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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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38 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


well we know Mura was somehow involved in the incident, its just is the incident 1,200 years ago related to that Shim lady? I thought for awhile we were wondering if that Shim lady is related to SA's ancestors at all? Because there was this one scene and from the way JD was talking to HY. And Mura did something right to that lady? (is it also the same lady Shim?) because she thought HB loved her?

Most of the gods opposed making SA's ancestors servants because of the mistake of a GOD. So in order words, according to HB and JD, SA's ancestors did not really commit any wrong, rather they were indirectly involve. And somehow BR convinced HB's mother to curse them?

indeed, BoTWG answers some questions but also gives us more unanswered ones as well.

I think both the sky god and SA's ancestors were wrong, but only the human were punished. The sky god was not. And HB did not tell the whole truth to SA when SA ask what did her ancestors commit for her to deserve this kind of punishment. It;s like the God doesn't want to admit their mistake and only human (SA's ancestors) were punished. And this punishment was suggested by BR. This is what I understand.

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:

..the one question really tugged my heart the moment I read it. Indeed that line sums up HB and SA's relationship. Despite knowing that this was never going to last, yet they allowed themselves to feel love and be in love. It is now going to so make me cry. :bawling:

I really am moved by the life lessons you mention, it is so true. Indeed that is what is amazing about HB as compared to HY.

Let's cry together, chingu ya! *sobs *sends hugs So Watching So Ah and Ha-baek crying while intimately kissing is a first. Both So Ah and Ha-baek resigned to their reasoning in that one moment and allowed love to simply take over. It's too heartbreakingly beautiful to watch.

1 hour ago, Visually-wandering said:

And from the preview I assumed HaBaek shared the same thought as me and @dramu51ch0c10ve and @vangsweetie637. HaBaek just hopelessly romantic god. 

Count me in the boat for hopeless romantics, unni! :wub: Love is too beautiful to just let it pass my way. I also think Ha-baek is that type of guy..err..god and loving while there is still time is his resolve. I remember him still calling So Ah after he saw the butterfly and realized how fleeting it is.

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

..Aww..you know..some people are actually scared to give it their all even when they know it is a deadline. Why? Because the reality is scarier than the memories..

This really makes sense chingu since So Ah is portrayed to be a realist in this drama. :huh:

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8 minutes ago, swagpuppysong said:

Let's cry together, chingu ya! *sobs *sends hugs So Watching So Ah and Ha-baek crying while intimately kissing is a first. Both So Ah and Ha-baek resigned to their reasoning in that one moment and allowed love to simply take over. It's too heartbreakingly beautiful to watch.

Count me in the boat for hopeless romantics, unni! :wub: Love is too beautiful to just let it pass my way. I also think Ha-baek is that type of guy..err..god and loving while there is still time is his resolve. I remember him still calling So Ah after he saw the butterfly and realized how fleeting it is.

This really makes sense chingu since So Ah is portrayed to be a realist in this drama. :huh:

Exactly, I think the next episode, HB really will be struggling with this, realising that his heart is moving faster than his head. And that the reality is that yes, they both know what will and has to happen. Either way, that love will come to and end. And that love at least for HB will follow him the rest of his life.

That part where HB really just breathed in and out and walked towards SA, you could see he was wrestling with those emotions.

I feel bad, gosh, well at least I won't be crying alone (:

exactly, wonderfully put @vangsweetie637 unnie (: reality is always scarier. I guess thats why SA wanted to return to the way they were before the kiss. Because she has to live on with those memories.

18 minutes ago, moodypie said:

I think both the sky god and SA's ancestors were wrong, but only the human were punished. The sky god was not. And HB did not tell the whole truth to SA when SA ask what did her ancestors commit for her to deserve this kind of punishment. It;s like the God doesn't want to admit their mistake and only human (SA's ancestors) were punished. And this punishment was suggested by BR. This is what I understand.

remember what HB said to BR about the sky emperor getting greedy and trying to take HB's throne? Perhaps that is also linked to the whole thing? i mean there must be reason why SA's ancestors was punished. Perhaps yes they did something wrong but like you said, only the humans received the punishment.

