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[Drama 2017] Sweet Enemy / Sweet revenge, 달콤한 원수


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I feel sorry for DN  in today's episode she was wondering around looking for her mom at the end she loses it, it was kind of sweet SH and JW worried about DN and SH understand the pain she is going through I think the writer wants them to bond over the loss of loved one from. the preview   we are going to have some sweet seen SH tying DN shoes and it witnessed by SNake, to be honest, I don't want her to notice anything till SH recognize his feeling for DN may be it is a good thing when SN confronted and nag him  he will come to terms regarding his feelings I can't wait for tomorrow's episode 

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It was painful to watch the evil trio getting away with kidnapping with a mere slap on the wrist. :(  I don't know what lies they weaved (we'll know after watching with the subs later), but for now, SKunk seems to be the only one being tortured by fear of Ruby being told the truth.  And of course, evil Mom was quickly back in the saddle trying to fool DN again by hiring a dubious detective supposedly to help look for DNmom. 

It's also quite frustrating that both SH and JW can't seem to find the voice against manipulative fiancé and stepmom, respectively.  They are both accomplished men, a well-placed director and a famous chef, but for some reason, they don't put their feet down and just tolerate the bad women around them.   (Yeah, I know.  These things are necessary ingredients of K-drama :lol:

Hardly any interaction between DN and SH today but next episode looks very promising. 

That's it for now. Got to get back to work. Looking forward to the subs.  

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Skimmed through episode 53 without subs.

A sad Dalnim makes me sad too... :(

That scene with Sunho and Jaewook  at the latter's office is beautiful. I don't know why but the videography of 2 men looking anxious on the subject of Dalnim. Maybe it's just me. Haha! :lol:

Omo! Episode 54 preview! It's the handshake from the main trailer of this drama. That handshake. That smile. *gets even more excited* :D


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9 hours ago, dynamo14 said:


That scene with Sunho and Jaewook  at the latter's office is beautiful. I don't know why but the videography of 2 men looking anxious on the subject of Dalnim. Maybe it's just me. Haha! :lol:


@dynamo14 It was indeed a very touching scene. They both looked vulnerable just thinking and talking about DN. Am loving those two men. It would be hard to choose between them later on. :tongue:

Some additional thoughts on today's episode.

 I am a bit disappointed that SH didn't spill the beans on SKunk. I understand that he lets this slide to protect and spare Ruby from pain, but she deserves to know the truth no matter how painful.  As to whether she'll forgive SK or not is a choice only she can make. 

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After watching the sub I was laughing at SNake when she said to SH what you feel for DN is sympathy if that gives her money, what a witch what he feels for her is not sympathy but empathy what he is going to give her is not money but his heart once again the ship will be sailed leaving  SNake at the port and there is nothing she can do change his mind or move his heart, in fact, it repels him and disgusted him

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preview ep55

Text preview on SBS site:

달님은 세나가 재희의 자리를 빼앗은 것처럼 자신도 그 자리를 빼앗고 싶어진다며 세나를 도발하고, 세나는 재욱에게 신제품개발을 핑계로 선호와 데이트하러 다니는 달님을 단속하라 충고한다. 한편 선호는 달님의 변호를 맡았던 정훈에게서 4년 전 달님의 자백을 유도해 누명을 뒤집어쓰게 만든 것이 바로 세강이란 사실을 알게 되는데

DN provokes SN, saying that she wants to take the place as if she took the place of Jae Hee, and SN advises Jae Wook to crack down on DN who is going to date with her preference for new product development. On the other hand,SH find out that Jung Hoon, who was in charge of defense of the moon, made DN's confession four years ago,

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DN way to go she told SN just the way she took SH from JH she is going to do the same though I wish she could have slapped her back SH is in love and he doesn't even know it that he has been struck by cupid's arrow. DN too affected by his closeness when he was tying her shoes I wish against all odds DN will succeed this project that is my prayer for now from the preview SH might discover new information about the trail from the conversation between SKunk and the lawyer



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Tried making some gifs. I'm not sure if they'll appear alright here to others. (From episode 54)



Food makes a certain Dalnim happy it seems :D


That shoelace tying scene especially Dalnim's view of Sunho is like a MV scene... or maybe like one of those manhwa Sunho lent her that she read. Haha! Have to give a thumbs up to the camerawork of the show. :lol:

Anyway, glad Sunho somehow managed to lead Dalnim away from the sad path we witnessed in episode 53 (even though I have no idea what was being said - shall wait for subs).

