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[Drama 2016-2017] Golden Pouch 황금주머니, Mon-Frid 20:55. Thanks for all your support!


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For ep 44, we needed the chorus of Mendel's Hallelujah playing in the background!

SHm to MH: I just wanted to know who I was marrying. It's enough for me....

Breaking up is for people that have/had love for each other…BURN!!!! Feel the BURN, richard simmons!!!

You don’t make me feel….anything. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! 

Made my Friday!!! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be re-watching that scene again!!


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On 14/01/2017 at 7:21 AM, NewKDramaAddict said:

For ep 44, we needed the chorus of Mendel's Hallelujah playing in the background!

SHm to MH: I just wanted to know who I was marrying. It's enough for me....

Breaking up is for people that have/had love for each other…BURN!!!! Feel the BURN, richard simmons!!!

You don’t make me feel….anything. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! 

Made my Friday!!! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be re-watching that scene again!!


@NewKDramaAddict  Those words are like music to my ears just loved it.. He never loved her and she knew it..

Have a great weekend everyone

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MH is not going to take this well. She will continue to try to force him to remember her and think her loving him should be enough for him to come back to her. WRONG Answer! What she fails to see in doing so she is showing him exactly the type of woman she is. When he finally tells her no and he is not coming back to her she will go off and be vengeful that his love for her has changed. Early in the drama you could see she was obsessed with him and it has not changed. 

Someone else pointed out on the page before all the times that Dr. Han showed he was not that in love with MH really. I agree his need was to have a family and he found that with the Geum's He does not need MH when he has genuine affection from these people. I again go back to Dr. Han questioning her motives either to himself or MH. But mostly him realizing something is not right with MH and if she was truly there for him and loved him she would have never left him in the first place. I think with his memories gone he has no reason to hold on to that desire for family because as I said above he has found that with the Geum's. MH has become a moot point for him. When his memories come back he will be back to knowing his true mind and heart and I do not see MH as part of it. 

It will become a matter of pride to MH. How dare he not love her back anymore. How could he not want her back when they loved so great? AT that point MH will not want him to be happy. Why should he find family and happiness not with her when she has agonized and missed him. Why was her love not enough for him to come back to her with or without his memory. MH will make sure to try to do all she can to hurt SHf , her family and Dr. Han. 

MK looked upset in today's episode. Not sure why. He is prolly just seeing how determined and selfish MH is over Dr. Han. She has no consideration for him because in her eyes he is part of why they are apart. Its going to be a huge shock for her when the real reason her mother pulled them apart come out. But mostly if MH has truly good intentions she would have convinced her brother to go and tell the truth and clear Dr. Han. But she does not care about that she just wants to get Dr. Han back and will take down anyone to do it. 

I just love that Madam Mo is listening to Madam Sa. Its going to be very interesting when Madam Sa turns on her to blackmail her for trying to get rid of SJ but also for her past. My greatest wish is in wanting to see Madam Mo find out who she is acting ugly to and who she is related to. Can you imagine her face to find out SHf is Papa Geum's daughter and then to realize she is her own he has raised? But karma has a way of coming back and kicking you in the butt for being nasty and evil to people and her payment is in doing and saying things that will bring the past back to her. Imagine Papa Geum's face and anger if he finds out later that Madam Mo has been harassing his daughter and he tells her she is your kid you have been nasty too. He will lay into that woman and I can't say I blame him for it. Madam Mo has learned nothing and continues to do things that will only hurt herself later. Look down on SJ and SHf.. Is that family aware of where she came from. Her coming from that orphanage as well is going to come back. I can't wait until her past comes back to bite her. 

I mentioned early on that I figured MK and athletic sis were going to end up together. The signs were there early on for me. Bratty sis and SHf's buddy (half brother) would not be together because SHf is tied to him by blood while SHf is tied to bratty sis on paper. IT should be interesting if this drunken night in the store room ends up with Athletic sis pregnant and MK is going to beg to be able to marry her or be forced to take responsibility. It will be good for hi because he will finally get away from his mother. I can't see him taking her home to Madam Sa's so I figure they will take him into their family. 

