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[Drama 2017] Sweet Enemy / Sweet revenge, 달콤한 원수


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6 hours ago, desertflower said:

Whoohoo!  Ep. 46 raw was really great!  Dalnim is starting to use the cards in her deck for leverage against SKunk after being accused of wrong doing by SNake with the ingredients.  It's good to see her weld her power cards not that she has to play them just wave them  in front of SKunk's nose so that SNake backs off and retracts the finding as false.  I couldn't tell if SunHo did believe Dalnim at first but to his credit he kept investigating.

Preview:  Tomorrow night's episode will get us closer to the love relationship with Chef and also SunHo coming to realize his feeling a bit more or at least his attraction and interest.  Moth to the flame...SunHo can't stay away from his Oasis..Dalnim.  The people Sunho is surrounded with e.g. SNake, Monster Mom and JaeHee's mom leave him partched and dry (they suck the life out of him) so he is drawn to Dalnim who is refreshing and pure of heart.  

thanks for brief recap I won't be able to watch this week episode since I have training I hope DN will be able to clear her name by all means 

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Not quite sure why I decided to watch this kdrama nor how I got hooked because the first 30 or so episodes were cringeworthy. DalNim has taken a beating and abuse from the Snake Family and it isn't going to stop anytime soon. Finally, in today's episode DN has taken forceful steps to begin to stop the abuse and find out the truth and expose the Snakes. We still have a long ways to go for DN to find happiness, but for now I can patiently wait because the truth will be exposed and the Snakes will 'burn' from their own deviousness, hate, ceielty, lies and greed.

if anyone is trying to decide whether to watch this kdrama , I'd say give it a go, you'll find that DN has many amazing qualities. She is worth rooting for and watching her take done the Snake family will be a pleasure.

Thanks to all on this thread that keep us posted and sub the videos.

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Time to talk about what happened in episode 46 and what will probably be the result of the cliffhanger as well.


The episode continues from the last one where Sena enters Sun Ho's office with a new scheme to get rid of Dalnim and reports to him that she has caught the culprit responsible for switching the rice. She then calls in the delivery person and then asks him if he did it on his own or if he had help. Clearly we can all see where this is headed and as expected he blames it all on Dalnim. Just then who should enter the office but Dalnim herself with lunch from the restaurant. This saves everyone from wasting a lot of manpower to go and get her or money on a phone bill to call her over. Sun Ho taking advantage of this confronts her on whether she was aware of the switch in rice. Dalnim not knowing that she is being set up for a downfall admits to it and apologizes to them for not reporting the incident. Unfortunately the delivery guy tries to further implicate her in the crime as if Dalnim wanted a payoff for her silence. She pleads her innocence to no avail for the delivery guy has a message from her with details of her bank account and claims that he already deposited money in said account. While Dalnim claims innocence again Sun Ho has his doubts and asks Sena to investigate Dalnim's account whether or not she received said money or not. Surprisingly Sena who isn't a cop somehow manages to get the bank details of Dalnim's account which clearly indicates that she was paid of. Dalnim realizing that she is being set up tries to not only tell them why she got the money but also knows now who is responsible for setting her up for the Umpteenth time. She tells them that the delivery guy has no reason to frame her but Sena does and she must have paid him of to do so. As expected that doesn't go well and she is instead told to leave while they think what to do next.


As Dalnim leaves the office she is spotted by the grandmother who finally finds out who Dalnim really is thanks to her aide. She now starts to ponder on what she has heard about Dalnim with what she herself knows from her own interactions. Something smells fishy to her. Unfortunately the only thing that she gets out of it is a headache that she decides to head home to clear her head and not go to some meeting that she had to attend surprising the people at home at her early arrival. Meanwhile if any of us ever had any doubts that Sena wasn't behind the frame up job will be dissapointed that this wasn't the case. As soon as everyone had left Sena tried to convince Sun Ho that Dalnim was a criminal who as usual was lying about her being framed or that it was Sena herself that was responsible for said actions. Only when she gets the response that Sun Ho wouldn't have asked for a disciplinary action if he believed her. She then goes and confirms with the delivery guy that she would help him out of this mess and will pay the remaining amount for his daughters surgery later on. Indicating as usual that she was the mastermind. Poor Dalnim gets no peace even at work because shortly afterwards Sena's mom shows up with glee and tells her that she can leave alerting to the other staff members that she was involved once again in a crime. Dalmin does so only to be met by Yiran. She then tells her that no matter what Team Evil will try she isn't the type to quit and that she is going to rise once again like a Phoenix and when she does she will burn all those that stood against her. (well not that but one can hope). Yiran who was formerly unaware of what happened is now happy that there is another chance to get rid of Dalnim and makes it clear to Sena's mom that she won't accept failure again and that Sena better get the job done this time. We can only wonder what she will do if things don't go her way perhaps she will be disspointed in Sena that instead of handing over her shares to her she will hopefully donate them to charity which will then somehow be bought by Dalnim or better yet Jae Wook who will then gift them to her for all the suffering that she has gone through. :)