I believe its because of HB told SA the real reason, she probably wont accept the punishment. yeah definitely we know that BR was the one that suggested it. Which makes me wonder about BR's character, perhaps he is not just mischievous, but a hint of evil?

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Omg. Just finished the episode now. It is 1:30 am and I was half tearing up, half laughing, and half smiling at how cute SA abd HB are! Now I know why you guys were thanking the PD and writer for the photoshoot scene! LOL

Yong Yong!! How adorable! Should we just call them the Yong Yong couple on here?!! :tongue:

I will give my full analysis on this episode later ehen I am awake lol. So before i sleep, Team Monday!!!

Especially @supergal99 @athena22 @moodypie



 @dramu51ch0c10ve @swagpuppysong @alekaonu and my other winners too. Sorry could not tag all because phone acting up :(





Enjoy Team Monday!! :wink::tongue: Team Tuesday! We can drool and swoon as well! :D

And goodnight my chingus!



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39 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Omg. Just finished the episode now. It is 1:30 am and I was half tearing up, half laughing, and half smiling at how cute SA abd HB are! Now I know why you guys were thanking the PD and writer for the photoshoot scene! LOL

Yong Yong!! How adorable! Should we just call them the Yong Yong couple on here?!! :tongue:

I will give my full analysis on this episode later ehen I am awake lol. So before i sleep, Team Monday!!!

Especially @supergal99 @athena22 @moodypie



 @dramu51ch0c10ve @swagpuppysong @alekaonu and my other winners too. Sorry could not tag all because phone acting up :(


Enjoy Team Monday!! :wink::tongue: Team Tuesday! We can drool and swoon as well! :D

And goodnight my chingus!


oh i like the yong yong heheheh! cute! it is funny how HB even thought of a nickname for the cartoon dragon indirectly giving SA a nickname as well :tongue:


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WOW, i dont know if its just me but im starting to feel the end, and im feeling a bit sad about it. 

anyway cant wait for next week to come, really liked this week, with each episodes i like it more.

im wonderin what happened between BR and HY in the other world. i dont think it has anything to do with HB like MR noticed which i like more and more she wants HB to leave and really seems sincere in her care for everyone. 

what i like most about this drama that i dont dislike any of the characters even SA assistant is growing on me. 

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Yup, LJH is an amazing actor.   

HY essentially said to HB in the earlier episode.   He  desires SA.  And he wants no trouble with the gods.    He uses a formal tone, as a business proposal kind of thing. with a bow afterward.  Eh??    You will have trouble if you so much as touch SA.   

SA now knows he isn't entirely human, right?  She saw the wound just disappear.

Did he really kill a minor god?   Onje?   asks both HY and myself.   

Preview:  people are fighting in the background and Habaek is doing what, mooning over SA?  Sorry, I thought it was weird.  The swoony part though.....I want you to be my first and my last... omg Soah---Every girl on the planet wants to trade places with you just to hear that!  

 one entire week is too long to wait.   



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6 hours ago, amisyka77 said:

In a turnabout I can only describe as perplexing, not only does the amnesiac monk issue solve itself without Ha-baek's input, it also results in Ha-baek simply being given one of the artifacts. No effort appears to be required on Ha-baek's part for anything, which kind of begs the question of why he had to go the human world in the first place. The early episodes especially have the impression that Ha-baek was going to have to earn leadership by completing difficult tasks, possibly without being able to fall back on his godly abilities.


6 hours ago, amisyka77 said:

The review from this site is always negative.


and he also shows he ddint really understand the background of the story. time and again it is explained that HB will be a king NO MATTER WHAT. and as pplhere speculated and was told by SA & MR he was sent to learn about the humans and the human world. and the stones are only present the guardians consent. it has no specific meaning we are told of yet. 

i dont really understand why he continue to review it, obviously he watches it glancing only and dislikes it. and also always has the wrong idea and understanding of what is shown. 

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Just now, hazeljrr_c922 said:

Preview:  people are fighting in the background and Habaek is doing what, mooning SA?  Sorry, I though it was weird but at any rate, one entire week is too long to wait.   

