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[Drama 2016-2017] Golden Pouch 황금주머니, Mon-Frid 20:55. Thanks for all your support!


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Ep 48

Yes! He hears! Thank you writer!

He's sadness is going to make me sad!

Wuss is showing his selfishness! Less concerned about SHm and more concerned about the fact that he exists in SHf's life!


We can know the answer if SHm does a DNA test! He is a little upset here and within reason! Moms notices it too!

Is the truth setting in?

DAMN! Everyone is crying! This might be heartbreaking for even me to watch!



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18 minutes ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

Tonight''s episode SH found out that Geum family are fake. He found the letter by accident in one of his books that papa Geum wrote to him apologising for the fake parent role.Then I think he reconfirm it with MH. Then he went home and saw SW outside home, he recalled her asking him if he was alright, having fever etc when he first encounter her at gate of SW home. Then he recalled other things that happened at the beginning when Geum acknowledged him as long lost son. Slowly everything click in place. 

I haven't watch today's ep yet but @cheekychipmunk_stv Do he remember anything else before that like the thug mama and his ex.?

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Today's episode is very sad. Dr Han cried.... cannot wait for subtitles. A letter written by Father Geum somehow was dropped from a book, and after reading it, he decide to leave. Maybe he felt cheated and that the Geum's household just put up with him.....it was all a charade to him. Sob sob sob ...:bawling:

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When daddy Geum visited the Bae's and went down on his knees to beg Madam Sa to accept Dr. Han and allow MH to take him to the U.S for treatment for his hand, I am quite certain MK saw Dr. Han overhearing and overseeing the whole/part of the scenario. MK ran towards daddy Geum and helped him get back on his feet. I think MK didn't mention he has seen Dr. Han standing a short distance away and was watching daddy Geum and his mom talked. MK only said he will get his car to send daddy Geum home. But daddy Geum insisted he can take the bus home.

It's a pity Dr. Han only had MH to turn to when he needed the confirmation on the status of his current "family". She told him she was the one who hired them to pretend to be his parents since Madam Sa would be against their marriage if she finds out Dr. Han is in fact an orphan. But I think the wicked witch punctuated her side of the story with a few fabricated lies to demean the Geums.

In the preview, Dr. Han went to the dumpling shop to confront daddy Geum and asked him why he cared about him. Daddy Geum said that's because you are my son. Dr. Han then replied, "I'm not your son..."

It looks like the last thing Madam Sa wants is to have Dr. Han's memory restored. I don't think she is strongly against treatment to help him restore the use of his hand but if Dr. Han regains his memory, MK and her would be in jeopardy since the truth surrounding the malpractice will be exposed. And if Dr. Han manages to recall incidents surrounding his accident, Madam Sa might be indicted for her part in it.

Sorry to sound mean and cruel. Instead of meeting up with the wuss, SH should have spoken to Dr. Han after finding a lost looking Dr. Han standing outside the gate to the Geum's house. Tomorrow's episode is going to be sad. More tear-jerking scenes...

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9 hours ago, sava2sava said:

I haven't watch today's ep yet but @cheekychipmunk_stv Do he remember anything else before that like the thug mama and his ex.?


No.  SH only remember's the current events. He remembers SW asking him what is he doing outside her house. The surprused look on DN & SN face and what they said when mama Geum introduced him to them. Then he recalled mama Geum friend who came to congratulate them for shop opening mentioning that HD (their son) is dead. So he made the connections. 

SH should  also remember that they told him so many times that he should recall his past as it is only right for him and that in the mean time they will keep him warm & safe and support him fully until he can fly on his own. This shows that they didn't cheat him but are sincere towards him in helping him to his feet. He mistook them for parents and mama Geum being a softie, didn't have the heart to tell him the truth in his fragile state at that time. She saw that he needed a mother's  love to shelter him and keep him warm. That's what all mothers do when they see a broken child. (Except Mdm Sa whose heart is made of steel)

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Yes, @cheekychipmunk_stv You hit the nail... steel hearted  and horrid too that Mdm Sa. An evil witch to match that...! Sometimes I wonder if there are a person as bad as that in Korea, hope it is only in drama. If in real life, she would be in jail for assault, trespassing harassing and a public nuisance. There will be many who would slap that punishment on her., let alone the crime of hit-and-run, abetting in his son's malpractice, causing damage to people's properties and businesses.... she would be stripped of money and dignity if come to light. Her offences are multiples .... just cannot be forgiven ..!!!!

