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[Drama 2017] Mystery Queen 추리의 여왕


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so next YSO has to prove WS innocent and solve both her parents and WS girlfriends cases

and know about that her husband isn't just a lair and cheater and use his act as single to know women who can help him get more connecting with powerful power but he also  a evil who let evil guys go free for his benefit 

POOR YSO she has to deal with all that next week :thumbsup: but who could killed that man and even planed to frame WS even when he a son of powerful man , don't tel me his dad it himself so he can help him later and own him or is that JW father or one of her family who did that ???? someone powerful and close to WS to dare to do that 

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23 minutes ago, gaby81 said:


@gaby81, Thank you so  much for these notes on tonight's episode. So excited to catch it tomorrow.

@bebebisous33, thank you for confirming that Woo's buddy died from exhaustion from overworking on the serial murderer case. 

I do agree with  many friends here that the scenes are so lovely and the accompanying background music is engaging and matches the moods so well.

I am sad for YSO who will be so heart-broken when she learns that her oppa/husband is cheating on her.  At the same time, it opens the way for WS to be with her. The bickering between WS and SO is just adorable!

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It was nice to see WS and SO had their first "date" after the sadness of SO finding her husband with another woman at an important "company function." They had a drink (soda?) at a club and WS even created ridiculous pictures of SO to cheer her up. From the small segments I saw, SO solved the senior center attempted murder case and MIL actually thanked her (I think). The big event of Episode 14 would be that WS will be framed for the murder of Jang. I am pretty sure it is from the "Kim" side of the rivalry. The officer who appeared at the Jang murder site to arrest WS was the officer who hid the SO-parent-file and the same one who years ago told SO that he was 99% sure it was a suicide case. After WS inquired about that file, that evil officer called Kim to alert him that WS is after that file. Kim is also connected to Jang as he told Jang the best way out was for him to leave the country by a boat. JW's brother also taunted Kim during a phone call that he is onto him and that they should speak more often. That led me to speculate that Kim is against the Ha and Jung firm. JW was anxious to reach Jang because if she could make a deal with Jang then she would win against her brother to gain a high position within the firm. But it appeared Jang was trying to run her down with a car in the parking lot. I think the events to be revealed next week will be daebak and SO will be the one to bring down all the corrupted and powerful people.

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after watching ep 14 with sub

we know it my friends her husband had made a deal with WS father to bury YSO parents death and never open it again 

so if that happen after he marriage her or even from the moment she start living with them doesn't matter 

he did really make a deal to stop YSO from opening that case again and he lived with her all this years promising her that when he have  more power he will take care of her parents case, that was hurtful more then the cheating with another women , cause he cheat on her all her life by making her living in false promise and hope , she don't know yet he made a deal but even so she so hurt that he was lying about helping with her case 

what a jerk a totally one , it has being 10 years when she didn't go to collage and lived as maid , worked so hard to gave him money and make his sister go to have PHD and even spend money on his mother so he can study and be the man he promise he will , but it not just he a jerk and weak but he was hidden and playing with her all this years like she a stupid and will gave up someday 

p.s. from their talk he meet WS father when he was Ansan and YSO said he was saying he will help her from the time he was there ,so he did at one point tried to open that case and get a call to meet WS father , there they made a deal maybe more money , or making promotion to Seoul and even making it clear that he can't open it if his mom was in that too , since then he start lying to himself and YSO that he will do that latter when he more powerful but in the end no matter how he raise he know he cant be more powerful from WS father 

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So Jang was scared for once, he knew WS was right in Episode 2 that he would be safer inside the prison than being outside, Jang called WS for help because WS was the only one he could trust. WS received a later text from Jang to meet in an empty warehouse and WS knew something was unusual. Sure enough, Jang was murdered and someone used his phone to text WS. In Episode 15, WS would be in detention and only SO, perhaps with the help of Captain Bae and Leutenant Hong, could save him. The case will be difficult, even JW is in danger. It will be great watching the finale next week, the case is getting interesting. After SO got a little drunk, WS pressed her to say that she has fallen for him and it actually worked a little. Jang's desperate phone call ruined the moment. But next week SO would have to be brave to save WS and solve her parents' murder once and for all. I am pretty sure SO's father saw HS' murderer throwing her body into the ocean. Jang said it was not him.

