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1 minute ago, nateko said:

@bebebisous33 Wonderful insight about  Erlkönig , thank you. I was wondering about the book Tae Gu had since I didn't see it clearly. His choices are indeed interesting. About Dae Shik, k-netizens are going crazy after today's episode, thinking he's the betrayer. I didn't want to believe it till the end, but after today I don't know anymore. I doubt it's Eun Soo or Hyun Ho, so that leaves only Dae Shik as the traitor. I also found his reaction strange when Jin Hyeok was at the station, asking to be left alone after that ordeal with Nam Sang Tae until I watch it with subs.  :confused: Honestly, Jin Hyeok doesn't deserve to be betrayed by his friend...

I am hoping the same. The only other possibility is the other policeman, the one who talked to KJ. I mean the one who had to refill the car. He is always involved too. Sure, we didn't see him, when KJ called DS in order to tell him that JH was about to meet NST. Notice, she was talking over the talkie walkie and anyone in the room could have heard it too. Therefore this could be shown much later and the director is trying to mislead the viewers about DS. 

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@nateko They used a quote from Erlking (Erlkönig) in the introduction: the words Erlking mentioned to the child in order to seduce him and make him leave his father. 

I have to correct myself: KJ called DS over the phone and DS didn't use the talkie walkie. He just took it, when he left the room. However, when KJ mentioned the location, he did some research on his computer so that a person in the office could have noticed it. Moreover, DS spoke quite loudly about JH. Nonetheless, OHH and PES shouldn't be excluded from the suspect list, just because of the former incidents. Park is the other suspect... But they are getting closer to the mole that's for sure. Chairman Mo is responsible for MTG's disorder. His father used to treat him harshly too. The scene where NST and MTG meet for the first time reveals a lot of things. NST was hurt by his own father that's how he got the screw in the jaw and MTG made the same sound which is another clue that chairman Mo did physically abuse him. Chairman Mo mentioned that he just scolded him... but who knows what he did exactly? Another clue is that MTG killed the animal because it had bitten him. It was his punishment... MTG reproduced his father's behaviour. So the title of this episode is really telling: Mo played a huge role in it and he keeps trying to hide his son's illness. 

@titania1000 First of all, I also enjoyed reading your analysis about the bath scene. Yes, MTG is attracted by KJ. I had mentioned it before but in this episode, it is clear that he is sexually attracted: the bed, the sheets and the picture. Why? First, she is the only one who is not afraid of him. Don't forget how mad he was at NST, when he met him at the restaurant. He sensed his fear and he was upset about it. Moreover, KJ is interesting to him because she has this super hearing and she is really smart. Since MTG views himself as master which implies that he is superior to others, naturally he wants to meet someone who meets his expectations: smart, fearless, determined, hardworking aso. In his mind, he feels that she is similar and close to him. She wouldn't make a stupid move like Mdm Jang for example: calling the police in order to report. KJ didn't report the intrusion, although when MTG visited her flat, he made sure that she would notice it. KJ did the opposite to Mdm Jang in his mind.


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Watched the subbed episode, pretty early release this time.  Heavy stuff, but I like that KJ opened up really early to JH that someone was in her flat taking a important picture or her and her dad. 

But can they stop going to every location alone? We're at episode 13 and still both of them try to be a hero and go alone to each location without the other. Haven't they learned a single thing in the past or the cases they solved together? Alone the fact that she needed to ask him TWICE who he was talking to on the phone. Just because of her hearing skills she was able to convince him to tell her. This is so unnecessary and stupid at this point.  Sure he was upset because of the things she told him, but she trusts him and he should pay her the respect for that.

Aaash....this is so annoying.

At least both JH & KJ don't believe that it was suicide. The whole story about JH's wife is really messed up, slowly but surely everything gets a little clearer. It seems that JH's wife dig to deep and had to pay for that. 

The most intense and hardest part to watch was seeing JH cry as he heard the voice recordings of his wife, how she was scared and cared about her husband & son. How she doesn't want him to get involved in her investigation, how she is afraid of them being targeted. It broke my heart. 

Finally good cliffhanger, KJ realises who stands in front of her.

