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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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3 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:

so how does this work exactly? so the radio show will be streamed later correct? so no videos? somebody enlighten me please. huhuhu thank you so much! :*


You need to log in in order to listen it live...otherwise it will let you listen 1 min.... you can log in via your social media account like FB, Twitter, or Kakao... hope it will help you..

still not whether it will have video broadcast or not...as yesterday i try to listen to the program, it don't have video broadcast only audio...

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12 minutes ago, stucked said:

Hmmm. I sense... RAGE? HAHAHAHA! You always say "Done. End of story." when it comes to Nara. HAHAHA. Don't worry, it's a natural reaction. You're so cute even though we know it upsets you. HAHAHAHA. *pats @attriste* Good girl! Hehe!

*whispers at @masthu *

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 It's not worth mentioning really, it's just that Nara always stays at the center during photo ops of the four leads. Just beside JCW. So.. fans like me see that as a bit of a no-no, considering she's not the main lead and a newbie actress at that. And for Korea who's big in hierarchy, it's a bit of a turn off and a head-scratching moment for me. I'm not hating on her or anything, I just find that behavior off. HAHAHA!


And about being "rational" on that vid clip in his concert, everything everyone says here are rational. When we try to explain something, that is us "rationalizing". 


but maybe, just maybe she might have (or is still) attracted to Wookie. That's why she always poses beside him... 

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@MoonlightSerenade why no wifi when traveling! We need you in this thread!!

what am I saying. I'm camping for a week first week of August in the mountains... so sad. Please remember me chingus. Flood me with happy spazzing so when I get out I have happy news hahaha. 

Cries. I love traveling but jiji has made me so stuck to my phone. 

1 minute ago, leeeeeecx said:


but maybe, just maybe she might have (or is still) attracted to Wookie. That's why she always poses beside him... 

I will kill myself. Chincha. Wahahaha. 

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7 minutes ago, lizzywizzy said:

i thought.. it might have been scripted.. still it depends if the fans looked like they're reading the question but if not the question might really came from them.. as for pre-screened.. of course it is as the PD edit and include in the video.. not quite sure if he watched the video first and prep his answers before hand.. but still.. his reaction with the take it with her comment?? that is something..maybe that question  have been in his head for a long time.. but the fact that his answer is different before.. that is really something.

My point is ,why that question was chosen among alots of question ?I think he personally chose that question because of  he can give  indirect hints to his fans through the answer.Just my assumption.

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17 hours ago, stucked said:

Hmmm. I sense... RAGE? HAHAHAHA! You always say "Done. End of story." when it comes to Nara. HAHAHA. Don't worry, it's a natural reaction. You're so cute even though we know it upsets you. HAHAHAHA. *pats @attriste* Good girl! Hehe!

*whispers at @masthu *

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It's not worth mentioning really, it's just that Nara always stays at the center during photo ops of the four leads. Just beside JCW. So.. fans like me see that as a bit of a no-no, considering she's not the main lead and a newbie actress at that. And for Korea who's big in hierarchy, it's a bit of a turn off and a head-scratching moment for me. I'm not hating on her or anything, I just find that behavior off. HAHAHA!


And about being "rational" on that vid clip in his concert, everything everyone says here are rational. When we try to explain something, that is us "rationalizing". 

I feel you @attriste chingu :wub:

yes @stucked couldnt agree more!!! thank you for clarifying chngu! :wub:

17 hours ago, leeeeeecx said:


but maybe, just maybe she might have (or is still) attracted to Wookie. That's why she always poses beside him... 

ME: :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, sharreb said:

@riririru if u could comb thru this article and let us know if there's anything interesting in NJH interview. I thk some of the thibgs she said appear in previous interview. This interview seems a bit more thorough and more on her acting and acting projects.

One thing i know is SP is really a vy pivotal role for her. Even in SKL she hasnt really able to shed the child image. And the way she talks about acting and the characters show how mature she is.

수트너 '남지현', "잘자란 개념 아역, 이제 성인연기자로 인정"

사진= 숲 엔터테인먼트 제공 ]

남지현은 영리한 배우다. 

지난 2004년 MBC 드라마 '사랑한다 말해줘'를 통해 9살의 나이에 데뷔한 남지현은 나이에 비해 다양한 작품을 거쳤다. 지난 2005년 영화 무영검을 시작으로 최근 고산자, 대동여지도, 터널까지 약 15편에 이르는 영화에 출연했고 최근 종영한 SBS 수상한 파트너까지 드라마는 20여편이 훌쩍 넘는다. 

많은 드라마와 영화 출연 덕분일까? 그녀는 나이에 맞지 않는 현명함을 지니고 있는 보기 드문 아역 출신 배우의 아우라를 갖고 있었다. 