What troubled DrHan is that he found himself again in a situation of being abandoned, after realising that he was not the real Son. He felt rejected and dejected after hearing that Father Geum begged evil witch to send him to US for treatment. He must have misconstrued their intention of giving back his profession and a better livelihood than as a dumpling son. He wanted to stay with his family when MH dangled the idea to him first, but upon finding the truth, maybe he felt that he should go away and look for his real family.... my wish too. If he had stayed on, he would be comfortable and look no further. So writer is opening the window of hopes for Dr Han to also seek the truth behind his loss of identity. Am consoling myself with that in mind ..... in the process they would be able to unravel Seol Hwa's real parents.....

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4 hours ago, shebagirl said:

Yes, @cheekychipmunk_stv 

What troubled DrHan is that he found himself again in a situation of being abandoned, after realising that he was not the real Son. He felt rejected and dejected after hearing that Father Geum begged evil witch to send him to US for treatment. He must have misconstrued their intention of giving back his profession and a better livelihood than as a dumpling son. He wanted to stay with his family when MH dangled the idea to him first, but upon finding the truth, maybe he felt that he should go away and look for his real family.... my wish too. If he had stayed on, he would be comfortable and look no further. So writer is opening the window of hopes for Dr Han to also seek the truth behind his loss of identity. Am consoling myself with that in mind ..... in the process they would be able to unravel Seol Hwa's real parents.....


I thought the same, that he misconstrued them, especially after hearing MH's perfect lie, but after giving this a second thought, I would blame the writer if this was true, it's a clear contradiction. Our SH who we all know doesn't trust what people say and he always gets his brain in gear, This is the SH before the accident not even the weaker SH immediately after the accident. He witnessed how they truly love him to even begging on knees for his sake, he must have recalled how many time mom tried to persuade him that he ain't her son, and he even knows how SHf stood by him when all the world turned their back on him. It's also him to leave the family after knowing he's not their son, he hates being looked upon as pitiful, he always stands on his dignity and of course he detests charades.

Speaking about dignity, what shocked me is seeing him going to Mr.Guem totally devastated, he doesn't show this to any stranger, dad must be very dear to him. Also, I wonder why he went to dad not mom nor his closet friend SHf. What you all think? I see different reasons and meanings like: Sons always look up to their dad thus he's attached to him the most, he's the master of the family and mom couldn't have done this with out his permission....the most likely to me, he was an orphan like him so he'll understand his feelings the most.

Can't wait for the next ep, writer-nim please don't disappoint us, turn beautifully this crucial turning-point into a great new start for our OTP and the Geum's. 

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From the conversation Dr Han had with Mother Geum in his room, he asked her whether she had been to Yocheon River lately. The reply was negative and Mother Geum seemed to not know where it is. He replied that it was in Namwon. So it seemed he drowned here and disappear from the family. And he was lost at the age of six. Now what was this dream about trying to reach his mother's hand and there was a fire nearby ..? Are they connected ?

Now I recall in  the first episode, where he was standing on a rock at the edge of a river, fell in when Seol Hwa shouted at him, thinking he was going to jumped in. That is the river he referred to in his conversation with mother Geum. This was the place where Seol Hwa first met him, and Joo Sang was there too, cooking up something in the house nearby. Wonder if that house is the Yoon countryside house...? Is that where he got separated from his mother, the first Wife of the Yoon...?.... according to his narration, that was when he lost his memory... hmmmm. He came back to Korea to search for his parents, and was told that he fell in that river by someone. That someone, I bet was the guy who waited for him, on the day he got knocked by the vicious Mdm Sa. That guy, wanted to give him the news of his parentage, but got caught by the police, MH overheard that he was a criminal... so she assumed that he was the Father of Dr Han. 

Looking forward to his search for his roots and memories.

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28 minutes ago, shebagirl said:

Now I recall in  the first episode, where he was standing on a rock at the edge of a river, fell in when Seol Hwa shouted at him, thinking he was going to jumped in. That is the river he referred to in his conversation with mother Geum. This was the place where Seol Hwa first met him, and Joo Sang was there too, cooking up something in the house nearby. Wonder if that house is the Yoon countryside house...? Is that where he got separated from his mother, the first Wife of the Yoon...?