From his clothes, I think that scene will be after he got drunk. He will go to a bar with BR, and he has a feast of wine and all kind of alcohol till BR jaws' dropped. Realized how HB truly love SoAh. He'll get drunk and make trouble with a group of men. And BR help him taking care of those men. Then he goes home, SoAh open the gate, he fainted on her shoulder. She will bring her inside, to her house. That's when they're both falling to the floor and HaBaek will say, "Just stay still, I wanna hug you, I wanna kiss you" but then he falls asleep while his hand holding her hand. Lying on the floor.

Lol, I'm amazed how I can wrote the storyline for next week eps. I guess, it's because I've been paused the preview many times to screencapturing the scenes. And re arranged the scenes based on their clothes.

Poke @vangsweetie637 @Chellsee @swagpuppysong @nonski @athena22 @supergal99 @dramu51ch0c10ve @moodypie @saanjh sena

What do you think about my premonition for next week episode? Do I make sense or not? Wanna make a bet again? Lol....

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15 hours ago, lclarakl said:

One character I really feel sorry for is CEO Shin. He's trying so hard to be good and do good by others in an effort to not let the dark side take over. Then there is Bi Ryum whom I'm struggling to even like. He's harassing and bullying CEO Shin who just wants to live his life in peace.  If CEO Shin lets his dark side out, can I really blame him; everybody has their breaking point.

me too, and as much as i love SA&HB together and think they are absolutely adorable together,i want SA to embrace HY and if not be with him than at least heal him and save him from these 'horrible'gods.

also i was wondering if SA is somehow connected to HB in past life could JJ be connected to HY?

after all she is a shin\m and he is now a shin\m, maybe this present 'reunion' is to fix ALL worng doing of the past, not just the fate of SA descendants but also what happen to HY, which i think BR is also connected to that.  


22 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

hmmm I am not sure, i dont know if demi-gods will ever be accepted. true, as the High priest said, demi gods can choose either to be good and bad, so would HB take that chance that every demi god will be good?

I think with regards to the suicide, she did say she swam up as much as she could because she wanted to live instead. I am not sure if that is an indication of power.

the sad thing is that they dont belong anywhere, dmigods. they are not accepted equally in the gods realm and have to hide themselves among the humans. and HY more than anything looks scared and not scary. i read somewhere the the greatest fear is to be feared for just being different. and i think here it is really true. he fears the gods bc he is not really like them. and he now seem to fear that SA will treat him differently and fear him bc he is not what he seems. 

SA did say that, but for some reason i think there is more to it, maybe she even cant remember and found 'logical' excuse to why she didnt drown.



i like how true to form they are

HB haughtiness and SA sassy one (except for the long hair)  

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:


oh i like the yong yong heheheh! cute! it is funny how HB even thought of a nickname for the cartoon dragon indirectly giving SA a nickname as well :tongue:



Yong is dragon in hangul, right?

The blue dragon plushie is so cute...i suddenly had weird thought in this scene...lol..the way Habaek caresses that thing and his expression...it looks like he stares straight at me and I literally blush!!!hahahaha


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@Chellsee@vangsweetie637@nevill@supergal99 @athena22 @moodypie @dramu51ch0c10ve @swagpuppysong @alekaonu @ktcjdrama@nonski @Kissy13

@Visually-wandering Dear chingus, finally I was able to watch the last two episodes and I must say that we got again some answers, but then again more questions appeared too. Olympic pink mouseI am really enjoying this drama because each time, I feel the need to develop theories in order to get the whole picture, since we are only getting fragments of the whole story.writer pink mouse

First of all, I have more and more the impression that the King from the Sky World seems to be the real bad person in this drama. First we heard that he committed a crime but the gods from the Realm world forgave him. However, they didn't forgive the humans because they were banished forever from the Realm world.WaterGod06-00210.jpg Then we see that Bi Ryeom was the one who caused the punishment and curse for So Ah's ancestors. They became servants of gods. We were given three examples how humans are bad, greedy and dishonest:

  • The one mentioned above
  • Then MR mentioned a second case in this scene WaterGod09-00275.jpgSo both - the humans wanted to sacrify a woman for their own sake, then when the gods looked after the woman, she got greedy for eternal life and betrayed them.
  • The third one was shown in the episode 3 and 6.habaek06-00768.jpgShim Chun was thrown into water and rules were broken so that she could live in the Water world. She was well treated but one day she became ill with worry over her blind father, so she was sent back home. She fell in love with the king in her own country and got married, and never returned to Water Country. The entire Realm of the Gods felt betrayed after all that they’d done for her.