4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@nateko @dhakra @40somethingahjumma @MiAmourI couldn't help myself watching it raw and in this episode, I had the impression that the mole is indeed DS. Someone called MTG and explained that NST would meet MJH and betray him. However, this call happened after DS had been informed about the location of their meeting. Sure, Park Eun Soo and Oh Hyun Ho heard the location too. Nevertheless, DS always tried to remain very close to JH the entire time and he appeared, when chief Jang and JH were discussing about the mole. Finally, Dae Shik received a call from his father and JH asked about him. So now, we hear about DS' family. But if my theory is correct, why on earth is DS helping MTG? Sure, it would make sense why DS remained very close to JH all these years. He had to monitor JH and make sure that he was updated about JH's possible investigations. But why would he help such a creepy person? I hope, I am wrong about this.

Chairman Mo knew that his son was deranged... he witnessed how his son killed an animal... but he tried to overlook it. Now, he has discovered Mdm Jang's body in MTG's flat. The father asked Commissar Bae to dismantle the Golden Time Team and when he gave the order, you could see that his subordinates were not exactly happy about his decision. The father is trying everything to cover up for his son in my opinion. Like I said it before, at some point, the father will be killed by MTG. 

I have noticed that MTG was reading a novel written by Goethe... It is a poem called Erlkönig. Explanation about the poem -wikipedia The choice of MTG is indeed interesting. A child is seduced and dies. A sociologist and psychotherapist explained that this poem could be connected to physical abuse (the father and the Erlkönig are one and the same person). Moreover, this would explain why MTG would read such a poem. He likes seeing fear in people's eye... I guess, he sees himself as the Erlkönig. The one who tries anything to get what he wants (first seductiong, then he uses violence).

Finally, MTG's flat reflects his own personality: his room is white and very clean ... as if he was pure. However, when you open his closets, the skelettons/his true personality is revealed. His dark, bloodthirsty and violent personality is kept hidden under his pretty face. 

Thanks for mentioning me, I'm always interested to read your thoughts.

I will talk about DS and my thoughts on this topic below, but let me first say that I had to learn 'Erlkönig' at school. I hated it. And now I hate it even more. I agree with you about everything related to the 'poem'. This poem goes hand in hand with the other things he writed on the walls after killing his victims. He sees himself as someone greater, someone who determines over life and death. Someone saint, like a god. The way he speaks proofs that, everything he says has some kind of arrogance in it. He always talks like he looks down to someone.

Anyway.....it seems that MTG  really has a strange relationship to his father. I think his own father is afraid of him, he wants to keep him under control and protects him. He is aware of the fact that his son turned into a monster. I think he knew it right away that his son killed Madam Jang, he just wanted some proof for himself. I think Chairman Mo really saw NST as MTG elder brother, it will be interesting to see how he acts in the future.

3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I am hoping the same. The only other possibility is the other policeman, the one who talked to KJ. I mean the one who had to refill the car. He is always involved too. Sure, we didn't see him, when KJ called DS in order to tell him that JH was about to meet NST. Notice, she was talking over the talkie walkie and anyone in the room could have heard it too. Therefore this could be shown much later and the director is trying to mislead the viewers about DS. 

I don't think...or well, I better say it this way....I hope that DS isn't the one who betrayed JH. Sure he was on screen the only one that could have known about the fact where NST currently is, but it just feels too obvious. 

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6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I couldn't help myself watching it raw and in this episode, I had the impression that the mole is indeed DS. Someone called MTG and explained that NST would meet MJH and betray him. However, this call happened after DS had been informed about the location of their meeting. Sure, Park Eun Soo and Oh Hyun Ho heard the location too. Nevertheless, DS always tried to remain very close to JH the entire time and he appeared, when chief Jang and JH were discussing about the mole. Finally, Dae Shik received a call from his father and JH asked about him. So now, we hear about DS' family. But if my theory is correct, why on earth is DS helping MTG? Sure, it would make sense why DS remained very close to JH all these years. He had to monitor JH and make sure that he was updated about JH's possible investigations. But why would he help such a creepy person? I hope, I am wrong about this.

OMG this, as i really suspect Daeshik for having related to MTG,

Those two probably a siblings, and perhaps thats why he keeps on helping him,  :smirk:


Tragic ending for NST



And bout the ratings, Saturday's drama really full with hit dramas, especially that new drama, Smh

i hope the rating would be increase tmr



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Chapter 7 - The Birth of Satan (Has the drama alrdy back to Rated 15? not 19 anymore?) :sweat_smile:




"Do you, fine boy, want to go with me? My daughters shall wait on you finely;
My daughters lead the nightly dance, And rock and dance and sing to bring you in.

