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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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i think,jh will talked to yd about hj stepmoms procedure :) the competion is about to start :) loving these guys showing concern on hj.  writernim can you please lessen the appearance or stills of SW we dont need her in the story :lol: we just want tug of love of the suitors of hj, cant wait to see the gangster boss get well and be one of the stalker hehehehehe

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2 hours ago, jeijei said:

Hahaha yeah they're similar. A poster here said YD is the opposite of Moohyul. Well, perhaps when he's in fighting mode. But it took SFD 49 out of 50 episodes to finally introduce Moohyul as the 6th dragon because he's too heodang for a Joseon dragon. It is Pinocchio's Hyungnim who is YD's opposite. That man walks with murder in his eyes. 

that right

when i watch episode 5 & 6 .... it's make me remind Moohyul in The Six Flying Dragon. he's so funny.

i hope he not fall in love with HJ ... too much Kdrama 2nd male fall in love wth female lead.

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1 hour ago, Ayame said:

I stay here all day and the time when I actually go away for a few hours and the preview is released LOL. But omg, I'm fangirling so much. I LOVE the preview, I keep repeating it. Although... now time is going even slower now that I'm repeating the preview. I don't know how I'm going to make it to Monday. XDD

LOL IKR! Me too... just gone away for several hours and out comes the preview. Geez.


Gahhhhhhhhh looks like HJ and JH are lovers! :P They both look different. And what's that between JH and YD?  LOL... YD seems so afraid of JH. Also, if I heard rightly, that was SW shouting to perhaps her dad(?) that she must marry JH! Wonder how that's going to work out. JH ...oh I love this writer-nim, giving us cheese and more! LOL. At the end of prev, he shouts to HJ 'you make my heart trembe', and 'lover' 'it's good!'. Wah! Monday's ep is going to be very interesting.

Makes me think...ep 6 ended with that tentative, awkward but sweet FIRST KISS and then a cliff-hanger... Perhaps ep 7 will show us HJ ACTUALLY KISSED HIM BACK as a form of accepting him? Possible right? Now my heart is trembling LOLOLO:heart:

:glasses: Preview Ep 7...Enjoy!





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:wub: Just a short preview and all of us are going crazy analysing each situation and a few more pages of postings need to be read.

Ha ha love this craziness as JH said.... 

Thank you for the preview and also the translation.


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1 hour ago, docster6 said:

This drama has a tendency of releasing the characters from the bondage of their highly regulated world. To me, there were a lot of symbolism unleashed in scenes which could be mistaken for being romantic skinship of our OTP. When JH's father said he wanted to go away to the USA and study finances and social work, that is about as different a college subject from medicine and you could go. Ahbojee also wanted JH to go fishing, something the latter dislikes because it took so much time to get a fish. It would have been much faster to buy one from the market. When JH left that phone booth to go dancing in the rain, it was a symbol that he left the tightly regulated space to experience a new life. When he grabbed HJ to come out as well, that was his way of freeing her from her tightly regulated discipline. The voice-over at the end by JH was that he could finally live his life freely and he wanted to share it with his beloved HJ. I am afraid for JH for his approach to things, like he got into trouble as a high school teacher courting a student and now he openly assigned HJ to be under his watch at the hospital. In Calfornia (USA), all supervisory personnel must undergo harassment training annually and you are not even allowed to say, "your hair look nice today." So the passionate hug in the hospital and the kiss in the rain were not supposed to happen as HJ is JH's subordinate. I hope it is OK because we are in the drama world. But JH could get into deep trouble for all the things he has done.

With all the respect , I  do not see any harassment on the way he hugged her in the hospital, either by complement her on her looks . Sorry to tell you that but, many Doctors are husband and wife , many Doctors and nurses complement each other, there is times of stress where there are hugs for comfort, support, and show we care for each other, even in a situation like the one JH went through with the boss gangs. There is hugs and words of comfort and complements after loose a patient , sometimes just to say hi, I am here for you, or to change the mood. I  honestly do not see how his behavior can be seen as an harassment . I see a lot care.  I had lived in many Countries and exposed to different cultures, been U.S.A. One of them, familiar with hospitals environment and law by experience . I am analyzing these situations in depth, and I  do not see anything wrong with JH behavior, in this present stage of the drama. Please, enlighten me.