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36 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

MK looked upset in today's episode. Not sure why. He is prolly just seeing how determined and selfish MH is over Dr. Han. She has no consideration for him because in her eyes he is part of why they are apart. Its going to be a huge shock for her when the real reason her mother pulled them apart come out. But mostly if MH has truly good intentions she would have convinced her brother to go and tell the truth and clear Dr. Han. But she does not care about that she just wants to get Dr. Han back and will take down anyone to do it. 

Yes, MH showed her true self to her brother that she didn't care a wit about him! Telling SHm that she would tell him the truth about the malpractice cut deep into MK who should be man enough and just admit it now! But alas, he still waits. He continues to disappoint me. Also, I couldn't believe how MH glanced over the fact that her crazy devil of a mother hired people to kidnap and beat SHm! Again, she continues to show her true colors! Selfish and bratty! 

38 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I mentioned early on that I figured MK and athletic sis were going to end up together. The signs were there early on for me. Bratty sis and SHf's buddy (half brother) would not be together because SHf is tied to him by blood while SHf is tied to bratty sis on paper. IT should be interesting if this drunken night in the store room ends up with Athletic sis pregnant and MK is going to beg to be able to marry her or be forced to take responsibility.

Oh lordy, a pregnancy?! That crazy woman will be trying to drag DN to the OB/GYN for an abortion! I don't put it past her to get her henchmen to hire a few thugs to kidnap her! She did the same for SHm! Well, I guess I will just have to be resigned to them being together but I definitely want more for JS! No SN for him!!

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17 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Yes, MH showed her true self to her brother that she didn't care a wit about him! Telling SHm that she would tell him the truth about the malpractice cut deep into MK who should be man enough and just admit it now! But alas, he still waits. He continues to disappoint me. Also, I couldn't believe how MH glanced over the fact that her crazy devil of a mother hired people to kidnap and beat SHm! Again, she continues to show her true colors! Selfish and bratty! 

MH really creeps me out and I think she is worse than her evil mother who is not as devious as her. You can't read her and predict her next deadly move it's scary. MH is going to get her man by hook or crook, whether it means hurting her brother or mother in the process, she doesn't seem to give a fig. She has started to stalk and tail Dr. Han and will keep a hawk eye on him so that SH stays clear of her man.

Why are hysterical psychopaths so abundant in K-dramas:sweatingbullets:? I can't stand her screeching and whining. MH could be in contention for the top award as the evil villain in K-dramas. Dr. Han is skeptical, uncomfortable around MH and is wary of her although he has no recollections of her or their times together. MH has told Dr. Han she will help him get his memory and the use of his hand back. I think Dr. Han would rather have and experience the love, warmth and stability of his new found "family" than getting his old memories or even the use of his right hand back just to start afresh with MH.

@NewKDramaAddict if you can, please make a GIF of her being rejected by Dr. Han. Have to say I love the expression of disbelief on her face when he told her it's enough knowing she was the woman he was going to get married to. He turns and walks away. No apology given:lol:. So cool!!

36 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Oh lordy, a pregnancy?! That crazy woman will be trying to drag DN to the OB/GYN for an abortion! I don't put it past her to get her henchmen to hire a few thugs to kidnap her! She did the same for SHm! Well, I guess I will just have to be resigned to them being together but I definitely want more for JS! No SN for him!!

We knew MK and DN will end up as a couple but still I didn't see "this" coming

:sweatingbullets:. DN wears the pants in this relationship and she must get MK to own up and clear Dr. Han's name! If MK wants to start taking responsibility, that is the first thing he has to do!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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On 1/11/2017 at 11:40 PM, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

MH accosted SH and told him she was his ex fiance.  MH just can't stand that SW can make SH happy while she couldn't.  Now she is all out to ruin SH all over again and make him miserable. She is going to tell SH that SW family is fake and they are not his family. 

