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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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5 minutes ago, akhenaten said:

Was Love Story In Harvard a television drama on public broadcast or a movie? Coz from what I've heard, KRW and Kim Tae Hee had pretty racy scenes in that one. 

Yup. I was wondering about that too. But I guess rules now and then are different? They can't afford any risk of scenes-cutting now that they are on live shooting. Better safe than sorry?

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Ahhh so sad that the drama is coming to an end soon. As someone who has been in and out of hospital for neurological conditions a few times, I have been impressed by the realism of the medical scenes of doctors doing their rounds and examining the patients etc and the latest BTS proves me right. I salute the production team and the actors' dedication to deliver high quality drama.

Just curious, how many here are preordering the Director's Cut DVD or Blu ray? The instagram posts seems to indicate the response has not yet met the targeted numbers. I love this drama very much and would love to own it in high definition but the price is a little high and I heard usually extras in director's cut will not be subtitled in English. Wonder if this will be any different. Need to make a decision soon.

15 minutes ago, akhenaten said:

Was Love Story In Harvard a television drama on public broadcast or a movie? Coz from what I've heard, KRW and Kim Tae Hee had pretty racy scenes in that one. 


It is a tv series

Edited by drsfanx3
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1 hour ago, akhenaten said:


just found this cute MV now. It used all the wonderful scenes between Ji Hong and Hye Jung until episode 16. Credits to the one who made the vid. Kamsahamnida! :blush:


Thank you so much. Chemistry is ching ja. adlib is amazing. 

ps. after rewatching drama series several times, I could remember their dialogues even MV has been made in Chinese. 

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20 minutes ago, akhenaten said:

Was Love Story In Harvard a television drama on public broadcast or a movie? Coz from what I've heard, KRW and Kim Tae Hee had pretty racy scenes in that one. 

 Love Story In Harvard was in SBS though. LOL. same with A thousand days of Promise which has racy scene between KRW and Soo Ae. Both is SBS drama. I'm not sure if the rules have changed but I doubt PSH wants to do it.

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On 8/14/2016 at 10:42 AM, NongpeeP said:






All clips have already been subbed in English. The more we watch, the more we could realize JiHong&HyeJung's chemistry come with reasons:

- KimRaeWon consistently designed adlib and rehearse with ParkShinHye. KimRaeWon will act and ask to reshoot till he satisfies with all aspects in each scene diligently even as we have know how tired to shoot while on air.

- ParkShinHye is like bright energy to casts&crews in addition to her acting concentration to delivery each scene with best emotions in all kinds no matter dramatic, love, action. 

Totally agreed with you. They are working hard to bring us the best.:thumbsup:

don't quote images, gifs, videos


Edited by lupita311
don't quote images, gifs, videos
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I agree that JH and HJ only started growing closer to each other after saving the pregnant lady. Before that, they couldn't stand each other. If you watch their press interviews for the introduction of the drama, PSH pretty much said the same thing. His suggestion that they date was merely a way to provoke the truth from her that she was still a student.

From my conversation with younger set (13-14yo), they are unfortunately not mature or experienced in life enough to appreciate the fine acting in this drama; it does make me sad when they say KRW is old when I think he's never looked better before and his acting now is like sheer perfection. He is actually in his prime right now.

Edited by drsfanx3
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2 hours ago, Kasmic said:

Omo are we they playing it rough now... ok ok he mentioned he likes to pounce right and Im sure HJ will pounce on him first making him pounce harder on her and omo omo and what a coincidence Im watching these clips with subs - GO HARDER SPYNIM!! they shouldnt be shy anymore :phew:

cheer1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286249 "GO KRW!! GO straight in- FIGHTING!!" cheer1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286249 

Cute bts!!! Sunbae is so kind towards his hoobae :wub: How much is the dvd/blu-ray cost us? Need to save money... I believe there are a lot of hidden OTP treasures in the dvd/blu-ray version :D

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1 minute ago, drsfanx3 said:

The expected cost is around 130,000 for DVD and 250,000 for Blu-Ray in Korean Won not including shipping. They are now at "indication of interest" stage.

hello chingu... can you help me...how can i order Doctors DVD online??? im from Philippines and i want to have the DVD soo much,,
Anyone can help me please... thanks soooo much in advance

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40 minutes ago, akhenaten said:


just found this cute MV now. It used all the wonderful scenes between Ji Hong and Hye Jung until episode 16. Credits to the one who made the vid. Kamsahamnida! :blush:

I soon love it. I think if dramaland would show more  couples like HJ and JH , there will be less divorce in the world. It is ok to be cheesy, goofy, lovely, adorable and crazy in love with each other . :wub:


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35 minutes ago, drsfanx3 said:


From my conversation with younger set (13-14yo), they are unfortunately not mature or experienced in life enough to appreciate the fine acting in this drama; it does make me sad when they say KRW is old when I think he's never looked better before and his acting now is like sheer perfection. He is actually in his prime right now.

It's more understandable because they are not mature enough to see great acting skill and beautiful story in this drama..how about my cousin which the same age as KRW and she told me KRW is old and she prefer to watch beautiful mind..i'm speechless..okayokay..everyone have different taste right :sweatingbullets: 

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I didn't mind the first fight scene even if it is not probable in real life. i guess I'm okay with a little creative licence as I understand why they do it (to create impact and to flesh out the uniqueness of her doctor character) and I guess the tone of the drama was not yet established so you didn't know what to expect.

The one thing I wasn't comfortable with was YD's willingness to put a patient's life at risk to drive HJ out of the hospital. He believed that she wasn't competent enough to perform the surgery and yet because he couldn't stand HJ, he was willing to go through with it. Only later during the operation did he express concern for the patient's life but JH's presence was not even in YD's original plans so I can't quite reconcile that he was taking a big risk with the patient's life. I feel it goes contrary to the kind of dedicated doctor he is supposed to be. His recent scenes are quite cute though and provide some nice touch of humour.

