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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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42 minutes ago, Emidol said:

Hi guys, been here as a silent reader. But this time I really want to give my opinion about the ending. It will be a happy ending. HJJ and SC will move to a new house along with HJJ's mom as the current leasing place will be expired soon. And HJJ will work as a civil servant :)


First, a warm welcome to you @Emidol

I hope that your prediction with the ending do come true as I am really hoping for a wonderful ending. Our OTP only deserves happiness!

Crossing my fingers! :)




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3 hours ago, ilwoo_aein said:

[Spoilers] Legend of the Blue Sea Ep 17

5. [+3,729, -341] He sure is quick at picking up his girlfriend's call.. But when it comes to his dad's ㅠㅜㅜ



Episode 17 seems to have left Korea with mixed reactions. I am not certain if it's good but at least it's certain that the ending definitely drew them huge attention. Curiosity kills the cat so I hope everyone will continue to support LOTBS in order to see  HJJ seek revenge and JunCheong's happy ending. Plus, the actors of this drama is too good to not tune in. 

The comment I sectioned out above makes me furious! The way he/she wrote it is as though HJJ is to blame for his father's death. HJJ tried and begged his father to leave and warned him of the dangers surrounding him. Had his father listened and left, he would have been saved. The comment makes me feel horrible. I believe HJJ has suffered enough. He doesn't need anyone pointing fingers at him for not being able to save his father. Trust me, he's already carrying that guilt on his shoulders at this very moment. It's heartbreaking enough that he lost his father, but he also has to carry unjustified guilt with him. HJJ does not deserve any of it! He hadn't done his father wrong. The only mistake he's made towards his father is ever leaving his side, and I am sure he feels regret in every inch of his body and soul. But even that, I cannot blame him. It is only he, who chooses to blame himself as he cries out to his father and apologizes for not being a better son to a father who didn't act like a father. 


2 hours ago, Mayyes said:

Congratulation for breaking 20% in rating last night. Though, I did agree with DB, because there is no competitor, LOBS deserved to achieve it. The unexpected twist made my heart ache a lot, now the real war about to start.

I dont know if you guys already discussed it, mianhe I didnt really read all the posts. But, still I want to say this. Kang So Hee and Kang Ji Yeon - Twin Sisters. Could it be, KJY kills her then steals her identity? In the beginning, ND said that "the flowers" means "Queen of Poison" then Det Hong said "there is similiar case in Japan". KJY told MDY that her twin sister got adopted by rich family. My thought, when she started to seduce Chairman Heo or when she became Mrs. Heo, she has to erase all her past since it has connection with MDY. Simple, she kills her twin and steals her identity.

Chairman Heo's death - I am not sure whether it was good or bad twist. Since not everything in a life will go as you planned, his death maybe will be a trigger to JJ "to claim" all the things that he has to be had and proof MDY family wrongdoings. I hate Chairman Heo for abadoning his family, but seeing him died lonely with a lot of regrets made me sad. He received his punishment, but at least he should know the truth that his son is not completely helpless conman.

JND - If he helps JJ to get his original position and gets all the inheritance, he doesnt have to do something bad, right? But, greediness will be greediness forever. No matter how much you have, you will still feel thirsty and want more. So frustrating to see him as villain near in the end.

Heo Chi Hyun - He just unlucky to be born as KJY and MDY's son. Poor him! But for the last scene, who call 119? CH? 

KSH - This crazy physcopath! She makes best couple with MDY - Murderer Couple. 

Tae Oh - Si Ah - I ship them. At this rate THey will falling in love for real. 

Mermaid Love Story - How the story ends? I really dont have any idea. Maybe like MLFAS? 


Hi there, it's my first time seeing you on here. Welcome. :)

1) The theory of KJY killing her twin to take her identity was heavily discussed after yesterday's episode. Most of us on here believe that she killed her twin sister to steal her identity. She makes me sick! There are no limits to her evilness. 