Wow, great catch this is possibly an important thread to prove he's Yoon's son.

For the guy who called, he claimed that he's Dr.Han's Father.

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The birth secrets surrounding the characters in this drama are intriguing to say the least.

In episode 48, when SH met up with Joon Sang, he said something of significance. "You're right. Secrets are scary. For both the deceiver and the deceived." SH gave him a puzzled look.

Dr. Han is 34 years old. He went missing near the Yocheon River in Namwon when he was 6 years old. His recurring dream shows him caught up in a fire and a woman (probably his mom?) kept him covered in a blanket, escorted him out and brought him to a park before disappearing in the dark.

The Geum's son, Geum Han Dol was 4 years old when he died. We have only seen pictures of Han Dol when he was little. We have not seen the Geums' visit his grave or a memorial hall in a crematorium. The Geums claimed to have never lived in Namwon. And they were not sure of the exact circumstances surrounding their son's death. If Han Dol had lived, he should be the same age as Dr. Han according to mommy Geum.

The ex-convict who claimed to be Dr. Han's father later met up with MH and told him there was a huge fire in the neighborhood the day he lost his son. He said his son's name is/was, "Kang Shin Ho". He added his son should have burn scars/marks on him that he would recognize when he sees them.

When Joon Sang was found by Madam Eun in a park, he was seen with bandages around his arm. Did he suffer some burns from a fire? A woman presumably Madam Mo, arrived at the scene when Madam Eun started hugging the boy who was seated on the chair in the park. He lifted up his head and locked eyes with Madam Mo.

My question is was Joon Sang the boy the ex-convict was looking for? As suggested by some posters here, is he a fake heir planted in the Yoon's by Madam Mo to deceive Madam Eun and her husband?

Does anyone here know how old are MH and Joon Sang? Madam Sa said in an earlier episode that they should be around the same age.

We have little doubt who SH's birth mom is. I wonder who her dad is. Why does the red ruby ring given to her by daddy Geum come with the inscriptions "Dear R."? Who's "R"? There is no one in this drama with the initials R as far as we know except "Yoon Jae Rim".:sweatingbullets:

@shebagirl In episode 1, SH and Ji Sang filmed the blacksmith delivering his products to a prestigious Korean traditional house. The blacksmith master called out, "Mr. Oh" before his assistant and him walked into the house.

Ji Sang was surprised to see Joon Sang there and the latter told him he was there to learn how to cook. Ji Sang teased his brother,"GM would not be pleased to see you in an apron in some random family's house."

SH then went on to film Joon Sang learning the art of making lotus rice from a woman in the household. Joon Sang caught SH staring at him while filming and later asked her why. She said his eyes reminded her of her dad's when he is cooking for his family. SH then remarked how beautiful the house looks and Joon Sang said something of significance here too. "It's a root. Roots make you strong. Roots help you stay in a place." Does Joon Sang unconsciously feel comfortable in that house because he had "roots" there (in Namwon):blink:?

The little details and hints in this drama are starting to piece together but I am still very confused.:sweatingbullets:

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@sk0317 Thanks for the many puzzles for us to piece together as the drama progresses. I have another puzzle as I scant into episode 3..... he was given some dumplings by Seol Hwa from her father to Dr Han. He was reluctant to accept  it at first, then when he tasted it, he recalled his mum's dumpling tasted similar. So he looked for the address and went to the shop, looking at it from outside. He met Seol Hwa, and manage to dig out from her whether the family came from Namwon, she of course denied but later asked her Father if he had another family secret again ( since Seol Hwa birthright is one big family secret ), Father Geum just brushed off the notion, but did not deny it. That is a hint.

Another one is him recalling the time he pleaded to a woman not to leave him, near a river too. Then he was young, maybe before six...he lost his memory after the fall in the river, but only have that memory of a woman, whom he assumed was his Mother, treating him harshly and pushed him away. So he has not any good memory of a mother. This is in episode 2 . So when he advertised in a paper  regarding 'a child of 6 that was lost 28 years ago', a man came up and told him that he could be their long lost child and that his Wife never stop longing for the child since he went missing. He straightaway told the man that he could not have been the child, because in his memory his Mother abandoned him ruthlessly. He carried that painful incident till adulthood.... that made him a cold, snappy person before the accident. 

