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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, millie10468 said:

Does anyone else wonder how KS is going to recognize who the reincarnation of the Queen and King is?. He once said that just once in a while people reincarnate with the same faces. That must mean that when they don't he can't recognize them, especially since he was asking GR to tell him if Bobby (the singer) was the reincarnated King.

So how's he going to be able to identify who's who between Sunny and the GR? Like, will something happen when all three of them are in the same place together? Like, will their souls recognize each other even if their bodies don't or something along those lines? Sounds like an encounter the Red Lady would love to engineer.

I'm just waiting for all characters to be in one place and realize how they are all related in the present as well as in the past (well, except for JET, unless she's also the reincarnation of someone.)


I am waiting for Sunny and Shin to meet just to see how he will react, Grim he instantly felt some sort of connection with Sunny and I am wondering if it will be the same with Shin, will Sunny be slightly recognizable to him, Shin reaction will probably be very telling, also she has the ring now the ring is of some sort of importance, Shin's reaction to the ring will also be interesting.

Wouldn't be surprised if that will be an ep cliff hanger lol Shin meets Sunny looks shocked/surprised and end of episode.

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Heya guys, how are we surviving thus far?

So eps 5 & 6.....talk about a roller coaster of emotions!

My usual mishmash of thoughts:

  • The scene where KS was lying in bed pleading for ET to stop calling out to him was so heart wrenching to me. You know he loves it but he's been aching for death for so long....poor guy.
  • The scene between KS and Grandpa made my eyes well up. Of all the current people in KS's life, Gramps knows him best. He knows KS has wanted to die for ages now but as he's said in a previous ep about human greed, he doesn't want KS to go yet. I forget the scene that came after this but I remember laughing. How is that this drama can change my mood so quickly?
  • The KISS!! A lot of viewers didn't think that the sword was going to be pulled but that kiss was such a pleasant surprise! Is this ET's way of "marking" him? lol
  • I love looking at the facial expressions of ET and KS when they're together. The sad moments, the funny ones...GY and KGE act with their whole body. Especially when the two of them are "arguing". For example the "Your bf is right here. Me!" scene. Take a good look at their faces....golden I tell ya.
  • The GR knows some important secrets. He knows about what removing the sword means and is the only one out of the main characters that knows about ET's "events" at ages ending in 9. ET wouldn't be so happy knowing the real consequence of the sword removal and KS wouldn't be so quick to die if he knew death would constantly come looking for ET. I hope the GR takes a walk on the wild side and bends and breaks the rules eventually. It could benefit his relationship with Sunny too if he was more lax. Speaking of those two, I'm wondering when the GR and Sunny are going to touch and what will happen afterwards.
  • All those years of walking the earth and it took a high school senior to get KS and the GR to finally get cellphones? =D


Aside from the bus accident (:tears:), the preview looks good. Isn't going to the movies the go-to destination for dates?

Thanks @aurelly for posting the bts fancam with GY holding what looks like a sandwich a couple pages back. I love that once the scene is done, KGE is smiling and calling for GY to come inside and he kinda waddles (lol) and stays outside, but once he's in her reach she grabs his coat and pulls him in.

Count me in as someone who is against the idea of giving any of the main characters amnesia. I don't like the sound of ET's memories being altered/erased to exclude KS, even if she ends up with him in the end. That future scene in Quebec was depressing.



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hi gals, Long time no post , cheers

I was right few months ago when i said bromance will be the winning card in Goblin , we may debate over anything in drama but i think we have  national and international consensus over BROMANCE 

When it comes to smartphone:grin:


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Regarding the dolls/plush ...

.... remember (for example) the "pigBunny" from "You are beautiful" or "GaeDdongi" from "Fated to love you"?

I guess (as google is my lover and I am on search for each stupidity) we won't see them before christmas for sale (pity would make a lot of money)


Appart from that ... we already seen most of the puzzle pieces, even thought we might not be 100% able to place them (who IS now King and Queen? No answer needed) and so on ... 
... did I miss it? Did we see the reincarnation of the ViceGeneral (or how he's called) or is that still the missing piece?

Edited by itzibitzispider
Google is my god
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I'm always late with my feedback on episode. Overall I liked episode 5. I was laughing, I was pleased, mesmerized, touched and I was teared again.

Of course I was laughing from bromance moment's and "Kim Woo Bin" introduction and from almost every single LDW's expressions. This scene was seriously adlib.



Thank you KES for reminding sometimes that it was you behind The Gentlemen's Dignity with wise and down to earth lines. I was pleased.







I was mesmerized by Grim Reaper's look when he's on duty. I have missed it.


I was touched by this moment. I know that many have been laughing cos of his awkward behavior and how he saved Sunny from falling. But I was sad. It's sad to know that he can't tell he who he is and so far there is no future for this two.