남지현은 최근 서울시 강남구 한 카페에서 진행된 SBS 수목드라마 ‘수상한 파트너’ 종영인터뷰를 통해 아역출신 배우의 고민을 털어놓았다.

“‘수상한 파트너’를 통해 예전보다는 아역의 이미지에서 많이 벗어난 것 같아요. 전보다 더 많은 분들이 ‘저 아이가 어른이 됐구나’라는 인식이 전해준 것 같아서 뿌듯해요"

특히 이번이 작업한 박선호 감독과는 인연이 깊다. 3번째 만나 함께 작업하는 것이라 남지현의 초등학교, 중학교, 성인에 이르기까지의 모습을 담아내 주었던 것.

남지현은 "감독님도 신기하다고 하셨어요. 술취해서 업혀오고 키스신, 베드신도 찍었으니 감독님도 감회가 새로우신 것 같더라고요. 감독님도 뿌듯하다고 하셨어요. 아역으로 만나서 감독님 보시기엔 아직 제가 어린 아이인 것 같은데 순간순간 성인 연기를 보시고 아, 이 아이가 정말 성인이 됐구나하셨데요"라며 웃음을 터트렸다. 
“제가 아역으로 있던 시간이 약 10년이에요. 짧지 않은 시간인 만큼 아역 이미지가 빨리 사라질 것이라고 생각하지는 않아요. 적어도 제가 아역으로 보내온 시간의 반은 흘러야지 완전한 성인으로 인식해 주시지 않을까 싶어요. 그때쯤이면 저 스스로도 더 당당하게 제가 확실하게 ‘저 어른입니다’라고 말할 수 있을 것 같아요"

아역배우의 이미지를 벗어나 이제 성인 연기자로 겨우 발을 들여놓은 것 같다는 남지현이지만 이번 작품에서 그녀는 '로코 장인'이라는 수식어를 얻었다. 

이에 대해 남지현은 "연애도 제대로 해본 적이 없어요. 연애하는 제 모습이 스스로 어색하기만 한데 제가 로코 장인이라니, 믿어지지가 않아요. 제가 잘해서라기보다 캐릭터의 힘이 아닐까 싶어요"라며 수줍게 웃는다.

그간 아역 또는 밝은 성격의 역할을 맡아왔다. 앞으로 고난을 겪는 어두운 성격의 캐릭터나 악역을 해보고 싶지는 않는지, 이미지 변신에 대한 욕심도 있을 것 같은 남지현. 그러나 그녀는 "제가 하고 싶다고 맡는 게 아니라 시청자분들이 제 변화를 받아들여 주실 때를 기다려야하지 않을까요?"라고 반문했다. 

"무조건 지금까지 해보지 않았던 새로운 캐릭터를 맡아본다기 보다 당시의 타이밍도 봐 야할 것 같고 제가 소화해낸다고 해도 시청자들이 받아들여줄 수 있을지 잘 살펴야 할 것 같아요. 의도적으로 피할 생각은 없지만 기회가 된다면 상황과 맥락을 잘 살펴서 도전할게요. 저는 지금 아역에서 성인으로 넘어가는 과도기에서 여러 가지를 고민하고 있는 상황이기 때문에 여러가지를 깊이 고려해서 선택하겠습니다"

22살의 배우라고는 믿어지지 않는 신중한 답변이다. 

남지현은 상대 배우 지창욱과의 케미 또한 만족스러웠다고 전한다. 

남지현은 "지창욱씨는 작품에 대한 애정이 뛰어나서 참 좋은 배우라고 생각해요. 눈빛이 좋고 상대를 배려하는 마음이 있어서 로맨스 상대로서 너무 좋은 사람이어요"라며 지창욱을 칭찬했다. 

특히 그녀는 좋은 케미는 친해져야 나온다고 생각해서 허물없이 지내는 편이라고. "이번 작품에 출현한 분들과 4살 8살 까지도 차이가 났지만 거의 세대차이를 못느꼈어요. 어떻게 보면 친해져서 서로 편안해지니 좋은 케미가 나오게 된 것 같아요. 지창욱씨와도 둘이 같이 찍을 때 장난도 많이 치고 벽을 허물려고 노력했습니다"고 말한다. 

‘수상한 파트너’를 통해 전작보다 진한 러브신을 보여준 남지현은 “다행히도 로맨스적인 장면들과 러브신이 자연스럽게 녹아들었던 것 같아요”라며 “러브신, 특히 베드신과 관련해서 걱정이 많았는데, 시청자분들께서 부담 없이 받아들여 주셔서 감사했죠. 제 바램대로 한 단계 더 성장한 것 같아요"라며 웃었다. 

