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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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7 minutes ago, soultree said:

hello everybody, let me join you here , i've been watching this drama this week i wanted to start before when i saw the good looking cast but i did it just this week, anyways now i'm so hooked that i don't want to go to work

does anyone think that SJ is David Lee brother ? and i don't understand yet his will of vengeance , i think he has been wronged somehow by his feelings ,

and about DH and SJ romance i think DH is still young and inexperimented , she has no previous experience in dating ..etc, plus she listens to her grand mother who is forbiding any relationship, i hope that she'll realise soon , and will admit her feelings for SJ and since they live under the same roof it doesnt help at all, i just hope that SJ will stop with this MJ because she is getting on my nerves , she needs to realise that he doesnt like her, at least a woman should feel and know these things

we have a long way to go until 50 episodes i wonder what's gonna happen until then, just hope that writer -nim wont give us hard time with SJ and DH


@soultree.... Chingu MJ knows he isn't interested in her at all. She thinks that if he gave them a chance he would fall for her. TBH MJ knows him very well and she knows her father dose want her to be SJ. He even said that everyone in the company knows she is stalking him. SJ has told her not in so many word that he isn't interested in her and that they come from two different worlds. She keeps ignoring his words . She knows SJ is very interested in DH and that is why she doesn't like DH. She knows that DH has SJ's full attention. Watch MJ watch DH when all three are in the same room. She observes SJ and DH when they are together. 

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Here I am!

I usually don't watch dramas which is currently airing, because I'm too impatient to wait weeks after weeks. So I started this drama 2 days ago, thought that it's airing ep.12 of total 16 eps as usual. And it turns out to be 50 eps, and now I'm hooked! Well, let's see if I can keep up with you guys! So far I swallow 12 eps in 2 days, and here is my comments:

Before watching: I like all 4 actors & actresses, so you can imagine how much I'm longing to see the drama. But, a bit different with others here, that I know already that I'll like to watch more HW - JE than the younger couple SJ - DH. Hmm, can't help it, I'm sure I'm much "mature" than all of you here (I avoid the word "older" LOL) and SJ-DH will be too young for my taste ^^


Now, the characters:

- Like the grannies - Grace and Elizabeth. They're so different, and still, they can be friends and tolerate each other!

- The parent: how mean the mother acts, but still - she gives up when her husband does something different. Which shows that she only means with her mouth, and she loves her husband, they're a happy couple. I don't "hate" her, again - probably because of my age, I understand more about family life and all the troublesome ^^

- The oldest son and his family: oops, I have really headache when the wife shouting and screaming (especially the memory before she gave birth). She seems to be a responsible woman/wife/mother, but at the same time she seems to be not caring much for her son - his obesity, his study (except screaming and beating him when she know he's the last in school)?

- The second son and his family: of course nobody will like this couple. I love it when JH said that now he thanks them for raising him but as now he found his real parents, he wanted to live in the basement with them, and that he would pack and move immediately!

- The drama introduction mentions about "4 kids", I presume they're the 3 boys and JE - as she's been living with them since childhood and even in their family's registration?

- With the development of the drama, I'm pretty sure SJ is the younger brother of HW. And with times, first HW will slowly destroy/do bad things to SJ's family, but then reality will be revealed that HJ was mistaken about the past! Etc..


Now, the 2 couples:

 - 1st ep: DH's apperance (the way she dressed) made me think she's in her early 20's, 21 or 22 or 23 max. But, 26? Was it a bit too much for a 26 yrs old girl wearing something like school uniform and act like a teenager? And, 26 years old and what she works so far is only part time job? As delivering ads? She even has problem to find job in a cafe! How good is that girl then?

SJ: I like his height (love tall guys LOL), his acting is still stiff - but that suits the character!

The development of SJ-DH is as expected: sweet, innocent, the hero rescued and stayed by the girl's side, helped her when she's in trouble, who wouldn't fall for him? What I love most between them is their height's difference - looks so cute!

- HW - JE: as in some other dramas, Lee So Kyung plays as a noisy woman - which irritates my ears (similar to Hye Joo - the 1st daughter-in-law) - I wonder in reality some Korean women are as noisy as that! She has been a care-free girl her whole life but I'm sure with 40 eps left, her character will develop, and so does HW - JE's relationship.

So far, their interaction is developing, and I like it - slowly but firmly! And, as usual, the (poorer) woman falls for the (richer) man first ^^

Wah, look how long I wrote! No wonder - 12 eps in a comment! Next time I'll be shorter ^^

Cheers to all who like this drama!

