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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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9 minutes ago, fans123 said:

Oh its 16 eps, my apology. Aww :( I don't like open ending too but if thats the only path to the next possibility, consider that a good ending. I remember reading somewhere In manhwa that they have a child together and many other more twisted story to it, i doubt we gonna see all those in 16 eps. 

I don't know, it has to depend on how writter-nim rewrite everything. :wink:

Maybe Habaek will live on Earth with So Ah by the end of drama... Who will knows? Onestly So Ah as a Queen of a gods country is really fictional but if she jumped the bridge maybe the writer could have hint a possibility like that, i mean So Ah will not die and will be The BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD!! The drama title's has a rilevance...

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9 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Maybe Habaek will live on Earth with So Ah by the end of drama... Who will knows? Onestly So Ah as a Queen of a gods country is really fictional but if she jumped the bridge maybe the writer could have hint a possibility like that, i mean So Ah will not die and will be The BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD!! The drama title's has a rilevance...

She jumps off the bridge is the only hint. But yeah, Habaek might end up settle on earth instead, if by all means for his love for her, with his character of his its possible. Then I will be missing his long hair and sexy Greek costume :tongue::lol:

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Seeing that painting again, previous page--  Did the painter not dotting his eyes (ep 1) an indication of something?  Am overthinking. 

MR and BR dying is something that the drama shoudn't include.  Nooooo.  

I don't know if anyone posted this already: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/07/bride-of-the-water-god-2017-episode-8/


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Is it at all possible that we'll go back to the scene of SA jumping off the bridge somewhere in the later episodes (but not into finale week), then the rest of our story unfolding in the Realms of God? Thus we see more HB in long silvery hair and eyeliner, joined by SA in equally beautiful goddess outfit?? Yes? YES PLEASE!!

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6 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Is it at all possible that we'll go back to the scene of SA jumping off the bridge somewhere in the later episodes (but not into finale week), then the rest of our story unfolding in the Realms of God? Thus we see more HB in long silvery hair and eyeliner, joined by SA in equally beautiful goddess outfit?? Yes? YES PLEASE!!

Yesssss pleaseeee:wub::tongue:

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14 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Is it at all possible that we'll go back to the scene of SA jumping off the bridge somewhere in the later episodes (but not into finale week), then the rest of our story unfolding in the Realms of God? Thus we see more HB in long silvery hair and eyeliner, joined by SA in equally beautiful goddess outfit?? Yes? YES PLEASE!!

Omo!! Yes chaebal!! HB is totally cool with eyeliner!!!:wub:

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1 hour ago, nevill said:

i also think that, but also the girl is the same as the girl from the first episode, right? so she was well and fine back then. also something about someone ability to morph also make me wonder about the girl. most importantly HY really didnt want HB to meet her. so im guessing HY was afraid HB would sense something about the girl up close. 


Just watched a better subbed version of Ep. 7-8 and it says there that demi-gods are eternal beings that lives in circulating life.

They grow up like a child then grow old too like their human mothers but repeat the cycle and never die like their god fathers.

So it might be that the blind girl with Hoo Ye is a demi-god herself! And Hoo Ye is protecting her from everyone else including Ha-baek.

Hmmm..she might really be Nak Bin. :blink:

Also when Ha-baek was talking to Bi Ryeom,

"Land of Sky taught Nak Bin about human foolishness..Although the Land of Water and the world of deities forgave your king, we didn't forgive what he had done."

..was Ha-baek referring to him and Nak Bin when he said "we" didn't forgive what he had done?

Was wondering if all our questions will be answered with only 8 episodes left. Can't believe we're halfway now when it feels like we are just starting the show. :o

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18 hours ago, saanjh sena said:


Whole mystery third stone god and hoo ye ,so ah father connected here


The picture is a bit incorrect. The future Sky Country King should be BiRyeom. The high priest mentioned it to Habaek in ep 1. The boy in the picture is HooYe, he's a semi-god so cannot possibly be a king to Sky Country.

I hope we'll get answers in next week eps about the r/ship between the blind girl, JooDong and HooYe. Like all of you, I hope HY is not a hostile and bad villian. Whatever clash he's going to get with Habaek, hope they can resolve it and at least be at a neutral relationship. And hope nobody dies! No Biryeom, not Moora...

It feels weird that this show hasn't given us any clue about SoAh's father. Not even a picture. Not even one flashback and we know how kdrama loves to put flashbacks about certain people/events. I wonder how he's going to pop up later to clear up the plot.


