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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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28 minutes ago, xiaoS_sweet said:

Did the drama really used a different version of Beautiful instead of the one officially released by Crush? I listened that song by Crush a lot of times, and rewatched ep 1 a lot of times too but I can't hear the difference. I'm just curious if this is true or just a hearsay. I don't think the answer would matter really because I love the song and I really can't hear the difference but I want to know who sang the other version, if it did exist.

I think so. Because i heard the lyrics are different. And someone said before the singers are different too. I forgot his name. The one in the drama sung by the original composer (cmiiw chingu. Because i totally forgot it is composer or the writer). Try to hear the 3rd line of the song. Hehe.. i don't say i'm 100% correct. Who knows somebody feel or know the different way than i do, feel free to correct me :)

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8 hours ago, CatchMine_ID said:

What a sorrowful preview... Ah Kim Shin fighting :')

uri Kim shin :cry:

gonna prepare my heart for this friday :tears:

btw i love love love the scene in the preview when KS GR and ET laughing together, they're looks happy :wub: well, dream sequence or not i just love it!

Edited by jeijei
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7 hours ago, staygold said:


@packmule3 Thank you for tagging me!! I repeat myself when I say I love your way of analyzing and explaining!! I am lurking here more than I should be!! This is definitely going on my new year's resolutions list!! 

I keep returning to Goryeo scene with KS, Queen and the King and thinking which two character's story/bond/grudge is capable of continuing through the after life.

From what the series has shown so far the King is very much the standard young ruler who made mistakes and might have regretted afterwards. For this we use the queen's portraits. Did anyone notice the King didn't make amends for his betrayal of KS's faith. KS's servants still looked sick and poor. KS still didn't have a proper burial. So once you're branded a traitor even the King can't undo it even if he wants to? Does this mean the King took his hatred for KS and his love for the Queen to his grave? If yes, then that explains the need for an afterlife in form of GR. 

Queen seemed to have no grudges when she died. She died accepting the situation. She didn't seem to have any accounts to settle. I really wanted a cliched shot of her looking at the King as he walks off at the end. Just to keep an open end (and also easy for my slow brain!!). But that didn't happen. She seemed to have a closure (peace/acceptance of fate??) even before she died. I see no reason for her reincarnation. Other than the standard lovers reincarnated. Not intriguing enough for me personally!! Also since the makers are hiding Sunny and not giving us enough to make any calculations.

KS with generous screen time and obviously being the main character has enough ego, grudges and pain to last 1000 odd years. His main opponent being God and second being the King (from the way he wrote the name and of course his earlier interest in finding if a certain pop singer could be the King!!)

So the grudge/bond that holds through time is KS and the King. With whatever is shown to me so far, as of episode 8 I am more inclined towards GR as the King (and Sunny as the red herring!). Even though on many levels I want the writer to end with GR is the Queen and say 'You didn't see that coming, did ya!!'. 



Hey there, @staygold --

I agree with your comments here:
1. “the King is your standard young ruler”, and here:
2. “the Queen seemed to have no grudges when she died. She died accepting the situation. She didn't seem to have any accounts to settle.”

But – you know this is coming, right? :) -- I can flip these and bolster the arguments for Team Reaper-is-the-king. 

For instance, the fact that the king IS “your standard young ruler,” is EXACTLY the reason why he matches Sunny’s character.  As of Episode 8, Sunny is opaque.  In her own way, she’s “standard” too… or should I say static? As @hushhh has pointed out, there hasn’t been any significant development in her character, and she remains one-dimensional. I don’t get her motivations, her inner thoughts, her ambitions.      

Instead, I get her quirks: like her sighings in Episode 8 as she counts the passers-by outside her restaurant, her vanity/aegyo in Episode 7 as she says “My face is my business card. It says it right there on my face: Pretty person.” (translation: dramabeans), and her frown every time the Reaper throws her off-guard with his actions and words. 

But what really sticks out for me about her is the double date in Episode 6. The Reaper gives her the ring that she wants, and in exchange, she TACKILY asks for DH’s phone number. Lol. That for me is a bad sign. First, if she is the Queen and she is getting her ring back, she should have felt something. But nada; zilch; zero. The camera even does a close-up.  

Second, she doesn’t wear it. Have you ever received a ring from a guy you like? If so, then you'll know, from experience, that when a girl receives a ring from a guy that she supposedly likes, she’ll gush, and then hurriedly try it on, admire it on her finger, and watch the stone sparkle.  But what does Sunny do? At first, she finds excuses not to accept it and then when she picks it up, she just keeps it in her fist. After all that fuss she did at the bridge about the ring! pwahahaha. I really expected her to show some interest. I wondered then if the ring was another “trophy” for her.

But worst of all, she shamelessly asks for DH’s number after being given the ring. Where are her manners? Sure, he’s a chaebol and he's her landlord but this guy in front of her has just given her a ring, a ring that was preciouuuussssss to him. Her behavior turned me off;  and it reminded me of that stereotypical Gangnam society gal. “Gimme this, gimme that, oppa”.  

