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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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13.5%!! Happy for the increasing ratings! Watched the episode and well, i guess SM won't really die based on the preview but i do hope he will realise that some of his thoughts are terribly wrong. In fact, i feel that he haven't even truely understood why his ex-wife(YJ's mom) left him at the first place. He thought after his fame and popularity will make YJ's mom regret leaving him, but based on her expression when she saw his interview, i doubt it is true.  Well, hopefully epsiode 6 will give us more details. Anyway i love the kiss! It's just so sweet and i believe you guys will agree because i have seen so many people posted screenshots/gifs/videos of the kiss, haha.

On a side note, i just read Girlfriday's recap on dramabeans and i love this part she wrote : " Everyone else was created by Dad, but maybe Chul belongs to Yeon-joo. Maybe it matters that she created him out of love because she wanted a friend or a hero, or maybe it matters that she wants sincerely for him to get a happy ending. So despite Dad’s wishes, maybe Chul is on a path to happiness because Yeon-joo wants it that way, and what she says goes?"

I sincerely wish that Kang Chul will truely have a happy ending, leading a peaceful and normal life, with Yeon Joo at his side:heart:

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“W” Turns The Tables With Ratings Increase

“W” Turns The Tables With Ratings Increase

MBC’s “W” is continuously growing in ratings, maintaining it’s number one position in the Wednesday-Thursday line-up.

According to Nielsen Korea, the MBC drama recently recorded 13.5 percent ratings, which is a .6 percent increase from its 12.9 percent ratings for its fourth episode. The drama was able to turn the tables on “Uncontrollably Fond” after airing three episodes, and has since continued to rise. In the recent episode, Lee Jong Suk‘s character is able to break out of the webtoon world and meet his writer face-to-face.

Other dramas followed “W” in terms of ratings. “Uncontrollably Fond” placed second with 8.2 percent ratings and “Wanted” followed with 5.2 percent ratings. The gap between “W” and “Uncontrollably Fond” recently grew to a 4.6 percent difference.

“W” airs every Wednesday and Thursday on MBC. Catch the latest episode on Viki!

source: soompi

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okay *breaths* episode 05 was so intense I wasn't moving for almost the entire duration, except of course I was giggling like a kid on the kiss scene and a little breather whenever that webtoon assistant guy (sorry I forgot his name, but his a fun character!) comes into scene. 

this is one drama that is so hard to predict, you never can tell what would happen next!

Poor Yeon Joo, torn between the men she loves :(


anyway that house where YJ's father lived, its kinda familiar from another kdrama? any idea where it was from? I can't seem to remember it but its so familiar.

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Given the fact that the preview showed us it's going to be YJ to be the first to be able to give her dad medical support after she arrived home and seeing the pictures of her being back in the clinic...

I wonder whether the show will give us another twist. I mean the moment she saw her dad being wounded she most likely went straight into shock but her professional training kicked in as well. Therefore, she will use all her mental power to focus on saving the patient (no matter whether it's her dad or not) - it's like she's having her professional auto-pilot mode taking over. She will solely focus on keeping the patient alive and stable till they reached the hospital and she will most likely also be part of the surgery team as the photos indicate.
So I 'm actually hoping the last two pictures that show her wailing and weeping so uncontrollably is not about her dad actually dying as this would be to much to cope with considering a potential romance between her and KC. I'm more inclined to believe that the moment she left the operating theatre the professional auto-pilot is turned off again and her shock is taking over. So even if dad survived the shock is kicking in and she will break down. I have seen this kind of belayed reaction myself. Even if you know everthing turned out to be fine the moment you have time to freely allow your thoughts flowing again, all the possiblities of what could have gone wrong come to you and you break down because of that.
And in her case her shock would be not just be triggered by her dad being wounded by KC but also because of her having to fear of what KC went through and is possibly going through at this moment. She knows his character well enough to anticipate his inner turmoil after having heard the whole conversation between her dad and him. She knows his strong morals and she knows he will despair the moment he thinks he turned into a murderer himself. So her shock will partly also be because of her worries for him. That would also fit with the part of the preview where she's pleading about someone should save KC.

I personally think it would be to early to kill of YJ's dad as he's still a main character that has some valuable information. We did not see everything about him and his role in creating W yet. There's still to much that we do not know about, even if it is clear that KC is the only character he cannot control as he's not the original creator. But having been injured by a gun-shot I wonder whether das would actually be able to draw anything for quite a while anyway, so either the webtoon is currently writing itself or someone else is doing it - I would vote for BS. This would also explain why YJ is pleading about saving KC's live - she knows that BS knows the webtoon world as well as her dad and that he's a fan of the webtoon as well. So she knows he has the needed abilities to go on with the story and she tries to convince him that KC needs to be saved while BS most likely thinks it's just fair to let KC die after what he did to dad. Cause we see in the preview that BS actually tells YJ all of this would not have happened if she did not save KC in the first place. So she needs to convince him that they have to save KC and she's maybe even giving him some ideas of how the story should flow from now on to get the happy ending KC is craving for. Cause unlike BS she witnessed the conversation between dad and KC so she has valuable information that BS does not have at this moment. So maybe we see the beginning of a collaboriation between YJ and BS as YJ tries to find a way to balance the needs of the two most important men in her life.
She tries to give KC the happy ending he asked for from dad and at the same time she wants to find a proper way to officially end the webtoon to relieve dad from his inner demons as well.

Or I could be completely wrong - just a few more hours and we will learn the truth...