SH might have lost his memories but he is not stupid. All those time this Geum family stood besides him during his hard time, give him shelter, shower him with love, treat him like a family waiting for him to recover his memories. MH thinks that by revealing the truth to SH, she can remove SW and Geum family from SH and SH will not like SW anymore. Stupid girl. By doing this, you are helping our OTP to become a couple. Now that SH knows that he is not blood related nor is part of the family, he can now understands why he is feeling all jealous when he sees SW with JS and why he didn't like JS.  Lol ... SH Will be wondering "erhm...you are supposed to be my fiancé but how come you claim not to know me and why did you leave me to the sharks. Where we're you when I was having a hard time?."

Lol ... our love birds can now open their hearts to each other and openly flirt and date each other. 

Tonight episode will be interesting. 

I thought that the Gangster Mother Dearest was bad but I stated to watch Thursday episode w/MH  telling SHm that she was his fiance I just was tired to watch the rest. I just didn't want to get all worked up over how how shameless she's beingbsod-onion-head-emoticon.gif I just can't w/her at all and I couldn't even watch 5 mins... You do a great point that when he does find out it opens the way to him being together w/ SHf (yayy). I just understand how she would want to ruin this little life he's making for himself w/the love of this imperfect but lovable family. He has never had one and is so happy being a part of the Geums. MH is has no shame, is selfish and I agree stupid too.. I'll marathon the two eps either tonite or in the morning and catch up w/everyone.

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I want to punch MH face. That witch is so heartless. Knowing that her mother will do anything to harm and ruin already ruin life of SH, she still persist on being with him. She doesn't love him. She just want him to be as miserable as her pathetic life that her mom has set out for her. Her heart is blacker than her mom. 

MK is officially in my 'richard simmons' hit list after he really went and fish put info for his sis and then reported to her that SH paid mama Geum's debts. After all DN took him in and fed him from cold. That louse loser is worst than the wuss. The Sa family are total pathetic losers. 

Love how SH tell it to witch face. Break up is only for couples who once loved each other. We are not breaking up. I don't remember you. I don't feel anything for you. And you left long time ago. :w00t::) The only thing I want to remember is the malpractice and how it happened. Hahaha...witch eat that!

MH, SH caught all your lies. He might have lost some memories but he remembers the details of the day he woke up from hospital till now. 


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Ha ha ha .... Dr Han's Favourite is Wuthering Height and Pride and Prejudice .... hmmmm, Darcy and Heathcliffe ..???    Come to think of it he was cold and aloof before the accident. Both the characters in these novels treated the women with disdain, and left their women to fan for themselves. That was Dr Han as a heart specialist. Now he is a changed man, warmer... gentle and caring. Will he resort back to the old him when he regain his memories ? His treatment to MH was the Dr Han that we saw once..... that traits somehow surface when he is not happy with a situation. He smelled a con girl in her.... very sharp instincts.... B)

In the preview, evil stepmother exclaimed in surprised to hear Min Hee visited the orphanage or her office ..? She is up to no good there.

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2 hours ago, shebagirl said:

Ha ha ha .... Dr Han's Favourite is Wuthering Height and Pride and Prejudice .... hmmmm, Darcy and Heathcliffe ..???    Come to think of it he was cold and aloof before the accident. Both the characters in these novels treated the women with disdain, and left their women to fan for themselves. That was Dr Han as a heart specialist. Now he is a changed man, warmer... gentle and caring. Will he resort back to the old him when he regain his memories ? His treatment to MH was the Dr Han that we saw once..... that traits somehow surface when he is not happy with a situation. He smelled a con girl in her.... very sharp instincts.... B)

In the preview, evil stepmother exclaimed in surprised to hear Min Hee visited the orphanage or her office ..? She is up to no good there.