2) I was part of the audience that never wanted HJJ's father to die. I am rooting for HJJ's happy ending and naturally, his father is apart of that. Therefore, whether I agreed with his choices in life or not, I wanted him to survive for the sake of HJJ. When he died this episode, it was extremely sad for me, especially seeing how much pain it brought HJJ. But, I somehow feel his death is more unfair to HJJ than it is to him. After all, the people left behind are the ones who suffer. HJJ's father didn't actually "pay the price" because, well, he's gone and God knows where. Death is an easy way to pay the price because suffering ends there. Therefore, it is actually HJJ who is paying the price because he has to deal with the after math. Once again, his father's mistake hurts him and he is left behind to suffer the consequences. 

3) I liked MLFAS as a drama but please, no open ending for this one. I will die thinking of the possibilities.

Just close it off, writer! 

3 hours ago, Marian16 said:

Hi guys. I just finished watching episode 17 and I was literally crying :bawling: after hearing the last words of HJJ's father. How can this be happen? Im soo angry that richard simmons she poisoned him, I hope karma goes back to her, something horrible would happen to her, worst than the case on how HJJ's father died. 

Nam Do knows now that SC is a real mermaid!!!! What would happeeeennn?? That greediness of him will lead to betraying his Bestfriend HJJ. And I think and Im positive that Nam Do is the one who killed KDR, CH is a bit fragile, he still care a bit to his father so I think he can't kill in that way. I hope someone will come to become guarding of HJJ and SC. Hoping for an happy ending toooo. :dissapointed_relieved:


I agree! My views have completely shifted as I now believe ND is the person who sent the harpoon to strike KDR. CH's goodness seeps through here and there. As you have mentioned, because he sensed his mother's tone of voice and intentions to drag him away from home, he rushed to his father's rescue. I will hold onto the belief that he did call the ambulance right away unless told otherwise in the later episodes. If there is any turning point for CH, it is here. I am truly praying that his father's death will be a rude awakening for him. He should open his eyes and look at what's in front of him. I will wait for him to overturn. And yes, he shall still suffer the consequences, because he attempted murder and he sat by as his mother killed his father. I believe that he did truly love his father, just his love was so messed up and dysfunctional. If the real initiation to turn bad was his greed for their father's love, then he has no more reason to continue because their father is now dead. I hope he realizes that he allowed his mother to kill the only man who ever acted as a father to him and I hope HJJ's words echo in his mind and haunts him forever. 

Now what truly angers me is ND's greediness and willingness to betray his long time friend and "family member." It's certainly heartbreaking to see that HJJ sees him as a blessing in his life but he wouldn't even think twice before betraying HJJ. What makes me sick is that ND recognizes HJJ was entirely abondoned by his father, yet, he has the intentions of turning his back on HJJ and taking SC away from him. Has HJJ not suffered enough unfairness in this world? 

Of the two, I do think one will change ways. Right now, it is very likely that is CH and not ND. 


1 hour ago, Alice Mendoza said:

Haha! (*Bittersweet laughter*!) - THANKS VERY MUCH for your advice! I guess I have to be an emotional sadomasochist to continue watching and just ride along with the pain!! And thanks very much for your comforting words!! I will have faith in Writer Nim - that hopefully she has learnt her lesson from MLFAS! I think I should watch that next!! Am trying to pick up the courage to watch the whole of Scarlet Heart Ryeo because LJG's acting is just fantastic!! 


LGJ is a great actor indeed! You may want to slowly introduce yourself to melodramas before you jump into watching SHR. If this episode of LOTBS was heavy and hard to handle, you wouldnt survive a day watching SHR lol. 

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15 minutes ago, Alice Mendoza said:


- an article showing concern for the plot ... hopefully it will pick up soon .. sigh ...


I didn't even bother opening it to read it. I couldn't careless about articles that criticize a drama I'm enjoying. Throughout a drama run, there will always be a split of audience, those who enjoy it and those who don't. No show in this world will ever be able to satisfy all viewers, and I can settle with that. 

So many revelations and twists and turns took place in the past 2-4 episodes. I can hardly even begin to grasp all that is going on and people are concerned about no plot progression? I'm sitting here, thinking, we are definitely not watching the same drama. 

Also, I'd like to mention, HJJ has been actively investigating MDY and KJY for awhile now. He's already so close to pinning them down. It's not like he's sitting around doing nothing and then last minute of the drama, everything gets solved. 

