really disappointed with JA.  Saying “I didn’t mean to” explains nothing and didn’t help anyone.  Nor does getting down on one’s knees; it makes them think the worst.  Like her awful, lying, cheating, immoral birth mother sinking to the floor when Mr. Choi comes their house later.  That’s when you get on your knees in the 21st century.


The Chois deserved better, and I won’t pin it on DK.  JA’s got a mouth and wouldn’t use it.  I’ve been a big booster of JA, but I’m peeved, more appropriately at the writer.  It seemed makjong-esque.  JA made her wretched life even more unlivable, and she was flat-out inconsiderate of two people who have suffered a great blow twice.

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@haymochi my problem with Ji Soo is not her anger, she has right to be angry and feel sadness, she has the right to feel hurt. The fact that she couldn't let Ji speak a word out loud, the fact that she couldn't see her sister's sickly state, that is where I am disappointed. But now that I've had time to process, this isn't out of character. She judged Ji An harshly before as well. She might not have been raised among riches but entire Seo family pampered and spoiled her. So, she acted like an angry brat to the victim of the situation. I am disappointed. I really thought writer would use this opportunity to show us that Ji Soo is at times wise  and can act rationally. The writer instead reaffirmed my original assumption about Ji Soo being quick to temper and quick to misunderstand. Ji An is a part of this simply because her parents knew this, the same line of thinking as her birth mother, doesn't matter if she's innocent, she is to be punished because she is their daughter. I do believe she'll regret it later. They are both victims. I hope the sisters aren't driven apart by this. I hope she grows as a character as well.

@Cache Sand I hope Ji An meets a genius sculptor here by chance. He or she will take her under their wings and help her rebuild herself and help her. Somebody needs to tell her she has no reason to feel guilty. She did want to escape her misery but she never lied for it. It's not her guilt, shame or burden.

@kdyes Ji An's biggest concern is making sure her parents don't go to jail. I think she tried to shift blame in that position. And why isn't Ji An allowed one moment of poor communication skill under pressure and distress. Myung Hee never got a second DNA test, she was sure the better qualified of the two was her daughter. You're blaming the only honest person in this entire scenario who listened to that idiotic son of the family and relied on him of having poor communication skills. Choi's suffered but Ji An played no part in it. Choi's have issues far bigger than one lost daughter, they'll suffer even after making Ji An and her entire family rot in hell. I am not saying they aren't supposed to be angry. But direct that anger the right way. They can throw Seo Omma Appa in jail rightfully, I won't defend fraud but cut the poor girl some slack. Ji An is at fault. She delayed depending on Do Kyung, she should've relied on her own sound judgement. He needs to be slapped again.

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31 minutes ago, kdyes said:

Ep 20 with subs…I may be expressing an unpopular opinion


I am shocked by JA’s exceedingly poor communication with the Chois when asked about her identity.  JA created misunderstanding, heightened their distress and made for an even worse reaction to herself.  They deserved to hear what she did or didn’t do.  She left them with the impression that she entered their home lying from the start.  How horrible of her.  And this from someone who just managed a big event, communicating with so many people, negotiating, too.  JA’s behavior seemed out of character.  JA has had time to think about what she should tell them and how to be considerate of them, herself and her parents.  She didn’t need DK present to be able to utter two or three sentences, like: “I believed I was your daughter and discovered x days ago that that was not true.  I wanted to finish the anniversary event for you, knowing how important it was to you, and then make this right from my side by telling you what I’d found out. It was difficult not to tell you right away, but I felt a responsibility to support you with your event.” 


When asked directly by Mr. Choi if she knew, JA only said “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t believe it!  He gives her a chance, and she won’t tell him what he needs to know.  So, then I’m thinking that JA’s shielding her parents, but no; she volunteers that she has told her parents to turn themselves in tomorrow.  She directly implicated her birth parents as liars, connivers.  Then JA gets a second chance with Mrs. Choi, who’s clearly devastated, and JA refuses to communicate again!  Whatever we think of Mr. and Mrs. Choi, they deserved better.  The horrible experience of losing a child and then being lied to with (not “by”) a fake, someone with whom they established a relationship as their daughter they wanted to love and protect (sleeping together, the pen, etc.).  I am really disappointed with JA.  Saying “I didn’t mean to” explains nothing and didn’t help anyone.  Nor does getting down on one’s knees; it makes them think the worst.  Like her awful, lying, cheating, immoral birth mother sinking to the floor when Mr. Choi comes their house later.  That’s when you get on your knees in the 21st century.