I doubt he will go back to his cold manner. He was that way because he has never experienced warmth, love and support from a loving family. Basically he has never experienced being loved for who he is. MH loved him for the fact that he is a brilliant surgeon. She didn't accept him for who he is. If she did, she wouldn't have hired mama Geum to pretend to be his parent.

Geum family accept him warmth and whole heartedly when he was a broken man with nothing to his name. 

I guess he doesn't want to recall the rest except for the malpractice is because he thinks they weren't good memories anyway so why recall them. Malpractice is because it is something he believes he couldn't have made a mistake like this. He is a very meticulous person. 

Since he couldn't remember MH at all even after she told him they were lovers and brought back all his favourite stuff, he felt that he must have not loved her at all. So doesn't need to know more details about her or their relationship or get to know her all over again. He now likes where he is, his life, his family and he himself. 

Will he be very upset with Geum family if MH reveals to him they are not his family or he came to realisation himself. They hinted so many times to him abut the possibility that he will leave them once he recovers his memory.

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Okay, I have to correct myself regarding the character of Darcy and Heathcliffe in Dr Han Favourite books. Heathcliffe was adopted, fell in love with Catherine but their different status prevented a marriage. He left the family, seek a fortune and came back to seek revenge on the families that looked down on him. At the end his Son married Catherine's daughter. Hmmmmm.... is this the storyline of this drama....??

As for Pride and Prejudice, Darcy was misjudged as a cold and nonchalant person to the Bennett daughters. Elizabeth was mistaken that he was uncaring, that she resent him many times. Until later when she found out that he helped the other sisters from their misadventure, and kept her family's name with some decorum, that she changed her perception of Darcy. Later she accepted his proposal.

Now, which of the above storyline Dr Han falls into...? Wonder if there is any connection to this drama...??? Maybe just a figment of my imagination ....?!!

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Hello everyone, I just discovered this drama and has been watching episode after episode while waiting for downloads and writing a project. So I dropped by Soompi to check if there is something going on for this drama and found this forum. (I wonder why I always have to login even if I check the "remember me" button.

Anyway, reading through several pages, I think I agree with the theories of @shebagirl. If you look at the picture of the trio at the orphanage, you'll see the resemblance between Dr. Han and Jin Joo, who was a gentle soul. She could really be Dr, Han's biological mom who also know how to cook mandoo (tasting the same as Papa Geum's) as they were in-charge of making them for the orphanage.That is why he remembers the taste.Maybe that is also why halmeoni finds a connection with Dr. Han since the first time they met. Mo Nan Seol, the other girl (ambitious) one is abandons her daughter to marry Papa Jae Rim (Yoon) and asked Papa Geum to raise her daughter (Seol Hwa). She does not like mandoo because it's a reminder of her pitiful past and whatever deeds she'd done to marry into the Yoon family. Joo Sang is someone planted by Nan Seol, that is why there is always a disconnect. He cannot say too much because he has to watch his words even if Nan Seol lashes at him, maybe because of a pact when he was "installed" into the family. Personally though, I find that the actor playing Joo Sang clinically delivers his lines, shows his dimples but there is no real emotion in his acting. You know he's there physically, but emotionally, he doesn't register, compared to the actor who plays Ji Sang. Same with the actress playing Min Hee. She acts bitchy but her face is blank, whatever emotional state she's in. The loan shark mom tends to overact. Again, these are my personal opinion. Actress playing Nan Seol is good as she is adept at being a chameleon. Halmeoni is a beauty. 

I cannot connect with Min Kyu as well. He's always shouting at the girls, first when he was still supposedly the BF of Seol Hwa. He tends to manhandle girls. It's the same with Doo Na. He's just a leech. Maybe he feels a tad remorseful but that's about it. The attacks on his conscience come and go. He just doesn't want to actually work for his keep. He knows that his mom ruined the family, causing a chain of events that led to them going almost penniless, and he still had the temerity to go there and expect to be provided room and board. Can't wait for Mr. Kim to sing like a canary when cornered as he knows all the evil deeds of the money-is-everything Mrs. Sa. I like Doo Na's character, but I don't care about the leech MK. 