16 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Is it at all possible that we'll go back to the scene of SA jumping off the bridge somewhere in the later episodes (but not into finale week), then the rest of our story unfolding in the Realms of God? Thus we see more HB in long silvery hair and eyeliner, joined by SA in equally beautiful goddess outfit?? Yes? YES PLEASE!!


Count me in, too!!  Wanna see SoAh draped in long, flowy, goddessy wardrobe. She must be stunning beside Habaek.

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Hi! I love this drama. I also love reading everyone’s theories and agree on some of them.

Sorry for the long post. Pls correct me if Im wrong. Maybe the events went like these:

In the Realm of the Gods, Habaek is the King of the Water Country and the future Emperor of the Gods. The stone guardians are Bi Ryeom (sky), Moo Ra (water) and Joo Dong (earth). It is time to have a new king. The current emperor is said to be happy about it. Is he also from the Water Country?  To become the emperor, he must collect the 3 god stones kept by the god protectors and were sent in the human world. Habaek asked why it is in the human world. I think the god who started that custom loves humans. After all, it’s because of their faith that the gods could exist. It will be good if the future emperor will learn more about the humans by going to their world and experiencing it themselves. If Joo Dong is the monk in ep 1, it makes sense that he knows about the other world.

2,600 years ago, in ep 8, Habaek is interested to learn about humans. The High Priest told the 3 about the story of demi god. Habaek dislikes the idea of its existence, Bi Ryeom is excited to think that the demi god could be stronger than Habaek but Moo Ra disagrees. The High Priest said that the demi god could choose to be either good or bad.

We found out in ep 8 that Hoo Ye is a demi god. His mother is human while his father is a god. I think his father is the king of the Sky Country or some similar higher up god. He and the other gods considered him a disgrace. Hoo Ye could be not just a simple demi god but a powerful one to be feared who has the power to kill the gods. High Priest said that gods have eternal life but they are not immortal. He was locked up by his father. No one has ever seen him but Habaek being the future ruler will be able to recognize him. One cold winter night, he was thrown from the land of the gods to the human world.

Shortly after that, 13 years ago?, Joo Dong called for a meeting in the divine gate. Bi Ryeom and Moo Ra were fighting for unknown reason. My theory is that fight has something to do with Nak Bin or that Shim woman Moo Ra was jealous of. Moo Ra found out that Bi Ryeom and the Sky king plotted to steal Habaek’s position by using Nak Bin. After all, it will be bad if a god-a future emperor- falls in love with a human. Nakbin fell in the water, lived in the Water Country and fell in love with Habaek. Out of jealousy, Moo Ra did something to get rid of her. But I don’t think she can hurt her because they are not allowed to do that to humans or else they will be banned. Or does that only apply while in the human world? Could be when Shim returned to the human world, she was made to forget about the Godly Realm that’s why she did not return?

Anyway, Habaek despises that woman because she betrayed them. Moo Ra said that she doesn’t want him to fall for a human woman again but Habaek don’t know what she means. There seems to be a gap on his memory about Nak Bin/Shim because he drank that forgetting red liquid. Maybe it happened that time when Joo Geol Rin challenged him into a duel before which in fact was ordered by Moo Ra.

After that, Bi Ryeom approached the fisherman, a Shim. When he kidnapped him in the sea, maybe he tricked him to do something which angered Habaek’s mother. She is angry with that act and decreed that he and his descendants will be the gods’ servants. But there’s more than that reason, I think the mother was very angry at what the Shim woman did to Habaek. Bi Ryeom said that he did that to repair his actions, maybe when he helped the Sky king in his plan to steal Habaek’s position, mother was angry so he suggested that as revenge, make the Shim into servants. It’s interesting that they are not allowed to hurt humans with the exemption of gods’ servants.

Back to 13 years ago when Bi Ryeom and Moo Ra were fighting. Joo Dong stopped them and the god stones were scattered. They easily found the 2 but Moo Ra’s stone cannot be found (why Moo Ra’s?) so Joo Dong went to search for it and after that they didn’t see him again. Maybe while Joo Dong is searching near the divine gate, he found young Hoo Ye. When Hoo Ye told So Ah about that story, So Ah seems to think that his savior is his father. Maybe So Ah was also present at that time. So Joo Dong = So Ah’s father.

BUT Joo Dong is actually not her birth father. Her birth father died when she was very little. Somehow she thinks Joo Dong is her father. Meaning the mother is the descendant. He likes to take orphans which So Ah hated. One of them is Sang Yoo. I hope they also show us Sang Yoo’s friends and there will be a funny scene between them and So Ah.