As conclusion, the humans are perceived in a very negative light but we were shown that all bad events are also connected to the gods from the Sky world. Besides the way Bi Ryeom hates Hoo Ye appears to me that Bi Ryeom could have been manipulated by his king in the end. Is BR his half-brother? If so, then I have the feeling that he has never really understood his father's true intention. If not, he is blaming Hoo Ye for causing the death of another god. NSR mentioned that someone among the gods was envious of Ha Baek. So what if the the king from the Sky realm has been plotting all this time in order to become the next emperor? 200 years later, he heard that Ha Baek was predestined to become the next emperor, something he had expected to become.

When he realised that the existence of his son Hoo Ye, a demi-god, caused problems in the Realm world and that Hoo Ye wasn't accepted by them, the king must have gotten aware that Hoo Ye could be the reason why he couldn't become the next emperor. Hence he hid Hoo Ye and abused him because he resented him for being a burden. Since Hoo Ye has spent 3000 years, it means that he was born before Ha Baek hence this legende about him being a monster could be created and been told as such by the High priest. That would explain why Ha Baek discovered his existence through the high priest. Back then, Bi Ryeom didn't show any reaction, hence he knew nothing about Hoo Ye's existence. That's why I believe that the King from the Sky world could have lied to BR. In my opinion, BR started acting like a rebell 1200 years ago. To sum up, we can assume that BR caused the incident with the family becoming the servants of the gods because his king could have manipulated him. Maybe the king from the Sky world tried to push Ha Baek to commit a mistake.

In my opinion, Shim Chun and Nab-Kin could be the same person because it is mentioned that Shim Chun was thrown into water and a human was buried alive into the sea which means the same. So why two different names? Ha Baek was the one who told So Ah that Shim Sun never returned to the Water country after marrying a king in her own country. On the other hand, we hear from Moo Ra that the woman was greedy and wanted eternal life. In both cases, the woman was thrown into water and betrayed the gods later. In my opinion, Ha Baek has been lied to. He had fallen in love with the human but was deceived by other gods. Moo Ra was jealous of her, since Ha Baek took great care of her. But I can not forget what Joo Dong said to Ha Baek: is it compassion or love? From my point of view, Moo Ra must have misunderstood Ha Baek's feelings for the woman. He empathised with her but MR saw love in his gestures. However Ha Baek says to So Ah in the preview that she will be his first and last one indicating that he has never loved the other woman before. So MR must have been plotting something in the past. I can imagine that the king from the Sky World could have used MR's jealousy for his own purpose: getting rid of Ha Baek as opponent. But none of his plans worked out because Ha Baek did nothing. Therefore he had to find another strategy. Hence he decided to use his son Hoo Ye to get rid of Ha Baek. Since Geol Rin left the Realm world 500 years ago, he must have discovered that the minor god was helping Hoo Ye. He had to send him away. From my point of view, the king from the Sky world needed to send Hoo Ye to the human world, well aware that one day Ha Baek would have to go to the human world. All this time, he used other gods to undermine Ha Baek's position (MR, BR) and now, he sees HY as a tool. Since HY has the power to kill, he is indeed dangerous. We shouldn`t forget So Ah's comment that usually, there is a fight among people in order to become emperor. She asked HB if he had an opponent. 

I had written another theory before stipulating that the king from the Sky realm proposed the fruit giving immortality to Nab Kin. However, this was not allowed. The king got forgiven but they put the blame on the woman saying that she got greedy aso, while it had been a trap planned by the king from the Sky world and orchestrated by MR. In my opinion, So Ah's ancestors must have been punished for the sacrifice of their beloved daughter. They had used her for a sacrifice and broken the rules from the Realm world and since their daughter had eaten the fruit from the tree giving immortality, the gods thought, they needed to punish her parents and family, since the sacrifice was the origin of all the troubles. Maybe Ha Baek hasn't connected the two stories together yet and thinks that both are two different women. Then I realised that maybe Ha Baek is cursed in the human world for this specific reason: as a way to make sure that he becomes the emperor. Ha Baek is wondering why he has no power there, nonetheless I have the impression that this was done on purpose. If a human is killed, the god is banished from the Real world. So what if Ha Baek kills a demi-god, the gods could say that he broke the rules and needs to be punished: exile from the Realm world therefore he can never become the emperor. From the manhwa, we know that Ha Baek was under a curse and the latter had been created in order to protect Ha Baek from the emperor. Maybe the writer only changed the curse but kept the idea: having no power is like being cursed. He could only use his powers, when So Ah was involved. 