 The dance and kiss out of work environment , it is their business . It is they private life, you are entitle  too. There is no law that will condemn that, other way around, if you complain, you can be sued for invasion of privacy and harassment. They are two adults, he is not forcing her or abusing his status. She consented :) Fighting Doctors, we are doing well. Excellent drama.

Sorry , for the long post:wub: Many blessings from this ahjumma.

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14 hours ago, andreanaing said:

Who is ready for our second lead syndrome? Yoon Kyun Sang used to be our cute Wu Dal Chi in Faith. He has grown so much and also a bit of weight ;) . See photo.


Watch six flying dragons if you want a healthy dose of him... its more than ample dose..and you would love the goofy him... he is really amazing

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1 hour ago, docster6 said:

This drama has a tendency of releasing the characters from the bondage of their highly regulated world. To me, there were a lot of symbolism unleashed in scenes which could be mistaken for being romantic skinship of our OTP. When JH's father said he wanted to go away to the USA and study finances and social work, that is about as different a college subject from medicine and you could go. Ahbojee also wanted JH to go fishing, something the latter dislikes because it took so much time to get a fish. It would have been much faster to buy one from the market. When JH left that phone booth to go dancing in the rain, it was a symbol that he left the tightly regulated space to experience a new life. When he grabbed HJ to come out as well, that was his way of freeing her from her tightly regulated discipline. The voice-over at the end by JH was that he could finally live his life freely and he wanted to share it with his beloved HJ. I am afraid for JH for his approach to things, like he got into trouble as a high school teacher courting a student and now he openly assigned HJ to be under his watch at the hospital. In Calfornia (USA), all supervisory personnel must undergo harassment training annually and you are not even allowed to say, "your hair look nice today." So the passionate hug in the hospital and the kiss in the rain were not supposed to happen as HJ is JH's subordinate. I hope it is OK because we are in the drama world. But JH could get into deep trouble for all the things he has done.

It's really good to know how senior-junior r/s can be viewed in different light and different cultures. Personally, I think it'd be difficult to take any action as harassment unless the other party feels uncomfortable by such action. HJ looked more of surprise and flustered by the hug than uncomfortable. The hug was taken place after big incident like (a bit far-fetched) attempted murder and a situation where she could get hurt. As a teacher who knew HJ since high school, giving hug to his former student after big incident like that, I don't think people in hospital would see that in unfavorable or uncomfortable light. I've seen about two or three Korean dramas that tackled the love story between student and teacher, they all have their happy endings although the teacher needs to move school or no longer teaching. In fact, now, JH was not teaching anymore, so, I do think they won't face much of a big problem, even in real life.

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9 hours ago, andreasofia16 said:

@CamelKnight you have a point, many men deceive themselves too. That's I say that you need to be clear with the other part. Probably he didn't want to hurt anyone or ruin a friendship but he learned the lesson. He spoke to SW to avoid misunderstandings. I hope that as soon IJ appears he immediately do the same with her. Will see... All this possibles pairings that you mention remind me 'General Hospital', a soap opera from the US, where is all against all. No one has been saved and almost all have been friends with benefits, husbands, boyfriends or lovers with the others or among them. :flushed:

There are other reasons why he was so clear with SW and not with IJ. SW was a student of his so he felt it unethical to like her in a romantic way (although that doesn't quite rhyme with his feelings for HJ but that's an entirely different point. Men have different standards, I'll admit). Besides that, SW was no friend of his so he had nothing to lose when telling her he wasn't interested.
In fact, he never DID tell her he wasn't interested. He said he didn't accept her feelings because she didn't have any chocolate so it wasn't a real confession. Now that I think about it, HE NEVER SAID NO :o omo... he's afraid to hurt women, permanently! Ouch, that might be a weak point later on in the drama. If he has trouble rejecting women outright, that could come back to haunt him.

If you meant the scene where JH talked to SW about HJ in the present time (the 13 years later), he only said that to avoid HJ getting hurt by SW. It wasn't to clear up any misunderstandings JH and SW had, but only to protect HJ. Again.