- The Erlking by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe -


this is so creepy, yet im not sure why OCN change to rated 15 :sweatingbullets:

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Voice EP 13 Rating: 4.582% source


Just finished watching this episode (too late at night eek >w<), but it really looks like DS is the mole. His acting was pretty awkward when he came across Chief Jang and Jin Hyuk talking about the mole in their station. And when he spoke to his father on the phone. It was the first time hearing about his family. It seemed random and super fake. I wonder if JH will check the nursing home DS's father is suppose to be at.

Kwon Joo's reaction at the end when she hear Tae Gu's voice really drew me in. She looked so stunned, but also angry. I'm glad she knew right away that he is the true killer even though he is not making the jaw cracking sounds.

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42 minutes ago, lumibear said:

Just finished watching this episode (too late at night eek >w<), but it really looks like DS is the mole. His acting was pretty awkward when he came across Chief Jang and Jin Hyuk talking about the mole in their station. And when he spoke to his father on the phone. It was the first time hearing about his family. It seemed random and super fake. I wonder if JH will check the nursing home DS's father is suppose to be at.

Yeah i also noticed his reaction seems fluttered when he saw CJ & JH talk bout the betrayer. As im also get suspicious with him.

He might had a special r/ship with MTG. hmm...:smirk:




It seems not so easy to catch the real culprit MTG, since he has a power to control police management,

yet he able to disbanded their job as a call center, Smh-_-

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52 minutes ago, lumibear said:


Just finished watching this episode (too late at night eek >w<), but it really looks like DS is the mole. His acting was pretty awkward when he came across Chief Jang and Jin Hyuk talking about the mole in their station. And when he spoke to his father on the phone. It was the first time hearing about his family. It seemed random and super fake. I wonder if JH will check the nursing home DS's father is suppose to be at.


I know all fingers are pointing towards Dae Shik as the mole now but i still wish it is not him. Pls don't pls don't !

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12 minutes ago, Prettysup said:

I know all fingers are pointing towards Dae Shik as the mole now but i still wish it is not him. Pls don't pls don't !

Yeah i also wish its not him, since we're still in EP.13, All we can do is just stated our assumption, it could be him, it could be not.

I guess we'll get the answer bout their betrayer during EP 14 or 15...

cause we never know, there might be a biggest twist during the finale. :smirk:

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Let's see... so far the puzzle has been near complete:

1. Ji Hye - she stumbled upon a hidden crime during her course of work which involves the person under her care e.g. GCH, hence she was killed for it.

2. MTG - the KBK. 

3. Chmn Mo - the fact that he knows something is off with his son from day one. And he is attached to NST as a father would.

4. Chief Baek - he is the main or leader of the mole in the police station.

Now, DS remains this one character I am still trying to figure out. Last night's episode did show some awkward moments and his expressions are somewhat ... something is off. I hope this is not the case. We have had some issue with the timing in this series thus far. For DS to tell MTG and MTG to arrive way ahead of KJ and JH and completed his crime is quite farfetched. Maybe NST did tell someone else of him being there. That someone is within their own organisation.  Thus MTG is able to arrive way early. Or that NST's phone is bugged. For MTG to better monitor his movement.

I don't think it is DS who did all this cos his reaction when he got the call from KJ did not display anything suspicious. He could have delayed them with wrong address but the call KJ made to track JH's hp would have caught him red handed. But his reaction when CJ and JH were talking was awkward. Is it possible that even CJ was misled into believing that either DS or KJ is the mole and put the question to JH to confuse him. The one who is closer to Chief Baek is Chief Jang. Though I am not sure CJ knew what CB is involved with.

About going to meet NST alone, I trust JH has said his reason. He was emotional n he could not believe the police enough to get back up. He could not afford to lose NST again without learning the truth. KJ has given her thought on that and insisted for a backup. The flow of the story is ok with that aspect. 

I would like to thank @bebebisous33 for her deep analysis of MTG. It was creepy the way he felt happy in front of her wall of info.




