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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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1 minute ago, waveoflove said:


6 minutes ago, stucked said:

I am listening in! And I am giddy!! HAHAHA! Anyone else listenin in as well?? Or am all alone here?? :(



Right here with you


Oh I'm listening too :D

1 minute ago, ysrida_ said:

Me!  Me!  I'm here with you..  Even recording it :grimace:

@aladidah already started.. But i guess NJH will come later for part 2.. :D

Thanks @ysrida_ right here with ya :D

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1 minute ago, waveoflove said:


Right here with you


1 minute ago, ysrida_ said:

Me!  Me!  I'm here with you..  Even recording it :grimace:

@aladidah already started.. But i guess NJH will come later for part 2.. :D

YEY!!! And I got giddy with that Goong OST... la la la la la.. can't wait for Hyunnie... :) giphy.gif



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2 hours ago, masthu said:

chingu have you got the link for sbs entertainment live?? i must have missed it...

Btw love your analysis!!!! :wub: 



1 hour ago, valleryrose said:

Here's the link..

I'll need some time to find the subbed version though..! 

Here's the subbed version by Ji Changwook kitchen:



1 hour ago, stucked said:

I am listening in! And I am giddy!! HAHAHA! Anyone else listenin in as well?? Or am all alone here?? :(


I am too!! You're not alone..! hehehe :D 

edit: The radio is really nice :) The song selections are really nice to hear to and her voice is also really soothing. For those who have time, go listen to it!!! 2 hours with Yewon & Hyunni will pass by sooo fast!!

btw... did you see Yewon just now?? She was making heart signs & smiling with someone (not on screen)! Did Hyunni arrive already?? hmm... :rolleyes: so excited!!! :wub:

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1 hour ago, kyrajijin said:

Hahhahaha. Its ok chingu. The moment i saw the flow of the clips i cannot see it as JW pov anymore, but as JCW personal instead... He was like telling a story, My delulu mind and heart went gooey. :lol:

 *my phone cannot delete the vid. Will try again. 


1 hour ago, kyrajijin said:

Hahhahaha. Its ok chingu. The moment i saw the flow of the clips i cannot see it as JW pov anymore, but as JCW personal instead... He was like telling a story, My delulu mind and heart went gooey. :lol:

 *my phone cannot delete the vid. Will try again. 

Guess what ,alots of people agreed with your point of view.hahaha..of course most of them are Jiji's shippers .But there are 1 comment from jcw's past drama shippers she said "That clip also shown his other romantic scenes from past drama" .Haha..how childlish I am when I answered to her like this " Yes BUT uncut version kiss scene from BTS was chosen as a background when he sang SP's Ot .please refer to my previous post " .Actually ,I want to use capslock for the whole sentence ,but I didn't :lol:

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23 minutes ago, attriste said:


Love makes him youngggg. For his jihyun-yang-ie. wahahahah. I'm amazed by these two they just keep glowing. Jihyun is major gorgeous and makeup can't do that alone, and Wookiee is just getting more boyish and grinning silly-ly all the time. 

Aaah balancing each other I see :D LOL Ji Chang Wook changed his name to Ji Goner already :lol:

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5 hours ago, valleryrose said:

*I guess I am a little too late with this post after back reading in this page itself.. but I'll let this post be here anyway. I seriously love you guys for being so positive!!*

@onlysb1 @solaire

You're not wrong in thinking so guys..!! It's a question that's bugging me too... for someone who wanted to date 'privately' and has been doing so for a long time he is suddenly very openly name dropping.. maybe she is just someone he likes a lot.. but not romantically?? That is possible.. but really?? I watch the BTS and that interview again and I am like nope.. not possible.. he might have looked like he was teasing her but the smile at the end..?? We have several people who are experienced enough here and can vouch for it.. so I will go with my gut and their word.. 

There are is also a lot to be considered in the situation.. 

1. They are both in the spotlight right now.

2. He is on his way to military.

3. Since both their lives will be out in the open at some point in the future it is better to cushion the blow. Probably a suggestion given by their agencies.

4. People change when in love. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. 

Also for someone who is so considerate of others I don't expect him to take NJHs name in particular for her to be quoted in articles fuelling the fire. Because, he was the one who started bring me chicken in the army mess, he had already explained himself in an interview that he asked them not to come as he thought they were joking. (Assuming the translation was not wrong) Then NJH also explained it was the team. Isn't that enough?? 

Then why suddenly answer the question so directly without bringing the team into it?? Because he wants to make it easier for her when she actually visits?? If that's not love yet then it is at least affection.

On the other hand why say it when he doesn't mean it?? Though i can totally imagine JH laughing at it saying I can't take this guy seriously..(remember the press con where he talked about 8 yrs waiting). JCW says he doesn't like being cheesy. May be joking and teasing is how they communicate.. it is totally believable..

This guy is definitely smitten.. you can see it in his eyes.. remember that interview they gave to Entertainment live?? The way JCW was looking at her hanging onto every word she said. If that wasn't telling I don't know what is..

JCW is surely acting different because I think he is stuck in an in between state where he is trying to handle what he is feeling. Honestly SP and NJH have shown us a new side to this guy.. so we'll never know if there's more to come.