Jae Wook who has heard what all has transpired first heads of to convince Sun Ho that Dalnim has probably been framed once again but when that is to no avail he decides to confront Sena. He even threatens her that if she doesn't fix things he is going to reveal the past that she is so desperately trying to hide (Dalnim's Relationship with her family) Unfortunately Sena has gotten his measure and knows that he is bluffing and thus not only calls him on it but raises it as well. She then tutors Sekang on the finer points of playing poker and when and how to bluff. Such as not to get intimidated with Dalnim who would be sure to contact him when all else will fail as for Jae Wook to ignore him as he wouldn't reveal the past. etc..


Meanwhile Sun Ho decides to get a part time job as an investigator and thus starts calling up people of interest in the case of the switched rice. His first call is to another coworker who he had worked with when he used to make deliveries and asked him what he knew. Thanks to him he picks up some interesting facts.


1. Sena had visited the hospital where his (Delivery Man Thief) daughter was admitted,
2. His daughters Surgery Bill had suddenly been paid. The latter being suspicious because the thief hadn't been doing the switch for long thus he couldn't have accumulated the amount so soon also as he had been asking his friends for loans just some time back. Clearly indicating a powerful backer.


Now on the right track Detective Sun Ho summons the suspect once again and asks him to be honest. Unfortunately that doesn't work. Not only that but he had already been coached by Team Evil of how to get away if asked questions like where did you get the money from. His response was that he got it from his girlfriend. (Oh wait he is probably married so it was just friend. :) ) He doesn't specify who said friend was so Sun Ho has to let it go and tell him that he could leave. The next thing that both of them do is report to Sena. The delivery guy via phone while Sun Ho decides to do some exercise along the way and thus walk to her office. She quickly closes the phone but pretends that it was a stranger who she was talking with. When questioned by Sun Ho about her relationship with the thief she plays dumb and Sun Ho without any further evidence decides to let it go and leaves her office. Only for her to wonder once again if Sun Ho has caught onto something. But then dismisses that isn't probably the case.


Meanwhile back at Sun Ho's place his Aunt is looking up ways to get pregnant unknown to her that she will be birthing a Slime Spawn instead of a decent human being. She doesn't get much help even from her SiL. In the end she decides to go with some sort of health juice to help her out. Sekang who finally has a day without bumping into Dalnim heads home only to find his wife making said juice. He instantly gets a bed feeling that he might be on the receiving end of being a guinea pig for testing that juice. Fortunately for him that isn't the case as his wife suddenly has a brain storm for starting a new business venture. She then drags him of to their room to show it to him. Happy that he has been saved from testing the juice he tells her to go ahead with the plan. When asked why he is okay for her to do so when just  a few days he was against her from doing so. He tells her since she uses products she would have a better idea of what to market but just incase she might get scammed he would look over the contract to prevent it. Just when it would seem like the day would end perfectly for all of them Dalnim decides to call him and ruin his mood. At first he decides to ignore the call but Ruby gets suspicious. She complains of how he has changed again and how she doesn't like the Lawyer Oh especially as she perceives her as a threat even more so knowing that the lawyer was divorced as well. Sekang seeing that he is in a tight spot does the same thing normal cheaters to and claims to be innocent and why his wife can't trust him etc... Unfortunately he knows that Dalnim is bound to call him and he can't ignore her calls forever but to talk with her he needs him wife out of the room so he happily reminds her about the juice that she was making. Unfortunately the reminder was a bit to late because unknown to them Dancing Dad has found the juice and thinking that it was detox juice gulps it down. He apologizes to his sister and agrees to make her some more but he has no idea of how to do so. Fortunately he is rescued by his wife who decides to step in so that the siblings don't fight. I guess she is the one responsible for making a new batch for Ruby.