So Ah’s parents’ last names are Yoon (but could be a fake surname of Joo Dong) and Kang not Shim. But they don’t doubt that So Ah is the descendant. How did that happen? I suspect that So Ah is originally a Shim. Though now Shim has become Shin. Old Shin and Ja Ya could be a distant relative from the descendants’ spouse family side. Shim are actually rich but that side of the family took their riches. The only property remained to them is the divine gate.

Back to Hoo Ye: Joo Dong knew about his identity. He cared for him like a family that he even put his earth mark on him. He influenced Hoo Ye’s love for trees/nature/earth and also doing charity. That way, maybe Hoo Ye will not activate his destructive power (fire). If he’s indeed the monk from ep 1, he also adopted the blind little girl and left her in Hoo Ye’s care. She also has the earth mark. Hoo Ye is very fond of that little girl. She is actually the reincarnation of Nak Bin, in the manhwa, Hoo Ye’s sister. She is blind because that was her punishment for what she did in the past.

So why did Hoo Ye said that he was adopted by a Shin? If Joo Dong is So Ah’s father, his fake name should be Yoon not Shin. Probably Joo Dong is involved with someone in the Shin.

By the way, about the orphans, what if they are not simple little children but like the blind little girl and Hoo Ye, they are related to the gods? So Ah is surrounded by people who are not exactly simple human.

Present time (2017)

Looks like at ep 9, Habaek found the coordinates in So Ah’s pen. He’s going to go back to the Water Country but I don’t think it will be easy. I suspect that the king of the Sky Country, rival of Habaek to the throne, has made plans to get rid of Habaek while in the human world. Im afraid that he wants to use his son Hoo Ye. Bi Ryeom seems very interested in looking for the one who has the power to kill the gods. Now that he found Hoo Ye, he is trying to provoke him to use his powers. He also asked the minor god Jin Geon to watch over Hoo Ye. In the future, Habaek will get back his powers and have a fight with Hoo Ye. I don’t want Hoo Ye to turn evil though. I also think that the Sky king has sent beings to attack Habaek and So Ah like the boar in ep 1 or the truck of doom in ep 6.

2018: Habaek and the other gods went back to the land of the gods. So Ah jumped to the river not really trying to kill herself but she believes that is the way to meet Habaek. She was supposed to lose her memory after they are gone but because of the way Habaek awakened her-through a kiss, her memory wasn’t wiped out. 14 years ago, she also jumped the river but she survived. I think that Habaek saved her at that time that’s why the High Priest said that it was fate. After jumping, So Ah will be transported to the Water Country and will be reunited with Habaek. I want to see more scenes from the Godly Realm. Habaek is still fighting against the Sky king. So Ah stayed at the Water Country and became Habaek’s bride but the gods are against it. But So Ah is dying because she is still human and she cannot stay in their world for long unless she also become a god. BUT like in the manhwa, So Ah will probably refuse and she returne to the human world. Once in a while, Ha Baek visits So Ah in the human world. BAM. Bittersweet ending.

I want a happy ending as well but a love story between two different beings are impossible to have a good end. I don’t see Ha Baek leaving the Water Country because according to him, he is one with it. Water Country w/o him is unimaginable. But I will still pray for a happy ending!

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2 hours ago, fans123 said:

Im feeling that the scene where So ah jumps off the bridge on the current event was the ending of her human realm. She will be fully awaken in gods realm as his bride. ..an "open ending" to this whole series. 

Ahhhh:unsure:As much as an open-ending would allow people to create their own versions of an ending to satisfy their need for closure,I don't like open endings.I guess because open endings aren't always happy endings.I would either like it to end in such a way that I know that everything will be alright or, if they want to end with an open ending, give us a Season 2:D

1 hour ago, lolly84 said:

Maybe Habaek will live on Earth with So Ah by the end of drama... Who will knows? Onestly So Ah as a Queen of a gods country is really fictional but if she jumped the bridge maybe the writer could have hint a possibility like that, i mean So Ah will not die and will be The BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD!! The drama title's has a rilevance...

I agree with @reijeanne .I don't think Habaek will live on Earth.Otherwise,who will take care of Water Kingdom and the Realms of the Gods as a whole?As it is,Moora has been facing problems having to revive the dead fishes that are washed ashore on the beaches.And she says it will be even worse to the point that she can't do anything to help if Habaek doesn't return to Water Kingdom quickly.