I have teared when blind man went to afterlife with his dog. So touching how Happy was waiting for his daddy. Reaper's duty must be so painful. I would never wish such work for anyone in the world, even for ultimate anemy. 



Besides this scenes, I loved GR and ET bonding moments. I love growing relationships between Reaper and Goblin and how Reaper is caring that Goblin can leave him, and his silend "good luck" for ET. I hope he'll help her once she'll meet another not that good Grim Reaper. Of course it's cliffhanger for the second part of drama. And for sure we'll meet our heroes in 10 years, but I guess it will be in last eps and this will be the last obstacle for KS and ET.

As to preview...well, my otp is developing like a snail but in such a adorable way. We all know that when they'll get relly close then angst will begin, so writer is giving some sort of build up. 

As to car crush, I think it will happen at the end of episode 8. I have noticed that they're editing preview in unusual way tasing us with something which will happen in nearest episdoes, but not nessesary in next. 



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@itzibitzispider re dolls. I have heard that they will start on line sales on December, 22. And they will be available for overseas shipping.

Reaper and Sunny


Omo. What is this? Are they trying to mix them? Don't do this! They're good enogh as they are now :sweatingbullets: But I should say that that's the first time I find them looking alike (I mean the original pics).


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20 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

@CapriGirl13 liked what you mentioned about willing to die... KS has already willing to die, to end that pathetic life since 900+ years ago. liked what i stated in a post above mins ago, i think the identity of the "bride' is more than just a term, it involved 'LOVE' in itself, as in "Love of a ONE_TRUE_LOVE'. just like at another story 49 days, where the heroine must collect 3 drops of tears from 3 persons who loved her and teared for her... Love till willingness to die for your love one, without such, even ET cannot draw the Excalibur to his Heart. i think instead of KS must be willing to die, i guess it is ET that must be "willing to die for KS'! 

@maryofbethany right at what you said, it can be one of many cases of why ET can't pull out the sword. i agree hahaha thanks for another heads up. Just a wishful thinking, to make it more dramatic *LOL* i will look out this matter from KS's pov. Indeed that he has already willing to die, before he met ET. He's been searching for his bride since a very long time, but when he met ET he has change of mind. ET makes him want to live and also to die. He doesn't want to make ET sad but also hardly accept the fact that someday ET will grow old without him (the scene in the Quebec restaurant tells more than just a recalling the future, no?). ET makes him dilemmatic. That's why he need to choose, to live or to die. Before he fixed him mind the sword will still be there and ET won't be able to do anything about it.

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Happy Tuesday.... Waiting patiently for Friday...



[Drama Review] 'Goblin' Episode 5


While we are loving the romance that is starting to sprout, Episode 5 of 'Goblin' reveals that there is some trouble in paradise as Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) is struggling with his pure, romantic feelings for Ji Eun Tak (Kim Go Eun). Alongside this, there are other unexpected surprises building up in the plot as well.

The beginning starts off serious and definitely attacks our hearts. Death is playing a huge role in this drama and there are many situations involving death that are told each and every time. I feel the writer is trying to relay some sort of message or retrospect on beliefs of the afterlife and God, as well.


The face you make when mom is still out grocery shopping.

Read more under spoiler:




The scene where a ghost approaches Ji Eun Tak and begs her to go into her room and fix it up to look lively before her mom arrives was very touching. Despite there being extremely minimal dialogue during this scene, it was the most crucial. Something about the silence in the room, the tears rolling down the ghost's cheeks as her mother touches her things, and the acceptance of death overall will really move you.

It even made me contemplate how will people look back and react to the last traces of my life on earth? Thought-provoking dramas and scenes like this are my style because it shows the writer is making a personal connection with their plot.


Aside from the intense beginning, the love bug strikes again! I'm happy to see a love line starting between Sunny (Yoo In Na) and the Grim Reaper (Lee Dong Wook) but they left me craving more. A simple date in the coffee shop and a phone call aren't enough to spark some interest. While he has plans to go on a date with her again, I'm wondering if they will both let their guards down and act a little more silly and a little less cool in the end.

I still wonder why Sunny is the one with the queen's jade ring... I hope it doesn't mean she is the true Goblin's Bride or something extreme like that as I like seeing Ji Eun Tak and Kim Shin together much more. Sunny is too chic and sure of herself for someone as fickle and stubborn as Kim Shin.


I love the way Kim Shin allows Ji Eun Tak to move in and sets up his room for her. Since she lives above him, he listens to her movements above and easily assumes what she must be doing. While some may find it creepy, I thought it was cute how he simply mutters "I can't concentrate" knowing that she is in his home, living and going about her day. It makes his infatuation more realistic because, even though he can't admit it, his actions make it loud and clear that he can't be happy without her.