Sekang finally picks up Dalnim's call and is shocked to find out that she is outside the house. He quickly goes out and confronts her. At first he tries the standard Me Tarzan you cave-woman hand grab style only for Dalnim to remind him that she lives in the present and not the past so she isn't going anywhere. On top of that while they are on the topic of the past she demands that Sekang better contact Team Evil HQ and tell Sena to not only drop the charges but to allow her to get back to work. After all time is money and she needs a ton of it if she intends to find not only her mother but to clear her name as well. Sekang is like nope not happening. Whatcha gonna do about it. Dalnim responds by telling him that since she came such a long way she might as well meet the rest of his family and introduce herself to the rest them as his Ex that he dumped for a better life. At first he thinks that she might be bluffing and remembering how Sena told him not to get intimidated by her bluff decides to call her on it. He raises the stakes and tells her that she might as well do so, so that he can finally gain his freedom. Unfortunately Sun Ho arrives at this point and spots them. He then asks if he can join them for a hand. Since they were short of a played Dalnim is all for that and is about to reveal her so called past when Ruby decides to come out in search of her husband (after the incident with the juice with Dancing Dad she went to her room to find Sekang missing. Suspicious that he might have gone out to meet the suspicious Lawyer Oh behind her back she decides to go out and locate them only to meet the three outside the house ready for a serious face off) Pretty much the episode leaves us at this cliffhanger. What is going to happen next. Will Dalnim reveal her past to them?


Here are some of my thoughts regarding the episode. Sekang sort of shot himself in the foot when he got confronted by Sun Ho as to what the two (Dalnim and Sekang) were doing outside. He knows that Dalnim is a crazy power house when provoked. She even crashed his previous blind date and pretty much told her that he was already taken and not only that she intercepted a glass of juice that was meant for him Thus telling Sun Ho that Dalnim was there to tell Sun Ho something was way to risky. He knows that Dalnim can be just as unpredictable as anyone and right now she was ticked as hell at not only him but his family as well so she would have a high chance that she would reveal their past. He was clearly sweating bullets :) and the only reason that he was spared was the cliffhanger. Though lets be honest that isn't much of a cliffhanger because we know what is going to happen next. Dalnim is clearly not going to reveal their past but more or less leave with some sort of hidden warning to him that he better fix this mess or else she won't be so nice next time. Why don't I think that she will reveal the past is because Ruby showed up. Probably if it had just been Sun Ho she might have done that but since Ruby showed up she is going to show mercy because of her. She has stated a few times that she doesn't want Ruby to get hurt because of their past and this is why she will hold back. Have to wonder though what excuse she will come up with though. Also I would say that the preview also hints that she hasn't revealed their past. More on that later on.


Another thing to talk about is the so called frame up job that Dalnim is facing. Frankly speaking people are clearly dumb if they think that Dalnim was the guilty party. Firstly Dalnim was the first person to note that there was something wrong with their rice. Especially since she had been to the HQ for lessons in identifying food quality and what not. She then brought this up with her co workers and asked them if they noticed it as well. Since they weren't well experienced they didn't so she let it go at that point. I have to ask why would a thief point to himself what he was stealing. The only way that would possibly work is if the thief was really gutsy and was thus confident that he wouldn't get caught that he might do so to divert suspicion from himself. After all like I said why would the thief point any fingers at himself. Also since there were two witness to this even Sena might have a hard time covering this up. Even if she had a conversation with Hyeri (the female staff minion) the other co worker could easily back Dalnim's claim that she brought this to their attention but since they weren't experts couldn't spot the difference. The only way out for Sena would be to bribe both of the workers into silence. This would probably be a risky gamble on her end though. Under normal circumstances I don't think the male worker would betray Dalnim as he likes her. How far those feelings go are up for debate. Does he actually have feelings for her or just respects her as a co worker. It is a bit hard for me to tell at this point. Either way as I was saying under normal circumstances I doubt that he would betray her as so far he has been to be the only one that has been on her side in the past and also believed in her innocence along with Jae Wook but a few episodes back it seemed like he was suffering financially. Probably not as bad as many but still in some sort of bind. Sena who is a master at taking advantage of others might use this to her gain and agree to pay him of if he helps her out in making Dalnim the culprit. If that were to happen I would certainly feel sorry for Dalnim for losing out another nice person thanks to the actions of Team Evil. Also while we are on the topic of these two coworkers I would have expected that the female minion would have recalled Dalnim asking them for advice and realized that it shouldn't have been possible for Dalnim to do so. Granted Sena could easily spin it like Dalnim did that to test if she could get away with the switch or not and when she realized that nobody would notice to go ahead with her plan. Again I doubt that Sena is that smart but then again who knows. :)