Can you imagine the Queen going up to the King and asking him to allow a male royal attendant to meet with her, when he's already jealous of her brother? Or asking for a precious hairpin from the King and leaving it out in the rain? 

Perhaps, if we were at least shown some motivation or rationale to Sunny’s actions, it could mitigate her oddities. Like, if I knew that she grew up poor and unloved, I could justify her craving for admiration. But we get nothing.

In the same way, we get no explanation why the young king feels so threatened by Shin that he exiles him. If I knew why he was jealous, then I could side with him and say that Shin shouldn’t have provoked him by returning to the palace after he’s been ORDERED to go to kill himself....  

If I look beyond the pretty face of the actress Yoo Ina, I can see why her Sunny’s character doesn’t match the Queen’s character. She’s “your standard femme fatale” like the king was “your standard young ruler.” 

Maybe it will change in Episode 9…. Who knows?

As for the queen being passive and holding “no grudges,” @staygold that is also EXACTLY why her character fits the Reaper, too. :)  Did you read what I wrote about the Reaper and Fate? It was under the spoilers. She “dies accepting the situation,” because that’s the fate allocated for her. Just like how the Reaper passively accepts fate.  

There’s a scene I can think of, Episode 3 that relates to this. The Reaper was sulking in his room because Shin teased him that he could have been a murdered in his past life. He proceeded to write a list of "huge sins" that he could have committed in his past life. He wrote “unfilial child, disloyal, arrogant, incompetent, disadvantaged.”  Hahahaha. None of them were "huge" sins.  Later, he asked Shin which of those things he could NOT have possibly done and Shin said with alacrity, “Being unfilial” (or being a disobedient or stubborn son). Shin got him pegged right. The Reaper isn't the type to go against the rule and order.   

That’s why I wasn’t at all surprised when Sunny says in Episode 8 that she “prefers Sunny and dislikes the original, finding it too pure, as though there was a story behind it.” (source: dramabeans). 

THAT statement of hers can be understood in different ways, staygold. On one level it shows self-awareness: Sunny knows that she isn’t a passive, meek, and compliant woman or a goody-two shoes. Don’t you remember how she got rid of ET’s aunt by pretending to set goons on her?  She’s assertive; I actually prefer her that way

But on another level, it can be another hint to her identity. By claiming to dislike the “original” name, Kim Sun, the scriptwriter – through Sunny – is saying: take a good second look at this whole story again. Look at Sunny for what she really is and discover that she isn’t the sweet pure girl like the Queen. 

(Or maybe, just maybe, the queen herself isn't all that pure as she seemed to be in Episode 1, AND as we all think she is, staygold.... that's also a possible plot twist.)

As for the grudge between Shin and the king, hmmm…I think it’s gone now.  Go ahead and rewatch Episode 3 (Whether the hatred was for “the king, or god, or me – I’ve forgotten that”) and Episode 4 (he can’t be sad for a thousand years, and he’s accepted his fate and lives well.). Also, Episode 7 when DH said that his wrath had disappeared after watching an idol girl group. 

More importantly, remember this: in Episode 8, Shin wrote down both the King’s and Queen’s names on the lantern.  He couldn’t have lighted that lantern and wished EVIL to fall on the couple. No, staygold. That won’t reflect the teachings of Buddha for compassion, love, and wisdom.  
So there you go, @staygold.  I know this is all counter-intuitive for many people. It goes against the mainstream so it will take time to sink in…. like with Reply 1988, lol.  

But please don’t feel like you have to change your mind for me -- or anybody. Just stay as you are, staygold. 

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Lee Dong Wook's melodramas and rom coms through the years

Goblin (tvN) Dec. 2, 2016 ~

Naver - Xports News: From 'My Girl' to 'Goblin', history of Lee Dong Wook's rom coms and melo dramas

1. [+7,577, -70] What's for sure is he doesn't lose next to Gong Yoo.... I'm jealous

2. [+5,383, -44] 'Goblin' is the drama of his life

3. [+5,115, -32] He was legendary as Seol Gong Chan but he's at his peak through grim reaper. Lee Dong Wook is currently my hobby

4. [+3,331, -41] I really liked him in 'Scent of a Woman' ㅠㅠㅠㅠI'm glad he's able to show a different side to him as grim reaper!!

5. [+2,572, -26] Friday, hurry up

6. [+411, -6] They did a great job casting actors to play grim reaper and goblin. Their synergy is exceptional and cute

7. [+386, -3] Dong Wook hung has done lead roles and I wonder why he wasn't getting popular. I hope he shots to fame through this opportunity. Goblin's ratings need to go up even more

8. [+381, -5] He was so cool as Seol Gong Chan in My Girl ㅋ

9. [+333, -4] He's adorable in 'Bubblegum' but grim reaper is real cool! I personally liked 'La Dolce Vita'!

10. [+319, -5] He's perfect for the role of grim reaper, like he's wearing clothes that fit him!