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5 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@soultree.... Chingu MJ knows he isn't interested in her at all. She thinks that if he gave them a chance he would fall for her. TBH MJ knows him very well and she knows her father dose want her to be SJ. He even said that everyone in the company knows she is stalking him. SJ has told her not in so many word that he isn't interested in her and that they come from two different worlds. She keeps ignoring his words . She knows SJ is very interested in DH and that is why she doesn't like DH. She knows that DH has SJ's full attention. Watch MJ watch DH when all three are in the same room. She observes SJ and DH when they are together. 

True and she won't take the hints. I was so glad when he blew up at her when she kept ridiculing the place where DH used to live. I wasn't upset because she was essentially looking down at DH... I was more peeved because of her attitude towards people who are less fortunate than her. It's not like SJ's family is rich so she might as well look down on him as well. Look at his brother who was living in a motel with his wife and kids and extended family. This girl need to learn a thing or two about life. I can appreciate that SJ tries to get along with her because he works at her father's company and it puts him in a delicate situation especially with the loss of the company's money through his poor decision/judgment. He probably feels he owes them a lot.

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1 hour ago, celebrianna said:

True and she won't take the hints. I was so glad when he blew up at her when she kept ridiculing the place where DH used to live. I wasn't upset because she was essentially looking down at DH... I was more peeved because of her attitude towards people who are less fortunate than her. It's not like SJ's family is rich so she might as well look down on him as well. Look at his brother who was living in a motel with his wife and kids and extended family. This girl need to learn a thing or two about life. I can appreciate that SJ tries to get along with her because he works at her father's company and it puts him in a delicate situation especially with the loss of the company's money through his poor decision/judgment. He probably feels he owes them a lot.

I believe sometimes MJ treats SJ like her boy toy and sometimes  @celebrianna like when she was driving DH home she purposely dropped coffee on her so he can wipe her hand up so DH can see. Another example she loves putting her hands on him even when he is uncomfortable with it. When they were going for drinks she links her arms with his in front of Dong Hee. All her moves are for show and she is trying way to hard to get him to be with her. :tears::tears::tears:

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DH and SJ are similar in some ways both of them  are considerate , kind and knows their place that is why they attract to each other. SJ knows that he and MJ will not work cause they are from different world so he is ignoring all her advances, same time DH already fall in love with him and she Knew it won't work so she don't want to give in for her feelings , 1 her cousin stole the money from his company ,2 they are in laws, the list go on . i wonder what will be the trigger for DH to admit her feelings and go to SJ

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1 hour ago, euraka said:

DH and SJ are similar in some ways both of them  are considerate , kind and knows their place that is why they attract to each other. SJ knows that he and MJ will not work cause they are from different world so he is ignoring all her advances, same time DH already fall in love with him and she Knew it won't work so she don't want to give in for her feelings , 1 her cousin stole the money from his company ,2 they are in laws, the list go on . i wonder what will be the trigger for DH to admit her feelings and go to SJ

@euraka.... Hopefully another kisssssssss :wub::wub::wub::wub: would wake her up and it better be sooner before he finds out he is adopted. You are right they are very similar and I don't think Sung Joon is attracted to Mi Joo at all. I have never seen him really smile or look tenderly toward her. 

I really feel for Dong Hee because she really has lead a pityful life. Grew up alone, had to work odd jobs , always in front because of her cousin. I bet you this cousin of hers has always stolen from her preventing her from finishing anything in her life. Hopefully since he is gone that she will try her best to pass the government exam and accomplish something before that richard simmons***** comes back. Because I am positive her will do even more damage when he comes back. :angry:

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11 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@soultree.... Chingu MJ knows he isn't interested in her at all. She thinks that if he gave them a chance he would fall for her. TBH MJ knows him very well and she knows her father dose want her to be SJ. He even said that everyone in the company knows she is stalking him. SJ has told her not in so many word that he isn't interested in her and that they come from two different worlds. She keeps ignoring his words . She knows SJ is very interested in DH and that is why she doesn't like DH. She knows that DH has SJ's full attention. Watch MJ watch DH when all three are in the same room. She observes SJ and DH when they are together. 


Yeah i do agree, but i still find that SJ is giving hope to her, you know how woman can be selfish if you give them a bit hint of hope. I can understand that he can't cut ties when they're working together, but having meals ...etc they should stop it, anyways it's a part of the history that i hope will make our OTP stronger

@cutimap yeah i just love the high difference, since i'm as short as DH i always liked tall guys it gives the embraces and hugs more charm aigoooooo 

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As for SJ, he has been friends with Mi Joo for 5 years. There is no way that he considered the meals and other common activities with her as a romantic relationship. It was nothing but friendship for him and he always acted like that. Smiled and corrected her behaviour if it needed, let her choose what they eat or drink, he didn't care to show himself and didn't mind to tell her if he wanted to eat with his family rather than her. Maybe he thought that Mi Joo flattered him as teasing and it remained on the friendly level because he's never encouraged her - spoild rich girls can be carefree like this without any serious feeling. However he had to realize that something was off in Taiwan when Mi Joo wanted him to stay with her in the hotel room, but she was drunk so it could be an explanation. After she asked him to marry her he woke up and tried to clear up the mess without hurting her. Probably he has no experience in this area so he doesn't know that Mi Joo will find hope in every word of he like you said @soultree. He is getting annoyed now because he sees that Mi Joo's acting can hurt his relationship with DH... The problem is it's a bit too late to explain things to the chairman father...