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kang chul have every right to be mad and angry toward papa OH just like his life is attacked every time he tries to catch the murderer he disappear    he is trying to catch something that will never be caught suffering from insomnia every night, getting hurt and broken. Endlessly suffering and repeating it over and over and papa OH is rubbing a salt on the wound saying Thats a Fiction image.gif



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Wow what an intense episode. Goosebumps.....

I was expecting a confrontation, but not this soon. 

The rooftop scene was beyond frightening. Even though he saw that KC was very much alive and yet he still tried to stab him to death. So far we have only seen YJ's dad drawing scenarios, but to see him on the rooftop murdering KC with his own hands in cold-blood was scary. It makes sense why YJ's dad would go that far (after being tormented for so long), but at the same time he really is no different from a murderer. 

Again, I'm not surprised he shot YJ's dad. His entire existence is fabricated and his reason for living was pointless. KC saved himself and continued to fight despite that fact everything was against him. That will to live and perseverance is something the YJ's dad doesn't have. So being mocked and constantly reminded that he has no free will and that he's just a fictional character was adding insult to injury. Being told he can't shot him because KC was created to be moral and good was surreal. I wonder what impact KC exhibiting his free will in the "real world" and doing something out of character will have on the "webtoon world."

The entire episode he has been suffering and that didn't mean anything to YJ's dad. I don't think KC was looking for reassurance or kindness from him, but the least he could do is not mock his existence and pain. From KC's viewpoint, here is YJ's dad with fame and fortune (even though he's been slowly losing his mind) while KC was not only lost everything, but was also branded a murderer.  I can't imagine living with all that pain for the past 10 years then being told "oh well, who cares your not real anyway." To make matters worse, his pain and suffering was just a plot device because the hero needed to be wronged in order for the webtoon do well. For someone looking for answers, trying to get justice for his loved ones, and clear his name that must have been heartbreaking. It was all for nothing. It would be enough to make anyone snap, but YJ's dad to completely disregard everything just makes it a million times worse.

YJ being the actual "creator" makes the story even more interesting. Her intentions are clearly different from her dad's and maybe that is what will save KC in the end. YJ genuinely wishes him happiness and is emotionally invested in him whereas her dad is being consumed by KC. She sees the humanity in him and unlike her dad, she is not afraid of his "humanness."

It makes sense that the dad doesn't know who the murderer is because it was just a plot device to give the hero a purpose. However, I feel like that's too easy for a drama like this where there are no rules and everything doesn't go according to typical kdrama format. There has to be more to the story and the murderer. If the story can change itself and KC has free will there might be more to the murders. 

It's only ep 5 what are the writers doing to us and how are we supposed to wait every week for new episodes lol. Happy the ratings increased! The cast and crew deserve it. I hope it keeps increasing.


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Woah. Episode 5 was so amazing. It blew my mind.

I'm so angry and mindblown that there's actually no identity for the hooded man... But technically Sung Moo would actually be the killer since he was the one who created the hooded man and killed Kang Chul's family. So I'm kinda glad that Sung Moo got shot by Kang Chul. I'm starting to mate Sung Moo a lot too... Even though Kang Chul has finally got his revenge, I still feel so sorry for him.... Since Kang Chul shot Sung Moo... I'm worried about Kang Chul's relationship with Yeon Joo... since Kang Chul shot someone who Yeon Joo cared for a lot. Hopefully Yeon Joo would forgive him soon.

Anyways. The story keeps getting better and better! It's so unpredictable! I love it!!! :D

The ratings keeps getting and higher and I really hope it keeps going higher!!! It looks like it's going to pass 20% soon too! I really hope it does reach 20% very soon! Loving all the positive responses!! :D

Can't wait for episode 6!! :D

13 hours ago, MarieJose said:

Unlike everyone else .. this drama turned me into a silent lurker .. i've been reading everything and following the thread and not missing anything and felt that i have nothing else to add .. you guys already predicted and said everything .. and then even after watching the raw version of ep 5 .. i can't say anything because i'm out of worda and can't describe it all !! 

I agree with who said it's fast .. yess .. very very very fast and MBC must give us some time to catch our breath before spamming us with bts and stills... i was barely breathing and when i saw LJS's pic in that short with his bare thighs i fainted .. no i died and this is my spirit talking !!! 

I really hope that they give us a little bit of rest tomorrow and they try to slow it down a bit since they told us that ep 7 and 8 hold a lot more then this ... i'm not afraid about the rating at all if they do so i'm sure everyone wants the same thing am i right ?

anyway .. the only question i'll be asking is : since the police is looking for YJ in the manhwa world, and probably the police will be looking for KC in the real world after what he did ... how are they gonna be together in one world ???

Sameeee!! I turned into a silent lurker too XD

This thread is moving so fast! It's hard to keep up lol. Everyone has said everything and I also got nothing else to add XD

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If I were YJ and have KC meet me and do this 


me just..........................................................................faint....

I agree with SH this time...he is the Playboy of the Century....only a wink made most of us in here faint...

eonnie @ilwoo_aein very happy to meet you in this world .... :) 

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Han Hyo Joo Adorably Shows Her Love For “Lee Jong Suk” And “W”


Han Hyo Joo Adorably Shows Her Love For “Lee Jong Suk” And “W”

Han Hyo Joo has confirmed her love for Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) and “W.”

On August 4, BH Entertainment posted photos of the actress watching “W” on their official Instagram account.

In one photo, Han Hyo Joo places her hands adoringly around Lee Jong Suk’s face on screen. As for the other photos, she shows off her sense of humor as she makes a “W” sign with her fingers and mimics her on-screen self.


Previously, photos of the actress humorously placing her finger below the webtoon version of Lee Jong Suk on a screen.


It appears as though Han Hyo Joo is very lively and fun!

source: soompi

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