So if he were to get back his memories, will he revert back to this cold and difficult character we saw in the earlier episodes....?

With his looks, he can get away with it ... ehem ehem ....:D

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@sk0317 I feel Joo Sang comment about roots is because he is aware that he is not the son of Yoon, by the time they found him holding a pouch, he was old enough to realise that he was planted to be a lost child from Yoon household. He played along to Mdm Mo request, but as he gets older he felt uneasy. We can see this in his replies to Seol Hwa regarding deceiving Dr Han. Very appropriately said..' for the deceiver and the deceived'...', how it hurts more as time passes' .. exactly what Joo Sang feels too. 

Leafing through earlier episodes, he started to like Seol Hwa when he overheard that Seol Hwa had to miss an interview at a media company, at the request of Sae Na. Sae Na did not want Seol Hwa to be known as her half Sister cos it would not look good for her 'clean' status as an announcer if she were to get the job. Joo Sang heard and saw Seol Hwa crying her heart out by giving up her chance to work in a big company. Later he met her outside, took her this baseball pitch and told her to release her frustration by hitting the balls. So both confessed that this was their outlet to vent out their battered egos. From then he held that special bond with her, and even told his Father that his entry into the corporate office should be a post for Seol Hwa as well. That is how they become good buddies.

Yes, we should now lookout for this 'Mr Oh' whose house is near the river. Any connection to the Yoon...? So for now, we know who SeolHwa Mother is, suspect Joo Sang the lost child of Geum, since Seol Hwa said she saw her Father in Joo Sang determined eyes as he was concentrating with the lotus rice. Now Dr Han's roots, that 'will make him strong, and stay in one place'...???

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Tonight live stream lag so badly.

In tonight's episode, JS the wuss drove SW to find SH at the river where she first saw him. I think MH also driving there buy SW got there first and found SH. SH confronted SW. SW cried. Can't understand what they talked about but SW was crying hard. SH told SW to leave/go away and the turned and walked away from her. SW run after SH and back hug him tightly. End

While SW was looking for SH, wuss walked around and had flash back of his childhood memories.  He was little in a burning house. There was image of 2 boys. 1 boy alone and another a woman hugging a boy tightly.  Then it shows wuss walk around village and asked an old woman something.

So the wuss and SH were in the same area and burning house.

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I haven't watched yesterday or today yet (ep 48-49) because I wanted to watch the sadness together. MBC didn't put out clips worth posting yet. But that I watched that ending scene and my heart broke! I wanted to see the previews for ep 50. Still sad it seems but I'm proud of the writer for giving it to us now.

Okay, so after reading above comments, I now see that SHm might really be the real son of the Yoon family and Wuss is a fraud. But if that's the case, wouldn't that make SHm and SHf related through JS as he will be both of their half brother? Cannot wait until next week. I'll be watching ep tonight, crying with SHm as the coldness seems to have returned.

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16 hours ago, shebagirl said:

Yes, we should now lookout for this 'Mr Oh' whose house is near the river. Any connection to the Yoon...? So for now, we know who SeolHwa Mother is, suspect Joo Sang the lost child of Geum, since Seol Hwa said she saw her Father in Joo Sang determined eyes as he was concentrating with the lotus rice. Now Dr Han's roots, that 'will make him strong, and stay in one place'...???

Hi @shebagirl. I'm usually not one into birth conspiracies but your posts got me interested:lol:.

In episode 49, Ji Sang rang Joon Sang and found out he was on his way to Namwon. Madam Eun's facial expression changed the minute "Namwon" was mentioned.

We know now that there was a fire in the neighborhood the day two boys (at least) were caught up in that fire. My take on the situation is Dr. Han's mom took her own son and left him outside. She then returned to help the other boy who happened to be under her care or was  her neighbor's son. A woman was seen shielding the boy from the fire but the flames around them got stronger and they were left stranded in that burning house. The woman (presumably Dr. Han's mom) might have perished as a result of the fire but the boy managed to survive with burns.