But then again....Who knows,right?Maybe there are some loopholes....:wink:

Let's all hope and pray for a good ending and a smooth flow of the story.Writer-nim,Fighting and don't let us down!:)

1 hour ago, swagpuppysong said:


Just watched a better subbed version of Ep. 7-8 and it says there that demi-gods are eternal beings that lives in circulating life.

They grow up like a child then grow old too like their human mothers but repeat the cycle and never die like their god fathers.

So it might be that the blind girl with Hoo Ye is a demi-god herself! And Hoo Ye is protecting her from everyone else including Ha-baek.

Hmmm..she might really be Nak Bin. :blink:

Also when Ha-baek was talking to Bi Ryeom,

"Land of Sky taught Nak Bin about human foolishness..Although the Land of Water and the world of deities forgave your king, we didn't forgive what he had done."

..was Ha-baek referring to him and Nak Bin when he said "we" didn't forgive what he had done?

Was wondering if all our questions will be answered with only 8 episodes left. Can't believe we're halfway now when it feels like we are just starting the show. :o

That is an awesome theory.It would explain why Hooye is so protective of the little girl.

Same...can't believe we're already halfway through.Hope everything we want to know gets answered in the end.Then again,I'm not surprised if that doesn't happen...because that would reiterate the fact that we're only humans and we won't understand or know everything:blink:

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40 minutes ago, amisyka77 said:


The picture is a bit incorrect. The future Sky Country King should be BiRyeom. The high priest mentioned it to Habaek in ep 1. The boy in the picture is HooYe, he's a semi-god so cannot possibly be a king to Sky Country.

I hope we'll get answers in next week eps about the r/ship between the blind girl, JooDong and HooYe. Like all of you, I hope HY is not a hostile and bad villian. Whatever clash he's going to get with Habaek, hope they can resolve it and at least be at a neutral relationship. And hope nobody dies! No Biryeom, not Moora...

It feels weird that this show hasn't given us any clue about SoAh's father. Not even a picture. Not even one flashback and we know how kdrama loves to put flashbacks about certain people/events. I wonder how he's going to pop up later to clear up the plot.

@amisyka77Yes, agree.  How could a man who loves and cares for disabled and orphaned children abandon his family without one word? It does not make sense.  Something must have happened to him. Why are writers keeping us in the dark?

@reijeanne  If he did find the coordinates in the pen, he still has to find the other stones. Who has them? Maybe JD, 

Still wondering who is HY's assistant, who is Shin who found him - the monk; or someone else,and where is he?

And could the monk really give the blind girl sight to see where the birds were flying?  She asked him to let her see that.  Did she ask him that because he has that power? Then seems he is JD, or some other god.


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Before I go to bed, I just remembered something. When Ha-baek and So Ah were eating in the noodle shop, I remember Ha-baek telling So Ah's attempt to end her life as "foolish".

And when talking with Bi Ryeom, he also said

"Land of Sky taught Nak Bin about human foolishness..Although the Land of Water and the world of deities forgave your king, we didn't forgive what he had done."

Could it be that Nak Bin tried to end her life too as triggered by the King of the Sky Country? :blink:

That's why Ha-baek had been so devastated and was in pain and despair as described by Moora?

Lol. Alright. I'm off to bed now. Annyung chingus!

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16 hours ago, amisyka77 said:


The picture is a bit incorrect. The future Sky Country King should be BiRyeom. The high priest mentioned it to Habaek in ep 1. The boy in the picture is HooYe, he's a semi-god so cannot possibly be a king to Sky Country.

I hope we'll get answers in next week eps about the r/ship between the blind girl, JooDong and HooYe. Like all of you, I hope HY is not a hostile and bad villian. Whatever clash he's going to get with Habaek, hope they can resolve it and at least be at a neutral relationship. And hope nobody dies! No Biryeom, not Moora...

It feels weird that this show hasn't given us any clue about SoAh's father. Not even a picture. Not even one flashback and we know how kdrama loves to put flashbacks about certain people/events. I wonder how he's going to pop up later to clear up the plot.

I know but I m just thinking about hoo ye connection with sky god may be his father as it still mystery about the identity of hoo ye father.And IF sky god was father of hoo ye then bi ryum definitely fight with him As he fighting Recently    and provoking him now who knows he already knew about sky god having son demi god.

And I m thinking about how that girl end up with hoo ye if that old man with little girl was soah father then may be he help hoo ye and give him her responsibility. Or may be little girl somehow connected with stone .

