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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

About the father: I don't know but I had the impression that he had abandoned his wife and his child before his wife's death so that when the mother died, he had to take in HJ. Maybe I am mistaken. This comes from the fact that HJ had already abandonment issues, before he even dropped and dumped her at her grandmother's place. She said back then, she had been thinking about the time he would dump her and now the time had come. Another clue that makes me think like that is when she mentioned that she had good memories with her mother and she was there, when the mother died. I mean, even if the father was working, she should have remembered the good time with her father. no, she only talked about the good memories with her mother. This would also explain why the father never defended his daughter in front of his wife.


Sounded to me like the father cheated or walked away before she passed away,something happened there...Don't remember what episode was it but it was mentioned that her Mom was a healthy women before things happened and she went insane and after died...I believed the father was the cause of her Mom situation and well after her death he took her in and more than sure,like it hinted it, he knew quite well what that women was doing to HJ yet he closed his eyes because it was easier,or bluntly choosing the women over his daughter...


Might be quite cold hearted but i hope HJ continues her life away from thes people,they don't deserve her at all,what her father did to her is very very hard to forgive...And that women is even without asking,aside from the shame of wanting to use her now that she is well off...I think for the best is to stay away,like she herself said,they cut ties 13 years ago,if the father really wanted to find her and amend for it or truly felt regret he should have done something to find her yet he didn't do anything all this time,by this time i for one will find it very fake and question if they don't do it just for use...Hope the writer won't make her forget like it was nothing all the harm he done to her just to make her look good in the eyes of koreans,we know how much they value the family and the forgivness,as we see in dramas over and over again the good guys forgiving atrocious bad guys for the sake of looking good...

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@jadecloud   @jadecloud Your recent post question about KS SH Love connection --- If the writer has the story go this way - I would support it -- But I do not think it will go that way-  If KS has a love a connection, I think it will be HJ Half Sister YN- soon to be a school teacher - at this point she seems sweet and caring - nice match for KS.

YD Uncle for SH --- NO NO - EP 5 at approx  35 mins-- tells us he is a divorced playboy/womanizer - not a good choice for SH IMO

Extract repost of prior thoughts (my post pg 272)

SH Love Connection - this will be the break we need when the HJ JH story reaches the dark episodes
--- SH had met 3 of the doctors in training - one will be her love connection--
------ CKS - AKA the puppy - Could be a Noona romance connection - I do not think drama will go this way beyond a slight misdirection possibility
------ PYK- SW friend/one sided SW Love -- Could be another case of SW losing a friend story - but do not see him as SH love connection
------KKJ- Glasses, senior doctor in training- the great Kdrama trope of two people who dislike each other at first- but then continue to meet and grow to like each other - this is my bet for the SH Love connection.

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Hospital SBS, you aren't looking after your patients too well. Patient Tiggie is dying from dehydration and you can't give me some drip? Where is the preview to episode 7???


cr: Doctors DC

From the IG post @parmma posted it looks like they are filming in scorching hot weather. I hope all of the actors and actresses stay well hydrated and keep in good health. Doctors team fighting!!!

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^ me thinks the same as well.. hope they are doing OK. Because based on PSH IG post she is not feeling well :( 

And hey it's already saturday! 

Where are thou are preview?

I hope Sunday morning there will be a preview already because I will be out of the country and will be unplugged from the soompi world and excruciating to think what will happen on the next episode huhuhu

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really? perhaps the rain and the kiss make her sick. I wish she was ok and recovered fast! :)

7 minutes ago, Raquel Bastian said:

^ me thinks the same as well.. hope they are doing OK. Because based on PSH IG post she is not feeling well :( 


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12 minutes ago, Kfan7172 said:

@jadecloud   @jadecloud Your recent post question about KS SH Love connection --- If the writer has the story go this way - I would support it -- But I do not think it will go that way-  If KS has a love a connection, I think it will be HJ Half Sister YN- soon to be a school teacher - at this point she seems sweet and caring - nice match for KS.

YD Uncle for SH --- NO NO - EP 5 at approx  35 mins-- tells us he is a divorced playboy/womanizer - not a good choice for SH IMO

Extract repost of prior thoughts (my post pg 272)

SH Love Connection - this will be the break we need when the HJ JH story reaches the dark episodes
--- SH had met 3 of the doctors in training - one will be her love connection--
------ CKS - AKA the puppy - Could be a Noona romance connection - I do not think drama will go this way beyond a slight misdirection possibility
------ PYK- SW friend/one sided SW Love -- Could be another case of SW losing a friend story - but do not see him as SH love connection
------KKJ- Glasses, senior doctor in training- the great Kdrama trope of two people who dislike each other at first- but then continue to meet and grow to like each other - this is my bet for the SH Love connection.

@Kfan7172 I got ya. Your analysis is pretty astute. You may be right chingu. I agree, YD's uncle isn't suitable for SH, and not because he's divorced but that he is a player. SH's too innocent and sweet to suffer a player. So, no can do,, unless he can change? However, I don't want SH to be paired off with KKJ. To me, he's too err... boring. If not KS, I'd prefer YK, although I find him too 'political', always looking for 'connections'. Very calculative guy. 