Since I am still convinced that So Ah is a demi-god, Ha Baek could have used her energy/power in order to save her. As we know that Joo Dong is not So Ah's father, I have only one option left : the High priest could be her father. He did it in order to stop the curse So Ah's family had been suffering from, but he has always known the plans of the Sky king too. What caught my attention is that the High priest kept saying that Ha Baek didn't need to do anything, he was destined to become the emperor. Doing nothing means, he doesn't have to fight at all. Once Hoo Ye is no longer seen as a thread by Ha Baek (jealousy), Ha Baek won't hurt HY and never break the rules. I am expecting that MR decides to intervene once again, unveiling the truth from the past.  And the Shin relative who adopted Hoo ye could be the High priest too, since both have the same way of thinking (So Ah's father and HY's savior)

 Let me know what you think...

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20 hours ago, lovely_skham said:

This might not be a popular way of thinking but I understand why Bi Ryeom is doing what he's doing, how can they deal with HY who is supposedly stronger then HB if they cant figure out his powers. Remember Mura stopped the car from hitting or revealing HY's powers. So to me putting myself in Bi Ryeom's shoes, he cant stand someone especially a demigod being stronger then them. Why and how is that possible, so Id be a tad annoyed but knowing his personality he tends to react quite instantaneously and deal with the consequences after so again Im not mad but maybe tone it down a little bit. 

HY is going to snap either way, and Br is just quickening that transition period, which I welcome since I cant wait for the showdown between all of them and HB needs to get his powers lol.

to me to eliminate or restrict  someone just bc you fear them or they are stronger than you is wrong, just bc they can do something ist an assurance they will. and to attack bf being attacked to me is a wrong philosophy.  just like in the movie 'Minority Report'.

i understand where he comes from, although i think it is also personal, i do not agree with his method. 

@bebebisous33 i loved your theory and it really made sense. and actually i thought at first that SA couldnt be agod but demigod is very logical or some sort of inhuman being since there are many here. all the gods always refer to SA as NOT human, and also if we think about the high priest saying to HB that gods just become and not born or grow, it means the belief and unnatural makes god. so if HY is a child born between human and god therefor demigod. so something seeped from the god into him, t can also happen without the birth itself, and after generations of being descendants of god they can 'absorb' some of their inhumanity. also SA can be in fact a result of copulation between her god father and human mother. but then why is she a servant? is she in fact mistaken as a servant? 

anyway your theory seemed very on point 

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1 hour ago, Visually-wandering said:

From his clothes, I think that scene will be after he got drunk. He will go to a bar with BR, and he has a feast of wine and all kind of alcohol till BR jaws' dropped. Realized how HB truly love SoAh. He'll get drunk and make trouble with a group of men. And BR help him taking care of those men. Then he goes home, SoAh open the gate, he fainted on her shoulder. She will bring her inside, to her house. That's when they're both falling to the floor and HaBaek will say, "Just stay still, I wanna hug you, I wanna kiss you" but then he falls asleep while his hand holding her hand. Lying on the floor.

Lol, I'm amazed how I can wrote the storyline for next week eps. I guess, it's because I've been paused the preview many times to screencapturing the scenes. And re arranged the scenes based on their clothes.

Poke @vangsweetie637 @Chellsee @swagpuppysong @nonski @athena22 @supergal99 @dramu51ch0c10ve @moodypie @saanjh sena

What do you think about my premonition for next week episode? Do I make sense or not? Wanna make a bet again? Lol....

I was thinking the same thing when i pressed the replay button several times.That will definitely happen but that's only part of the episode.The scene in the preview where Habaek tried to punch Hooye but he stopped it will also happen after they replay the last scene of yesterday's episode:)

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