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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Did the drama really used a different version of Beautiful instead of the one officially released by Crush? I listened that song by Crush a lot of times, and rewatched ep 1 a lot of times too but I can't hear the difference. I'm just curious if this is true or just a hearsay. I don't think the answer would matter really because I love the song and I really can't hear the difference but I want to know who sang the other version, if it did exist.

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I love how Kim Shin and Grim Reaper are defending to take care of ET life, but I feel ironic too when  finally the truth is revealed that GR is a King who ordered to kill KS, in the stage  of their bromance also growing stronger :tears:

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9 hours ago, selenette said:

@packmule3 Greetings! *bows*

First, I have to say I'm not personally against the Grim Reaper being a former Queen. In fact, it is interesting to see an actor portraying a feminine soul within: it will be such a bold challenge to fixed Asian gendered characterization, isn't it? Well, perhaps that is the sociologist/feminist in me speaking, although hopefully I am by no means a "rabid feminist" as you put it in a previous post.

However, I found some explanations against this theory (comprising speculations and solid evidence), so I maintain that the Grim Reaper was the King we saw in Eps 1 and 7. 

Here are my arguments against the Queen theory. I had to put them under spoiler boxes so as not to put off people who are not interested in speculations. 


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I would like to open my arguments by this statement. I do not think the Queen-to-be would feel that she was extremely lacking in anything, as you put it some time ago. She must've been selected from a noble family of high social status and wealth (as was the custom of this era in Korean history).

It is true, however, that a King is richer and more powerful (despite any political machinations that might render him powerless) than anyone else in his kingdom.

Nonetheless, the Queen-to-be s in Goryeo and Joseon era were almost always noblewomen. There were specific cases in which commoners were chosen as Queens, throughout arduous route of being concubines, etc etc, but in Kim Sun's case, it was clear from the family's many servants and followers, as well as her pre-Queen beautiful hanbok, that she was a noblewoman, and hence was socially more affluent than any common woman.



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Similar to the (admittedly) hasty assumption (that I would back up with an evidence later in this post) that the King must have regretted his mistakes, the assumption  that the Queen was neither  the "dominant one" nor the "confident one" is also a hasty one.

We only saw the Queen and King interacted in public, we do not know how they acted in private. She could very well be both the dominant and the confident one when she was alone with the King, but we have yet to find out.

In addition, we have not seen many of the Queen's scenes, but in both scenes (Eps 1 and 7), I do not find her as a woman of low self-confidence.

On the contrary, I see a young woman with an amazingly commanding, powerful presence. A young woman who maintained her dignity even though she knew she would soon die, and who bore her Queen training with confidence and delight.

Why can't Sunny be a reincarnation of such a brilliant young lady, instead of a young man? History has repeatedly shown how women could be both poised and authoritative at the same time. 



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Even if Grim Reaper was the King, it would still make sense that he felt lacking. I might be wrong, but to me this is part of Korean culture of "shyness" (which was alluded to in the movie Socialphobia, among others).

We see such panicky reactions from the Goblin. When he was jealous to Eun-tak's interactions with Tae-hee, he showed off that he is handsome (confidence pose (Ep4), shiny new car), good at baseball (Ep 7) and at memorizing a smartphone's specs (Ep 5), was able to work in such mundane jobs (Ep 8)...

Hence, the Goblin, a once formidable general and a nobleman to boot, is desperate to show himself in a good light in front of Eun-tak. So is the Grim Reaper, who was a king, in front of Sunny. We expected these men to be confident all the time, but they aren't always so.



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Another explanation to the Grim Reaper's social ineptness could be found in his amnesia and his recruitment into Grim Reaperdom. In my humble opinion, the setup for a Grim Reaper is equal to a total reboot, or a factory reset, of a repaired gadget. Thus he was robbed of many subtleties necessary in mingling among humans.

While grooming was compulsory for a Queen-to-be, Grim Reaper's drilled answers to Sunny's questions are not necessarily the signs of his Queen-ness. We could always refer to the Goblin's frantic behavior in his relationship with Eun-tak (as previously explained) for comparison. 

Granted, the Goblin isn't amnesiac, so he doesn't need any made-up background as Eun-tak's boyfriend. But in the Grim Reaper's case, his anxiety in the budding relationship with Sunny is worsened by the absence of any ties to living things. 



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Nowadays, more and more household chores are shared by men and women, regardless of masculinity or femininity. Even in an Asian society entrenched with patriarchy like mine, this phenomenon has become increasingly common.  I approve of the writer's showing the household scenes, because it is a brave challenge against the traditional male and female division of labor.

Surely if we can accept, or even think,  that a man was a woman in his past life, then we can also accept that a man is still masculine while folding towels, or rather, a masculine man needs not be afraid of embracing previously established "feminine" chores.

In short, the Grim Reaper's skills in towel-folding and cooking do not necessarily indicate the presence of a feminine soul. 



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Concerning Grim Reaper's crying scene in Ep 7, I rewatched Gollum's crying scenes on YouTube and these could not be more different from the Grim Reaper's. Especially since you referred to the one Gollum did for his Ring. There was certainly sorrow in Gollum's eyes, but there was also resentment in them: after all, the Ring was his curse. I don't see this at all in the Grim Reaper's eyes. All that was there was grief. 