The Chois deserved better, and I won’t pin it on DK.  JA’s got a mouth and wouldn’t use it.  I’ve been a big booster of JA, but I’m peeved, more appropriately at the writer.  It seemed makjong-esque.  JA made her wretched life even more unlivable, and she was flat-out inconsiderate of two people who have suffered a great blow twice.


JiSoo has al the right to feel betrayed and angry, but to do what she did to JiAn is unspeakable. Like I said before, she's a Choi through and through...reaction first before thinking, just like her oppa Do Kyung.


JiAn had already seen what punishment one will get if he/she has the gall to cross the Chois/Nos. Moreover, she was in huge embarrassment and fear due to what her parents did to the Chois. Even when she's with Do Kyung who understood her, she still cowered, set herself to be lowly, minded every steps when she's around him, tried her best not to let her true fighter spirit shown because she knew she didn't have any right to even breath let alone become defiant in that household. 


Being in her situation, do you think she dare to do anything like explaining? She was so shocked and frightened that papa Choi got ahead of her in knowing her true identity and Do Kyung who promised to be with her during that time was somewhere else. Even Do Kyung got a slap. She's lucky papa Choi just instructed her to get lost. 

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52 minutes ago, Cache Sand said:

Really hope that our Jianny is fine and heal her soul there and with someone by her side.



Yeayy...so she will be running to some beach to get herself back together again...that's my girl!! Pick yourself up again and say bye2 to all those toxic people.. Find your happiness JiAnny..

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2 hours ago, haymochi said:

People want JS to be the nice naive squirrel in any situation.

she can't get mad for being lied and betrayed. If she got mad, she is a wench, a spoiled ungrateful stupid brat, how dare she!!!


so what if JS can't help the youngest chaebol daughter likr Jian does? Every person has their strength and weakness...


i'm just hoping that Jisoo won't turn evil for revenge. I enjoy her happy soul esp her interactions with baker ahjussi and coffee owner unnie. 


Both family don't deserve these 2 lovely girls Jian-Jisoo


what are your grounds for calling ji soo a wench/spoiled brat? just 'cause she "broke character" from being a naive squirrel? because she didn't let ji an explain and lashed out at her instead? is that it?


she's still a human being after all, else, it would be so unrealistic to respond "that's okay, i understand...". she doesn't have the full details yet, so any misunderstanding is bound to happen between the two. and even if she will soon find out the real story, there's no reassurance that she'd consider it as reconcilable asap... it really depends on how ji soo will respond to it. and i can't give a definite answer how she'd react, especially after that slap at the end of ep 20 which we can all agree as shocking/out of character.


sure, let's say she's not in her right mind at the moment for she was too overwhelmed... but whatever emotions she expressed were also valid. as @amisyka77 mentioned, she felt betrayed. she even lowkey accused ji tae that he knows too (which he immediately denied). she's starting to distrust the seo household after the events that had happened that night.


seems to me you are not acknowledging ji soo's feelings in that situation, and is a little bit more biased towards ji an. don't you think you're doing a disservice to her...?



moving forward, i have a feeling that ji soo will enter a phase where she'll temporarily drift away from the initial character that she has established to us (being a naive squirrel). also, a post mentioning about the ji an/hyuk/ji soo case could also be a 'potential' problem between the two sisters moving forward. ooh, dark times ahead...


but of course, as all dramas go, ji soo might eventually turn back to a "better squirrel" than she used to be at the end of the story.

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Ok! Ok! I just finished episode 19 and I want to put in writing first my POV


I. I don’t know but for me the first half of the story was happy for me, even just for few minutes I saw DK and JA being confused of their feelings and thinking about each other after that kiss, plus I don’t expect the driver to caught them red handed in kissing. Omo! I wonder how he feels! Does he know that she is his sister? I’m so embarrassed for them at the same time it makes me feel giddy inside like a teenager! Especially that DK is starting to care about JA, but sadly it was short live when reality slapped them hard that DK is a chebol and he has to follow the rules of being in that rich family that has been going for generations. 