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@miracle23 Thanks a lot for the compliment. red crab Actually, the last episode was really interesting because we could see how MTG became a monster, hence the title of this episode: the birth of Satan. I blamed chairman Mo for this. Later I realised that he is even more responsible for that than anyone else. This man as father already had megalomania's tendencies and MTG witnessed this. Moreover, I remembered that NST mentioned that his father's death was caused by MTG. His father wanted to kill MTG. All this points out that NST did act like an older brother and kept his promise to the chairman Mo. He had to choose between his father and MTG. Finally chairman Mo reacted in a harsh way towards NST's father as he preferred his son. No matter what MTG did, he chose to overlook it. It was just like with the killing of the animal. Striking is that NST considered MTG as his little brother, even before his death. MTG's major flaw is his belief that he is superior to others (intelligence, money, planning a murder without being caught) and he can do whatever he wants. When he killed NST, he thought that he had stopped the investigations: NST is blamed for the murder of JH's wife, of the old ahjumma and Mdm Jang. He had to kill NST as the latter was about to reveal his identity. So from his point of view, he feels safe as the media mentioned that they caught the culprit. Yet, MTG's megalomania is his biggest flaw which is the exact reason why he will fall. He forgets that he killed the other people before (GCH and other homeless persons) and NST was helping him. NST kept saying that he was protecting MTG and I think, he was right. Hence the noise with the jaw, NST claiming that he had killed HJH, ... he accepted to take the blame, until he realised how dangerous MTG had become. Now, NST is gone and no one is there to take the responsability. However the disappearance of GCH and the others has not been investigated by the police. Since KJ discovered HJH's papers and investigations, MJH will look into it as well. That's why even if the Golden Time Team is dismantled, this doesn't mean that the Violent Crime Unit will stop investigating. Moreover chief Jang is now "clean" and will help JH.  

About DS: his reason could be the money in the end. He mentioned that his father was at a nursing home which is quite expensive. However, I am still not overruling detective Park, PES or OHH. There is a huge possibility that KJ's phone is bugged. I agree with you that the timing is important. MTG arrived before MJH and had even the time to place the fake evidence. We shouldn't forget that the recording had been tampered. This takes some time to be done... so MTG must have planned it a long time ago.

@dhakraThe only thing that annoyed me was that they kept mentioning suicide, while NST had been stabbed in the stomach. The wound makes look it suspicious... just because he has no defense wounds. On the other hand, I could understand why MJH wouldn't like to call for backup. He is right to mistrust his colleagues. Yet, he could have taken her with him, since he trusts her. 


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Upcoming Episode Of OCN’s “Voice” To Reveal All Of Kim Jae Wook’s Secrets


It looks like all the secrets of Mo Tae Goo (played by Kim Jae Wook) will be revealed in the upcoming episode of OCN’s “Voice,” which will air on March 5.


The final scene in episode 13 that aired on March 4 had Moo Jin Hyuk (played by Jang Hyuk), Kang Kwon Joo (played by Lee Ha Na), and Mo Tae Goo head off face to face for the first time. When Kang Kwon Joo heard Mo Tae Goo’s voice, she became lost in the memory of the voice of the person who killed her father three years ago, and she clenched her first in fear and rage.

The upcoming episode will lay out all of Mo Tae Goo’s secrets. The teaser showed Moo Jin Hyuk grabbing him by the collar while Kang Kwon Joo had rage in her eyes. Another shot showed the detective in an undisclosed location saying, “I think I found it,” while he tells Mo Tae Goo, “You’re finished.”

It will also be revealed who the insider working against the police force is. Mo Tae Goo and Nam Sang Tae (played by Kim Roe Ha) have used their wealth and power to bribe various high-level officials, also using an insider to gain information about various investigations.

Episode 13 of “Voice” scored viewership ratings of 4.6 percent, keeping it in first place in its time slot for the 12th consecutive week.

“Voice” airs every Saturday and Sunday at 10 p.m. KST.

source: https://www.soompi.com/2017/03/05/upcoming-episode-ocns-voice-reveal-kim-jae-wooks-secrets/

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All roads lead to Sungwun Express. That’s becoming blindingly obvious now even if it wasn’t before. And of course, GP Development is the gate that opens to whatever evil lurks beneath all the murders.

I’m glad KGJ figured out quickly that Ji Hye wasn’t up to anything unseemly or had betrayed her family. The relief on JH’s face was palpable. But he was wistfully sad.  It’s nice that KGJ can extend her voice expertise further and manage to piece together from all the recordings what Ji Hye’s final message was.

I’m so glad that our leads talk to each other and have each other’s backs. Sure JH was ready to head off without telling KGJ but she did persist and maybe on this occasion it didn't work to their advantage. I really believed at the beginning that NST and MTG were in it together... tricky show... but clearly not. Apparently NST was getting fed up with being the running dog and wanted to cut loose.