Simply, I enjoy the show and all of its actors. I am loving the pacing and all the twists and turns. All I am asking for now, is to eliminate the villains by the end and a happy ending. That will satisfy my heart. 

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I just finished watching both of the episodes for this week. *sigh*. What can I say? I am incredibly speechless as of this point. It's one heart stopping moment and one heart breaking moment after the others. At this rate, we LOBSTERS will probably end up flooding the whole ocean with our tears.

Finally, SC knows who she was, is, and what may become of her. It is quite sad to know that she only saw all the pain of their past and not the happy ones. The scene that struck me the most was when HJJ finally confronted SC on why she was sulking around. SC told him that she knew that he lied, that she knew their story ended tragically in the past and that she was scared he would die because of her all over again. Those particular words made my heart ache for the both of them. It seems to me that realization has hit SC hard; she cannot be with him because them being happily together also means them being a danger to one another. HJJ will not hesitate to give his life up for her and SC will definitely not hesitate to follow him to death. If he dies, she dies and vice versa. In the back of her mind, I fear that SC may be thinking to leave for the sake of her lover's safety. As the popular saying goes, "It is better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all." Despite those painful words, I do have hope for our star crossed lovers and that hope also comes in the form of words as well. HJJ firmly stated that he believed that the ill fate will not repeat. When he asked her if she regretted them being together, SC answered that she didn't regret her decision. She is right. How could one shy away from challenges and struggles when you have your greatest love by your side? It is their love that has brought them that far despite all the villains around them. HJJ said that he felt the same way; he also did not regret his decision and he believed that nothing was wrong with their love. It is with those exchange of words that bring me hope that they will fight side by side for their love and not waste the second chance they have been given to change the course of their destiny.

With all secrets out of the box, all villains being uncovered, can I boldly talk about CH and ND?

CH has already been officially been flagged as a dark horse by the viewers because of his actions, but somehow, deep inside of me, there is still this very very little thread of hope within me, praying that he will turn over a new leaf in this lifetime. He is not capable of killing, in my opinion based on how he reacted at the hospital when all the alarms started beeping. His actions, to me, stem from a childish sibling rivalry. Though he despises their father for favoring HJJ in the end, he still rushes home to see if his father is alright after a talk with his mom. HJJ's dad is the father CH was always yearning to have and I hope that the death of the chairman will consume him with guilt. In the end, he may mentally break down. Having to choose between his love for the chairman and his instinctive blood relation with his mother will crush him and I hope that he will somehow redeem himself.

I believe that it is JND who is the one everyone must watch out for. His greed is overwhelming and it seems like he is slowly starting to put the pieces together about SC's identity. It will be the most dramatic back-stab ever to think that HJJ has been living majority of his life with a "friend" who is the reincarnation of the man who may have had a hand in killing him and his lover in the past, ending their tale tragically. HJJ is trusting the wrong person, leaving SC under JND's watchful eye. That could have been KDR's mistake in the past. He may have trusted the wrong people. I hope HJJ realizes this soon. Can it be safe to say that I am putting the harpoon in his hands? *sigh* JND, your greed is unbelievable

I am still hoping for a happy ending :)

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Is there any result for soompi awards?do you have list for rankings?im enjoying reading here and im happy that lotbs got 20+ plus rating.just hoping that it will continue to rise or atleast maintain.im really surprise w the twist of the story and im hoping it will be a happy ending.Im not prepared that its only 3 episodes left and i dont know what show ill be watching next to this.i really missed the couple,huhu

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I have to say that if the father really died, then I'm very disappointed in this plot. Yes, the stepmother was trying to kill him with those flowers, but it's too obvious for him to die this way. I wanted to really enjoy him realizing what a fool he was to leave his wife for her best friend and chose believing his stepson over his biological son. Sadly, I wanted to watch him realize his mistake more. It appears that he lost his life because he refused to trust in his child......as for me, I hope that's not how it ends between father and son because that is so, so disappointing.  