II. For my JA, your such a sweetheart with a strong brave heart, now that CSJ genuinely trusted you, and then saving the young girl from getting burn and calling your rude colleague just to come back to work. Hey! Your such an angel but please don’t spread yourself too thinly! Love yourself first! It’s nice to know that someone cares for you but sometimes it’s ok to get weak. You might need a lot of hug and I’m giving it to you now! 


III. Apa Soo, good thing you started to realize that what you can do best and don’t loose hope there is no age in starting again. I’m torn between JH not going to collage but instead of work early, true in reality there are people who are successful that didn’t go to collage but the payback is there will be always people look don’t on you if you don’t finished collage. For education is important but you said it your self studying is not your forte, you can give your best just like you are giving so much effort while you are working. You are still young and parent’s only treasure in the world is seeing their children finished their study in collage because not everyone had an opportunity to study, they will do everything to get into collage. 


IV. Choi Se-Hyun, I don’t know what you see on that driver that lied to you! My gosh he’s married! Anyway you are young and innocent I hope this is lesson learned from you, I just hope that driver will be fired because he is having motive in seducing SH 


V. The last part of the story when DK and JA when to discuss about their situation! My gosh DK you didn’t even listen to JA! I hate for doing that that your are building wall around her after all you already demolish it! It’s just heartbreaking. Now that the cats out of the bag I’m looking forward to the next episode, which I will watch now! 

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1 hour ago, kdyes said:

Ep 20 with subs…I may be expressing an unpopular opinion


I am shocked by JA’s exceedingly poor communication with the Chois when asked about her identity.  JA created misunderstanding, heightened their distress and made for an even worse reaction to herself.  They deserved to hear what she did or didn’t do.  She left them with the impression that she entered their home lying from the start.  How horrible of her.  And this from someone who just managed a big event, communicating with so many people, negotiating, too.  JA’s behavior seemed out of character.  JA has had time to think about what she should tell them and how to be considerate of them, herself and her parents.  She didn’t need DK present to be able to utter two or three sentences, like: “I believed I was your daughter and discovered x days ago that that was not true.  I wanted to finish the anniversary event for you, knowing how important it was to you, and then make this right from my side by telling you what I’d found out. It was difficult not to tell you right away, but I felt a responsibility to support you with your event.” 


When asked directly by Mr. Choi if she knew, JA only said “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t believe it!  He gives her a chance, and she won’t tell him what he needs to know.  So, then I’m thinking that JA’s shielding her parents, but no; she volunteers that she has told her parents to turn themselves in tomorrow.  She directly implicated her birth parents as liars, connivers.  Then JA gets a second chance with Mrs. Choi, who’s clearly devastated, and JA refuses to communicate again!  Whatever we think of Mr. and Mrs. Choi, they deserved better.  The horrible experience of losing a child and then being lied to with (not “by”) a fake, someone with whom they established a relationship as their daughter they wanted to love and protect (sleeping together, the pen, etc.).  I am really disappointed with JA.  Saying “I didn’t mean to” explains nothing and didn’t help anyone.  Nor does getting down on one’s knees; it makes them think the worst.  Like her awful, lying, cheating, immoral birth mother sinking to the floor when Mr. Choi comes their house later.  That’s when you get on your knees in the 21st century.


The Chois deserved better, and I won’t pin it on DK.  JA’s got a mouth and wouldn’t use it.  I’ve been a big booster of JA, but I’m peeved, more appropriately at the writer.  It seemed makjong-esque.  JA made her wretched life even more unlivable, and she was flat-out inconsiderate of two people who have suffered a great blow twice.


I understand about what you mean when you say she could have spoken up. But I think she was in shock at that moment. Yes, she had planned to tell them the truth that night, but imagine being caught "red-handed"!?


She had wanted/ rather hoped that CDK would be there when she spoke to them. Yet when she has tried to talk to him about telling his parents he basically brushed her off.  


There is a big difference in her actually telling them first and the dad showing her DNA evidence that she is not the daughter. At that moment I think all she was probably thinking was of her father and mother begging for forgiveness or facing much worse consequences. 


