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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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16 minutes ago, angelangie said:

so in the preview we saw JH giving HJ a brown envelope, does that contain her grandma medical record i wonder?

i don't think they can find it that fast... maybe something else??

30minute to go.. finger cross for tonight connection 

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Ep 6 Preview Text Translation

If it's family, it'll be good!

HJ hands over a note with grandma MS' patient case number.

HJ requests JH to print out a copy of grandma's surgery record for her.

On the other hand, Ga Jin(HJ's stepmom) who is receiving treatment from HJ, starts to give trouble in the outpatient room.

At GJ's request, HJ accedes to having  YD replace her to look after patient GJ...

(CR: Xref - PSH weibo)

Thank you everyone for updates and insights. I haven't been able to catch up or back track, but in time... that red phone booth, and that rain. Again. Ha!

I see another rain event that'll bring JiHye closer together, like it did 13 years ago. Back then, it was JH's heart which was moved. So, could it be HJ's heart this time? After all, she has unconsciously been besotted by JH ever since school days too, it's just that she doesn't 'know' what she feels except that she likes teacher, and respects him even more. Writer-nim loves her rain plot device :P 

I also see a red phone booth, whoa, will there be a kiss inside the booth? I hope so, and that err.... they won't stop with just one, or worse, a peck LOL (be still Patient hearts! LOL) The red phone booth reminds me of another awesome drama (MLED chingus who are also watching this, I'm sure you'll have no problem remembering this (in spoiler)... LOL). Seriously, if writer-nim gives us a kiss that's like MLED, as in initiated by HJ, I'll screammmmmmmmm! LOL



Whoops.... I'm not trying to stir things up hehe.... uXePzkk.gif But, maybe I am  cWpow78.gif

(hmm...who was it who has been harping on this thingy thing thing? LOL)

Instead of being with Patients for Doctors appointment, too bad for me, I have RL appointment. Enjoy LIVE of ep 6  Ud848Xj.gif 

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The kiss, again... I know that all of you (me too!) want a kiss between our super special couple but this just not gonna happen tonight. Remember the K-drama rules...If the K-drama gods can make us suffer a lot, they will do it...:huh: So, wait for next week... I can't wait! :blush:

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1 hour ago, angelangie said:


yes when i first saw this ... i was like yes taking it as a challenge is good but her passion as a doctor is not there....the passion of a doctor that put a patient life first....i'm still not seeing that....



I think that will be one of the future plot twists (her failing in one of her surgeries)...so far she is like all supergirl and stuff, I'm pretty sure writer has something to make her seem human. Just a thought, maybe JH will get in trouble for getting HJ's grandma's records and they will use it against him (and maybe HJ too). Too funny, I think we all have been watching too many dramas we continue to try to analyze and figure out what the next conflicts will be.

BTW, my Korean language comprehension is really very very basic. There's one weird thing though about JH and HJ conversation at the bench after surgery. In the earlier translations, I saw somewhere one line being translated to: "Do i have to tell you that I like you". Then in the later ones it became "should i be happy that you became a doctor without dating.." JH mentioned cho-ah(jo-ah) isnt that the word for like?

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I'm here in time for the live stream. <3 Like last night, I won't recap every thing, just comment on scenes here and there. (Although if it ends up like last night, I might end up typing a lot either way LOL.) Enjoy the episode when it starts, everyone~

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JH running towards hospital, flashback to little JH  eating sushi and then to the hospital after the car accident. He loses his parents :(

JH finds HJ! HJ on the floor, the stranger stabbed himself… 

JH gets mad at YD 

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8 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I kinda miss the slow mo .... .. NO SLOW MO in eps 5 .. 

last nite I managed to watch live streaming - NO LAGGING at all... anyway thought of recapping.. :D but too many volunteer already ..so THANK YOU recapper ... I can be selfish and indulged every moment.


Anyway watching without sub made eps 5 seem dull.I was disappointed .. noooooooooooooooooooooo it was not because they did not kiss,  of course I did not expect JH to kiss HJ that soon... (I lie) .... :D .. 

It was so frustrating not to be able to understand what JH was saying to HJ at the park scene.(after surgery).

I would like to suggest to everyone here .. avoid unnecessary stress - watch with sub :D it made a lot of difference.

And now that I have watched it with sub - I couldn't get enough of the confession... Dayem.. JH is so so so HOT .. COOL ... he blurted matter of factly (that he likes HJ). He was not nervous at all .. 

my verdict of episode 5 : DAEBAK!! .. the confession scene - DOUBLE DAEBAK!!!

AND ... O yeah :D 

SO I am not alone ... wahahhahaha ... we have another 3 certified pervert in the house





@Bambiina, I'm guilty! Because he is gift of the K-drama gods for us. And we need to appreciate that. :blush:

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ahhh stream lag… 

JH cute friend appears for a moment afterwards, JH and HJ are together, I don’t understand their full conversation

ACK cute hug scene!!! 

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