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Finished watching, my thoughts:

  • SO's husband made a deal, so he's one of the baddies after all.
  • I can't stress it enough, even if @nona88will disagree, but I really like Ji-Won. Seems like I'm the only one who sees how much she cares about him. It's not like she doesn't want him to find out, she just cares about him and knows how dangerous it is. She is worried about him, she tells him to let go because she doesn't want him to end up dead aswell. Somehow I want her to receive the love she deserved, at least a little appreciation of WS.
  • WS getting arrested was somehow expected, what worries me is that he lied to SO. This will put her in an awkward spot, especially since he kept hiding crucial information from her. He should have opened up to her earlier. 
  • I think we won't have a love plot anymore, the remaining two episodes will be used to clear the main cases. 
  • I'm honest with you, I didn't like the dress. I think it didn't suit either of them. 
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Honestly there is so much I am angry:angry: about I don't even know where to start...  Except to say I will save the JERK for last...

When I think about SO about her life and her struggles that were everywhere we could see. Yet she never acted as though, she could.  She never complained or threw fits she just endured day after day.  Year after year. Kept in almost a prison where her voice was never heard and love was never really given.  The way the women in her family treated her daily as if she were hired help and nothing more. Even after risking her own life to save her sister-in-law who in fact would have died!!!  Where were the words of kindness??  Was there even a thought of being thankful towards her??  She worked like a dog and all the while with a smile on her face. The way she was held captive for years to everyone's needs, wants and expectations. Living in a type of fear and pressure in believing that somehow she deserved this kind of life and this type of treatment.  WHY??   Because this sweet soul was humbled and simply thankful  they gave her a home and a family which breaks my heart even more.  All the while having to hide her passion in a store room just to have something for herself. It's a wonder she could even breathe I think her friend deserves some thanks for that.  Yet she never allowed them to crush her spirit or take away all her happiness what little she could hang onto...

Once I saw her husband eating a friendly lunch with that woman that SO overlooked and walked past.  It was a done deal my heart sank and I knew what was coming for her as most of you did too.  I'll be honest he gave me the creeps a long time ago and it matches his creepy taste in dresses too!  Dang!!!!  NO DOUBLE DANG!!!!  What the heck was the production team thinking giving her that homely looking dress..  Give me a break NO WAY would he have bought that dress for his girlfriend to wear unless he is legally blind!!! No offense intended... I wanted to see her in something with a WOW factor classic black heck anything would have beat what she got I wanted to strangle someone with that bow...  I wanted her husband and WS to see that side of her that is being hidden under all those layers upon layers of clothes...  Forgive me to those who loved the dress.  No offense meant everyone has their own sense of style...

SO's so called husband what a low life and I mean LOW to the pits of HADES this man really makes me angry to the max and believe me if I wasn't on Soompi my words would be a lot more colorful to say the least.  Since I am on my soap box let me add some truth I don't care if you're a man or woman if you don't love someone anymore fine move on but at least leave the other person whom you once loved with their dignity in tact.  Just watching SO have to go through that tonight it was was heart wrenching and no one deserves to be treated and humiliated like that...  Just when you think her husband couldn't get any lower...  WRONG...  He waits for her at home and his first words are unbelievable asking if she was with WS... REALLY WOW!!! No concern about what he had done or the fact that just hours ago he watched as she suffered in front of everyone on the outside while her heart was being ripped out and bleeding on the inside.   This man who was suppose to be her everything, never took one step to ease or help her or her pain!!!  No I'm SORRY or FORGIVE ME and he never even respected her enough to answer her questions which more than deserved an honest answer.  It only got worse when he tried to make excuses for not finding out after 9 years of waiting who was responsible. Just one more promise he couldn't keep... Instead he gives her the words that must have felt like being stabbed and betrayed completely.  He twisted and turned that knife within her soul and left her with absolutely NOTHING...  Not even a shadow of LOVE...


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yesterdya i was frustrated, today i am back in love..

I need to study this whole drama... it has nothing.. is so slow... and yet sthg is super unique about it.. from characters to plot and direction..



SO, i thought flashbacks meant the girl is dead.. apparently not.. but then we don't have any characters left in the drama who could potentially be the ex gf.. unless they are trying to pull sthg.. that the girl mastermind her own kidnapping and took money from ha daddy to let go of WS

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EP 14 Thoughts:

Precious Seol Ok. ;~; The law group event was horrible. I teared up for her when she admitted to Wan Seung that she was embarrassed. It wasn't enough that she saw her husband with another woman in the same dress as her, but she had to be caught in the curtain and interrupt the party where everyone stared at her.