Another person I'm also losing respect for is HJJ's money grubbing friend. The fact that he's invading our little mermaid's privacy on all levels, even when she was in the swimming pool was extremely disappointing. He didn't know if she was in the pool naked, he just showed no respect, he's still not showing her respect. I'm beginning not to like him and that's also disappointing.

Also, there is such a disparage between dramas when it comes to the authority of the police office. In some dramas they don't need much evidence to arrest someone and in other dramas they can have obvious evidence or reasonable cause and won't do anything---as in this drama. 

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6 hours ago, Mayyes said:

Congratulation for breaking 20% in rating last night. Though, I did agree with DB, because there is no competitor, LOBS deserved to achieve it. The unexpected twist made my heart ache a lot, now the real war about to start.

I dont know if you guys already discussed it, mianhe I didnt really read all the posts. But, still I want to say this. Kang So Hee and Kang Ji Yeon - Twin Sisters. Could it be, KJY kills her then steals her identity? In the beginning, ND said that "the flowers" means "Queen of Poison" then Det Hong said "there is similiar case in Japan". KJY told MDY that her twin sister got adopted by rich family. My thought, when she started to seduce Chairman Heo or when she became Mrs. Heo, she has to erase all her past since it has connection with MDY. Simple, she kills her twin and steals her identity.

Chairman Heo's death - I am not sure whether it was good or bad twist. Since not everything in a life will go as you planned, his death maybe will be a trigger to JJ "to claim" all the things that he has to be had and proof MDY family wrongdoings. I hate Chairman Heo for abadoning his family, but seeing him died lonely with a lot of regrets made me sad. He received his punishment, but at least he should know the truth that his son is not completely helpless conman.

JND - If he helps JJ to get his original position and gets all the inheritance, he doesnt have to do something bad, right? But, greediness will be greediness forever. No matter how much you have, you will still feel thirsty and want more. So frustrating to see him as villain near in the end.

Heo Chi Hyun - He just unlucky to be born as KJY and MDY's son. Poor him! But for the last scene, who call 119? CH? 

KSH - This crazy physcopath! She makes best couple with MDY - Murderer Couple. 

Tae Oh - Si Ah - I ship them. At this rate THey will falling in love for real. 

Mermaid Love Story - How the story ends? I really dont have any idea. Maybe like MLFAS? 

That's a very good idea which leads me to the conclusion that the notarised will can be invalidated because KJY used a fake identity and her marriage with Mr Heo is illegitimate. By doing so, there is no need for a second will. HJJ has now a reason to contest the will... CH can't be seen as Heo's son in the end.

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@mythicalovechingu I had to respond to your post about Koreans have mixed reactions about ep 17 in particular why HJJ didn't pick up the phone when his father called.    For one thing, the father just hurt him again so why would he want to subject himself to possibly more hurtful words from his father.?  

 With respect to the father dying sometimes bad things happen in life, not everything ends up with a happy ending.  For me, it's more realistic.  

Im nervous chingus, that HJJ again insists sC be happy if something happens to him. 

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I'm not sure what the  problem is with JJ not answering the phone. The phone was clearly in another room.

Even if CH called the ambulance he is still an accomplice to the murder and has no redeeming values that can offset that fact. He knew his stepfather was taking non-prescription medication engineered by his mother. His consuming jealousy will be his prison, I hope, for a lifetime. He had 10 years of JJ's father to himself and was not able to secure the love he sought. However, it is clear that his step-father did have affections for him, to the seemingly exclusivity of his own son. 

He has blood on his hands, no fantasy about him being a good person with the awareness he had of his mother's plot. Perhaps he ran home because of JJ's threat.

JND was someone I did not like from the beginning. He moved into JJ's house and refused to leave. His eavesdropping on JJ's and SC's conversation will come back to haunt him, at least I hope. I don't think he can contend with SC's strength and he still doesn't know of her ability to erase memories. There are several avenues to defeat him.

Hopefully, when he shares his ideas about SC CA he will alert her to take action to protect JJ and SC. She does not appear to be villainous. 

I don't like open endings either but I prefer it to the destruction of our OTP.