다음 작품은 아직 정해진 것이 없다. 일단 학교로 돌아가 공부하면서 차분히 다음을 준비하겠다고. 서강대학교 심리학과 학생이기도 한 남지현은 다음에는 또래 친구들과 함께 출연하는 캠퍼스물을 찍어보고 싶다고 바램을 드러냈다.

"여태까지 제가 또래가 많이 나오는 드라마를 해본 적 없어요. 해보고 싶은 장르가 캠퍼스물, 학원물이예요. 동갑내기, 비슷한 친구들끼리 모여서 해본 적이 없어서 그런 기회가 오면 망설이지 않고 하지 않을까 싶어요"

아역에서 성인으로 성공적인 행보를 보이고 있는 남지현, 차기작에서는 어떤 변화를 보여줄 지 계속 지켜보고 싶은 배우다. 

"차근차근 변화하는 모습을 보여드리고 싶어요. 기존에 했던 모습과 똑같은 걸 답습하는 건 아니지만 했던 역할에 새로운 걸 얹어서 조금씩 성장하는 모습을 지켜봐주세요"


아주경제 장윤정 기자

미디어제주 mediajeju@mediajeju.com

About SP

Feeling proud bec more people see her as an adult than child-actress after SP

Both her and PSH PD feeling interesting bec they've worked for 3times eversince she was in elementary,junior-high and now

Complimenting changwook (he really have affection for his works, good at rocom, considerate, his stare is good)

Didnt feel any generation-gap between the casts

A bit worried about how the bed/love scenes will come out, but thankful because the viewers taking them positively



They use ji changwook-sshi here eh,, now i wonder whether she called him oppa or -sshi during the interview hmhm


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18 minutes ago, stucked said:

Hmmm. I sense... RAGE? HAHAHAHA! You always say "Done. End of story." when it comes to Nara. HAHAHA. Don't worry, it's a natural reaction. You're so cute even though we know it upsets you. HAHAHAHA. *pats @attriste* Good girl! Hehe!

*whispers at @masthu

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 It's not worth mentioning really, it's just that Nara always stays at the center during photo ops of the four leads. Just beside JCW. So.. fans like me see that as a bit of a no-no, considering she's not the main lead and a newbie actress at that. And for Korea who's big in hierarchy, it's a bit of a turn off and a head-scratching moment for me. I'm not hating on her or anything, I just find that behavior off. HAHAHA!


And about being "rational" on that vid clip in his concert, everything everyone says here are rational. When we try to explain something, that is us "rationalizing". 


I'm really sorry if I have offended anybody or what. huhuhu I might have chosen the wrong words. My rational-rational mind is very different from my rational mind. that is because I doubt myself/ words most of the time so I get scared most of the time and I sometimes  get easily swayed. I'm really sorry. 


But I hope all is well. I'll just get back to spazzing. hehehehehehehe Love you all! :*

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58 minutes ago, stucked said:

You know what I'd loveto do? I'd love to have her as our drinking buddy. What fun we'd have with her,laughing,talk about love,her Chang Wook oppa,then laugh again,teach her about the ways of the world.. *wink* her Chang Wook oppa again..

You keep putting such wonderful scenarios in my mind!!

Teach her the ways of the world.. yes yes Wookie isn't as innocent as he seems and she'd need a trick or two.. but are you sure?? :tongue:


I think we might end up learning a thing or two from her too.. specially about her Chang Wook Oppa and things he taught her...  *wink* *wink*

I am all in for some wisdom.. Lol!! Hahahha!!

Jokes apart, I believe she'll be wonderful to hang out with!! 



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21 hours ago, solaire said:

By the way I kinda want to go on a mini rant regarding an instagram post from a certain ship (I think some of you have discussed it already). After reading what they posted, I couldn't help but feel offended on behalf of CW. That person was practically claiming that he told JH to visit him just to make a certain girl jealous because she had promised her current co-star that she'll visit him in the army. First of all, it comes to show how desperate they are to prove that their ship is official and that Jiji is fake (if they're so confident that their ship is sailing, then why do they seem so threatened to the point of creating absurd stories <_<). Second of all, it annoys me that they're trying to make Wookie seem like a bad guy who uses others just to make someone jealous. Like do they not realize how delusional they sound .....


Does wookie sound like a person who would make his loved one jealous by speaking about another person especially on national tv ??!!!!


i feel you chingu!!! its saad to see things like this circulating on SNS. *HUGS* gal

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6 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:




5 minutes ago, pauliza said:



4 minutes ago, aladidah said:

55mins of BTS...off to go watch....

By the Way Good Morning Lovelies from my side of the World 



OH MY GOD...............BLESS ME...............................