Ho Cheol looked like a cheater. But when he kept telling Seol Ok that he was still looking into her parent's case since 9 years ago, I wondered if he wasn't really a bad guy and that he was trying to secretly investigate it on his own. However, he got caught by Wan Seung's father now. He had a deal with him back then, I guess he had to conceal the truth in the past so that he could be promoted and try to gain power.

The WS+SO scenes were my favorite. Their drinking date was so nice. WS was great at lifting her spirits and they looked comfortable with each other. His little teasing was cute.

And I love the flirty scenes between Kyung Mi and Gwang Tae!~ ^.^ They are adorable!

Finally, we have more information on the case about her parents and Hyun Soo. I still don't know if she could be alive. I'm not sure what the drama has in store for us about that part. Will they have WS mourning her loss or will they have him seeing her again? It feels like there is not enough time left in the drama for their reunion, etc. 

I'm sure SO will be there to save WS this time, along with Officer Hong and the rest of the gang.

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The only interesting bit on ep. 13 was Seolok's umbrella LoL. Although it wasn't a sincere gift per se. Her husband is just scum tbh. And that dress he bought for his mistress? Awful. Priced at $1,500? Insane! Nice to see Wanseung and Officer Cutie Hong work together - double the eye candy LoL.

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13 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:


Honestly there is so much I am angry:angry: about I don't even know where to start...  Except to say I will save the JERK for last...

When I think about SO about her life and her struggles that were everywhere we could see. Yet she never acted as though, she could.  She never complained or threw fits she just endured day after day.  Year after year. Kept in almost a prison where her voice was never heard and love was never really given.  The way the women in her family treated her daily as if she were hired help and nothing more. Even after risking her own life to save her sister-in-law who in fact would have died!!!  Where were the words of kindness??  Was there even a thought of being thankful towards her??  She worked like a dog and all the while with a smile on her face. The way she was held captive for years to everyone's needs, wants and expectations. Living in a type of fear and pressure in believing that somehow she deserved this kind of life and this type of treatment.  WHY??   Because this sweet soul was humbled and simply thankful  they gave her a home and a family which breaks my heart even more.  All the while having to hide her passion in a store room just to have something for herself. It's a wonder she could even breathe I think her friend deserves some thanks for that.  Yet she never allowed them to crush her spirit or take away all her happiness what little she could hang onto...

Once I saw her husband eating a friendly lunch with that woman that SO overlooked and walked past.  It was a done deal my heart sank and I knew what was coming for her as most of you did too.  I'll be honest he gave me the creeps a long time ago and it matches his creepy taste in dresses too!  Dang!!!!  NO DOUBLE DANG!!!!  What the heck was the production team thinking giving her that homely looking dress..  Give me a break NO WAY would he have bought that dress for his girlfriend to wear unless he is legally blind!!! No offense intended... I wanted to see her in something with a WOW factor classic black heck anything would have beat what she got I wanted to strangle someone with that bow...  I wanted her husband and WS to see that side of her that is being hidden under all those layers upon layers of clothes...  Forgive me to those who loved the dress.  No offense meant everyone has their own sense of style...

SO's so called husband what a low life and I mean LOW to the pits of HADES this man really makes me angry to the max and believe me if I wasn't on Soompi my words would be a lot more colorful to say the least.  Since I am on my soap box let me add some truth I don't care if you're a man or woman if you don't love someone anymore fine move on but at least leave the other person whom you once loved with their dignity in tact.  Just watching SO have to go through that tonight it was was heart wrenching and no one deserves to be treated and humiliated like that...  Just when you think her husband couldn't get any lower...  WRONG...  He waits for her at home and his first words are unbelievable asking if she was with WS... REALLY WOW!!! No concern about what he had done or the fact that just hours ago he watched as she suffered in front of everyone on the outside while her heart was being ripped out and bleeding on the inside.   This man who was suppose to be her everything, never took one step to ease or help her or her pain!!!  No I'm SORRY or FORGIVE ME and he never even respected her enough to answer her questions which more than deserved an honest answer.  It only got worse when he tried to make excuses for not finding out after 9 years of waiting who was responsible. Just one more promise he couldn't keep... Instead he gives her the words that must have felt like being stabbed and betrayed completely.  He twisted and turned that knife within her soul and left her with absolutely NOTHING...  Not even a shadow of LOVE...


Great writing, like you share SO's painful feeling. 


11 hours ago, lumibear said:

EP 14 Thoughts:

Precious Seol Ok. ;~; The law group event was horrible. I teared up for her when she admitted to Wan Seung that she was embarrassed. It wasn't enough that she saw her husband with another woman in the same dress as her, but she had to be caught in the curtain and interrupt the party where everyone stared at her.