The part I’m a bit depressed about is Dae Shik. While in the early days I didn’t have any feelings about the character one way or another, I certainly didn’t think he was the KBK. I can’t say I’m particularly attached to Dae Shik but in this rat-infested hornet’s nest, I did hope that JH’s sidekick at least could be trusted. But after that last episode, sadly… there’s reason, justifiably to be suspicious of Dae Shik. Sure, there may be other explanations for how MTG got inside info about NST’s betrayal… wire-tapping etc. But Dae Shik… things aren’t looking good for you, young fellow, especially after that telephone call with your “father”.

I’ve always said to anyone who cared to listen that the identity of the KBK wasn’t the biggest mystery of the  show. Certainly the death of Ji Hye was part of something greater. GP development is it apparently. 

So what is GP development up to? I dare not even contemplate. NST saying that he's been protecting MTG all these years. Doing what I wonder? Burying the bodies? I have to ask. We've had organ trafficking and illegal clinical trials... it wouldn't surprise me if there's some kind of human hunting going on. If the scumbags behind this racket are using homeless people, clearly they are looking at people who are disposable and no one cares. But someone did care... asked questions and got killed in the process. 

There's a worldview underlying the villainy in this drama that I find abhorrent. It's tied to what I said about Sungwun being a kind of Gotham. The utter, complete disregard for human life that belies the way Chairman Mo and his progeny sees their place in this society. Society is theirs for the taking and anyone who gets in the way is trampled underfoot. There's no doubt after this episode that MTG is the creation of his father who knew that his son had serious psychopathic tendencies and yet fed those tendencies further by letting him feel entitled because he has amassed wealth and people who do their bidding. 

I am fascinated by the title for this episode... "The Birth of Satan". It reminds me Milton's Paradise Lost where Satan formerly Lucifer famously says, "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." The Mos have created themselves their own kind of hell with the ridiculous amount of power that they wield over everything. Satan aside, no human being should really have that much power. When human beings (more specifically individuals) start thinking that they can be like God and have that power to decide who lives and dies in some arbitrary fashion, it is something quite terrible to behold. Much violence is the logical consequence.

I am similarly reminded of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in which the Elder Mo is Victor Frankenstein and his son MTG is the creature born out of his all consuming greed... and arrogance of course. 

Chief Jang is an interesting example of someone who seems to have gained a measure of freedom from having the truth out in the open. The Bible verse that springs to mind is from John's gospel (8:32), "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."


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@40somethingahjumma I really like how the director is using music to underline the atmosphere of this drama. When MTG was taking his bath, he was listening to "Dies Irae". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dies_Irae

He was also remembering how he visited KJ's flat. We can interprete it in two ways: it is either KJ's day of judgement and MTG acts as God or it could be a turning point for MTG as well, although he doesn't realise it. When he visits her flat, his day of judgement is about to come as she is the one who is after him. Just before, she questioned herself about him: is he a monster ? What does he think about his victims?

My only problem is I couldn't figure out who was the classical composer. I am quite sure that you can help me here. @triplem@dhakra@miracle23@lexicon

The bathing is also important. He is always cleaning himself after killing someone... as if he had to do it in order to remain pure. Cleaning as a way of purification. Then the bath is installed in the middle of the room which illustrates again the importance of the cleaning and purification.  

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22 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@40somethingahjumma I really like how the director is using music to underline the atmosphere of this drama. When MTG was taking his bath, he was listening to "Dies Irae". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dies_Irae

He was also remembering how he visited KJ's flat. We can interprete it in two ways: it is either KJ's day of judgement and MTG acts as God or it could be a turning point for MTG as well, although he doesn't realise it. When he visits her flat, his day of judgement is about to come as she is the one who is after him. Just before, she questioned herself about him: is he a monster ? What does he think about his victims?

My only problem is I couldn't figure out who was the classical composer. I am quite sure that you can help me here. @triplem@dhakra@miracle23@lexicon


I see, yes... there's more than one.

This one would be Mozart's Requiem in D Minor.

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6 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I see, yes... there's more than one.

This one would be Mozart's Requiem in D Minor.

No, it is not! I compared it. Mozart's Requiem is much quicker based on the tempo!

By the way, I was wondering if MTG killed many persons and buried all the dead bodies in the Lake Shiwan. His father asked over lunch if MTG had any idea how many bodies were found there. Then he added that they found a good place for the bodies and the people made good use of it. so was he responsible for that?  

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