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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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I feel want to watched again episode 4.Why I feel like this?:w00t:

Salute for writer how he can manage all scene together with dont forget the plot and character.Salute also for director how can manage the direction.Salute to all production team which working hard to make this drama.

Why I give the praise suddenly ? Because I know when do shooting its very difficult to follow this plot.Its easy to make mistake in this drama.

Actually I dont know about this drama because too secret and dont have publicity in my country.I just think its just ordinary drama.Its my mistake and Im very happy to watch first episode.

So glad I be here and support this drama so well.Fighting and continue make the best episode  :wub:.

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46 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

I m curious why when the webtoon world freezes, they shows every side characters freezes up except for Han Chul-ho???

And I hope this drama will not be affected by the Olympics, it is already hard for me to just watch two episodes per week. Pls do not delay any episode!!!


The webtoon world froze when KC said verbally (on the mobile phone) that the world (they are in) is fake. SH's voice over explains it. When the main character of the webtoon realises he is in a fictitious world, the world stops excepts him. It is like a punishment.



I didn't realise the script writer is the one who wrote NINE ! 
I hope they end W - Two worlds just as satisfactory as Nine !

Amazing pacing and script ! It has been a long time since I am so hooked on a Korean drama. I :heart: this show !

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15 hours ago, lainey98 said:

Does anyone remember if they explained how Kang Chul became a chaebol after leaving prison and being ostracized from society for a year? 


Its not yet explain in this drama. I am also wait to know how KC become a chaebol  and want to know why prosecutor still think KC behind all this family KC murdered? 

Its too many question although the main  plot  KC know he is webtoon character.:phew:

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Ep 5&6 preview,the last clip shows KC ready to jump of the bridge,here's a new twist,since YJ cannot die in KCworld,does that mean KC cannot die in YJworld?what if KC jump off and end up in his world again....cue ep 7 :P( like i said my head prepare for more scene then needed:D)

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i've been busy for the past few days i can't even spazz here with everyone! :sweatingbullets:

now that i have time and finished marathon both ep3 & ep4 and it's just amazing as the others! one thing for sure is that i felt totally sad for KC. ahhh! this drama are making me crazy waiting for the next episode every time! it's making me curious every time, how the story will keep on unfold.

anyway, i love reading everyone insightful post and theory about this drama! please keep it coming~ it's make me understand things better. i myself no good at posting about all that (i'm more to pic & vid) so i'm more to silently reading and nodding, agreeing to everyone insightful post.. hehehe.. you guys are forever awesome!

and not to forget, i'm super happy that we finally got a double digit for the rating. W team totally deserve it! 



According to informants from W side, “Ep 3 is good but ep 7-8 script is the best. You can look forward to it.” Another informant said, “From ep 8, even more interesting story will come out.”

this! makes me anticipate it so much more! even all the episode right now for me are amazing and so out of the world! they said ep 7-8 is their best?! and.. it's going to be more interesting from that onward?! gosh! i can't wait to see it! how can it be more interesting than it already is for me right now.. pheww~ it's totally gonna blown my mind away i'm sure of it. ahhh! i'm such a happy soul! i'm so thankful that this amazing drama ever exist! :wub:

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Ep7-8 script is the best. You can look forward to it.

According to informants from W side, “Ep 3 is good but ep 7-8 script is the best. You can look forward to it.” Another informant said, “From ep 8, even more interesting story will come out.”

Being a 16-ep work, ep 11 of W script has been released. Ep 4 was aired, and the furthest part that has been filmed is in ep 11. Filming is done alternately with different episodes, so it is diffcult to say how many episodes are finished, but it is half pre-produced and there is no need to rush in time to finish the filming. 


T/N: I didn’t translate word for word just the important information. Another thing is I just find it funny to see the writer of this article said the progress of story is that of LTE. (LOL) 

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13 hours ago, Sarang21 said:


can someone explain to me what this line in the preview mean "...someone who was looking for a murderer and became a murderer himself". It´s probably kc saying that...but why? why does he think that he became a murderer?

Probably because he shots Yeon Joo's Dad and now we have to find out if he dies or if he's saved,also Yeon Joo crying a lot at the hospital(yet might be a plot twist with it)...In the highlight preview is a flash second scene with her Dad on the floor with blood all over him at his stomach area...In his confrontation with him more likely he uses the gun he brought with him and shots him out of rage...Stil curious about this rules because his gun comes from fiction land and would mean it isin't real to harm her Dad but looks like it does

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What if she is crying over the body of her dead father in the preview? He went missing again and has this idea that the cartoon will destroy him and he needs to destroy it first. Maybe our hero will be blamed for the murder, but he is not the one who did it.


Edit: I was just a little too slow. It could also be what the person above me said. Maybe he shoots the dad and then sees the picture of her with the dad and then tries to save him?

Edited by twoworldslover
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This is my last post for tonyt.


Thank you fellow worldlies for your company and all the post. Keep them coming. Good nyt or morning whichever region W fans are from


Kang Chul ahhh.. You are smitten and we know it. This girl bewilds you, makes you smile, look for her, wait for her, thinking about her and captures your heart before you even realise it!

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