The OTP (Dr. Han-Seol Hwa) love line will be cute and awesome, gauging from the way Dr. Han acts around her and with her. With Ji Han's dreamy eyes and bedroom voice - what can you expect? He's not there yet. but he's already acting playful and very caring towards Seol Hwa that makes her heart flutter. When that brotherly love and concern turns to true love, Seol Hwa will not know what hit her!

Still, I do worry what the evil mom-daughter tandem of Mrs. Sa and Bae Min Hee plus Yoon Joo Sang will do to complicate Geum family and Dr. Han's world, as well as to the innocent members of the Yoon family - halmeoni, Ji Sang and Papa Jae Rim.


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17 hours ago, sk0317 said:

if you can, please make a GIF of her being rejected by Dr. Han. Have to say I love the expression of disbelief on her face when he told her it's enough knowing she was the woman he was going to get married to. He turns and walks away


Someone didn't want to leave for sure and someone was jealous she was watching!


Remember was enough....LOVED IT!!


This is a perfect rejection! Too bad he's dealing with a psycho!

I had to save the entire scene! It was great!


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Joo Sang is someone planted by Nan Seol, that is why there is always a disconnect. 

Why would Madam Mo plant Joo Sang into the family when it was obvious his presence caused her heartache? The fact that Joo Sang represented one thing that her husband never loved her and she was just someone brought in to look after Joo Sang. Joo Sang remain quiet about the cold treatment thinking it will keep the family in peace. I think somewhere he told his father he was no longer going to bear it anymore and want his independence.



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On 1/11/2017 at 11:59 PM, Ldy Gmerm said:

Can someone just slap Madam Mo silly. She still continues to blame SJ for her bad behavior and she still continues to act like he is fooling everyone. AT least now they see her true face and in seeing that she has alienated everyone even more thinking she is right in her thinking. Its going to be really interesting to see her act ugly to SHf as well only later to find out she is her daughter she has been wanting to see. 

I just can't wait for this to happennaughty.png Sorry to cut your post because it is always good stuff! What I can't understand is why she's listening to  gangster mother. There is a reason why most families shun her, she's a loan shark. I still don't get what JS is fooling people about? At this point even if he's not the Yoon's son why is she playing along?  @Jackie1048 I'm w/you I don't understand why she would have planted him there.


On 1/12/2017 at 1:34 AM, shebagirl said:

Is it coincidence that Nam Seol named her daughter Seol Hwa, ( winter flower ??), and Jin Joo 's son, if my suspicion is correct, is named Joo Sang ? Each of them carries a portion of their parents name

That's a great observation. Thank You

On 1/13/2017 at 10:22 AM, NewKDramaAddict said:

Preview for ep 45: I guess the writer is going to force a DN/MK relationship on us anyway!! Well, she's the only one that help him grow some manhood, I guess..

She has to help him since in the end he's the only one who can clear Dr Han of the malpractice charges.  He still has SHf's footage too but MK is going to have to confess sooner or later. Thank you for the gifs and the slow burn vid:blush: This has to be my favorite scene so far in this drama. 

On 1/13/2017 at 6:52 PM, sk0317 said:

Why are hysterical psychopaths so abundant in K-dramas:sweatingbullets:? I can't stand her screeching and whining. MH could be in contention for the top award as the evil villain in K-dramas. Dr. Han is skeptical, uncomfortable around MH and is wary of her although he has no recollections of her or their times together. MH has told Dr. Han she will help him get his memory and the use of his hand back. I think Dr. Han would rather have and experience the love, warmth and stability of his new found "family" than getting his old memories or even the use of his right hand back just to start afresh with MH.

LOL this drama does have enough to start their own ward in a hospital! I agree w/everyone that her trying to get SHm to remember is going to backfire big time on her.