Or perhaps it is Lee Dong-wook's nuanced performance that brings different interpretations to different people. After all, he is a seasoned actor. 




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As to why the Grim Reaper was pained in the calligraphy scene (Ep 8), I realize that my post was purely conjecture. However, I'm afraid the same goes to yours when you argued that it was a pain responsive to his killer's name.

Whichever was the case, one thing is undeniable: the pain started at the writing of the yeo ( ) character in the "Wang Yeo" name (see picture).


Cr: Twitter owner

Because you used a real life analogy of "looking at our own old photos and crying over them for the past long gone" (my own rewording), I will also apply such analogy for this case. I'm afraid chest-clutching does not always signify remembrance of one's pain. Remembrance of the pain we inflict on others could bring us pain, too. 



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Now, we're moving onto the King's supposed regrets and the scrolls (the paintings of the Queen). I realize that to declare the King regretted his actions, without any solid evidence whatsoever, is also a conjecture.

Still, I'm more inclined to think of his keeping scrolls and scrolls of the Queen's picture as a sign of the king's remorse, like @Sarang21 said, especially since she had long since died. Nobody else, to my belief, could have possessed those scrolls.

Allow me to explain. 

Firstly, it seems rather absurd, as well as bordering on incestuous (at least to me) if those scrolls were Kim Shin's-- why would he be so obsessed with his teenaged little sister?

Secondly, the scrolls could not possibly belong to the palace archives, either. The room they set the scroll scene in looked different from the usual palace archives room in sageuks.

Thirdly, the man in the following picture,


had been correctly described by @itzibitzispider as the Kims' family servant.

He was not an archivist. As far as I know from watching sageuks, maintenance of palace archives was the job of palace eunuchs and scholars, while servants were only given menial jobs. 

The attire of these eunuchs and scholars were different from the servants, so each member of the social class was readily recognizable. 

The room where the scroll belonged in was small and seemingly private, not to mention there were brushes and paints too. So this wasn't the palace archives. This was somewhere secret, but most likely still within the palace (given the furniture and the subsequent scene of Kim Shin's razing the palace).


Cr: Sarang 21

Since the queen was branded as traitor, the King could not mourn her in public even after he found out that she was innocent (thanks, @bebebisous33 and @Sarang21).  Also, we see no other royal family members who could possibly have sympathized with the Queen so far, or anyone else who would have bothered painting her likeness in secret.

Unlike the Medieval to Victorian era Western societies, private painting commissions of individual likenesses were, as far as I know, not a trend in Goryeo era Korea. Theirs was an era more commonly associated with Buddhist paintings.

Therefore, it is more plausible that the scrolls belonged to the King.



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Another point that I would like to address as my supporting argument is the writer's worldbuilding of Grim Reapers.  

In  the case of the Grim Reapers, our Grim Reaper and one of his juniors already stated in Eps 2 and 4 that they were dead souls ("We're not alive, but why do we still have to eat, drink, and find shelter?"  ; "She asked me how I was, when I'm not even alive."-- my own rewording) .

Therefore, these Grim Reapers are not reincarnations, but souls who are assigned to reap other souls, and as a result are allowed to be semi-corporeal rather than 100 per cent incorporeal or invisible like common ghosts.

Furthermore, there is another evidence that dead souls cannot change their entire looks.

The ghosts in this drama appear as who they once were before they died, i.e. the females appear as females, the males appear as males.  The only aspect that they could change was the extent of their injuries (Ep 8, Eun-tak's "friend").

Since there is no evidence in this show that a dead soul can disguise his/herself, and mirrors do not change our Grim Reaper's reflection, then it follows that the Grim Reaper's current appearance was how he more or less looked like when he was alive.



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You argued that mirrors played an important part in this show as a way to look at the Grim Reaper's inner Queen-ness. I will respectfully beg to differ.

To my humble interpretation, the literary function of the mirrors in this show, i.e. the one that The Goddes of Birth and Fertility/The Red Lady showed him (Ep 3), his body-length mirror (Ep 8), is to tell the viewers that The Grim Reaper was made to feel the kind of pains he inflicted on the Queen (I think @bebebisous33 once argued for this as well, if I'm not mistaken).

His pain was hers, thrown back at him like a mirror reflection to make him reflect on his past mistakes and as part of the price he still had to pay.

Granted, these are yet another series of rambling conjectures, but so are your conjecture that these pains were the pains of the Grim Reaper's past self.

Still concerning the use of mirrors as the show's literary device, I see it as yet another supporting evidence of the Grim Reaper's Kingly past. The sun-shaped mirror is not a red herring, but another symbolism that is in parallel with his crown pin (i.e. that he was a king). This might be lazy Occam's Razor writing, but in my opinion this is really that obvious.

Note: Pardon me if I misapply the philosophical phrase



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Additionally, I would like to kindly remind you that per Ep 8, the reason Sunny does not like the name Kim Sun is not only its "goody-goody" ness, but also its association to a distant, obscure, yet traumatic past.