As to her saying Sorry, I think she must have been feeling some level of guilt. Even though none of what has happened was directly her fault. But I guess always being the one in her family who is looking out for others she feels she is responsible in some way.


Another thing...with how angry Choi father was, I doubt anything she said would have made a difference. 


To be honest I  was also like "girl get a better grip" , but it's easier to say it as an audience I think :D.


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Golden LIFERSSSSSSSSS! I am seeing a lot of feedback on both of the daughters. Everyone seems frustrated with how Ji An revealed the truth to the Choi's. Everyone also seems frustrated that Ji Soo took her anger out on Ji An. Before I give an opinion on the sisters, I want to focus on the fathers for a moment. Episodes 19 and 20 highlighted both Seo Papa and Choi Papa and how their past choices put their families in the position that they are in today.


Seo Papa. I like him. He is kind and smart, and he is definitely hardworking. But, when his business went bankrupt, he became a coward and gave up. Leaving his family in poverty and his wife to stew in the aftermath of the lifestyle that she once had. I can understand trepidation. Bankruptcy can get to the best of anyone, but the fact that he stood by, while things in his family got worse and his children began to suffer, speaks volumes. These past two episodes showed that he really didn't know his children as well as he thought. The oldest son so marred by their change in status, didn't even want to get married and has had to shoulder the burden of paying off the families' debts. The youngest son has chosen not to even go to college. The debt won't give him a big enough payoff, and here he has been working and planning to start his own business in secret, while the father still believes a degree is the end all, be all. We all know how Ji An has suffered, all the while giving up her dream to design and opting for something more practical to help the family. The only person not really affected is Ji Soo because everyone has allowed her to do whatever she wants and live however she wants. Now, Seo Papa realizes that he should've tried his own business again, years ago.  He could've saved his family some anguish and pain and maybe avoided the situation his wife put them in with the Choi's. 


Choi Papa. He too has been a coward. He, like Papa Seo, has allowed his wife to run the show and make a lot of terrible decisions in the process, all so they can keep up appearances and look a certain way. Quite frankly, the only reason he has gotten his cup of courage now is because his wife's father left the country and everything is going so well with the company. I felt like when Ji An fessed up that she wasn't Eun Soek, there was no amount of explaining she could've done to make them see she wasn't at fault. They don't care. Even if it was just her parents, the bottom line is she isn't their biological daughter. They took that and ran with it. I found it interesting that while they were condemning Ji An for allegedly lying about her identity, their own daughter is out her hocking her things to pay off the driver's wife who is extorting her and could really make their family look bad.


As far as Ji Soo finding out the truth, she has every right to be angry. I believe her anger is a mixture of how blatantly her mother lied to her face. How her father sat back and said nothing and allowed it to happen. Then of course, she is so used to dumping everything on Ji An, it was inevitable that she would blame her too. Ji Soo is immature, and she hasn't quite taken a look at how her own self-absorption has played a BIG role in her sister's misery. A lot of people want to make excuses for her, but she's almost 30 years old. And while ALL of her siblings were sacrificing in some way and planning to make their lives better, she was going around without a care in the world. She didn't care about how her going to school to become a dental hygienist even though she couldn't stomach it, she didn't care about the financial burden it left on her older brother. She didn't care that while her sister was out here slaving and working twice as hard as everyone else, she got her job snatched away by a rich parachute. All she cared about was running to her sister to discuss a guy who had no interest in her. I am glad she is taking more of an initiative, but she has a lot of growing to do. Her world needed to be shook up. She's had it too easy, and she would've continued being the baby of the family without a care in the world, maybe the writer wants to use this situation to grow her up. I honestly don't know what will happen with her and the Choi's, if she ever decides to go over there, but it won't be long before Ji An will be missed, and it won't be because of Ji Soo. Ji An did a lot of little things that were significant. Her absence at Haesung is going to be big, especially after successfully overseeing the anniversary event. Her absence from CDK will be big as well. And even in this mess, she left ideas for them to continue, which they will undoubtedly use.