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I think chingu's the reason why he treats her with kid gloves  is because she is the" CHAIRMAN 'S DAUGHTER" It was never about the friendship. He knew what she was doing. SJ is afraid of losing his position at his job because she can make it difficult , even the chairman knows SJ isn't into his daughter. He likes SJ because he is a goood businessman but he doesn't think he is good enough for his daughter. 

HW has suffered a lot for this misunderstanding and I have to say for this story KARMA is truly a Biatchhhh for them. I think ahWshould investigate what happened in the past. I don't think the way he is doing his revenge is good.people are getting hurt and I wonder how far will it go. I really hate that he has nightmares to point of him. It being able to breathe. I wonder if he has an illness due to his misunderstanding. I am positive his father must of made a mistake but the way the neighborhood treated him for his mistakes drove him to suicide. I think the mistake he made wasn't life threatening and to have the neighborhood rally around and abuse him and than that shop owner abuses the man's kids was wrong. Since when can a stranger hit someone else's child because she think he stole it. She didn't see him do it. What I find hilarious is that she didn't even realize that the Han'sadipted the kid she accused stole from her. I felt this woman got what she deserves because she was one of the woman who hit his father and Hw when he was younger.

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20 hours ago, cutimap said:

Now, the 2 couples:

 - 1st ep: DH's apperance (the way she dressed) made me think she's in her early 20's, 21 or 22 or 23 max. But, 26? Was it a bit too much for a 26 yrs old girl wearing something like school uniform and act like a teenager? And, 26 years old and what she works so far is only part time job? As delivering ads? She even has problem to find job in a cafe! How good is that girl then?


Just want to input regarding DH working part time job. I recently went to Korea to meet up with a couple of friends and job was one of our topic. Job in Korea is very hardcore tough to get which does show in the drama with the oldest son trying to find job. Majority of college student can graduate and can spend several years looking for job (full time) hence a lot of them end up taking part time job.

It was a insight that surprises me to know that there are several examination to be taken during the job searching process. It add a layer to why average age for marriage in Korea is 30ish because of job and financial income.


Back to work..Been so busy that I haven't check the forum out :)

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18 hours ago, Lyna said:


Just want to input regarding DH working part time job. I recently went to Korea to meet up with a couple of friends and job was one of our topic. Job in Korea is very hardcore tough to get which does show in the drama with the oldest son trying to find job. Majority of college student can graduate and can spend several years looking for job (full time) hence a lot of them end up taking part time job.

It was a insight that surprises me to know that there are several examination to be taken during the job searching process. It add a layer to why average age for marriage in Korea is 30ish because of job and financial income.


Back to work..Been so busy that I haven't check the forum out :)


Understand that finding a proper job is not easy anywhere (not only in Korea), but I also said - DH couldn't even get a "better" part-time job in a cafe? in a convenience store? rather than standing in the street and deliver ads? And on the other contrary is SJ who is at similar age, probably graduated from a good university and already been on top position for a few years! Anyway, this is just a K-drama, and in a K-drama anything can happen, we shouldn't be bothered much about logic :)


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On 12/21/2016 at 6:15 AM, soultree said:


@cutimap yeah i just love the high difference, since i'm as short as DH i always liked tall guys it gives the embraces and hugs more charm aigoooooo 


@soultree: I checked and see that their heigh difference is: she's 163, he's 188cm - diff 25cm. It looks to me the difference in the drama is very much more than that, is there a mistake somewhere with the numbers?

BTW, I'm 152 and mine is 190cm ^^. Good luck to you :wub:

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11 minutes ago, cutimap said:


@soultree: I checked and see that their heigh difference is: she's 163, he's 188cm - diff 25cm. It looks to me the difference in the drama is very much more than that, is there a mistake somewhere with the numbers?