I assume this is related to the Queen's past. I admit that this is a biased view, because I am already more inclined to side with the King theory. 

However, and even if Sunny was the King, any associations of the "Kim Sun" name with a painful past could only serve to strengthen my argument that the King was remorseful for the pain he inflicted on the Queen. 



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Our Grim Reaper's current name, "Messenger Kim", is neither a clue to his past name nor a name he particularly chose for himself. It is a standard name for all Grim Reapers (Ep 3).



In conclusion, while it is possible that the Grim Reaper was the Queen, it is also equally possible that the writer has not revoked the casting announcements that Lee Dong-wook's Grim Reaper was a King named Wang Yeo. 


Last but not least, we are entitled to our own opinions, but I hope I don't come across as offensive to anyone here. If I do, then I humbly apologize.

Image result for applause gif

I could have just like your post but you deserve an applause gif :) 

GR needs everything to be neat and tidy and perfect in the house just like what he used to in the palace. Since he doesn't have servants now,he has to do it himself :) so he is doing all the house chores haha





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5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:



As for this picture 

@packmule3 Notice that the mirror looks like a sun. We all know that the sun symbolises the king. I respect your interpretation with that scene, however I saw it differently. The mirror could be seen as a window from/to the past. While they are talking about the portrait and the identity of the woman, it was as if the past was looking at the future, as if GR's memories from the past were about to come back, but since it is a mirror, it is impossible that the memories can really resurface and that the past can be connected to the present. I hope, it is understandable.

As for DH, I had mentioned very early that DH was more than rich spoiled cheabol heir. The last episode confirmed that he knows more than GR and KS think, he knows. He knew how to use GR for erasing the memories. He knows how to read Hanja, he didn't tell the truth to ET in the first place. He mentioned a love confession, while it was about his death wish. Moreover, he pledged loyalty to the GR very early, which is surprising because he is supposed to help only KS. He was the one who offered his help to GR in the first place. Notice that he wanted to call GR samchun as well. From the beginning, he tried to be as close as possible to the GR. In my opinion, he knew GR's real identity.    


Yes, I knew about the sun mirror. :)

I should have brought it up. But the reason I didn’t was because back in Episode 1, when the Reaper was moving in, DH told him that the rental house was fully furnished. “All the furniture that you see is included so you just needed to move.” Therefore, the mirror belonged to Shin, and to me, the king symbolism attached to mirror cannot be attributed to the Reaper.      

As for your interpretation of the mirror, yes, that’s certainly one way of looking at mirrors in general. However, the mirror did NOT function like that in the other instance it was used in the kdrama – with the cabbage grandmother at the bridge. In that instance, the mirror wasn’t at all a “window” but the real reflection of reality. On it, we saw who the pretty street vendor really was. The mirror showed the real identity of the grandmother. That’s why I wrote that the sun mirror reflects their identity, too. I was trying to be consistent. 

Interestingly enough, the mirror could have been used on the Reaper there too. But the reflected sunlight blinded him and he closed his eyes. When he opened them, the spotlight was on the ring. I guess he wasn't ready for the truth then either. 

--- ooops, I almost forgot! In Episode 8, when ET was walking with that pretty dead student, they both walked in front of the mirror, and the student's real and horrible condition was shown too.

As for DH’s loyalty to both the Reaper and Shin, I’m glad you brought that up. If the Reaper is the Queen/sister, then it is only natural that DH will serve the whole family, both the Reaper and Shin equally. He won’t have divided loyalties.  

What’s more important for me, however, is the Hanja text that DH read in Shin’s diary. I don’t know what’s written but Shin has been going on and on about this for the last two episodes, lol. He'll probably write something like:  After a 100 years, on a good enough day, let me confess my first love, I ask the gods to listen to me. 

If so, then I can see how it is both a love confession and a death wish at the same time. It means: his LAST wish before dying is to confess his FIRST love to her.

Somebody as young (he's only 25, right?) and relatively untried-and-untested as DH will probably be confused whether to emphasize the "death wish" part or the "love confession" part. DH is only going by with what (little) he knows, so I'm cutting him slack. For now. 

For me, though, the word LISTEN will probably critical. That’s the one act he did when ET’s mom prayed for help when she was dying: LISTEN to her plea, and because he did so, he changed his life.  That’s also the word ET drew on his palm: LISTEN. And that’s one thing he thought the deities failed to do when he laid dying, and when he buried those grandsons in a foreign land: LISTEN to him. 

Now, he’s beseeching the gods to LISTEN to him one more time. I wonder what he’ll do if they turn deaf ears to him again....

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8 hours ago, cristapark said:

I'm just curious ,,,do you think they already filmed the ending scene in Quebec..the previous episode when KS saw ET future at the restaurant?? I' wonder if it's the ending part..Im just curious if they already filmed it ahead of time..I remember during Dots ,,the kiss scene ending was filmed already in advance than the other episodes


I am of the same mind. I think the ending has already been filmed but how we get there may be tweaked. 

Didn't I read that Kim Ji Woo's character was meant to die in DOTS but the writer changed that? 

*mian - I think I am one of the few people who did not watch DOTS :sweatingbullets: *

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