Ho Cheol looked like a cheater. But when he kept telling Seol Ok that he was still looking into her parent's case since 9 years ago, I wondered if he wasn't really a bad guy and that he was trying to secretly investigate it on his own. However, he got caught by Wan Seung's father now. He had a deal with him back then, I guess he had to conceal the truth in the past so that he could be promoted and try to gain power.

The WS+SO scenes were my favorite. Their drinking date was so nice. WS was great at lifting her spirits and they looked comfortable with each other. His little teasing was cute.

And I love the flirty scenes between Kyung Mi and Gwang Tae!~ ^.^ They are adorable!

Finally, we have more information on the case about her parents and Hyun Soo. I still don't know if she could be alive. I'm not sure what the drama has in store for us about that part. Will they have WS mourning her loss or will they have him seeing her again? It feels like there is not enough time left in the drama for their reunion, etc. 

I'm sure SO will be there to save WS this time, along with Officer Hong and the rest of the gang.

I imagine that the next episodes, we will see the power of  our female characters to help WS, Ji Won as his lawyer and SO as his witness.  They will join hands this time.  KCSI will be able to prove how long Jang was dead, the time WS was with SO.  The time she separated from him to take the taxi can be proved from her msg to him with the taxi's license  plate. 

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@USAFarmgirlI love your post and I agree with you about that dress. It really was a horrible piece of cloth. 

7 hours ago, lumibear said:

The WS+SO scenes were my favorite. Their drinking date was so nice. WS was great at lifting her spirits and they looked comfortable with each other. His little teasing was cute.

I agree. I just wish he would have been more honest to her. Tell her where he is going and which information he has available now. 

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I just love love the drinking scene and how WS did his best to lift SO's spirits after her ordeal at the lawyer's function. My ears pricked when Ajumma told WS that while she disliked being called ajumma, somehow she felt comfortable when WS called her that, as if he was calling her name. @gomugomuno, I agree with you, we got romance for that short scene and walk! Love the way the 2 were teasing and flirting! haha.

@USAFarmgirl, such an awesome post on SO! It is a wonder that she could still remain positive about life and has the determination and passion to solve cases. That is why we love her so much.

@nona88, @dhakra, While this has been brewing for some time but this episode absolutely confirmed SO's husband as one of the baddies. While SO was embarrassed by her encounter at the lawyer's function, she was deeply hurt when she learnt that her husband has no intention of opening her parents' `suicide' case at all. Her response to her husband's `cheating with a woman' was embarassment and not deep hurt that would come from a wife, clearly she did not love him. I am also suspicious like some of us here as to whether her marriage was actually legally registered or not.

@docster6, yes, we are going to have `daebak' finale episodes next week!  Bae, Hong and our mystery queen will join forces to save WS. 

@lumibear, Kyung Mi and Captain Bae were so adorable when they flirted while he watched and commented on her cooking! 

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1 hour ago, ross27 said:

I just love love the drinking scene and how WS did his best to lift SO's spirits after her ordeal at the lawyer's function. My ears pricked when Ajumma told WS that while she disliked being called ajumma, somehow she felt comfortable when WS called her that, as if he was calling her name. @gomugomuno, I agree with you, we got romance for that short scene and walk! Love the way the 2 were teasing and flirting! haha.

@USAFarmgirl, such an awesome post on SO! It is a wonder that she could still remain positive about life and has the determination and passion to solve cases. That is why we love her so much.

@nona88, @dhakra, While this has been brewing for some time but this episode absolutely confirmed SO's husband as one of the baddies. While SO was embarrassed by her encounter at the lawyer's function, she was deeply hurt when she learnt that her husband has no intention of opening her parents' `suicide' case at all. Her response to her husband's `cheating with a woman' was embarassment and not deep hurt that would come from a wife, clearly she did not love him. I am also suspicious like some of us here as to whether her marriage was actually legally registered or not.

@docster6, yes, we are going to have `daebak' finale episodes next week!  Bae, Hong and our mystery queen will join forces to save WS. 

@lumibear, Kyung Mi and Captain Bae were so adorable when they flirted while he watched and commented on her cooking! 

Dont forget Jiwon, she would certainly be his lawyer.  She is the one that really loves WS.  For SO, I don't think she loves neither her husband nor WS (Chief Hong is her favourite though), she has never believed in love at all.  I jusr wonder why WS repeatedly teased her that she has fallen for him.

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