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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Just finished watching ep. 8 and oh... What a desperate episode... Am I late to the pity party? The logic seems legit (the use of human create). And why I find Kim Shin so charming in this ep, Gong Yoo handsome charms flows over and hit me hard. Finally the GR's fate connected to story, story will be more exciting and... Full of irony.

The feels in this ep. are too heavy :bawling: :bawling: , when the OST came at the end of ep.7 and ep.8 give me chills. Goblin's hopelessness, is he only hoping to the deity then? And ET's image that full of purity-happiness will decrease a lot in next ep. I think and I'm glad to see her other side, good/bad her character could be judged soon. 

Ah I don't know what I'm blabbing about, but I invest my whole heart for this show since this ep, what a mesmerizing one.

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The more interesting stories always seem to be told in bits and pieces through hints and clues. I'm not saying I'm not enjoying the Goblin's storyline but I am a bit more intrigued by the Grim Reaper's story.

I was under the impression that the Grim Reaper hadn't been a Reaper for as long as the Goblin had been alive. To become a Reaper you committed a great sin in the past life. So given the hints as to who the Grim Reaper was in his past life, there was either a period during which he was in purgatory of some sort for a while before he became a Reaper.or he has been a Reaper for longer than he can remember. It doesn't look like he has had other lives atleast from the bits and pieces shown.

The old woman who does seem to be a more powerful than both the Goblin and the Reaper seemed extremely malicious when she said they would both pay a heavy price when she was selling the ring. I guess the Reaper is condemned not to be happy or be with the woman he loves but why would Sun Hyo also pay a heavy price? What has she done exactly? She was even warned by the physic to stay away from the man with the hat. Condemned by the deities not to be happy or be together it seems to me. 

For the Goblin's storyline it looks like we are heading into the filler/depression episodes where everyone is sad and nothing happens because they are all too traumatised by the choices they have to make. So I really do hope we get some more background on why the Grim Reaper is in the position he is now and why the old woman wants him to suffer.

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 :bawling: The Sam Kim ost, is full of love just realize his lyrics and made me cry.... It's a real Goblin song for his human bride. Sobs..sobs

Naegga Kkok chajanaelge, Naega neol arabulge, Naega issneun got oedideun, Moseubi eotteohdeun .... Kkok arabolge

I must find you, I will recognize you, Wherever you are, Whatever it looks like .......I'll check it out.:heart:

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4 hours ago, vivvianne22 said:

And if GR is the King and Sunny is the Queen, why the writer makes GR character to be more look like the Queen's and Sunny more like the King's? Maybe she want to troll us?


Do you mean their personalities? The thing is we haven't gotten to really know the personalities of the King and Queen, maybe the way Sunny is and the way Grim is they could have been similar in the past, I actually wouldn't be surprised if Queen was quite similar to Sunny and dominate in personality from the snippet we got her talking to Shin she was no timid person.

As for the King and Shin we also need to know what was happening outside the palace as well as inside, from what we know Shin was dedicated to the King but unfortunately for him there probably was a lot of shady politics going on behind the scene and people like the eunuch used the Kings fear, insecurity as well as jealousy to get into his head. I don't think this happened overnight probably years of manipulation. I am interested in finding out how the Queen was handling it, she must had an idea what was going on, how was the King treating her in the palace?  



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3 hours ago, littleloony said:

Nope chingu......I am crazy right there along with you......Gong Yoo has that effect :wub: He is almost a perfect mix of sexy, warm, fuzzy, magnetic yet humble, goofy yet dashing.....not to mention his expressive eyes and those broad shoulders. Yup, the divinity and KES couldn't have chosen a better Goblin :blush:

I worried because I like GY so much in this drama.That why scared am I only one just like this...

He is so perfect as goblin.I love GY mention he want to become powerfull goblin..As a result he can do everything except he has weakness of Et and stingy:w00t:

Episode 7 show how Goblin very stingy..Oh my...and Grim reaper jealous he has business card..so cute:wub:

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I was just thinking, KS' immortality is both his prize and his punishment and I think ET is too. She is both life and death to him. She brings him the most happiness and a reason for wanting to live. But she is also a curse in a sense that in order to be with her, he would have to keep the sword in him to keep living. And after episode 8, he must also bear the pain of knowing that it's either he or she that dies. 