Perhaps it would be biker-delivery cutie boy SC? Since SC has no luck with HJ, perhaps never started being romantic back then, perhaps it was just his one-sided crush....then perhaps HJ may connect him with her bestie? I'd support that. A quiet vs a bubbly... perfect! How about that? :rolleyes:


CR: Doctors FB

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@jadecloud  @jadecloud -- SC a big YES-- but having read other posts - seems he may not be available for a lot of screen time in this drama-- but if he is - then again yes.

KKJ boring -- yes -- but boring and very outgoing could be a match- YK- I actually see a slight possible SW YK ending - but in any case I would not like him for SH -- but as with KS -- IF writer goes that way and with good background - I would likely support 

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i just wanna share again another FMV of mine. this time it's YD & HJ ~ the minority i guess.

not really a hard shipper but i've been known for my love for KyunSang :wub: so i had to vid him somehow! hahaha :D 

i really love seeing these two! they're super cute! :lol: i love how HJ talked some senses into that thick head of 'rude' Yoon Do. it's like he's been strike by a lightning. :phew: hahaha xD now he's having a crush on HJ. xD gosh! he's so awkwardly cute whenever he's around HJ. that never fail to make me smile. such a dork!

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@CamelKnight and @angelangie, about In Joo, I hate her. Her love was only a one side love. He never was interested in her and she knew it. The problem is that many women deceive themselves thinking that they can change his feelings about them. He gave her a lot of signals, and in many occasions directly, that he wasn't interested in her but she keep it trying to grab him. She made her task of separating JH and HJ thinking that if him had his defenses down, she could have an opportunity to catch him. But wasn't like that. And If they had a relationship, that I don't think so, it was very short because JH was leaving soon for the States. I think that out of spite she married another man. My concern is that she will return with the same idea about him and knowing that they are together, she will try to separate them.


7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, as much as I want JH to struggle a little and to see YD as a possible suitor, I would like the love triangle to be rather short. To me, it would be great if HJ decides to date JH at the end of the episode 8 because it would be great to see how the couple deals with problems and there are many:

- JMJ with the halmoni

- SW because of YD who will defend HJ

- the position of JH's father in danger

- the scandal from the past

- the reappearance of In Joo

HJ has never been in a relationship before and she needs to learn to rely on her boyfriend, to confine to him aso. Moreover, due to her childhood, she has never experienced or witnessed a normal and healthy relationship in a couple. Her father was a coward who didn't dare to argue with his wife. 

Therefore what I really wished is that YD becomes HJ's close friend because so far, she has no real friend except SH. We can't count JH because he wants something else. However, HJ needs to learn that she can have more real friends. She needs to learn to socialise.

@bebebisous33, agree with you! That makes sense. They need to be together to solve all this problems. And about YD, I like it the idea that he becomes in his his best friend. I thought the same possibility because they don't have the 'couple sparks' (JH took it all for him) but they do have the 'friends sparks'. And the second male lead doesn't always have to fall in love with the main actress. I hope they follow this story line.


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SBS Entertainment News Coverage of Doctors thus far... refresh your mind and await ep 7...heheB)

Btw, @thea2410 awesome FMV. Thank you chingu. Please .... more more :P Now you're also playing with my mind about this ship haha. Though they look good too, but in my mind, HJ is only meant for JH and vice versa, so that's pretty rock solid, I think. However, I do hope YD will have a positive effect on SW and perhaps through her love for him, and his love for her evolving later, that she can be transformed with his help and guidance. Perhaps real and sincere love will be the one factor that can transform SW. At least, that's what I hope. And perhaps we can have the TRIO GALPALS back together later. I pray for this to happen, the GIRLS to be FRIENDS again. 

■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

Doctors Park Shin Hye Candy(Sweet) Image Smashed. Transformed into a Rebel. (Ep 4887)


■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

Doctors Park Shin Hye Post-Grandma's Death Followed By Separation From Kim Rae Won. (ep 4882)


■ Entertainment Good Morning Edition -

Doctors Kim Rae Won Park Shin Hye Reunion After 13 Years Followed By The Commencement of Their Romance. (Ep 4882)



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22 minutes ago, andreasofia16 said:

@CamelKnight and @angelangie, about In Joo, I hate her. Her love was only a one side love. He never was interested in her and she knew it. The problem is that many women deceive themselves thinking that they can change his feelings about them. He gave her a lot of signals, and in many occasions directly, that he wasn't interested in her but she keep it trying to grab him. She made her task of separating JH and HJ thinking that if him had his defenses down, she could have an opportunity to catch him. But wasn't like that. And If they had a relationship, that I don't think so, it was very short because JH was leaving soon for the States. I think that out of spite she married another man. My concern is that she will return with the same idea about him and knowing that they are together, she will try to separate them.