Although many people understandably hate SW's father, I find he is not really evil or diabolical enough. I have met worse in real life. He knew JH was signing the contract beforehand and yet he still got upstaged at the board meeting. I'm not quite sure I followed how it happened. Wouldn't he be the kind of do some behind the scenes manipulations beforehand? After all, he said JH would find he is a useless frog in a little pond. Of course I'm glad our JH triumphed but SW's father is not really a challenging villain to outwit. I should clarify I don't mean he should be a cookie cutter type of villain, I like that he is not 100% evil.

Overall, I still find this an outstanding and uplifting drama. I love the voice overs at the start and end of the episodes. They encapsulate the essence of the episode and give us insights into the main characters.

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4 hours ago, monalisa said:

How did Dr. Jin caused Hye jung's grandma to die? I'm still a little vague on this. His mind was elsewhere and did not focus on the operation?


@monalisa, my understanding is the same as @Kasmic, it appears he nicked a major artery and she bled out. However, I always thought that he was incompetent. He's stuffing gauze into her abdomen to stop the bleeding, instead of trying to repair the artery; I thought he was careless.  Apparently he knows that he did something wrong because he's given the other doctor privileges to keep him quiet.  It reminded me of when Hye Jung had a patient that was on the verge of bleeding out and Yoon Do was telling her to turn the surgery over to Ji Hong, but Ji Hong told her to concentrate. She was then able to clamp the artery to stop the bleeding.

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10 hours ago, Rin90 said:

Why wikipedia do this again?




Wikipedia is an open source and anyone can change the information. So, if you want to write that the earth is square, you can do without problems. I NEVER use Wikipedia for research, papers, official things, etc. It isn't my primary source of information and I only use it for 'recreational' purpose. 

And of course, this is a bad joke of a fan. If any is upset with this, have three options: Ignore it, report to Wikipedia or check KRW profile all the time and change the information any time they 'married" them again...:D But, this is the most that can be done because, for its nature, this is the dynamic of WP.


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9 minutes ago, fx8uin said:


in LSIH -- love scene was tastefully done -- artfully/cinematically done -- there was a bed scene but the act itself or anything like it was done creatively -- only shown was their hand clasping (like you know when you're making love and reaching the heights :) ) -- and feet touching -- bare shoulders and all that -- and of course the kissing -- :)

you know how KTH's acting was heavily criticized all her career life in Korea -- commonly she was referred as a pretty face but can't act really well -- but in my own opinion acting alongside KRW in LSIH -- I appreciated her acting -- she was good there --  but as years went on -- yes not much growth or improvement on her part -- so I think somehow KRW contributed big on her performance -- because he was good -- she brought her A game as well ---



as for KRW eyes (it was a topic here awhile ago :) )--- as what was said on LSIH -- there was a line in the drama that was said by KTH Dad --- "he got honest eyes" (reason why he like HYUN WOO for his daughter) -- and I agree KRW really has honest eyes -- hence even his eyes can evoke emotions --- 

some lines in drama --the description of a certain character have to coincide/fit to that of the actor --- and I think they did so with KRW -- 

for there was also a scene there -- drunk KTH with LEE JUNG JIN the actor -- he was carrying a drunk LEE SOO IN on his back -- and KTH's character was saying all those things he missed about KRW's character -- like how he always carry her on his back etc etc --- but one of the things I remember was -- "and when he smiles -- he got 3 lines on his eyes -- " which we all know KRW has it and we call it now as  "wisdom creases" :)




fight scene at hospital --- yes! -- we all laugh about it -- people working in the hospital alike -- for it cause MORE LIABILITY to the patient -- it created a chaos and a not safe environment for the patients --- but then again we just thought -- Korean series sometimes don't pay attention to those --- they are more into making the series aesthetically beautiful --- imagine all their clothes are new and pretty -- even house clothes -- even poor people who don't have money -- clothes still look good and new  :):)  -- and their hair would always be well done -- rarely do they seem rumpled and haggard -- :)




the scene that I kept on replaying would have to be KRW and LSK --- it was executed well by KRW -- his tone and his line delivery -- even his emotion was so right -- his actions him using his fingers trying to make his point clear -- even the drama line was correct (korean standard) :) -- "it was an awake surgery -- patient can hear you -- it does not bode well for the patient and him/team if they don't work as one -- yadda yadda" 

a subordinate talking back to the superior like that (KRW room) -- and even in the middle of the operation -- what went on there -- but what happened in the room when JH called SW -- the way he explained and talk to her -- it was mild at first -- he was being patient but firm -- but when she started to get bratty about it -- when she told JH if it was HJ would he have done the same and when SW answered back "forever" --- that's the time KRW got mad -- yes he would the same to HJ and yes if this is how she thinks - then there's no hope for him changing her mind --  and making her see reason -- hence in the end he said "you're out of my surgeries for now."

if that happened here in the US -- no way a superior would be that lenient and patient especially when it will compromise a patient -- 


also there was the other scene that I like -- when KRW had LSK join back on his surgery -- when they were washing their hands --- he told her "aren't you going to greet me? (her head surgeon) "  -- and when he continued on to say "don't forget I am your teacher/professor" --- his tone -- voice inflection was on point -- and his facial expressions as well --- I love this scene --  a reminder for her to respect his position -- no matter if you are close or are friends or whatever --- learn how to separate things --- :)


and the rest of JH and HJ sweet moments --- :)








Thank you for sharing KimRaeWon's acting recognitions, I totally agreed for Doctors' amazing scenes and his honest eyes.

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