That Geumsook girl is returning next episode. I find her likable but strange. It'll be interesting to know how Dalnim deals with her.

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@euraka @Ldy Gmerm

Here's the character description from the SBS drama site of the girl who will appear in tomorrows ep

Gong Sook  (23-27)

Moon-cell motive 
Theft and fraud. 
It is hot and furious. She is a master of disguise which sometimes becomes a sexy woman with cosmetic makeup with a thick smokey makeup. You follow the moon like your sister, and the moon is the only one that opens your heart.
At first, he steals the money of the moon for his own life, but becomes an assistant to regret late and to help the moon. I get a job in a franchise restaurant operated by Yoo Kyung, and I get the confidence of good luck. 
As she moved to the house of Yukyung, she informed the moon about various information about Senna and she approached the witnesses of the incident and performed a multi role, such as taking a relationship with Yu Kyung. 
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On 8/22/2017 at 5:41 PM, euraka said:

I feel sorry for DN  in today's episode she was wondering around looking for her mom at the end she loses it, it was kind of sweet SH and JW worried about DN and SH understand the pain she is going through I think the writer wants them to bond over the loss of loved one from. the preview   we are going to have some sweet seen SH tying DN shoes and it witnessed by SNake, to be honest, I don't want her to notice anything till SH recognize his feeling for DN may be it is a good thing when SN confronted and nag him  he will come to terms regarding his feelings I can't wait for tomorrow's episode 

@euraka  It's ok for snake to keep badmouthing DN all she's doing is pushing him towards her. It's really going to get bad when she demands him to stay away from her and that will be the end of her relationship with him he will break up with her and she'll nrun to his family to set a wedding date and when he refuse she will blame it on DN..

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I couldn't help but smile everytime DN and SH were in the same frame in ep 54. They are now getting close and comfortable with each other, of course all in the name of research and work, for now. :) 

Was also happy that SN saw the shoelace moment between DN and SH, and DN standing her ground when she got confronted in front of her apartment (In your face, SN!)  But like @euraka, I too would have been happier if DN slapped SNake back.  Soon, I hope. 

Ep 55 looks promising with the return of DN's friend/former cellmate.   Also from the preview, SH will finally step on the brakes on his wedding preparations. 

Btw, @dynamo14 your Gifs are cool!  Thanks. 

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As much as I wanted DN to slap SN back it's good she didn't. SN would have one more thing to bad mouth DN about. The truth hurts and SN witnessed the truth. SH has never been attentive nor has he ever looked at her like he looks at DN. It's what she's always wanted from him and killed JH for.. She has no clue she can''t and neither can his family control the man's heart. 

It looks like SH will discover one more piece of dirt on SK. After getting to know DN he didn't think she was capable of killing JH. Now he will get the facts of why she confessed. she did it. It will only make him a 100% sure DN didn't do it. 

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Just watched episode 54. Initially I was puzzled as to why Sena would recommend Mr Hyun to help Yiran's new food company, knowing what he did when he was at Choigo. Then I guess she's the type who believes in achieving results without caring about the methods or ways to achieving it. I mean there's a long list of stuff she's done that is morally and ethically wrong. So yeah... and also she's after Yiran's shares/stocks. So I guess she just want Yiran to feel indebted to her for the money contributed to the taking over of the new food company. I think having Mr Hyun acquainted with Yiran is going to be a complicated but interesting outcome, bearing in mind that he has plans for revenge for his firing.

Sena seems to have a lot of money. Buying a handbag for Sunho's mum just to keep her by her side. Just saying. Her mom doesn't even have money to pay Byungsoo.