23 hours ago, nrlfan4ever said:

The OTP (Dr. Han-Seol Hwa) love line will be cute and awesome, gauging from the way Dr. Han acts around her and with her. With Ji Han's dreamy eyes and bedroom voice - what can you expect? He's not there yet. but he's already acting playful and very caring towards Seol Hwa that makes her heart flutter. When that brotherly love and concern turns to true love, Seol Hwa will not know what hit her!

It is nice that we get to watch him in a drama as the leadembarrassed1-onion-head-emoticon.gifI'm so happy that he's getting a chance to shine, he's not only dreamy but such an excellent actor.  

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I think Madam Mo needed a way into marrying into that family and that is where SJ came in. She needed to present the son of the woman that was run away as Halmoni had regrets. It was her ticket into being accepted to marry her husband by producing his first born and vowing to treat him like her own and raising him (only she hated every min of it.). I can't see her having planted a false background that would fit. Although that family does not seem stuck up and the reason for that are perhaps because Halmoni had her own stall and worked hard to support her son growing her business becoming wealthy as well as her son started his own company. If what everyone suspects is true that SJ or Dr. Han is suppose to be the son of the 3rd friend in the picture with Papa Geum and Madam Mo then perhaps something happen that started that fire so long ago and the true son Dr. Han or SJ went missing from that. Perhaps Madam Mo and the friend got into an argument over something and the fire started accidentally. (Like maybe Madam Mo was trolling to marry up only to find out her friend has a child with the father and she goes to her about it. or wants to take the son to the family and the friend says no.) (Let's really hope no one intentionally set that fire that may have killed the friend or the bio mother if it is not the 3rd friend from the picture.)


The problem with whatever happen in the past. Peoples actions in the present have a way of bringing the past back. Madam Mo trying to again hurt SJ and using SHf will come back on her. Whatever plot or plan she used to get into that family involving SJ will come out. The truth of how she came to have him take the sons place or have her hands on him from the birth mother in the first place will come out. If it turns out that SJ is not the bio son of that family and Dr. Han is it will come out. Just like if SJ is truly blood of that family and her true motives come out of how she set out to deceive that family. Just like her past and having a daughter (SHf) will. By that time she will have incurred the wrath of not only her mother in law and husband but her son and Papa Geum as well for treating SHf that way but for putting one over on that family. She acts like she has been wronged and has done no wrong but all of her dirt will be exposed and it will come from dealing with Madam Sa who cares nothing but how she can benefit by marrying her crazy daughter into that family. I would find it hilarious if MH gets married in only to realize that who ever she married is not truly part of that family. I would love that to happen.. She marries SJ (wuss) and finds out that he is not blood in that family (the twist would be if he was really the Geum's missing son) and has no good background. All of Madam Sa's planning and plotting will be for not as she benefits from nothing and she goes to jail leaving her daughter to go nuts. 

My guess is we have not seen the last of the man that was suppose to meet Dr.Han but met with MH before the police got him. He mentioned something about that fire and I am sure at some point Madam Mo may be implicated in something that happen to SJ/Dr. Han's mother if he turns out to be the bio child of that rich family. I think that SJ witness something as well from the flashback we saw of him with that pouch he was giving Madam Mo a hateful look as a child.   

Madam Mo's biggest problem is jealousy. As pointed out by others she has never had her husband love and that hurts her but she knew this going in what things could be like and she still married in anyway.And yet she acts like she was done wrong when I am sure she was warned and told of how things would be or she could tell by her mother in law and husbands distance. She hates that her husband still values SJ's mother over her even though the woman is long gone. These feelings are going to drive her to do too much and Madam Sa will have her tied up and it will be too late to pull back by then.  Madam Mo will learn that she got in bed with a snake (Madam Sa) who will turn on her quickly to get her own agenda pushed through and will not hesitate to use whatever means to make Madam Mo tow the line if she looks like she is going to pull back from their plotting. Her own past will become leverage to make her continue on helping Madam Sa is my guess. Madam Sa will make sure she finds out all she can about Madam Mo's past and her connections and will throw them in her face later.