Unrequited love is such a big thing in K-Drama's that I'm actually slightly amazed that this is getting to you so much :) 
There's almost always a love triangle which almost always also means that someone is going to miss out. For some reason, it's a big thing in K-Drama's.

Many women deceive themselves, but the same goes for many men too. We also fall for women who don't love us in return. It's a part of life. Rejection and heartbreak. It's what makes life worth living. Without the heartbreak, you wouldn't know the sheer joy of finding the partner who loves you as well. Heartbreak is something to learn from, to steel yourselves from hurt, from doing things differently. It's a learning experience.

I feel that in this case, JH wasn't clear and decisive enough towards IJ. He didn't want to ruin their friendship so he kept her strung along. Eventhough his motive is understandable, his actions aren't the best. He should've been more clear and outright tell her he's not interested. Doing so would've set her straight, but would also have killed their relationship and that's something he didn't want.
I'm not saying JH is completely responsible, but he is partly responsible for her feelings towards him. Had he cut her off, she wouldn't have had lingering feelings and she wouldn't be returning in the show next episode (most likely).

I don't know if IJ married out of spite. Perhaps she wanted to get rid of her feelings for JH and did the most extreme to make sure she would get over him: get married (preferably to a friend of his). Ofcourse, that didn't work out. Most likely since she still had feelings for JH. The question is whether those feelings are still there. I bet they are. And so she returns to try to claim him once more, or at least keep other women away from him under the guise "if I can't have him, nobody can". I can see her team up with SW too.

I do feel there are too many people involved. 
HJ's got JH, YD and SC who are seriously interested in her. Not to mention that KS finds her attractive too and PR is flirting with her as well.
JH's got HJ, SW and IJ who are seriously interested in him. 
It's going to be difficult to satisfy or disappoint all those characters :)

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@bebebisous33 I love reading your thoughts and enjoyed your insight to HJ's Dad today.  I wish I had ninja skills like so many of you all do:ph34r:I write strictly by my emotions which my sisters say I sound sappy most of the time.  I'm not sure if HJ's Dad abandoned her physically as a child  but I am sure of one thing he did abandon her in every other way.  When I think about her losing her Mother and then having to live with a stepmom like that:angry: it about makes me sick.  I can handle a lot of things but child abuse NO WAY!  Was he so blind that he couldn't see her bruised body and face each time after he got home???  Was it so simple for him to look the other way and not notice HJ's pain.  It makes me wonder was he ever really a father to HJ?  Even when she is older and he would rather hit her than take the time to find out how to help her.  He takes no responsibility for anything and in my neck of the woods he lost his Man Card a long time ago and his so called wife does the talking for him. She needed  some duck tape placed over her mouth. Forgive me but I don't have the space to tell you what I think about that piece of trash! :vicx:Sorry but I have no respect for anyone who could hurt a helpless child...

What bugged me the most was when his own Mother died and he acted like he could care less. He wasn't willing to listen to HJ or understand her broken heart.  No comforting words or even a hug for his own daughter.  He didn't even follow her to find out where she was going or if she would be safe, nothing.  I'm sorry but that's not a Dad, that's a selfish son of a gun who had a child but has no heart connection or feelings with her at all.

The really sad part is and not unusual for an abused child they still want to be loved and accepted no matter how much pain the parent gives.  It's why she went to see him but stayed across the street no matter how much time has passed she still wants her fathers love. It's human nature every child wants to be loved & accepted by their parents.  No matter how bad it is.  All to often it's because the child blames themselves for causing their parent or parents to act this way.  It's sad to even think about...:sweatingbullets:

It's no wonder HJ's grandmother hid that money best thing she ever did.  She must have known it wasn't safe if those two came looking...

Like I shared before it's a miracle HJ turned out the way she did and her fathers greatest loss will have been not knowing just how amazing his daughter truly is....

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7 minutes ago, paolaadl said:




HAHAHA! but my face is like YD.... Dang it not a preview hahaha!

Psst please dont quote images. I know your new so the mods wont be mean on you. But you never know hahahaha! 

This one is cute



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10 hours ago, paolaadl said:

Hi, this is my first post in this forum. My name is Paola, I'm from Brazil and I'm completely addicted to Doctors. I'm so in love with PSH and KRW I need help! lol

These BTS photos from the last episode are killing me. Their chemistry is too high, I can't handle it!

I saw someone saying a few comments ago that Doctors wasn't pre-produced. What this exactly means? I'm sorry, I don't understand these kind of things, I thought every drama was pre-produced hehehe...

Anyway, I'll keep watching and suffering from anxiety because of this drama and my OTP hahahaha...

Keep fighting, patients! 

If a drama is pre-produced, it means the actors and cast have finished making the drama up to the last episode before the drama airs the first episode on television.

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18 minutes ago, Kasmic said:


HAHAHA! but my face is like YD.... Dang it not a preview hahaha!

Psst please dont quote images. I know your new so the mods wont be mean on you. But you never know hahahaha! 


OMG, I didn't know about that, I'm so sorry! It won't happen again.

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