I happen to think Dr. Han has misunderstood his mother's actions the day he thought he was ruthlessly abandoned by her. His mother had to leave her own son outside (away from the fire, in a safe spot) to return to the burning site to retrieve the other boy who was left behind. Since she perished in that fire, she could not return to her son's side after the fire has been put out. In that state of confusion and chaos, Dr. Han was thought to have been orphaned since nobody turned up to find or identify him. He was subsequently sent to an orphanage and was later adopted by a family from the U.S.

The other boy (presumably Kang Shin Ho, son of the ex-convict) who suffered burns was somehow picked up by Madam Mo and she tried to pass him off as Joon Sang.

It would really be useful if we are told the ages of the characters in this drama. Can we assume that Dr. Han and Joon Sang are around the same age?

@shebagirl Do you know how old was Joon Sang when he was brought to live with the Yoon's?

SH and SN are a few months apart, so that makes them to be around 28 years old since the kid Madam Mo was looking for was born in 1989.

I wonder how old Ji Sang is. If he is really the son born between Madam Mo and JR, he should not be older than 27. What if Ji Sang is Madam Mo's son with another man after she had SH and before she married JR:sweatingbullets:.

"Mr. Oh" could be a relative like a brother-in-law of Madam Eun or her late husband's. Was Joon Sang staying/living with Mr. Oh since Madam Eun was not in favor of JR's first wife?


Although Dr. Han seems to "hate" his "cruel" mom for abandoning him, she keeps appearing in his recurring dreams. I would like to think he is trying to make a reconciliation and peace with her should he find her in SK. His misconceptions of her actions might clear up once he meets her in person or someone close to her who knows the circumstances surrounding the event that happened 28 years ago in Namwon.

He feels betrayed, used and dejected after hearing from MH the Geum's are not his real family. The bitterness has returned as he is denial mode. He has shut down after feeling cheated and "abandoned" again by the Geums's. He might have misunderstood daddy Geum's plea to Madam Sa to send him to the U.S. as abandoning him.


On a different note, the Bae's are selfish people who care about their own welfare. MK who committed the malpractice still refuses to own up and fears his own sister might reveal his medical mistake. MH is threatening her mom and own brother in order to get what she wants. Madam Sa told MH she can go ahead and expose the malpractice but she doesn't want Dr. Han to have his memory restored as she might be revealed as the culprit behind the wheels that rammed into Dr. Han.

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Yes, I think so too @sk0317 regarding Dr Han's thinking that he was abandoned by his mother. She went back to save this boy, whom I strongly suspect is Joo Sang, and she died in the fire. Mdm Mo found out that her Friend, Dr Han's mother, died in the fire and words got around that the boy survived, Joo Sang. So when grandma Yoon found out that the first wife, perished in the fire, but had a son, so she came to claim her grandson, Joo Sang. Dr Han since was not near the deceased Mother was taken away, put in an orphanage and later adopted by a family who later brought him to US.

In the preview, Mdm Mo was seen telling off Joo Sang that she lost someone precious because of him. That is the reason I felt that Dr Han's Mother is the other girl in the orphanage with her, Jin Joo. So Dr Han's real name should be Joo Sang and Joo Sang should be Kang Shin Ho as claimed by the man who spoke with MH. He told MH that there was a fire at Namwon, near the river Yocheon, and that his Son was badly burnt at his arms. Joo Sang had a bandage round his arms when grandma Yoon came to claim him. 

Ji Sang is definitely younger than Seol Hwa, because he calls her ' sunbae' during their film shooting days. So SeolHwa was born earlier, and Mdm Mo was with another man before marrying father Yoon. Ji Sang said that he wants to showcase his Mother because she is pretty and was a model once, for his presentation at the company projects. If so then why was she so reluctant, maybe she does not want publicity on her in case someone identifies her from her past. Very shady lady.....

In the preview too, Dr Han lamented that Seol Hwa's face keeps coming back to him. Well, maybe he had met the young Mdm Mo, when she visited his mother during those days in Namwon. Seol Hwa must have resembled her mother, Nam Seol.

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Oh, when Dr Han was found after the fire, he was not brought to the orphanage, he was taken to the church where the priest took him in before he was adopted and left for US with the new family. It was the same church he was to be married with MH. So his name was not registered in the orphanage and he must have suffered loss of memory after being very upset and the trauma from the massive fire. He only recalls being abandoned by his Mother. 

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