Me to hope no one dies. And no lose ending situation. If kang ha neul cameo still  considered  may be he is the one holding stone. As we all know there is not even a single hint they leave for us we can only use our imagination . Hope so next episode open up some mystery. 


%ED%95%98%EB%B0%B1%EC%9D%98%EC%8B%A0%EB%Please some one explain me in English. 

Little girl with monk and now with hoo ye but NO AGEING....its only possible If she is god or demi god herself.

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18 minutes ago, saanjh sena said:

Little girl with monk and now with hoo ye but NO AGEING....its only possible If she is god or demi god herself.

That is a good observation, but do we really know when the little was walking on the beach with the monk? Was there a banner of flag telling us the year that was ?   Her hat I think is different.

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11 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@vangsweetie637 @mikancchi

Well, I read somewhere on this thread that the actor playing the monk is supposed to be JD. So if this info is correct and based on your theory that he is her father, then this would confirm my theory that So Ah is a demi-god. As for the fact that Ha Baek can recognise a demi-god, I had an explanation for that: Hoo Ye knows that he is a demi-god hence he is full aware of his true identity. Sure, he doesn't know the extent of his powers but he knows the identity of his father: he was a god. For So Ah, it is different. If her father is a god and hid it from her, she sees her father as a human hence she sees herself as a human. Moreover her father hid another fact: the curse of being a servant of gods. Finally, when she jumped from the bridge, she should have died, not from drowning but logically from the fall itself because at such a high, hitting the water is like falling on concrete. Interesting is that only when Ha Baek was so close to her, he could use his true power. Maybe there is more to it than just faith.

Sure, this is just an idea. We should propose as many theories as possible... 


Omo. Is it confirmed that the monk is JD? I must have missed that detail. If JD is the monk..then I will instead not think of him as her father. Wait. Was SA an orphan too? Then her father is a substitute for her real one? That explains why he will take in so many orphans because it is something he does automatically. But..then..only a child of the cursed family can be a servant therefore SA has to be the real child of the descendant :blink: as for falling into the water..i agree. Falling at that range should have killed her..but was it that high to begin with? I have read news where people jump off bridges and drown instead of being killed by the impact. If she jumped from a very high bridge, the splash of the water onto the body would have injured her already. But she fell..straight down to the water, feet first then head. So..perhaps the impact was not meant to kill but drown :blink: i am also wondering..she said that she used whatever skills she learned as a swimmer to help her and then she never swam again. So i am wondering..if we go with your theory, her hidden powers would have helped her. It will make sense if she never suspected she is a half god if her father was disguised as human. That makes sense. But..if i go with my theory, someone else may have helped her..a God, perhaps? Or is it possible to use her swimming skills to save her..especially when she looked like she was drowning..? Hm..i am also now thinking..if SA is a demigod..as your theory goes, and if you first speculated the King of the Sky was her father  (right?) Then that leads me to ask..who is the father she is referring to as an abandonment? Too many questions for my brain haha. I still think JD is HY's father. So if the monk is JD, then the secretary must not be JD in disguise. 

Haha you are right. We should come up with as many theories as possible. But I will wait until we get more details from next week to form more theories or to add onto mine :D

 @moodypie @supergal99

I am really hoping there will be scenes when SA goes to Water Kingdom with HB..and sees how he lives..and he no longer has to wear modern clothes or look..modern :tongue::D *eyeliner and long hair club* 


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On 7/28/2017 at 3:40 PM, vangsweetie637 said:

I am a proud member of the eyeliner, long hair Haebak club :wub::tongue:


@supergal99 hahaha i went searching for one with his bare front and behold..you beat me to it!! :D


Welcome, welcome~  I have taken it upon myself to head this club.  :lol:

*Fans self* Oh my, all these pictures!!!!


11 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


I love reading all these theories.  If I wasn't so rusty with the manhwa, I might have some theories to offer myself.



Btw...idk if I ever said this or not, but I absolute ADORE the image in your signature.  So cute!!

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7 minutes ago, dj.soul said:

Welcome, welcome~  I have taken it upon myself to head this club.  :lol:

*Fans self* Oh my, all these pictures!!!!


Haha..we have quite a strong club here. 

It may be where some perverts are too. I admit. I am one :tongue::lol: Haha all these theories only create more theories. I need more clues and hints! But Monday is still 3 days away for me :(

Awww..no you haven't mentioned it yet but thank you very much. I too absolutely adore it myself and it is an art of one of my favorite dramas :wub:

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