Speaking of the deliveryman who switched the rice his daughters surgery fees were suddenly paid of. This being a drama Sun Ho needs to follow the money to come one step closer to the truth. Since the person stated that he got it from a friend this would mean that it was just one person. Sun Ho at this point should either get the delivery person's bank account and check who made the last deposit or from the hospital to give him the information of said person who paid for the surgery incase Sena paid the money to them directly. After all this being a drama and all how difficult would that be. Heck Sena in this episode managed to get hold of Dalnim's bank record and showed her receiving the money from the delivery person. Even this might be suspicious. Since this is a drama and all and thus it is hard to get a scale on drama time so anyone can tell me if I am wrong or not. It didn't seem like more than a day had probably passed between the interaction between Dalnim and the delivery person. Also one should note the amount of time when Dalnim sent him her bank account and when he sent her the so called money. Also it makes no sense why would the person even pay Dalnim when he had to worry about his daughters surgery. While I admit I couldn't see the amount that she was supposedly paid it makes little sense that he would have enough money to do both pay for his daughters surgery as well as pay her, her so called share to remain silient. Also once again she was the one that pointed out why she paid him the money in the first place thus pointing Sun Ho in the correct direction. Though I have to wonder just how clueless Dalnim can get. At first she claimed that she didn't receive any money only to be proven wrong. Doesn't Dalnim have one of those bank servicing alerts that informs her when a transaction has taken place ie a deposit or withdrawal. It would have made things a whole lot simpler. Most probably the person paid her back her own money but still it would have been better if she had known about it and she could have confronted him as to why he paid her back so soon etc... Atleast she isn't that dumb that she doesn't realize that it was Sena who was responsible for the frame up this time. Only she needs to prove it which might not be so easy.


It has already been demonstrated that Team Evil have the upper hand in this matter when they can think two steps ahead of her since they know her so well and thus block her actions. Such as Sena clearly expected Dalnim to try and help the deliveryman when she knew about his plight and used that to her advantage to frame her. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Sena was the one that had found out the delivery guy was responsible for the switch before Dalnim and instructed him to get caught by her so that she could further engineer the situation to her advantage when it would come to framing Dalnim. Also she figured out where the leak was coming from her office and thus managed to bribe Dalnim's informant into playing dumb when confronted about the matter about the e-mail in return for a positive review. This shows that Sena is quite resourceful in certain regards making her slightly dangerous.