Predictions: Ji An will disappear for a while. She will take a job somewhere far away that even the Choi's will have a hard time tracing. The mom is assuming that she will try and get another job at another company like Haesung, but that is not what Ji An wants. Another thing is it will be difficult for them to blackmail her when she did so much work to make their event a success. I think haroboji will have something to do with that as well. The Choi's are going to realize they have bigger fish to fry than blackmailing Ji An. Driver couple will continue to extort the youngest daughter, who will end up turning to young brother Seo for help. That couple that Mama Seo paid off for their information will pop back up. The aunt and uncle will make a power play for higher position in the company due to this mess with the Eun Soek mix up. Papa Seo will go abroad to make money and get his business afloat, which would be better for him.  I still feel like Secretary Min knows something or did something that hasn't been revealed. She seemed eerily quiet and observant when everything was coming out. It wouldn't surprise me if by some twist of fate, the Choi's owe a part of their success to the Seo family. What are you predictions lifers??? 

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Well this is it, episode 20; and man it’s difficult to watch with dry eyes in this episode :bawling: this is one huge mistake of the mom of JiAn, and I didn’t know that CES mother is worst of all! What she plan to kill JA? Well your real daughter can not be so smart like JA. This all because of stupid pride that sometimes we forget to become human that has a forgiving heart, I know it’s too early to forgive and forget things because right now they need to sort everything out to make things right again. 

My heart pains for both of the twins, they are victims of pride and greed. Although we know that JA is willing to sacrifice for her parent, but for JS I need more dept of her character, and I think the writer is going to tackle all about it in the future episode. I feel bad that JS found it in bad situation and she felt that JA deceived her as well because of the money. I understand that she is blinded with her judgment why JS is treating her that why everytime she going to her workplace. 

I like the parallel when the family discover that truth, the twings went to separate ways, DK found JA first but he thought she will go straight home to her family. Hyuk found JS first as well  his heart is slowing melting with her.....

What I like in this episode is how DK reflect on his behavior towards JiAn that he said mean things to her and at that moment JA needs his help that most, it’s good thing that he defended JA to his parents knowing that his parents will get mad at him which they did

I just feel sorry for TS because he faced another problem as soon as he gets back from his honeymoon, he might think that he is the most unfortunate man in the planet, but mind you TS there are more people that is worst situation than yours. 

I hate the driver and his wife black mailing SY, she should asked her from her oppa DK because in matter of minutes he can silence that couple. 

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Choi family, I think we need some time and talk about them as well. None of them are happy, none and as much as they want to make their long lost daughter as the sole reason of that deep seated anger, resentment and general negativity surrounding their picture perfect, proud and confident family, its all a gigantic lie. The mother thinks getting her daughter back, turning her into a chaebol perfect princess is the key to her happiness. The father blames the mother for loosing his child, disagrees to her ways of correcting her but never asks her to stop. In short, he realizes the need to change his daughter to fit their superficial world, is too soft to do it himself, lets his wife do it and then blames her for being too harsh, geez what a guy! He doesn't like his eldest son. His facial expression changes when he see him talking to the mother. But he never confronts him directly either. I am not sure if he knows he has another child as he mostly ignores the youngest. The eldest son is too busy trying too maintain that flawless persona, fit into the role outlined for him and can't even accept that he has deviated from his model behavior without lashing out at the wrong person. The last one leads a double life, got involved with a con artist/married driver of hers and now is doing ridiculous things to pay them. No matter how many times Choi father and mother wants to blame it all on loosing Eun Seok, that's a big fat lie. They had problems before loosing their daughter, the circumstances surrounding which event is completely hazy and holds some secret of its own. The father also hated his life with her, disliked her way before Eun Seok lost and never tried to mend his relationship once his wife lost her but never left her either. I really want somebody to show the mirror to Choi family??  Somebody, hopefully Do Kyung or Ji An or anybody close to them needs to rant at the Choi parents in an epic way and show them that they may look picture perfect and may look down on 'commoners' but in ways they are worse then them. I hope this is addressed before the show ends. I need a grand telling off before we say goodbye.

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@baduy very informative post about what the Chois were really saying to JA.  As a non-Korean speaker reliant on sloppy subs, it may not be worth participating in forums, taking my time and other peoples' with erroneous posts.  Something I'll have to think about.  Thanks for the information.