BTW, I'm 152 and mine is 190cm ^^. Good luck to you :wub:


It's absolutely amazing haha but it seems more than 25 cl , he can hide her just by embrace , one of the things that makes them so cute

qnyways i'm back from a night shift and gonna catch with ep 11 and 12 before week end hehe

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Dong Hee <3 Sung Joon Behind the Scene


Can't wait for the next episode. Curious to hear SJ explanation regarding his relationship with MJ. MJ explanation of them being an unofficial couple is all her side when in reality, SJ being around her is out of consideration that they are just friends and business partner. He probably think that by not taking her advance in the 5 year time that she would realize that, that's all they really are as he doesn't have the feeling for her but guess, by never really rejecting her clearly (given she really give him no chance to do so) that she continue to believe they're unofficial couple hence suggested marriage.

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1 hour ago, cutimap said:


@soultree: I checked and see that their heigh difference is: she's 163, he's 188cm - diff 25cm. It looks to me the difference in the drama is very much more than that, is there a mistake somewhere with the numbers?

BTW, I'm 152 and mine is 190cm ^^. Good luck to you :wub:


Well, some Korean celebs add a few centimeters to their profile heights. If you have watched the reality show Real Men, you might notice. That could be the case with Eun Bin's height. Or it could be that Lee Tae Hwan has grown taller since he's still quite young and could grow maybe 1-2 cm more.

But anyway, their height difference is just perfect. :blush:

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this is my 50 epi drama for the time being. Its good to see Kim Jae Won back onscreen after a while. About his character I m yet to decide I f I like him or dislike him.. LOL but will defo come to a point soon. As for the family dynamics, I am liking it so far. Kim Hye Wok as usual gets my brownie point for playing the mother role so aptly. The father role, I am liking his loving and caring side for his family. The grandmother as Grace and Elizabeth seems to be bonding well despite having certain uneasiness from the other one. As for DH and SJ, I am yet to develop a warmth for their relationship. I know SJ seems to be falling hard over DJ in upcoming episodes but still I feel a lack of certain something. Well this is a 50 epi drama and I am sure we will have plenty to build up that. and lastly the brothers who have moved in.. The elder one seems to be docile and good while as the middle brother so far looks like a bit of a brat throwing tantrums and what not. Hahaha Love the dynamics between the Sister in laws though I had instant dislike for Hye Sook for pushing her son to an extent that the poor boy got sick. She needs to dial it down with her kid.. PS chang soo and Hi Joon switchover is something i m looking forward too. And the only character I am having problems to settle in with is  Han Jung Eun.. I have not connected emotionally with her yet despite her fall out with her mom on recent epi. Her energy level  shown in the character is too difficult to keep pace with :vicx: I hope writer-nim has planned this well in ahead episodes or else I might have to watch a show where I could not connect with the female lead.. 

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5 hours ago, Lyna said:


Behind the Scene: why do people wear masks? Because of the cold, or they don't want to show up in the film?

3 hours ago, yujinlimb said:

And the only character I am having problems to settle in with is  Han Jung Eun.. I have not connected emotionally with her yet despite her fall out with her mom on recent epi. Her energy level  shown in the character is too difficult to keep pace with :vicx: I hope writer-nim has planned this well in ahead episodes or else I might have to watch a show where I could not connect with the female lead.. 


Agree, JE is still the biggest-smallest character so far. Biggest - we know that she suppose to be the female lead. Smallest - her character doesn't show much of a "lead" yet.

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1 hour ago, cutimap said:


Behind the Scene: why do people wear masks? Because of the cold, or they don't want to show up in the film?


From what I know, mostly during fall or winter - it's because of the weather. If they're like under the weather (like they're having a cold or something), they would wear it as to not spread it to other. And then there is also the wearing it to hide their identity (in celebrity case)


And I definitely agree that at this point, JE is the definitely the weakest factor but I think that's because her and HW OTP moment hasn't come yet. Theirs is slowly building it seem, much slower than our Height Couple :)

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yup, I agree, Jung Eun's character right now is just a hot mess. She's not much better than a hobo, she just returned to Korea after wandering around the world, and she's just sponging off her grandmother and mother.  She's not bothering to find a job, she has no direction in her life, she's just going around and creating a ruckus everywhere. To be honest, she's kind of annoying. I can't see how HW is supposed to fall for her, she's hopeless, always making trouble!!!!

I'm enjoying how the relationship between DH/SJ is going, too. He is definitely smitten, and she's getting there, too. But her character right now is pitiful, but at least she's working, as well as following her dream to become a writer! I hope her story turns out to be awesome, and that SJ decides to use her script and that it becomes a hit! That will definitely turn DH's life around, like that!!!

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I have to admit I've fast forward most off JE scene eventhough its with HW. The Grannies interaction and The cousin's switch is more entertaining. 

I'm happy for JiHoon that he can run away from his family even just for awhile (if the swap is fake). Hope his mother would realise her mistakes and the swap bring both JiHoon and ChangSoo family closer.

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