Now on to a point from the preview it seems like Dalnim's lawyer is going to return in the next episode. What seems to be interesting from this is that Karma is going to be coming for Sekang. :) Initially he was the one that had managed to blackmail his friend to stay silent unless he wanted his past to be revealed. As the lawyers past was quite similar to Sekang himself in the sense that he to had a girlfriend who he left so that he could move up the social ladder. The only difference between the two was that the lawyer was still seeing his girlfriend behind his wives back unlike Sekang who was willing to cut all ties with Dalnim. Though lets face it Sekang is the sort of person who wouldn't have minded having Dalnim on the side if she was the willing type. After all who would want to spend an eternity with Ruby. Unfortunately for him Dalnim isn't that sort of person the best that he could thus do would probably spend time with those bar hostess to relieve some of his pressure and you can be sure that is exactly the excuse that he will make if he ever gets caught. Regardless of the fact it seems that the lawyer will be here to play some mind games with Sekang and family since they both have bombs to detonate that can ruin the other. Sekang has the information regarding his friends current doings while his friend has the bomb regarding Dalnim as Sekang's Ex. Perhaps he has realized that he can use that to his advantage finally. Poor Dalnim if she is going to be used in these two mens power games but on the other hand if she can use this opportunity to pick up some valuable information I am all for it. Lets just hope that she is that smart though. Then again the lawyer maybe desperate as his family may have discovered his past thus Sekang will have lost his hold against him and this would give him the edge over Sekang now. I seriously doubt that he would otherwise be willing to help Dalnim since he was believing the pack of lies that Sekang had been feeding him regarding Dalnim such as her blackmailing him that she would reveal their past together. Though that may have just given him an idea of how to use it against Sekang to his advantage. It is also shown that the lawyer is introducing himself to Ruby. I wonder if she remembers that he is the person that Sekang lent some money to sometime back. Hope she asks him what he did with it. :) Guess this means that it will be Sekang who has to also pay a person regular amounts as well in blackmail fees just like his mother. Only Sena is left now. :)


Speaking of paying of people what do all of you think in how Sena paid the delivery person. Did she pay it of from her own account or take it out from the company account on the low down hoping to slowly pay it back before anyone else notices it. Either way I am guessing that Dalnim will be back in the company because Detective Sun Ho is going to get a report regarding this. He already was suspicious of Sena that he asked his aide to look into something. Most probably any transactions made by Sena which he will then hold against her. I guess Yiran might probably need to hire better hired help if she wants to get rid of Dalnim since the current batch are certainly resourceful but not that good. :) I kind of feel bad in regards to the Jae Wook and Yiran relationship. Due to Dalnim it is only getting worse instead of mending. While they were never close (he never brought her or Jahee to his mothers resting place) but it wasn't that bad either before until Dalnim showed up. Now due to their differences they argue more in regards to this. She even asked him for land that was precious to him. I have no doubt that she did so as a test more than really needing it and she was disappointed to find out that he wouldn't simply hand it over to her unless she made a deal with him in regards to Dalnim. She knew how important it was to him and I am pretty sure she asked him just to hear his response and if Dalnim would somehow come up regarding it. I doubt that he would have sold it otherwise or she would ask him in the past. While Yiran can be cold hearted she always seemed to care about her children feelings in the past. But if it comes to Dalnim she can't seem to think straight and thus people tend to take advantage of said fact. I would also love to see her reaction in the future when she discovers that it was Sena the person she really trusts  that was responsible for her allergic reaction instead of Dalnim as she was led to believe. Right now she is willing to get rid of Dalnim by any means necessary but would she be so willing to forgive Team Evil to use her without her consent. I doubt that.


Well I think that covers most of my post for the time being. So till then take care all of you and keep posting. Will look forward to reading them. :)

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SKunk saved by the bell let him consider himself lucky, I am not surprised though  DN past with SKunk is her wild card she can't use it as early as  episode 47, let him sweat and live in fear  now his friend is blackmailing him  Karma the lawyer friend has nothing to lose since he got divorced... so at the end of the day Grandma saves the day, I am so glad the Chairwoman telling SH how she mate DN and become friends my favorite part is " I can't believe she killed JH and this incident too " it feels good to know one more person believes in her.what can I say SH is in love and he is so cute he brights up every time he is around DN, it seems like he can't stay away from her or stop thinking about her. when went to the restaurant to see her but ask about JW I was laughing and help her to throw the garbage, I love their bonding time with ramyeon.  The stabbing from SNake won't stop from the preview the female colleague will put something to ruin DN food and SNake and Monster mom celebrating,  I hope her dish will succeed. SH is on alert he even stopped DN from drinking the coffee SNake give her, slowly  he is losing his trust on SNake   

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5 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

The more snake and they crazy mom attacks DN the more they will be tellonh on themselves

@sava2sava you are absolutely right, SH was observing SNake reaction on the meeting not to mention SKunk keep on asking about DN soon or later their interference in DN life raise suspicions, how I wish the female colleague will be caught and fired  

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2 minutes ago, euraka said:

@sava2sava you are absolutely right, SH was observing SNake reaction on the meeting not to mention SKunk keep on asking about DN soon or later their interference in DN life raise suspicions, how I wish the female colleague will be caught and fired  

@euraka  She'll be caught in due time.. We still have a long way to go..