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Even though this seems like a ridiculous desire, I kind of hope the Haesung Grandpa somehow turns the tide in Ji An's favor. He's kind of a cipher at the moment, but there are also hints he's not a good person. But since this drama is about subverting expectations or whatnot, what if he's the one who comes through with some justice?


Not saying he should necessarily take Ji An's side, but as it seems Myung Hee is going to try and destroy Ji An as part of her revenge, and Jae Sung seems like he doesn't care if that happens either, you need someone who can balance that. Do Kyung is the only one who would take Ji An's side but he has no authority and can't really influence a whole lot right now.


The question is: will No Yang Ho only look towards Ji An's bio mom and dad as the problem, or will he look towards his own daugher and son-in-law too, for not having correctly identified their real daughter and making such mistakes at the detriment of the corporation?


Right now, neither Jae Sung or Myung Hee are in a sound state of mind. That's kind of expected. No one in their position would be really. But since it seems No Yang Ho was giving Do Kyung a chance to be the future head, will Do Kyung potentially be able to influence him, and in turn, will that somehow stem the abuse coming in Ji An's direction?


Obviously, Ji An's going to suffer for a while. But the tide has to turn eventually to bring more balance. And since this writer seems to making some huge developments at the tenth episode marks, maybe episode 30 will bring about the next big transition?

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Ji An was completely unprepared for that confrontation and I think she blames herself because she feels her mum did this because Ji An was struggling. So that is what the sorries were for.


I also think when the child got lost they did not immediately go the police because they may have been waiting for a ransom demand and the fact they described the place where she was found was very remote it could be why when Tae Soo checked with the police there was no missing child report.


If they are going to torture Ji An I wonder how many episodes will that be. Anything more than 2 and I am out.


As for Ji Soo not sure I like her much . She was daft to begin with and that slap ....let's see how she copes with her chaebol family. At some point she will realise her life was much happier with her foster family  and that will sting.

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I was thinking of maybe banking the next 6-10 episodes. Like you, I'm not keen on seeing Ji An suffer for too long. However I think it's also because of the fact that we only get 2 episodes a week. Even 6-8 episodes of difficulties, out of 50 episodes, isn't too much if it's balanced well. But it does become exhausting if that's what you watch for 3-4 weeks. I'll probably watch the next 2 episodes, and depending on how they are, I'll probably then wait 2-3 weeks and watch 6 at once.

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I like the drama but hurting Ji Ahn for what her mother did is a little hard for me to watch. She is such an amazing character so hard working and clever. Torturing her isn't something I can forgive.


I am curious what Do Kyung is going to do though he looks totally powerless before his parents.

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5 hours ago, hapha87145 said:


what are your grounds for calling ji soo a wench/spoiled brat? just 'cause she "broke character" from being a naive squirrel? because she didn't let ji an explain and lashed out at her instead? is that it?


she's still a human being after all, else, it would be so unrealistic to respond "that's okay, i understand...". she doesn't have the full details yet, so any misunderstanding is bound to happen between the two. and even if she will soon find out the real story, there's no reassurance that she'd consider it as reconcilable asap... it really depends on how ji soo will respond to it. and i can't give a definite answer how she'd react, especially after that slap at the end of ep 20 which we can all agree as shocking/out of character.


sure, let's say she's not in her right mind at the moment for she was too overwhelmed... but whatever emotions she expressed were also valid. as @amisyka77 mentioned, she felt betrayed. she even lowkey accused ji tae that he knows too (which he immediately denied). she's starting to distrust the seo household after the events that had happened that night.


seems to me you are not acknowledging ji soo's feelings in that situation, and is a little bit more biased towards ji an. don't you think you're doing a disservice to her...?



moving forward, i have a feeling that ji soo will enter a phase where she'll temporarily drift away from the initial character that she has established to us (being a naive squirrel). also, a post mentioning about the ji an/hyuk/ji soo case could also be a 'potential' problem between the two sisters moving forward. ooh, dark times ahead...


but of course, as all dramas go, ji soo might eventually turn back to a "better squirrel" than she used to be at the end of the story.

Hey you misunderstand me haha

i'm a big  Jisoo fan and defender here.... 


it's SARCASM .. cos i've been reading comments here callingJisoo a wench, spoiled brat, mocking how she will be at the Choi family etc 





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