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I am thinking she goes back to the sea. The villains get their punishment, including his greedy and scary room mate. He thinks hard about her all the time she is at sea. The mother is there to console him. Who knows, maybe he and his mother go to Spain and look at the sea over that lighthouse and our mermaid shows herself because she missed him so much. And they stay in Spain and live happily ever after. 

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33 minutes ago, bukk1 said:

I'm not sure what the  problem is with JJ not answering the phone. The phone was clearly in another room.

Even if CH called the ambulance he is still an accomplice to the murder and has no redeeming values that can offset that fact. He knew his stepfather was taking non-prescription medication engineered by his mother. His consuming jealousy will be his prison, I hope, for a lifetime. He had 10 years of JJ's father to himself and was not able to secure the love he sought. However, it is clear that his step-father did have affections for him, to the seemingly exclusivity of his own son. 

He has blood on his hands, no fantasy about him being a good person with the awareness he had of his mother's plot. Perhaps he ran home because of JJ's threat.

JND was someone I did not like from the beginning. He moved into JJ's house and refused to leave. His eavesdropping on JJ's and SC's conversation will come back to haunt him, at least I hope. I don't think he can contend with SC's strength and he still doesn't know of her ability to erase memories. There are several avenues to defeat him.

Hopefully, when he shares his ideas about SC CA he will alert her to take action to protect JJ and SC. She does not appear to be villainous. 

I don't like open endings either but I prefer it to the destruction of our OTP.

1. When HJJ and the police detectives were listening the recording, it was clearly said that KJH would make sure that Mr Heo has no cellphone. So basically, all of them couldn't expect any call from the father. 

2. Notice that CH goes upstairs to see his father and MDY is still there. In my opinion, he must have heard Mr Heo's phone call and his regret. CH heard Heo's confession that he wished, he could turn time back and he missed the old times which is why CH didn't help his "father" in the end. There is always a pattern in CH's decisions. First, he wants to do the right thing (rescue his father, talk to HJJ) but each time, he changes his mind, when he witnesses that the father still prefers HJJ over him. Remember what he did at the hospital or when he saw his father weak... he wanted to help but then allowed his mother to continue her plan. I think, the same must have happened again. Actually, when CH went upstairs, he could have brought him to the hospital. Nonetheless he just called the ambulance and helped MDY to escape and erase any trace of his presence. He has clearly blood on his hand. To me, it is not just jealousy, but greed as he wanted Mr Heo just for himself.

3. I like your idea very much. This could be a turning point for CA. In the past, she used to be very close to JND and was also greedy. Yet, now HJJ has confronted her with the truth and since TH is by her side, she has finally accepted it. Notice that she is now closer to TH who is much more sensitive and very amiable. Due to his good influence, CA changes and is shocked to hear about JND's plan. Or she mentiones it to TH and the latter who likes CS very much, confines it to HJJ. We shouldn't forget that the dynamic between TH-HJJ-JND-CA has really changed.

HJJ is much closer to TH than at the beginning, while JND acts more and more on his own. CA met TH much more often and listened to him. Since TH is such a good person, I can imagine that this can have a positive change in CA. Besides, HJJ's mother asked her to remain by HJJ's side as his friend.  

@Mayyes @mythicalove @Chellsee Another thought: Imagine if CH was not KJH's son, but KSH's son and as she took KSH's identity, she had to take care of CH. This would be really a good twist because she could have lied to MDY telling him that he was his son, while he never was the father. In the last episode, we saw that she used MDY's weakness (nightmares and that feeling of punishment) in order to manipulate him: he had to kill those people in order to seek revenge against the world.

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19 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

3. I like your idea very much. This could be a turning point for CA. In the past, she used to be very close to JND and was also greedy. Yet, now HJJ has confronted her with the truth and since TH is by her side, she has finally accepted it. Notice that she is now closer to TH who is much more sensitive and very amiable. Due to his good influence, CA changes and is shocked to hear about JND's plan. Or she mentiones it to TH and the latter who likes CS very much, confines it to HJJ. We shouldn't forget that the dynamic between TH-HJJ-JND-CA has really changed.

@bebebisous33  I'm really trying to understand ... what is JND's plan??  How does he benefit from harming HJJ or SC?

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