11. [+316, -6] During Goblin's promotional stages, I assumed Gong Too was the lead and Lee Dong Wook was the secondary lead. I thought it was random that he chose this drama but looking closely, he's super charming in this role ♡♡♡

12. [+322, -17] Isn't he more handsome than Gong Yoo? I'd say Gong Too is more charming than he is handsome

13. [+256, -4] I also like 'La Dolce Vita' where he starred with Oh Yeon Soo ㅋㅋ

14. [+250, -2] Not that many people know how good 'Bubblegum' is
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31 minutes ago, Athenaries said:


Actually, the fact is Eun Tak had already made her clear intention to leave Kim Shin's house a bit long before GR told her about the real consequence of her pulling the sword. Did you remember the scene (in ep 8 maybe) KS went to ET's room and saw her suitcase or bag all packed on the bed; ET also worked more jobs (singing at weddings) to get prepared to leave the house. She had believed that KS did not like her and believed that after her pulling the sword, KS would find and marry his 'some beautiful girl' who is not her. That's the reason why ET told KS at Subway that she would move out of the house and go far away from KS before he finds and marries 'that beautiful girl'.

And now when mis-knowing that KS does not like her, but she knows for sure she loves KS, and her pulling the sword will kill the one she loves, what is the choice out there for ET to make if not running away? You just need to watch the drama more carefully and attentively to details so as not to run into a hasty conclusion. 


No. I actually watch this drama quite well but thanks for the concern. 

Maybe she could be the direct Eun Tak we all know and confront him to get  the whole story right there instead of taking it upon herself to run and make him worried and desperate to find her?  If this is actually what happens. We don't know. She may have been planning to leave but her actual reason  for bolting to a ski resort and not telling anyone is pure noble idiocy particularly if and when he finds her, tries to talk to her and she refuses to listen. 








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@packmule3 and to all of the posters on [defend the king/queen] as usual I am enjoying all the analyses on king vs queen. And the mirror does show us our real selves, if that's what we're being hinted at then all we saw at reaper's room was him and goblin at the front ..[and the mirror a bit distorted like a fish eye lens]. So what was it hinting at? Hmmm.

Btw just to keep you updated on the latest spoilers [lol], regarding Deok Hwa , there is this new speculation around that is, what he was supposed to recite from shin's diary was the same tirade that shin gave on wars some episode back. But deok hwa said [it's a sad love letter] and then something like ' on a day after 100 Years...'so he was close to what Shin said to god at the end of the episode..I quote from this site, which someone posted earlier...

'Ji Euntak couldn't figure out the hanja so she asked Deokhwa to translate Kim Shin's writing.
Deokhwa translated the letter to Euntak and said that it was a love letter,
"After 100 years...
On a good day..."
And afterwards, Kim Shin's thoughts 
"..You are my life and my death..
And I.. like you. 
Thus, I keep this secret and ask above for permission.
May you not know for one more day,
may you not know for 100 years more."
The letter that Euntak asked Deokhwa to translate was different from what Deokhwa actually told Euntak.  The writing in the book was about Kim Shin's thoughts of the war previously shown in past episodes, yet Deokhwa said that it was a love letter and his expression changed.
Kim Shin never spoke about his thoughts and only kept that confession to Euntak in his heart.
The fact that Deokhwa seemed to be able to read those thoughts and tell Euntak makes me think that there's a high possibility that he's not human.'
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19 minutes ago, nearsea said:

@packmule3 and to all of the posters on [defend the king/queen] as usual I am enjoying all the analyses on king vs queen. And the mirror does show us our real selves, if that's what we're being hinted at then all we saw at reaper's room was him and goblin at the front ..[and the mirror a bit distorted like a fish eye lens]. So what was it hinting at? Hmmm.

Btw just to keep you updated on the latest spoilers [lol], regarding Deok Hwa , there is this new speculation around that is, what he was supposed to recite from shin's diary was the same tirade that shin gave on wars some episode back. But deok hwa said [it's a sad love letter] and then something like ' on a day after 100 Years...'so he was close to what Shin said to god at the end of the episode..I quote from this site, which someone posted earlier...

'Ji Euntak couldn't figure out the hanja so she asked Deokhwa to translate Kim Shin's writing.
Deokhwa translated the letter to Euntak and said that it was a love letter,
"After 100 years...
On a good day..."
And afterwards, Kim Shin's thoughts 
"..You are my life and my death..
And I.. like you. 
Thus, I keep this secret and ask above for permission.
May you not know for one more day,
may you not know for 100 years more."
The letter that Euntak asked Deokhwa to translate was different from what Deokhwa actually told Euntak.  The writing in the book was about Kim Shin's thoughts of the war previously shown in past episodes, yet Deokhwa said that it was a love letter and his expression changed.
Kim Shin never spoke about his thoughts and only kept that confession to Euntak in his heart.
The fact that Deokhwa seemed to be able to read those thoughts and tell Euntak makes me think that there's a high possibility that he's not human.'

Hi @nearsea! I've been thinking (and I could be wrong), but I remember JET reading only that diary of KS where he wrote his plea to the deities and she was curious of what it says. So i was pretty sure that it was that same journal entry that she copied and showed to DH.  Then if that is the case, could it be that another being was in control of DH during that scene? I could be overthinking here, but I noticed that his eyes are kind of blank during that scene, like he wasn't reading it at all.  

Any thoughts on this?

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