But it isn't all fun and games! Gong Yoo's serious acting is becoming better as it really matches Kim Shin's intense attitude and poetic love for Ji Eun Tak. I just love that as he thinks of Ji Eun Tak as a flower rolling and blossoming in his heart, the Grim Reaper appears and says, "I can hear your thoughts." Caught red handed!


Living with two handsome chefs? Ji Eun Tak is one smart cookie!

Despite the plot being at a bit of a standstill in episode 5 with the overabundance of romance, the humor was never-ending. From the Grim Reaper learning how to use a cellphone to him and Kim Shin trying to figure out the house passcode so Ji Eun Tak can actually enter - many scenes had me laughing away. I enjoy that the drama takes a moment to add in some comical relief, but emphasis on an intense story line with just small bits of comedy here and there could strike a better balance for this type of story.

I found problematic the scene in which Kim Shin emotionlessly announces that he believes Ji Eun Tak is the Goblin's Bride and he blandly mutters, "I love you." Ji Eun Tak did ask if he loved her back rather awkwardly, but it doesn't really make sense as to why he is still playing hard to get with her and making their relationship oddly dramatic.


However, I did expect some sort of grievance since he is finally accepting the fact that his long search is over and that he is accepting his new wife and putting his past one aside.

Sadly, this episode left little to discuss as it relied heavily on advancing the good and the bad of the relationships between Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak as well as Sunny and the Grim Reaper, nothing much more.


The big surprise that blew me away was that time jumping ending. Ji Eun Tak is shown to be traveling around the world, specifically Quebec, Canada again. She is seen waiting at the same restaurant for a man to arrive but, to our surprise, it is not Kim Shin! He reveals that he knows he must leave her side in order to make her happy. Is all this giggly romance just a facade? Will they have an eternal romance together or is Kim Shin simply a ship passing through the night?

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@packmule3 Thanks. Yet again I'm hooked on a new series. 

I started watching Goblin today and have already seen 3 episodes. This drama is beyond AWESOME! 

It's funny (I lol everytime I see the part where she first says "I love you" to the goblin with that great big smile), it's tear-jerking (nearly had me crying in episode 1 when dead mom came by to wish daughter a happy birthday), it's entertaining (love the interaction between the grim reaper and the goblin) and it's got suspense (wow! So awesome how he chopped that car in two!). Unfortunately there are only 3 episodes left so far so I'm going to need to fill the time I've got with other stuff.

Did you realise I've got 2 weeks of vacation and therefor I've got plenty of time to do other stuff but now I have to WAIT for new episodes? You did, didn't you? At your age, you must be clearvoyant. I heard you get that skill once you reach 150+! Bah!

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South Korea is being Healed by the "Goblin" Syndrome


tvN's new weekend drama, "Goblin" has become a huge sensation in Korea.

From the music, the books and even the location of the film site are all gaining attention.

In last week's episode, Gong Yoo read from a book that was written by Kim In-Yook and in a short amount of time has become the number one best seller.

Singer Crush, who sang, Beautiful as part of the original soundtrack has also topped the real-time music charts after its release on December 17.

This drama has viewers of all ages engaged with its various concepts.

Each scene is artfully crafted and is filmed in beautiful locations that is pleasing to the eye.

Both Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun-I play the role of characters who have a lot of hurt. This captured the hearts of viewers as the drama seemed to console them of their own hurt and pain.

Viewers are curious to see how the story will unravel.


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First post! ^-^ Longtime lurker tho.. ^__~

Whew, I just finally caught up with the entire thread, lol only took.. just over a whole week or so, haha.

I rarely follow current Kseries/etc, tho I did give in a bit this past year, & then I vowed to avoid watching any live dramas ever again after Jealousy Incarnate destroyed me with its twisted teasing then ruining of everything I usually hope for & look fwd to but rarely get, lol.. pfftt.

Then this showed up with its two leads being ridiculously adorkable in the promo clips etc being linked all over & I was a goner, lol. I'm a ~seasoned viewer of paranormal melodramedy type series in English.. (ie, Buffy/Angel, Charmed, Smallville, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Grimm, etc) so this has definitely got me hooked now!

Immortal love? Telekinesis, telepathy, & teleportation? Snarky bickering cuties? Hilarious / awkward / squeeful reactions, expressions, & hijinks galore? Goofy smiles & PUPPY POUTS? Yes, yess, yesss! Then there's the parts I get to rewrite- because I *mentally* rewrite like almost every single serial I watch, lol it's very rare I'll "accept" any of the canon plot writing of my angsty fandoms.. ;P

But a major part of the fun watching a current series that I truly get invested in is predicting whether it will go cliche or actually surprise me.. I love being surprised! Of course it hardly ever happens, but I'm very optimistic.

I'll try to get around to sharing my own theories soon.. for now here's some fanart for our two leads in the form of a promo poster for the version of the story I wish we could get.. loool xD


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