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Okey, so here it goes. My two cents on today's episode. 

I knew the lady in red had to be deity one thing or another, she always seemed powerful. However, I could NEVER have guessed that it would be this way.  
I am flabbergasted at the same time I can't stop wondering how big of a ride are we actually in for. The major revelation of the plotline in this way and such a heavy episode as well. I hope the storyline stays just as roller-coaster-ish for the next 8 upcoming episodes. 

Back to my little train of thoughts, the lady in red. She came to push Dokkaebi to make a decision or whatever, however, earlier in the episodes when ET mocks KS for sitting around and not having a career, he keeps telling every customer "I will not make you immortal, BUT ...". Do you think KS has the power to make ET immortal BEFORE she pulls out the sword? I mean, the way the plotline is now, it seems as if there isn't any alternative - ET has to do what she is born to do, and KS has to accept that. He still holds the Dokkaebi magical powers. It all seems stupid, but if his wish is to live longer WITH her, maybe he could immortalize her? :phew: ( I think my emotions after today's episode are making up all these weird theories, forgive me :sweatingbullets:) If not immortalize, he might hold some power to change the outcome in some way or another. If not anything else, kudos to Gong Yoo (a damn fine man I repeat), for making me laugh so much :)

What do you guys think? HOW on EARTH can they now end up together? Is it even possible? Must I prepare for death (GR is cute, I wouldn't say no, but I'm talking about ET/KS)? 

Anddd another stupid question, if I haven't lost it completely yet, didn't GR say he's been doing this for 300 years? Dokkaebi being 900 years old (937 precisely) and the king living in the same era, if the GR was the king, shouldn't he also be around 900 something? (He is amnesiac, so it wouldn't surprise me if that isn't the case, but you catch my drift?).

 Ahh, this drama is everything. Now I can't sleep, too much feels. The wait starts again, and I'm going crazy, it's just been a few minutes since the last episode, and how am I going to survive until friday :| 

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Song lyrics if I may:



Elvis Costello


She may be the face I can't forget 
The trace of pleasure or regret 
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay 
She may be the song that summer sings 
Maybe the chill that autumn brings 
Maybe a hundred different things 
Within the measure of a day 

She may be the beauty or the beast 
May be the famine or the feast 
May turn each day into a Heaven or a Hell 
She may be the mirror of my dreams 
A smile reflected in a stream 
She may not be what she may seem 
Inside her shell

She, who always seems so happy in a crowd 
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud 
No one's allowed to see them when they cry 
She may be the love that cannot hope to last 
May come to me from shadows in the past 
That I remember 'till the day I die 

She maybe the reason I survive 
The why and wherefore I'm alive 
The one I'll care for through the rough in many years 

Me, I'll take her laughter her tears 
And make them all my souvenirs 
And where she goes I've got to be 
The meaning of my life is 
She, she 
Oh, she


Used   in Secret Garden  incidentally. 

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hi everyone! just de-lurking for a bit to say thank you to everyone who keeps this precious thread alive!!!

i'm not that eloquent enough to offer my analysis on each episode or even technologically savvy to help with updates, spoilers or recaps..so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! keep 'em coming...^__^

we're half way through..and whether it will be a sad or happy ending (KES happy ending pleaaassseee), hopefully this thread will be as active and peaceful. GOBLIN fighting!!!!

just a little contribution:



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OMAGAH, The last scene of Goblin and Red Lady is so heartbreaking. Kim Shin monolog that he wants to tell ET that she is his first love is so painful. I'm sure that ET is his first love, and he's so happy of her being jealous. 



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Dead tired here ... 1:25am ... still had to flip thru the pages and watch the last episode subbed 
The dialog makes a huge difference in places ... still

I thought the sword was a reward ... but it is more like "Fight thru all Korea to the most remote corner and DIE, send me your *death notification* and I will send you my condolence" 

He was not allowed to come back to the capital, never to see his sister and family again, still he ignored the order and stepped up again ... going against the kings order IS treason in some extend and he did not heed the warnings and walked up to the king

The king fell in love with his queen long before (she was properly trained to keep posture and he had a peek before the wedding. He did love her and her "stepping up and standing behind her brother", probably broke his heart. Still he loved her and even years later after her death he kept and painted pictures of her (as we see loads of them) ... that might as well be the "heartbroken feeling" our GR is talking about, when he tells KS how he felt seeing the painting.