I loved the last episode and Dr. Han has basically told MH that he feels nothing for her, remembers nothing of her and does not want to start again with her. He is only concerned with one thing and that is what happen for him to end up with malpractice. MH tried to lie and say he came to S. Korea to marry her and obviously Dr. Han felt that was a false answer.(How right he is. That was not his reason for coming there.) Even if he can't remember his instincts are telling him she is lying to him. (at the very least fudging the truth). MH is not going to let go though (her type never does.) she can't bare the thought that no matter what she tries he does not feel anything for her or want her. Even from the conversation you can tell she chased him and harassed him in the past when he was not In love with her. He cared for her and perhaps after awhile she seemed like the way to get a family but he was not truly IN Love with MH and she knew it too. It is why she was so desperate to marry him (buying a fake family) and could not deal with the fact that even at the church he was willing to run off to meet a man about his real family then marry her first. 

Right now MK has got his eyes opened that his sister only cares for herself and is willing to throw him to the wolves if it means she can try to get Dr. Han back. Of course its what he gets for not telling the truth of what happen. But mostly you can see that MH blames MK for what happen to her relationship. She takes no responsibility in her walking away from Dr. Han when he needed her most just like she won't take responsibility that her family has hurt this man and her mother is still trying to hurt this man. That her actions are causing problems in his life and for others all because she won't let go. When she finds out it was her mother that hit him then her mother will get the biggest of the hate and blame from MH for ruining her relationship and hurting the man she almost had trapped to her. And trap is exactly what she was trying to do then and is trying to do it again now. IT did not work then and it will not work now. 

Most of the top is just speculation for me on the past of how SJ came to be there and if he is truly a blood child of this family or if Dr. Han will be. Or if the mother is the 3rd friend of Papa Geum's.

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On 1/14/2017 at 5:15 PM, NewKDramaAddict said:

Someone didn't want to leave for sure and someone was jealous she was watching!


Remember was enough....LOVED IT!!

This is a perfect rejection! Too bad he's dealing with a psycho!

I had to save the entire scene! It was great.


Thank you so very much for the gif @NewKDramaAddict!! You have so graciously given us posters here a double bonus by including the whole scene! Thank You!! I'll like to send a copy of this to the delusional MH and she should hit the "playback" button each time she starts "hallucinating" she can return to Dr. Han's side like nothing has ever gone wrong/happened.

Daddy Geum's reaction (especially) when he saw MH walking into his shop says it all - BMH is one eerily creepy and wicked woman who pretended to have met daddy and mommy Geum for the first time:blink:. Daddy Geum looks like he has just seen a ghost after meeting her.

SH must have wished the wuss would have stopped the car and let her out...She looks unsettled and out of sorts when she saw MH with Dr. Han in the cafe.


@cheekychipmunk_stv Is that a picture of your furkid in your avatar? love.gif 

I can totally understand why you can't suppress your urge to punch BH in her face whenever she appears on screen. I share the same sentiments too although I don't condone violence:tongue:.

I can't wait for Madam Mo's husband to find out her association with Madam Sa. He has on numerous occasions made himself clear how he sees Madam Sa and also has warned his wife from getting too involved with the dubious moneylender who "wrecks families" with her "profession".

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:


@cheekychipmunk_stv Is that a picture of your furkid in your avatar? love.gif 


Yes. He is only 2 - very naughty, clever and diva personality. I also have a very sweet 17 years old Westie. He has the best behaviour and temper. Very patient. Now he is blind & deaf. 

I'm not a violent person but MH brings out the terrible me. When she acts all sweet, innocent & a victim, I wanna throw cabbage at her face. Papa Geum literally dropped the dish cloth in his hand in shock. I'm sure SH would have noticed their reactions to MH presence.

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