This episode is the start of Dalnim/Sunho relationship in a positive light. So many moments together! From Sunho using Dalnim's own words to wake her up from her state of despair, to offering her the proposal to develop food in exchange of offering funds to look for her mother if she succeeds. Expressing their first impression of one another (both were wrong but how come Dalnim is the foolish one? Lol) I wonder how long he waited outside for her just to join her in the instant noodle tour. And dear gullible Dalnim asking if the couple noodles really brought couples together despite Sunho explaining it as a marketing strategy. Haha! :D

The ending though. Sena rose from the shadows of the streetlights and walked towards Dalnim (it looked very dramatic to me) before slapping Dalnim and releasing her fury. And oh boy, after looking at how Sena was behaving because of her own jealousy, Dalnim claimed that it makes her want to try seducing Sunho - I was like, yeah girl! You go Dalnim! Don't bow down to that Sena! Be sassy! Haha! :lol:

I guess it's good that Dalnim starts to see who she should trust and be wary of among the people close to her. She may still be the naive girl but at least now she knows not to trust the problematic trio.

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I can't wait for the subs of today's episode (ep 55). There are many dialogue scenes that need to be translated and body language just isn't enough. :)

First among these scenes is of course the continuation of DN and SN's confrontation in front of DN's apartment.  I wonder what SNake said before she walked away because DN had a certain look of ambivalence. 

Then, there's a dialogue scene between SH and DN's two-faced ex-lawyer. Am sure something interesting was said between them. SH looked bothered after their conversation and even had to sit SK down later that evening.

There was also a brief exchange between JW and SN in the corridor. Am guessing she was trying to poison JW's mind and sowing jealousy between him and SH. It didn't look like it worked though. 

And of course,  the usual snitching of SN to YR. Am curious what SN said that prompted YR to arrange a date for JW (at least I think that's what happened :D)    Most of all, I want to confirm what JW said to his 'date' when he introduced DN. I think he said she was his girlfriend. 

There were a few more scenarios that need to be understood rather than watched. So I might as well wait for the subs. 


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Ep. 55 SunHo continues to fawn over Dalnim sweetly bringing beauty products from his aunt's store.  Dalnim tries to decline the gift since SNake will be displeased and I'm sure Dalnim doesn't want to be a boyfriend stealer having had it done to her in the past.  SunHo will have to break from the SNake first and he took the first step by postponing the family meeting.

I must say that I was struck by the handsomeness of the first and second leads in this episode!   Did SunHo and Chef just become even more handsome since the last episode!   Dalnim you lucky girl!!  They're like jewelry!  Shiny and sparkly!

Chef made a move too this episode!!

Preview 56.   Oh, goodness...lots of angst coming for Monday with SunHo outside frantically calling for Dalnim.

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A lot of dialogues with not much action in episode 55 (except for Dalnim chasing Geumsook) so I have no idea what's happening but besides that, let's just admire Jaewook's sweet smile (and him feeling self-conscious a split second after that).


And I think I agree with @mel22 about the ending scene.


I think Jaewook most probably introduced Dalnim to his friend (or was it a set-up date?) as his girlfriend. Look at that awkward smile. Haha! :lol:

Have a nice day people! Looking forward for the subtitles but not for the long wait for the next episode. :D


p.s. the scene of the preview for the next episode where Jaewook and Sunho desperately looking for Dalnim makes me anxious... 

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16 hours ago, euraka said:

From the preview, DN might be in danger JW and SH are looking for frantically, may be  SN and YR are planning something so that she won't succeed in the project  

SH has warned DN over and over again not to be so easily fooled.so DN's disappearance smells of SN with her mother's help.  They all want The mother is DN's  weakness and they probably sent her something on her phone  to get her out of the restaurant and had her grabbed. SN is so insecure and crazy she's scared she'll lose to DN on the new product development. She has also seen the signs before of the attraction between SH and DN that happen with JH. Since the family meeting has been postponed SN needs to win and keep DN out of the way until after the project launch. It would not surprise me if she has that girl in the restaurant steal DN recipe book and uses the recipe. Hopefully DN didn't write down the secret ingredient she wouldn't tell SH about. 

I have a feeling the young girl  cell mate will be the one that is of help in locating DN. She's sorry for what she did to DN and knows she has no way to pay it back. Helping DN get out of this setup of SN's will be her payback to DN. 

That money SN embezzled is going to come back and bite her good. SH knows that money was used from SN's budget  but SN lied about what she used it for. SN is going to throw YR under the bus when it's discovered where that money went.  

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