His jealousy was not only because the people loved General Kim Shin, but also because he was number one in his young wives (and probably first loves) heart. Sorry but for most families the "blood is thinker than water" is working deep roots and even if you love your husband, if it is a decision "Husband or brother" 8 out of 10 times the brother wins.

I'm dead meat ... will go and richard simmons up ;)

11 minutes ago, mouse007 said:

I love Goblin so much guys! I keep watching each episode over and over again! 


never walk alone

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Awesome episode. I feel we made progress in several fronts. 

I'm so in love with Gong Yoo's Kim Shin and my heart aches for him, what a cruel fate and I still don't understand why he's being punished to live eternally. 

And his love for Eun-tak <3 ... 

The first half was to balance the second half and things are going darker.

Secrets on the open. 

Eun-tak knows what would happen if she draws the sword. 

The queen was Shin's sister and Sunny is her reincarnation. 

Grim Reaper is the reincarnation of King and their fate looks gloomy. 

Is lady in red the daity that punished Shin? I kinda love her and her care for Eun-tak, I wouldn't want her to be the daity jealous of Shin. If that meant the narration at the start of the drama. 

And most important, Eun-tak will face death till she draws the sword which sucks because they want to be together! 

What wrong did the women in this drama do for them to be punished to either kill your lover or hate him or whatever is going to happen to Sunny when she knows about her past life and fate with Wang Yeo. 

I just have to watch the eight episodes again to soothe my heart. 

Merry Christmas dearests!

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43 minutes ago, ChunSungIm said:


they r both great.. :heart: can't wait to see that in goblin.. :blush:

now.. i really need some articles praising the female leads too.. are that too much of a request for this holiday season???? i  always feel like actresses always have to work more to be praised... they deserve some loves for this awesome drama... i cried when kge cried... :bawling: i lol at yin monologue trying to justify GR character.. :grimace:..

Happy holiday guys.... 

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40 minutes ago, itzibitzispider said:
52 minutes ago, mouse007 said:

I love Goblin so much guys! I keep watching each episode over and over again! 


never walk alone


I SMELL LIVERPUDL*AN.... but same here. We have 5 days to keep rewatch each episode. Multiplied by 3 times per day. I got plenty of plans this holiday.

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Ep 8: 

So Eun Tak was miserable her whole life before Goblin save her while he is the very reason she's miserable since the day she were born because she hasn't fulfill her purpose (pulling the sword)?


Should I expect another downhill from now on? Please don't go roller coaster to makjang melo, dear show. You have to inject some of the comedy along the way, even black humour will be welcomed!

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cr:  omokdramas


lets calme down now!! or lt it be later!! this is m saying: I HATE HER, HATE HER, HATE HER, HATE HER, HATE HER!!! she wants him to be happy?!! this is how she wants him to be happy?!! this is how Eun Tak will be happy?!! he have to die for Eun Tak to live and THAT WILL MAKE THEM HAPPY?!! why does he need to give up his life when shee knows that hee didn't really live for all those 900 years?!! why is Eun Tak's only reason for her existance is pulling the sword in his heart and why is she usless if she dosen't succeed in that?!! are they going to pull W's logic on me again?!! guess what he's a Goblin and he can/will save her till the end of her mortal life and no accident from yours will harm her and even better she knows what pulling the sword means and she'll be the one to chose how to live and what to do and she won't let him die like that!! 

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1 hour ago, chibimidori said:


they r both great.. :heart: can't wait to see that in goblin.. :blush:

now.. i really need some articles praising the female leads too.. are that too much of a request for this holiday season???? i  always feel like actresses always have to work more to be praised... they deserve some loves for this awesome drama... i cried when kge cried... :bawling: i lol at yin monologue trying to justify GR character.. :grimace:..

Happy holiday guys.... 


for goblin or another project ?

for goblin theres some articles about kim go eun acting as euntak,she nailed as 19 years old high schooler,her voices and acting just superb,yoo in na straight personality as sunny also got praised

as for other work we know kim go eun is movie actress ,working with great actress in industry (jeon do yeon,kim hye soo) she is winning many awards with her acting,try coin locker girl with park bo gum,she is total tomboy girl,smokes and speak rough






heres last year tvn drama cheese in the trap holiday greetings,she also so cute potrays hong seol 


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