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4 hours ago, tulip06 said:

No subs yet. I'm sad.

Ep 47 with subs is now out on boxasian and Viu.

In this episode, both Chef JW and SH shared sweet moments with DN. Both have stepped up their efforts to support DN, although SH might still be unaware of the depth of his feelings.  The scene where SH felt hot over the sweet bean buns was so cute. While JW leaning closely to DN while she reads her recipe book looked so natural & realistic.  Am looking forward to more scenes like those. 

I wonder what SNake's plans are to sabotage DN's evaluation and how she'll connive with DN's  co-worker? 

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SH has it bad the way he looked at her say it all 


 SH light up every time he is around DN it was so cute when he realizes what he is feeling and pretended to focus on his work at the end of the day he ends up going to see her 



my favorite part is the end of the episode and I am  curious if he ends up drinking it 


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So cute how SunHo is clearing his throat a lot around Dalnim because he's a bit flustered.  His face and body language say it all. Lots of cute scenes in episode 47.  SunHo not wanting to admit he trusts Dalnim and stopping her from drinking SNake's gifted coffee drink.  Yeah the old ruin the taste buds routine but it looks like it will fail.  But actually it just might be a diversionary tactic so they check the drink and it's ok but if the cooking test fails SNake thinks this will deflect blame from her..

Chef is so sweet with Dalnim helping her practice to perfect her special recipes. Chef had the flash back to when he was a child and Dalnim found him and treated him with great kindness when he has cold, hungry and injured so he's probably had feelings for her since then.  She was like an angel to him. That was a long time ago.

Preview episode 48  When and if SNake's tampering with Dalnim's cooking test is successful I could imagine SunHo always going to see Dalnim because he's worried about her.  That would drive SNake into a frenzy since she voiced her concern that it drives her crazy that SunHo looks out for Dalnim.

Waiting for tonight episode 48 raw to air.


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today's episode gives me a mixed feeling, I am so upset  that DN fail the test thanks to that jealous and greedy colleague    another win for the evil trio's they succeed to fire DN , I want justice I am not talking about SNake but the female colleague , I want her to be punished in worst possible way Thank God SH is smart he caught SNake on her lies   it was a smart move from his side sending message from SNake phone to find the truth, when he confronted SNake she lied through her teeth , she can say bye bye to her dream of marrying him, from the preview SH is giving SNake a cold shoulder and DN seems to get a backbone she is trapping SNake and threating her, good for her ,  I can't wait for tomorrow's episode 

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I don't want DN to go back to the restaurant even if SH manage to clear her name I want her to go to their competition and succeed though it is far fetched. she need the back up of powerful person at this rate JW doesn't have power so does SH since he has a lot of opposition  from his family, SNake most of all JH mom, it is weird but I have this feeling how about JH mom, from the preview JW was telling her DN is not the one who kills  she might not believe him but she might also ask her minion to investigate and find out something doesn't add up and give her a hand on finding the real killer 

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Just watched the raw version of ep 48, and my thoughts are based mostly on the characters' body language and the little Hangul I know. :tongue:

While SNake, the evil mom and SKunk were in celebratory moods, DN's two knights had a hard time sleeping after the unfavorable evaluation. Luckily, both men have smartened up from SNake's previous schemes that they have become suspicious of everyone and everything related to her.  They are investigating and putting the pieces together and so we might see DN going back to the restaurant (again) soon.

With all the distrust and obvious lack of affection between SH and SN, I don't understand why they would even consider marriage. I hope SH would disengage himself from SN right away. 

Looking forward to the subs later today.  Can't wait for tomorrow's episode. 

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@0ly40 Thanks for the preview.

Wow, things seem to be looking up in Ep 49. (I know we still have a very very long way to go) Can't wait to find out how the bracelet (one of the two identical bracelets) found its way back into the present. 

Am glad this drama can still hold my interest.  I usually give up on daily dramas when they reach around episode 30s. :D

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