This is actually something I've been meaning to say ever since we've been getting so many goodies to spazz on.. *sigh* *pretty sure I was incoherent*

I am sorry if this dampens the mood but I had to share..! Thanks for bearing with me.. Cheers!!



No dampening here! I think it's good we all have a balance in here. Hahahahah! I'm actually liking the swing we guys have.. From extreme left to extreme right! LOL! And I agree with you on them bickering and their way of communicating! Not bickering per say, but bickering in the sense it brings the fun in the relationship. Why I say this? That interview Wookie did when he mention hyunni name gave him away I think. When he was saying he wants to prove to her he will be fine, if u see his facial expression properly, it really feels like he was competitive then slipped right back to being the giddy him. Hahahahs I dunno if it's just me. Gah! 

5 hours ago, fiona628 said:

Hello Everyone.

i have been a silent lurker in this thread. 

My love for his couple made me go out of my cave. 

You guys are all awesome with your inputs and detective skills and for protecting our couple.  Jiji for sure is blessed with fans like you guys.

Speaking of favorite BTS scene, mine is when a kid walked over to NJH and his Mom told her that she is his ideal type. JCW got super jealous with the kid. A kid! Telling her it is not a good idea. I can only imagine how jealous he can get when NJH goes back to school and those college boys chasing our NJH


Welcome to our thread chingu! Our family getting bigger and bigger! Hahahhas! I totally heart that scene too! What I like the most? Hyunni giving Wookie the death stare. Hahahahhas. She gave that same death stare at the one where he pressed his nose and said her feet stinks. Hahahs. 

3 hours ago, luvforever said:

Part 2 of Wookie's Arab Interview is out. His portion on the replay is around @ 49:00. Let's wait for @daloula for the trans. Thank you in advance dear.


I would have thought his interview was over! Hahahs. Didn't know there was a continuation here? Keke. Thank you @daloula in advance! 

2 hours ago, riririru said:

About SP

Feeling proud bec more people see her as an adult than child-actress after SP

Both her and PSH PD feeling interesting bec they've worked for 3times eversince she was in elementary,junior-high and now

Complimenting changwook (he really have affection for his works, good at rocom, considerate, his stare is good)

Didnt feel any generation-gap between the casts

A bit worried about how the bed/love scenes will come out, but thankful because the viewers taking them positively


  Reveal hidden contents

They use ji changwook-sshi here eh,, now i wonder whether she called him oppa or -sshi during the interview hmhm



Thank you for your translations and always having our back with the most accurate truth dearie! Appreciate it much! 


1 hour ago, mai5116 said:

Aigoo..Wook-ahh, why so cute?


Why haven't I seen the aeygo milkshake bts too? Gahhhh. Wookie says it's a joke between him and ctj. But I say.. Through the bts, he's been aeygo-ing only at hyunni. Hahahas! 


1 hour ago, attriste said:

Omo how come I never saw the milkshake aegyo when they were eating papa John's and he was in red striped shirt? Omo. 

Running theme of our jiji is milkshake and army visitation haahha. I'm surprised even the media is lapping it up and harping on it. 

Add on, hyunni still lurking on ig. Now she just liked ctj's new update. Liking everything but her oppa's updatessssss. Waeyo?


Because....... She's his suspicious partner. :lol:

41 minutes ago, meiil said:

Lololol she's so cute.




I think we have to start to get used to this, we'll get a few more interviews here and there  with few hints but after JCW 2 major bombs I think we're cool for now. At this point the only real bomb that I expect is THE official exposing one.


Kyaaaaaa! Today was relatively quiet compared to the past few days. Is this what we're gonna go through the next 1 year 9 months? NooooOoooooo. We have to think of things to pass the time already. ): 

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4 minutes ago, valleryrose said:

Guys i think we're not supposed to post these links either.. it's against forum rules..! 


Is it..  I'm so sorry..  I didn't know about it.. :( will delete that link now.. Thanks:)

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18 minutes ago, sharreb said:

Its a magic u rarely witness on screen (n in bts) which is why we r all here on this ship. And why i cant for the life of me start another drama .. Not because other dramas arent good or that they dont have otp with good chemistry.. But i couldnt find one that has this MAGIC.

OMG!!!! Wookie and Hyunnie have forever ruined Kdrama for me. I cannot and will not be picking up any new or old kdramas anytime soon or possibly never cos my expectations are now through the roof. Anytime I see another couple on my screen trying to be romantic and all i swear i catch myself rolling my eyes....I almost feel offended lol! 

I kinda take this as a good thing cos i really do want to reduce the amount of Kdramas i watch and well this certainly did it. While Wookie is in the army and Hyunnie is in Univ, I do hope to go make something of myself, be back in two years and pick up from where we left off. 

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15 minutes ago, mydarjen said:

Just read the arabic interview translation from jcw's thread. He asked love or friendship, he choose love, he said he think he should stop looking for friendship now :wub:

These days he mentioned love for God knows how many times already :rolleyes: Ji Goner :wub:

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2 minutes ago, mydarjen said:

Just read the arabic interview translation from jcw's thread. He asked love or friendship, he choose love, he said he think he should stop looking for friendship now :wub:

Can I take it to mean that he no longer wants to just remain friends???!?!?!?!?



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