7 hours ago, jadecloud said:

@CamelKnight Yes IJ did marry out of spite after she was ceremoniously told in no uncertain terms by JH that he never did see her as a woman, nor love her as more than a hoobae and friend. It was mentioned but I can't recall where. 

Now that she's divorced, and as some have pointed out, it won't be surprising for her to try again. Although that's delusional when HJ is back in JH's life. I hope she won't turn hateful, and won't instigate SW to do more wrong.

About your love for PSH, why don't you introduce your sig other to KRW? That way, you can both admire JiHye and watch the drama together...hehe :P 

I've watched 1-4 twice and 5-6 once but can't recall that they mentioned IJ married out of spite. Do you remember what episode? Perhaps it was where JH talked to his father about IJ marrying somene else?

Unfortunately that wont work. My significant other only has eyes for me :D:P 

4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@CamelKnight I have to disagree with you. Since in the character description it is written, she knew that Ji hong didn't love her and she thought that loving him was enough, to me JH made it clear enough that he only considered her as a friend. IF JH is to be blamed, then it is because he didn't end his relationship with her. But I can't blame him for that. She was his friend hence he didn't dare to cut ties with her. Hence she kept thinking, she could still persuade him to marry her. Still her marriage proposal "win-win situation" clearly illustrates that she was asking for an arranged marriage and not a marriage of love. All along, she knew that he never loved her that way. In the States, In Joo tried again and again to force JH to marry her ("I tried so hard") believing that the distance between JH and HJ would make him forget HJ. She failed and got so mad that her persistence didn't work out for her. 

Ofcourse you're entitled to your opinion :D;) 

I'll admit I don't read character descriptions. Firstly because I don't want to be biased when I enter a new K-Drama. Secondly because I found descriptions often to be badly translated or just plain wrong (the english synopsis to Secret Garden says that the story of the 2 main characters revolve around a garden, which is completely untrue).
Considering what we've seen so far JH wasn't clear, and he never has been to any woman wanting his affection. He never told SW he wasn't interested in her either. He said that he didn't accept her feelings because she didn't bring chocolate. Sure, you can see it as a gentle way of letting the girl know you're not interested, but a truly blinded-by-love-woman doesn't take the hint and returns with chocolates the next time.

You're actually saying almost exactly what I'm saying :D JH didn't want to tell IJ he wasn't interested since he didn't want to lose their friendship. And yes, that is what he is to blame for. Had he told her clearly, she would've been heartbroken and ended their friendship too. 

There are women (and men...) out there who think a marriage/relationship can work as long as one of the two has enough love for the both of them. Ofcourse that doesn't work. The fact that IJ tried so hard and she proposed a win-win-situation, doesn't necessarily mean an arranged marriage, though in Korean culture it's more likely to happen. However, I've not seen many K-Drama's (which is what I'm basing my knowledge on, added with common sense) where one of the youngsters asked his/her parents to be in an arranged marriage with a certain person. Though I think it's unlikely, it's not impossible I guess.

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6 minutes ago, whiteangel25 said:

, I do think they won't face much of a big problem, even in real life.


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3 hours ago, imjiyoon said:

Hi!! I've been reading through all the posts since a week ago, I usually watch dramas after they air every single ep. My friend recommended Doctors and I tried watching, and I got totally hooked up with this drama ( somehow obsessed with Doctors *hearts* ) I hope I can help out with my limited korean vocab!  Hope you guys don't mind me joining!! :blush: 

@imjiyoon Welcome! Of course you can join this thread. And your korean vocab would come in very handy in helping us all understand what's going on. Feel free to post anything, any thots.... And ahh... it's ok. We're all crazy in love with this drama and the cast. Esp the cheese :P 


5 hours ago, angelangie said:


:D:D:D i had replay it 3 times even though i dunno what the hell they are talking about lols

@jadecloud u known korean? :D

@angelangie LOL sorry I missed the preview when it came out, and I missed your question.... I had stepped away by then. Talk about waiting and waiting and then bam, it's here but I'm not LOL. Anyway, I know some korean but not fluent. For instance, this ep 7's preview, I would not have been able to understand the part where JH talks about surgery. So glad we have more korean chingus joining us :P  

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