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6 minutes ago, aladidah said:

55mins of BTS...off to go watch....

By the Way Good Morning Lovelies from my side of the World 

I think,it just a compilation of old bts .huhuhu..I am looking forward for last kiss & proposal bts 

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21 hours ago, valleryrose said:

*I guess I am a little too late with this post after back reading in this page itself.. but I'll let this post be here anyway. I seriously love you guys for being so positive!!*

@onlysb1 @solaire

You're not wrong in thinking so guys..!! It's a question that's bugging me too... for someone who wanted to date 'privately' and has been doing so for a long time he is suddenly very openly name dropping.. maybe she is just someone he likes a lot.. but not romantically?? That is possible.. but really?? I watch the BTS and that interview again and I am like nope.. not possible.. he might have looked like he was teasing her but the smile at the end..?? We have several people who are experienced enough here and can vouch for it.. so I will go with my gut and their word.. 

There are is also a lot to be considered in the situation.. 

1. They are both in the spotlight right now.

2. He is on his way to military.

3. Since both their lives will be out in the open at some point in the future it is better to cushion the blow. Probably a suggestion given by their agencies.

4. People change when in love. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. 

Also for someone who is so considerate of others I don't expect him to take NJHs name in particular for her to be quoted in articles fuelling the fire. Because, he was the one who started bring me chicken in the army mess, he had already explained himself in an interview that he asked them not to come as he thought they were joking. (Assuming the translation was not wrong) Then NJH also explained it was the team. Isn't that enough?? 

Then why suddenly answer the question so directly without bringing the team into it?? Because he wants to make it easier for her when she actually visits?? If that's not love yet then it is at least affection.

On the other hand why say it when he doesn't mean it?? Though i can totally imagine JH laughing at it saying I can't take this guy seriously..(remember the press con where he talked about 8 yrs waiting). JCW says he doesn't like being cheesy. May be joking and teasing is how they communicate.. it is totally believable..

This guy is definitely smitten.. you can see it in his eyes.. remember that interview they gave to Entertainment live?? The way JCW was looking at her hanging onto every word she said. If that wasn't telling I don't know what is..

JCW is surely acting different because I think he is stuck in an in between state where he is trying to handle what he is feeling. Honestly SP and NJH have shown us a new side to this guy.. so we'll never know if there's more to come.

This is actually something I've been meaning to say ever since we've been getting so many goodies to spazz on.. *sigh* *pretty sure I was incoherent*

I am sorry if this dampens the mood but I had to share..! Thanks for bearing with me.. Cheers!!


chingu have you got the link for sbs entertainment live?? i must have missed it...

Btw love your analysis!!!! :wub: 


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28 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:


but maybe, just maybe she might have (or is still) attracted to Wookie. That's why she always poses beside him... 

And this should be discussed on their own shipping thread and not ours. :) 

24 minutes ago, masthu said:

I feel you @attriste chingu :wub:

yes @stucked couldnt agree more!!! thank you for clarifying chngu! :wub:

No worries. :wink: 

31 minutes ago, attriste said:


Stahp that shark!!!! Hahahaha. 

Nooo I'm not raging I'm just tired of rolling my eyeballs when I think about it. 

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 I think part of my problem is because I grudgingly acknowledge she's pretty damn hot with that bust hahahahahah. And I really liked her initially. And then like @gracebkk I started wondering whether there was anything with her and jcw cos abit hard to ignore this tall hot lady yknow. Plus weird jcw foot in her ig. Ok nvm wahahaha. The more I explain the more annoyed I get. 

So basically as much as I like her looks, I don't like her cluelessness that seems to invade my otp's chance at photoging togrther wahaha. Also I'm jealous and want to protect these two. Coz if I as a married woman find her hot.... I feared for jihyunnie. 

But it's ok!!!!!!! Jihyunnie is so much more entertaining and total package!


Ok done end of story wahahaha. It's myself convincing myself to stop prattling! 

It's okay, let it out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!giphy.gif

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25 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:

I'm really sorry if I have offended anybody or what. huhuhu I might have chosen the wrong words. My rational-rational mind is very different from my rational mind. that is because I doubt myself/ words most of the time so I get scared most of the time and I sometimes  get easily swayed. I'm really sorry. 


before you become rational, instinct comes first....the gut feel, then rationalization comes...but then again after analyzing you will still get the feeling that something is off, it means 2 things either you over-analyze it or haphazardly analyze it...then comes logic, coming to terms with things and experiences based on reality.

but sometimes what seems real to us may not be applicable to others so there is always an exemption to the basic rules... :)

don't stress yourself dear, if it tugged your heartstrings then your gut feel is at works :wink: 

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